Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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BUILDERS' 101 - For Builders from Novice to Beyond


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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009
    Umi - I saw that over at TSS... very funny.
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    JuliababyjenJuliababyjen Posts: 783 Member
    edited December 2009
    Jake110889 wrote:
    Is it still okay to post here if we recently found this fourm?!

    The Assignments look like fun and have given me some inspiration!!

    Hi, and welcome! Yes, I just started joining in about a week and a half ago. I have learned sooo much on here in just 10 days! Definitely read the first couple of pages.
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    judywork1957judywork1957 Posts: 6,594 Member
    edited December 2009
    Umi, loved the gnome dance!! :lol:

    Well, I have finished my build!!! Just finished the last room- downstairs bathroom

    I still have some screenshots to do then will start the story... that is if I have an ounce of creative energy left in me!! :?
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    JuliababyjenJuliababyjen Posts: 783 Member
    edited December 2009
    Htddy7 Love your landscaping so far. I would add atleast one more color to your mix as an accent.

    Judy, thanks for uploading the fam, but unfortunately, I cannot DL anything to my launcher right now. I don't know if its because I haven't done the update. I have ignored it just in case, I don't want to crash my game right before Xmas! I love the tree wallpaper in the grandparent's room!

    Darkside I love the wall art on pic 3 and love all your colors in general. Awesome idea for a zen garden, I might steal that!

    Sherry-- awesome ruins can't wait till I can DL again!

    Wicked Knight Love the bar idea, I might steal that one too!

    Jaded Congrats! Love your rotunda

    Umi hilarious video, my kids watched it too and they were cracking up!
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    judywork1957judywork1957 Posts: 6,594 Member
    edited December 2009
    :D Julia, don't worry, they'll be in my studio when ever you want them!
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    Sherry1968Sherry1968 Posts: 2,250 New Member
    edited December 2009
    Okay, here's my finished Beach Temple Ruins. It includes a picnic table, grill, fire pit, and chess set for more usefulness as a park. Also, hidden on the lot are a Mysterious Mr. Gnome, money trees, life plants, death flower plants, rare freshwater fish and death fish. Just click on the picture to download.

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    LiLSapphireLiLSapphire Posts: 1,095 Member
    edited December 2009
    Announcing a new Moderator

    Jaded has joined us as a Moderator. Please welcome her to our fold. She will continue commenting as she has done, but will add downloading lots on request for a walk through.

    Have fun Jaded.


    WTG Jaded :!:
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    Sherry1968Sherry1968 Posts: 2,250 New Member
    edited December 2009
    Umi - the gnomes are adorable. My gnomes are always boring, they just stand there like statues. :( Yours are much better!

    Jaded - Congratulations! :thumbup:
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    nam24601nam24601 Posts: 650
    edited December 2009
    Phew, caught up! lol. I am exhausted but needed to get my sim fix before going to bed! Now that my son is home for the hollidays I have had practically no time to play! I tried to get in about 30 min. earlier, put on a christmas special for him and some crayons and colouring books....learned a lesson :( He found his safety scissors (somehow) and cut his hair. Joy. SO I will have to try and get that fixed and explain to his dad what happened...sigh. Anyway, since the forums haven't been workign much lately, I have spent most of my sim time actually building. I completed and uploaded a new build, but for some reason the cover pic isn't showing up...just a red x...:( )*Edit Just checked my studio and the picture is there now! :) I will post in a bit...need to take some pics first and make a slideshow

    Gonna try and catch up a bit here...Jaded, congrats! I truly admire all you devoted moderators here! I can hardly keep up with the posts...can't imaging commenting on each and doing walkthroughs to boot.
    Wicked: I love your faux ceiling idea! I have at times just given up and let my lights dangle, lol. I will definitely use that one! Oh, and borg? I don't know what I should be groaning at more, your joke or the fact that I understood it! lol
    Judy: wow, looking awesome! your house has so much character that I wouldn't be surprised if the walls could talk! (made sense in my head...)
    Lil: coming along nicely. I agree that the floor in the nursery should be toned down a bit, but overall looking great!

    I'd also like to say welcome to our newest members! :)

    MerryWiddow: of course you would have to invite everyone to the open chat today! lol. I went last week and was disappointed that there were only two other people there. Not that it wasn't nice to talk to them, but I had been hoping for a better turn out. Maybe next time then.

    Umi: Very very cute! I love it!

    Okay, I'll stop gabbing your ears off. If I missed anyone I'm sorry. I'll try to catch ya next time.
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    MerryWiddowMerryWiddow Posts: 4,262 Member
    edited December 2009
    Umi, loved the gnome dance!! :lol:

    Well, I have finished my build!!! Just finished the last room- downstairs bathroom

    I still have some screenshots to do then will start the story... that is if I have an ounce of creative energy left in me!! :?

    Love it Judy. I want those Christmas pattern!

    Have fun!

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    MerryWiddowMerryWiddow Posts: 4,262 Member
    edited December 2009
    Sherry1968 wrote:
    Okay, here's my finished Beach Temple Ruins. It includes a picnic table, grill, fire pit, and chess set for more usefulness as a park. Also, hidden on the lot are a Mysterious Mr. Gnome, money trees, life plants, death flower plants, rare freshwater fish and death fish. Just click on the picture to download.


    I've recommended and downloaded for my Town for Tessa.

    Have fun!

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    alstromeriaalstromeria Posts: 218 Member
    edited December 2009
    Hi folks.

    I'm a fan of this thread and a newbie builder. This is the first lot I've managed to finish AND upload.

    It seems I need to keep my stuff to less than 3MB for a successful upload, so it's a small house on a small lot with no CC, but I'd appreciate any feedback.

    Thanks in advance,

    - alstro
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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009
    sherry - gave your ruins a rec

    judy - those patterns are cute

    alstromeria - Welcome! I'd be happy to take a look at your lot
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    craigst39craigst39 Posts: 434 Member
    edited December 2009
    Ok here is assignment 2:

    The color pallette:

    Now the pics:













    Hope you like as i am still ne with pic taking. Anyway please let me know what you think.
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    createxillusionscreatexillusions Posts: 59
    edited December 2009
    I just finished with my WIP! Well, almost. I have to test everything and take screenshots and whatnot. Hopefully everything is functional so I don't have to tweak anything. I'm really happy with the way it turned out. (:

    Sherry: I rec'd your ruins and also added it to my favorites for future dl. (:
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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009
    craig - your house is looking good!
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    craigst39craigst39 Posts: 434 Member
    edited December 2009
    simtweek wrote:
    craig - your house is looking good!

    Thank you simtweek. Ill never be as good as you though your builds are beautiful.
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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009
    Thanks Craig. My builds weren't always good and I still have things I need to improve on. Before you know it you'll be as good as Darkside, ehaught58, peacemaker...just to name a few of my many favorite builders that I look to for inspiration.
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    craigst39craigst39 Posts: 434 Member
    edited December 2009
    Thank you simtweek i can only hope i will be as good as you and them.
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    nam24601nam24601 Posts: 650
    edited December 2009
    Craig: Definitely looking good! :) You won't realize how good you're getting until you go back and look at some of your older builds! You'll have real talent and can only get better and better!
    alstromeria: I gave you a rec and downloaded your house. I'll probably check it out sometime tomorrow. Looking good though. My suggestion to you would be to look at the first page of this thread and learn how to change your cover pic. If I learned nothing else from the great people here (and I have!) then that would be THE thing to learn, in my opinion! :)

    Okay, I finished my slideshow and will now post my newest. It was made on request for someone who wanted no curtains (?) and LOVES purple. I also tried to implicate the CFE homework into it since I didn't attempt the floor plan provided, so it has 3 levels. :) *EDIT Oh yeah, and the CC I used was from TSR and should transfer! :)

    Jewel Home

    nam24601-3 level split bungalow with swimmable pond, small garden, large nursery, 3 br and 3 ba. Also includes sunken study and living room. Beautifully decorated and furnished with high quality items. Comes to 188,474.

    [img] Home/Jewel.png "height=450""width=600"[/img]

    Some Teaser Pics :)

    [img] Home/Screenshot-45.jpg "height=450""width=600"[/img]

    [img] Home/Screenshot-38.jpg "height=450""width=600"[/img]

    [img] Home/Screenshot-37.jpg "height=450""width=600"[/img]

    [img] Home/Screenshot-10.jpg "height=450""width=600"[/img]

    (Oh yes, the lights are hung with invisible wires so it looks like they're floating in mid-air!)

    Link to download:

    Link to slideshow:


    Link to thread:

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    Jasonmazda2Jasonmazda2 Posts: 3,532 Member
    edited December 2009
    I'm just wondering if any of you have played my latest lot, if so would you mind answering a few helpful questions


    What did you think of it while playing?, did you edit anything?, Did everything worked ( I playtested but I can make errors sometimes ), e.c.t

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    nam24601nam24601 Posts: 650
    edited December 2009
    I'm just wondering if any of you have played my latest lot, if so would you mind answering a few helpful questions

    What did you think of it while playing?, did you edit anything?, Did everything worked ( I playtested but I can make errors sometimes ), e.c.t

    Well, for some reason when I tried to download Golden Blossom-A Modern Slice of Heaven (Which is the one I believe you are referring to) it tells me I can't install it because I already have it...but the closest one I can find is Golden Blossom- A Modern Nebula...Is that the same one, just with less landscaping? If it is, then I haven't had any probs with that one. Everything seems to work fine for me. If not, then I don't think I can help you. Sorry.
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    jadedcat1983jadedcat1983 Posts: 401
    edited December 2009
    craigst39 wrote:
    Ok here is assignment 2:

    The color pallette:

    Now the pics:

    Hope you like as i am still ne with pic taking. Anyway please let me know what you think.

    I really like what you have done with your chosen pallete. Just a hint of advice. Often times when using CAS on different materials ... such as the bathtub colors come off different. Your bathtub looks a little pinker then the rest of your purple grey colors. A quick solution is to play with the bar under the color wheel often just sliding it a bit darker will make the color line up perfectly.

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    judywork1957judywork1957 Posts: 6,594 Member
    edited December 2009
    Craig, the home looks awesome now! And, the coffee table and lamps under the painting turned out excellent!!

    To everyone who likes the Christmas patterns, they all came from tsr under christmas patterns!

    Nam, OMG! You would certainly enjoy listening to the walls of this house talking... It seems I made a slight error when I was creating the family- If everyone remembers, I was trying to figure out why Jack and Mattie wouldn't sleep in the same bed... Well, when I was editing the family relationship, I apparently forgot to connect Jack and Mattie?! :shock: I connected the offspring and used the play with genetics but totally missed making them a married couple! So, after all of these years and kids together, they're still acquaintances!!! Jeeeez, no wonder everyone in that house is so crabby! Haaa ummm at least it makes for interesting stories!

    Now, I have choices for cover pics....

    I love the evening one cause it's so pretty!

    But, of course the daytime one is much clearer
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    simtweeksimtweek Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2009
    Jason - Hey! I downloaded the lot from the exchange. (the one that is first in rec's for the week...yay!) When I go to the library to place it I saw that it was called modern nebula. The only thing that I edited was the landscaping walls in the driveway. Made my car look like I was parking on speed bumps, but do keep in mind that it's just my opinion and the way that I wanted to play. :) Everything worked as it should. As usual I love your unique build.

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