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One Month One World One Year Personal Challenge (Complete!)


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    permanentrosepermanentrose Posts: 3,789 Member
    Update 345 - Fireflies

    Just one quick little photo today since I'm cramming for finals and also since my foster kitten is now home so I'm spending some time getting her adjusted too <3 Hope everyone is having a great day/night!

    I had to share the cuteness <3
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,197 Member

    @permanentrose, what a cutie that miss kitty is <3

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited December 2021
    @Karababy52 -
    Welcome to the Jungle: Too bad they got there so late and the vendor was closing. Oh well, spend time in the bar and fishing. Great idea. And yes, they get another machete and are off. I remembered Josh's backstory was that his parents had disappeared in the jungle, so great idea to use the plane there - thank goodness they were able to get in that gateway, too. Wonderful beginning for their adventure, even though they bought sugar laced bug spray. lol Oh, and the flirty falls...hmmm...I think I know what might happen Beautiful screenies of the falls, and the bridge. Another great world for beautiful screenshots.

    "In the jungle, the mighty jungle...": Um...oh yeah...convenient bush is right for these two. hehehe...and then...the fire flies descend on Essa. Thank goodness the vendor was right about the spray. And...more vines to machete through, and...oh's the temple! They found the temple that Josh's parents had been looking for.

    It's not about the treasure, it's about the hunt!": Oh good thinking on Josh's part to pick those emotion berries. And then they begin their discovery of the temple. All those traps and they went through unharmed. Now that was lucky. And they were blessed by the ancients and found wonderful relics and a solid gold treasure! Whoa! Great job! And then, instead of going back to the rental, they decided to fish a bit...and Essa got shocked by lightning bugs...literally. Oh Essa...I hope you are alright. Luckily, they are still spellcasters and can transport out of there, which Josh does for them. And one of the skeletons also seemed to come with them...and it winked at them! It was alive! Oh please let no harm come to these two....

    @Ellupelluellu -
    I did have Melody plant some oversized crops on her lot, so who knows, maybe we will see her at the competition.

    @permanentrose -
    Nice daily photo...and...oh...cute foster kitty...
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited December 2021
    December - Day 16: "Once is never enough."


    "Seriously Beautiful, I'm telling you, the skeleton we sent here was alive, it smiled at me and then turned into a normal skeleton and disappeared!"
    "Huh, that's just bizarre. I wonder why that happened."
    "Maybe our magic brought it back to life? Maybe it can't leave the temple? I don't know, but I think we should go back and look around some more."
    "I agree. But I need to take a nap first Babe."
    "Yes, I think you should."

    On their way inside, Essa remembered she'd brought along a potion of emotional stability. Perhaps if she drank that, it would get rid of her dazed mood. She chugged it down and instead of being delayed by her nap, they immediately went back to the jungle instead.

    *Note - For some reason, even though the potion was excellent, the first one she drank caused an emotion bomb. Essa was experiencing every single emotion available. Weirdest thing I ever saw! Unfortunately, I didn't take a screenshot. D'oh! She had another vile of the potion though and the second one did the trick.

    They took their time going back to the temple, electing to look around some of the spots they bypassed the first time. One of those was a platform protruding precariously over the gorge, part of the ruins dotted around the jungle. Josh and Essa stood in awe of the view for few minutes.

    And then shared a lovely kiss before they continued on their way.

    Before going inside the temple again, they decided to try excavating around the perimeter to see if they could find any treasure outside. Josh established a dig site and the two began to painstakingly excavate and catalog whatever they found.

    He made another dig site in a spot behind the temple and during excavation, a swarm of bats tried to attack him. Fortunately, they didn't bite him.

    After excavating a few more sites, they finally made their way back inside the temple.

    Everything looked very different from before, which was a bit odd, but they just shrugged and began examining new traps to activate and clear gateways and progress deeper into the temple. Josh was on the other side of the stairs examining a trap when a skeleton walked into the area. Was it the one they had brought back to life? Or was this a different one?

    The skeleton ignored Josh and Essa and walked over to a stereo. It turned on some Spooky tunes and started beating it's own rib cage with a couple of femurs from yet another skeleton. The skeleton danced and laughed, having a great time, totally oblivious to the explorers in it's midst and vice versa.

    "Okay, I think if I activate this one, it'll clear the gateway. Wish me luck Babe."
    "Good luck Beautiful!"

    "Hey, do you hear music? Where's that coming from?"
    "I don't hear anything."

    "I hear something else with it. Sounds like some kind of xylophone, but...dulled. Oh wait, it stopped. Nevermind."
    "Yay! It worked, look, look!"
    "Great job Beautiful!"

    Beyond the archway was a narrow passageway leading...somewhere. It was a tight squeeze so it's a good thing neither one was claustrophobic.

    In a small room at the end of the passage was a couple more traps, another gateway and another jade bejeweled skeleton holding a spear. This time they didn't even bother sending it to the rental. They took meticulous notes describing it instead.

    Josh also took a few photos of it for documentation purposes. Afterward they quickly solved the next trap and grabbed some treasure from a chest.

    Essa established a dig site this time and again, Josh was attacked, this time by lightening bugs as Essa had previously experienced. Josh tried to outrun them.

    But it didn't work!
    "AHHHH! Help me!"
    Essa whipped out another vile of the potion of emotional stability and after chugging it down, Josh was good as new. Whew! So glad they thought to copypasto more viles before venturing into the jungle again.

    Almost immediately, a few giant spiders fell from the ceiling with one of them landing on Essa's shoulder.
    "Beautiful! Don't move! Those are poisonous! If it bites you....just don't move!"
    "Ohh gawd, oh gawd, oh gawd. Go away, please?"
    After a moment the spider jumped off Essa's shoulder and scuttled away. Another close call!
    "What next? I think someone or something doesn't want us here. Maybe we should just leave?"
    "Might as well keep going now, we came this far and survived. Right? We'll be okay Beautiful."

    "Well, yeah, I guess you're right. We're still alive, nothing ventured, nothing gained!"
    "That's the spirit my gorgeous, courageous wife!"

    The couple went ever deeper into the temple until coming to an apparent dead end. They went back to the rental and got started on uncovering some of the artifacts and relics they'd found.

    Josh put together two relics that looked liked they belong together and noticed a slot in the front. It seemed to be missing something. Studying the size and shape, it appeared to be the perfect spot to put a refined crystal. Just for kicks, Josh placed one there.

    "Whoa! I guess I was right!" Josh exclaimed when the crystal he'd just placed began to glow. He put it away for now, not knowing what else to do with it, or what, if anything it could do. However, there was some writing on it. If he could decipher it, maybe it gave instructions or insight into it's purpose. Josh had a book of ancient languages that was his parents. Perhaps he could find the writings in there. He'd check that out later.

    Essa also found what appeared to be a top and bottom that fit perfectly together to form another complete relic. Josh got to work refining another crystal for it while she was busy uncovering another dirt encrusted object.

    I didn't show this with the one Josh had, but this is what happens when a top and bottom are fitted together. The relic will glow and rise into the air before falling back into their arms.

    After a few hours, they traveled back to the marketplace intending to buy more supplies, including some lightening insulation powder to ward off those lightening bugs, and once more go back in the jungle to explore. Perhaps they'd find another temple, or an area they hadn't found yet behind another gateway. They'd been a bit too eager though and the vendor stalls weren't open yet. While they waited, they took turns using an archeology table nearby and did some star gazing to occupy their time.

    What would they find this time?

    To be continued...
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my December 16th post above! I'll get started on comments next! :)
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    You're welcome and thank you too! Ah, okay, thanks for the explanation. :) Thanks about all the romantic shots. I love the sky in HoB, such a pretty world! hehe I thought for sure Malcom would greet Josh with that buzzer handshake, so I had Josh beat him to the punch. :D But yes, he got him back, big time! I will forever laugh whenever I think about Malcom's face in those screenshots. :D

    Thanks again! I'm so glad I have the graphics rules file now! So funny about all the soap foam still on Buster. I thought for sure he'd come out just normal after his bath like toddlers. Nope! I didn't show it, but Buster shook water all over Josh when he put him down too. :D

    Oh, they had already bought a bunch of machetes and other supplies. I just didn't show it. :) Yep, I of course had to talk about Josh's parents if they managed to find the area with the plane wreck. :) They are doing a lot of teleporting eh? Ah well, saves time! ;)

    Hey, it's Josh and Essa, no way would they just walk right by a woo hoo bush without using it. :D I love the traps too! Hopefully they'll try every sort before they leave Selvadorada. I have an idea about one of the gateways too. They might not have to solve a puzzle trap at all. We'll see... ;) Yes, bugs galore in the jungle. At least for them. :D The most any of my Sims have ever had. Yeah, I had plans for that skeleton until the silly thing disappeared. Gah! I have another idea on how to fix that though. Stay tuned...

    Love the pic and the kitten is freakin' adorable! Awww! What's her/his name?

    Yes, agreed! I was so happy when they stepped inside and it was the wrecked plane area! I was hoping they'd find it. I think the flirty falls area is my favorite in all of Selvadorada. Although that ledge over the gorge and the bridge over the gorge are also gorgeous areas! Yep, they had a lot of fun in the temple. So happy and a bit shocked they were able to solve all the puzzles, quite easily too! I've never had any Sims that didn't get some kind of negative results when trying to activate those things. I guess they're just that special. :)

    Yep, the most trouble they've had have been with the bugs, both of them had something happen to them with those. Nothing serious though, thankfully. The fact that skeleton followed them back to the rental was a fun thing to happen. Too bad the darn thing just disappeared. Oh well. Maybe they'll meet one at the temple while they are there. A live one I mean. Hope so, I had some story ideas for it.
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    permanentrosepermanentrose Posts: 3,789 Member
    My wifi isn’t working unfortunately so I can’t post my screenshots :( I’ll catch up tomorrow. Thanks for the comments on my kitten too - her name is Moana 🥰
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited December 2021
    December - Day 17: "Nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes."


    Josh brought along the ancient languages book to see if he could decipher what was on the relics and figure out how to use them. Luckily, the Omiscan language and symbols just happened to be represented in there. Therefore, Josh figured out what each complete relic they had assembled would do if activated and how to do that. Both relics were a bit benign with their abilities.

    After the vendor stalls opened, they bought supplies and then decided, just for fun, to activate their relics. Essa went first. Josh turned his back, not wishing to watch. The one Essa possessed did something not very nice. But it wouldn't last long at least.

    "Is it over?"
    "Yes, poor guy. Maybe I really shouldn't have done that. He's got a cloud of gloom over his head now and he looks so sad."
    "Aww man. Well it did say the target would get a personal raincloud of sadness. Glad I didn't look. Not sure I want to try mine now."
    "Oh come on, it's not that bad."
    "Well, alright."

    Josh activated his relic which would cause greedy needs and I think his target suspects something is up, he's giving me the stink eye big time. o.O

    "Ohhh yeahhh, that was fun!"
    "You couldn't look when I did it and now it's fun for you? That poor guy's motives are going to drop haphazardly now."
    "Eh, like you said, it's not that bad and won't last long. Besides, look at the guy you cursed, he's smiling already."
    "Hmm, I guess he's not suffering that much."
    "Exactly! Okay, let's head out."

    Back at the temple, it again seemed to have magically changed itself while they were gone. It did look somewhat similar though, there was a channel of water they had to cross to get to the first gateway. Instead of simply transporatalating to the other side, this time they both went for a swim. Somehow, despite he has a higher level fitness than Essa, she beat him to the end of the channel.

    "Nice going Beautiful, you're still such a strong swimmer."
    "Helps we've had a pool at a lot of the places we've lived, plus the sea in Sulani. We did a lot of swimming there."

    The first trap they encountered Essa easily solved and they moved on through the archway to the next one.

    However, this time, Josh guessed wrong! He was a little confused though when the trap started to shoot gold coins. But it was deceiving, they crumbled to dust as they hit the floor. He also was suddenly extremely hungry and they hadn't brought any food with them.

    "Gah! Dangit! I'm so hungry I feel like I'll die if I don't eat soon. Should we leave?"
    "Uh Josh, you're a Spellcaster, remember?"
    "Oh, yeah."

    Josh cast a Delicioso spell and conjured a delicious plate of gourmet herb crusted salmon and asparagus to enjoy. Ah yes, it was good to be a Spellcaster. I'm a bit bummed their perfect record has been broken, but as the title says, nobody's perfect.

    Essa chose wisely with the other trap and they were through to the next area. For some odd reason, they weren't finding any treasure boxes this time. Perhaps there would be more than one when they again reached the treasure room.

    At the next gateway, there were three traps. One was completely useless and could not be solved. One had two choices and the other Essa examined had one choice. They decided she should go ahead with her trap and see what happened. Unfortunately, the choice involved insulting the idol trap. I don't think it liked that very much. o.O

    The idol threatened her with death! Oh no! Was this it? Would my challenge end right here and now? Was Essa now marked for death?

    I don't think Josh understands just how serious this could be. Why is he smiling? However, Essa is so freaked out and scared, she pees her pants!

    Apparently her embarrassment was enough to appease the idol. He laughs and that's it. Thank God! Essa uses a waterfall in a bottle they'd bought from the vendor to clean herself up, rather than waste a Potion of Plentiful needs.

    They walk over to the other trap with two choices and Josh is thrilled when he choices the right one! They have opened the last gateway that leads to the treasure room!

    My suspicions turned out to be true. There were three treasure chests to open this time. Josh and Essa left the jungle at this point and headed back to the Cantina "El Árbol del Jaguar" to celebrate.

    While there, one of the locals taught them how to do the Rumbasim.

    Both are Level 10 in dancing, so they caught on fast and looked like pros in no time.

    "What a wonderful trip this has been. I love you so much Josh. I never would've dreamed that one day I'd be looking for an ancient temple and treasure in the jungle. Especially with a handsome Indiana Jones of my own by my side, and at our age."

    "Are you upset we didn't find any clues what happened to your parents?"

    "Not really. I didn't expect that we would, it's a big jungle. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact we'll just never know. At least I know they were together, no matter what happened to them."

    "We could stay and go back to look in places we haven't been yet. What do you think?"
    "Well, it's a nice idea, and it makes me happy you'd do that. But I think it's time to just let them be now."

    "We've been incredibly lucky in the jungle, and in the temple. Just think of all the treasures we found! We also agreed whatever we decide not to keep will go to the Alam Museum of Archaeology. I think they'll be extremely happy with our donations. However, it wasn't all just a walk through the park. All those weird bugs, spiders, bats and stuff for one thing."

    "Not to mention the curses in the temple."
    "Gawd, don't remind me!" *gigglesnort* "That idol is probably still laughing at me!"
    "Well...I'm sorry Beautiful, but you should've seen your face! You looked terrified. I don't blame you for peeing your pants. was funny when you think about it now."
    "Okay, yeah, it was funny. I didn't think so at the time though."
    "Of course not."

    "I'm ready to go back home now. How about you? We can stay longer if you like. But I actually miss the farm, all the animals, Buster and Ollie too."
    "I agree, I'm ready too. It was fun, but I think this one last adventure was enough."
    "At least for now."
    "For now, yes."

    "Let's go pack up everything and transportalate it home. Except the bed."
    "Why not the b-- ohhh, well now, that's the best idea I've heard all day."
    "I thought you'd like that. Let's go, I can't wait to get out of these sweaty clothes."
    "Mmm, I can help with that too."
    "I was counting on it." *gigglesnort*
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    permanentrosepermanentrose Posts: 3,789 Member
    So I'm officially two days behind - I may just snag two screenshots later and count those as my daily posts, we'll see. It's just been a hectic few days with finishing my finals, family being in town, and getting the kitty used to being here (if all goes well, I will be adopting her <3). But here's a small update for now :)

    Update 346 - The Umbrella

    Jules found a bunny sweater on plopsy, so she dressed this little guy in it who has been coming around for a while. His name is Basil, suggested by the game, so I kept it since it was cute.

    It was the first day of fall, and a nice large leaf pile spawned by their lot, so of course we all know what that means :D

    Emmett needed his umbrella though, as it had just begun to rain, and he was insistent on keeping it up the whole time :joy:

    "You've got a leaf stuck to your back. Guess you umbrella didn't give you full coverage."

    Another little glitch - he got stuck in the leaf pile. But he does look quite pleased with himself.

    Later on, Jules fed Carl a spicy treat.

    Let's collect that special wool.

    Good boy, Carl.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my December 17th post above! I'll be back soon to comment and post today's update. Hope y'all had a wonderful day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited December 2021
    December - Day 18: "Home is where the heart is..."


    Here is just a small portion of the treasures Josh and Essa brought back with them from Selvadorada. They kept one each of the excellent quality treasure they found, and one each of the relics. They only found one gold relic and the one Essa used is apparently broken now. Oh well. There is also two extra bottoms. Josh will refine some rare crystals for the other seven and then they will have a complete set. They also brought back a few other trinkets from the vendor stalls, fossils, a couple fish and an ancient pile of bones.

    All the poor, counterfeit and duplicate treasures were sold. Their household income shows almost 9 million now, and I don't think that counts everything in the house, it's worth and whatever is in their personal and household inventories.

    After unloading and sorting their treasures, the couple picked up Buster and Ollie from the Wilkes and brought them home. Of course they got some special attention.

    Essa picked up Ollie and plopped him down on the porch bench to give him some love.

    While Josh took Buster for a short walk.

    It certainly was a beautiful night for a walk around the neighborhood.

    Josh thought about stopping to visit Melody and Malcom since all their lights were on, but decided against it since it was very early in the morning and they still needed to tend to their garden and the animals soon. They would see them soon. Absolutely love this farm! I can see why it's one of the most popular Cottage Living downloads on the Gallery.

    Back home, Josh and Essa spent some time just relaxing and cuddling on the living room couch before it was time to do their chores.

    "Oh man, thanks Beautiful, that feels so good!"
    "You're welcome Babe."
    "I guess even though we are still fit, these old bones still get a bit stiff sometimes."
    "Yeah, we did a lot of physical stuff these last few days. Better?"

    "The sun's coming up, shall we?"
    "I'm ready when you are."
    "I'm always ready."
    *gigglesnort* "Oh believe me Babe, I know." Essa laughed and winked as the couple stood up to go outside on this gorgeous first day of Summer.

    Speaking of Summer, some of their plants needed to be put away until next Spring and others planted for the new season. They had purposely left the oversize crop area fallow until their return so the Wilkes wouldn't have to tend to them. Josh was in charge of planting and fertilizing the next crop.

    A while later, the birds fluttered above the newly planted crops and sang to them, encouraging them to grow. I love this feature!

    Here is something you will most likely never, ever see in real life. Unless they were raised together, a cat would not just give a rabbit a curious look and then stroll on by without chasing it! I won't expand on what else usually happens, those who own cats and live in the country will know what I mean.

    Josh gave Bluebell a much needed cleaning as Cogburn and Chicka Dee wandered nearby.

    Chicka Dee wandered away back toward the coop, but Cogburn came over to watch Josh pet and scratch Bluebell's favorite spots. Perhaps he wanted some attention too?

    It sure looks like it anyway. Cogburn settled down next to the stool Josh was sitting on while he milked Bluebell to wait his turn.

    Of course Josh gave the rooster some attention afterward. He gave Cogburn a pet and then wanted to hug him.

    However, Cogburn was having none of that nonsense. He looked very indignant that Josh would try such a thing. Usually Cogburn loves to be hugged, but not this time. Perhaps he's miffed about being second fiddle for attention?

    Essa was busy cleaning, brushing, petting and hugging Teddy who seemed to love the attention.

    She was a bit hesitant to try to shear him, but Teddy was a good boy and stood still letting her do it. *Whew*

    Josh snuggled Chicka Dee too and then put her down near Buster. The fluffball walked over to him, leaned up against his side and fell asleep! Awww!

    Last but not least for Josh was to give Sophia Lorhen some attention too. He called her out of the coop since she was faithfully still sitting on the golden egg and gave her a pet.

    Unlike Cogburn, Sophia welcomed hugs from Josh. She deserved it. The golden egg says it will hatch in a little over 11 hours. I hope that's true. Poor Chicka Dee seems fated to be a chick forever.

    Essa gave Daisy a carrot and then a pet too.

    Look at how cute she is! Love those front two buck teeth! Very realistic.

    I have seen Josh and Essa pet the birds to show their affection, but this is the first time I've seen them hug one. I love those birds so much! Essa had also given and received a gift from the birds. Actually, there's something I found kind of funny about that. Essa gave Daisy a carrot, Daisy gave Essa a jar of mushroom conserve. Essa gave the mushroom conserve to the birds, which they loved. But then, they gifted the conserve right back to her! Talk about regifting! hehe

    Essa just stood looking around the farm for a moment feeling very happy and blessed on this glorious day.
    (As much fun as it was in the jungle, there's no place like home.)
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited December 2021
    December 8: Henford-on-Bagley - Travel to Finchwick

    The morning after the Accolade Awards, it seemed like everything had returned to normal. The kids headed off to school, and then there were chores to attend to.


    Sakura tried to tell some llama jokes to Sunshine.


    Wolfgang gave Nugget a little pet.

    It must have been "llama day" today, since Sunshine seemed to get a lot of attention. After Sakura had brushed and cleaned Sunshine, Wolfgang even sheared her wool.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    While the kids were at school, Wolfgang and Sakura decided to head to the village of Finchwick.


    Wolfgang was pretty excited and had made quite a list of supplies.


    Jackson made an appearance in town near the shops and Essa is standing in the distance.


    Sakura went over and chatted with the grocery stall owner, Kim Goldbloom. And shortly after, Essa and Bryon came to the stall, too. Sakura also chatted with the grocery deliverer Rahul Chopra.


    Josh, Jules and Emmett chatting nearby and Malcolm is sitting at a table behind them.


    Wolfgang decided to head over and chat with the garden stall owner, Agatha Crumplebottom. Agatha and her cousin, Agnes, owned the little shop.

    Agatha: "Wolfgang, I heard that your marriage vow renewal ceremony went very well. There were so many sims in town and we did a good business because of it. As a little thank-you, I'd like to offer you a discount on whatever you wish to purchase today."


    Wolfgang: "Well Agatha, that is very nice of you. And as I recall, you gave me a discount the last time I was here..."

    Agatha: "Did I now? Well, you bought so much stuff the last time, I thought it was the neighborly thing to do, you know, since you were new in town and all..."

    Wolfgang smiled at Agatha: "Did anyone ever tell you that you are very sweet, Agatha?"

    Agatha blushing: "Oh,'re making me blush with all that charming talk of yours...and you being a married man and all..."

    Wolfgang: "I...uh...I just meant..."


    Agatha: "...Now don't you worry...I won't tell anyone about what you said. It'll be our little secret. You can't be too careful around here, you know. Rumors get started, and there are a lot of busy-bodies in town just waiting for some juicy gossip. Now if it was in the Bramblewoods...that would be a different story..." she whispered.


    Wolfgang just stared at Agatha, "The Bramblewoods?"

    Agatha: "Oh, you haven't been? It's such a beautiful place, with lush, wide open spaces...I've been there myself a few times...if you need someone to show you around....there are lots spots to take know...if you were to fancy taking a special someone there..." she replied looking dreamily at Wolfgang.


    Just then Sakura and Kim walked up to them.

    Agatha cleared her throat: "Now, Wolfgang...where was your list for today? I heard from Ian Moody that you bought some chickens and a llama...and I have some lovely animal treats on sale..."

    Sakura arched an eyebrow, "Is everything alright look a bit flushed..."


    Kim: "Oh my! Yes, she does...maybe it's the heat. Do you need a wee drink there Agatha?"


    Agatha: "Oh'm is a bit warm out today. I just got a bit overheated talking to Wolfgang, about...uh...his farm. There now...your order is all filled...and those special treats are in there..."


    Wolfgang smiled at Agatha: "Thank you so much Agatha. You know, we're heading to the pub, if you'd like to join us for some lunch..."

    Agatha laughed nervously, "Oh my need to stay here...and do my shift in the garden shop. Agnes wouldn't take kindly to me wandering off to the pub with a good-looking married man...and...uh...his lovely wife..."

    Sakura smirked at the exchange between Agatha and Wolfgang, and realized that Agatha had a crush on her husband.

    Wolfgang turned to Sakura and held her in his arms, "Yes, she is a very lovely wife..." he said and then kissed Sakura in front of the stall.


    Both Agatha and Kim were craning their necks smiling as they watched Wolfgang and Sakura kiss.

    Agatha thinking: "Sakura sure is lucky to have a young, strapping man like Wolfgang as her husband. at those muscles..."

    Kim thinking: "What a stud muffin that Wolfgang is..."

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    As Sakura and Wolfgang walked towards the pub, Sakura asked Wolfgang, "What was that all about?"

    Wolfgang smiled, "I think Agatha misunderstood what I said to her and thought I was flirting with her..."


    Sakura looked at him, "Oh really? And what did you say?"

    Wolfgang: "She gave me a discount, and I asked her if anyone had ever told her how sweet she was...meaning, of course, that it was sweet of her to give me a discount..."

    Sakura tried to bite her lip to keep from laughing, "Oh Wolfgang...I know it was an innocent remark, but you are indeed a sweet talker. I know that if you had said that to me, I would be flattered. No wonder Agatha has a crush on you..."


    Wolfgang: "A crush on me? Oh come on..."

    Sakura: "Oh I think have that affect on women sims you know. So, maybe I should go to the garden stall from now on...and you can go to the grocery stall...unless, of course, you have some hidden affections for Kim, too..." she said winking at him.

    Wolfgang held her close, "Sakura...believe me...all of my affections are only for you..."


    Sakura gave Wolfgang a kiss on the cheek and he smiled at her.

    Sakura: "That is what I like to hear."


    Wolfgang took Sakura's hand in his and they walked together to the pub for some lunch.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    Afterwards, they returned home and Sakura thought she would try to do some canning. Kim had told her how to make some tasty preserves.


    And in no time at all, she had finished some aubergine conserves.


    While Sakura did the canning, Wolfgang decided to do some knitting. Well, that was until he got a call from the school about Riki.


    And Wolfgang suggested that they "work it out."


    Sakura was still busy in the kitchen, and made some cupcakes for dessert and was just finishing decorating them. Sakura maxed the baking skill.

    It was a busy day, and then the kids were back from school and it seemed that they had all had projects to do! But first, it was time to practice their instruments. They were all in the school band.


    Sakura mentored Kyra on the violin.


    And Wolfgang mentored Riki on the guitar.

    [Note: Sakura and Wolfgang are mentoring to complete one stage of the Successful Lineage Aspiration.]


    Hana was the only one who had taken an interest in the piano, and she was very advanced in her playing. Hana had even suggested that they should form a band like her mother had when Sakura had been a teen. But they had to practice and get better first.


    After dinner, Wolfgang helped Kyra with her homework, while Riki worked on a project.


    Hana and Sakura also worked on a project out front. Once all the projects were done, it was time for the kids to get ready for bed.


    Sakura and Wolfgang stepped outside and gazed up at the moon together.

    Wolfgang: "Sakura, Agatha told me about a place called the Bramblewoods. Maybe tomorrow, after the chores are done, we could go there."

    Sakura: "Oh, I've heard of that place. I like that idea Wolfgang, and I'll pack a picnic lunch for us..."

    Wolfgang: "That would be nice. The scenery is supposed to be quite beautiful...but I can't imagine anything more beautiful than what I am seeing in front of me now..." he said as he took Sakura's hands in his.

    Sakura looked up at him and smiled, "Wolfgang, you are such a flatterer..."

    Wolfgang kissed her hands and looked into her eyes, "Only to you, Sakura...only to you my love..."

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my December 18th post above! I apologize for not posting comments last night. I'll be posting today's update next after we have a quick dinner and then comments right after that. Hope y'all had a wonderful day! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    December - Day 19: "And I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies, I'll be there..."


    With most of their chores complete until later in the evening, Josh walked over and joined Essa to give her a loving hug by the potting shed.

    And then he surprised her with an idea he'd been thinking about since they returned home.
    "Our 35th Wedding Anniversary is coming up, what do you think about having a party, here, for all our friends and family to celebrate?"

    "Hmm, well, we do have that BBQ party area over there just going to waste."
    "Exactly! We haven't thrown a party since we lived in Sulani. I think it'll be fun. We never did have a reception either."

    "That way everyone can see and marvel at just how lovely you are after all these years too."

    "My beautiful, my bride, you've barely aged at all since the day I met you."
    "Well, I wouldn't go that far. But Josh, Babe, the same could be said about you."

    "No, it's true, just look at you, that face, that beautiful face looking at me with such love in your eyes, eyes that sparkle and shine for me, just like when you were young. They may be framed with a few wrinkles, but that just shows that you've laughed a lot and enjoyed our life together. They make me happy."

    "And these hands may be older, but they're still strong, the hands of a Hero that survived everything life has thrown at her, you never gave up, never let go and always held on to me tight. Hands that can make a violin sing, and touch me with such tenderness. They tell of a woman who has fully lived her life."

    "I just want to show everyone how much I love you, I want them to see it when I look at you, feel it like I do in my heart every hour, every minute, every second of every day since I met you."

    "Oh Babe, I feel like crying right now, you always know just the right things to say to make me happy and fall in love with you all over again."
    "So, is that a yes?"
    "Yes, let's do it. I want everyone to see how much I love and adore you too. Although I don't know how they could think otherwise. We show our love for each other more than anyone else I know."
    "I know, but we haven't seen some of our friends and even family in a long time. We're not getting any younger, why not have a big party to just celebrate all the love we've had and continue to have for each other all these years?"
    "Why not indeed."

    "However, Beautiful, some ways, no one will ever see, except you and me. If you get my drift."
    "Don't I always?"
    "Always, for instance, I can see it in your eyes that you know what I'm thinking now, am I right?"
    "You're always right."

    (How did I ever get so lucky? It's been rough at times, but I wouldn't change anything if it meant I wouldn't have him to love me. I love you Josh!)
    (I love you too Beautiful.)
    (Oh, you heard all that eh? Well good, I'm glad, it's how I feel.)
    (I know, I've always known.)

    *gigglesnort* "Okay, I should've known you'd pick the closet."

    "You know I love it, but aren't we getting a little too old for this? The bed is right there."

    "Never! Get in here old woman."

    "I love your laugh by the way. It's so silly and sweet. It suits you!"
    "I'm glad you do since I'm too old to change it now."

    "Okay, well, uh, we never did THAT before. Wow! Got anymore surprises up your sleeve old man?"

    "Hmm, let me think. Maybe..."

    "Ohhh yeahhh, I got a few more ideas, but they're not up my sleeve, more like in my pants."
    "Never change Babe, never change."

    I made this sitting area purposely romantic, at least to me, thinking these two would sit here and blow kisses, give each other loving looks, etc. But they haven't sat here together, until now. However, what's the first thing they do when the queue empties out? Start making jokes. hehe

    Gawd, I love these two so, so much!

    By this time these two are very, very flirty, so it doesn't surprise me that Josh began to recite a love poem to Essa. Sometimes I really wish our Sims could speak. But mostly, I don't. I think it's pretty easy to tell what they are saying, or the gist of it anyway. Especially since I 'know' them and how much they love each other.

    The closet make-out was autonomous and so is this...

    Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile. Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live...
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Aww, Basil is adorable. He looks somewhat like my pet rabbit, Spot, when I was a kid. :) HAHA! Oh man, that's hilarious what happenened with the umbrella. So funny how proud of himself Emmett looks stuck in that leaf pile. hehe Okay, now seeing Carl red like that makes me want to give Teddy a spicy treat. hehe

    I love how excited Wolfgang is to be going to town. hehe Fun seeing alot of challenge Sims in town, including Essa and Josh. :) HAHA! Oh boy, absolutely love the little exchange between Agatha and Wolfgang, then she gets all flirty with him and blushes when Sakura walks over. That studmuffin comment Kim said cracked me up too. hehe Aww, so sweet how he doesn't realize how charming he can be with women. hehe Congrats to Sakura for maxing out the baking skill. Would be very cool if the kids formed their own band. Just like Mom! Love, love, love the last screenshot, so romantic and beautiful. :)
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    permanentrosepermanentrose Posts: 3,789 Member
    edited December 2021
    Update 347


    Update 348



    Update 349 - The Creature Keeper

    Slowly finding plants to forage in the Bramblewood.

    Jules stumbled upon the Creature Keeper and was able to buy some animal clothes from him and request some for him to craft.

    Essa popped by too :)
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited December 2021
    December 9: Henford-on-Bagley - The Bramblewoods


    With the morning chores done and the kids off to school, Sakura and Wolfgang were off to the Bramblewoods. No sooner had they arrived than they were met by two foxes.


    The foxes seemed harmless, and Wolfgang wondered if they were like the wild bunnies that were at the farm, and offered one a gift of a fish. Although the fox ran away with the gift, the fox didn't seem to like it.


    Sakura did the same with the other fox, and it ran away with the gift, too.


    Sakura and Wolfgang took a moment to take in their surroundings. There were so many flowers and trees, and a meandering river that seemed to curve through the countryside. It was breathtaking. They later found out that this was the River Bagley. In front of them was a winding maze pathway leading to a large snail. They decided to explore the snail first.


    As they followed the circular path to the statue, they marveled at the picturesque views around them. And then, finally, they were there.


    Sakura thought she saw something shiny under the statue, and went to investigate.


    As Sakura bent down to retrieve the object, Wolfgang gazed pointedly at Sakura' "You know...Agatha was indeed right...the view is really nice from where I am standing..."

    Sakura looked up just then and held something in her hand:"Found it! Um...Wolfgang, what were you looking at?"

    Wolfgang smiled: "Oh, you know...just the view...a very, very nice view..." he said giving her the once-over. Sakura shook her head and they both laughed.


    Sakura remembered Kim Goldbloom telling her about this place. Kim had told her that if she found something, that she should leave something for someone else to find. Apparently, it was a Finchwick Tradition. So, Sakura went back and hid an object.

    Wolfgang pointed to some ruins in the distance and said they should try to find their way over there.


    Wolfgang: "You know, Sakura, after I chatted with Agatha, I actually did some research on The Bramblewoods. And those ruins in the distance, are the ruins of a castle, which was originally home to ancient druids, who had ceremonies, and praised the foxes of The Bramblewoods. Later, the founder of Finchwick, Lord Volpe was also said to have lived there. That portion of The Bramblewoods is called Isle of Volpe and has been designated as a national park."

    They carefully traversed a fallen log over the River Bagley and arrived safely on the other side.


    Once they were on the other side, Wolfgang saw some colorful birds flying to and fro. He jokingly started talking to them about their travels.


    And suddenly Wolfgang started singing to the birds, and the birds seemed to be singing back. It was quite magical.


    Sakura: "Wolfgang...I think that bird is in love with two are singing a duet..."

    Wolfgang winked at her: "I already told her I was married...she is just trying to make another bird jealous so he'll notice her. Oh I think it's working...he's flying right over to see her..."

    The little birds flew off together.

    Wolfgang: "You see, Sakura, nothing to be worried about. My heart is all yours..." he said as he kissed her cheek.

    And it seemed like the birds weren't the only ones who came to hear Wolfgang sing, because suddenly Emmett and Roxanne had wandered over to them.


    Emmett: "Hey you lovebirds...still on your second honeymoon I see..." he said winking at Wolfgang.

    Sakura and Wolfgang took a moment to chat with them, and then they headed on their separate ways.

    Sakura might have imagined it, but she thought that Wolfgang had become friends with the birds. Wolfgang spied a fishing book on the ground, which didn't seem to be there a moment ago.

    Wolfgang: "I know this is weird, but I think that the birds just gave me that fishing book as a gift..."

    Sakura: "Hmmm...well, they must have liked your singing. I know I always have. Maybe they want you to bring them a fish gift next time..." she said smiling up at him as Wolfgang reached down to pick it up.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    They continued along the path to the ruins, and when they arrived, they carefully made their way to some stairs and explored.


    Sakura chatted with Wolfgang as they walked:"So, Wolfgang, you said you did research? What else do you know about this place?"

    Wolfgang: "Only that there are a lot of romantic spots here, and there is a secret cottage that Princess Cordelia herself once stayed in."

    Sakura: "Did you say Princess Cordelia? I remember that name...oh my gosh...yes! Princess Cordelia built some of the buildings at Britechester University, and a collection of her diaries, about staying at the nearby castle, are at the Laurel Library. Remember our campus tour from high school? The second part of the library tour was going to the special archives section, but we didn't go. You know, I got so busy with all the activities and trying to get good grades that I never went back to see those diaries."


    Wolfgang: "Wow! Good memory. I never went back to see those either. I was too intent on convincing a certain sim that I was the one for them..."

    Sakura played along with him: "Oh? Anyone I know?"

    Wolfgang laughed: "You know it was always you, Sakura..."

    Sakura: "Well, maybe I need more convincing..." she said flirtatiously.

    Wolfgang: "That, my love, can certainly be arranged..." he said as he held her tightly and kissed her tenderly on the lips.


    When they parted, they both looked at each other in astonishment.

    Wolfgang: "Wow! That was some kiss..."

    Sakura: "Yes...yes it was," she answered touching her lips with her fingertips in surprise.

    Wolfgang looked into her eyes, "It just proves to me that I am more in love with you every day, and each day is better than the last..."
    Sakura nodded and knew that what he said was true because she felt the same way.

    They put their arms around each other and looked out over The Bramblewoods together. They would remember this moment together for a long time.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Afterwards, they headed to a nearby picnic area. Wolfgang grilled some food and Sakura laid out some salads and dessert.


    It would soon be dark, and they decided to explore one more area, and hiked up a path to the waterfall. They were a bit out of breath by the time they reached the top, but thankfully, there was a bench there, and they both sat down.


    When they looked up, the view was incredible. The hike up there had definitely been worth it. They snuggled together watching the evening sky turn purple as the day faded to night.

    Wolfgang: "If I haven't already told you today, I love you Sakura, and I'm so happy that we came here together..."

    Sakura: "I love you, too, Wolfgang, and I think we should come back here tomorrow..."

    They smiled at each other and agreed. What a wonderful way to end such a perfect day.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    There were several plants that they could forage, but nothing was ready to harvest.

    Wolfgang relating the history of The Bramblewoods is taken from Sims Fandom.

    Info on Princess Cordelia at Britechester University.
    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,197 Member
    edited December 2021
    @Karababy52 ,

    --December - Day 16: "Once is never enough."
    First pic, one of my favorite places in Selvadorada :) I love that you can see the rentals from the cliff :)
    Haha, those skeletons are so funny. And sims can walk by those without fear but then at some point they have to "be scared" when actually seeing them :p
    Good luck with traps, not so good luck with the bugs :p

    --December - Day 17: "Nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes."
    Great pic, that where Essa is activating her relic ! Haha, poor locals, I bet they remember Essa and Josh now well :p
    Oh they had to swim in this temple? To get in? Oh cool, I think my sims have not been in this one :)
    OHH!! I would of been scared too, will Essa die because of that trap! Good thing that it did not happen. Plus it would of been so long journey for Greg to find them , haha :p
    They look great dancing rumbasim :)

    --December - Day 18: "Home is where the heart is..."
    Aww, love the look Essa gives Josh in the first pic <3
    Wow, nice amount of stuff the brought back home :)
    Aww, must of been nice to see Ollie and Buster again, they sure look like they missed mum and dad :p
    Other animals sure missed them too! That pic of Buster and Chicka Dee is AWESOME <3<3

    -- December - Day 19: "And I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies, I'll be there..."
    Awww , I love that hugging pic, so colorful!
    Ooohh, a party! Cannot wait to see it :)
    Overall very close and romantic , great update :smiley:

    @permanentrose ,

    -- Update 346 - The Umbrella
    Aww, cute bunny :)
    HAHA, hilarious stuff with the umbrella :joy:
    Carl was funny looking with that fur :p

    -- Update 347 and Update 348
    Lovely scenery pics :)

    -- Update 349 - The Creature Keeper
    Great pictures, glad Jules is finding more plants :)
    Essa sure shows up a lot :)

    @SoulGal7 ,

    -- December 8: Henford-on-Bagley - Travel to Finchwick
    Nugget? Haha, cute name :p
    Looks like their animals enjoy their lives a lot :)
    Wolfie, haha , be careful to not charm Agatha too much :p
    Aww all the jams and cupcakes, I have said it before, but that house looks so cozy :)
    Must be a loud band there playing, haha :p
    Love the last pic.

    -- December 9: Henford-on-Bagley - The Bramblewoods
    Very lovely first pic!
    Those foxes are funny :)
    They had a lovely day there, LOL at the "lovely view" :smiley:
    Nice pick nick and all. Lovely last pic :)

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,197 Member
    I have pics taken for next update, it will be tomorrow , but I wanted to show this, someone aged up :p


    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Ellupelluellu -
    I think we all know who will be aging's that eye color...dead give-away lol
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Karababy52 -
    Once is never enough: Great shot of the cliff overhang...and, of course, a lovely kiss, too :) With all the bugs that were attacking them on this stint into the temple, I was thinking that perhaps it was a warning to those who ventured into that temple. Nice work on the dig sites, and finding some matching relics. Funny about that music-loving skeleton. lol

    "Nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes." - I like the tie-in with the ancient languages book that belonged to his parents so Josh could figure out the relics and what they did. And then...oh Josh and are so bad testing these out on unsuspecting sims. lol Oh and more traps to solve...and poor Josh got the wrong code. Hey, it was just his needs that plummeted, at least he didn't get hit with a poison arrow or anything. Now that is fine cuisine "temple take-away" if I ever saw it...herb crusted salmon and asparagus...a meal fit for the gods. They could have always summoned a grilled cheese, but this was so much better. Oh gosh! That was scary with that idol and Essa....she was so scared she peed her pants? Holy! It must have been a bad omen. Thank goodness for those shower in a bottles so Essa could clean up nicely. Thankfully, they made it through the last trap and got even more treasure! Congrats to both of them. And back to the bar to do the rumbasim....I love that dance, and Josh and Essa look so great doing it. They had a great adventure together, and still have all the treasures to excavate. So sorry they didn't find more clues of what happened to Josh's parents.

    "Home is where the heart is..." - Wow! Nice haul of the treasures in Selvadorada. And after their adventure, it's time for those farm chores again, although with the happy smiles on Josh and Essa's faces, it doesn't look like much of a chore. Their farm, garden and animals are really nice. I love all the names that you gave them. The screenie of the bunny, I love that! Oohhh...they have a golden egg? Cool! So cute! And I totally agree, there's no place like home.

    "And I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies, I'll be there..." (love those song lyrics), and the first shot of Josh and Essa sitting there with that swan heart sculpture and the candle, very pretty. Oh yeah, and they are going to have an anniversary party too! Woot! Can't wait to see who will be there :) And with that plan settled...autonomous woohoo takes over. hehehe

    @permanentrose -
    The Umbrella - Oh my gosh, this is so funny with Emmett and his umbrella. Since I placed Emmett in my game, he and Wolfgang have "bonded" so much. It's another bromance between these two. Maybe it's because Emmett is a goofball and Wolfgang has some mischief skill...I'm not sure, but they get on really well. That bunny that Jules is holding is so cute with the one black eye patch. And that leaf pile woohoo...well, Emmett was just being considerate and didn't want to get Jules wet...hehehe That was quite funny, glad you screen shotted it. Oh gosh, and then Carl gets a spicy treat and his fur gets all red. Nice to know when you shear it, he goes back to normal. It wonder if poor Carl got heartburn from that treat! lol

    The scenery shots of the Bramblewoods are beautiful.

    The Creature Keeper: I have played a few days ahead, and yes, foraging those 5 items is difficult. I read that the mushrooms, if Seasons is installed, are only available in the winter. Well, that doesn't work too well, since it's summer in my game. For such a vibrant, lush area, there really should be more harvestables available in all seasons. And so Jules meets the Creature Keeper. Cool. I love his lot. And he is rather popular as Essa comes to chat with him, too. Nice update.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited December 2021
    December - Day 20: "A life with inner peace is priceless."


    I don't know if Teddy ate something questionable growing around his shed or what, but when I looked out back, he was running around kicking up his heels having a great time. I love how Foo Foo just sits there totally unconcerned, staring at a row of oversized crops. Or perhaps he's watching Daisy at the other end of the row. Too bad we can't have baby bunnies. Think about how cute that would be!

    Josh fertilizes the plants again. He does this every day, sometimes twice a day. It seems to help them grow fast and strong. Essa pulls weeds under the close supervision of Foo Foo.

    I think he might be waiting for Essa to move on to another row so he can eat the weeds she's just pulled and thrown aside. Or maybe he just loves Essa so much, he wants to be near her.

    Foo Foo hops away with Daisy suddenly running after him toward their home in a tree stump. Hmm, is bunny love in the air?

    Essa checks the coop to collect any eggs that Sophia may have laid and finds just one this time. The golden egg is still there. Supposedly it will hatch in just 5 hours.

    Meanwhile Josh has set up an archeology table outside since it's such a nice day. He's working on refining the first of seven diamonds needed to complete the relics they found in Selvadorada.

    Little Chicka Dee gets some attention from Essa. Poor little girl, I think she's destined to be a baby her entire life. She seems happy enough though anyway.

    Essa gives the chick a gentle loving hug.

    Her last chore of the day is milking Bluebell. Cogburn again hovers nearby hoping for some attention. I think he's actually fallen asleep there. Not a very good spot to take a snooze. Hopefully Bluebell is careful and doesn't step on him.

    A nice, relaxing Lavender foam soak seems like a good idea to soothe her aching bones. Essa listens to some New Age music too and let's herself drift away for a short nap.

    Josh is still diligently refining diamonds. Or, he was. Not sure what's happening now. Did the chisel slip? Is there something on the table he wants to remove? Hmm...

    Out of the tub now, Essa sits rocking on the front porch, still listening to New Age. She feels very peaceful right now and begins to reminisce about the past.

    She thinks about their daughters and the day they were born. One of the happiest moments in her life. She misses them so much and is excited to see them at the anniversary party she and Josh have planned for this upcoming weekend. All their grandchildren are teens now and have part-time jobs so they won't be coming to the party. It's okay though, they will see them another time.

    Thinking about her teen grandchildren brings to mind the day she first met Josh when she herself was just a teen. It was THE most monumental moment of her life. Though she didn't know it at the time. She could tell he was something special though, just from the way he smiled at her and was so patient and respectful when teaching her how to fish.

    With Josh in mind now, she remembers the first time she kissed him and the life changing bet that was responsible for it. That kiss led to so much more. She'll never forget that night. It was magical, a night she'll treasure always in her heart.

    Sulani pops into her head now and their two vacations in the tropical islands paradise. The first time when she learned Lander was dead and she was finally free to live her life her way, as herself. And the second full of fun and frolic with the man she loves. Essa always thought they would retire in Sulani, in the warmth and endless sunshine. She loves it here in Henford-on-Bagley and has no regrets though. Hopefully they will get back there one day before their life is over.

    Thinking about that Essa wonders. They have options. Do they want to grab the brass ring and live forever, or let nature take it's course and rest? It was something she thought about a lot now that they were in their twilight years. She wondered if Josh had ever thought about the same thing. She should talk to him about it.

    Essa gets up from the rocker and goes in search of Josh. Surely he was finished refining the diamonds by now.

    She finds him soaking in the hot tub listening to the Summer Strut radio station. He smiles and gestures for her to join him, which she does of course. Any talk about their future demise or immortality can wait.

    For now, on this peaceful first night of Summer, she basks in the warmth of the hot tub waters and the arms of the man she loves.

    I'll be back soon with comments/replies. Hope y'all had a wonderful day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Gorgeous first two screenshots of HoB in the rain! <3

    Oh Hello there Michael! I adore the Creature Keeper, he's so darn cute! Perhaps it's the fact it was Spring when Essa and Josh moved to HoB that helped them find plants to forage in the Brambles without any problem whatsoever. All mushrooms (they will identify as 'strange mushrooms' but can be the Lovely, Verdant, Charming or Spicy variety) are available year round except for the Mysterious Mushroom only in Spring/Summer and the Nightly Mushroom in Winter. Blueberries - Summer, Raspberries - Fall and Chocoberries are also a year round plant.

    Under the spoiler is a screenshot of information on where to find all the Cottage Living harvestables I found here. Hope it helps! :)

    So funny how Essa keeps showing up in your challenge save. Love it!

    Well Bummer the foxes ran off with the gifts. Same thing happened to Josh and Essa first time they encountered a fox though. They're not very friendly. Did they take Selfies with Sophie? hehe Wolfgang, you're starting to sound like Josh! That's exactly something he would say in that situation. ;) Beautiful shot of the ruins! Love seeing Wolfgang singing with the birds, so, so cute! I love the birds!

    Love that sentiment about the Isle of Volpe, love all the sentiments actually. :) Nice picnic they had too. And that shot by the falls is just breathtaking! One of my favorite spots in the pack! I gave permanentrose some information on the harvestables in CL if you want to check it out in my comments to her.

    I was so happy when I realized they had a complete set of the 'normal' relics. Would've loved the gold ones too, but oh well.

    Grilled Cheese! Gah! Didn't even think of that. But yes, the gourmet meal was much better than plain old grilled cheese. hehe A meal fit for the Gods, indeed! ;) Temple Take-away! HAHA! Love that! The Rumbasim looks so sexy! I love it! Yeah, no clues about his parents. I had an idea with the skeletons for that, but it didn't work out. Oh well...

    They were very glad to be home. Looking forward to the party and yes, I love that sitting area too. Love how the candle fits perfectly between the swans in that way. :)

    Oh man, I love that spot on the ledge overhang too! The skeletons are hilarious! I love it when they grab their skull and twirl it around. hehe Yeah, they had to swim to get to the other side and progress deeper in the temple. They had that particular temple before and transportalated to the other side instead of swimming. You said in your comments about it they shouldn't use their magic all the time, but experience everything so they don't miss anything. So I had them take your advice and swim across this time. :)

    Gah! I thought for sure she was going to die of fright, thank God she didn't! o.O Yep, I'm sure they would've been there a long, long time until Uncle Greg showed up. :D

    The screenshot of Essa looking at Josh when they first got home is one of my favorites taken this month. So much love in that look. <3 Yes, all the animals missed them very much. Chicka Dee snuggling up to Buster was so dang cute! I felt like crying when I saw it. So sweet! Very fortunate to get it before Chicka Dee walked away. :)

    I love that hugging pic too, so many flowers around this lot. The creator did a fabulous job with the landscaping! Party will be later this week, hope everyone invited shows up! I want to invite the Sages, but they rarely show up, except Morgyn, so I'm hesitant. I guess I could always invite others to just 'hangout' and be at the party even if they aren't actually invited to fill in for those that don't show up. 20 on a lot is the limit, right?

    I would know those eyes anywhere! She aged up so well in your save. Love seeing her as a child! *Hugs Essa* <3
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    permanentrosepermanentrose Posts: 3,789 Member
    edited December 2021
    @Karababy52 Thanks so much for the foraging tips! I also loved all your Jungle Adventure screenshots, and they brought home a great haul of treasure too! Glad you found time to do that world!

    @Ellupelluellu Child Essa looks great!

    @SoulGal7 Loving seeing Wolfgang and Sakura again, and they have such a lovely life in HOB <3

    I realized today that even though I thought I'd been keeping up pretty consistently with updates, it's actually day 355 of the year if I actually were to make it to 365 updates, so I'm not sure if I messed up on my numbering somewhere or if I actually did skip 5 days without realizing it haha. Oh well :D

    Update 350 - Animal Clothes

    I don't visit Jules and Emmett's bedroom much since they both have reward traits so they don't need to sleep, so when I popped up today I saw the bed was full of cat hair. So relatable lol.

    Jules tended to the garden. I just keep saving all her oversized crops so when that festival comes up, I'll have options.

    Really the rest of my update was just finding animals to dress since I had all those new clothes from the Creature Keeper.

    This is Hopper.

    Carl, looking handsome.

    Clara, looking adorable.

    Thumper, the bunny who defeated the fox in one of my earlier updates.

    Dee, one of my hens.

    And Scout, a wild fox.

    Looks like only one child remembered an umbrella today haha.

    I also spotted Sakura out walking. She's an elder in my game.

    That's it for now :)
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Karababy52 -
    Love all the animals on the farm, and that llama sure is a wild one! hehehe Josh refining diamonds...probably for the relics. And then Essa takes a relaxing bath, and then sits on the porch. I love the little pop-ups that came up when she was thinking about her life...not sure if you put these in, or if they came up randomly...but really nice touch. I think I had a tear in my eye when Essa has such a sad look on her face thinking about Sulani. And...what's this? Grab the brass ring and live forever? Does that mean that Essa is considering becoming a vampire permanently? Oh my! You know, I think if Essa does, then Josh would probably, too. And the hot tub scene at the end is really nice and heartfelt, just wanting to be with Josh, and holding him tight. *sob*

    @permanentrose -
    All of those animal outfits are sooooo cute. I just love the one with the bunny in yellow with the little flower on their head. That is so cute. And Scout the fox...that is a really great outfit. Robin Hood of the foxes. I love that line "I don't visit Jules and Emmett's bedroom much" lol, yes, we know...they do umbrella leaf woohoo...hehehe Oh, and there is Sakura, followed by Rahul doing a grocery delivery.

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