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After the End 52: Wait (Aug 10)


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    ThePlumbobThePlumbob Posts: 4,971 Member
    Hey there, I just binged the whole thing 😊 It's amazing how much friction you manage to have in the story in spite of the fact there's only 4 characters... or of course, precisely because of the fact there's only 4 of them.

    Yadira has a lovely personality, she's so sweet, and stunning. It's got to be tough for Sama, of course knowing that Asa wanted to be with her, and as soon as a new man appears, he naturally falls to her feet. So I can see why she'd get "opportunistic". But I'm pretty sure this will blow up in Rohan's face. Yadira will not be happy, and somehow, I don't feel like "continuing the population" will feel like a good enough reason for her to give him a chance. Especially since he's not told her about what happened with Sama. Not that I dislike Rohan, he's a giant teddy bear, really, and with a tragic past. Though I suppose on an apocalypse, that's the case for all of them.

    I realise I haven't said anything about Asa, but we don't really know much about him, apart from "aww man, I'm no longer alpha male, that blows." Maybe he'll grkw on me later lol.

    I'm curious about that mainland tribe Rohan came from. Maybe they'll go to the mainland eventually and see what's up there.

    Oh, and I love how desolate their little camp is. Definitely gives very apocalypse-esque vibes!
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    ThePlumbob wrote: »
    Hey there, I just binged the whole thing 😊 It's amazing how much friction you manage to have in the story in spite of the fact there's only 4 characters... or of course, precisely because of the fact there's only 4 of them.

    Yadira has a lovely personality, she's so sweet, and stunning. It's got to be tough for Sama, of course knowing that Asa wanted to be with her, and as soon as a new man appears, he naturally falls to her feet. So I can see why she'd get "opportunistic". But I'm pretty sure this will blow up in Rohan's face. Yadira will not be happy, and somehow, I don't feel like "continuing the population" will feel like a good enough reason for her to give him a chance. Especially since he's not told her about what happened with Sama. Not that I dislike Rohan, he's a giant teddy bear, really, and with a tragic past. Though I suppose on an apocalypse, that's the case for all of them.

    I realise I haven't said anything about Asa, but we don't really know much about him, apart from "aww man, I'm no longer alpha male, that blows." Maybe he'll grkw on me later lol.

    I'm curious about that mainland tribe Rohan came from. Maybe they'll go to the mainland eventually and see what's up there.

    Oh, and I love how desolate their little camp is. Definitely gives very apocalypse-esque vibes!

    Wow, thank you! What an honor!
    Thanks! It is the beginning, after all, so maintaining drama with only four characters isn't as hard as it might be. I've heard more than once that I tend to overdo the numbers most of the time, so it's something I'm working on--kinda.

    It's fun to write that sweet personality! She's really young. I'm thinking she probably should've been still a teen, but that didn't sit right with me. So I decided she'd just be a REALLY YOUNG adult with an adult body, as can happen to many. It's tough for Sama, yes, but she doesn't value herself by looks alone. The beginning of the last chapter gave me the creeps to write, but I didn't want to gloss over it either. The whole thing does have a likelihood of blowing up in Rohan's face, but at least it's not like Yadira wasn't aware what Sama wanted. We hear from Yadira again next chapter finally.
    LOL at Rohan being a teddy bear. He'd probably take a small offense to that--even though it's absolutely true!
    Yes, they've all had a rough past. Yadira is just lucky that she doesn't remember it.

    I love how you totally just captured Asa's thoughts. Ya know, thank you, I have noticed that I'm leaving him out, and he's kind of a 2D character right now. That will hopefully change. Maybe give me an idea you might see happening? Other than him channeling that aggression into becoming a warrior-type, I'm wishy-washy on what to do next with him.

    Thanks! I'm using a set of CC called Apocalyptic Life by Frau Engel. I plopped down the actual set somewhere, but I spent hours on the main lot I'm using (which isn't something I'd normally do because I despise decorating). I'd had an idea for a novel kicking around in my head, and although I can't specifically do that plot in sims, seeing that set made me curious to see if I could make this work.

    Your comment made my week! :D I hope you continue to read. I try to update this one on Mondays and Thursdays.
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    ThePlumbobThePlumbob Posts: 4,971 Member
    Aww, I'm glad! And I just realised you have moved your story to Wordpress - I read it in Blogger but I'm a WP girl myself, so that will be much easier to follow for me :)

    Yadira definitely reads very young and innocent, and she has that lovely naive optimimism - which makes total sense, given she doesn't remember the tragic events and has grown up pretty sheltered just with two close friends. You'd hope for the best and be pretty curious in her shoes too. So you've definitely achieved your goal there :)

    Hm, I'm not sure about what direction Asa could go (hard to say when we don't really know what's on the mainland yet!), but I'd like to see some more depth in him for sure. I mean, they live on a secluded island with no TV or other sources of entertainment, surely there's more to him than "I was hoping to get with these womens at some point" - like, he's had a lot of time to think, right? :D
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    ThePlumbob wrote: »
    Aww, I'm glad! And I just realised you have moved your story to Wordpress - I read it in Blogger but I'm a WP girl myself, so that will be much easier to follow for me :)

    Yadira definitely reads very young and innocent, and she has that lovely naive optimimism - which makes total sense, given she doesn't remember the tragic events and has grown up pretty sheltered just with two close friends. You'd hope for the best and be pretty curious in her shoes too. So you've definitely achieved your goal there :)

    Hm, I'm not sure about what direction Asa could go (hard to say when we don't really know what's on the mainland yet!), but I'd like to see some more depth in him for sure. I mean, they live on a secluded island with no TV or other sources of entertainment, surely there's more to him than "I was hoping to get with these womens at some point" - like, he's had a lot of time to think, right? :D

    First of all, the last bit of the comment had me laughing out loud (not just lol) enough to bring my husband upstairs to find out why.

    Yeah, I have a few people that also prefer wp over blogger, so I write in blogger then transfer (and edit so then I have to fix blogger) to wp. I'm so plumbing picky about my formatting that wp forced me to learn a little html, but that's another story.

    I hope you're not disappointed with the little bit of growing up Yadira does in the next chapter. There will always be that underlying innocence, but don't be afraid to let me know if I've gone off track.

    As for Asa, I've come up with a little bit of plans for him but nothing like what he deserves. Maybe a few more nights of overactive-brain-won't-let-me-sleep syndrome will cure that. :)
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member I loved this chapter! <3 ❤️❤️❤️ <3
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    ThePlumbobThePlumbob Posts: 4,971 Member
    edited July 2020
    WP and Blogger definitely both have their positives and negatives, I think I prefer Wordpress because you get notifications on comment replies, and because the pictures are bigger with most themes. But it's definitely personal preference. That's a lot of effort with you keeping the story up on two blogs, I'm not sure if I'd have the patience to do that, I feel like it's enough effort even with the one I have 😆

    Re Yadira
    Oh, you mean that she's less innocent because they did the deed? I wouldn't say so - especially considering how smooth and perfect everything was, surely that would just make her more idealistic.

    To me, innocence has nothing to do with how many people you've been with or how 'pure' you are, it's more about one's outlook on life; how much has it plummed you over, and what expectations do you have of it as a result. Yadira sleeping with a man who worships her and went through every possible effort to make it a pleasant experience for her is not something that chips away at her innocence in my eyes.

    Her having to deal with that same man having fathered a child with someone else (as their relationship was only blossoming) and watching that child grow right in front of her, that's another story. I'd really doubt anyone would be able to deal with that without some kind of resentment forming, and that is the kind of stuff that makes innocence crack. But we have yet to see that.
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member I loved this chapter! <3 ❤️❤️❤️ <3
    I'm so glad!
    ThePlumbob wrote: »
    WP and Blogger definitely both have their positives and negatives, I think I prefer Wordpress because you get notifications on comment replies, and because the pictures are bigger with most themes. But it's definitely personal preference. That's a lot of effort with you keeping the story up on two blogs, I'm not sure if I'd have the patience to do that, I feel like it's enough effort even with the one I have 😆

    Re Yadira
    Oh, you mean that she's less innocent because they did the deed? I wouldn't say so - especially considering how smooth and perfect everything was, surely that would just make her more idealistic.

    To me, innocence has nothing to do with how many people you've been with or how 'pure' you are, it's more about one's outlook on life; how much has it plummed you over, and what expectations do you have of it as a result. Yadira sleeping with a man who worships her and went through every possible effort to make it a pleasant experience for her is not something that chips away at her innocence in my eyes.

    Her having to deal with that same man having fathered a child with someone else (as their relationship was only blossoming) and watching that child grow right in front of her, that's another story. I'd really doubt anyone would be able to deal with that without some kind of resentment forming, and that is the kind of stuff that makes innocence crack. But we have yet to see that.

    Yep. The commenting (etc) notification thingy is the #1 reason I'm slapping that baby on Wordpress. Not that Blogger makes it difficult. There are ways to navigate, but that is one thing that WP does better. HOWever, when it comes to setting up the blog itself, WP is definitely not user-friendly. For one, I can't seem to find a theme that works for me. I spent a good bit of the day trying to fix it, and it's better... but I'm still not happy with it. I'm not happy with the widths or the header. As for putting it on two blogs, basically, I write on blogger then transfer. The only time it gets annoying is if I want to change the text.
    Oh, okay. Good. I'm glad that's what you're thinking. And I agree with the next paragraph too. Very well put.

    Yes, that does affect her... although, not even SHE knows how much. Gotta love that unreliable 1st person stuff. Give it time. :)
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    MonaSolstraaleMonaSolstraale Posts: 1,394 Member
    I love your description of how Vik and Sama's relationship develops over the last 3-4 episodes <3
    I have not had enough time to comment on it until now because it takes some time before Google Translat and I agree on what it is I am trying to express :joy:
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    I love your description of how Vik and Sama's relationship develops over the last 3-4 episodes <3
    I have not had enough time to comment on it until now because it takes some time before Google Translat and I agree on what it is I am trying to express :joy:
    Take your time! I think you're fabulous for translating, and Google translate must have difficulties, especially when it comes to Orion's speech. I once tried to read a story written in Spanish, of which I have an intermediate-to-advanced-but-not-fluent knowledge, and I struggled like crazy to understand the little nuances.

    I'm glad you've enjoyed Vik and Sama's relationship development. It wasn't exactly planned; it just happened, making other stuff I wanted to do get pushed back so that I could follow a linear timetable.

    And I've been enjoying reading your Turtle's Journey story. Finn cracks me up sometimes, and his sister seems to be his exact opposite in some cases. I've been working more often recently as well as reading other stories at the same time, so I haven't gotten to advance into your story that far. But I will! :)
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    MonaSolstraaleMonaSolstraale Posts: 1,394 Member
    Thanks for your reply <3
    Both comments made me really happy :)
    I do not think my passive English vocabulary is that bad even. I understand the most basic and can also see if Google Translate leads me completely astray.
    Therefore, I often have to reformulate a sentence in Danish several times and it takes some time.

    I'm glad you like Finn's story. It is partly game driven, so the ideas have evolved along the way.
    I have played Finn in three different games.... as a child, teenager and adult. It's been a really fun process.
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    MonaSolstraaleMonaSolstraale Posts: 1,394 Member
    I wrote a comment on your website....
    I do not know why it is there twice :|
    You are welcome to delete one :)
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    I wrote a comment on your website....
    I do not know why it is there twice :|
    You are welcome to delete one :)

    It's no big deal. :)
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
    Was busy working and this chapter wasn't quite ready to come out yesterday, so here it is now. :)

    18: The Goddess Yadira
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited April 2023
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