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    Lady_EarthLady_Earth Posts: 187 Member
    The Larson Twins: Remember them from The Sims 2?

    Here's Jodie doing some singing while late comedian Norm MacDonald tips her. Because of this, I agreed to the get married in 7 days inheritance offer and got them together. Check out his Burt Reynolds and Bob Dole impersonations on YouTube.

    Jason didn't fare as well in the romance field. The thunderstorms ruined his chances with Celene Lopez the bartender.

    The owner of the Thrif-Tea place looked like a good try until Jason learned that she wasn't into men.

    For some weird reason, Niles Crane (Fraiser) went up to Jason and kissed him before he left.

    At least Jason now was Brandi Broke and they're engaged. It'll be a while before I play her family, but I'll move Jason in when it happens.

    I named Jodie and Norm's daughter, Ferne, after Norm's mother.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,070 Member
    edited August 2022
    @Wholesome_Goth That sounds hilarious actually. I am very sorry for your vampire's suffering. Did you start the legacy again? How does it work?
    @Brd709 Sometimes people do figure things out about themselves that causes some chaos in their current relationships. I have to say your simself is taking this remarkably well. I hope Liberty finds happiness and the family finds a new shape that feels right for everyone.
    @Jade47 Your dialogue is terrific. And I guess I never thought to wonder what sims think when we suddenly change buildings on them XD

    Here's the latest on my building changes for San Myshuno... I did want to change things around each time there's a new generation, and we're roughly on early generation 2 now.
    I decided to obliterate the Stargazer Lounge since it's always dead. I imagine it closed with the passage of time. I put a pool in the deck of Skye Fitness so the city would still have a pool somewhere. (Didn't bother with pictures. It's Skye Fitness with a pool.)

    This is what's going in the place of the lounge: the Sky Space Market. It's not a copy of, but an homage to, an iconic market in my hometown. I made it a marketplace lot (the market version of the Community Space from Eco Living). It's going to require a lot of playtesting because there is a lot going on there. Eventually I'll put it on the gallery but I need to make sure everything works right first.

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    Wholesome_GothWholesome_Goth Posts: 24 Member
    @mightysprite yes I did.
    Here is the link for the Challenge rules.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    Just caught all my merboys turning down someone’s romantic advance… So, it had to be a male sim that tried to get flirty with them.

    Their orientation stopped it though.
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    wylmite1986wylmite1986 Posts: 1,771 Member
    edited August 2022
    Not a whole lot happened in my game today. It's summer now, so Lavender Berry is going to summer camp. She'll age up over the weekend, I believe and get to go to high school! So happy to do that again with her because I feel like she's gonna have fun. I don't know quite how I'll have her be in school yet but I have time to figure it out. I'm kind of leaning towards the wanting her to spread drama and stuff but I haven't fully decided. Graycie finally finished her bodybuilder aspiration and has started a new club with her husband, brother and his wife to get some social time.

    (game is a little glitched so I didn't play too much today as I was frustrated but I did do a bunch of CC shopping so my Sims got new makeovers)
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,954 Member
    I started a new Extreme Vampire Legacy Challenge save, and the founder died by sun immediately. 🙆🏻‍♀️
    (Was partially my fault, I was distracted trying to recall the Legacy rules and wasn't paying attention to what the founder was doing...which was standing in the sun with no cover in sight.)

    Oh, dear … I hope he had an Heir to help carry on the Legacy, at least!

    Nope, I had literally only just started the save. 🤦🏻‍♀️
    I got distracted as I was trying to look up the challenge rules and hadn't noticed the game had loaded in. You would have thought a Vampire would be safe from the sun in Forgotten Hollow in the wintertime...Oops! 😅

    Alls good now, restarted the save and after a couple false starts I am good to go. And moved into the correct lot size. Had to moveout the Watson Family and bulldoze their house, but all is as it should be now. 😎

    Edit to add: I forgot that my sim had been around long enough for the welcome wagon to arrive, the welcome wagon was a grand total of one sim, Caleb Vatore, who unfortunately was the witness of my sims unfortunate demise.

    Personally, I would simply restart it. Get the copy of your Founder from your My Library section of the gallery and simply make it a Do-over. No harm, no foul. Of course I'm a fine one to talk. I began Pinstar's Legacy Challenge deciding to bring Erik Cantrell over from Sims3 (recreating a better him in CAS, thanks to the outstanding tools we have in Sims4). I messed up totally in the second generation. I moved the potential Heir out of the lot, which is a HUGE no-no. Just so they could birth more children. Face/palm. This was patriarchy that I chose from the rules. I missed one tiny point, however. In the event the heir doesn't possess the selected Trait, it is perfectly acceptable to pick the heir. Had I remembered that I wouldn't have spent an entire year off before I felt emotionally ready to try it again. And that's a Real time year off.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Jade47Jade47 Posts: 206 Member
    @mightysprite Really love your sky market, very unique. Funnily enough every time I went to the Stargazer Lounge it was practically empty too.

    @DaniRose2143 What you said about doing one room at a time gave me a really good idea. I figure since my sim can't afford to build a new house at present, I can plan it out with half walls which are much cheaper. That way as things get finished I can move her into one part of the new build. Kind of looks like she hired lazy builders who are taking their time over the job and constantly finding new problems so the job costs more. :)


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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,159 Member
    @Jade47 I'm happy you found that useful. It came to me by accident. I started redecorating my sim's house and realized, um, continuity error. People were sort of familiar with the layout and the look of her home, and that's when it hit me how to fix it.😄
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,728 Member
    I've been struggling, trying to set some things up for Wyrd Girls Book 2, playing through a few things and trying to get out of a trap of my own making.

    If anyone suggests to you that the new 8 day lunar cycle means 1 sim-week is basically a month, so logically one sim-season is 3 sim-weeks (thank you LittleMsSam) and pregnancy lasts 3 seasons, so set it to 63 sim-days (more mods)... Think. Think very hard about what you are doing to your poor sims and your story.

    I'm sorry Morgan.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,954 Member
    Odds & Ends, an Erik Cantrell Flashback

    Erik Cantrell was never one to stand idly by. Yes, he was at the Top of his career, with three albums released and three Best Song Awards on his shelf. This was great, but he still needed to put himself out there. So, he lined up yet another Meet & Greet at a very special lounge in Tartosa, the Celebracione D’Amore.

    The school day had been one for the books, Erik decided. The start of which wasn’t exactly stellar. Again, his schedule required he do a work out down in the basement. He was very glad Orion Entertainment, Limited had stepped in and repaired the faulty P.A. System, so he wouldn’t end up being late for class again. But the Treadmill was less than friendly.
    He all but knocked himself out. Never going to try the incline again.

    Erik managed to get to class considerably early, despite the slight headache he had. His personal fan was there. Must be supplementing his income.

    Later, during the lunch break, Erik, now over his headache was glad to bring a bit of cheer to the lunch room. He started off doing a musical number.

    Then he pulled out his guitar and did his best to evoke an emotional response. They all had the Career Day thing right after lunch. So, since few seemed excited by this, he chose to liven things up a bit, before they all headed over to the large Gymnasium.

    The bell went off and the group made their way over for the Career Day Event.

    Before he could head over to Tartosa, Erik had to get his homework done, or his father would ensure he was a no-show.

    Pretty soon, the Press was also involved.

    Once his homework was complete Erik went indoors. He took a good hard look at himself and realized he had some fuzz on his face? He nearly shook with glee. This meant he had to shave for the very first time. He only hoped his hands would be steady and there would be no blood spent as a result of this new battle. Wouldn’t due to show up at his Event, with pieces of tissue dotting his face. Aaron's face was a mess, his first try.

    Taking a deep breath, he gazed at himself in the bathroom mirror, then he shook the can of shaving cream and put a glob onto his hand.


    Sufficiently lathered, Erik took the brand new razor his parents had given him for his last birthday and put it to use, with not a little trepidation.

    Easy does it. Mind the neck.


    Picking out his new suit, Erik readied himself for the Meet & Greet.

    Thanks for reading. More to come …
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,954 Member
    In Too Deep, an Erik Cantrell Flashback

    The family headed over to Tartosa. Everyone, but Adrian, that is. He was much too young and needed too much care, so he was sent to the Busy Bodies, Day Care Center. Where he would workout his energy, jumping, screaming and bouncing on balls.

    The waning sun painted the early evening sky with pink streaks of fingers cutting through the slowly darkening blue. Before he could even get inside the Lounge, to initiate his event, Erik was met by a pleasant-looking fellow dressed in a elegant black tuxedo. Erik was a bit of a clothes horse, so he noticed the Sim’s style of dress.
    “Hey, you’re Erik Cantrell, can I have your autograph?” the fellow said.
    “Sure, I’d be happy to,” Erik smiled. “You must be the Entertainer for tonight. I recognize the ‘uniform'.’”

    “Who do I make this out to?”
    “Dylan. Dylan will do.”

    “It’s such a pleasure to meet you! I can’t believe this. It’s you! It’s really you.”

    “The pleasure is mine, Dylan. Do you mind taking a Selfie with me?”

    “Sure, I can’t believe any of this. I must be dreaming.”
    “Yeah, I know the feeling. Say cheese,” Erik said. Artichokes, tuna fish.


    “There have a look at that. You’re very photogenic.”

    As Erik was showing off the Selfie, a Paparazzi hailed him, so he looked up.

    Erik invited Dylan to hang out for awhile. “Dylan, come on in and hang out with us, things are just getting started.”

    Erik mingled, chatted with various fans who came out, signed a plethora of autographs took Selfies and told stories. He went back to the table where Dylan sat patiently waiting. The two started a conversation. Erik was getting the strong vibe from Dylan that the sudden friendship between them was fueled by something more. Erik slowly grew uncomfortable Dylan in his own way seemed to be flirting with him. What? This was something akin to his Obsessed Fans, so he recognized what was going on. How do I do this without creating an enemy?
    Erik shifted in his chair. He gazed over at the Sim who had moved into the chair next to Erik, just to be closer. “I just have to say this and please don’t take offense. You’re a very nice guy, but, I think we should just be friends, you know? I’m taken. That is, I have a Girlfriend. That lovely blonde over there with the really long hair.”

    When Dylan started making some rather strange noises, almost like a chittering sound from a dolphin Erik began to grow really uneasy. “Are you a mermaid?” he suddenly asked.

    Dylan drew back just a bit, blinked his eyes and said, calmly. “Merman. I’m a Merman. ‘maids are female.”
    “Oh, I’m really sorry ‘bout that. I always thought Merfolk— Is that right? Were mythical beings who didn’t actually exist. So, are you telling me you’re really a Merman?”

    Erik bent to look under the table. “Where are your fins? If I may be so bold? You do know how crazy this sounds, right? Actually, I’m stunned. Gobsmacked. Who knew?” I thought things smelled a bit fishy over here.

    “I also have a request of you,” Dylan said, keeping his tone pleasant. “The existence of Merfolk isn’t widely known or believed. And widespread knowledge could put us at risk. So, please let’s just keep this between you and me. Don’t make me one of your Outrageous Stories you’re so fond of telling.”

    “You’ve got a deal, Bud.” Erik extended his hand to shake Dylan’s. “I mean Dylan. I am so very glad we met.”

    All for now. Thanks for reading!
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Jade47Jade47 Posts: 206 Member
    Continuing on from last time.

    “Rubbish,” remarked Agatha. “It’s the Speckled Hen, it’s always been the Speckled Hen and always will be the Speckled Hen.”

    “Oh my head”, moaned Kat, “I’m sorry Agatha but give me a minute I think I’m going to be sick in that flowerpot.”

    Agatha gave Kat some time to throw up and regain her composure before commenting. “Look Kat, I think the stress is getting to you, it’s quite common for city folk to go through an adjustment period when they first move here. I’m also sorry to say that I’ve seen you in the Speckled Hen till the early hours, you seem to have quite a juice habit.”

    “I can’t help it, I find it relaxing in there. Plus they keep having lock-ins and serving all hours”.

    “Just because a pub has a lock-in, that doesn’t mean you should abuse the privilege. The local constabulary overlook it because it’s a popular location and the pub serves the greater good.”

    “That juice is really potent, I found myself stumbling home the other night.”

    “Indeed it is and I noticed you weren’t the only one to fall foul to that most recent batch.” Chided Agatha.

    Kat started turning red.

    (Kat does not know this sim staggering behind her)

    “What you need is a good cup of coffee”.

    “There’s a café here?”

    “Oh my word Kat, do you simply walk around the village with your eyes closed? Yes there is, it’s called The Cobblepot Café. Old Mother Cobblepot started up the business as a tea shop in 1958. Now she was a very strict lady, no talking while drinking, absolutely no coughing or choking when eating the rather stale scones and any general disruption would lead to bans for life. I hate to speak ill of the deceased but she was quite the tyrant. Even her son despised her, he went off to San Myshuno from what I gather and became a bit of a villain, bad egg just like his mother.”

    “So not an establishment you’d recommend then?”

    “Oh quite the contrary it’s lovely now and run by one of those independent coffee companies”.

    “SimBucks you mean, or Cost-a-Fortune?”

    “No, the other less well known chain. Anyway they were forced to keep the décor mind you because the village council doesn’t really like change and claimed the place was a listed building”.

    “I can’t believe I missed it”.

    “On a different subject don’t mind me saying so Kat but while that dress really does suit you it can’t hide the extra layers”.

    “Excuse me?” Snorted Kat.

    “You’re putting on weight dear and for your own sake you need to lose a few pounds. What have you been eating?”

    “Cottage pie, Yorkshire pudding, fish and chips.”

    “That’ll do it. I think you’ve been taking country cooking a little too literally. You should join the gym.”

    “Now hang on, I know for a fact there’s no gym here.”

    “Of course there is. Gary’s gym.”

    “Who’s Gary?”

    “Gary… well he was an interesting man. Had quite a few screws loose of course but noble intentions. He was one of those motivational healer types who promote exercise and clean living. Anyway a few years back the owner of the Speckled Hen was having some financial difficulties. Gary stepped in and generously offered a big suitcase of simoleons as long as he could use part of the pub to set up a small gym.”

    Kat’s head was spinning all she could think was “there is no gym, the pub is wrong, there is no church and the café never existed.”

    “Agatha I….”

    “As I was saying dear, Gary eventually left these parts, went off to Del Sol Valley I think to grow his following. I heard he got famous, but the gym remains and before he left he said anyone could start the gym club again as long as they kept the name and follow the rules.”


    “No drinking coffee, no darts, no pub drinks, no television, no eating and absolutely no sleeping as long as the club is in session. Oh yes and everyone has to be nice to each other. Like I said Gary never seemed completely sane, but his intentions were good. At least until he tried to turn the village green into a Zen garden… that did not go down well.”

    “Agatha do you ever get the feeling something isn’t quite right?”

    “With our village you mean or more that your life isn’t your own, as if all your decisions are being made for you?” Said Agatha in an ominous voice.

    “That’s it exactly”, Kat said.

    “No dear, never had any thoughts or feelings like that at all”.

    “Never mind then I’m probably just overthinking it. Best I get going and give this club a try. Bye Agatha”.

    “Bye for now. Have a lovely day!”

    Kat found Gary’s gym in a small area of the Speckled Hen she had somehow missed numerous times. For some unknown reason she reinstated the club and started a gathering. Then she jumped on the treadmill. “I can do this… I will get in shape again. I’m faster than a cheetah… I’m…. suddenly flat on my face. Ow!”

    As a final side note, the local historical re-enactment society appeared in the Speckled Hen that evening consoling themselves by consuming large quantities of juice. Their plan to re-enact one of the failed battles of the War of the Rosebuds was postponed due to the Finchwick Festival. According to the council spokesperson “armoured knights prancing around can cause great distress to cows, llamas and chickens”.

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    Here's a little teaser for my next story update!

    Dylan and Zeph discuss Dylan meeting a Global Super Star with their father!


    Juniper has a bit of Summer Romance!


    Zephyr invites Arihi to the Flea market to practice Haggling. Turns out, her other twin son was a vendor!


    Zephyr being an adorable dork!


    Dylan and Cecelia engage in some romance! Apparently, the bathroom is the perfect place to exchange roses!

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    Wholesome_GothWholesome_Goth Posts: 24 Member
    edited August 2022
    @GalacticGal some stuff I kinda fudge a bit on, I don't fully understand how the scoring works. So I don't really pay attention to that aspect of the challenge. I follow everything else which is why I had to start a fresh challenge save.
    This is my second attempt at the challenge, but since it's been a year since I last played that orinal save I forgot what that founder required for eligible heirs. Was only on the second generation in and that save got a bit slow and irritating to play...woundering if the house progress was a bit ambitious in the building front and is the culprit. l can't see anything else being the reason. 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited August 2022
    Visiting Johnny Depp!
    Princess Roddy decided to visit Johnny Depp, who lived in Henford-on-Bagley. 'Hello Johnny Depp!' Princess Roddy said as he was invited in. 'Hello Your Royal Majesty!' Johnny replied. Princess Roddy giggled. 'No need for formalities, we know each other! Just call me Princess Roddy!' he said, smiling warmly. Johnny smiled. 'Princess Roddy it is then!' he said. Johnny gave the princess a big hug:
    Then he and Princess Roddy exchanged their best jokes, which resulted in an abundance of laughter:
    Later, they had mushroom soup:
    'This is delicious! Who made this?' Johnny Depp asked, intrigued. 'Me and my mummy!' Princess Roddy replied, cheerfully. 'Tell her when you get back that I enjoyed the soup!' Johnny said, warmly. The princess smiled. 'I will!' Princess Roddy said. After clearing up, Princess Roddy got ready to go back to Dianthus Hall. 'I enjoyed seeing you, Princess Roddy. Again, thank you tor the soup! Hope we can dangle again when you get the chance!' Johnny Depp said, happily. 'You're welcome, Johnny!' the princess replied. He gave Johnny a big hug:
    Then he waved goodbye:
    Princess Roddy set off back to Dianthus Hall. When he got back, he told Shine that Johnny Depp enjoyed the mushroom soup that they made. Shine was delighted that it was a hit!
    Princess Roddy's new lipstick!
    Princess Roddy had recently got some new lipstick, so he changed into his feminine hot weather outfit and applied the new lipstick, along with his lipstick sealer:
    Then he finished up his makeup by applying powder:
    Princess Roddy looked in the vanity mirror and smiled. Just then, Hamish knocked on the door. 'Come in, little brother!' the princess said, warmly. And so, Hamish came in, noticing that his big brother was wearing a brighter shade of pink lipstick. 'Hello Roddy! I see you got some new lipstick!' he said, smiling. 'Our mummy made it for me, and it never runs out!' Princess Roddy said, happily. 'It really suits you!' Hamish said, cheerfully. 'Awwww, thank you, little brother!' the princess said, smiling. He gave Hamish a great, big, loving hug:
    Princess Roddy then gave him a loving smooch on his right cheek:
    His left cheek:
    And his nose:
    Hamish giggled. The two brothers then sat down and chatted to each other:
    Hamish and Sophia loved their big brother, and Princess Roddy loved his two siblings.
    Preparing for the royal visit to Copperdale!
    After doing his animal husbandry routine, Princess Roddy got changed into his feminine formal outfit. He then went over to his vanity and applied his makeup, including his lipstick and lipstick sealer:
    He came downstairs. Benjamin smiled and hugged his firstborn son:
    'Ready to go, my boy?' he asked:
    'I'm ready!' Princess Roddy replied. 'Off we go then!' Shine said, coming downstairs after changing into her formal dress. The princess and his parents set off for Copperdale.
    Arrival at Copperdale!
    Princess Roddy, Shine and Benjamin arrived in Copperdale. Their first stop was ThrifTea, where the princess met the owner of the shop, Eloise Hiddlestix:
    The group then headed over to the fairground, where Princess Roddy rode the Ferris Wheel with Shine and ate ice cream:
    Last port of call was Copperdale High School, where Shine showed off her mad cheerleading skills:
    Afterwards they met Principal Mei Prescott:
    Who then gave them a tour of the high school. Princess Roddy was impressed. He saw a few people he recognised:
    After exploring around Copperdale, Princess Roddy, Shine and Benjamin headed back home to Dianthus Hall, where Princess Roddy had a nap in his bed. He had enjoyed visiting Copperdale!
    Trying out Bubble Tea for the first time and a sleep by the old cabin!
    Princess Roddy and Shine headed over to ThrifTea in Copperdale. Shine tried bubble tea for the first time:
    Princess Roddy also tried some. He prefers coffee however. Later on, Shine and Princess Roddy went home. Later, Princess Roddy decided to go back over to Prescott Square and have a leisurely walk:
    It was quite a beautiful night. He looked around as he made his way to the old cabin, where the founder of Copperdale used to live:
    Princess Roddy then put his portable bed down and changed into his feminine sleepwear outfit. Then he climbed into bed and fell fast asleep:
    He entered the dream world and walked around his royal gardens, and kept an eye on the visiting toddlers, who had also entered the dream world. Eliana Bunch was also out and about, clearly enjoying herself:
    A few sim hours later, Princess Roddy woke up:
    He put his portable bed away and changed into his hot weather outfit. Then Princess Roddy headed back to Dianthus Hall to check on his animals.
    A walk along the Plumbite Pier
    Princess Roddy called his sweetheart, Jessica Lacey, and asked her if she would like to visit Plumbite Pier. Jessica Lacey said yes. Princess Roddy smiled and rang off. Later, Princess Roddy waited for Jessica Lacey's arrival at Totter Park. He smiled when he saw her. 'Jessica!' the princess squealed in excitement. 'Roddy!' Jessica responded, equally excited to see her best friend and sweetheart:
    Princess Roddy lovingly hugged her:
    Jessica Lacey gave the princess a loving smooch on his cheek:
    The pair set off for their walk along the pier:
    They looked around. Jessica Lacey wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel, so she and Princess Roddy headed in that direction:
    They boarded the Ferris Wheel and enjoyed looking at the views:
    After the ride was over, Princess Roddy and Jessica Lacey took a selfie:
    The sweethearts went over to the haunted house, and proved that they weren't scared of anything. After they had exited the haunted house, Jessica Lacey gave Princess Roddy a great, big, loving hug:
    'Have you enjoyed yourself, my sparkling pink sapphire?' the princess asked. 'I have, Roddy, thank you so much!' Jessica replied, cheerfully. She gave him a loving smooch on the cheek:
    Princess Roddy giggled. Afterwards, he took his sweetheart back to her home and said goodbye. The pair blew a kiss to each other. Then Princess Roddy headed back to Dianthus Hall. He had enjoyed being out and about with his sweetheart.
    Post edited by ChuChuExpress on
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    @ChuChuExpress Always good to see Roddy! I recognise that Sifix dress. I haven’t got it in my game, but I do have the one Roddy’s wearing in your avatar. I plan to get the other one soon, it looks perfect for parties!

    I recently tried bubble tea myself IRL for the first time. I really liked it!
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,954 Member
    @Jade47 I very much enjoyed your story. Loved this line: "“SimBucks you mean, or Cost-a-Fortune?” (Aren't they one in the same?) I love the added Lore you've brought to HoB. My Global Superstar and his siblings live there, currently. Nice job.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Jade47Jade47 Posts: 206 Member
    @GalacticGal Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. As for coffee chains, a cup in one is about £3.00, the next is £2.50 and HoB has the bargain chain which is about £1.90. :smiley:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,954 Member
    edited August 2022
    I've been struggling, trying to set some things up for Wyrd Girls Book 2, playing through a few things and trying to get out of a trap of my own making.

    If anyone suggests to you that the new 8 day lunar cycle means 1 sim-week is basically a month, so logically one sim-season is 3 sim-weeks (thank you LittleMsSam) and pregnancy lasts 3 seasons, so set it to 63 sim-days (more mods)... Think. Think very hard about what you are doing to your poor sims and your story.

    I'm sorry Morgan.

    I really hate it when I write myself into a corner. I think it's way less than suggested. A Sim is only pregnant for three Sims days. In RL, we know a woman is generally pregnant for nine months or ten lunar weeks. That would make a Sim day = one month. Therefore, I posit that four Sim Days is equal to a Sim year. How the Seasons work through this I have no clue. It's the Sims Nation, it could all be considered Whacky Weather day. Forever. I can't even get it passed my brain that three seasons = 63 Sim days and therefor a Sim must be pregnant that long? :open_mouth: In all reality the gestation takes about 90 days in RL. Even on Long I don't think our Sims would survive having one child, let alone more than one at this rate!

    It's good that you apologize to Morgan. That's just totally messed up. Go back to the drawing board, for the sake of your Sims! I beg you.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2022
    I've been struggling, trying to set some things up for Wyrd Girls Book 2, playing through a few things and trying to get out of a trap of my own making.

    If anyone suggests to you that the new 8 day lunar cycle means 1 sim-week is basically a month, so logically one sim-season is 3 sim-weeks (thank you LittleMsSam) and pregnancy lasts 3 seasons, so set it to 63 sim-days (more mods)... Think. Think very hard about what you are doing to your poor sims and your story.

    I'm sorry Morgan.

    @luciusstorm That’s insanity. Poor Morgan.

    In my game, a Season marks the beginning and end of a rotation. I had to have Zeph turn time backwards to extend the Summer, so I could age up my twins’ little sister and little brother. Jade and Juniper have been teens for a really long time. :D

    I play each rotation for 28 sim days. The Lunar Cycle is a 24 Day cycle.

    I don’t think unplayed human sims would survive the sim year on a normal lifespan.

    I couldn’t let my merfolk endure a pregnancy that lasted that long.

    For Dylan’s adopted son, Denis, I’m probably going to have have him live much longer than most humans. Maybe I can write it off as a quirk of living with merfolk in a realm of magic.

    Still, give Morgan a break.
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,728 Member
    @GalacticGal... except the new lunar cycle is 2/4/8+ (default 8) days and a season is 7/14/24 days (21 days with a mod). So, logically a sim month is no less than 2 days, default 1 sim week. Shrug. Sim time and my logical brain don't play well together.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,954 Member
    Jade47 wrote: »
    @GalacticGal Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. As for coffee chains, a cup in one is about £3.00, the next is £2.50 and HoB has the bargain chain which is about £1.90. :smiley:

    I can't afford to spend that kind of money on Coffee that is virtually burnt. 'Simbucks'.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,954 Member
    @GalacticGal... except the new lunar cycle is 2/4/8+ (default 8) days and a season is 7/14/24 days (21 days with a mod). So, logically a sim month is no less than 2 days, default 1 sim week. Shrug. Sim time and my logical brain don't play well together.

    I have never really been one to pay that much attention to the moon and its cycles. Don't let it mess up your story. Most of the time my Sims are either up all night (I cheat up their needs). In my game today, Erik was actually slipping into bed about 10:30 pm! He must have a fever or something! LOL
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @GalacticGal I loved your story update!

    Are my twins still in your save as background characters?

    I hope they continue to behave themselves, and I hope Erik gets a chance to meet Zeph.

    Now that Erik knows that Dylan is a merman, he can “Share the Discovery” as a unique interaction.

    If it helps, Erik just needs to find an “Ordinary” Conch Shell and blow on it. That interaction will attract the attention of all merfolk on lot and guarantees that they reveal their identity with a special interaction. If Zeph remains elusive, you can use that to make him come to Erik.

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