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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    FrigidChickFrigidChick Posts: 59 Member
    Ok, here is SYNTHESIS!Shepard: This Shepard is based off of my custom!Shep and these fanart pics from long ago. (1,2)


    I hooked her up with Ashley.

    & they had these big-headed twins:
    Aria (with this.... weird smirk, tho)

    and Jack (I'm thinking about changing his hair-- starting to not feel it)

    They eventually even out:

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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @FrigidChick I approve of Ashley she reminds me of a young Gina Gershon.If you know who she is.


    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    SimsophoniqueSimsophonique Posts: 1,410 Member
    Hello !

    I don't know if somebody noticed I told you about a strange target red light that appears at Hogan's lot in my game when I use the View Map mode?
    After a little investigation I finally get to know what it means.
    When a sim snared a bench with a whoopie cushion there is a small red star shape light under it. If you got the mod that unlock the prank for young adult and older ages make sure your mischief sims will use it autonomously.

    I love mods that enhance or add gameplay option.

    Follow and read Miss V Detective (ts3 story)
    on wordpress: / on dreamwidth:
    Follow me on tumblr (sims only) (please no triggers I am autistic asperger)
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited October 2018

    He he yeah, I like to look at hot simguys when playing lol.
    Thank you.


    Thank you


    Thank you

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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    No the king does not like Cornelious one

    --Thanks! He tried.He knows she likes being outdoors.He's trying to relatate with her in someway in hopes of mending things between them.
    --Yeah that fairy is trouble for sure.

    --You could always have him work on painting and such on his days off, and on his work days, work on work related skills.
    --Pretty vampire! totally forgot about them
    --The way they run is so funny!

    --I think she thinks he'd be mad that she's pregnant.XD
    --Yeah, mood
    --Yes she should.Cornelious is two-faced apparently.

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    FrigidChickFrigidChick Posts: 59 Member
    @CravenLestat oh yeah, I remember her. I didn't see that until now. LOL!!

    @lanlyn No problem. It's a great default skin. I've use it for years.

    @emorrill LOL. Thanks. I have collected freckles from TSR (Gosik, Pralinesims, Margeh-75, Precious Sims, etc), and Tumblr.

    @bekkasan @Springfairy556 @Mikezumi @Karritz Thank you!!

    @meerkattime Aww! Thanks. They came out as twins in the old save.

    @Nikkei_Simmer LOL. I freak out less when I watch the needle--- except when it's that I.V. needle (aka the blood pipeline). That's the needle I truly hate. Why does it have to be so massive?!

    @Springfairy556 Oh and kudos for finding the CC & lighting mods to get the look of your story going.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @meerkattime Sent you a premade sim name and a challenge.

    You are to turn that sim into the local cougar.Can only change hair makeup and clothing.And was your idea so you have to utilize that pattern.

    @TinySpaceFox I have sent you a surprise from the sims 3 store for when you get back.A reward for all your hard studying of those 4 foot thick books :# Hope you and Martin have good times with it.

    No you get no hints
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Claire: Mama's been neglecting you huh Wildfire? I'm sorry.I've been so stressed.
    Wildfire: (Neighs contently) until...

    Cornelious appeared behind Claire.
    Cornelious: What's his problem.
    Claire: That's his danger signal.Somethings not...right...Stay away from me.

    Cornelious: I thought we were friends?
    Claire: My husband and his knight don't trust you....You heard my husband, stay away or I'll yell for the guards...
    Cornelious: If that's the way you're going to thank me for saving you, then fine.

    Cornelious grabbed Claire whisking her away to the outskirts of Praaven.

    Cornelious: I'll just put you back where I found you.
    Claire: Cornelious! My husband will see you dead for this! Bring me home right now.
    Cornelious: I think not.
    And with that the little pixie left.

    Claire: Come back here right now...
    But she was lost and all alone...

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited October 2018

    Finally Claire realize what a bad pixie that guy is hehe.
    Poor her lost again. wonderful update.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    That she is and I am as well.I managed to find a spot of Praaven I haven't been to yet and have no clue how I got there I just teleported randomly lol.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 I am glad you found the hair :)
    Cassie's new house is cute!
    Lovely pics of Cassie at the beach :) Interesting building!

    @afai1261 Niall should definitely quit! He could probably make more money by writing anyway. In one of my saves, Connor Frio makes about §10,000 a week from his writing.
    Congrats on Morgan becoming a vampire :) The glow suits her :) Cormac seems to like it too ;)
    The break up went better than I expected!
    Congrats on the engagement and marriage :)

    @FrigidChick Great looking sim! The kids turned out well! Teens' heads often look too big.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited October 2018
    @meerkattime Going in now,I accept your challenge.Will not touch her genetically will throw a fountain of youth at her.Only will do hair,makeup,clothing.She is adult default so will FOY her to YA.Not saying she will be pretty.

    So not fair I gave you a top notch premade beauty to work with you give me some creepy hag that looks like the stereotype Halloween Witch literally.
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer LOL. I freak out less when I watch the needle--- except when it's that I.V. needle (aka the blood pipeline). That's the needle I truly hate. Why does it have to be so massive?!

    I've had one IV in my lifetime...and that was enough for me. Evidently they have these "flexible IV" needles now (the needle is removed leaving a flexible tube in your "vein". UGH...still sends shivers down my spine while talking about it. UGH... :shiver: My BP in 2016 when I was having that initial case of pneumonia was 185/156 and they had to do a torso cat scan to see what the extent of my lung congestion was so to inject me with a constant supply of the contrast agent, they had to insert an IV. I have no desire to go through that again.

    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 New Member
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Claire: This is not fun at all! I'm soaked and cold and hungry...and
    Claire: What was that?! I know I'm hungry but....

    Claire: Maker's breathe!
    Clair slowly backed away, the dragon took giant steps toward her.
    Claire: Nice dragon....good girl...

    Claire: NO! I said NO! That's a bad dragon bad dragon! Down! down!

    The dragon seemed to understand Claire, and backed down.
    Claire: You're just a misunderstood Dragon...yes you are, yes you are.All these mean old people invading your home? You want to eat them for lunch don't you? Well would you mind gobbling up a mean old fairy by the name of Cornelious...That would make me happy...
    The dragon moaned, spread its wings and took off, leaving Claire alone again in the woods.
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    JazzypooJazzypoo Posts: 325 Member
    Pg 3095

    @emorrill - omg Hal's death! I didn't expect that.
    Good thing everything turned out well in the end.

    @Springfairy556 - awww I love foals. So cute!

    @Silverofdreams30 - Have fun with the genies, they're fun to play with!

    Pg 3096

    @Nikkei_Simmer - wow, getting out of that situation was very brave of you. I know how hard that is as a young person. Especially when you've been made to feel like you're not capable of doing anything remarkable. I look forward to finding out what happened next.
    Aw it's you and River against the world!

    @Mikezumi - thanks for your comments on Holly Halloween!

    @bekkasan - haha thankssssss.

    @coco - great minds think alike! Thanks, I'm glad you liked the outfits. I was going for scary sexy with the snake outfit haha

    @Springfairy556 - My face at Cornelius: :open_mouth: ! Claire needs to stay away from him and stop collecting plasma fruit seeds! I have a feeling they're going to cause some trouble in the future...

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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited October 2018
    @meerkattime Challenge complete

    Zero Tweaks,original hair color,original eyebrows,only hairstyle clothing makeup makeover

    Meet the all new new straight outta Twinbrook townie

    Kat Hunter

    Conservative version


    But since you wanted her as a cougar and to use the pattern took it one step further...

    Meet Kat

    And her 600 Horsepower Hunter Mobile



    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    JazzypooJazzypoo Posts: 325 Member
    @Springfairy556 - Whoa, cool dragon. Is that CC?
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    plushtrap_107plushtrap_107 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Hi there, just on for a minute to say hi to everybody :) Hope everybody is doing well and having a good weekend :3 Will catch up soon B)
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    aglitteringsimmeraglitteringsimmer Posts: 56 Member
    Nothing much, to be honest. With all the CC and content I have I seem to get more distracted making my sims and never have very much time to play them!!!
    An average simmer wasting her life away
    --just kidding, will find a photo of my fave sim soon--
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    @Jazzypoo It is CC, I can find the link if anyone wants it.=)

    King William: Duncan, where's Claire?
    Knight Duncan: We haven't seen her all day, You're highness.
    King William: Maker's breath, not again.

    Cornelious: No Worries, your Majesty.She didn't run this time...
    King William: What did you do with her?!
    Cornelious: Since you were all so ungrateful about me saving her life, I put her back where I found her.
    King William: I won't ask you again...Where is SHE?!
    Cornelious: You'll have to find her.
    King William: Duncan, Arrest him.You'll be charged with treason Cornelious.I warned you.

    Knight Duncan: Alright...Come with me now.
    Cornelious: I don't think so..goodbye for now.
    and with that, Cornelious vanished into thing air.

    King William: Find him.Dead or alive.Do what you have to Duncan.
    Knight Duncan: Yes, sire.
    King William: Claire...maker please.


    Claire: I hate my life right now...Where am I?
    Claire was getting tired and weak from hunger.She collapsed on the spot.

    back in the city.....

    King William: I'll kill him...Claire, please be okay.Lady, let's go.

    William searched all of Claire's usually spots.She was no where to be found.

    Until Lady picked up on Claire's scent...
    King William: That's a good horse, find her Lady.

    Lady raced as fast as she could carry the king to Claire's last location.

    King William: I don't see her Lady...Wait, what's the noise?

    King William: Claire? Claire?!!

    King William: Maker, Claire! Claire, say something.
    She didn't budge or move an inch.The King looked around for any sign of life, and spotted a small cabin by the lake.
    He managed to carry Claire to their doorstep, the townsfolk helped the king and queen inside.

    King William: Claire...please...oh maker, where was I when this happen? Don't leave me...

    King William: (singing) And I would keep you from all harm...if you would...stay beside me...
    King William: Claire...

    King William: Maker, please don't let her die.I'd gladly take her place.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Anybody else been getting this today?

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    afai1261afai1261 Posts: 2,030 Member
    @Charlottesmom yep, but refreshing the page usually works. It's a short-term workaround though
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @Charlottesmom Yesss alot today :s
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    UGHHHHH!!! Totally annoying, but yes fixable, a billion times per hour.

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