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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    Survive At All Costs

    Chapter One - Part 2 (The Teenage Years)

    As a teen, I was no angel (I disrespected my parents, I talked back to them, I cut classes, I skipped out on doing homework and got into trouble for that), but compared to those who used drugs, committed crimes, I WAS an angel. No brushes with the law, no experimentation. I used humour as a crutch and became the class clown. Nothing ever made any sense at all and my viewpoint around school was, "why should I bother trying anyways? Nothing I do ever measures up to my uncle...the golden child"...if I can't reach his aptitude, then to hell with it. Yeah, you could say that my self-esteem took a major pounding.
    Screenshot-2.jpgScreenshot-28.jpg Screenshot-2.jpg With the amount of kvetching my mother did, I had to get away from her for a while or I'd end up going insane. Finally, I just decided that practicing my piano for seven hours a day would keep her from talking to me. So as soon as I got my homework done, I headed to the piano and practiced. It worked; it kept her away because at least I was practicing.
    Screenshot-26.jpg My best friend from elementary school decided that he was going to hang out with the cool kids...and well, I was not one of them, so he turned on me (maybe it wasn't as bad as it sounds, but the way it felt back then...people do like being with the popular crowd and well, he was popular when compared to me - I wasn't sports-minded and if you weren't weren't a part of the in-crowd).
    Screenshot-31.jpg Screenshot-29.jpgScreenshot-30.jpg So I decided to hang out with some new friends who weren't in the in-clique and we got picked on. But well...that's the way life is. The in-crowd generally tend to be a bunch of self-serving hind-end inversions that most of those who are looking in on the in-crowd want to be like them hoping and praying, in vain, that they'll be noticed, brought into the in-crowd so that they could, in turn, dump all over those who weren't so fortunate. Life's like that, everyone plays nice until they get what they want. Sure, the choices I made on school were my choices and I live by them, but having to get verbally slammed continuously every day by my mother from the time I was a kid to the time I made the choice that "enough was enough"? That was a choice?
    Screenshot-32.jpg When you get woken up at two in the morning to be screamed at because you said something that, after the fact, your mother took exception to, or mainly because she didn't like your attitude; and to be shown the door and told to leave when you're thirteen years old, that's not something that you expect. Your entire foundation gets rocked to the core because your sense of security, your sense of well-being gets shattered. Goodness knows, I've asked myself these questions over and over again. "What was it that I said? What did I do?" A child's sense of security is knowing that their parents will stick by them. Those who don't have that live in a world that scares them and no one who hasn't gone through that can understand that kind of fear. In that kind of world, you don't dare to step wrong. You fear making mistakes and you don't ever dare to make one...because you don't attempt to try anything.
    Screenshot-4.jpgScreenshot-21.jpgScreenshot-24.jpgScreenshot-25.jpg It just so happened that someone special came into my life...roughly about the time that I aged up to young adult. And well, things worked out between the two of us, so I proposed and well, that sent my mom through the roof. She basically threatened us and told us if we didn't annul the engagement, she'd throw the both of us on the street.
    Screenshot-54.jpgScreenshot-59.jpgScreenshot-60.jpgScreenshot-61.jpgScreenshot-62.jpg Screenshot-64.jpgScreenshot-65.jpgScreenshot-66.jpg there comes a time in one's life when you don't want to deal with that stuff any more. So we packed our bags and headed out of the house. on the streets was better than life at home. It may be rough but at least, I'm not getting psychologically battered. Hell, the cops don't believe you - you don't have a mark on your skin at therefore, you can't have been battered and I wasn't going to subject my fiancee to that. Hell, we could find our way...without my parents. Do...or die trying.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited October 2018
    @FrigidChick Done :love: Am exiting my game then sending her your way..

    This is her formalwear.


    Anyway she has no CC but since you use skins etc she will look hot.So go shopping and find you a good CC Jem Hair.The one in that pic is a Sims 3 store hair.Her eye makeup is Into The Future exp which you probably own.

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    MoonandStars83MoonandStars83 Posts: 1,735 Member
    @CravenLestat Thank you. I watched Jem all the time when I was a kid.

    @Emily4331 Very pretty makeover.

    @emorrill Great update. Hope the kids are alright.
    ****What a sweet ending. Of course they're THOSE Remmingtons.

    @Puddinroy Great makeover. It looks like you kept the original hair color.

    @bekkasan Thanks. It came with the house.
    ****Good luck with the Sphinx. Kind of makes you wish an Opportunity would pop up when a Sim is Mummy cursed.

    @Springfairy556 Glad I could help.
    ****I have Nandonalt's Supernatural Babies mod, which is supposed to give human Sims supernatural children when they're born during a full moon. According to the mod creator, it's not supposed to work on a pair of supernaturals, so I didn't pay any mind to the lunar phase when I had them try for a baby, thinking the mod wouldn't go into effect because they're both SPNs. I found out I was wrong, and while it's possible it's just a glitch, I'm going to try testing it out with a few different saves, and probably create a new one as well.
    ****Yay, they're still happy!
    ****More happiness. And Claire is accepting her fate of being constantly watched over.

    @coco I did mean the HP marathon. I know sometimes they churn them all out in one sit (I think I read an article on someone going to see Phase One of the MCU in theaters, and it was one long sit).
    ****Thank you.

    @Mikezumi I keep forgetting you're not a young'un like some of the rest of us.
    ****Thank you.

    @afai1261 Great update!

    @Nikkei_Simmer Congrats on fixing it.
    ****Sorry you had to go through all that. At the very least, you got yourself out of a toxic situation and found what made you happy.

    @lanlyn I'll try to remember that. Only use one finger when committing crimes.
    ****Thank you.

    @Silverofdreams30 Great update.

    @TadOlson Looks like their garden is coming up well.

    @FrigidChick That Jem outfit looks really familiar, and I'm now wondering if I had a Jem doll mixed in with my Barbies.


    I was with the Drakes last night. Frankie aged up to toddler. Enid was having issues attending school, so I reenrolled her. I don't have any pics because I forgot to take one.

    Happy Simming, all!!
    I voted for you, Kevin.
    My Sims 3 Exhange Studio
    My Blog // Click me if you dare.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer Congrats on fixing it.
    ****Sorry you had to go through all that. At the very least, you got yourself out of a toxic situation and found what made you happy. get to see the fiction part... :D

    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    JazzypooJazzypoo Posts: 325 Member
    Whoa! I have a lot to catch up on here. I'll give some feedback eventually, but for now here's my Jazzypooification of Holly Halloween!
    Most days she's just your average sophisticated fashionista, working out and jumping in puddles, as sims do.
    This year, she's been invited to her friend's Chelsea high-rise for an All Hallow's Eve party and she needed the help of the talented stylists at L'Pretentio to put a "lewk" together. Behold! The venomous snake queen, mistress of the dark arts! SSSssssss >:)
    Oh and you should also watch you man around her...
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited October 2018
    @Jazzypoo :# I am not mad...only mad cause you used the term Jazzypooification before me ........ Curse you Patent number #16,867,934

    I like the ponytail horned rim glasses look it is my favorite of them.

    Edit: What top does she have on in the first pic of yours??

    Last pic for the night,thanks too @FrigidChick posting the Jem doll box I was inspired by the outfit on the front


    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer How many saves did you have in your saves folder? The game will only show you so many depending on your computer. I can generally see around 130-140 depending on save size but after that I need to move saves in order to see them in the menu.

    @afai1261 Looks like Cormac is happy to have Morgan back :) Her TS4 version is lovely!

    @Silverofdreams30 Cassie has a very cute nose :) What a pity that the townie was already in a relationship :( Is Cassie looking for a boyfriend?
    Looks like Misty is enjoying her brushing :) I know my cat loves it too :)
    More great pics from your new save :) The townie with the toddler look good!

    @MoonandStars83 Happy birthday Drake! I hope you can get Enid's school problem worked out.

    @Jazzypoo Good job on Holly Halloween! She looks great in her Halloween costume!
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    edited October 2018
    This is Gina; Chad's niece. He is teaching her how to walk first
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    JazzypooJazzypoo Posts: 325 Member
    edited October 2018
    @CravenLestat - too late, Jazzypooification is already copyrighted and I've just filed for registered trademark status!
    Haha, funny that it's your fav since it's actually loosely based on my clothes. I have those gloves and the coat is based on a real coat that I sadly lost at a nightclub. RIP wherever you are, my beloved Fall coat! :'(
    Uhhh...looks like the site where I got that top no longer exists, it was called All-About-Style. Sorry! All my CC is ancient.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @emorrill I am totally in love with the ending of the story. The drama of Hal holding the kids hostage and wanting to shoot Jasper for the insurance! Sheesh! Sam/Eileen saved Jasper (with a little help from Gushie) and Jasper sure came through with his invention. I had to finish reading it before I left for work. Wish I had time to comment then. I was pushing getting to Jax on time for the class. I thought the kids handled things really well considering what happened to them and in front of them. I was glad to see Hal won't be a problem in the future for them and loved that Jasper made a success with his rifle and that they made so many important strides in dealing with mental health. Now, I hope to see Sam kissing on Emma in the very near future! <3

    @afai1261 They are a cute couple. :) Glad things are working for you.

    @lanlyn Thanks so much for the comments. :)

    @Silverofdreams30 Thanks for the comments. :)
    Cassie looks cute in her swim suit and making magic. I love that scared look on their face when they worry about the spells.
    Cute townie and toddler.

    @TadOlson Thanks for the comment.

    @meerkattime Thanks for commenting. :)

    @plushtrap_107 Thanks for the comments. :) If the curse is not cured he will die :( Which would be awful since I don't let my sims die.

    @MoonandStars83 The opportunity does pop up and he did accept it. He does not want to kiss a snake!

    @Jazzypoo Your Holly is sssssssssimply marvelousssssss.

    @msbeckycat Looks like he should have started with potty training.
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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    Cont'd pg. 3094
    @Springfairy556 I've never heard that sorting hat song before, it's nice. It seems that Claire wants guidance right now. It would be the perfect time for her mother to show up now that she's become rich :hushed:
    @emorrill You're very welcome and I'm glad that I made you laugh. I read your second part last night before I went to my class and absolutely loved it (especially the ending!). I'll re-read it and make comments in a bit :smile:
    @Mikezumi I love seeing movies in the cinema but maybe that's because I'm probably losing my hearing and it isn't too loud for me. Thanks for your beautiful words :smile:

    pg. 3095
    @emorrill Thank goodness that Gushie was there to warn Sam about Hal's gun. If Jasper died their family would probably still end tragically. Hal's a maniac! Y'know what's more crazy is telling your victims your entire plan and basically giving them the right to act in self defense. Omg I can't believe that Sam actually ended up fighting Hal. The kids must be in disbelief seeing their Mum throwing punches. Lol "who's Gushie". Aww I would have liked to see Hal get his but.t kicked in the fight. I love this moment when Jasper stands up for his family. I just knew that the fact that Jasper works for a rifle company would be meaningful somewhere in the story. He must have been finding the gun while Sam was busy fighting Hal. I don't like guns but it's the price Hal had to pay for what he did. Those poor kids saw everything and they were so brave. At least this whole ordeal re-ignited Jasper's love for Eileen. Sam totally kissed him :lol:. I adore the epilogue, they're all so happy compared to all the sadness and anger we saw at the start. Sam's even letting Jasper put his arm over him. I hope the court case goes well, thankfully Hal told them his entire plan :tongue:. I did not expect the ending you gave them but I'm happy for them, they deserve happiness and to finally get that house on top of the hill. Jasper and Eileen become champions for mental health awareness, that's the best part. Gushie did a great job and without him I think things would have gone very differently. But we need to see Al! I bet when Sam and Emma reunite they will have one of those passionate kisses against the wall again :smirk:
    @Springfairy556 Little Sable is so cute :love:
    @Nikkei_Simmer I think there's a limit of how many saves the game can display at one time. Try moving out your old saves to create more space. Glad you got it fixed.
    @afai1261 You're welcome, I'm glad it worked for you and now you can play on your desktop again :smile: I hope for Morgan's sake that Cormac will ditch Elvira. After all, making her a vampire and then leaving her would be so sad.
    @lanlyn Thanks for the kind compliment :smile:
    @Silverofdreams30 I like Cassie's bikini top. The fairy guy is cute pity he's already in a relationship. He seems scared to find out that she's a witch.
    Misty is cute. I hope Cassie makes a good friend soon and doesn't get lonely. Nice makeovers of the genie mother and toddler :smile:
    @bekkasan There's no way I would kiss a snake either. Actually, spiders are the thing I'm most afraid of. The Rocky music is exactly what I had in mind haha. I hope the computer training went by fast without you falling asleep. I also had a boring class last night about stuff I already know; copyright, trademarks, patents etc. So tiring for a Wednesday night :weary:
    @TadOlson Thanks. I like the design of your Garden House.
    @CravenLestat Ahhh Toy Story is one of my favourite movies ever. I love your Jessie :smile:

    pg. 3096
    @Nikkei_Simmer I enjoyed reading the first part of your new story. I realise that some of it comes from your own personal experiences. I hope we get to see Featherbelle's simself turn up :smile:
    Did you really get kicked out of home when you were 13? I was hoping to see Featherbelle this time but I guess River will do lol. Your mother seems like a real piece of work. It requires a lot of strength to leave home and make your own way in the world. I'm sure you're a lot better of now because of it.
    @CravenLestat That's a perfect picture of Jem, perfect hair, perfect makeup, perfect dress, even the bubbles are a nice touch :smile:
    @Jazzypoo "Jazzypooification" love it :lol:. I was trying out those same glasses when I was dressing Holly too. I love all the outfits you chose. She looks like a very seductive snake with the scaly dress and green hair.
    @msbeckycat Cute picture of Chad and Gina :smile:
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    @all here is how it is going right now. All 4 kids are potty trained. Chad's nephew Gordon and one daughter, Gena knows how to walk.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @coco Toy story 3 is the best <3 I almost memorized the movie word for word.Lotso is so mean and very first time seeing it I thought they were going to die :bawling: when they held hands I got misty over animated toys.You could feel the bond as they were sliding toward doom.Always had a soft spot for toys ever since that Rudolph Christmas special with the "Island of misfit toys".
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    @CravenLestat I'm mad for Toy Story. I've seen them all dozens of times and it never gets boring to me. I was there in the cinemas when 3 came out, surrounded by young kids and I was the one silently bawling my eyes out :lol:
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    Goodnight all

    and @coco Same... That look on Jessie's dirty lil toy face when they knew they were about to die and all the adventures they shared coming to an end..As she reached for Buzz's hand the onions got to me.


    Plus in general the movie was deep especially about growing up and how fast and fun childhood was,and the toys that meant the world to you at 8 years old are stoopid two years later.That alone is sad in a way if you think about it.
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    Yep that moment killed me. If they were there any longer they would have started melting... it's too sad to think about :lol:
    There is a new one coming out next year where supposedly Woody finds Bo again. That would be the best ending for me. Night :smile:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hey everyone. :)

    Thank you my dear friends for your wonderful comments on the last chapter of the Remington Leap in Sam's story. :kissing_heart: It fills my heart with so much joy and I will comment back and give a little feedback after this post.

    Now for my update. :) I was getting tired of switching custom skins on everyone in my game so I just went back to a default one. Only I didn't choose Eskin Fresh since remember it gives six packs to overweight sims and...that just doesn't look right. :confounded: And with me playing Emma more, I needed a better skintone (KB Primer HD) that wouldn't do that.
    I was nervous how it would look on Sam, as Eskin suits him very well, but it doesn't look too bad. :love:


    I checked in Live mode to see how he looked:

    THERE'S my boy!! <3<3<3



    This next part is for @Springfairy556 :blush:

    I was disappointed the link to Rowena Ravenclaw's gorgeous crown (on Claire) didn't work for me. :confused: (Actually I went to that site months ago and it still didn't work for me :lol: ) But it's ok. Thank you for sharing it with me. <3 I'm glad you were able to download it which makes me wonder if the site only allows a certain amount of downloads per week or something. :p

    Anyhoo, I wanted to show you my collection of crowns over the years. :blush:
    (I will try to find links to the ones you like, but some of them I believe aren't available anymore. Just let me know later. :kissing_heart: )

    I needed a sim to pick on and since Bianca Black Padalecki showed up at Sam's house :smirk: I chose her! :mrgreen:
    ( @Charlottesmom :kissing_heart: )

    She be like, "Oh dear gosh Sim Goddess NO!!!"

    Yup! :smiley:

    Hi Bianca. :)


    I also decided to try that Medieval dress link you sent me on her for a start (you know, get her in the right outfit for the crowns. ;) ) And.......


    Wow! :star:

    I'm still in awe over the detail on this dress!


    Anyway, allow me to start showcasing the crowns now. :mrgreen:

    The first 3 here are totally shiftable with the Hat Sliders which I LOVE! :star:


    Personal FAVORITE! :star:

    ^Those can be recolored which is really nice!

    This is from BEO Creations (BEST site for wedding dresses & tiaras EVER!) and it can also be slightly recolored.

    This fourth crown is the very first one I ever found and downloaded:
    (Recolored it to match the dress better. ;) )


    It's really not the best of the bunch...

    Here's an Elvin Crown @CravenLestat directed me to not too long ago. :)
    (And none of these work with the Hat Sliders unfortunately :weary: )

    This one is gorgeous, but it hangs SO low! It only works with certain hairstyles... (Not this one obviously :lol: )

    (It's one of NataliS 's creations on TSR)

    I remembered I downloaded some VERY nice new eyelashes and plopped a certain style of them onto Bianca. :blush:

    She's so pretty!

    Moving on. :p

    This crown is one I JUST found and I thought it was only available to male sims! :smiley:

    Sweet detail! :star:

    This crown is one of my least favorite ones :( mostly because it's labeled as a glove and it pulls my view away...


    These next 3 crowns took me a while to track down because I saw images of them online and they're so GORGEOUS I HAD to find them! :love:
    (I think they are from the same creator as Rowena's crown...)

    They unfortunately can't be recolored so they are as is...


    Second personal FAVORITE! :star:

    (I do wish it wasn't so tall. :confused: )

    3rd one...Dazzling!


    Alrighty, now back in LIVE mode to check out the dress...

    "You left me in THIS!? Oh I'll get you later for this Goddess!" :angry:


    Goddess: Just lemme have a look at the detail on it again Bianca and I'll free you from it...


    Not the best light, but look at the Pin or whatever that is...


    Love this shot. :star:


    Oooooohhhh! :astonished: When she went over to chat with Sam, and got in some better light, look at the DETAIL on the dress now!!!



    I mean commendable CC!!! :star: Hats off to the creator! :smiley:

    I hope you all enjoyed. :blush:

    Happy Simming!
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    --read and commented on your thread.But will do so here as well.
    That was an action packed update! It was nifty how you did the blindfold around his mouth.
    Ugh, what a bold move to open the door, think I would have backed away and called 911 if that was me.
    --Thank you for sharing! Lovely crowns.:o I just found a few news tonight as well, I downloaded the one claire is using like last week and I could have sworn the link I provided was right.XD

    --I hope she learned some new spells =)
    --Snowcone! Perfect for a hot day.
    --I am totally envious of your faerie's wings.Mine look like crap lol

    --Glad he found a hobby to pick up on.I totally understand the lack of self confidence.Been there done that.
    --Ugh, I hate when a friend turns to the other side.:(
    --Beautiful engagement photos.You'd think a mother would be happy for her son.

    --Yeah, Claire just needs a motherly figure right now in her life.
    --I love that sorting hat song, I stumbled upon it by accident.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited October 2018
    coco wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer I enjoyed reading the first part of your new story. I realise that some of it comes from your own personal experiences. I hope we get to see Featherbelle's simself turn up :smile:
    Did you really get kicked out of home when you were 13? I was hoping to see Featherbelle this time but I guess River will do lol. Your mother seems like a real piece of work. It requires a lot of strength to leave home and make your own way in the world. I'm sure you're a lot better of now because of it.
    @coco, mother knew perfectly "how to step" in order to avoid any problems with the law. Kicking me out on the streets without legitimate cause (if I had done drugs, or been a street-smart kid (stealing cars and other items); that would have been a whole different story) at thirteen would have landed her directly in hot water and as a "university graduate" she knew that...the fact was she was malevolently smart, she knew just how to inflict maximum psychological damage without a single mark to show for it. She used the "Get out of the house" as a threat when I was a teen, to keep me psychologically unbalanced, with no firm ground to steady myself (my grandmother had passed on when I was eight so there was no one there to support me emotionally and my father, being her husband, well, he ended up playing "flying monkey" (it's a term used to define those who enable abusers - comes from the Wizard of Oz's Wicked Witch of the West and her aviating simian followers who did her bidding) and to leverage her power. She knew that if I didn't feel secure that there was no way that I would dare to step out of line. I had no bedrock to fall back on and those threats, at that age, were scary.

    I, personally, was able to avoid the streets. I did leave when I was 20, moving out of my mother's house in Maple Ridge in 1990 and spent five years away from her, in my grandparents home (they were long since deceased and that house had been turned into a student boarding home) before they followed me to the home after the sale of their Maple Ridge home. It would be a further five years before I moved away permanently after meeting @Featherbelle online - another tactic of hers was to completely eliminate any of my social network to essentially alienate me from any "social contact". And the "ultimatum" was "stop talking to @Featherbelle on the phone". She lived in the US at the time. For me that ultimatum was the final straw that broke the camel's back. So this game is a mixture of some of my experiences and fiction. And Haruo and a revamped (completely made-over River) are actually young adults (19 turning 20) in this game. :)

    Post edited by Nikkei_Simmer on
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    The kids now need to learn to talk
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    afai1261afai1261 Posts: 2,030 Member
    Thank you @Mikezumi - my original storyline for them meeting again was going to be a lot more tense and Cormac was not going to be very happy :D
    I do think that what actually ended up happening was better than what I had planned anyway (but it had dialogue and everything)

    @coco Yes, Morgan and Cormac have a much deeper bond than he and Elvira. I'm going to have to see if Cormac finds Elvira as attractive as he finds Morgan. Cormac and Elvira was completely unintentional on my part too, so it's interesting how things work out. Wouldn't you know it, I actually feel kind of sorry for Elvira...
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited October 2018
    Claire: Of course he can sleep soundly.I'm wide awake...must be nice to be sleeping.
    Claire could not sleep a wink.So she decided to do some of Ella's housework.

    Claire: Knights are such slobs. Hasn't anyone taught these people to clean up.
    Ella would probably be annoyed that Claire was doing her work.But Claire didn't care she was bored.

    Claire took a step outside in the courtyard.She promised her husband she wouldn't wander off by herself, but figured right outside the castle was okay.She chatted lightly with some of the townsfolk.

    And found another mysterious seed.

    Cornelious: Naughty, Naughty Queen Claire.
    Claire: What do you mean? I wasn't going anywhere.
    Cornelious: I see that look in your eye, you were gonna go down that alley.
    Claire: I was not.

    Cornelious: I have a better place for you to go.Take my hand, I'll fly you there.
    Claire: I promised William I wouldn't go wandering off without letting him or Ella know.
    Cornelious: Where is your adventure? Where's the free Claire I met a few weeks ago.
    Claire: I promised...A promise is a promise.
    Cornelious: Oh, well I guess if you like to have your freedom taken away...that's okay...
    Claire: Fine...Fine..But you best better have me back before sunrise.
    Cornelious: Deal.

    He flew them to his favorite fishing spot.

    Where Claire spent hours fishing.Almost losing track of time.

    Cornelious: I can understand why the King cares for you are beautiful...
    Claire: Did you just call me beautiful?
    Cornelious: I did..
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Little bit of Replies & Feedback here...

    @Springfairy556 Sable is an adorable and beautiful foal! <3
    I figured Claire wasn't ready to get pregnant yet. :lol: The men are always antsy to make babies! :p (I think mostly because they like trying. :smirk: )
    Poor Michael and Cine. :lol:
    "Oh holy maker!" <---- I love it! :lol: You crack me up!
    It was a bold move for Jasper to just go and open the door, but he never fathomed Hal would have a gun pointed at him on the other side ready to shoot...without Sam and Gushie, Hal's plan would've succeeded. :worried:
    That was an action packed update! It was nifty how you did the blindfold around his mouth.
    ^Paint works wonders for adding little special effects to my story pics. :lol:
    Thank you for the comments. <3 And the link to the tiara. :)
    Gorgeous blue dress Claire is wearing. <3
    Sounds like Claire misses being a peasant. :confused: I guess in some ways I would too if I were thrown into royalty.
    Cornelious! Don't tempt her! :angry:
    Noooo! Don't break your promise Claire! :confounded: This will not help your already rocky relationship with your husband... :cry:
    Cornelious: I can understand why the King cares for you are beautiful...
    Claire: Did you just call me beautiful?
    Cornelious: I did..
    *Gasp* :flushed: Ohhh boy...

    @lanlyn I gotta catch up on replies to comments over in Sam's story thread. ;) Thank you. :kissing_heart:

    I ended up reading part two first cause it was the page I had up lol.
    ^oops! :lol:
    I'm glad you enjoyed both updates and thank you for the compliments. <3 It really was fun writing this chapter (and somewhat of a struggle to nail down the intense scenes! ;) )
    LOVE this surprised face! :lol: He's a cutie! :love:
    Darn, he's already taken... :confused: and he didn't like her good luck charm? :confused:
    Kitty! <3

    @Nikkei_Simmer (Hope you see this tag...) I'm sorry to hear that you still retain some painful memories from your childhood. :cry:
    I am very blessed that my childhood was filled with much love and happiness, because I know that is a rarity for so many children in the world today.
    No doubt your struggles is what's made you a stronger person today. :star:

    @bekkasan I'm glad you didn't leave out the exercise sequence. :smirk: (I wouldn't have minded seeing Seth shirtless too. :love: )
    Yes...forgiveness is VERY hard. :pensive: *sigh*
    Cool to know that the cobra kiss can cure the mummy's curse in game! :smiley: Oh and honey I don't like snakes either! I grew up in Diamondback Rattlesnake (and Mohave Green) territory! :flushed: Snakes? No thank you!
    Oh please do tell me that story from your student nursing days in a PM. ;)
    I am totally in love with the ending of the story.
    ^Aww, I love that you loved it. :kissing_heart:
    Yuuuuup. Hal wanted insurance money...and to make Eileen his sex slave pretty much. :flushed: (If anyone caught that...) Horrible!
    No worries, you are too sweet. <3 Glad you made it to your class on time. ;)
    I think the kids mentally prepared themselves, the best they could, for something crazy happening to their parents so I feel that's why they were able to deal with the experience well. Kids are so much stronger than we give them credit for, I've come to realize.
    Now, I hope to see Sam kissing on Emma in the very near future! <3
    ^Ohhhhh yes! :smirk:<3

    @TadOlson Do you ever find shopping as therapeutic as I do sometimes? :p Do you have any kids? Shopping alone is like a day alone on the beach when you have kids! :lol:

    @meerkattime Will comment on Sam's story comments in my thread as soon as I am able. Thank you. <3

    @plushtrap_107 *Waves* :) Hi friend. I look forward to hearing what you think of the recent Sam chapter (in two parts). :blush:

    @CravenLestat Jessie and Bullseye! :smiley: Love! <3
    Waiting for you to feature something of mine in one of your magazines someday. :smirk:;):p Mostly kidding, no pressure, I just like to tease you. :blush:

    @MoonandStars83 Of course! :mrgreen:
    The family and the mansion are totally based on the tragic Sarah Winchester story.

    Hal's a maniac!
    ^YES! Someone said it! :lol: He was totally a stupid, sex crazed, maniac; mentally ill like them, in a much worse way!
    And yup, he wasn't thinking blurting out his whole plan to them (that's why I called him stupid! :p )
    I was SO sure Sam was going to win that fight when I had him instigate it, but...the game decided otherwise. :disappointed: So I had to write around it... (Darn game! :angry:;) )
    Yup. The prototype rifle was stored under the stairs. ;)
    Yeeeesss, Sam kissed Jasper....but he was thinking of Emma the WHOLE time! ;)
    I'm glad I can move away from the "gay" looking stuff in the story now. It was just too uncomfortable for me to do. :confused: And Sam would never, ever swing that way anyway!!!
    Jasper and Eileen become champions for mental health awareness, that's the best part.
    ^My favorite. :star:
    I bet when Sam and Emma reunite they will have one of those passionate kisses against the wall again :smirk:
    ^Ohhhhh yeah. :smirk: You can count on it! :mrgreen:
    Thank you for all those sweet comments. :kissing_heart:
    That moment in Toy Story tugged at my heartstrings too! :cry:
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited October 2018
    Survive at All Costs

    "We'll Weather the Storms Together"

    ...and so we left "the only home that I knew". I was definitely scared, but I knew deep-down that it was the right thing to do. As River's fiance, I knew that I needed most of all, to protect her from what I went through. She loved me, and she didn't deserve any of that abuse. And I wasn't about to let my mother abuse River as she'd abused me. But despite all that, the first step was the hardest. It was leaving the only refuge I had known, whether it was abusive or not. The world was an unknown quantity and I was for the first time, setting foot outside my comfort zone. My sole comfort was that River and I had each other.
    Screenshot-70.jpgScreenshot-71.jpgScreenshot-74.jpg It was a hard first few days on the street. The only thing that we had was a tent and a property. River was pretty upbeat for being unceremoniously cast out on the street, but we were young adults and we needed to make our way in this world without the help of my parents, not that they would help out anyways. We dumpster dove to gain goods to sell for food and ended up sneaking showers at my dojo (my parents shoved me into Sim Fu because well, even though my mother was hell-bent on beating me down, they weren't going to let any other kid pick on me).
    Screenshot-76.jpgScreenshot-77.jpg I had my share of fights; some I came out the loser, some I came out on top. All I can say, was I tried to give as good as I got. You know the old saw, where a guy comes out of a bar looking like he'd just been in a war, another guys says, "What the hell happened to you?",

    "Oh, some guy decided to run his mouth, so I shut it for him.".

    "Hell, man, you look like hell...",

    "You think that's bad, you should see the other guy..."
    Screenshot-45.jpgScreenshot-48.jpgScreenshot-50.jpg The first night out, River and I took comfort in each other's arms. Yeah, I know, it was a risk...but we needed solace. We were in a tough spot and well, sometimes, you just need each other's comfort.
    Screenshot-78.jpgScreenshot-80.jpg The next morning we headed out, since during the night we'd talked that instead of the both of us getting stinking, that River should do fishing so that we could make sure that we all had something to eat...and we'd sell any surplus that we had. I'd be the one going into the dumpsters trying to find stuff for us to sell, because invariably, there was always someone who had left something that could be repaired and auctioned off. At least then only one of us would have to run daily to the showers to shower off.

    When we were done, we met up back at our lot and threw some fish on the fire pit to make sure that we ate. We needed to keep our strength up. Because in Vancouver, it rains...a lot and just being constantly wet and cold can sap one's energy quickly. And if you end up in a hypothermic situation, you're done.
    Screenshot-87.jpg ...and well, afterwards we crawled into the only refuge from the elements that we had. And hoped that our garments would dry out by morning.
    Screenshot-90.jpgScreenshot-91.jpg ...a faint hope at best considering the torrential downpour. Considering that we only had a couple thousand simoleons from our two day effort, it didn't look as though we were going to make decent shelter before winter.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited October 2018
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer (Hope you see this tag...) I'm sorry to hear that you still retain some painful memories from your childhood. :cry:
    I am very blessed that my childhood was filled with much love and happiness, because I know that is a rarity for so many children in the world today.
    No doubt your struggles is what's made you a stronger person today. :star:

    The tags still aren't working, but I caught it. :) We all have struggles. It's just a matter of trying to stay positive. Like you, I still struggle with depression, but I try to stay positive, using humour ( ;) the English spelling - yes, we drop Us into everything). Every single one of us struggles with things...and we need to always bear that in mind and be compassionate. And goodness knows you have your struggles with "family matters" as does every single one of us. You know the old saying. "Every one of us has our cross to bear" and my heart goes out to each and every single one of you who has struggled...because we all have.

    I'm just fortunate that I can share my story in a "fictional" format and have the writing talent to tell a story; thanks to whoever gave me that. And I enjoy reading all of yours, even though I haven't had much energy to leave feedback. Forgive me...Know that I'm enjoying each and everyone of your stories. So thank you for taking the time to share of your creativity.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~

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