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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited December 2015
    Insomnia struck again, and finally got the wireless internet to work (yay!)

    @Pinkslinky That was sweet of Sarah to come back and say she's happy for her son... even if his choice of bride is interesting to say the very least. Seems like sims, as real people do sometimes, jump in relationships with seemingly incompatible people due to loneliness...let's hope Sammy is happy past the newlywed stage. This game is still capable of throwing surprises at you, I had my sim recently have an accident and she threw a heart-shaped pee puddle... Some things I plan, but most things I've stopped planning for this family because, well, it's more entertaining that way.

    @TadOlson I hate it when images glitch out. Nice update.

    @Silverofdreams30 Naughty Donna asking Bobby to break up with his partner...

    @dreamerz13 Sorry to hear your main save isn't being cooperative. But at least you can still play something until it is. Yeah, doesn't seem like Jeffery is growing up, although that last pic with him and Noah did seem like he was at least trying to. It just might have been a case of 'too little too late.' In any case, the breakup did seem, if a little inevitable, very hard on Jena, even though she seemed to be trying to work it out for the sake of the boys. She was growing up and trying to be responsible (why is it always the woman?? Lol) Noah seems to favor Jena feature wise while Austin seems to favor Jeffery, that's just a brief look at their features early in the game, they're just kids.
    Kaydence is not most kids at all, she never had the interests of most kids, she never acted like most kids, her parents' friends said she seemed much, much older, and even as a kid she preferred being around adults. So while most 16 year old girls are buying clothes and makeup, Kaydence graduated college and is now buying a house. Very typical of her.

    @Zabeth0 When Savannah (who's fought mummies, been a ghost hunter, singed by lightning, etc) says that the single scariest thing in the universe is her own daughter, Sierra - then she knows she's got a big problem on her hands. Actually, she and Andy have had a big problem for a long time now, it's just come to a head.
    Poor Kaydence is a nervous wreck. This is far beyond, you know, discussions about aliens and alien conspiracies. There's a lot Kaydence doesn't know about Sierra, actually and there's a real fear, on Kaydence's part, of losing her. You see this glamorous overachiever who graduated college at 15 and stars on a TV show. The 6 year old girl who saw her parents split up is still present in the glamorous overachiever. They are one and the same. She still bears scars from her childhood.
    Anyway, back to Sierra. The one thing keeping a lot of real life pro athletes out of the big house is sports and it could be the same for Sierra, too. There are no criminals on either side of the family, so they are mystified as to how Sierra could have ended up this way. In Sims 4 they have even fewer number of traits in CAS but more can be purchased with rewards through playing, similar to Sims 3. It's a frustrating system, actually.
    Sierra has level 8 athletic skill and I think level 6 or 7 logic skill, I have to go back in game to check but I think it's fairly high. She likes chess and plays it on computer fairly often. She also surprisingly enough seems to enjoy astronomy and also likes mixing potions up.
    The family is frustrated because Sierra is so daggone smart and she could do other things with her abilities besides what she's doing.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,205 Member
    @venusdemilosims hehehe yeah very naughty but they hit it off so well so she could not help it
    they are really adorable togheter.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,205 Member
    edited December 2015
    Here is the last few screens I took yesterday while gaming the whole day,
    I decided to break them in two parts.


    Donna was invited to a uh party in the rain,
    but no other guests showed up so she went home again.


    She kept practising her singing by the karaoke


    One day sometime later she sent Bobby a woohoty text and they had a nice sunday togheter





    that is all for now I wish you all a early merry christmas,
    as we celebrate Christmas in Sweden on Thursday Merry christmas.

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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited December 2015
    Very busy week ... been invited to a holiday party tomorrow, then possibly leaving town after that so with the sudden change of plans have to try to get everything done TODAY aaahhhh....


    If the family thought Kaydence would leave Sierra's side the first time she got in legal trouble, they were mistaken. In fact, she clung even tighter, somehow feeling responsible for Sierra getting in trouble in the first place - even though going to the convention had been Sierra's idea. While Sierra was inside the police station with her parole officer, Kaydence was outside her father's rental home pacing nervously and making lots and lots of phone calls. Since she had been with Sierra on this Aurora Skies trip, she felt responsible for getting her out of this jam.


    Meanwhile, at the police station, Sierra's mother, Savannah, newly arrived from Shang Simla, waited outside while her daughter was still in the room with the parole officer.

    Suddenly, she turned around. She heard a set of footsteps. She knew whose they were.


    D--- Sierra. The parole officer was behind her. Behind her. What in the name of the Watcher did she tell him???


    "Mom, don't start. I don't want to hear it. Not now."
    "Sierramyst -" Savannah began, referring to her daughter by her rarefied birth name - "you do not know how badly I want to wring your neck right now -"


    Sierra's eyes narrowed. "You have no room to talk, mom, none."

    Savannah knew that Sierra was telling the truth. Just as her brother, Sebastian, had spent his adult life pretending to be someone else, she'd spent her adult life reinventing herself from her own rebellious, troubled past - a past that showed up time and time again in the imperious form of her third-born daughter. A wild teen and young woman herself - but not nearly as self-destructive as Sierra - it wasn't until a trip to Egypt when she adopted Satis and Imsety when Savannah 'found herself.' From there, Savannah went on to a brilliant career as an adventurer, ghost-hunter, author, and college professor.


    The main reason Savannah had difficulty talking to Sierra - was because she knew they were, indeed, exactly alike, and not just physically. The only physical differences between them were that she'd inherited her father's darker complexion and athletic build and she had her grandfather's blue eyes.


    From her visits to the family therapist, Savannah realized that as much as she tried, she couldn't 'fix' Sierra. Sierra would need to change herself - if she wanted to.

    The only reason Savannah changed was because she now had two lives she had to change for. And even then, glimpses of the 'old' Savannah surfaced every now and then.


    And sometimes, Sierra just plain brought them out.
    There is an old saying, "I brought you in this world, I can take you out." No doubt Savannah, just feet from prison cells, entertained thoughts of doing just that, but her better angels won out.


    The deputy released Sierra to her mother's custody, and the two said nothing to each other the entire way back to the mansion.
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    During the night Starla was captured. She doesn't know where she is, or why she's here.
    When she woke up she banged on the walls.
    "Let me out!" She screamed.
    "Shut up!" Her capture screamed.

    "Who are you?" Starla demanded.
    "I am a member of the OAP" She snapped.
    "What is the oap?" Starla asked.
    "The Observance of alien predators. We want to make sure aliens like you don't cause this planet any trouble!" She snapped.

    Starla tries to call Grim.
    "Help me. Please help me." She begged.
    When the call didn't go through she disguised herself, hoping that someone would notice and think she was kidnapped.
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited December 2015

    Sage had just finished putting the finishing touches on the family tree. She loved holidays. She was the one who always gathered the family together for them.
    But she wasn't much for celebrating this year. Because the news had shaken her to her core. Hearing the announcer say it confirmed her worst fear.


    Her older brother, Andrew, Jr., and her sister-in-law, Alexandra, were missing. The newlyweds, both fighter pilots, were on a training mission near Lunar Lakes.
    Sage knew that what they did was dangerous work, and there was always a risk every time they flew that something could happen. AJ enlisted in the military because, in the end, he loved it, and loved the lifestyle. He'd inherited a sense of adventure from their mother, Savannah.


    With her wedding coming up, this was not news she wanted to hear.


    And even worse, her younger sister, Sierra, was in trouble with the law - again. Parole violation this time, stemming from a protest she led on the last winter holiday. Seems she took off to Aurora Skies for a science and technology convention.
    Sierra was always doing something, Sage thought, even as a kid.


    Then there was her baby sister, Skylar, who had a plethora of her own problems, stemming from her issues from her relationship with her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Mark McCann, who, by the way, was someone else's boyfriend. However, she was beginning to turn a corner in her career, thanks largely to her biggest nemesis - Kaydence, who had put her name in as a candidate for a recurring role in her TV show. Baby sis was off filming her scenes for the show.

    She was always a 'mother hen' to her siblings, and always kept in touch with how they were doing.


    Good thing her fiance, Kyle, was there for her to lean on. She would need his strength. Now, more than ever.

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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited December 2015
    Update on Jena before I try to get my Ellison Legacy update done. I'll be back for comments later, too.

    So I checked out Jeffery's relationship panel before tossing him out of the house, I get why Jena was mad. I don't get how my game registered the whole ordeal and how Jena found out, but however she did I get what the problem was. Jeffery got himself a girlfriend at uni. I don't know how, I don't recall noticing her in his panel before but maybe I just missed her because how did he manage to do that from HS? But anyway he has a GF and romantic interest at uni. I knew about the romantic interest though but let it slide because she's from before he and Jena started dating and nothing seemed to be actually happening... who knows maybe there was still something and Jena found out about her too though.

    Anyway, like 12 hours after Jeffery got tossed out he sent Jena this.
    Like, for real man. Take a hint, it's is over. She doesn't want to be with you anymore, she thinks you're scum and with good reason. Like you can't think after 12 hours she going to forgive you. She's not ever, but if she did it wouldn't be only 12 hours later. Just stop. And like taking the chance to get to know each other better, you had your chance! You had a long chance to do so!

    He may have to die soon. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 also took like 6,000 simoleons when he left and Jena was sooooo close to getting a house before that. I gave her back the money Jeffery took though, 'cause that's not fair. He should pay the price of his actions and not set Jena and the boys back even further. The house may be a little less full but the still need a bigger one. 3 sims trying to share 1 bathroom >.< and I don't wanna know what the boys do in there because the toilet is always breaking! Ugh. Nope. They still need that house.

    But Jena didn't quite have enough, so close though, she wasn't giving up. So they just hung around the crammed little house. The boys staying so close to their mom, maybe they knew she was sad and just wanted to be close to her to comfort her. I mean lots of times they just sat together doing their own things, Jena working on her skills for work, the boys their homework.

    Jena studying for work, the boys just goofing off in front of her.

    Jena's just still so dedicated to work and doing well to provide for her boys, but I think she likes that even if she has to focus on work so much her boys still want to be close to her. Some day her workload will lighten up too and she'll be able to just play with the boys more.

    She does still make time to read them to sleep every night.

    Usually sacrifices her big "comfy" bed to one, if not both, of them too. She'll do anything for those boys ♥

    Jeffery has called the boys a couple times too, I'm not sure it's not just him trying to use them to get at Jena though. Like suddenly he cares so much about them, doubt it.

    And finally after a new promotion at work and a nice bonus (and a couple days of fantastic new wages), finding some extremely valueable gems to sell, and a couple expensive gnomes mysteriously turning up and being sold. It's time to move into the new house. It may not be the nicest looking house, they'll be fixing it up over time, but it's bigger and better than their old home.

    >.< maybe I'm just going to stick in this save afterall. I don't want to think right now. I just found out while typing that my grandpa is on his way to the hospital again. This is the 3rd time in like a month- month and a half. He just got out most recently on Friday and he's already going back. I'm so worried :(. Anyway, I'm going to scoot my depressing little butt out of here now. I actually had a little bit more to post but I just don't care right now.

    I'll still try to be back later, but we'll see what's going on and stuff.

    Okay just going to address this. I left my game in windowed mode so it was running. Since I got distracted I was away longer than planned. I got back in... thanks for cheering me up game!!!!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYY? I hate you.

    I mean, I can go back to before this and not lose anything, but still. Maybe I'm just going to find something else entirely to do. >.<
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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    2nd Zolnikov Christmas special: (Part two)

    (Reminder: This is not part of the regular story- specials happen in alternate universes from the regular story!)


    Anastasia: She squealed and giggled and burbled as Rafael tickled her.

    Zelda: "Rafael, I just got Dmitry to sleep!"

    Dmitry: ZZZzzzzZZZZZ

    Rafael: "Oh, sorrrry, Zyelda. I vill be morre carreful."


    Zelda: "I've been fighting to get him asleep all day. And Stace-zilla here keeps waking him up! She's far too young to know better, I don't think she's doing it on purpose...she's just at that age where she's trying to discover everything at once. Earlier she was actually chewing on the dragon, Rafael! I turned around from Dmitry and she had her arm around the dragon and was chewing on him like a stuffed bear! The dragon. He was letting her! But what if he'd chewed back? I'd like you to take the dragon back to the basement and keep him down there... I can't watch two children and a dragon which I have no power over anyway... and that black mist he breathes out when he's sleeping can't be good for them!"


    Rafael: He thought about telling her how the dragon, despite being a hatchling, was smarter than most humans, and would not bite his children... but decided that Zelda was not interested in hearing fact, she seemed to be rather frazzled, and it was easier for her to be angry at his dragon than at him. Dmitry had been a difficult birth, and she was still exhausted, yet she already wanted another one, even while struggling with her newborn, she wanted another girl. While he would normally give her whatever she wanted that was in his power to give, he wanted his wife to recover first. But this meant that she kept trying to lure him into bed, and he kept delaying until she fell asleep. He'd been doing this to her for a solid week. "Verry vell, I vill tyake Vhizbank to the basement, though I vant you to know he vill not harrm you or the childrryen. I vill jyust do it so you can relax vithout vorrink abyout thyinks that vill not happyen."

    * * *


    Rafael: Rafael enjoyed talking with dragons. Their high intelligence allowed him to have deep discussions with them. "So, forr now, it's the basement. But I haf no doubt Zyelda vill varm up to you vhen she's feelink bettyer, and is not qvite so crross vith me, and trryink not to be."


    Whizbang: "Whizbang not harm daughter-witch, but understands why wife-witch fears. Whizbang has many sharp points. Horns. Teeth. Claws."


    Rafael: Whizbang was actually speaking Simlish rather well from Dragon, considering he'd only been learning Simlish for about a month. "Arrre you gyeesink that because my vife is a vitch, my daughtyer is too?"


    Whizbang: "Whizbang not guessing. Humans not know smell of witch-magic?"

    Rafael: "No, humans do not distinguish magic by smell."


    Rafael: His daughter being a witch would be a terrible complication, though it was a foreseeable one...there was about a 50/50 chance for any child they had to be witch...though the witch auras were notoriously difficult to sense until the witch had acquired enough magic in them, which usually happened sometime in childhood or most of the time in the teenage years, very rarely so young as during infancy. So, the question was...did his daughter have enough magic in her aura for other witches to tell...or was it just that dragons had better senses than witches for sensing magic? Dragons were far better at warding things with their magic, and his dragon warding from this infant dragon could stop any witch from casting magic on him, at least, any magic that hadn't already been cast. "Vhisbank, I vould like you to varrd my daughtyerr."

    Whizbang: "Whizbang warded daughter-witch, when she hugged Whizbang. Magic hug back, no horns, claws or teeth in magic hug."

    Rafael: He stood there bemused for a moment. Even scholars noted that dragons never warded people they didn't like a healthy amount, it hadn't occurred to him that they might think of warding as a show of affection. That turned some of what he thought of as 'business arrangements' and 'truces' and 'deals' with some of the adult dragons into very different encounters. People in town spread rumors about him having an army of dragons; he did not. No one could have an army of dragons just as no one could have an army of witches; they just didn't work that way. But a single adult dragon could, quite effectively, take down an army. He had a handful of dragons he could call on and ask favors of. His daughter would be safe, witch or not...but he still wanted to know the answer.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @Zabeth0 -Eli and Ami recalled the day they arrived in Oak Leaf as settlers.It was nice on that fall day and they enjoyed it.They were studying a skill they were weak at because they didn't have work and wanted to keep busy.Great update!
    @wolfkomoki1 -Great updates!The last skin you listed is from MTS and I've got it in my game.
    @Silverofdreams30 -Thanks for the comment.Great updates!Cute kittens!
    @venusdemilosims -I've had images glitch out in uploading and just had to replace them because they wouldn't post in the forum as a picture.Thanks for the comment.Great updates!
    @dreamerz13 -Great update!I would save the game with save as and quit if I had to leave for more than a few minutes.I got that social worker coming message once when I first started and the couple's baby got taken because of bad house design.
    I've got an update coming up soon.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    Oak Leaf,South Dakota-Fall-1847.
    The library in Oak Leaf was getting some new kitchen fixtures in the night after nidnight.
    An outlaw decided to try to rob the Bells in the night and the sheriff was called by their burglar alarm.The outlaw was busted and got taken to jail.
    Davis and Lacey Bell overslept and ended up doing outfit makeovers after getting up and getting ready for the day.
    They ended up studying skills on the iPads for most of the day after the makeovers and stopped to eat dinner and use washrooms at 6PM.
    They were getting into bed by 8PM and went to sleep right away.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,205 Member
    edited December 2015
    @venusdemilosims Great updates I love reading about all these sims some I do not know if I read about before.

    @dreamerz13 oh that jeffrey good she kicked him out the house go Jena,

    @TadOlson Great update

    @Zabeth0 I love the Christmas special great update

    I wish you all merry christmas again .
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    06Bon0606Bon06 Posts: 11,614 Member
    Amazing pictures everyone.
    I come with more cat pictures... and some other stuff haha

    Let's start off with how much I love rain <3 hah

    My sim went to the future and I got to have a ton of fun with ITF make up ahha
    Apparently sleeping sims can sense cheating... oops <.<

    And then my sim ruined a ghost relationship :/ Not my fault lol.. all these sims keep coming up to him to give compliments<.< I didn't know changing the future would be this much fun ahha

    Kitty Spaaaaaaaaaam
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    My own real life Christmas plans keep changing...not even sure what we're going to do... and on top of that, I have a sore throat and am catching a cold...

    @dreamerz13 Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Real life does come first. Also sorry to hear about the problems you're having with your game, too. As for Jeffery, there are no words to say about him... he took his kids' house money??? Grrrr However their new house does look nice.

    @Silverofdreams30 You weren't here last September when I started posting about this family so you don't know all the members :)

    @Zabeth0 Whizbang is cute, for a black dragon. Lol

    @TadOlson Glad the outlaw was caught and sent to jail. Nice update.

    @06Bon06 ITF is a nice expansion, I didn't think I'd like it as much as I do, as I tend to play realistically.

    Since my own Christmas plans keep changing I might as well post this now...


    Cherise had just gotten done hanging the last ornament on the tree and wrapping the last present.


    With his nephew AJ and his newlywed bride now officially reported missing, Sebastian didn't feel like celebrating Christmas, either. The pair, both fighter pilots in the Simnational military, were on a training mission near Lunar Lakes when their aircraft lost all contact with mission control.


    Since the news broke Sebastian hadn't even left the house; in fact, he'd remained in his pajamas for days.
    Still, with Kaydence now home from Aurora Skies, and her first novel now published, they decided they would try to make the best of the situation. Plus, she finally introduced him to her best friend and boyfriend, Terry Ho, who she had been dating since her high school prom.


    Terry also had his first-ever encounter with Kaydence's (half) brother, Jazz Lyric. Terry attempted to make friendly conversation. "What do you want Santa to bring you this year?" he asked.
    Jazz eyed Terry suspiciously. "Who are you?" he asked.
    "I'm a friend of your sister's," he replied kindly.


    Sebastian was still in such a mood, he spent the gathering still in his pajamas. His wife Cherise's phone rang. It was Savannah.
    He loved that his wife and sister were so close - Savannah had never been close with any of his exes before. In fact, it was Savannah who had basically dragged him to court when he and Madison split. Madison accused Savannah of having too much influence in Sebastian's life.
    What must Savannah be going through? Sebastian thought to himself. Her son and daughter in law are missing, and her other daughter is in trouble with the law - again.
    Which was why he was glad Cherise was there to lend a supportive ear to her.

    Meanwhile, Kaydence, along with Terry, T4$h4, and Jazz, continued to exchange presents and chat.


    As the youngest, Jazz was first... and he cleaned up.


    He got a riding toy, which immediately went in the yard.


    Whoever gifted Kaydence knew her well... they gave her two chess tables and a video game system...


    Someone pranked Terry with a flamingo...


    "Jazz," Sebastian asked, "did you prank Terry with the flamingo?"
    Jazz said he didn't but he looked apologetically back at Terry. Terry laughed the joke off. In spite of Terry being grumpy, Kaydence had picked a guy who was even-tempered - a lot like her own father.


    There was even a present for the plumbot. She deserved something for her tireless work taking care of the house and the kids.
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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    @Wolfkomoki: Well, Diego looks like he's doing well enough on his own. :D Lol- humans kidnapping aliens, nice turnabout there! :D

    @Silver of dreams: Thanks. :D Oh, she got him! :D Aw, the kittens are adorable. :D Well, yeah, the game makes kittens into so much work. :D

    Lol- a romantic night of 'making sweet music together'... hopefully it's sweet. :D Merry Christmas! :D

    Thanks. :D I hope you are having a good time. :D (I'm doing laundry...nice, warm...Christmas laundry! ;) )

    @dreamerz: Ah, the game and it's love letters... :D *Facepalm* If you don't know each other after living together for years and having two sons, I doubt, you'll know each other any more in another couple of years... and when you've been keeping girls on the side all this time... she's definitely not going to trust you after a mere twelve hours. (I can't help but laugh every time I check the mailbox and there is a love letter from Deedee to Rafael in it... ;) )

    Oh, yeah, hospitals are not fun. :( I hope things go better.

    Ah, yes, the game is good at escapism.... with it's ridiculous situations and love letters and oh. Well, the game sucks really bad at keeping sims alive. I'm glad you have the previous save option if you want it. :D Just think, you just got that house! She's beginning to turn things around. :D (The game just needs you to override it's stupid impulses to go for the closest object instead of the best one!) :D
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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
    In this update as spoiled earlier, Sammy marries his blushing, non-committal, loner bride. Also Sarah has a thing or three to say about things. As usual.



    And they waste no time continuing the legacy.
    Look at the beaming granddad!
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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    @Venus: I can completely understand why Kaydence would be worried about losing Sierra! :D Yeah, I did try to play Sims 4 when it was free...I even had a cartoon Rafael (I couldn't get him to look right). I tried to get him as far up the criminal career ladder as I could within the two day free trial thing... I don't remember where exactly he got to, I just remember the old timey mobster clothes on him, and laughing about how criminals were based on playfulness- which is like the opposite of Rafael's motivation for being a criminal. (Which is why he's cartoon Rafael, outside of the fact that I didn't make him look right.)


    But I was having trouble with it because of the controls, my husband bought it for me for Valentines Day anyway. I don't remember if I've played it since. I'll probably give it a good college try again sometime before next Valentines Day lol. :D

    I'm glad Kaydence is on the job! :D Come on, girl, you can save the future, save Sierra from having forgotten she had red tape restrictions on her and moving from point A to point B! ;) Yeah, it's probably pretty hard when the daughter that resembles you most is the one breaking the law... :D

    Yeah, I bet she'd wanted everyone gathered around so she could share the news of her engagement and have her family be happy for her...but there really isn't any good time for a family member (or members) to disappear! Hopefully, Kyle can be strong for her, and help her through this. :D Also, perhaps the younger kids Christmas will help raise the spirits of the older, more stressed adults. :D

    Lol- yeah, no matter what gifts you get for Christmas, no one ever wants a cold! Too bad there is no return policy for it. ;) (Hi, I'd like to return this cold. What's wrong with it? Well, um, it's just not fun, and it's too big. Maybe you could tone it down to a sniffle or...?)

    So, we're at Cherise's house. :D Yeah, missing family members do not make for happy holidays, but sometimes you can get a little bit of happiness in contrast. Lol, two chess sets and videogames. :D

    (Terry: "Two chess sets, are you going to return one of them?" Kaydence: No, I'll play chess on this one with Jazz and this one with Sonata... that way we can walk away from the game for a while and come back... we can play the same game with as much time as we want. And in the meantime, we can play Racers of Fiery Radishes...the second one. They call it Hot rads 2. Yeah, if you do well enough, you can upgrade to a turnip with 0 turn radius. They call that Peeling out." Terry: Sounds Grate.)

    Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D

    Lol @ so cute, Jazz pranking Terry. :D I can't help but remember Kaydence switched gifts around one of those gift giving parties ;) . :D

    I wonder what T4$h4 got. :D
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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    @PinkSlinky: Lol! Well, she's...complicated, that's all! :D She wants to be a party animal...but doesn't like she tries...and is awkward. Maybe she felt relieved by Sammy busting a move and taking the attention off of her for a bit. :D Maybe she's worried he'll break her heart, which makes her jealous but also makes her less likely to jump in...since he might break her heart. :D (Though she jumped right in, like really fast- that just means Sammy's special!) ;) Well, that's definitely a lot of change, but on the other hand, look how motivated Sammy is! So... a shaded pool, that's interesting. :D Well, she had Sarah's approval...but apparently that is a sometimes thing. :D (Sarah: Hey, she seemed fine until she jumped into a stall with him! That's crazy! They are moving too fast! What if she passes on her strange loner/party animal, non commited/jumping right into a relationship genes to the legacy?!)

    Fun update, as usual. ;)
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited December 2015
    @Pinkslinky With a ghost MIL watching your every move, Theresa better be on her best behavior. Lol Congrats to them on the new bundle of delight.

    @Zabeth0 ROTF again! Even with a scratchy throat. Thanks!
    Yeah, Sims 4 and I aren't the best of friends, and probably won't be for a good while - if ever. I showed you Cartoon Kaydence in PM and I posted Cartoon Sierra sometime last year in this thread. I have versions of most of the major players, just never played them. I'm also in the process of making a Cartoon Terry to match Kaydence. I also need Cartoon versions of Jazz and Sonata now. None of these characters have ever been played in my Sims 4 game.
    The criminal career requiring playfulness makes no sense, since in real life criminals are anything BUT playful. They're mostly mean and nasty and hateful. But sims logic... idk...
    Yep, Kaydence is on it. She's basically trying to save Sierra from herself, lol. She feels like, she has a sense of responsibility, since she was with Sierra on that trip...
    With the older people stressed out about missing family members and trouble with the law, leave it to the kids to actually celebrate the holiday. I actually forgot to check to see what the game had given the plumbot, lol.
    Yeah, Kaydence did swap Grandma Jolina's gifts, and Savannah caught her... both she and Jazz have inherited some of Sebastian's mischievous side.
    Yeah, having a cold is bad enough, but having one at Christmas really stinks. Last year the holiday I was sick at was Thanksgiving, which also stank to high heaven, but not as bad as being sick for Christmas will be. Lol
    Post edited by venusdemilosims on
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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
    Aw, thanks @Zabeth0 and @venusdemilosims It is a really great feeling to know that someone is reading and enjoying what I write. Thanks!
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    06Bon0606Bon06 Posts: 11,614 Member
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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    2nd Zolnikov Christmas special: (Part three)


    Zelda: While Rafael took the dragon to the basement, Zelda scooped up Anastasia. Their baby girl couldn't even walk yet, but she crawled like a pro. She could also stand up on occasion, just not for long periods, and never without a close-by piece of furniture. "So, how is my little monster today? Looks like your daddy dressed you like a painting. So pretty! You're just going to tear that dress right up crawling on it, aren't you? I'm going to surprise him this year, Stacy, you just watch. I've got some designer dress from a magazine, I'm going to dress up all artsy for him this year. I can't wait to see the look on his face! It's not just a skirt this year, he'll really be surprised...if you don't tell him!" She laughed, giddy, but quietly, so as to not wake Dmitry. Newborns needed their sleep.


    Zelda: She made some faces at her daughter, crossing her eyes and then grimacing and putting her tongue in her cheek. This was a game they played sometimes, she didn't want her daughter to feel ignored because she now had a little brother. "Are you gonna let me make some cinnamon rolls and more cookies? It's really hard to make wonderful Christmas memories for you when you won't let Mommy cook!"


    Anastasia: Stacy made faces back, crossing her eyes and widening them sticking her tongue out and then looking generally goofy. "Babababa? Babababababababa badadabababa daba!" She couldn't talk yet, but she was trying!

    Zelda: "You fooled us with the dada thing that one time, now we're onto you, Stace-zilla. Your first word is going to have to be a real word, not baby talk, because you already got us with that."


    Zelda: Of course, even when she wasn't walking around in a fog of exhaustion, Zelda wasn't the most patient person; it didn't take long before she put Stacy down to play with her favorite dragon toy, and walked over to the corner to bake. Zelda had cinnamon rolls on the brain.


    Anastasia: Stacy left her dragon toy to go play with her blocks, all the way across the room. She spent several minutes putting the green block in her mouth, but when she got bored of sucking on it and chewing on it...


    Anastasia: ...She tested gravity!


    Zelda: Between the clatter and the giggling and excited squeal, Dmitry woke up and cried his little lungs out. Of course, Stacy looked terrified by Dmitry's crying, so obviously she didn't do it on purpose. But Zelda was at the end of her rope today!


    Zelda: "Oh, sweetie, I know. I'm so sorry, little one. I think someone is about to spend a lot of time in her crib if her Daddy doesn't take her to the park or library for a few hours."
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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
    I may just start playing S3 again just so I can get CC that includes freckles @Zabeth0
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    Actually I have CC freckles for Sims 3 but don't use them @Pinkslinky. Lol

    @Zabeth0 Aww poor Zelda overwhelmed with two little ones at home while Rafael's attention is on ... the dragon! Lol typical!
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 -Thanks for the comment.
    @06Bon06 -Thanks for your comment.Great pictures!I love the pets.
    @venusdemilosims -Thanks for the comment.Great update!
    @PinkySlinky -Great update!You might enjoy Sims 3 a lot.You could play both and enjoy each one differently.
    @Zabeth0 -Great update!
    Oak Leaf,South Dakota-Fall-1847.
    Davis and Lacey Bell were both up early that morning and ready for the day quickly after getting up.They took turns with the washroom and eating breakfast before tending to daily chores.
    They ended up spending most of their day studying skills on the iPads even when the letter carrier dropped off the bills.
    They got ready for work at noon and left for work by 2:30 in the afternoon.
    They got home at 6PM and stayed up for dinner before getting ready for bed by7:30.
    Eli and Ami Jankowsky were getting ready for bed by 8PM when I checked on them.
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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    @Venus: Lol, glad I could make you laugh, sorry if it hurt! :D (But laughter is said to be a form of medicine... ;) ) Well, to be fair, lying about his job was considered mischief...instead of, you know, being the smart thing to do! (Rafael: Oh, you'rre a polyice offyicer? Vho vould haf guessed. Oh, vhat do I do forr a liffink? Arrrtyist, of courrse! The lonk hairr and scharrp clothes didyint tyip you off? Oh, but you know, artyists don't alvays myake the big money so sometimes I help fyix thinks, you know how thinks brreak in hyouses. Break-in? No, I said how thinks know, like syinks and shovyerrs and dishvashyerrs and thinks like that? Don't know vherre you got that idea frrom!"- yep, not telling the police or other random people who might tip the police off that he's a criminal is so devious! ;) ) On the other hand, it works off of making enemies...which is much easier than making friends, and maybe conveys some of the meanness part. :D

    Well, I'm sure Kaydence would see the bigger picture than the police in this case. :D I'm sure she could easily see the scientific value verses the following an arbitrary rule value no problem. :D (After all, if utopia converted every non conformist into a full fledged criminal, it wouldn't be utopia! ;) ) Lol- well, I'm sure if you knew, you'd tell me! :D

    Well, yeah, Rafael's a workaholic, (that's why she has to forbid him from going into work during the holidays) but they are both used to only having one. :D

    @Pinkslinky: You're welcome. :D Thank you for making it so funny! ;) Um, Zelda's freckles are from the game. :D You could have them from straight from CAS... :D It's in the same area as beauty marks or age detail. :D Not that they don't have cc freckles out there...but I don't actually know hot to download any non ea cc... I've got store stuff...and I downloaded patterns from the exchange...and can't figure out how to get rid of some of them, that's how bad with computers I am! ;)

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