Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    ZhalkZhalk Posts: 310 New Member
    edited November 2012
    One Night Amy was thinking about how lonely she really was in her home 751B74489AE1330617789844BAD281036A3A18AD</p><p>Everyone else seemed to stay away from her... It may have had something to do with the local Doctor seeing her doing magic at her home 2AAA08D5DC38DF3C79EFC6DEB9DCACC3150AFCA8</p><p>Then Amy remembers her old adoption parent 572B9595D80371EA508535CCC318DE631522CEC4</p><p>...And begins casting magic... Determined to create a Fairy for which to keep for her own 1386F98A393D58AD4325607A41BF0FD19DE7BDBE</p><p>Thus... Derik was born
    A48B99494938E3BC8113B60280F07E31A5424C70</p><p>Imediatly he was in love, for she had created him for this reason 11BE56155640A07DAC2BBB6FB7FD11E6EC81D957</p><p>He didn't know what he was doing... But he was determined to make his creator proud 711D30DBC056300CC34136CCD1540039A6C2CDDA</p><p>Mustering up all his courage he kissed her the best that he could make 998124214C821A33332F63DB41294A8503DE83EA
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    Thanks for the lovely comments :D

    I need to go through Anubis more thoroughly myself. I only just had a quick look when my friend gave me the link for the dress.
    Thanks for the sweet comments :D I was getting really frustrated with Anders because he rolled a wish to catch a bug. First he squished a butterfly, then he got all girly about a ladybug, then he got bitten. Finally he caught a water beetle somewhere, but I was nearly ready to cancel the wish and let him move onto something else :roll:
    Quincy is adorable so it does make saying goodbye to Jason a little easier ;)

    Anders is obviously a coward when it comes to bugs. When a burglar comes to the house, he is always the first one awake. Because he sleeps upstairs the cop usually gets there before he can get there to fight, but I know he wants to because it's in his queue. He has just maxed his athletic skill recently. Maybe I should put a bed on the ground floor and see if he can kick some burglar butt ;)
    I would hate the paparazzi hanging around my sims :roll: You must be very patient :D
    Elaine is a good dancer :D
    The last pic does look like a zombie pose :D


    Since Maeve loves the outdoors (she had all her babies outside, remember ;) ), I didn't feel so bad when I forgot it was her birthday and she aged up in the backyard :D
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    ddsims3worldddsims3world Posts: 4,519 Member
    edited November 2012
    @asterravos, Yep I'm cruel indeed hahaha! They won't last too longer together before it spirals out of control. :wink:

    @Mikezumi, That's funny that he would be a coward to bugs since those would look innocent. Yeah you should put his bed in the first floor since it would be quicker. Whenever burglar shows up on my sims lot as I usually lock the bedroom doors they are at even w/ a brave trait. I don't want them to deal w/ the burglar & just focus on the next day. Yeah I do have patience since I rather focus more on getting the money after suing them whenever she gets falsely accused. She is indeed since she maxed out on club dancing by now.


    Got a new wanted poster of Grim Reaper (Solo)

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    asterravosasterravos Posts: 3,415 Member
    edited November 2012
    I'm so glad they added snow days and leisure days. :) Looks like Brax and Baylee used their day off well!
    How embarrassing! Tease him and end up with a snowball to the face.
    I bet Fin and Shae's igloo will get a lot of use :wink:
    Awesome pictures of Baylee destroying the snowman! Great action shots :thumbup:
    Oh no :(:( I'm glad your dad is getting the surgery he needs but that's terrible it was early because he was in pain.
    A 3AM phone call.. I can't even imagine how fearful you must have been.
    I hope everything goes perfectly.

    You'd never know Elaine was a 5 star celebrity in that pizza girl outfit!
    Congrats on her Sims Choice trophy!
    :shock: :shock: :lol: Poor Elaine! That table dancer has no manners.
    That car is a great one for a celebrity!

    Your build looks wonderful! That elaborate staircase is really awesome.
    I think the nursery is my favorite, love how it looks oceany. The wall decorations and flooring work perfectly.

    It's not a sim birthday without a fiery explosion. :lol:
    Vinessa looks great in that dress with the pigtails. :thumbup:
    :shock: Her cheering in the background as Vincent aged up is a tad overzealous... and scary.
    Eeep! I love the family portrait.
    :shock: :shock: Wow! Just when I thought your updates couldn't get any more exciting! I wonder if the alien summoned the meteor strike...

    Have fun on your vacation!

    Greta has gotten several messages, some of them are hilarious but I want her to befriend and marry an alien since they're new.
    Congrats on their engagement and wedding!
    Their house looks adorable with all the winter decor! I love it.

    It's nice seeing Leila after those previous adorable pictures :D She's a cute kid but I much prefer her dopey teenage faces around Nevan. :wink:

    (still got several pages to go)
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    asterravosasterravos Posts: 3,415 Member
    edited November 2012
    :lol: I just checked to see how many pictures I'm behind in sharing and it's at 150! I won't share all of them (I do take doubles and have many rejects).

    The gift giving party turned into more of a feast party with all the food the guests brought. Marina was first to arrive and she left minutes later.

    I knew the party was going to be interesting as Greta was introduced so some of the spouses of her invited guests. Attraction #1 with Hiram

    Attraction #2 with Angelita

    Solomon went a step further and gave her flowers (I believe that's his wife standing there)

    He became attraction #3

    You're so cuddly, Hiram. I've since fixed his everyday and brows.

    Greta made drinks for the first time at her party.

    Carlo was freakin' adorable. I left that floaty on his everyday because he was just so adorable.

    Ahh Leslie brought Lao :lol:

    More outfits I changed later but Leslie hated EVERYONE and wasn't afraid to say so. Poor Lao looked embarrassed.
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    skm36skm36 Posts: 2,754 Member
    edited November 2012
    I had a few minutes and read that your father was going into surgery. I just had to use my few minutes to let you know, I will have your father in my prayers and your family. I hope he will have a quick recovery. :D "Hugs"

    Happy simming to everyone! Things are still hectic at the moment here on the home front. Hope to be able to rejoin everyone soon. :D
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    skm36skm36 Posts: 2,754 Member
    edited November 2012
    I hope you start to feel better and aren't in to much discomfort. "hugs"
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    Great poster! Wouldn't it be funny if sims could actually be scared to death. I would have dead sims all over town ;)

    Thank you :D I think I prefer her dopey teen faces too ;)
    She and Nevan will be aging up in the not too distant future and she will become part of my family. I am looking forward to it :D
    I don't think I would like the attraction system in my game :shock: Gosh, they were all attracted ... dangerous!
    Greta's face at the bar ... so cute :D
    Carlo IS adorable in his floaty :D
    Lao's a bit of a worry - they are glued at the hip ;)

    So good to see you, even if only briefly *hugs*

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    asterravosasterravos Posts: 3,415 Member
    edited November 2012
    I love your parties. The random woohoo always cracks me up.
    !!! I love that it's Harper doing a failed show angel. Quincy's expression is hilarious.
    Ohhh lucky you to get such wonderful gifts! :lol: And so much variety too.

    :shock: The guy behind her looks like a creeper too!
    Wahoo! Congrats on fur :)
    Joy may look old but I see she's still kickin'.

    :shock: An alien zombie... that's a first!

    Thank you for such a sweet comment! :D
    Yes, I 'make' my townies using NRass' story progression, so all the townies are generated using genetics from sims in my sim bin (all of them were sims I made in the past). If you're interested I wrote a tutorial on how to do that since I get asked how to fairly often:
    I tend to use Ephemera skins on most of my sims. I believe most of them are using different Ephemera non-default ones (Sunny, Pale, Light and WEAK). I recently switched my default skin to Ephemera's FV2 though.
    My default eyes are an Ephemera/Tifa mixed done by moonskin:
    Male sims aren't my forte either. Mine tend to look like women with facial hair or like buff boys.

    Henry looks wonderful! Can't wait to see Israel.

    I was 8 pages behind from yesterday and went to eat dinner. I came back and there were several more pages! :lol:

    Unless you have almost no space on your computer, hard drive space shouldn't affect game performance at all. That 775GB free definitely isn't the culprit unless something is corrupt.
    Ahhh I see. Hard drive memory and RAM are two very different things. RAM could be your lag issue. I lagged when I 'only' had 8GB of RAM despite everyone telling me that Sims only need 2GB. :roll: I have 16GB now and I've got no lag and my game loads in 1-2 minutes. I do have a better processor too though...

    Beautiful picture of Eva and Sascha slowdancing :)
    Sienna and Sarina aged up beautifully into teens. Great picture of Sienna with a parasol, she's a cutie.
    :lol: I love the dirty pie eating face.

    (still have more commenting to do!)
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    skm36skm36 Posts: 2,754 Member
    edited November 2012
    I'm stealing another minute, to say thank you it feels good to pop in even, if it is only a few minutes at a time. "hugs back":D
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    Thank you :D I always get excited when I see that Morty has had sons :XD:

    There is a possibility that I will have to disappear for a week because of my mother. I have been giving her daily pep-talks and have told her that I will come see her as soon as my son's Christmas break starts. Knowing that I am coming seems to have given her some new vigor and interest in life. This will be the first time I have ever left my son and I am dreading it, but he doesn't travel well and a week would not be enough time for him to recover for the start of school.
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    asterravosasterravos Posts: 3,415 Member
    edited November 2012
    :lol: I've never seen the worship interaction before! I can't believe I'm still learning new things about older EPs. Blake definitely looks worship worthy though.
    Eddie is such a sweetie for being the toddler entertainer. Hey! Where's his worship interaction! :wink:
    Aww poor Anders. Maeve will kiss his booboo for him.
    Maeve still got birthday cheers. I'd saying an outdoor birthday is better than one with a cake explosions :lol:
    I have no idea what's going on with the attraction system or if it even effects how they act. I think it determines who sends her gifts and calls for dates. Everyone seems to be attracted to her though :roll: I think it's her money.

    Be sure to post pictures of the cabin once you build it! Sounds like the perfect winter getaway.

    :( Feel better soon! I'm thinking lots of hugs your way.

    Wow! Grim actually did something productive and helpful.
    What a perfect thing for him to steal! :lol:
    Elaine is getting mobbed by paparazzi! It's a good thing yours aren't like mine... super hairy legs and a speedo :lol:
    I love Grim's wanted poster!

    Congrats on getting the basketball hoop!
    The new house looks wonderful.
    Very brave of Valentina to read a book with all that splashing.

    That stupid fence drove me crazy. I didn't know it was the problem since the game just said 'not enough space!!' I kept emptying Greta's giant house and getting more and more annoyed. Glad someone finally figured out the problem and made a post.

    Awww I'll miss Jason and Alexah! The picture of them walking away is very sad. :(
    Wooo! Quincy softens the blow. Can't wait for his kids.

    :lol: :oops: I made sure she wasn't showing anything. The in game blur drives me crazy. I'm old enough to see them sit on the toilet with all their clothes on! :wink:

    I hope you're able to join us again soon!
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    skm36skm36 Posts: 2,754 Member
    edited November 2012
    Sneaking back in one more time. :wink:
    I'm sure your mother is so excited that you are coming. That will be the best medicine for her. I'm also sure your son will be okay with you gone. I know as a mother it is hard to leave your child even for a moment. It use to crush me every time I had to leave my children when traveling. I would worry myself sick until, I got home and could see they were all okay and were still the way I had left them. Happy and healthy.:D
    Have to run again. Hope you have a safe and happy trip home to see your mother.:D
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    skm36skm36 Posts: 2,754 Member
    edited November 2012
    asterravos *
    Super quick.:D I hope so too! I miss you guys bunches! I hate only being able to grab a minute or two.:(
    Happy simming!!:D
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    Grneydbandit0Grneydbandit0 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited November 2012

    why is lao floating in the air/attached to her hip???


    she just wants to be outside all the time, maybe her bed should be there ;).
    spend some quality time with your mom, your son will be ok for a week, although you might want to check out skype now ;).


    we miss you so take care of yourself and come back as soon as you can.

    alright all, i'll be getting into bed soon, so i'll have a lot to read tomorrow i'm sure ;). everyone have a great night.
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    ddsims3worldddsims3world Posts: 4,519 Member
    edited November 2012
    @asterravos, Thanks for the comments! Yeah it is a disguise for Elaine to blend in w/ the normal sims hehe. I agree since Tiara really chose a bad time to drink up to dance on table. Great update of yours & your sim Hiram is looking good in his outfit. Grim does indeed does something positive for the town and that statue of his does make it right. Also true on that w/ hairy legs & speedo equals ewwww!

    @Mikezumi, Thanks! Yeah, Grim Reaper is full of bad luck to other sims.

    @skm36, It's great to see you again.


    Anyway I was working on Liam's wanted poster (solo):

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    brightpawbrightpaw Posts: 233
    edited November 2012
    asterravos - No way. :lol:
    Haha. But thanks, I think I will go for it. c:
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    I have seen the worship interaction once before but it was so long ago that I had nearly forgotten about it. It was for a sim in a different profession, though. Whatever it was, it was one of those where they become famous - perhaps it was the athletic career track.
    Eddie's definitely worthy of the worship interaction ;) Oh well, he will just have to settle for my worship :D
    Money is very attractive - I always laugh when a sim joins my household and one of the first pop-ups is that they have learned that my family is rich :roll:
    Thanks :D

    Thank you *hugs* I will probably cry every day that I am separated from him, but it might actually be good for him. He's getting to an age now where he shouldn't be so dependent on his mother. Not that I am ready to let go! ;)

    My mother doesn't have a computer and I don't have a laptop so no Skype for me. I will call him every day, though :D
    Thanks :D

    Liam's Wanted Poster should also show how disruptive he is to our forum pleasure ;)
    Great poster :D
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    Grneydbandit0Grneydbandit0 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited November 2012
    one last comment


    how did you get liam and grimmy in your game to play?
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    Fairy_HappyFairy_Happy Posts: 8,912 Member
    edited November 2012
    I posted chapter 7 of my legacy located here:

    I'm about to play a non legacy game. :mrgreen:
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    ddsims3worldddsims3world Posts: 4,519 Member
    edited November 2012
    @Mikezumi, Shhhh now my secret is out j/k! I will add in those touches he appears in the maintenance/trouble page & Oops! We Are Not Able To Process Your Request too. Thanks!

    @Grneydbandit0, I got Liam from Hidden Springs and copy his appearance in CAS. As for Grim Reaper which I got him that I copy from the NPC version, use Master Controller to be able to edit in CAS & save him in the CAS bin in order for him to be playable.
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    Grneydbandit0Grneydbandit0 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited November 2012
    @Mikezumi, Shhhh now my secret is out j/k! I will add in those touches he appears in the maintenance/trouble page & Oops! We Are Not Able To Process Your Request too. Thanks!

    @Grneydbandit0, I got Liam from Hidden Springs and copy his appearance in CAS. As for Grim Reaper which I got him that I copy from the NPC version, use Master Controller to be able to edit in CAS & save him in the CAS bin in order for him to be playable.

    ahhh ok, i don't have hidden springs. without having mc, does using testingcheatsenabled true and adding him to the family, would that work?
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    JongarakunJongarakun Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited November 2012
    mramsey1140: Aw man, zombies totally ruin the mood. Love the update, Tea's face made me snicker.
    Oh no! D= Poor Alisia and Cassie... And Ellie too! :cry: I-is Carter hitting Tea with a newspaper... that's racist, Carter! =P

    VRStevenson: Aw man, Alexah was my favourite. D= And Quincy's getting a bigger role? Aw yeaah.

    KoumoriDiru: Pffft gotta love how little Bailey cares.

    Mikezumi: I'm not buying it, Anders.
    No problem. :> And thanks for the info, my aunt will be glad to hear it.

    friendlyone20: I've learned to save nonstop, thankfully. ^^; Thanks!

    brightpaw: Pancakes fill him with such contempt. Thanks! :D Seriously, EA, if a cat can ride shotgun in a taxi, why do they have to walk all the way home...?

    Amj1995: Evidently, the huge eyes are just for show. And, indeed!


    ddsims3world: I love how she's so casually aflame...

    asterravos: Not at all, it's nice to relax with your updates. ^^ Also, it really is. "I have a secret - Persik's a total 🐸🐸🐸🐸." "HI KIDS"

    Zhalk: Love the update, especially the picture where Amy's casting magic. Unfortunately, you reminded me to practice my Japanese - I was only able to read a bit. >_>;

    Mikezumi: I love how it's such a tiny celebration...

    ddsims3world: I'm honestly more surprised by how those are his ONLY charges more than anything.


    asterravos: Beautiful and hilarious. Greta is such a character in such a subtle way. XD

    Think I'm all caught up now? If so, update, woo!

    Buggo is now going steady with August. Which would be nice, if she would stop calling him once in awhile. He keeps waking up to answer the phone and discuss... weather. Oh, Buggo, why is it the only girl you could get is one of those clingy-jealous types?

    Also the cat kept luring him over there. Peach is so cute hiding in there.

    Oh jeez, Peach and Buggo are in cahoots.

    Haha you scream like a girl

    You rotten kid.

    Buggo, blending in.

    Oh, hey, he's having his birthday! It's a good thing some stranger is there to celebrate with him. Bet he'll pretty much look the sa-

    - AAAAAAAHHHH THAT OUTFIT. The face looks pretty much the same, but that outfit! That's it, we're going home to change everything.

    There, back to normal. Now you're allowed to sleep.

    Like any '50s housewife, Persik does all his best thinking while in the kitchen.

    "... Iiii'm going to have to make that money again, aren't I?"

    He got a job as a magician! (Finally - it's the whole reason I got Showtime >_> ) Then he made this face. Uh... thing's ok there, bro?

    Haha you really suck at this

    And then he faked passing out.

    Playing for tips! In a stupid outfit! What, was the magician's top hat and tux not good enough for you?

    Oh, look, some easily entertained person is giving him tips.

    Meanwhile, Persik enjoys the library with Peach. Such bliss.

    A couple hours later, the poor sap is still there, giving tips.

    He made 12 simoleons in tips, which is just enough to pay for Yozhik's food. He stopped, then went to go play tag with some chick sitting at a table nearby.

    He ended up sleeping on the bench.


    Hopefully the next updates will be funny. =P
    Post edited by Unknown User on
    Ornery weirdo. My Origin ID is Jongarakun.
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    ZerbuZerbu Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited November 2012
    I'm finally going back in game. I was spending all day trying to find out what mod was causing me to get Omni Plants instead of bills. I've spent more time trying to fix this game than I have playing it.
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    OneAdorkableGirlOneAdorkableGirl Posts: 2,379 Member
    edited November 2012

    Page 715:

    @DDSims3World: Ohhh nice picture; I love that little mini bar! It's really cute.
    @JenZ4HeavenZ: Lol, "skates are for losers". I like that. ;p. Great update. : ) Your fairies are really cute.

    @Dark_Tig3r: Thank you. : ) Hm, yeah that's what a few people are saying that it could be. But right now I can't go into my game to try and see if that's the issue, I'm going to check it out tonight. : )

    Page 716:

    @Amj1995: Aw, thank you. : ) I'm glad you like Sarrena. Yeah, I love his facial expressions, he's truly adorable. Hehe.

    Cute update! Venixia and Naomi are gorgeous, and I love Naomi's umbrella.
    ! That's so sad that Naomi had to give up her baby for adoption. : ( But good luck with Laela : ). I am sure she'll turn out just as beautiful as her mother. : )

    @Michael702808: Sorry to hear that both your Sims are sick. : ( Sophia is beautiful. Lol, love that second picture of Jake. What a cutie. That's a gorgeous house. : )

    @Friendlyone20:: Aww, thank you for the comment on Sarrena and Alec. : ) Oh! And thank you for letting me know about the Parasol, I had no idea. Someone else mentioned that as well, but I didn't quite understand until now lol. I'm slow, I know. D:

    Pinky and Cosmo are sooo adorable. Omg. Haha, Lacey's facial expressions are pretty funny.

    @Dark_Tig3r: You have such lovely pictures and Sims, I like the effects you added to your pictures. : ) Abilgail is really pretty, love her red hair, and Jason is very handsome. That's a really nice house. Looks like a nice family home. : )

    Page 717:

    @DDSims3world: LOL, I love this. Grimmy and Liam. I love how Grimmy isn't even reacting at all to Liam. Can't wait to see the poster. : )

    @MRamsey1140: Wow! They grow up so fast. Arizona is beautiful. : )

    @Fryfrkhlly: Anna is soo precious. I love her clothes too. She's so adorable. Look at that happy little face. Christopher looks like he's going to be a looker when he hits his teen years. He's really a cute kid, but has a strong face. : ) Aww, Fin and Misty are so cute. Hah! I love his batman clothes. Aww, Spring time is really pretty. Emmaline is very adorable trying to learn to skate. Love her hair.

    @MRamsey1140: Even if Alisia looks "old", she still looking good. She definitely has beautiful genes. : ) LOL @ Tea. Omg. This is why I love Sims. He looks like he's having soo much fun. ;P Aww, Ellie still beautiful as ever. I really love her colors. Melanie still has that precious face as a child. Her eyes are pretty. I like how realistic the puddles are.

    @Brightpaw: Nice update. Josiah is very handsome. : )

    Page 718

    @Jongarakun: Peach is so cute. Lol, I like how she's hogging the bathroom. Aw, sorry your game crashed. : (

    @Zerbu: Wow, that's a really nice little house Vulcan has. His swimwear made me chuckle. : ) Great update!

    Page 719:

    @VRStevenson: Your pictures are so beautiful. Great hairstyle! Love the color too. Ohhh pretty snow. Lol I can't wait to see my Sims destroy a snowman, that is soo funny. Oh wow! I have yet to see an Alien or see a Sim get abducted in my game. Poor Vinna. Those are definitely some cute photobooth pictures. Aww, Vinna is so cute all pregnant, and Vinna and Jason are such a cute couple dancing together. Congratulations on the new babies!! They're all soo adorable. Tamisyn is sooo cute.

    @Buffyspiker: Looks like Brax and Baylee are having a good time in the snow. : ) Well maybe Brax more than Baylee, hehe. Wow. Fineas and Shae, that picture of them sitting together. They're such good looking Sims. O_O They go so well together. Great update! : )

    @DDSims3World: Looks like Elaine is enjoying life especially with that Choice Award. Great update.

    @Friendlyone20: Wow, that's a really great house! : ) Great job.

    Zhalk: Derik looks great, Zhalk. And purple is definitely a good color. ;D

    Page 720
    @VRStevenson: Oh no! Not a fire. : ( Good thing it didn't hurt anyone. Wow! Another Birthday cake fire? Wow, what a big family. They're all so unique. Such a lovely family. : ) Oh my! This family can't catch a break, hmm? I've never seen a meteor before in my game yet. Not so sure I want to now, lol. I didn't know they could be that serious, though. Wow. And Alien visits too? Lol, so many events in one night. Crazy. Aw, they all look so peaceful.

    Great update.

    @TBlue: Congratulations on Baby Noah. : ) Love the winter house decorations. Really beautiful. I can't wait for winter in my game! I love how detailed everything is. I can't believe they added detail that allowed us to have foggy windows. And that's a beautiful living room. : )

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