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Broken CC? Let me fix it for you!



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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @emorrill Were you apart of the Sims 2 forums? If not, I claim OG Emily status. :tongue:

    I'm doing okay, just a lot going on.

    @ZeeGee I was actually just talking to Meerkat about missing you, so glad to see you pop back in! Hope all is well.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Emily4331 wrote: »
    @emorrill Were you apart of the Sims 2 forums? If not, I claim OG Emily status. :tongue:

    @Emily4331 ^I was not. 🙃 (Even though I was religiously playing Sims 2...) So you are the OG. :mrgreen::kissing_heart:

    I've had a lot going on in life too lately...I don't like it. :grimace::lol: But...gotta pay the bills.
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @emorrill Since it's almost been a month since you asked about the shirt, I just wanted to pop in and let you know I haven't forgotten about it. Just been in a depressive rut lately. Not sure when I'll next be able to work on it, as I'm trying to deal with real life stuff amidst the depression, but I just didn't want to leave you in the dark wondering if you'll ever get this shirt. :sweat_smile:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @Emily4331 Oh girl I feel you. I've been feeling the same lately... It's been a few different things piling up at once. So you're ok. :kissing_heart: I appreciate the update and I hope you get to feeling more like yourself very soon.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Emily4331 wrote: »
    @emorrill Were you apart of the Sims 2 forums? If not, I claim OG Emily status. :tongue:

    I'm doing okay, just a lot going on.

    @ZeeGee I was actually just talking to Meerkat about missing you, so glad to see you pop back in! Hope all is well.

    Aw thanks sweetie. I do try to pop in occasionally cause I miss you all but life is just insanely busy, in a good way. All is well.

    So to both my Emily's, I miss you! (and I just realized those posts are over a month old, sorry) Depression is a nasty black hole that sucks you in. So many are suffering with it these days. Why is it that it usually attacks the creative people worst of all? Is it like a payment for the talent? Sucks. Feel better soon. Take a walk. Pet your cat, Emily, and pet that cute doggie, EmilyM. :) That sounded lame even as I typed it. If only it were that easy.

    We are having a heat spell up here @emorrill. From 50s to 100s, ugh. Hope y'all are surviving the heat.

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Depression is a nasty black hole that sucks you in. So many are suffering with it these days. Why is it that it usually attacks the creative people worst of all?
    ^That is a great question...and one of the many mysteries of life it seems... :pensive: And yes, it does suck.

    Oh gosh the weather in general this year has just been AWFUL!!! :confounded: We're barely getting through this heat. 🥵 I've been ready for Fall for a couple of weeks now! ;)

    Did you hear about the softball sized hail that pummeled parts of Hot Springs last month? It was no joke! :open_mouth: Some people were telling me the hail was as big as a grapefruit! :scream: I mean that's just scary stuff!!!
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @emorrill Not getting hail is the only good thing that has happened to my city in the past 2 months. Late June and late July have both brought my city historically bad severe thunderstorms with 75+ mph damaging winds. The fun, not-tornadic-but-just-as-scary storms. :sweat_smile: Trees fell, houses caught fire, roofs were blown off of buildings. The one yesterday featured a fun alert on my phone that warned of winds so damaging that flying debris could be deadly. Ahhh sometimes I don't like living in Illinois, but I don't know where I'd go. Actually, I'd go to Rhode Island. They have way less natural disaster potential, I hear. Though they are coastal, so they'll probably be under water soon, if we're being honest. :lol: On second thought...I've always wanted to live in British Columbia. Do they get tornadoes? :lol:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited August 2023
    @Emily4331 Ugh! I'm sorry to hear there's been nasty weather in your neck of the woods too. :( With winds like that, heck, it might as well be a tornado! (Or a hurricane.) No thanks!! :grimace:

    Sometimes I wonder why we are here in Arkansas... :neutral: Honestly it's been nothing but hardship since we've moved here, but...sigh...I don't want to bore you with that.

    I'd love to live in Vermont. <3 I don't think they get very nasty weather and it's just GORGEOUS over there in the Fall! 🍂🍁 :love:

    I wanna say British Columbia doesn't get tornadoes, but I do believe they get mulitple feet of snow in the winter. ;) Of course I would take that over tornado weather ANY day!!!

    Hope the weather behaves for all of us for the rest of this year. 🙏🏻 I hope you're feeling better too. :kissing_heart:
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited August 2023
    emorrill wrote: »
    I wanna say British Columbia doesn't get tornadoes, but I do believe they get mulitple feet of snow in the winter. ;) Of course I would take that over tornado weather ANY day!!!

    We don’t get tornadic weather very often with the exception of 2 years ago.

    This was actually a supercell tornado and it caused F0 damage up at UBC even with its terrifying appearance.

    It just looked stronger than it actually was.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @Emily4331 Hey girl, looks like it’s been awhile since you’ve been heard. Hope you’re doing ok. I have a cc question I was hoping you could answer. I have a gorgeous pair of cc cowboy boots but they stick out at the top of all the pants. Is there a simple way to hide the tops of the boots or change the settings on the pants to make the boot tops hide?

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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @ZeeGee Sorry I missed this until now! 2023 was busy. Could you post a pic of what's happening with the boots?
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @Emily4331 Great to see you back on here. 🥰 And I agree, 2023 WAS a busy year!!
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    ApplecakesApplecakes Posts: 2 New Member
    Hi Emily, I hope you still have time to look at some CC I got.
    Its not broken. Its some plants that are made to move with the wind, but actually it doesn't make any sense that they do. Its very obvious like in speed 3. I am wondering if you could perhaps make them entirely static objects like most plants in buy mode in decor?
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    ApplecakesApplecakes Posts: 2 New Member
    Never mind, I figured it out myself. I needed to open it in TSR workshop, go to meshes and then to materials and then edit the foliage tag to phong and when asked if i wanted most used preset, no, then apply to all lods yes.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Emily4331 wrote: »
    @ZeeGee Sorry I missed this until now! 2023 was busy. Could you post a pic of what's happening with the boots?

    Sorry! I found a cool pair of cowboy boots but the boot tops stuck out of all the pants. I was wondering how easy a fix it would be to hide the tops of the boots so they wouldn't stick out. Or wondering if the pants would individually need to be edited to hide the boots? But then I couldn't find a link to them anymore and I had them downloaded on a different computer that's no longer on the internet so of course I got distracted and completely forgot I'd asked. :neutral:

    So thankful this thread is going with us to the new forum!

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