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One Month One World One Year Challenge 2022


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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    October - Day 18: "Sometimes the most shocking surprises are also the most beautiful..."


    I decided to let Cale & Marley have full autonomy to celebrate moving in together and the first thing Marley did was start singing.

    Cale was thirsty and went upstairs to enjoy a plasma pack and then stepped over to view the fish.

    Marley joined him.

    Marley was thirsty too and sat down on the couch to have a plasma pack. Cale joined her.

    They watched a TV show together for awhile, but Cale kept queuing up to troll teh forums, which immediately disappeared over and over. I have a glitch where Cale can't do anything on his computer without first sitting down.

    I took pity on him and had him go sit down to troll to his heart's content.

    I left Cale to it and zoomed back over to Marley. Looks like something she's watching surprised or concerned her.

    Cale continued to troll while Marley grabbed a book to read. I think it might be a werewolf guide.

    Finished trolling Cale watched a movie with Marley. I know that's Sims 3 on the screen, but it looks a bit like Tartosa to me.

    "Hey, wanna snuggle?"
    "We are."
    "We are?"

    "Yeah, it's the new 'modern' way to snuggle."
    "If you say so."

    "We're sitting close and touching shoulders, hence, snuggling."

    "Not where I come from."

    As with Cale, Marley kept queuing up to play the guitar, but it kept dropping out. I guess the guitar was too close to the couch. I moved it and she immediately sped out on the back patio to play. She's a music lover, just like Cale so I'm not surprised.

    Marley's first love though is the piano. She asked Cale to come listen so she could serenade him. Aww...

    Cale's maxed out the skill, but Marley was only Level 3 when she began to play. Before the night was through, she'd reach Level 8 with Cale mentoring her for a bit.

    And then, THIS happened after Cale left for work! o.O Big surprise to me and it looks like Marley too! Honestly, I've been contemplating a baby for them, but hadn't made up my mind yet. I must've subconsciously hit 'try for baby' without realizing it. I should've figured it out before when she had her hand covering her mouth, but didn't see her acting sick. Anyway, I'm not mad about it, not one bit. <3

    Marley took it all in stride and worked on writing a song while she waited for Cale to return from work.

    A few minutes before Cale would return, Marley went outside to tell him the news as soon as he got home.
    "Welcome home handsome." Marley said giving Cale a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek.
    "Wow, I could get used to this."

    "I have something to tell you."
    "Yeah? What's up?"

    "Maybe we should go inside so you can sit down for this."
    "What is it Babe? You're starting to scare me. Just tell me."
    "Okay, goes...." *deep breath*

    "You're going to be a Daddy, again! I'm pregnant!"
    "What!? That's fantastic news!"

    "Really? You mean it? You're not upset or anything?"
    "Upset? Why would I be upset? I love you Marley."

    "I love you too, but... I don't know. We've never talked about it. I guess I thought maybe you wouldn't want anymore children since you have so many already."

    "Marley, this is our child we made together with all the love in our hearts for each other, fully aware of who we are and what we were doing. Yes, I have many children, but I only know a handful of them. And even though I may have known some of their Mothers before I was abducted and had relationships with them, including you, I didn't know what I was doing. You've made me so happy. I can't wait to raise our baby together. Who knows maybe we'll have more in the future? We have forever after all, right?"

    "Yes, right, oh man, I love you so much, you're so right Cale, You're so right."

    Comments/replies coming up next. I hope y'all had a wonderful day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Oh sure, I've played many legacy type challenges and had my heirs die in the past. However, this challenge isn't generational. It can be if you want it to be, no problem. But you'll notice the rules/guidelines don't say the challenge ends with the death of your elder on December 31st. Elders retire after the last aspiration is complete and just live out their lives until the end of the year. :)

    Last year Essa and Josh were elders until close to the end of December and then became YAs again. Cale knows that's a possibility because he's friends with them and Joel. So with him, he may not be an elder at all for this year's challenge. I can't fathom a reason why he would allow himself to age knowing that. In fact, he should've reverted to a YA since he's said he will stay a vampire to be with Marley. If I can think of a reason for him to be an elder, that might change. We shall see... :)

    Hero looks adorable in his Scouts uniform! I don't get why the game does that for 'situational' outfits. It's frustrating! Ah well...

    hehe Looks like DJ and Paige are having a great time cooking together. I've been wrong so far with my guesses. At this point, I think I'll just sit back and enjoy reading the story without trying to figure it out anymore. Even though I think I DO know this time. But you've fooled me before, so I'm probably wrong. hehe :)

    I love the looks of the HSY assets too! Yeah, some of it is a bit pastel, but oh well. I can work with it. No, he hasn't met her as an adult yet. He of course did as a baby/toddler when he aged her up, but that doesn't count. hehe He'll be meeting her and most of his other children at some point. Whether I write it out or not remains to be seen. There's just SO many of them. o.O But since Esmerelda is Marley's daughter, he will meet her in person, definitely.

    Thank you! I love it personally. I might bring the entire room to HoB, or not. We'll see if it fits the scheme/theme of whatever house I renovate or build.

    Cool, and yeah, you need more options especially since matching colors is a challenge all by itself. :)
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    afai1261afai1261 Posts: 2,030 Member
    edited April 2023
    July 11

    Hunter couldn't deny that in the split second it had taken for the wolf to pin him to the ground, he had been terrified, the fear and tenseness that had radiated through him as soon as he had crossed Moonwood Mill's perimeter as a bat amplified tenfold. He knew he didn't belong, and all the dirty looks the other wolves were casting at him, angry red flickering in their eyes, only seemed to prove it.

    But then, the fear had instantly been replaced when he looked into the wolf's familiar, bright blue eyes, and he knew. Aaron. He saw the recognition, the love there in the wolf's (no, Aaron's) eyes, as the warm body came to cover his own, and they kissed as the silvery light of the full moon beat down upon them both.

    The rest of the night had passed in a blur, as Aaron led Hunter to a secluded peak, away from the glare of the other werewolves, and at the stroke of midnight transformed back into human form, leaned over and whispered, "Happy anniversary," in a voice that gave Hunter chills. He wasn't sure if those chills were the good or bad kind.

    And there he was, his soulmate, standing there in front of him, looking just as he had in the vision Hunter had received at his seance table [see July 5 update lol]. He had seen the scar in the vision of course, but had somehow managed to block it out from his memory, and seeing it here, now... Hunter was filled with an overwhelming desire to hunt down and kill the one who had given it to him, the one who had dared to hurt his Aaron.

    The one who had dared to turn his Aaron into a werewolf.


    "How did you find me?"
    "I... I had a vision at the seance table."
    "You WHAT???"
    "I was constantly reaching into the spirit world looking for any sign of you at all, any sign that you were alive, or even-"
    "Don't say it," Aaron's voice was quiet. "I worried so much that you'd think that had happened when I discovered that there's no cell reception here..." He trailed off, feeling his voice grow shaky as he admitted his greatest fear to his husband. Hunter responded by kissing his forehead and holding him tighter, rubbing his back.
    "I never gave up," he whispered. "How could I? I even went through to Evergreen Harbour, though the crew and your costars had long since left. No-one there even seemed to care..." He felt himself tense up. "My mother never did like the idea of you going to Evergreen Harbour to film your thing in the first place. I never knew why. It's surely just an ordinary place, right? When the vision finally came to me and I sensed something was up, I had to ask her." He sighed then. "It took a while to get it out of her. But eventually she told me about this war, the Century Conflict, and about the old town not far from Evergreen Harbour. Here. Moonwood Mill. The greatest conflict between vampires and werewolves, here. I think... I think she was still married to..." He paused at the slight sense of revulsion at the name he was about to say, "...Vladislaus Straud... when all that happened. The wolves captured him, I think*. She didn't really want to talk about it much more than that..."

    I'm pretty sure Greg says something about capturing Vlad in one of his dialogue notifications LOL
    In my canon Hunter's mother (Elle DeVampiro, if anyone forgot) was married to Vlad at one point (and they have triplets haha). So I just thought it would be funny if Elle was involved in the conflict somehow, by virtue of being married to one of the major players :joy:
    And yes I know that's not the full story because I can't remember most of the werewolves background lore (and I can't be bothered looking it up lol), but I make up my own lore all the time anyway, so I'm just adapting it ;) Also don't know how old Vlad is supposed to be at the time of the conflict but eh who really cares.

    As Hunter lay awake on the bed, gazing at Aaron through eyes that refused to close lest his soulmate be taken away from him again, he couldn't help but reach out and gently trace the scar running across his face with a finger. Aaron stirred and opened one eye to gaze back, and Hunter hurriedly removed his hand from his husband's face. Without a word, Aaron interlaced his fingers with Hunter's and put the hand back there on his cheek.
    "You can touch it if you want," he murmured, his voice rough.
    "It... it doesn't hurt?" Hunter asked, realising the question was stupid as soon as it left his lips.
    Aaron smiled softly. "Not at all," he whispered, as his grin grew. "Unless you're about to tell me it makes me look... ugly."
    Hunter was taken aback, and stared. "No, I..." he trailed off as Aaron laughed. "I just... I just want to know who's responsible-"
    "Some random rogue thing in the woods," Aaron muttered, his expression quickly growing serious. "Hurt like hell when I got it, but now? It's just a reminder. It's a part of me now." He frowned at Hunter. "There's something else on your mind, isn't there? It's not about the scar at all, is it?"
    "Aaron, I don't think I can..."
    "You can't do what?"
    "Live... Unlive, I mean... here..."
    "So it's Glimmerbrook all over again, is that right?"
    "No! I made a vow, and I intend to keep it-"
    "But not if I'm a werewolf, got it."
    "Listen to me! Is there a cure?"
    Aaron paused, thinking back to something Ricky had given him a few weeks back. It was a diary, he'd said, and mentioned that it may help. He'd never said in what way it could help, and there was a distinct possibility there could be something resembling a cure contained within those pages... Aaron hadn't had a chance to sit down and read it between all of his duties and responsibilities as a member of the Moonwood Collective and had quite honestly forgotten about it until now. But the memory came to him in much the same way as Hunter's vision of them together must have.
    [Ricky dug this up ages ago so I had him give it to Aaron]
    "I'll... I'll find it, if there is one out there," Aaron said with finality. "But please, werewolves are not all bad. Just let me introduce you to my pack-"
    "Your pack." Hunter's voice sounded flat and hollow, and he himself didn't understand why Aaron's admittance of actually being in a pack, with other werewolves, left him feeling on edge, unless that was just the general vibe of Moonwood Mill getting to him.
    "Yes... is that so bad that I found solace with other werewolves who just want to help?!" He pulled himself out of Hunter's arms and narrowed his eyes, sitting up on the bed. "Don't tell me you're jealous."
    "I'm not!" Hunter said, a little too quickly. "It just... doesn't feel right for me to be here..."
    "I felt that way too, at first," Aaron said softly, laying back down with a barely audible huff. He rubbed his eyes. "It took a lot to come to terms with it all. Me being a werewolf, I mean. But Ricky and Conan and Kris... they all really helped. Please, can you do it for me? Keep an open mind. I love you, Hunter. Never a day went by that I didn't think of you, and our kids, and Yoshi..."
    Hunter sighed. "I suppose I could do that," he murmured, holding out his arms again. "Come here, love."
    me: okay going to have some nice fluffy, loving dialogue for these two finally getting back together!
    also me, turning up the ANGST:
    (I should really have a picture of my simself laughing evilly for moments like this HAHAHA)

    But also I have to say that I am NOT going to break these two up, but this is a conversation that I felt needed to happen, simply because Hunter is a vampire and Aaron is a werewolf. It's just a rough patch, and I'm sure all (healthy?) relationships have ups and downs like this (don't ask me though lol, I've only been in one relationship that wasn't a good match at all, when I wasn't emotionally or mentally ready for one, and have been single ever since it ended badly), and both Aaron and Hunter are willing to put in the effort to work through it and not just sweep it under the rug. They're adults and they are going to settle it and talk about it like adults lol

    Hunter stepped out of the comfort, if one could call it that, of the old cabin and followed Aaron into the woods, feeling slightly uneasy as he did so. Were there werewolves watching him from behind every tree? Was that a malicious glare he felt, scrutinising his every move? But when he and Aaron finally arrived at the clearing next to a large tree, he felt something other than the anger that had come with being stared at by the wolves in the bar. This was different, more so with an air of curiosity rather than an air of hatred when he felt them looking at him.

    The moment might have been ruined when he watched Aaron sparring with one of them.

    "Kristopher, this is... this is my husband, Hunter."

    If Kristopher was surprised to find out that Hunter was a vampire, he didn't show it, only greeting him with a smile and a brief introduction to his pack, the Moonwood Collective, and its values.

    Aaron left them to chat while they discussed the history of the town, and Hunter learned just how much history werewolves had with his own kind.

    The next day, Aaron took him out to meet the two men who had looked after him following his harrowing and exhausting first transformation.

    It may have been just his imagination, but Conan seemed especially displeased to meet him...
    (Yes, he does have a Festering Grudge against Hunter now... :grimace: )

    Hunter was, conversely, very happy to meet Conan's dog, Luna.

    (Yoshi was also there, but he just ignored her and went to hang out with the Wildfangs :joy: )

    Post edited by afai1261 on
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    afai1261afai1261 Posts: 2,030 Member
    edited October 2022
    Alright so... fun fact, I'm sick AGAIN (yes, I know LOL - I think it's on a 3 month cycle because the last time I got sick was in July :lol: ) and writing my July 11 update took a lot of mental energy (although surprise surprise I actually posted BEFORE my midnight this time!), so in lieu of proper, full comments I'll think I'll just be doing some replies :3 And (very!) short comments on some updates :)

    Okay first off I have to say I LOVE that that pic of Cale is your avi now :joy: It's such a great capture!

    He does look wonderful, doesn't he? ;) It's such a nice contrast to how he started the challenge, but he hasn't really worked out since February - I used MCCC to freeze his physique, since I didn't want him returning to his original body type (if sims don't work out regularly, they start to revert and I definitely didn't want that to happen. I know it's not realistic (having him maintain his muscles etc without constantly working out) but it's my game and I can do what I want lol). His original body is symbolic of the old him, and that's not who he wants to be anymore, but in-game he obviously doesn't have the time to be working out everyday so freezing his physique just sounded like the best solution. Sorry that got so long-winded :D

    YAY I'm so glad the use of the song was effective! And YESSSS, I successfully brought you to tears again, huh? ;) And that is exactly the kind of response I was hoping that shot of bat Hunter in front of the moon would emit :D - you have no idea how long it took me to position and line it all up just right, it was massively frustrating but I'm SO glad it all paid off, thank you! <3 Your comment made it all worth it haha.

    When I notice clipping, it's one of those things that just can't be unseen and I'm a perfectionist, so :joy:

    I don't have a story reason for why Aaron would even want to challenge Kris for alpha position, so it'll probably just happen without any explanation :D

    HAHAHA I'm loving that "oh you are sneaky" comment :D:D
    Yup, finally together again... and it only took around 3 IRL months :sweat_smile::joy:

    Oh, I'm sorry for the confusion, the mod I was referring to was the one that you said you were using to send the sims home. As in, this screen here is from that mod, to select the sims to send home. It was seeing CJ's wolf face on that that made me laugh.

    Did you find out what was up with CJ using the mod to see his hidden traits? I think I have seen reports on AHQ about curing werewolves not sticking, but Cale's totally fine in your save, correct? It's just so weird!

    Well, now that you've said it and based on what happened when Hunter met Conan (in my July 11 update above), that crush might be an actual subplot now... :naughty:

    I can definitely see why you love it!
    Here, have older Audax with it, because why not ;)
    He also has one of Simstrouble's new hairs! (Miguel, to be specific)

    And because I tried said hair on Aaron too, I'm posting a pic because I think you might appreciate it :smirk:
    Oh man, I have a sub-folder just for facial hair in my mods collection, and it tells me there's 82 files in there :sweat_smile: If that isn't proof that the sims team really need to up their game when it comes to facial hair, I don't know what is!

    Oh but of course, seeing as it'll probably be ages before he actually moves to Sulani in my proper OMOWOY save, I might as well! Here, have some merman Aaron ;):mrgreen:
    Also the purpose of this save wasn't just to play in Sulani because I was missing it, I really wanted to see how Aaron looked with a certain makeover in live mode, just to check if I liked it (which I do, surprisingly), so this is a sneak-peek of what he'll actually look like when he gets there on this thread :sunglasses:
    I was also trying out a second CC tattoo for him. But I'm still not sure if I'll give it to him in my actual OMOWOY save.

    And he has these blue eyes, of course :tongue:
    (This pic was taken before I realised he didn't have his lip mask skin detail in his mer-form)

    Here he is in human form, just so someone else can appreciate this :D I was surprised I liked the facial hair so much, usually I'm not one for mustaches like this but I think it really suits him. Aaron has a good face for facial hair!

    I mean I could have given him some swim shorts or something but it felt inauthentic to getting the full Vlad experience HAHAHA

    LOL I can spot my sims from a mile away :D


    Oct 14: Aww, he looks so happy in the daily pic!
    HAHA coming back from work flirty, his face!
    (I don't kiss and tell.)
    WHAT!? Who did you kiss?
    (Pfft, nobody, it's just a phrase Watcher. Chill.) *wink*
    Oh for crying out loud... I think this is just one reason I didn't want to play in Evergreen Harbour for this challenge! Other than the fact I just don't like it. Why does it have so many problems?!
    Poor Cale, crying! But like, same :D

    Oct 15: Look at confident Cale, wow! He looks so good in the daily pic!
    And congrats on another promotion! He's on fire!
    Oh, very glad the ground looks normal now. Still, it's ridiculous that it was messed up in the first place.
    Oh Audax! Hi handsome! (Every time I see young Audax I have to do a double take because he looks SO different from his older self :D )
    HAHA oh man, Melody's face in that first pic of her and Malcolm is priceless :D:D

    Oct 17: I love Cale's hot tub room! And naturally, he and Marley had to try it out :smirk:
    Cale leaned over and whispered something too naughty to write.
    HAHAHAHA, love their flirty banter :joy:

    Oct 18: Ooh, another baby eh? Knew right from the daily pic :D
    I think I might have that computer glitch too! Or something similar to it at least.
    "Marley, this is our child we made together with all the love in our hearts for each other, fully aware of who we are and what we were doing. Yes, I have many children, but I only know a handful of them. And even though I may have known some of their Mothers before I was abducted and had relationships with them, including you, I didn't know what I was doing. You've made me so happy. I can't wait to raise our baby together. Who knows maybe we'll have more in the future? We have forever after all, right?"
    Aww, this is so sweet! :bawling:


    Oh by the way I saw you mention to Legacy that Cale may not be an elder in December because of reasons, and I feel like that's the route I want to take with Aaron too since Hunter's obviously a vampire and won't be taking a cure (I don't feel like he'd have a reason to).
    And I really don't like playing with elder sims LOL (though I have aged Aaron up to elder to 'draft' his December look and he doesn't look BAD as an elder, just... meh...) so yeah, that's what I'm thinking for my boys too, same as Cale and Marley. :)

    Hi! Wonderful to see Robin again, and especially loving that she did get married to Ophelia <3

    Day 19 part 2: Aww, look at those little pups! Oona holding Girl2 is adorable! <3 The puppy's little tongue :D
    Oh, and happy birthday Sean!

    Day 20: Okay I'm sorry for laughing at "i slept, forgot to pause, and she died" :joy:
    Oh, hi Aaron! LOL him falling off the climbing wall :D:D:D
    And those pics of Joel while Adam is swimming next to him are hilarious :joy:

    Day 21: WOW, what an absolutely stunning, beautiful shot for the daily pic! :love:

    Day 22: Oona's makeover and new bedroom look great! I'm not too interested in the High School pack's gameplay so I never planned on buying it myself, but seeing the CAS in live mode and looking this good might be changing my mind somewhat...

    General comment: It's so cool to see Aaron (and Hunter!) having such a big role in this story arc. And seeing Yoshi get all the pets when DJ comes around makes me happy :D

    Oct 5: Happy birthday, Hero!

    Oct 6: Ah, Teen Wolf! Yet another TV show I've heard of but have never gotten around to watching :sweat_smile: I know a few of my friends in high school were fans though.
    The cabin you downloaded for them looks fantastic!

    Oct 7: Oh goodness, they're saying it's Anton who killed Phoebe??? o.O I have a bad feeling about this...
    HAHA Aaron and Hunter just being like "okay we're going to go woohoo now, bye!" is so funny :joy:

    Oct 18: Nice of Adam to show Alina how she can relieve some stress! And fun that Pax can have a friend!
    Good to see the Spellcaster Squad again! ;)
    Lily being smitten with Morgyn :joy:
    Ooh, hopefully Mr Stubborn Old Wolf Kris will listen to Lily, even if he didn't listen to Adam's concerns about the vampires attacking him...
    This is shaping up to be a big confrontation against Pierce, I'm looking forward to the big showdown! :smiley:
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    October 19th: Becoming Alpha

    Today's Accomplishment:
    Emissary of the Collective - Complete
    - Become Alpha of the Moonwood Collective

    About mid-morning I heard Kristopher send out a howl to call our pack together, so I hurried out the door and met everyone at our headquarters.


    "Lilly has informed me that our newest pack member, Adam, has enemies amongst the vampires," Kristopher began. "I was aware that he'd gotten into a fight with a couple of them, but did not realize at the time the full extent of the matter. I want to apologize to him for not taking the time to hear him out, but I still feel that it is in our best interests to avoid direct confrontation with any other occults."

    My heart sank as he said this last part. It didn't sound like I'd be able to count on my pack to stand with me during my final confrontation.

    "There is a way we can solve this though," Kristopher continued, and I looked up to find him staring at me. "If Adam believes himself to be strong enough to lead this pack, he may challenge me for the position of Alpha. If he wins, I will follow him where he leads, but if he loses, he must follow where I lead or find another pack."


    The other werewolves nodded in agreement and looked at me to hear my answer.

    No pressure I guess.

    "I don't want to take over your pack," I said with a sigh, "but I could really use your help in taking down a handful of nasty vampires."

    I was quiet for a moment before continuing.

    "I will challenge you Kristopher," I said, "but if I win, I'll only remain Alpha until we've taken down Pierce. Then I will hand leadership back to you once again."


    "First you have to win," Kristopher grinned, and we proceeded to square off and transform into our werewolf form.


    It was an epic fight.


    I could tell that all of my weight training seemed to have paid off, because I was now able to easily keep up with Kristopher and even got in a few good blows of my own!


    I was finally able to pick him up and hurl him to the ground with a mighty kick!


    Kristopher landed in a heap on the ground and I let out a victorious growl, being caught up in the moment and all.


    I shook myself off and went over to help Kristopher to him feet.

    "Do you relent," I asked, playfully brushing some dirt off of him.


    "I relent," Kristopher sighed, smiling a little. "Let me be the first to congratulate our new Alpha."

    I pulled Kristopher into a hug.

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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited October 2022
    October - Day 19: "All good things come to those who wait..."


    Happened to look at the garden when Cale and Marley went inside that night. Lovely... *sigh*

    Cale changed his clothes and then the couple had a chat discussing names, Marley's due date, etc. Marley then went back to writing a song she'd begun earlier that day.

    Cale needed some fun so he retreated to his office to play some Sims Scuffle. While the game loaded, he sat thinking about Marley and their baby. He was feeling blessed with how his life was going now.

    But then the game was ready and it was down to the business of having fun for awhile. Why so serious Cale?
    (I'm playing with Josh. He's tough!)
    Fair enough.

    After I cheated the dirt piles back to blossoming plants, the Cherry tree was looking a bit wilted so Cale gave it a drink.

    He'd made enough Eco Upgrade parts to make the wind turbines into lightening rods. I get why this is an option, in theory, when struck all the energy from the bolt is stored for an extra power source. But in reality, it seems to me it would burn up and be ruined. Right?

    Cale had received a solar panel as a promotion bonus quite awhile ago, but hadn't installed it yet. It needed to be upgraded as well.

    He also had drawn up concept plans for a new Eco object and presented it to someone at the Makers Space a couple days ago. Tonight he took the time to modify them from their suggestions while Marley continued to write a song.

    Once he felt the plans were perfect, Cale packaged it up and mailed it to his boss.

    Marley worked all night to finish the song and mailed it out to be licensed the next morning when Cale left for work. I was not expecting she'd be nominated for an award for the song. Congrats Marley! Your hard work is paying off! I hope I can remember to send them to the Gala to see if she won. o.O

    She took a break from the piano to read a Parenting guide. She'd already raised one child to an adult, but it never hurt to see if there was anything she could improve upon with this child.

    Yay! Cale came home from work with another promotion! He's now Level 9! Just one more to go and the Eco Innovator aspiration will be complete! Congrats Cale! I had no idea what was a Civic Solace until I Googled it. Turns out it's a room unlock.

    The promotion wasn't the only good news for Cale pertaining to work on this day. His boss also loved the concept plan he'd mailed to him and gave him a $500 bonus and a great review. He also received the first prototype of the object, a hydroponic planter, along with a recipe to make more on the Fabricator. He made three more to replace the planters he had in the garden.

    After he was finished, I zoomed up to the garden and... again. *sigh*

    Cross your fingers the hydroponic planters help Cale's garden to keep growing instead of reverting to dirt piles. I personally don't have much faith they'll make any difference, but we shall see...

    hehe This last screenshot had me literally laughing so hard I fell out of my computer chair so I had to share! One of the funniest 'Opps!' I've ever had in my game. :D:D

    Comments/replies coming up next! I hope y'all had a fantastic day/night! <3
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    What an absolutely beautiful daily post pic, has my hopeful romantic heart melting in my chest. So, so glad these two are finally back together. <3

    Wow, I had no idea that moodlet was a thing, but it makes sense. Poor Hunter with all those hostile eyes upon him. o.O
    He saw the recognition, the love there in the wolf's (no, Aaron's) eyes, as the warm body came to cover his own, and they kissed as the silvery light of the full moon beat down upon them both.
    - *dreamy sigh*

    I love that Hunter had a vision of Aaron and then talked with his Mom to find out about Moonwood Mill and the lore behind Werewolves/Vampires. I love your lore for this, it all fits perfeclty, enhancing the lore Maxis created in my mind. :) Bravo!

    Oh boy scared me there for a second this was going to separate them all over again. So glad Hunter is willing to keep an open mind about it all, for Aaron. Not surprised, he loves him. When love is involved, nothing can stand in the way for long.

    Gawd, I freakin love those screenshots of the two of them sleeping together. They look so content and loving, great poses! They're both so dang hot too! ;)

    Yes, it was a conversation they needed to have. I knew it would/will all work out in the end.

    Love the way you describe how Hunter is feeling and how that feeling changes once they arrive at the Moonwood Collective. I love Kristopher with his open mind and compassionate heart. Aaron looks so cool leaning against the tree there too. I never did have Cale or CJ do that, I should've. Ah well...

    A festering grudge? What? Why? What for? Just because Hunter is a vampire? Conan! hehe Methinks somebody is jealous. ;) So funny how Yoshi didn't want anything to do with Luna and hung out with the Wildfangs. hehe Fantastic update! <3

    Aww man, sucks that you're sick again! :( Hope you recover soon! *Hugs*

    Thank you! Obviously I love it too! That smirk while he's covered in dye just makes me smile. hehe

    I completely understand about Aaron and his physique now. If Cale wasn't a body builder with low metabolism, he'd probably revert back too. He does work out now and then though. But just boxing and sometimes he'll go for a jog. You're right there usually isn't time to work out. And, you're right about it being your game so you can do whatever you want! You won't find any judgments on my part. Nope!

    Yes it did! I loved how it just fit perfectly for their story. I LOVE when that happens! I've only tried it couple times, and only if the song lyrics fit that way, but what a payoff when it does eh? Kudos to you for taking the time to create that screenshot with Hunter as a bat in front of the moon, it was perfect, just perfect! It's incredible what one can find by just looking at a scene from different angles. I do that constantly for my screenshots. :) Some are tough to get just right, yep, very tough! o.O Sometimes it won't work, but when it does? *Chef's kiss*

    *raises hand* Fellow perfectionist here. I edit out stuff like that from my screenshots all the time. I doubt anyone else would notice, but I myself notice when it happens in my game! hehe

    Exactly my position, glad you understand. If it makes no sense for the story, I'll change things a bit to reflect that, just as with Essa and Josh living on as vampires last year.

    Hey, it wasn't your fault it took so long, you can't pick and choose when you're sick. No worries, I'm just glad it did finally happen for them! They deserve to be together. <3

    Ohhh, LOL! Yeah, that made me laugh too seeing him in the mod window.

    Actually no, I haven't had a chance to get that mod and check out CJ's hidden traits yet, but I know for a fact it's a random glitch just from what you said, it's happened to many others. Nope, Cale is fine, no signs of him changing back to a werewolf. I will eventually get that Mod and check though sooner rather than later. :)

    Oooo, well now, glad I thought he had a crush now and mentioned it. hehe Cool!

    Oh, I LOVE that hair! Simstrouble is the best eh? Just the absolute best for hair in my opinion. Aaron looks fantastic! Gah! Seeing Audax older with all that CC makes me feel guilty for not getting around to updating him like that in mine. I do appreciate his younger self though, so fun when I get to see him in my game!

    Whoa! 82? And I thought I had a lot, I have maybe a dozen, if that. hehe But you're right, the facial hair just isn't up to snuff by default. I think there's a very, very limited few that I like and will occassionally use.

    Aaron looks fantastic as a Merman! Gah! Thanks so much for sharing! <3<3 You're right he does have a face suited for that mustache. I love it and love him! <3

    Of course you can spot them, they're your babies! I'm the same way! :)

    Yeah that road/flooring glitch was so weird! It's gone now so it's totally random. I have no idea what causes it. I have no idea why he was crying, it was so weird! No moodlets, so why? o.O

    Thanks, I think he looks great too! I'm biased, but oh well. hehe Glad you agree! :)

    It was so much fun seeing Melody and Malcom there and yeah, her face was priceless, so funny! Glad you like the hot tub room too and their flirty banter. hehe

    I figured those that had a lot of babies in their game would figure it out right away, but oh well. Took me a while to write what Cale said about their baby and I still don't think it's exactly what I wanted him to say, but close enough. hehe

    Yep, it just makes sense they'd all not be elders considering their occult or mates occult status. Glad to read I'm not the only one that feels that way. :)
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    October 20th: Allies and enemies

    My first goal as Alpha of the Moonwood Collective was to win the Wildfangs over to our side.

    Gael and I traveled to their headquarters where I finally got to meet Lou and thank him for his help earlier. He just shrugged and grinned, saying he'd always loved to mess with vampires anyways, and that he'd enjoyed giving my two antagonists a good running out of town.


    Rory showed up not too long after, and I introduced myself as the new Alpha of the Moonwood Collective. She seemed a little wary, so I assured her it was only temporarily and that I'd come to ask for her help.


    I explained my position and gave her an abridged version of my history with the vampires. She was a little surprised to learn I had been one for awhile, but when she heard I wanted to take them down a couple pegs she eagerly agreed to help us.


    Oh yeah, it's all coming together.

    She then slyly asked if I'd really managed to take down Kristopher in a sparring match, and challenged me to a fight to see how good I really was.


    Of the three rounds we fought together, I managed to lose every single one!


    This wolf was good!


    I'm glad she's going to be on our side; those vampires won't stand a chance!


    We parted ways after that, and returned home to sleep and eat.

    Later that day, I could feel my fury beginning to cloud my judgement, so I decided to go for a jog to hopefully help clear my head.


    I followed a path I'd never taken before, and noticed a dilapidated house off in the distance. I ran towards it wondering if it belonged to someone I knew, and noticed a bunch of warning signs in front of it. Huh.


    As I examined the signs, I noticed a figure moving about near the house, so I decided to go introduce myself.


    The werewolf didn't seem to be in a very good mood, and growled at me as I approached.

    "Hi!" I said, stopping a few feet away from him. "I don't think we've met. My name's Adam and I'm currently the Alpha of the Moonwood Collective. It's nice to meet you."

    He just glowered at me, and I began to get the idea that this wolf didn't appreciate visitors.


    "Sorry to have disturbed you," I said backing away, "I'll be on my way."


    The sudden spike of fear must have pushed my fury to the breaking point, because I suddenly lost control and went into full rampage mode.


    I vaguely recall taunting the other werewolf and fighting him head on.


    Rampage me is such a jerk.


    The next thing I remember is lying on the ground feeling like I'd just got spit out of a wood chipper, the other wolf howling in victory over me.


    I managed to push myself up off the ground and hobble away, feeling dazed and completely disoriented. Who was that guy?


    As I neared my front door I noticed Caleb was standing there waiting for me.


    "You look awful," he said somewhat cheekily, "what happened."

    "Got into a fight with a lawn mower," I bit back, "but it had it coming."

    "I see," Caleb said, looking a little concerned, "are you going to be alright?"

    "Just let me go sleep this off for a couple hours," I said, rubbing my bruised arm. "I'll be fine."

    I went into the living room and curled up on the floor to sleep off my fight while Pax kept Caleb occupied with a stream of vampire related questions.


    After my nap I got up and took a quick shower and felt a lot better.

    When Caleb and I finally got to sit down and talk, he reported the same thing Morgyn had: the lower ranked vampires had been tagged and dealt with.


    I then told him about my temporary position as Alpha of my pack, and that the Wildfangs were also willing to lend us their aid.

    "This is it then," Caleb said quietly, "isn't it."


    I nodded solemnly.

    "We'll need to act soon," I said. "Tomorrow even. Can you round up the others and meet us here?"


    Caleb nodded and disappeared in a flash.

    Now to gather the others.
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,190 Member

    @afai1261 ,
    thanks for comments, LOL, glad my sleeping accident made you laugh :P Poor Oona has died now 4 times :D All are werevolves, maybe Oona is a catgirl, and has 9 lives :D
    I cannot wait to show you Aaron's and Jacobs apartment part, still doing Dylan's apartment, but soon. Aaron has special bond to Girl1, boy is a bit of a rascal and not so good terms with either of the masters :P

    I loved the firs pic, I dont usually play with same sex couples, just not used to, I admit that right away, not trying to even pretend, but that shot was absolutely awesome <3 same other pics taken in bed.

    @Karababy52 ,
    First of all, I apologise I forgot to comment on M&M dumpster woohoo, I loved it!

    OHHH, I sure hope Marley wins, just hopefully dont make as long speeches as her grandma :p

    DUH the garden , Oonas reverted too, once before she moved to Copperdale, but it was first time in whole time, and she travels a lot. Its so unfair how different its in every persond game! Also why so hard to fix. I maybe have combination of mods what slow it down, only after fertilizing and now and then otherwise. Its not an easy fix, only one where to even modders have not found 100% cure.

    There is now Carls gardening overhaul, its part of his game overhaul mod. It is said to fix the bug.. I dunno, as I cannot use it as it conflicts with other mod I have, and refuse to get rid of. (ive been spoiled for so long for not having random townies, so unless my garden becomes as fragile as yours, I tend to keep it that way :P ) And its a big mod, very big, needs settings a lot. but I am trying it if needed.

    Did he win Josh?

    Cale is getting pretty good at this ECO stuff:P

    LMAO , So you clicked "set as head"? Giant dirt pile on his head :D

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,190 Member
    Oona Medicci, day 23

    Only these few shots today, I had interesting day IRL , I had no time to really play today, so I only had this view from her front door.

    Sean's makeover.

    Seans lot (yes , Oona in front of it)
    I edited it to fit the surroundings better, imo. (Its supposed to look like old store or something)


    One more pic, taken by my cousins small dog, Jesse. He set his lil paw on my keyboard, result is this masterpeace:

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member

    Hi Everyone:

    Just to let you know I am back; however, I am only here for a month and then have to head back to Canada again. My Dad has terminal cancer, and I will be staying with him in his house to look after things. Unfortunately, I won't be taking this computer with me and won't have access to The Sims. Also, just not sure how much time I will have to play before I leave. And, I am really not sure, if I will have time to do an update for Dylan. I did have the next chapter written but just haven't gone in to play and screenshot. Time is a big factor, as I am still working here and have a lot to do before I purchase all the Christmas gifts...that takes awhile.

    So, unfortunately, I will not be able to continue in this challenge.
    I had played ahead, and Dylan had defeated Rory and completed the WildFang Aspiration. Both he and Morgan had found Greg's diary and the cure recipe, and Dylan had collected all the necessary ingredients for the cure. He also completed the Moonwood artifact collection. I probably should play ahead a bit more just to have Morgan give birth, so that we know what she has...I might do that, not sure or I may just leave as is...

    Anyway, good luck to everyone in completing the challenge. It was great reading all your stories this year.

    Take care all,

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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,190 Member
    @SoulGal7 , I am sorry to hear about your father, all the strenght to him!
    All the best for you in the future <3

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,261 Member
    October 17th Comments:

    Trying to keep you and @afai1261 on your toes...ha, ha, ha. Love both of your suspicions about what is going on.

    Yeah, there was a tv series called Teen Wolf.
    You might see resemblance of two characters there with my Sims version created by someone else.

    I think it would be neat to decorate a Sims home with created stuff from the different types of crafting. They should allow one bring created objects into a CAS like system and change the colors or even add designs to the newly created objects.
    As you mentioned earlier, you don't want me to spoil anything, so I won't. I'll let you keep throwing your ideas out there and such. :wink:
    Ha, Cale and Marley are smitten over each other. Where haven't these two woohoo'd yet now. :joy:

    I :heart: how Oona's room is almost a complete mess. So teenager-like. :lol:

    Heh, I like the idea of Gael having a crush on Rory. And maybe Pax just might end up having a crush on Alina, even if they are two different occults.

    October 18th Comments:

    Looking forward to seeing how Oona's high school adventures go.

    I'm guess maybe Hero just doesn't want to lose or break his glasses at a scout meeting. :lol:

    Ooo, I think Adam's team is going to be perfect in his final fight. Lilly will turn Kris around.

    Took these Cale and Marley long enough to have a baby. Laughed when you mentioned you must have subconsciously done it. :joy: It was meant to be.

    October 19th Comments:

    I just assumed you got too attached to your Challenge Sims. :lol: Would be weird to not age and watch your family get older than you. But that is the life of an occult Sim. :wink:

    I can cheat and create the scout uniform in MCCC and add the glasses that way, but it's too much work for me right now. :lol: I told @Ellupelluellu that I'll just pretend he doesn't want to lose or break his glasses during scout meets.
    Poor plants. Sucks you have a nasty glitch that keeps reverting them back to soil. Hopefully the hydroponic planters do help. My guess is Marley wrote a song about having a baby. Now it's going to on the top of the charts. OMG! :joy::joy: How did Cale get that dirt pile as his head? Ha, ha, ha, ha! Maybe it's his new hat. Fashion statement about his plants!

    Good to see Aaron and Hunter back together. Hopefully with Kristopher around, the whole pack will enjoy Hunter's company as not all vampires are bad.
    I ended up watching Season 2 + 3 of Teen Wolf. Never saw Season 1. I need to go back and see how it all started sometime. Glad you're enjoying how I portray Aaron and Hunter in my Sims Multiverse. I wanted to make sure they are into each other, ha ha. Yoshi loves to see D.J. whenever he arrives, I think it's cute. Special bond between these two already, I think. Glad you like the cabin. I do try and find really nice builds from the gallery.

    Woo! Congrats to Adam on being an Alpha for the time being.
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,261 Member
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited October 2022
    October - Day 20: "Pitter Patter of little feet is music so sweet..."


    Marley is in her third trimester now so it won't be long before the pitter, patter of little feet will arrive in the Conrad household. For today's update, I made a few changes to make room for all the things a baby/toddler needs. Outside I moved Cale's punching bag to the side of the house and put the child's tent in it's place. Also, placed this dollhouse on the back patio. You can also see a corner of the rug Cale made on the Fabricator.

    The only options for a nursery on this lot were an addition to the basement or use Cale's office. Daddy Cale graciously gave up his office and packed away all his mementos. His desk was moved to the dining room and Marley got a brand new laptop too.

    They also needed a bathtub to bathe the little tyke(s). Got rid of the shower and added that combo. I moved the wall plant collection to the window. It fits and looks great there. Sorry it's so dark, I forgot to turn the lights on. Opps!

    They went with a nature theme with lots of green, brown and pops of yellow/white. I gave them a Spellcaster bassinet because I think it's the prettiest one in the game, I love it! First time I've ever used the moon nightlight that came with the Werewolves EP. Was happy to discover it snaps to that window ledge.

    First time ever using the hamster chair and the height chart too. Can you tell I don't play with kids very often? hehe

    However, when I do play with kids, I like to use that Starry Starry Nightlight on the wall in every nursery.

    There's something kind of special on this side of the room. Can you guess what it is? A couple of you might know. :)

    I love this medium size classic painting of the freezer bunny in a forest, it's my all-time favorite our Sims can paint. It's just so dang cute! This one is a Masterpiece done 5 years ago by one of my very special Sims, Leonardo Gleason. Leo was the husband of the star of my Homeless Elder Challenge, Iris Walker.

    And lastly, here's an overhead view of the nursery. It's a simple room, nothing fancy, but I love it and think it's suits Cale and Marley. <3 The baby(ies) will arrive in tomorrow's update, can't wait!
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my October 20th post above! Comments/replies coming up next. I hope y'all had a good day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    No worries, I'm glad you loved it, I did too! :)

    hehe It'll be interesting to see just how long she does give her Thank Yous. I'll probably fall out of my chair again if it goes for any length of time.

    Yeah, it's frustrating, but I know it's a toughie to track down and fix. All I know is that it started with the patch before Eco Lifestyle. Glad it doesn't happen that often in your saves. I've given up on fertilizing since it's one of the triggers it seems.

    Thanks for the suggestion, but the size of Carl's Mod is the very reason I don't try it myself. I'll just try to continue toughing it out when my Sims have a garden and if it gets too bad, move the garden to household inventory. Had to do that in SM and getting close to giving up in Evergreen Harbor now too. Cale doesn't need the garden anyway, I just thought it appropriate he have one there.

    Oh yes, he beat Josh and got so playful again I had to have him try to calm himself down in a mirror. hehe

    Yep, Cale's doing well in his career and fabrication. If I have time for it, I might have him try to make all the candles. Thought about trying out the juicer too, but probably won't. We shall see.

    That's exactly what happened! hehe When I was cheating the plants back to a blossoming state, I accidentally clicked on 'Set as head' instead of 'Set gardening state.' Couldn't back out of it, there's no cancel, so ended up resetting him. The dirt pile fell off his head to his feet, still big! Once I put it in inventory though, it reverted back to normal size. ;)

    Fantastic shot of the amusement park at night! Gorgeous! <3

    Sean looks absolutely fantastic! Great job on his makeover!

    I think you did a great job with the reno of Sean's house, it does blend in very well now. Jesse has an eye for screenshots eh? So funny! I actually love it with nothing but trees and stars.

    So sorry to hear about your Father. Glad he'll have you there though to help take care of things for him. Don't worry about the challenge, I understand. You have more important things to tend to in your life right now. Thank you for offering to have Morgan have their baby before you go, I admit I'm curious, of course. But that can wait too. I'm so glad you were able to join us in the challenge again this year, I've enjoyed reading Dylan's story so much! Take care of yourself and your family. We'll be thinking about you. *Hugs* <3

    Ah, okay, yep I do see a resemblance in a couple of the Sims, definitely.

    What you're describing are a few things showcased in the Summit for TS5 or as they call it now, Project Rene.

    Thank you! I'm ready to be surprised! :)

    Oh man, there's LOTS of places they haven't woo hoo'ed yet. hehe I'm sure that'll change though before the year is through. ;)

    Yup, it was meant to be, again, for them. Marley joins Aurora as the only ones to have two separate births of his children. Aurora has Joe L. and Neil, while Marley has Esmerelda and this baby(ies).

    You hit the nail on the head both times, I got attached to them and it is the perk of most Occult Sims to be immortal.

    Good explanation why he wouldn't be wearing the glasses for scout meetings.

    Actually, she named the song something romantic while thinking about Cale. :) HAHA! It was an accident, I clicked the wrong button and, uh, Opps! Sorry Cale. Oh boy, dirt hat! I was going to make a Joe Dirt joke, but I like the hat idea in homage to his career better.
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,190 Member
    edited October 2022
    @LegacySims2017 , thank you for comments :) oh yea, scouts can be rough, good decicion, Hero. Oh yes I love those messy clutter they gave us in that pack :P

    @Karababy52 , Thank you for your comments! :) that nursery is lovely <3 I cannot wait to see their lil one!
    Also I really hope you remember to take them in gala :P but I have forgotten that myself so often. there should be reminder in calendar, like festivals, about beginning of the accolades.

    thanks, I told Jesse what you said, his reply was pretty much:
    "stop talking and give me a treat, wuf!" I swear, that dog has tummy as bottomless pit xd

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    October 21st: Putting an end to my Father's legacy

    Early that morning we all met up at the house to lay out our plan of attack.


    Of the werewolves, only Rory and Kristopher would help me confront Pierce and his gang. The others would be patrolling the town to ensure no vampires tried a sneak attack.

    Caleb and Andy had volunteered to also stand with me while the rest of the gang waited at Pierce's headquarters to mop up any stragglers that escaped our ambush.

    As for the spellcasters, Gemma and Carol would help me while their spouses stayed home with their kids. Kaori planned on doing the same, just in case Pierce was hoping to pick up a hostage on his way in.


    Carol revealed that Morgyn had taught her an enchantment to cast over the area we planned to confront the vampires. The enchantment would null any protection spells that the vampire's may have received from their own corrupt spellcaster, Milo Sun.


    Morgyn had also prepared a batch of the elixir I'd used against my father, and sent them with Gemma who handed them out to us.

    We were ready.

    We gathered at the edge on Moonwood Mill where the Wildfangs sometimes held parties, and Carol cast the enchantment.


    Now to set the bait.

    Which was me of course.

    I'd written a note taunting Pierce, pointing out that he was obviously afraid of me because otherwise he would have just come and got me himself.

    Basically I was trying to push all of his emotional buttons.

    We now send this letter via magic, making sure it landed directly in his lap before gathering around the bonfire to wait.


    We didn't have to wait long.

    "Well, well, well," Pierce smirked, waltzing towards us with his team trailing behind, "if it isn't the mangy dog and his band of misfits."


    I jumped up and took a few steps in his direction before stopping.

    "You must have gotten my letter," I said, trying to look nonchalant and like I wasn't about to have a panic attack seeing him again. "I'm glad you could make it."

    "You must think you're really something," Pierce snarled, "but I took a page from your father's book and I brought along a little reassurance."

    He motioned behind me and I noticed Daniella was with them, and she was smoldering under the sun.


    "You're killing her!" I shouted, feeling my wolf instincts start to take over. "Let her go!"


    "Gladly," Pierce said, smiling wickedly, "but only after you dismiss your posse and give yourself over to me for punishment. Otherwise we may soon have a reunion with our old friend Grim."


    I could feel my hackles rising and without a thought I found myself tackling him to the ground. The others quickly sprang into action and our fight began.


    The first to fall was the red headed vampire, taken down by Andy.


    This seemed to give Pierce a moment of pause in our fight, and I realized Morgyn must have been correct about the protection. With a snarl, Pierce grabbed me by the throat and dropped me to the ground before vanishing in a cloud of smoke.


    Fortunately he reappeared not to far away near a figure I now noticed hiding in the shadows.

    Milo Sun.

    "Carol!" I shouted, pointing at the two, "take out their spellcaster!"

    I would've asked Gemma to do it, (fatherly protectiveness and all) but she'd grabbed and teleported off with Daniella the moment I'd attacked Pierce.

    Carol nodded and got ready for a spellcaster duel.


    With her dealing with Sun, I took off after Pierce and once again tackled him to the ground.


    As we fought, I noticed the other vampire's falling one by one as my friends dosed them with the elixirs.


    Gemma returned and threw her hat into the spellcaster duel, helping Carol overload the ex-sage and cause him to explode in a burst of magic.


    Pierce, fueled by a seething rage over the loss of his allies, once again grabbed me by the throat and threw me to the ground.


    He'd lost all control by now, and I could see in his eyes he now only wanted to see me dead.

    He probably would have done it to if Carol hadn't teleported behind us and zapped him with a spell.


    It was enough of a distraction that I was able to pull out the elixir and splash it in his face. He let out a blood curdling scream and began to smoke and turn black.


    I looked away as he frantically tried to put himself out, hissing and falling to the ground, writhing in pain.


    It was over.

    I surveyed the charred bodies littering the field and felt myself shudder.


    This had been even more intense than our last battle. More deadly anyways. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing heart, but it wasn't until Carol came over and wrapped me in a hug that I started to feel a little better.


    The Grim Reaper had appeared and was moving from body to body reaping what was left of the vampires souls, until only six tombstones remained.

    Hmm, there had been seven of them. One must have escaped. Hopefully Eric and the others would catch them if they returned to base.

    Carol and the others helped me pick up the stones and line them up near the treeline. Perhaps it could serve as a warning to all occults that this kind of behavior would not be tolerated.


    I stood there for a time just staring at Pierce's stone. Was it really over? I could feel myself still shaking slightly, and suddenly had a deep longing to buy a nice house and live out the rest of my life as normally as possible with Kaori and the kids.


    Perhaps soon.

    I thanked the others for their help before Carol and Gemma teleported me home.


    We hugged and they promised to come check in on me the next day before leaving to return to their families. I wobbled inside where Kaori greeted me with a kiss.


    It was over. It was finally over.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    October - Day 21: "You are loved for the boy you are, the man you will become and the son you will always be..."


    Cale was at work when Marley went into labor on the last Wednesday of Summer. I was hoping Cale could go with her to the hospital. But it was not meant to be. I had her wait as long as she could for him to finish the day and come home because he was all set to reach Level 10 that day and finish the Eco Innovator aspiration. I thought there was plenty of time. Wrong...

    With only two minutes left on the timer, I sent her to the hospital and had Melody join her. At least she'd have her Mom there for support.

    Unfortunately, since I'd waited so long, when the lot loaded, Marley sprinted inside the hospital leaving her Mom outside. I clicked to have her check in at the front desk with Ze Therapist, but she ignored me and breezed right by on her way directly to the delivery room. Gah! I tried to have Melody come to watch, but she'd disappeared. Okay, what now?

    I decided to have Cale leave work early and bring him there. The promotion box was already ticked, so I thought he'd be good to go. Wrong again. He left work, or so I thought, without the promotion but was paid for his time. No biggie, he'll just get the promotion the next day. However, I couldn't bring him to the hospital for some reason. The option was there and it wasn't grayed out, but he wouldn't show up! Why? The game thought he was still at work, he wasn't. Ugh!

    I couldn't exit or anything because 'you can't do that while a Sim is having a baby.' Dangit! So Marley had the baby but I didn't save afterward to try again. But, the last time I'd saved was just before I had Cale leave work. I gave up. Marley had the baby by herself while Cale stayed at work.

    Maralyn Savant was her Doctor. Thinking about it, I guess it was a good thing Cale didn't come to the hospital since Maralyn is one of Cale's baby Mamas. Imagine how awkward that could've/would've been for everyone. o.O

    Everything went smoothly for the delivery, except for that silly heart floating above Marley's head. I have a mod for it but apparently it's not working or I haven't updated it. Opps! But THEN...

    "Is that my...heart?"
    "Oh NO! Not again!"

    I guess I spoke too soon, the machine went nuts after that for awhile until Maralyn was able to get it under control. A few minutes later, Cale and Marley had a Son.

    Meet Colt Connors Conrad!

    "Oh you're just the cutest little thing aren't you, aren't you?"
    "Aww, calm down baby boy, Mama's here, I know what you want."

    "There, there you go sweet boy. Shhh, Shhh. That's the way. Hungry little guy huh?"

    Marley leaned down and gave Colt a soft kiss on top of his downy head as she gave the baby his first feeding, snuggling him close while they waited for Daddy to come home.

    And here he is, back with the coveted promotion. He'd reached the top, Level 10! As a result, Cale has also completed the Eco Innovator aspiration. He quit his job and is now a Freelance Crafter. Cale sped inside after I had him change clothes to be with Marley and meet their new Son. He's having quite the day eh? Congratulations Cale!

    "Oh gorgeous, I am so proud of you. I love you so much!"

    "I'm so sorry, can you forgive me?"
    "Forgive you for what? Not being able to leave work? Oh Pfft, this isn't my first rodeo Cale, I'm fine and so is Colt."
    "I know, but I still wanted to be with you."

    "You are so strong and understanding. Thank you for our Son, you're incredible."

    "Would you like to meet him, he's still awake. Probably not for long though."
    "Oh good, I was hoping he was still awake."

    "Oh look at you, my boy...Hey, Hi there, I'm your Daddy and I'm going to love you forever. Yes I am. That's a promise. You'll see."

    "I feel like crying, he's perfect Marley, just perfect."
    "10 fingers, 10 toes, yep, perfect. I counted. And I know the feeling." Marley said holding back her own tears of joy.

    The couple cuddled with Colt for a little while until he yawned, his sweet little eyes drooping as he fell asleep in Cale's arms. Marley decided to sit with Colt for a little while as she continued to read a Parenting guide. I checked on her later and realized she hadn't progressed even though she was reading the correct level. I had this glitch before with Josh last year. For some reason, the last book in this set just stops working. I went ahead and cheated for her since she's not the challenge Sim.

    Cale went downstairs to make a rug for his first client after having a chat with them. It wasn't due until Monday, but he figured there's no time like the present, right?

    Marley checked on Colt who was still sound asleep and went out on the back patio. She noticed Cale's guitar and picked it up to play for a little while.

    Meanwhile, Cale is now working on his fifth gig, a fine wall decoration. He would make two more of those and another rug before finished. I was pleasantly surprised to find Freelance Crafter gigs now properly count for the aspiration. Last year, the career was bugged and I had to cheat for Essa to finish it.

    With another satisfied customer, Cale finished the Master Maker aspiration and also received a bonus and promotion from his agency! Congratulations Cale! Very proud of you Buddy!

    As Cale went up the ladder to seek out Marley, he heard Colt fussing for his next feeding. He heated up a bottle for him and fed his Son while Marley continued to play the guitar. This wasn't his first rodeo either. After taking care of Colt, Cale went outside to mentor Marley.

    And that's where I left them for the night. I might age up Colt early, but I'll try not to. Interacting with the baby is a good way to increase their relationship. However, sometimes I can't stand the crying or I get too anxious to see what they'll look like as a toddler. hehe We'll see how it goes...

    Comments/replies coming up next! I hope y'all had a fantastic day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Thank you, I had fun furnishing it! :) Your wait is over with my most recent update! I hope I remember too! I've forgotten as well. It would be nice to get a reminder on the calendar, I agree!

    Aww, I'd give him a treat if I could, that's so cute! hehe Our dog Roscoe, and Murdock before him were the same way. Both loved treats, but then, I think every dog does. ;)
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    October 22nd: Relinquishing Control

    Today's Accomplishment:
    Lone Wolf
    - Spar with five different werewolves


    The next day was a full moon.

    My first task for the day was to return Alpha-hood back to Kristopher. I let out a howl to summon my pack and waited for everyone to show up.


    When Kristopher arrived, I first gave him a hug in thanks for his help.


    I then made a big show of bowing down and declaring Kristopher to be the pack Alpha once again.


    To make it official, we sparred for the title, and of course I let Kristopher win.


    The rest of the day was filled with a lot of little thing I won't go into detail about.

    I sparred with the other werewolves.


    They both managed to beat me.


    I guess they have been at this longer than I have.

    I then did some grilling and invited the kids over to eat lunch with the pack.


    After lunch, I visited the Wildfangs and thanked Lou and Rory for their help.


    Rory was really sweet and even comforted me over our necessary killing spree, which admittedly I was still feeling a little guilty about.


    Pax and Alina hung out on the monkey bars most of the day, and Pax later told me that he now considered her his best friend!


    Later Caleb came over to check on me and brought his nephew Cole over to meet Pax.


    They seemed to hit it off alright, though my werewolf nose told me Cole hadn't received the vampire gene from his mother.


    That night, the full moon once again snuck up on us, and I was this close to locking myself in the safe room before I lost control!


    I finally regained control, but not before smashing up the house a bit.


    Good thing I've gotten fairly proficient at repairing objects.


    I went outside to find Gael, and was able to successfully pacify him.


    I then used a Lunar Howl to change up my triggers, which of course sent my right back into rampage mode.


    When I woke up this time, I was lying on the ground outside of what I later found out was Greg's house.


    Apparently I'd once again gone looking to pick a fight with him and gotten my tail handed to me.



    I limped home, took a quick shower, and got to work repairing all the things I'd broken.


    I'm starting to think I ought to start looking for a cure for my condition. I don't really think want to spend the rest of my days like this.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    October - Day 22: "Sometimes it doesn't matter what we do. Just being together is enough to make me happy..."



    No story mode today, just the daily post pic. Currently setting up for the remainder of October and the beginning of November. Cale, Marley and little Colt are just spending some time together being a family at the moment. Hope y'all had a wonderful day/night! <3
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    October 23rd: Getting away for a little family time

    After all the excitement over these last few days, I was ready to get away and chill.

    I discussed it with Kaori and she asked if we could visit Mt Komorebi, her old home world. I thought that was a great idea, so we packed some bags and rented a cabin in the mountains for a couple days.


    This was going to be great!

    Once we arrived and unpacked, Mira and Pax headed over to the bunny hill to do some sledding, and Kaori and I took Gael to the top of the mountain for some snowboarding.


    We set him up with a rental snowboard to see if he liked it, and gracefully headed over to the expert hill.


    Kaori was more experienced than me, so she jumped on the Ludicrous hill and I stayed on the Expert.

    As I boarded down the slope, I watched her doing tricks like an old pro and couldn't help but smile.


    It was good to be back.


    We stayed out on the slopes until noon.


    When I got back to the lodge, I found Mira and Pax taking selfies with a snowpal they built.


    I love how well they get along together.

    After everyone was fed, I suggested heading down the mountain to go swimming in the river. Of course Mira loved that idea.


    Our first stop was the gym. We didn't go inside, but it was fun to see my old stomping grounds again.


    Before heading down to the river, I led everyone over to see my first house.


    I was so excited when I saw it was still there.


    Brought back a lot of good memories.

    Down at the river, we put on our bathing suits and jumped in.


    Even Gael, even though he didn't last too long.


    Still doesn't like water.


    We swam around for a couple hours enjoying the cool waters on this warm sunny day. As evening approached, we got dressed and headed into town.

    We stopped by the park I used to teach yoga at, and the kids got some food from a nearby vendor.


    Once they were satisfied, I suggested a quick walk around the bamboo forest to see if we could find some forest spirits.


    We had a nice walk, but there were no spirits to be found.


    Kaori asked to stop by the memorial to drop off a gift for her grandparents, and we all stood respectfully silent as she left a flower in their memory.


    We were about to leave when I thought I saw something glowing on the path ahead.


    Forest spirits!

    I led everyone over to see them, and bowed and paid my respects.


    Suddenly I felt something fall into my pocket, and when I reached in and pulled it out I found a capsule containing a golden Simmi!


    It was now growing dark, so we returned to our lodge to find a thunder snowstorm raging. Everyone was fairly tired after our long day, so Kaori, Mira, and Pax headed off to bed. Gael and I were more nocturnal than the others, so we sat down and played a game of cards before turning in for the night.

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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    October - Day 23: "Fishing is a tough job. But I can tackle it..."



    Cale has the Freelance Botanist aspiration now with only one more milestone goal to complete to finish it. All these months, he's caught numerous cowplant berries, but sold every single one. I should've had him keep at least one, but nope. He spent three days and nights just fishing constantly. I got a lot of gorgeous screenshots, but alas, Cale hasn't caught a cowberry plant yet. Every single mystery fishing box has contained a kitchen upgrade part. Gah! I think it's time he tried his luck in another world eh? ;)

    Marley has been taking care of Colt and practicing the guitar. She's maxed it out now and is writing a song. It's early morning Sunday on the first day of Fall now. Later tonight for them is the Gala and Colt will age up into a toddler. Those things will happen in tomorrow's update. Today's update will be just the daily post pic.

    Hope y'all had a fantastic day/night! <3

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