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Rebuilding Worlds Vol. 2


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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    edited August 2020
    @EMSimmer30 Nice to see your update. Hawthorne and Willow are cuties.

    @Kiwicantdie I don't think I can ever forgive you for this long spammy update. :D<3 You must know I'm on vacation and wanted something with my coffee!!! Actually I'm all the way to lunch time now! hehe Seeing how some of you have redone Port Promise, I've had Lia start repealing some of the NAPS so we can change them to things that will clean up the trash! It looks so pretty in your game. Aww cute poor sweet Kirk. He'll be fine :) I love Kirk hugging his big brother Max. It's so adorable. Oh my gosh I love Iris showing Maddy how to knit. I can't stand it. Daisy! OMG I love it!! I can't wait to see her. The maker space is great. I love how it looks. hehe yes! Kirk! How do toddlers just happen to have kitchen ingredients on them all the time?? I love your pool. Eep Aiyden stuck in the window! I know his pain. I'm constantly trying to distract Lia too! Aww Kirk is a cutie, I like him! I feel like that mood is a glitch too. My sims experience quite frequently as well. It was the best right after Hailey tried to burn the house down though. I laughed at Iris trying to shop for hair dye on Amazon. Heath: Honey, we're not home...stop baking cakes. I like the Greenes and I want them to still like us! Desiree is from my game and yes! You have the correct geneology!
    Hehe Aiyden. Too funny. Get that monster, stop judging! Oh I like that Maddy could make herself a toy! Even if she does look confused by it! OMG are those bats?? I got a shiver! Is that from the creepy crawly trait? eww. ((Although I do think bats are cute and I appreciate them eating bugs and I like watching them fly over my house at dusk)). I did not know that adults could help kids with drawings! Thanks for that tip! I'm going to go mimic that outfit on my cranky stomping Lia. I love it and I'm tired of the dress she picks to wear every single day...even though she has multiple outfits. Stupid future cube...that's one of the glitches. That and the clay. Congrats on the kids completing their aspirations! Aww Pablita! <3<3 I've had heirs before who hated children. They usually like their own OK. I wouldn't let it count him out...unless you want it to count him out.

    @JordanNicoleJJ Awww no Iris and Aiyden I can't stand it! Oooo I love how Storm turned out and I love the outfits! Awww good bye Aiyden, we knew that was coming. I love that Iris was there to console Storm about his grandpa. So touching. Eeee I love the kids club. Aww poor Iris I'm glad she has the baby to make things easier. EEEE another nooboo! I hope she gets her girl. haha with Blaze I was just thinking how can you tell...then you said it was hard to tell with toddlers :) I hope Iris has a lot of days ahead of her. <3 I'm happy for the update!
    Post edited by debjameswhite on
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    Comments ~

    @Wentcrazy You got Iris a yoga mat! I don't know if it'll help her lose weight, but she looks awful cute doing it :blush: Awww no not the cowplant! It's kind of inevitable once kids come along...that's when mine died too :confused: Iris CLEANED something...on her OWN??? I think an alien body-snatched your Iris...cause that can't be the real Iris :wink::lol: Aww I love the pics of Aiyden & Rose. Rose is such a cutie pie! Aww Faith looks so grown-up now! I'm glad she's not TOO grown-up to to play with her lil sis though, it's always so cute when kids play with/teach their tod siblings. Look at all those kid friends she has!! You're doing way better than me in that department :lol: I think Olive & Matt are my fav friends of hers. The club is a great idea -- I made one for Storm in my game, but he only knows one kid :lol: All of Faith's outfits are so cute, but I think her athletic outfit is my fav! I always forget about that cute pineapple outfit.

    @Heckstress17 I've been having issues with the washing machine too. It works the first time I use it, then it'll say "no washing machine to add clothes to" or "these clothes are clean" after that. The laundry baskets also get bugged that way -- it says "these clothes are clean" so I can't take them out of the basket. It always corrects itself after I delete and re-purchase everything, but it definitely seems like a weird bug. I haven't had this much fun playing a sim family in a long time too! I'm just speeding through the generations lol. Suri's mom and Jonas' dad would have totally made a great couple! :lol: Suri's mom was crazy, and I loved her so much lol.

    @debjameswhite Yay Lucky's back! Last time I had a dog, it needed bathed all the time too! I wonder if that's another bug... Aww everyone's so mad about the cakes :lol: You just need to get one of those recycle trashcans that gives you money when you throw away stuff, so they don't have to eat a million cakes :sweat_smile: I love Lia's new hairstyle by the way! And Heath is looking pretty good in that old outfit of his, I don't blame Lia for her reaction whatsoever :wink: Jay is such a creeper!! I swear if he doesn't start leaving them alone I'm gonna lose it! Hailey is old enough to go visit him if she wants to, he doesn't even need to be around! I'm totally on Heath's side with wanting to kick out Jay. Aww Sawyer comforting Elsa was so cute, I think they'd make a pretty good couple :smile: Jay is just a stalker at this point :flushed: I mean, at least Hailey was actually at the park, but still! That is a super hard heir choice... Kaitlin aged up really nicely, I think she's a really good mix of her parents. But Sawyer still has my heart. I vote for Sawyer, but I won't be mad with either choice :smile:

    @EMSimmer30 Yay an update! But oh no -- a house fire! :grimace: Good thing Iris was there to save Aiyden! I love the doctor career for Iris! She's definitely the nurturing type. Aiyden looks like he's doing well with his fabricating! Yay a nooboo!! I LOVE the name Hawthorne! :smiley: Iris looks so good in her doctor uniform! Head doctor, wow! And another nooboo!! So exciting :smiley: Hawthorne is a super cute tod. Aww and I love the name Willow too :heart: Their relationship can get super rocky if they don't spend much time together, that's true. Aiyden's temper means he doesn't hold anything back lol. I'm glad they could work it out though. Willow's such a cutie too!! I can't decide which one is my looks like you got a mini-Aiyden with Hawthorne and a mini-Iris with Willow lol. But Willow definitely has her dad's lips, so that'll help her look like more of a 'mix.' And Hawthorne got Iris' freckles! I love that :blush:

    @Kiwicantdie It takes me FOREVER to type updates and I don't even have the language barrier, so don't feel bad at all, you're doing better than me :lol: But I am so excited for a big update -- I love long updates :smiley: The new community space looks great! I love that you kept it really similar to the old one, and it fits in with that area of Port Promise perfectly. All of those scenery shots :love: I'm so jealous -- why is your game so much prettier than mine?? :lol: Awww I love that Kirk has gotten attached to Max. I don't blame you for forgetting him, he was definitely an oops baby...even moreso than the first two oops babies :lol: I love the idea of passing down knitting & fabrication! They're almost necessities to me, because there's no other way to get some of the items without unlocking them through the skills. LOL Max "Isn't this like a super-duper girly thing to do or something?????" no Max, listen to some metal music and get to knitting! :lol: The maker space is seriously so perfect. I love that it still has an industrial vibe even though it's been "upgraded." AHH the Austin line continues! Marigold is so pretty :heart: The basketball court was a great idea -- I love seeing all the kids playing together :blush: The weather might not have been nice, but the pool pics look great! Iris is looking FINE in her 'older' age :smirk: Kirk was a little terror as a toddler, but he aged into a fine young man! Yikes he totally inherited Aiyden's moodiness though..ah the Greene curse :lol: OMG Aiyden totally does look like Bob Pancakes with that makeover :joy::joy: Ah what a cool multiverse cross-over! Desiree totally is Rory and Andy's kid from @debjameswhite 's game! Poor do NOT mess with mama's sleep time! Awwwww I love that Maddy made herself a toy, that's too cute :heart: Then there's Iris' obsessive knitting and Aiyden getting so frustrated :joy: I just recently learned that adults can help kids with drawing too!! I had no idea this whole time :sweat_smile: The kids are so cute in their Halloween costumes! I keep forgetting to add that as a holiday to my game :sweat_smile: Omg Poppy Austin is so cute too!! I love that the Austin line is still going strong in your game :heart::heart: Their whole San Myshuno adventure was awesome. I really need to get my sims out more :lol: Pablita!!!!! :smiley: My vampire queen :heart: Yay more birthdays! Oh man...those are some rough teen traits :sweat_smile: But Lady of the Knit is PERFECT for Maddy! And she's so pretty too! I like Matt too, and I agree he's such a good mix of his parents, but his Hates Children trait could definitely be problematic...I'm here for the drama if you do pick him though :lol:

    @debjameswhite I hope I get a girl with the next kid too! I'm happy with the two boys, but I like getting at least one of each gender so I can compare the genetics across genders too. I'm pretty good at deciphering toddler genetics once I get at least 2 toddlers cause I just compare them to each other :lol: Overall face shapes and noses are the hardest cause they're very same-y on toddlers, but lips and eyes are pretty easy. I hope Iris has a lot of days too. Her life bar is showing about half full, so I think she should still have another couple of in-game weeks at least :smile:
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    We almost lost a family member Friday night. We spent the night in the emergency room. They managed to survive the episode. This time. I'm still not over the stress. I have no meaningful comments to your wonderful stories yet. My bad. Just know that I like them. I wanted to let you know why. Stay safe everybody.
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Mionax I'm so sorry about the stress you're going through. I'm sending you hugs and lots of positive energy. Don't worry about comments, just take care of yourself and your family. We'll all still be here. I'm glad that the you can at least enjoy the stories and escape for a few minutes.
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    IllusoryThrallIllusoryThrall Posts: 1,335 Member
    @Mionax I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope the family member is feeling better and recovers fully! How terrifying. I would still be stressed, too! Take all the time you need. :smiley:

    Anyway.. I finally got around to sorting pictures and writing.. so here's Update 1.4:

    So… we ended the last chapter on the two of them sitting by the pool reading.
    … We start this one.. with Harvestfest bringing us an invasion of garden gnomes. We appease all of them because Iris can always use new seeds.
    I decide we should save up an essence for the next time it wants us to drink one for work. Little Moo doesn’t seem to mind the meal.
    Iris decides to get all flirty, so she drags Aiyden to the bathroom to help her clean up.
    I then realize they have some 15k in the bank, and I haven’t done any building in a while… so I do some upgrading. Here’s their new open plan dining area. (They’re eating a grand meal for harvestfest – it seemed appropriate to get them an actual table to eat it at!)
    The living room gets a facelift, as well, with some color changes.
    The breakfast nook becomes an impromptu garden area.. because why would they need two tables to eat at?
    Oh yeah… and there were consequences to the shower romp. *wink*
    With his new job, Aiyden gets the ability to “grow” meat. Weird, but.. okay then. The “Massage” interaction is one of the creepiest things I’ve seen in game.
    Upgrading the dryer for safety reasons. We don’t need any fire accidents.
    Despite being lazy, Iris seems to actually be a good mother. She is almost always the first to make it to the bassinet when McKenzie starts crying. (Also: I realize I spelled McKenzie’s name wrong in my last chapter. Sorry, sweetie!)
    Flying baby!! (Screenshots of baby age-ups crack me up… I had to include it.)
    Inquisitive, huh? Nice.
    Squeee! OMG She’s adorable!
    Proof that Iris actually cleans on her own sometimes in my save. Also: I adore that kitchen shelf.
    Poor Iris. This pregnancy has been really rough on her. I find her in the bathroom after nearly every meal.
    Aiyden lets me know it’s that time. But since I don’t want to leave McKenzie home alone or send her to daycare, I have him stay home for the birth. Iris assures him that she’s got this.
    Iris? You going to wait for the doctor to get in the room? .. Nevermind. I guess not.
    Welcome baby Luke! I had the hardest time picking his name. I randomized for about 15 minutes before I just picked my own name that was a variation on one of the ones that had popped up while randomizing.
    We arrive home.. to snow? .. Okay then. Everyone has to run outside to “react to first snow”, which always amuses me.
    I find McKenzie reading all by herself in her room after a nightmare. Apparently she didn’t think waking up the parents was necessary. (Immediately after this photo, she starts chewing on the book. I was so startled I didn’t think to take a picture. I’ve never seen a toddler do that in the sims before. I guess that’s one way to be inquisitive? LOL!)
    Winterfest arrives, and Iris and Aiyden move the coffee table in favor of a traditional tree.
    The night before, Aiyden rolled the “Try for Baby” whim, so I indulged him. This was the result.
    Welcome to toddlerhood, little Luke!
    Based on that smile, he’s definitely a Charmer, alright.
    First thing he does: head out to the back porch nobody uses to play in the snow. Too funny.
    He then runs stumbles back inside to give his big sister a huge hug. Next time: Father Winter … and another baby on the way. Wonder what it’ll be?!
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks guys.

    @IllusoryThrall McKenzie and Luke are very cute! A 3rd on the way is nice.
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @IllusoryThrall I think there is some glitch with the garden seeds too. Check your house inventory. I had hundreds of seed packets in there after the harvest fest holiday! Eeep. I'm glad Iris was ok. Nice of you to sacrifice her instead of Aiyden! Oooo your upgrades look really good. I like them a lot! Congrats on the nooboo being on the way!! I can't get the look off my face for grow meat. I haven't seen that yet. eww. eww. OK let's move on. Aww look at McKenzie! She's such a cutie! I love that kitchen shelf too. I like how you used it here. Oh poor Iris. Oh congrats on a boy! Baby Luke. One of each :) Oh those babies are so cute. I'm excited you'll have another! Can't wait!!
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    Look at all these updates today! :mrgreen: Also, I'm kind of relieved to hear I'm not the only one with washing machine issues. Though I wish you all weren't suffering the annoyance with me lol

    @debjameswhite - I'm happy to see Lucky's still at home and doing well. Even if he is a bit dirty. Seems like another bug to add to the list. I can't believe everyone forgot Heath's birthday! I didn't realize he was self-absorbed lol that certainly explains his anger. I love Sawyer so much, and seeing him with Cassiel is awesome. I think it would make both his Mom and Evie happy if they were to date. More girl time, filled with gossip about their teens lol! Oh no look at Clover's face :lol: Pablo must've done something to set her off. And Lawrence watching from a distance :heart: I really do like Weston too, but Sawyer is just perfect, maybe it's the glasses. It's good to see Weston is doing a good job caring for himself lol. haha Lia loves when her man dresses up. There's just something about a man in glasses :wink: Oh wow the whole confrontation with Jay really exploded. I love Lia's expression, she's so over it :lol: I do wonder if there's something more to this whole Jay thing then him just being a creepy ex/father... I'm glad Heath's birthday gift finally arrived, clearly he was too :lol: omg look at Clover's daughter :love: she's so pretty! You've got so many beautiful teens walking around your game right now. Sawyer comforting sad Elsa warmed my heart. That's it! He's got my heir vote! I'm not budging! Congrats on completing Kaitlin's aspiration and remembering her birthday :wink: I'm kidding, I forget birthday's all the time. And you've got Lia baking cakes non stop so no one thinks twice about it :lol: but awww look at Kaitlin! She's beautiful, and a really nice blend genetically. What are hers and Sawyers traits? I'm interested to see their personalities some more. As of now Sawyer just has my heart. As usual I can't resist your male sims :lol: I love how you're giving us a look at the teens in your game. The Heck boys are so cute! I feel like mine and my husband's simselves have passed on some nice genes lol! Sidney Porter looks a lot like Jordan, and Kai Grant is a pretty handsome teen too. Of course I spotted Jonas :blush: I love that you gave him the same hair from my game and kept his edgy style. I'm very excited to see Kaitlin meet these guys. Awesome update!

    @Kiwicantdie - I've said it once, and I'll say it again, I'm completely in awe of all of you who type up updates and comments when English isn't your first language. I would never know it if you hadn't told me, your updates are always flawless. Meanwhile I've got typos like every other sentence :lol: Bottom line, you're amazing, and not slow at replying at all! Maybe it just seems that way because so many of us have been on a sims binge and have something new to post every other hour :joy: It usually takes me 3-4 hours to type an update and comment. Normally in that time someone will post something new for me to comment on, and I either miss it, or it adds another hour to my commenting time lol Anyway, on to your update! :smiley: Look at how pretty your Evergreen Harbor is :love: I had hoped it would take a little longer to improve things too, but I can't complain too much because it does look really nice. I'm kinda surprised how similar your game looks to mine. I don't have the Modern Development, yet our areas pretty much look the same. I love the idea of knitting being your family skill. Iris looks so cute teaching the kids to knit. Especially Max since he's so unsure of himself :lol: I love your community space! I'm so jealous of everyone completely nailing these builds. I didn't even know where to begin... so I didn't lol but your space looks really cool. The covered outdoor seating space, and the basketball court were great ideas. That makes the lot so much more family friendly. I feel so bad that I don't recognize the Austin's popping up in this update :bawling: I swear I'm going to go reread the old thread tonight. Like I said, I looked through your family tree the other day and it really made me miss your Austin's. Your summer lot in Willow Creek is awesome too! :love: I must've been on my hiatus when you built it. I'm glad your Greene's got to enjoy it... well some more then others :lol: Maddy is so much like Aiyden. It's crazy! Baby Kirk looked so cute in that pic of him in the baby pool :heart: and as always Aiyden's a great father. omg Lia :joy: she's gotta stay in shape to keep up her hourly cake baking. Kirk is a super cute kid, but geez was Iris even involved in making him lol?? Awww Jordan gets to marry one of the Austin kids :heart: lucky guy. Your monster under the bed outbreak is super relatable. I love how annoyed Iris and Bob Pancakes Aiyden look :lol: RIP to the cowplant, it's better this way lol and now Iris can focus all her time on plopsy. Maddy's face while looking at her little knitted bear lol she's seriously a copy and paste version of her Father. Kirk helping his older siblings with homework seems appropriate somehow. Being the kinda forgotten child I imagine he's learned to fend for himself lol. The bats in Maddy's room :lol: I'm glad you kept that lot trait. It's weird about the Halloween party glitch. I don't have that pack so I can't say it's something I've experienced. The pics of the family enjoying San Myshuno were great. My favorite part was of course seeing Pablita, but omg I almost didn't recognize her with black hair! How could you!? Fix her! lol! I thought it was funny that Maddy got more of a reaction blowing her candles out yet she looks completely disinterested. Oh Max :bawling: Why'd you have to go and roll that hates children trait?! He's really cute! I really like him! He'll grow to love his children eventually!?? lol it doesn't have to be a deal breaker. Remember Selene! :lol: Maddy is very pretty, but ALL Aiyden :confused: and yikes :flushed: That mean trait is worse then hates children if you ask me lol

    @JordanNicoleJJ - I love seeing Iris with her Grandkids SO much :bawling: She's so cute helping Storm blow out his candles and baking him a cake. He aged up really well, but I gotta look super hard to see any of Haven in him. Look at all his little orange outfits :blush: he's got such a cute little boys style. Noooooo Aiyden :bawling: Poor Iris was so strong for her Grandson. Poor little guy did not need to see that. (I loved seeing Grandma rockin' that ankle tat though :lol: ) Going to the park was a great way to distract them both. I'm excited that Storm gets to grow up with his cousin :heart: Those skating pics :joy: I love love love Storms bedroom. I was happy to see that both he and Haven have a bit of Grandpa Aiyden's attitude lol Seeing Iris sleeping in baby Blaze's nursery broke my heart. I just imagine her missing her husband and knowing her time is coming :disappointed: It was nice to see ghostly Aiyden, and in a decent mood too lol! That's evidence supporting their dream theory lol YESSSSS baby #3! Bring it on! I can't wait! I hope Iris lives long enough to meet her newest grandchild. Look at baby Blaze! It's kinda funny he's got the silly trait, he looks like a very serious toddler. I have no idea which parent he looks like. His fall themed outfits are adorable. :smile:

    @IllusoryThrall - You're a saint appeasing the gnomes lol I delete them immediately. They drive me insane! Free seeds is a perk though. Oh Iris sacrificed herself to her cowplant! I'm pretty sure that's a first in this thread. The house is looking great with all the newly bought furniture. You saved money fast. Um hold the phone please! Aiyden's growing MEAT?! I'm really grossed out and glad I didn't know about this. In fact I wish I could unsee it :joy: My eyes! Moving on lol I get a kick out of the baby's flying up out of their bassinets too. McKenzie is super cute! :love: She almost makes me forget that I saw Aiyden massaging meat :tired_face: Iris having baby #2 by herself makes sense. Welcome Luke! I like that name, and he's a cutie. It looks like you've got some diversity between the siblings already. I loved the picture of them hugging by the Christmas tree :heart: I'm excited for baby number #3!

    @Wentcrazy - If you post your update, I'll post mine! :joy: I've been typing up an update on and off all day lol and yes I'm 30... unfortunately :bawling::bawling::bawling: I had a really big breakdown about entering my 30's. I literally still can't believe that my 20's are over and it's been so long since I was a teen! It's sad lol but it's awesome that we're the same age :smiley: There's a few of us playing that are about 30. Hooray for 90's babies! (though I was born in December of 1989, but still :lol: )

    @EMSimmer30 - lol Iris having to extinguish Aiyden was entertaining. She's a doctor by day, a firefighter by night :tongue: Aiyden's argument about his wife helping around the house is understandable. Aiyden spending a night on the couch has been a popular occurrence in everyone's games lol. Welcome baby Hawthorne! He is adorable, I love his outfit, and I love seeing Aiyden being a great Dad. Baby Willow is a cutie too! Do you have a Hunger Games baby name theme this gen??

    @Mionax - I am so sorry to hear about your family member. That's absolutely terrifying. I sincerely hope they recover quickly and that you're dealing with it okay. :heart:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ it is so difficult to see a heartbroken Iris. But it's so nice she's got to spend time with her grandkids! Haven and Suri are lucky Iris keeps the kids entertained. No wonder, there's another nooboo on the way! :) Both boys are so cute but I'm with Suri, hoping for a girl this time :D Iris is amazing as a grandma! <3 Yay for the kids club! :) You should invite more kids to their secret club and let him meet more awesome kids :)

    Iris started losing weight in my game. It's like a miracle. Even all this cleaning up herself. I mean, she still leaves stuff everywhere but she's cleaning every now and then. It's crazy! I believe they only have friends because of the club. When they're at school, I let them meet other kids as well, hoping they will tag one of two along and bring them back home. They're not supposed to grow up as lonely as their parents :D

    @Mionax I'm so sorry to hear about that. Hope you and the family member are feeling much better! Sending you a virtual hug! <3

    @IllusoryThrall The new dining and living area looks so nice! McKenzie is adorable! Your Iris also cleans up! That's good to know. I feared something has happened with Iris as she had actually started cleaning in my game :D Welcome baby Luke! He is such a cutie!

    @Heckstress17 Is that a threat? :D:D I'll post my update soon :# I just have to get through a call at work (I hate Wednesday in that department) and then there will be another chapter :D I didn't really mind entering my 30's. But I was also sick days before and I was on vacation, so being able to "celebrate" had been actually nice. We include you in our club for 90's babies! :D I was born early January, so I have the feeling I have the right to invite you B) It's just a few days after all :)
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    Back for your updates <3

    @Wentcrazy yup, it's that bad, I have a lot of exams coming, it's the end of my second year :sweat_smile: but I'll survive. I'm working too, btw, so I totally feel your struggle :joy: (in the babysitting department too lol). I'll cross fingers for your future heir genes <3 I'm sure that whoever it is, it's going to be super gorgeous!
    I love that you made Iris and Aiyden playing chess together (that logic skill grind is haaaaard), it's really cute to watch. Also kudos to you for having Iris use the yoga mat??? I bought one for her in the very beginning too, but she never used it so I got rid of it after a while. Dang it, RIP your cowplant too. It's sad, but at least Aiyden will survive :joy: it's incredible how cute Rose and Faith are!! You really did luck out with these two kiddos! Child!Faith is sooo pretty! I'm so curious to see how she turns out as a teen, but from the looks of it she might be a really good mix of her parents! She also has so many friends!!

    @JordanNicoleJJ I'll be able to play despite the exams, it's just that it's going to make me way slower with typing up updates and replying to yours, as it already takes me hours. Plus, y'all are sims binging like crazy (which is good) and posting a ton of updates (which is even better) so I'm over here dying underneath an avalanche of posts :joy::joy::joy: (which I love). Keep it up please! :joy: it's good to know, at least, that I'm not the only one that spends hours typing in here - I'll take your suggestion and use the potions of youth too, 'cause I want Iris and Aiyden to see at least one grandkiddo <3
    OMG I love child!Storm so much??? Yes, he's totally a mini Suri, but he's super cute :bawling: btw you're definitely on a roll with all these nice outfits! Can you please re-do all townies outfits in my game? :joy: I would pay for that, I swear. This time around I feel like I was more ready for Aiyden's passing. It's still so sad, but at least the situation seemed to be more manageable. I love that Iris looks after Storm so much, she's so involved in her grandkiddo's life that I almost have tears in my eyes just looking at her. Ana aged up as well, and she's such a cutie! She looks a lot like her mom, for sure! The club was such a nice idea, I have to make sure I use the club feature too in the future. My god, my heart breaks for Iris. I can't look at her crying near Aiyden's urn. At least she got to see him once again, in his ghost form. On to brighter things, yay for the third pregnancy!! I'm crossing my fingers for you and hope it's the girl Suri wants <3 Grandma Iris will have even more little ones to look after! <3 and Blaze!! OMG he's such a little cutie :bawling: he's absolutely adorable and the outfits you gave him are p e r f e c t. He really seems to be a better mix of his parents, we'll see how he ages up :wink:

    @Heckstress17 my reply arrives a little late, but... I haven't had issues with the washing machines? At least, not until now, maybe I'll have them during my next game session :grimace: I surely hope not, 'cause that sounds like a bug that I had a long time ago. It's definitely something that happened months ago to me, no doubt. Unfortunately, I can't take any sabbatical year even tho I really wish I could (I'm too old!! :joy: I just turned 29 this summer, I have to get that sjhdgshfgsdfs degree!!!) (I re-enrolled into uni two years ago with a scholarship, 'cause I left it to work a little bit in my early twenties, so please don't think that in Italy university lasts like 10 straight years :joy: ). I truly hope that the devs will implement story progression!! That phone call certainly seems to be something along those lines, plus there was a survey not that long ago that seems to indicate that they could do it. I would really really love to have some form of story progression! Btw you're way too nice lol, I know for a fact that my posts are filled with typos and grammar errors :joy: I spend most of my time going through them to fix the mess! The three Austins I spotted around town are all Rory and Violet's children from the Rebuild Willow Creek challenge: Marigold, Poppy and the last one Corey :blush: it's been sooooo long ago I'm not surprised you don't remember them :joy: (also, I've not put them in my family tree yet, 'cause #lazyness?) I'm really really glad that Max seems to get such a positive response from you guys, 'cause I really like him too and I lowkey wanted him to be heir for this entire time, but... that trait :disappointed: I guess I'll put him through hell anyway? :joy: we'll see how things go during their teen years, but yeah, I hope I'll be able to look past it and find him a nice girlfriend <3 - I don't want this to be a Selene 2.0 repeat, where I have a fave sim who hates children that I don't pick as heir only to then regret it in the long run.

    @debjameswhite Lucky's safe!! :bawling: it doesn't matter how many baths he needs, as long as he's home <3 I really really like that cake default replacement, if I wasn't trying to stay as cc free as possible I would definitely get that too. Poor Heath :bawling: I never had a sim get furious for forgetting their birthday, usually they're all super sad. That's a first to me! I loved seeing Lia and Evie getting along so well, don't really know what was going on with Clover tho :sweat_smile: (I guess she was scared that Lia might get into her house to start baking 1000 cakes?? :joy: )- omg that pic of Jay staring through the kitchen window is really... scary. I love how both Heath and Lucky went outside to shoo him away. Love to know that Clover had a gorgeous daughter in your game! (Kinda concerned about her choice of outfit tho :joy: ) Teens outings at the park are always the best. The yoga class out there in the open is such a great idea! I'm crying at the idea that Lia spends most of her days baking cake after cake, and then for her kiddos' birthday she decides to bake the lowest carb cake possible :joy::joy: man, I love her. Kaitlin and Brycen look so good as teens! :flushed: I would definitely be torn between Sawyer and Kaitlin too, it's so hard to choose!

    @EMSimmer30 every first day in a new house has to be blessed by the sims god with a little bit of fire :mrgreen: that's when you know you're going to have fun playing! Kidding aside, I'm glad that Iris managed to extinguish her husband :joy: I'm also glad to see Iris working as a doctor! It's a nice change for once! I totally feel Aiyden's struggle. Him and Iris argued a lot in my game too. I'm glad that they have kiddos already, tho! Welcome, little Hawthorne! <3 he's such a cutie as a toddler too! And Willow too! I hope that Iris and Aiyden's marriage doesn't sink with this much work to do.

    @Mionax I'm so sorry to hear that! I truly hope that your family member is feeling better now. Don't worry about the comments, take care of yourself <3 I'm sending virtual hugs from veeery far away and I hope that everything turns for the better. Take all the time necessary to be with your family <3<3<3

    @IllusoryThrall Iris getting eaten by the cowplant gave me such a huge scare! :grimace: I hope she won't be the one being taken out by the cowplant in your game. Nice excuse for getting Aiyden into the shower too, tho (I: "Honey, do you mind scrubbing Moo's saliva off of my back? I can't reach it") :joy: I love the upgrade you did on the living room!! The color scheme is really nice! OMG Mckenzie is such a cute little toddler!! :bawling: she's absolutely adorable and has the cutest eyes. How fitting for her to be a big sis! <3 yes, toddlers do chew on their little books when they read, but I can't really tell if it's the inquisitive trait. I've seen it happen a lot and it's adorable! Luke is such a cutie too?? Wow, you're lucking out with all these super cute toddlers! I can't wait to see what the next baby is! <3
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    @kiwicantdie oh boy, I keep my fingers crossed for you! <3 I studied on the weekends and it had been so exhausting. I have no idea how I had managed all of that (babysitting, full-time job (I even got promoted :D), studying, sports (playing soccer three times a week) and meeting friends (occasionally)) :D
    Well, Iris kind of has to use the yoga mat. She and Aiyden are struggling with their relationship and looking breathtaking might help (not that she needs it but well). But she actually enjoys it now. She also grew into the role of being a mom. I really got lucky with their genetics so far! <3 I like them both and I'm not sure I'll be able to decide when I see both of them as teens <3

    Chapter 9

    This time, Rose's birthday was coming around.
    But before that, I want to show you that Iris is a good mother (I've only had pictures with Aiyden being the good parent).

    Here is Aiyden (although not seen in the picture) reading a story to both girls.

    So when the time came, it was (of course) Iris who helped their little girl to blow out the candles.

    CAS and outfits.

    Rose grew up with the neat trait. While her sister has the aspiration to be a Whiz Kid (she's a genius after all), Rose has the goal to be a Rambunctious Scamp. She mazed everything as a toddler but Thinking.
    She also created her own club called "Cool Kidz". Meet her "friends":

    She had more kids in her club but they aged the next day before I was able to take any pictures :(
    But in the picture with Zoe, you can see Braydon and Ziva (Faith' friend) in the background.

    A day later the Greene's went to a park.
    While Rose went to the playground immediately, Faith and her dad decided to play chess.

    At first, Iris watched the match for a bit.

    Then, she headed off and found something else to do.

    The park was filled with kids that day (most of them were the girl's "friends" aka club members).

    Rose wasn't such a natural after all.
    The boy who's sitting on top of the monkey bars is Ziva's and Zoe's brother.

    Zoe is a friend of Rose while her sister Ziva is a friend of Faith (so basically two sisters are friends with sisters).
    Of course, Rose said hi :)
    His name is Zayne.

    He also got to meet the rest of the Greene family.
    Rose meets so many people, it's insane. Maybe she should be the heir as it might be easier to find her a husband :D

    Faith and Rose both loved hanging out with their gang.
    Of course they are good kids and focused on skills and school as well.

    Even Aiyden and Iris had more time for themselves and their careers.
    Still, Iris liked teaching the girls important things. I like to believe she is talking about gardening or behaving properly around loved ones (talking about Aiyden being hotheaded here)

    Then, it was time for Aiyden's birthday. He didn't change his look or outfits. He's a simple guy.
    And since both girls are kids now, here are their slightly upgraded rooms.
    Rose (kept the toddler room).
    Faith (got the playroom).

    Genetics :)
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    edited August 2020
    Evergreen Harbor: Generation 2 - Update 4

    Fawn and Jonas wasted no time trying for a baby once deciding they were ready!

    It didn't take long before Fawn learned their one and only attempt had worked! :smile:

    After learning they were expecting, Fawn and Jonas invited their family and friends over to celebrate Harvest day and share the big news. Jonas' Mom sister :grimace: Alissa was one of the first to arrive. (So in case you didn't know, @debjameswhite brought to my attention that the woman I believed to be Jonas' Mom is actually his sister :joy::lol: Which explains her seemingly eternal youth lol can we just pretend this didn't happen and Jonas' has known she was his sister all along? :lol: )

    Fawn's sorta kinda ex, Zach, was invited since she still considers him to be a friend. However, after him going off on her unprovoked, Fawn learned that the final trait he aged up with was the mean one. :smirk: It's safe to say she dodged a bullet with him. I no longer have any guilt about her ending up with Jonas. Who quickly made Zach leave for being mean to his pregnant wife.

    After Zach left Fawn got to visit with her true friends while she fixed up a turkey dinner. :smile:

    Soon enough she was calling everyone to eat. Luckily the refrigerator waited until after she finished cooking to break.

    Her brother Silas wouldn't sit down to eat until he fixed it. He's such a good big brother :smile:

    Shortly after Harvest day Fawn finished her final semester of school, and learned she'd be graduating with all A's!

    She showed up to graduation feeling extremely nauseated. :grimace: I don't think this is how she'd pictured this day lol

    Thankfully the nausea passed, and she was able to enjoy the big day with some of her classmates. I was happy to see her childhood friend, and heart broken wedding guest, Austin, was also graduating with her. I just love that the NPC is still working. :mrgreen:

    I missed getting the pic of her throwing her cap in the air :angry::disappointed: but she did get a cute graduation picture and diploma to hang in the house.

    After returning home from graduation Fawn baked her husband a birthday cake. Believe it or not, Jonas' is an adult now! I didn't give him a makeover yet, I want him to hold on to his youthful hotness for awhile longer :lol:

    With finishing up school, and trying to get Jonas promoted I realized I'd played through the majority of Fawn's pregnancy without getting any decent belly pics. I did get this one though. :blush:

    Which was a good thing, because a few hours later, the baby was making it's arrival!

    (The family's last name has all been changed to Greene. Gotta carry on the legacy :wink: )

    Jonas and Fawn were both super happy to welcome their new little girl.

    And you might've spotted it out the window in the last pic, but it finally snowed in my Evergreen Harbor! ( the weather in my game all last season was so mild I really believed it was a glitch, but if it was, it's fixed now.)

    So of course Fawn and Jonas rushed outside to play in it.

    They built a Jonas style snowman! :lol:

    Since the baby stage flys by little Cassidy was aging up in what felt like light-speed compared to Fawn's college years :lol:

    She rolled the Wild trait. Which is a fun trait... sometimes lol

    Cassidy has Mama's hair color, and a random green eye color, just like Fawn ended up with a random green eye color. I'm starting to think that the Greene's just have a random eye color gene in their DNA. She's very cute though. It's just nearly impossible to compare genetics at this point.

    And of course her outfit tour :wink:

    She has an angelic little face :heart:

    Jonas gave her a quick lesson on how to walk.

    And then immediately took her outside to play in the snow lol he's a big kid at heart :smile: (Fawn was at work, she's now a professor, but apparently I didn't take any pics relating to that :lol: oops!)

    Daddy brought her inside and she warmed up in front of the fire :heart:

    Fawn and Jonas knew they wanted another baby, and had actually been trying since Cassidy was born to give her a sibling, but this time it took a couple tries. The shower woohoo seems to be the only way they can conceive :lol:

    When Fawn learned the news her Mom's ghost just happened to be wandering around. Even as a ghost Iris was thrilled to learn she'd be a Grandma for a second time. :smiley:

    Now Cassidy may have the cutest, most innocent face you've ever seen...

    But I assure you she is a terror! :lol:

    Not even the laundry room is safe from her.

    She's also obsessed with running around the house naked :joy:

    And isn't particularly fond of learning if it doesn't involve her getting to run wild.

    She is so full of personality! I just love her. :lol::heart: I have never had a wild toddler be quite so out of control. It's actually very entertaining seeing what she's gonna get into next lol!

    Her parents don't find any of this nearly as amusing as I do :joy: She's slowly killing them.

    Jonas is such a great Dad though lol he managed to pull himself off the floor and still read her a goodnight story.

    Despite having a nightlight in her room, Cassidy is still waking up scared from nightmares. Fawn and Jonas' haven't had a full night of sleep since she's been born.

    Poor Fawn is doing her best, but working full-time, being pregnant, and having a difficult toddler is taking it's toll.

    Matching mother and daughter frowny faces :lol: (I forgot to mention I missed Fawn's adult birthday, so if she looks a little different now that's why)

    Fawn managed to get her back into bed around 5am by reading her to sleep. That seems to be Cassidy's favorite activity.

    She decided to take the last few days of her pregnancy of in order to be with Cassidy. Cassidy is so full of energy she wouldn't even sit down to learn flashcards!

    Later that evening Fawn went into labor. Jonas was so exhausted from taking care of Cassidy during the day that even his wife's screams couldn't wake him :lol:

    Cassidy was also out like a light and didn't notice the commotion. Fawn gave birth to their second child, a boy!

    ... Jonas woke up hours after his sons birth and his wife had gone peacefully back to bed lol his delayed pre-parental panic was amusing.

    Oddly enough I was kinda hoping for a girl again lol maybe I'll be crazy and they'll try for a 3rd. Also, I'll be back for comments later :heart:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks guys.
    Great updates. Cute kids!
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    @Heckstress17 Yes, she's expecting! Thank god, she didn't end up with Zach. I don't know if she could handle the mean trait. Fawn is awesome. Only straight A's! That's everyone's dream :D
    I don't blame you for not giving him a makeover yet :D Let him stay a little bit longer young :) Congrats on the girl and welcome Cassidy! <3 She is definitely cute and her face looks so innocent. I love her little outfits :) My prayers are on the shower woohoo then :D I want at least another kid in this family <3 Cassidy is quite a handful! Those frowny faces. They're definitely mother and daughter, there's no denying that :D A baby boy <3
    Yes, try for a third child! I love seeing all those kids in everyone's game <3
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    edited August 2020
    Thanks for the supporting words. I managed a little something.

    From Mionax Desk...

    2nd baby is born and aged. Fresh from the crib Naomi has red hair!
    p.s. She also rolled the Independent trait like her older sister Amira.




    Her sister Amira will grow to a child Sim-tomorrow.
    Post edited by Mionax on
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    @Mionax Naomi looks really cute in game. I love that she got red hair! :)

    Guys, I wanted to play a little bit longer and then give you an update (birthdays are coming up). But I couldn't. Just see for yourself.
    Chapter 10

    The kids had been hanging out with their clubs a lot.
    Both girls found best friends and usually spent their time with their besties.

    Faith and Nani

    Faith and Ziva

    Rose and Zoe

    Rose and Braydon

    Of course, they are good kids and focused on school as well.
    Even Aiyden and Iris had more time for themselves and their careers.
    Iris really liked doing yoga and knitting while Aiyden actually went jogging on his own (at least sometimes).

    Aiyden also keeps working on his skills while Iris still likes to care for her plants.

    One day Bess came over to their house (she was there every day) and started yelling at Faith for no reason at all.

    Aiyden came to the rescue.

    A few minutes later, Iris tried to talk to Bess but she sent her home in the end. Meanwhile, Aiyden told Faith about the importance of fabrication.

    Zayne (the guy from the monkey bars/Zoe's and Ziva's brother) had already become a teen but Rose and he had gotten so close, he was practically part of the family.
    He was always staying at their home. Besides, he was a really nice guy.

    Then, it was time for Iris' birthday. Iris also got a quick makeover as her hair had grown longer.

    Iris and Aiyden had also found their love again while their friendshipbar was also rising.

    And Iris actually found a passion in cooking.

    Then, the unexpected happened. I didn't even see it coming. Like literally.
    Suddenly, Iris had the following moodlet and was super sad.

    Aiyden died because he was hit by lightning???? (At least that's what it says)
    It wasn't even raining! I can't even find an urn... what is going on?? He is simply gone and not even his kids seem to care :-O
    For a moment I thought about reloading the game but then I decided against it :( Seriously, I have no idea what has happened.

    Everyone except for Iris was acting as if nothing had happened :(
    Iris was super sad but Rose was smiling and tried to cheer her up.

    Zayne saw how devastated Iris was and invited both girls to his apartment. He lives there with his two sisters (Ziva and Zoe), as well as his brother Zeke and his parents.
    Both parents were super nice and hugged the Greene girls (who still weren't sad at all).

    While Faith kept talking to the parents, Rose "stalked" the brother she hadn't met before.

    Back home, things were still weird. Iris was grieving, the girls acted as if they had never met their dad.
    Iris tried to sleep it off but even then you can see how sad she is.

    In order to lift their mother's mood, both girls started knitting. (I think they started a challenge who is going to be better. Otherwise, I can't explain why Faith knitted while being on the loo.

    When Faith and Rose went off to school, Zayne's mother showed up at their door and tried to cheer her up.

    Later, Moira called and invited her to the park with the garden club. They even tried something new with fishing to help Iris get over her grief.

    Iris was still dealing with the loss of Aiyden aka the love of her life when it was time for Faith to age up.
    Somehow Iris managed to bake a cake.

    And with that, I'll leave you until next time. I'm still too heartbroken :((
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    edited August 2020
    I'm sorry I didn't make it back for comments yesterday. It seems like I'm not the only one who's been busy this week :disappointed:

    @Mionax - Aw! I was hoping Naomi would inherit her Dad's distinct red hair :heart: She looks a lot like her sister. I'm excited to see Amira as a child :smile:

    @Wentcrazy - You know I want to jump right to commenting on the shocker in your 2nd update :flushed: but I wanna comment on all the good things in your 1st update :heart: I loved seeing Iris playing with Rose. I know Iris is a great Mama. Rose is super cute as a toddler! Now the differences between the two girls is easier to see. Rose definitely has her Mom's mouth, which I love. Her outfits are super cute, especially her first one :blush: Her cool kidz club looks like a lot of fun. I love the blonde siblings with all the different Z names! Did you make them?? I'd totally download them. Zayne is such a cutie :love: I see you having Rose befriend him :wink: LOL I loved Iris' discussion with the girls about gardening and how not to handle your anger :lol: aka don't be a hot-head like your father girls! The girls clearly listened to their Mom's lesson about how to be a good sim. Just look at all their little friends! :smile: I love Iris' yoga and knitting pics :heart: and seeing Aiyden get into running when he wasn't fixing things up around the house was nice too. I was so happy to see Aiyden putting his temper to good use and telling his stalker off! How dare she be mean to little Faith! Goodbye Bess! Zayne aged up into a good looking teen. His and Rose's friendship is super cute. I love Iris' new hair :love: and it seemed like Aiyden did too... until he died!??!!?!?! I was not expecting to read that! omg :bawling: I wonder if he died while out running? Maybe his urn is on some road/path out in the neighborhood somewhere? That's crazy! I'm seriously starting to think that Aiyden is cursed! Poor Iris :disappointed: I can't believe the girls didn't acknowledge his death. That's got to be glitch. I liked getting to see the rest of Zayne, Ziva and Zoe's family. Their Dad looks a lot like Aiyden lol! I also loved the girls little knitting competition lol but omg I can't believe you ended this update without showing us how Faith aged up! I'm so excited to see her as a teen!

    @Kiwicantdie - haha :lol: It's all good lol I know Italian University doesn't last 10 years. I remember you telling me/us about how you returned to school. I also remembered that you're around my age. Though luckily you've got another year before the big 3-0 hits :grimace: #jealous lol Anyway, something else happened in my game that was kinda story progression like. I'll post about it in my next update. It's nothing big enough to not need the MCC mod anymore though :tongue: Oh all the Austin's in this update were Rory and Violet's kids?! I'm not too far behind then. I remember watching them go through their college years. You made college look so fun and glamorous. Plus Rory's robots were the coolest. If you ever wanted to upload your made-over dorms I think I would actually send one of my heirs to live the full college experience. Anyway, yeah Max's hates children trait is pretty much the worst one you can roll for heir :joy: but like you said, maybe you can just put him through hell for a short while before his kids turn into teens lol! There's still hope Kirk will age up and be a better blend genetically then you're expecting though.
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    EMSimmer30EMSimmer30 Posts: 181 Member
    @Wentcrazy Iris's new hair is amazing! So, sorry about Aiyden. Was he on the home lot when he died? If so then his urn might be in the household inventory. If not then it might be somewhere in the world like @Heckstress17 suggests. The girls not being sad is a glitch for sure, try resetting them or shift click their needs, sometimes this will make the sad moodlet for grief appear in my game.
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    EMSimmer30EMSimmer30 Posts: 181 Member

    Both Aiyden and Iris quit their jobs in order to spend more time with each other and their kids. They each got a nice bonus from cashing out their vacation days and now with a good amount of funds set about improving the house.

    Before long it was Hawthorne's big boy birthday!

    Iris besides gardening and guitar had started to knit and both of them helped out the kids.

    It was time for Willow's birthday!(Time was moving fast!)

    Aiyden and Iris's relationship had recovered so well they renewed their vows and each got a tattoo for the other on their left inner forearm. Aiyden got an 'Iris' flower for his wife and her love of gardening/nature and Iris got an equation that Aiyden was known for proofing in his engineering field.

    Their renewed love life had another benefit, nooboos! Welcome, Cypress and Hickory Greene! :smiley:

    More hobbies and helping the kids with schoolwork and it was time for Aiyden to become a full adult and the twins to become todds!

    Cypress Greene

    Hickory Greene

    I have peeked ahead at all four kiddos and decided that Willow will be our heir! Also, I will let you know what everyone's traits randomized next time as I don't remember off the top of my head. Lol :blush:
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @wentcrazy - Iris and Aiyden are still cute together even if their relationship could use a bit of work. Rose and Faith are so loving to each other, I'm glad they have one another to play with. A children's club is a good idea, I almost always forget about clubs lol. I love Rose's outfits she aged up looking like a mix of her parents too.

    Poor Aiyden and just when the girls are old enough to know that he is gone...or not. That's so weird that everyone else missed it? At least Iris isn't alone now that she is in the gardening club. RIP Aiyden

    @debjameswhite - Do you have Hailey up on the gallery? I'd love to have her in game ♥

    Oh no the forgotten birthday, poor Heath good thing he knows what to do to blow off some steam. I love that Weston has been skilling on his own. And Lia seems to be loving Heath's outfit, I love those types of hats so I can't say I blame her. I still can't believe Jay showed up unannounced like that. Out of all the kids I think I like Kaitlin more (Hailey is still my fav lol)

    @kiwicantdie - The community space is coming along nicely. I have to say I really how everything looks when its cleaned up, the greenery is a nice touch. Max is his brother's keeper and thats ok he looks like he takes good care for the little guy. I love that Iris is passing on the knitting skill, it's cute. I agree with you Kirk takes after his sister. RIP the cowplant though, at least Aiyden is safe? :lol: Iris's love of knitting is so cute, she's just prepping for her next lifestage. Okay I know Max is a better mix but I love Maddy, that hair on her is perfection.

    @JordanNicoleJJ - Aww Storm is still such a cutie, love the blue pieces in each of his outfits. Poor Aiyden, we knew it was only a matter of time after the first attempt. Iris is such a good grandma taking care of those babies ♥

    @IllusoryThrall - I love the little breakfast nook and I have to say that I am thoroughly creeped out by growing meat. McKenzie got one of my favorite toddler traits and omg she is a cutie. And she is such a smart girl, that pic of her reading in her bed is adorable. Luke looks like he got mom's green eyes too!

    @Heckstress17 - Look at Fawn go, all A's and a baby on the way things are definitely getting exciting. That graduation pic of her is pretty great, all that hard work paid off. Cassidy is such a pretty name for such a cutie. I love her hair and eye color combo. That wild trait strikes when you least expect it! Poor Fawn and Jonas have their work cut out for them it seems. You picked some great baby names this gen ♥

    @Mionax - Oh wow red hair! I am so glad one of the kiddos got dad's hair.

    Sorry if I missed anyone, I've been back and forth due to pain. So I haven't been able to play as much as I'd like.
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Wentcrazy Aww haha I love you proving to us that Iris is a good mother. Of course she is! Aww Rose is super cute! I love her! Oh I love Zoe. She's super cute! I don't blame Iris for wandering off. I can't imagine chess is exciting to watch. Wow look at all the kids in your park! I don't know why, but I love Rose. Yes. Make her heir! I can't wait to see the girls as teens! Oh 2nd update! I just love how the kids look. What the heck Bess? How dare you come into their house and yell at their children??? Yay Aiyden! Don't let her yell at your kid!! It was nice of Iris to try and talk with Bess and too bad that didn't work out. Good riddance. Zayn is really cute. Did you download this family from the gallery? I love Iris's new look. OMG poor Aiyden! Is he cursed?? I have never had a sim die from lightening! That's so strange you can't find his urn. Was he at another lot maybe? Was he at work or something? Poor Iris, I feel so badly for her. It's so nice to see everyone trying to cheer Iris up. OHHH cliff hanger! I must see teen child!!

    @Heckstress17 I'm so happy that couples don't woohoo in the shower in their clothes anymore. Thank you EA for giving them towels instead. Fertile sims! hehe I will giggle forever about Alissa being Jonas's sister. Aww I'm so sad that Zach is mean. Oh well. That's what Heath gets for having a child with someone not named Lia. Congrats to Fawn on such good grades. I love it! It's too bad she wasn't feeling well! I can't believe your 2nd generation has hit adulthood and my founders just hit adulthood! Aww baby Cassidy! I love that name! I love how excited you get over sim snow. I'm always over snow so seeing you happy about it makes me happy too. :) What a cutie she is. That pic by the fire <3 Oh sweet wild child. Oh gosh all those pics of her being naughty give me anxiety! hehe look at those 2 sad faces on mother and daughter. I can remember lots of times like that when my kids were little. Yay a boy! You're so much better at stopping when you have what you want...I wonder if this will be the last.

    @Mionax Look at that red hair! Naomi is so cute!

    @EMSimmer30 The kids are all cute.

    @OJenn I will put her up tonight.
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member

    This makes me angry. How about fix my cake baking issue? Or any of the other ridiculous bugs? Or fix weddings that have been ridiculous forever? I guess some people might be happy about it, but it just annoys me.
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    edited August 2020
    I'll be back for proper comments and maybe an update tomorrow, but OMG @debjameswhite you have no idea how furious I am! I've never been this disappointed in a pack before. I didn't really care for Moschino Stuff, but I found some good uses for it, it honestly had some decent features. Star Wars...just ugh. Also didn't we JUST get Knitting Stuff?? Where are all of these packs coming from all of a sudden?? Not that I'm complaining about the amount of packs, but this one I would've happily lived without. I watched the trailer and didn't care for any of the clothes or build/buy items. I'm really torn, because the "collector" in me wants it just in case there's like one good hair or a good ceiling light or something, but I really don't want townies walking around in stormtrooper suits and waving around lightsabers for months until they fix the inevitable bugs it creates. *insert eye roll emoji* I love Star Wars and I love Sims, but I don't want Star Wars in my Sims. If I want to play Star Wars, I'll play a proper Star Wars game if EA didn't ruin them with their greedy cash-grab loot boxes. And agreed 100% -- where are our bug fixes? BASE GAME features need fixed. I can barely care for my toddlers, because all of the parent-toddler interactions are broken in my game. Can't wash clothes without buying a new washing machine every time. Eco Lifestyle's main feature -- eco footprints -- just DOESN'T FUNCTION. Idk. I'm mad.
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    edited August 2020
    I guess I'll address the new gp announcement first since it's the latest news before diving into your updates... I totally feel like a fish out of water :sweat_smile: because... I'm so excited about the pack?? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I've been the biggest Star Wars fan since I was a child, so I'm really hyped to have a tiiiny corner of it in The Sims, even in this weird crossover fashion. It feels like it'll be sort of Strangervillesque but with a destination/vacation world twist, (at least judging from what I understood from the blogpost) with more replayability. I know I'll play with it a ton anyway, considering just how much I love Star Wars lol. I don't know, I totally feel and get why the majority of players don't want a pack like this, as there are other things that to me seem like a huge priority. But I guess to each their own? Some play TS for realism, others go in the opposite direction. I feel like it's good that we get sci-fi or supernatural spin-offs from time to time, and even if this feels super niche I'll take it (I just could never get into the alien occult they shipped with GTW, since it was so bland and poorly made, so I'm totally going to pour my overflowing love for alien occults in this new pack <3 ). As for the bugs that need to be addressed... I might be mistaken here, but I'm of the impression that the people working on developing new assets or packs are not the same as those working on bug fixing/game-breaking issues. I guess that development will just continue nonstop till all projects they're working on are done and there's no more content planned for the game, while the people working on bug fixes work in parallel to it and just... try to keep the game alive :sweat_smile: . You know just how bummed I was at the bugs that came with Eco Living. I probably spun my rage as irony when I posted here all my struggles to get the correct industrial eco footprint, but at the time I seriously thought about quitting until it was fixed and maybe move on to some other world in the meantime. Considering the enormous amount of bugs and glitches I'm experiencing, my only assumption is that bug fixing has been slowed down in the past months. I don't think that gp or sp or ep development has anything to do with it, but I wonder whether the lockdown might be the issue IF the bug fixing team had to relocate their work at home. Personally, I would rather have EA slow down the pack development for The Sims even by months and prioritize bug fixing, but, unfortunately, it doesn't seem like that's ever going to happen (we know how EA is *eyerolls forever*) :sweat_smile:
    Anyway, all things considered, I'm super hyped about the new Star Wars pack and I know for a fact that I'll be the only black sheep in here loving it, so please don't hate me for that :bawling::sweat_smile: if you see my future Greene descendants play with lightsabers, just bear with me :joy::sweat_smile:

    Back to your updates! :smile:

    @Wentcrazy I legit don't even have the weekends to study for uni, 'cause I work during the weekends :joy::bawling: I'm barely hanging in there. Kudos to you for getting promoted too while doing aaaall of that!! #respect :joy: I should be done by next fall, only to then re-enroll for two more years of a master degree.
    I'm shocked by how gorgeous Rose and Faith are, seriously. Your Greenes had such cute kiddos! You also did such a good job of keeping both of them busy with tons of friends their age! That's something that I tend to forget to do because my sims end up being stuck at home most of the time and they don't socialize too much. Seeing them out and about across worlds was really refreshing! You also did amazing with both of their rooms. I love the bold colors for kids but I'm also always afraid to try it, 'cause... bold... :grimace: ... colors :joy: I sense that Rose might be a better mix of Iris and Aiyden? I'm not really sure, I can't wait to see them both as teens! I'm still in awe of you trying to get Iris' lazy bum moving :tongue: she seems to be doing great with yoga over there! If only my Iris kept practicing on her yoga mat instead of sleeping on the couch... I can't believe that Bess yelled at poor little Faith???? I'm glad that Aiyden kicked her out lol, I wish I had done it long ago too. Super!dad Aiyden to the rescue <3. I love the latest Iris makeover!! She seems to be aging like fine wine in your game! But- BUT what happened??????? :fearful: is that a glitch or a mod's doing? I can't believe that Aiyden would die like this, so out of the blue! Last time I had sims dying that randomly was my sim pets, like cats and dogs, they would just disappear without leaving an urn behind, not even summoning good old Grim. That's really weird and sad.

    @Heckstress17 YES! <3 I love "nooboo updates" :joy: - can you even believe that there was a time when shower woohoo wasn't in the game??? Sometimes I look back at all the years we had to wait for it and I can't believe we managed to survive without it for that long :joy: anyway- I too only recently realized that Alissa was Jonas' sister and not his mother! Let's act as if we never made that mistake in the first place lol. I can't believe that Zach would attack a pregnant Fawn that way. It was so uncalled for, I'm glad that Jonas kicked him out. I can only assume that Zach really had unsolved business with Fawn from their teen years (and I'm glad you managed to dodge that mean trait bullet :joy: ). I love seeing Selene having a good time with Fawn and Jonas <3. You did an amazing job with Fawn's grades!! I know just how hard university is in this game, so kudos to you. I can't believe that both Jonas and Fawn are already adults, tho! On to their first nooboo: Cassidy is such a cute name, and she's even cuter???? I LOVE the wild trait on toddlers :mrgreen: it's in my top tier of fave traits. I guess it's too early to tell what she's going to look like, but she has without a doubt an adorable little face (maybe she looks a bit more like her dad??). I love her personality way more, tho :joy: she's so much fun. That pic of her & the toilet is adorable, it perfectly depicts just how much of a little devil she is underneath that angelic smile. It also makes perfect sense that she would deplete both Jonas and Fawn of their energy lol. I can't believe that she's going to be a big sister already?? I hope the household survives this much wild energy :joy: I'm aaaaaall in favor for a third kiddo, 'cause I enjoy seeing sims go through hell :naughty:

    @Mionax it's good to hear from you once again! I hope that things are getting a little better with time <3 I love that Naomi got her dad's hair! She looks like one fierce little toddler, I love her <3

    @EMSimmer30 I appreciate the bravery in having both Aiyden and Iris quit their jobs :joy: I hope they find a way to keep on making money with the family growing! Hawthorne is such a cute child and I think he looks a lot like his dad :blush: Willow might have mom's eye color, hair color and skin color, but she too seems to have dad's facial features. Wow, the family kept on growing really fast, didn't it :joy: Cypress and Hickory looks really different from one another, even if they're twins! Since you spoiled that Willow's going to be the heir, I can't wait to see her in her teen form! <3 I know she'll look good!
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    edited August 2020
    This pretty much sums up my feelings on the new pack 😂 no shade to anyone that is a fan of the franchise. I've just always been more of a Trekkie. And I don't care for how EA handles story/adventure packs.

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