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Rebuild | Renew: A Sims 4 Genetics + Building Challenge


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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @OJenn - Thanks! I think I will. <3
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    edited March 2019
    New Save - New Family

    Tia & Will Archer-Handy
    Brindleton Bay

    We are starting in Wintertime. This is their new home.


    Both the home and the family can be downloaded from the gallery. #RawlaCreations is my hashtag for all my creations.

    P.S. I forgot to set their starting relationship as married, so we get to go through the first wedding with our founders.
    Post edited by Rawla on
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Heckstress17 Woot! You posted right after me and I wish I had seen it!! That flea market is super cute! Hehehe Ty and Amaya looked great skating. I loved the look on their faces! Uhoh I got scared when you sent them to the romance festival, but first kiss! so cute. OH I knew something bad was going to happen! Poor Amaya! Oh I still remember my insane boy Grady. One of my favorite sims ever! I love seeing Livvy enjoying herself. Pretty surprised she and Jace are not finding romance though! Julian is a little cutie. Oooo was Darwin born in your game? He's super cute! I didn't see him when I was searching for mates! Awww poor Livvy! I hate those days...but they're still in my game too! Awww it was so sweet Marjory was there for Ty after his rejection. Too bad, Amaya is so cute. Oh my gosh! Kato's face! It's too good!! I didn't see the traits in your family tree and Julian was missing. Also I need to see him as a teen before I can pick! For sure though you can have whatever sim of mine you want!

    @Rawla I'm with @Ojenn and I'm glad to see you started a new save! Love the family and the house! Can't wait for the wedding!

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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    Ok Guys, I couldn't wait to know. I peaked at each of Flynn's 17 kids to see who will be heir. I'm leaning towards Erin or maybe Spencer. What do you guys think?








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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    edited March 2019
    Thanks! :smile:

    Wow! 17 kids! lol
    I really like Erin. <3

    p.s. Phoenix and Spencer almost look like identical twins. I like them both too.
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    @debjameswhite I vote Erin—I think she got the best of both her parents’ genes, and her mom is a Windenburg native! Please put them on the gallery though, so I can steal some for my 100 baby challenge!
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    EMSimmer30EMSimmer30 Posts: 181 Member
    @debjameswhite I vote Erin. I think Spencer looks too much like his dad, although Erin looks too much like her mom. LOL For the best mix of parents looks I would actually pick Arnold, but of course your game, your choice. :wink: I second the hope you upload all of them to the gallery as I love to add interesting sims to my library for future use!
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    EMSimmer30EMSimmer30 Posts: 181 Member
    Just finished the Gen 3 house! Tiara, Matthew and Caleb are ready to move in :smiley: Find it on my gallery: EthanHS
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @EMSimmer30 You know I was partial to Arnold too but I was kind of thinking about picking an heir who has a common trait. Last time it was the female founder's eye color so I was thinking this time I would use Flynn's eye color. I thought Arnold had it then I realized his Mom had green eyes too and those are the green eyes he inherited.
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    Oh and @JordanNicoleJJ and @EMSimmer30 I will put all 17 of the children up when they age up to teens :)
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    edited March 2019
    Will and Tia took things slow. Their first meal together was a quiet, simple affair. The salad was good. Tia made it nicely.

    Knowing that he would make Tia his wife someday he looked to find a way to break the ice between them. The silence was comfortable but it did not move them any closer to their goals of being together. So, he did not hide away when he got giddy with sick. Instead he allowed himself to be seen in all of his silly weakness. It must have worked because she cared for him until he was well.

    Then she accepted his humble request for a first date at the lounge, when he was feeling better. Halfway though their first date, when things seemed to be going very well, he asked if she would officially be his girlfriend. Smiling softly, she nodded and said, "I thought you'd never ask."


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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ MCCC's love for multiples is still a mistery to me. I don't get why the chance is so high even when I lower it. I hope Oliver is at least half as cute as Curtis, 'cause that boy is really adorable. I'll enjoy my outdoorsy sims till it lasts and trust me it's not going to last long at all :joy: ... I hope to read more from Reed and Severine and that crazy town :wink:

    @Heckstress17 I can always squeeze a little time for a short play session :wink: ... but yeah, things are getting much harder and I'm always late here in the forum to check all the updates. I'll manage! I definitely do not want to quit the challenge now that I've just started over again. I'm not a builder so that's why I say that all my future houses are probably going to be a mess. As for Clover, you were 100% right on me not planning to have her becoming a mom any time soon, but... apparently, her parents already have one foot into the grave :joy: gotta get this gen moving before it's too late. Don't know about you, but I crave a teen only pack for TS4. Focusing on them and getting out of the house is so difficult, there's not much to do. The flea market looks like a good idea and I found the lot adorable. Lol the Romance Festival feels like your game's evil plan to spice things up. How come it didn't work for Livvy and Jace??? I'm shocked. GIRL (and I'm talking to Livvy here) do you need glasses??? I could always lend you mine u just need to ask! I really don't even know who I like more with Ty, if Amaya or Marjorie, they're both super cute. Marjorie seems to fit a little better maybe because of the insane trait xD. Poor Kato had to see what's going on in his own closet! Parenthood traumas 101, call a therapist :joy: Julian grew up into such a cute child! Those freckles kill me. Tbh I really don't know who I would pick as heir at the moment if I were you :tired_face: I love them all! Choosing is so hard. Did you see how Julian looks like once he grows up? I would love to make a potential sim date for your future heir (or not), but maybe I'm too late already? Let me know if I'm still in time for that :blush:is it alright to prefer Livvy as the heir just because JACE??? :joy:

    @debjameswhite parents stalking their children as soon as they move out is so accurate though, I'm not even complaining. I loved the wedding! It's kinda sad that it rained and the weather was so glooming, but here in my country we say that if it rains on your wedding day you're one lucky bride :wink: so good for you Beatrice! Seeing all of those tiny toddlers running around melts my heart 'cause it looks like a kindergarten :joy: ... congrats on the new baby! OMG all them good looking sims! I knew that Flynn was going to have good looking kids but he really outdid himself lol. Honestly, I don't really know who I would pick as heir... it's always so hard for me to choose and now you have so many nice sims to pick from! Maybe one of Beatrice's kids? But Erin is really cute too and she has some nice mixed genes. Aaaah, I don't know! :joy:

    @Rawla so nice to see you update again! <3 I love the new founders and their home! It's nice seeing them slowly getting closer instead of being married from the start. I hope you'll post more of them in the future :blush:

    @OJenn it's really inspiring seeing you take out all the cc and try to play vanilla... while I'm slowly moving in the opposite direction :joy:
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @debjameswhite - I am coming in for a late vote, I vote Spencer!!
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @Kiwicantdie - Thank you. I've enjoyed playing with them so far.
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    I'm here for another brief update.

    The actual summary of what just happened in my game; or my current mood.


    So, Oliver Austin was born on the last day of winter, near sunrise.
    For a few hours Pablo and Clover were over the moon. They decided to not waste any time and call the rest of the family over as soon as they woke up, knowing that Nate and Salali had very few days to live.


    But it was already too late.


    Salali arrived early, alone. And as soon as she reached the front door she didn't even have time to knock.


    Clover couldn't make it outside of the house. Her mom dropped on the ground.


    Pablo and Clover run to beg Grim to give Salali one more minute and let her at least meet her grandson before taking her away.


    It worked.


    I had the suspicion that Nate didn't arrive because he was already dead. As soon as Salali came back to life, I switched to her household to have full control over her and any future death. Once I did, I discovered that Nate had indeed passed away probably minutes ago. Plum MCCC for not giving me any notification - myself included for not having switched on death notifications and realizing it way too late -. I was prepared to let her go, but at the same time I was a tiny little bit relieved that she could at least meet little Oliver. I rushed to click on the bassinet.

    The game didn't think so.


    Not even 5 seconds into controlling her, Salali was already dying again. This time she didn't even reach the stairs.

    "You think death is hard? Try dying twice in the same minute. That's fun."


    Poor Clover was speechless.


    I made Jared and Lilah come over that very second to try and beg for her life once more.
    It didn't work.


    Nobody ever played with my feelings like this. Well done, Grim. Well done.


    "I'll be back for every single one of you." (mood of the day)


    Curtis had no idea what was going on or why everyone was crying.


    Being a squeamish sim, Lilah was over the toilet puking for having been near a dead body (nice touch game!)


    I had Jared carry out Salali's deeds and go upstairs to meet Oliver.
    I feel like Oliver sensed what had been going on downstairs. He kept crying no matter what.


    Later that afternoon Nate decided to call his daughter from the afterlife.
    For the first time ever, I wasn't even mad for having a ghost call my living sim. It felt it needed to happen. For some sort of closure.


    Once Clover got there, it was clear that Nate was not happy at all for having died like that.


    But they said their final goodbyes.

    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Rawla Your house on the inside makes me think of Windenburg. It's cute to see them getting to know each other. There must be some kind of spark if Tia is willing to take care of him when he's sick. Maybe a little more considering the results of that date!

    @Kiwicantdie Oh my heart. Of course Mom had to die on the doorstep! I was so hopeful when Grim gave her more time that she might at least get to hold her grandchild but of course not. Poor Clover was speechless, but the look on Jared's face? I'd be afraid even if I was Grim! Curtis's faces though...priceless. I usually get mad at the game for having dead sims call my living sims too, but you're right. Every once in a while it just feels like it's the right thing to do. Loved this update. I love all of your updates. Fun to read :)
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    @Rawla I love your founding couple and their house! I'm so jealous of the beautiful winter landscapes in everyone's games right now. Good thing your founders are getting along! I always just go back into CAS and set them to married when I forget :lol:

    @Kiwicantdie MCCC uses a different system for determining multiples than the base game does. In the base game, it's a very, very low percentage for a multiple birth, then it determines twins or triplets, the latter of which is a very, very low percentage without the lot/reward traits. So think of it like 95% single, 5% multiples (95% twins, 5% triplets). With MCCC, it's more like 50% single 25% twins 25% triplets, and if you have it set to a max of 4 kids per pregnancy, it's 25/25/25/25. Those are definitely not the actual percentages, but you get the idea--it's far more likely to have multiples when it's a 50/50 chance (or 75% chance in the case of max of 4 kids). I think the modder tried to fix it at some point (making the single percentage higher and multiples lower), but it's just the nature of the system. When you flip a coin, you SHOULD get heads 50% of the time, but you COULD get it 100% of the time or 0% of the time or anywhere in between--it's too random to made multiples "rare."

    Yay an update!! Oh my god, I was so hopeful that Salali would get to meet her grandson...and then she had to go and die again. Grim is such a jerk. I love that squeamish sims throw up when they witness death, but poor Lilah...what a day :lol: I'm glad Salali got some closure with her dad. Maybe their ghosts will stick around and get to meet Oliver when he's older.

    I've got an update to post--be back soon!
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    So I realized this morning that posting all of my kids' pictures was a huge spoiler for this update! Ooops!! Although there was one thing even I didn't know...

    @JordanNicoleJJ I never knew that about MCCC and the multiple births. That makes the curse so much more understandable now! I'm excited you're going to be coming back with an update!
    Chapter 4: Multiple Births

    Flynn really enjoys playing fetch with his boys.

    Of course as soon as I chose careers for Flynn and Beatrice, the job offers started coming in. Flynn had to decline, he had just been promoted at work!

    The couple will take any excuse they can for a night out!

    With babies on the way, they decided it was time to start upgrading the house and making it their own. This is the before picture.

    The first thing was a new kitchen and dining area.

    With children in the house, they would also need a larger living room.

    For now, that’s all they could afford but that was ok, it was go time!
    Despite having 14 kids, Flynn had never experienced this part with someone he loved.

    AND sorry for the earlier spoilers!

    Phoenix, Luca and Spencer.

    Beatrice isn’t sure about what she got herself in to!

    She really doesn’t look happy.

    Flynn though is completely at ease.

    This is where I realized how similarly dressed they were!

    How dare you wear my colors?

    Just kidding, I love you. (I don’t love fight day!)

    What Beatrice really doesn’t love is when Flynn gives Adam and Billy scraps from the table.

    Unfortunately, that was the last time for sweet Adam.

    Flynn knows it won’t be long for Billy since the two were litter mates.

    Billy is getting lots of extra love right now.

    Flynn alterates between the little guys and his pup.

    Then Beatrice, who is a cat lover, decided to bring in a new family member.

    The new family member is not impressed with Flynn one bit.

    She is fond of Spencer however.

    The inevitable day still came though and they lost Billy too.

    Flynn distracted his boys with shenanigans.

    And funny stories.

    While Beatrice thought burning down the house might work.

    Flynn to the rescue!

    This was a tough one though!

    It took quite a bit to get it out and it caused a substantial amount of expensive damage.

    After they recovered from the fire and mourned the loss of Billy, they finally brought in a new puppy.

    Beatrice and Flynn and have simstagramming their pets like crazy to see which one can get the most followers in a friendly competition.

    So far the cat is winning, but it doesn’t stop the two from becoming fast friends.

    Also around this time, we got another surprise. I’m so glad we had the cat and dog so it couldn’t be more. I wasn’t planning for more than the 3 boys.

    Flynn is not overly excited about the news.

    Flynn does try to spend time with his other children too. At the library he played chess with Arnold.

    He also taught his son a valuable lesson about cheating…

    He also played with Erin, but he kept it fair with her.

    They all had a good time.

    Back at home, life is peaceful.

    Flynn wrote a children’s book, and Spencer loves it.

    Eventually though, Beatrice started going into a cleaning mode which could only be heralding one thing.

    She enlisted Flynn’s house and they scrubbed the house from floor to ceiling!

    Sure enough it was time to meet another child!

    Only, it was the boys’ birthday and Beatrice was determined they day would go on!

    She got through Phoenix and Luca without much problem.

    But then, little Kade demanded he make an entrance!

    So Flynn took care of Spencer!
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member

    With another baby on the way, Severine quit her job at the restaurant in favor of one with more child-friendly hours--she's going to be a food critic! She spends most of her day writing articles to try to get her name out there, and Orion isn't too happy about it. He wants to write too, but mom says he has to wait until he's older :cry:

    Reed tries to keep him occupied, so Sev can write in peace. It works--most of the time.

    Sev went into labor way before I was ready (I don't think she was ready either lol). Thankfully I'm playing on long lifespan, so they still have some time to save money...but we're cutting it close.

    They had another baby boy! Everyone, meet Leo. I'm a little disappointed we didn't get a girl, but they're happy, and that's all that matters.

    Orion is surprisingly happy too! I was worried he'd hate having a sibling, being so independent and all, but he's all smiles. :blush:

    They finally got the phone call to come over and celebrate River's birthday! The kids went to daycare, and Reed and Sev rushed over to watch River blow out the candles.

    I kind of regret not having more kids last generation, cause Billie and Hunter made some gorgeous babies.

    I just love how excited they get over their children (and grandchildren!). I'm really gonna miss them when they go... :bawling:

    "What are your big plans for life, now that you're all grown up, little bro?"
    "Uh...I'm supposed to have plans?" Same, River, same...

    It was so nice seeing the family back together in the old house. It was Reed's first time back in Brindleton Bay since the divorce, and there was no sign of Philomena--I call that a success!

    Back in Strangerville, the days passed quickly...

    Reed and Sev tried to spend as much time with Orion as possible before Leo aged up, because they knew they'd have their hands full with potty training and whatnot.

    I love this family so much <3

    One last cuddle before this little man ages up!

    Leo definitely got his mama's good looks! He also got the Inquisitive trait--one of my favorites! He wasn't quite sure what to think about his big brother at first...

    ...but eventually he came around. I'm kind of glad that they'll get to grow up together so close in age :smile:

    But Sev had another surprise for Reed when he got home from work...that's right, #3 is on the way ya'll. (I don't even have MCCC installed, I'm doing this on purpose, don't worry lol.) Poor Reed is equal parts happy and terrified :lol:

    And that would be because he quit his job!! :scream: He has the good trait, so I couldn't just have him "look the other way"... On the bright side, he got 5k simoleons! :smiley:

    Reed decided to take jog around town to clear his head and figure out what he's going to do next. That's when it hit him...

    He's going to be a scientist! A lot of the skills he learned as an astronaut still apply, so they won't go to waste--it's perfect for him!

    And thanks to the 5k he got from exposing the corrupt officers at SpaceY, the family could finally afford to move into a bigger home.

    A MUCH bigger home...4 bed, 3 bath, plus a swimming pool! Buuut they can't really afford to furnish it yet... It's definitely a work-in-progress.

    I did want the boys to have a nice room, because Orion practically lived in a closet at the last house :sweat_smile: Hopefully they can afford to furnish another room before baby #3 arrives!
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    I've got so many notifications and no time to read or reply to anything :disappointed: I'm hoping later tonight or tomorrow I'll be able to get to my computer. Also if you wanted to make a sim for my next heir to date there's plenty of time. I think Julian is gonna be my heir, so I need ladies :smile:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone :) I've spent the day removing CC and uploading 20 sims to my gallery. When I tried to upload Cadence and Angel Goth I kept getting a server error then I realized it was because they were named Goth so I changed it to West. They are a lot prettier than I originally thought! Kaci Rosa is also a lot prettier than I originally thought. I'm pretty happy with all of them. :) Also @Heckstress17 Geoffrey is up there now for you and also I would recommend some of those girls for your future heir :)

    @JordanNicoleJJ That look Orion is giving his mum! He clearly plans on derailing her work! Good thing Reed is there to save the day! I really love Reed. He is so handsome! Oh too. I love her throwing her hands up in the air. Orion definitely looks like a proud older brother. I love Billie and Hunter! I can't stand the idea of them leaving!! I keep forgetting to use the toddler pools but every time I see Reed playing with Orion I want to try it. Maybe next generation. I love how Leo is looking over the back of the couch at the boys. It's so cute. But YAY another one on the way! I can't wait to see what these little guys look like aged up...they have to be gorgeous!! Oh wow! I never saw anything like that where the sim had a choice that would end in them losing their job! Of course Reed resigned! Good for him! I think the science career will be great for him. Oh the new house is awesome! Is that one that comes with Strangeville? I'm living that pack through you right now while I decide what to do! I love how their little room is all decorated with rocket stuff. It's really cute and appropriate!
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    EMSimmer30EMSimmer30 Posts: 181 Member
    @debjameswhite Yay, for posting sims! Thanks! Now, what is your gallery name? So I can smuggle them all into my library. Lol
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @EMSimmer30 it's the same: debjameswhite
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    @debjameswhite - I'm probably too late to vote, but Arnold was my favorite of the kids. I also really like how Marci, and Spencer turn out <3 How cool that Flynn made so many identical twins. That post with all the kids really was a huge spoiler :lol: That's okay though, as long as we get to see how Beatrice and Flynn raise their little ones I'm happy. Beatrice's face after bringing the triplets home was priceless. Aw, their outfits do match don't they? Fight day is the worst. I need to remember to edit and remove certain holidays in my game. Oh no not Adam!! :disappointed: I feel like his little doggy life went by so fast. Then Billy too :tired_face: I love cats but the new kitty can't replace those pups. I'll definitely miss seeing them in your updates. The new puppy is a cutie though. It's a good thing the triplets became children before baby #4 comes along. I'm sure that'll help Mom and Dad manage better. Have I mentioned how great of a Dad Flynn is? :heart: Next time I'm in game I'll check out all the kids you've uploaded.

    @JordanNicoleJJ - omg your totally right about Ty and Marjorie. I hadn't realized that he isn't exactly the best example of emotional control either lol I guess they're meant to be. Little freckled Julian really grew on me too. I was pretty sure Livvy was gonna be the heir, but then Julian oopsied his way into the household and made me rethink that. I'll post a pic of him all grown up next time I go into game. He's a cutie. I'd love for you to make a sim for him to date! I want him to have his pick of all of your guys' sims.

    Gotta admit I was a little bummed baby #2 wasn't a girl, but then I saw you named him Leo and I got over it lol I was a huge fan of Charmed as a kid and had a crush on Leo :tongue: Orion standing by his baby brother's crib all confident like totally reminds me of Grandma Billie. Yay adult River!!! Finally lol and I kind of have second hand regret (if that's a thing lol) that Billie and Hunter didn't have more kids too. I mean seriously those boys are drop dead gorgeous. Kinda makes me wonder if they had daughters would that have been hideous? I feel like the boys got all gorgeous, how could there be any left? Anyway. little Leo is such a cute toddler. I love that he looks so different from his brother. I'm envious of your genetic diversity since my game seems to have no idea what that is :triumph: The new house is waaaaay bigger! Way to go Reed and Sev. They did a great job saving, and you did an awesome job on the boys bedroom. Here's hoping you won't need to make space for a 3rd boy to go in that room. Sev eat some watermelons!!! If only this were TS3.

    @Rawla - I'm definitely gonna miss seeing Kiozar, but super happy to see you posting again. Tia and Will seem like a happy couple though, and Tia is gorgeous. She's a keeper for still being interested after's Will's sickness and silly fit.

    @Kiwicantdie - I've been late to update and reply to stuff to. It's not ideal, but better late than never, and I don't wanna quit again after getting back into the challenge either. Yes! We totally need a Teen pack. I see a lot of people are hoping that a University pack is the next announced, but I really need things to do with my teens. It's currently my least favorite lifestage because there's literally nothing for them to do. "is it alright to prefer Livvy as the heir just because JACE???" This is how I feel too? :joy: and I feel super guilty about it lol Which is probably why it's best I go with Julian. I did sneak a peek of him as a YA and he's pretty adorable. I'll have to take a pic next time I'm in game.

    omg the hamster fire/explosion is such a mood. SALALI! What are you doing?!?! You can't go and die the literal morning of your grandsons birth! Don't you know they only had this baby for you lol! And then to find out Nate was already gone and that Grim literally gave Salali like 2 extra minutes of life :angry: At least Uncle Jared got to meet baby Oliver :confused: Nate calling from the afterlife to seemingly complain about being in the afterlife is such a Nate thing to do though lol it's good closure. Maybe Salali will call soon too?

    @OJenn - I want Livvy and Jace to be together so much too :frowning: Maybe someday.
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @Heckstress17 - I love Kiozar too. And I has a plan. *grins*
    Generation 2 Wildcard

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