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The Official The Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge [UPDATED ON DEC 29, 2018]


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    AdelaideMannAdelaideMann Posts: 196 Member
    You guys are making me tired with all those babies!

    I think my Sim is pregnant by Mortimer Goth. Will the the game recognize the other Goth children as siblings? And since I only play my on family, will the other Sims marry and reproduce, or will my Sim be the only pregnant one ever? Will other Sims be added to the neighborhood without the "fill empty houses" check, or will the world die off, or what?
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    iro20iro20 Posts: 24 Member
    I started this challendge not 2 days ago and I still have only 6 children and currently pregnant. I guess the next will be one as no more than 8 sims allowed per lot, all very close in age as my matriarch got pregnant rather quicly after each birth. I got 2 sets of twins, only one because of the fertility reward trait. After getting the hand of it, it's rather fun!! Their social and fun needs raise up quicly because of the company they keep each other! Reading through the thread I already have noted down fathers and children in case family tree don't keep it.
    Just to make sure, if my matriarch reaches elderhood the next close to her age goes or the latter girl child?
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @AdelaideMann - I think it depends on if you have story progression on and the proper settings chosen in your game options. And getting tired of all the babies comment of yours made me smile. :) Happy Simming.

    @iro20 - Usually it is the youngest daughter still living at home that takes your Matriarch's place. Have fun! :)
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    iro20iro20 Posts: 24 Member
    > @Rawla said:
    > AdelaideMann - I think it depends on if you have story progression on and the proper settings chosen in your game options. And getting tired of all the babies comment of yours made me smile. :) Happy Simming.
    > iro20 - Usually it is the youngest daughter still living at home that takes your Matriarch's place. Have fun! :)

    It was fun! Util teenagers came on the picture ugh!! lol so needy and defying. Although I am in love with my twin boys(teen stage as well)!! Ahhh I will be very sad when I will need to move them out! They love their siblings sooooo much! Before starting the challendge I thought that I won't have time to bond with the children because they will be so many. Pfff so hard to let them go..... :'(
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    AmbieCuddlesAmbieCuddles Posts: 28 New Member
    edited September 2015
    just Finish the challenge :( I had 43 girls 47 boys, 18 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets (forgot I had a mod for triplets babies) had 4 Matriarch's for 1st matriarch had 34 kids, 2nd matriarch had 27. 3rd matriarch had 30 4th matriarch finish off with the last 9 kids it was a fun challenge going to redo this challenge and try something different
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    TipTip Posts: 1,018 Member
    just Finish the challenge :( I had 43 girls 47 boys, 18 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets (forgot I had a mod for triplets babies) had 4 Matriarch's for 1st matriarch had 34 kids, 2nd matriarch had 27. 3rd matriarch had 30 4th matriarch finish off with the last 9 kids it was a fun challenge going to redo this challenge and try something different

    Awesome! Congrats. When you become a member you can put the ribbon in your signature! :smile:

    Maybe try a twist challenge?
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    AmbieCuddlesAmbieCuddles Posts: 28 New Member
    not sure how to become a member so i can i love this challenge and want to do more and what is the twist challenge I have not seen one (that I know of)
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    TipTip Posts: 1,018 Member
    If you post lots you'll get membership for sure ;)

    A twist challenge is not a particular thing, it's just when you add an interesting twist... I don't know someone else'll know better :D
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    AmbieCuddlesAmbieCuddles Posts: 28 New Member
    oh like the alien Matriarch yea I seen that I was thinking something like that or something where the Matriarch is poor starting off with a land and 0 money, she cant get pregnant until she had a home like you have to do with the Run away challenge where you have to have a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room, and when she is pregnant she has to through a party and then kill her male partner off like you have to do in the black widow challenge. But I'm still trying to puzzle if I can make a 3rd twist to the challenge before I can start it lol any ideas?
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    edited September 2015
    just Finish the challenge :( I had 43 girls 47 boys, 18 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets (forgot I had a mod for triplets babies) had 4 Matriarch's for 1st matriarch had 34 kids, 2nd matriarch had 27. 3rd matriarch had 30 4th matriarch finish off with the last 9 kids it was a fun challenge going to redo this challenge and try something different

    Awesome. I'm still far from that goal at kid 13.... Your boy girl stats got messed up tho, because 43 + 47 = 90!

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    iro20iro20 Posts: 24 Member
    > @AlHollandiyah said:
    > AmbieCuddles wrote: »
    > just Finish the challenge :( I had 43 girls 47 boys, 18 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets (forgot I had a mod for triplets babies) had 4 Matriarch's for 1st matriarch had 34 kids, 2nd matriarch had 27. 3rd matriarch had 30 4th matriarch finish off with the last 9 kids it was a fun challenge going to redo this challenge and try something different
    > Awesome. I'm still far from that goal at kid 13.... Your boy girl stats got messed up tho, because 43 + 47 = 90!

    This challendge is addictive for sure. I am on my first Matriarch with 15 children and another pregnancy. I think the key is to get pregnant few hours after previous birth. I had only 3 sets of twins out of my 15 babies. But I have only 8 days left :'( . My last 3 pregnancies went 2 consecutive gilrs (single births) then 1 boy and then girl again. I don't even know if the fertility trait works. The first set of twins was without it and the rest with it. Who knows!!! It's so fun!! :D :D :D
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    AmbieCuddlesAmbieCuddles Posts: 28 New Member
    your right I missed a page and found the missing 10 kids lol it is 43 girls and 57 boys I had 13 consecutive boys in a row lol. I have the fertility trait and when I bought the spa package (I did not get it right away) I was on my 3rd matriarch time I got around buying it and she was the one that racked up the twins birth she had 9 set of twins alone!!!!!!! yea the key for me is when she in her 3rd trimester ill start looking for another male and get there love bar up to where they can woo hoo and when she gives birth ill call him over. I keep doing that even when it tells me it is her birthday so I never age her up she always age up at the hospital lol.
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    AdelaideMannAdelaideMann Posts: 196 Member
    edited September 2015
    You guys are way ahead of me. I'm on my first woman, third pregnancy. The first born just aged up to a teenager. He's a boy, and now as a teenager he has man-bun. YUCK! I'm keeping him around to help her make money. The house is tiny. The second born, a girl, aged up to a child and she is one ugly ugly child. At the rate I'm going, she may be momma number 2 and that would be a shame.
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    edited September 2015
    I have the 'Incredibly Friendly' and 'Beguiling' traits from the rewards shop for my matriarch and it takes her around 5 minutes to get to woohoo with a stranger. The first trait gives the green bar a major push when you do a friendly introduction and the second makes it possible to 'beguile' him after that, where she shoots an arrow in to him, pushing the love bar and putting him into a flirty mood. The rest is an adults play, loll!
    Post edited by AlHollandiyah on
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    BobbiBlue23BobbiBlue23 Posts: 119 Member
    Is it cheating that I don't have aging on? I am only using 1 matriarch, is this ok?
    Visit the Ambrose Legacy blog here:
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Is it cheating that I don't have aging on? I am only using 1 matriarch, is this ok?

    According to the official rules you need to put aging on for your active household and lifespan on normal. But if you like playing like this, you could call it a twist to not use aging and get all 100 kids with 1 matriarch....
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    BobbiBlue23BobbiBlue23 Posts: 119 Member
    Is it cheating that I don't have aging on? I am only using 1 matriarch, is this ok?

    According to the official rules you need to put aging on for your active household and lifespan on normal. But if you like playing like this, you could call it a twist to not use aging and get all 100 kids with 1 matriarch....

    That's ok then, I just find it easier to be able to not rush through things.
    Visit the Ambrose Legacy blog here:
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    That's ok then, I just find it easier to be able to not rush through things.

    It definitely is!

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    iro20iro20 Posts: 24 Member
    edited September 2015
    I wonder would it be cheating if you had mood decay off? I haven't implemented but it seems a bit cheating as you can raise any skill faster as they don't stop because of feeling uncomfortable.
    > @AlHollandiyah said:
    > I have the 'Incredibly Friendly' and 'Beguiling' traits from the rewards shop for my matriarch and it takes her around 5 minutes to get to woohoo with a stranger. The first trait gives the green bar a major push when you do a friendly introduction and the second makes it possible to 'beguile' him after that, where she shoots an arrow in to him, pushing the love bar and putting him into a flirty mood. The rest is an adults play, loll!
    I have only the fertile trait and it takes me less than 6 sim hours to woohoo with someone. If I start with flirty introduction it helps a bunch!
    I don't wait for one kid to grow up to have another. The moment a baby already born grows I give birth to another. So it plays perfectly that I have only one baby. The teen stage is hard for me. They have huge autonomy and a mind of their own! Gaining the skills to get A grade is the hard part I would say. But I haven't had a multiple birth for at least 8 babies??!
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    EminikEminik Posts: 181 Member
    Been a while since I've been here! Had some computer troubles. Was going to blog my baby challenge but now I'm finding that with a full time job and then my home life I'm not going to have time! so for now I suppose I will just update here whenever possible. I've started over. AGAIN. Probably my 3rd or 4th try but I'm determined to complete this challenge. So far I have like...4 kids working on getting pregnant with the 5th. I started with writing books.

    I'm putting an extra challenge on myself this time. I'm putting my sims on the 2 bedroom house in Willow Creek and I'm going to keep them there for the duration of the challenge. I created a second floor on the house so the kids have the upper floor and mom and the babies have the first floor. :)
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    kethrydrakekethrydrake Posts: 2,389 Member
    I started this challenge for the second time. The first time, I got the "no aging while pregnant" glitch/bug. The second go around, my founder died of embarrassment while trying to woo her second baby daddy. But she had given birth to twin daughters, so I figured I hadn't failed (yet). Baby daddy number 2 will be raising the girls and father the first child of next generation. Haven't decided who will be heir, both girls have their dad's eyes, one has his hair and the other has their mother's hair. I'm leaning toward the one with the mix, but I think whoever gets A's first as a teen will be the next matriarch.
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @AmbieCuddles - Congratulations on completing this challenge! :smiley:
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    EminikEminik Posts: 181 Member
    @kethrydrake Last I knew (unless it has changed) that's not a bug. Your matriarch shouldn't age while she is pregnant.
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    kethrydrakekethrydrake Posts: 2,389 Member
    Well, my current matriarch did age while she was pregnant, I checked.
    I mean, really, I get not aging if she's pregnant on her birthday, but never aging while pregnant, regardless of how much time she had?
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    EminikEminik Posts: 181 Member
    @kethrydrake Oh yeah, sorry I guess I misunderstood.

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