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Have you ever been shamed for playing TS?

loutredorloutredor Posts: 404 Member
I remember a similar thread was opened a while ago (maybe even years ago?) and I was really surprised when I realized that most of the answers were: "No, not really".

It is not a secret that TS has the reputation of being a game for little girls, a dollhouse game, within the gaming community. As a fan of video games, I have always been surrounded by male gamers who shamelessly belittled the game. Even female gamers did, asserting that they would choose a destructive FPS game over a creative one like TS any day, as if they had to prove themselves to the rest of the community, to whom choosing a game targeted towards a male audience over a game targeted towards a female one was the only good choice. And I am not saying that they played FPS games only not to be shamed by male gamers (it was probably indeed the type of games they liked most), but that it definitely was the reason why they belittled TS.
I didn’t pay much attention to it, mostly because, as the only female within a “male” family – having brothers and male cousins only – I was used to be shamed for any ‘feminine’ quality I may or may not have (I will always remember the first time I carried a handbag).

However, it had been a long time since I last was shamed for doing something considered ‘feminine’ in our current society. Mostly because I am now 26 and that, growing up, most people become more open-minded. Also because the people I chose to be my friends today are – believe it or not – very nice. And finally probably because, knowing me quite well, no one would dare provoke me in such a way today. They would be too scared of the consequences. Bouaha.

Anyways, yesterday, a nice acquaintance of my boyfriend’s joined us for dinner and to my surprise, I experienced that situation again, for the first time in a very long time.

Jokingly, he started mimicking a mafia boss and said:
- C******** (insert my name here), we have to talk.*
We were facing each other at the table so that the situation was even more comical.
- I am all ears, I answered on the same fakingly serious tone. (apparently, fakingly is not a word, but it will do.)
- C********, listen, he said, you have to stop playing The Sims! and then he laughed mockingly, proud to have found such a disgraceful piece of information on me.
- Oh really, I followed with my usual phlegm, and probably in an even more mocking tone, and why is that?
He seemed rather destabilized at my answer – obviously, for him, the only reasonable answer was to laugh and to hide in shame.
- Well, because, he said, it is bad!
- How is it bad? I said. I play it mainly to build stuff and it is one of the most amazing construction tools I ever saw. (I was thinking mainly about TS3 throughout this conversation, but rest assured I like TS4 as well.)
- It is true! She builds amazing stuff! There is an incredible level of detail! said the most amazing man on earth who may or may not have been biased by the fact that he also happens to be my boyfriend.
- So is Minecraft though! replied the first guy.
I don’t know Minecraft too well so I wasn’t sure of how much you can really achieve with the game. I thought you couldn’t build really detailed things so I played on the fact that Minecraft is also not a game aimed at ‘manly men’, and snorted with disdain – which, believe it or not, worked pretty well because the guy seemed pretty ashamed. I was wrong though because I looked for stuff built with Minecraft today, and there are, indeed, incredibly detailed stuff.
- It is not only the building aspect though, I went on, the gameplay is pretty good too. It’s an amazing sandbox game. You can do whatever you want.
- So is GTA, said another friend.
What is it with thinking that all of the games that share the same characteristics as TS are bound to be better than TS? It is pretty crazy. Especially if you consider that Minecraft and GTA are not combined in one and single game. Anyways, there is only so much you can do in that particular “sandbox” game, especially if you want to do something that doesn’t imply driving or killing someone, so at this point I started making a long list of things that you could do in TS and not in GTA. The two guys still seemed rather desperate to belittle TS though, and wouldn’t let go.
-Anyways, The Sims really isn’t for me, concluded the second friend in a more ambivalent way than the first guy. The only time I tried to play it, my sim died after two minutes, burning their food.
- Well, I laughed, just because you’re bad at the game doesn’t mean the game is bad.

I thought about it today, though. Is it really such a bad thing that The Sims games have such a terrible reputation? When you think about it, it may be what stops the most close-minded people from playing it. I know people often say that we have a terrible community on here, but to be honest, for a game as popular as TS and with such a number of players, I find it quite surprising that there isn’t more trolls or excessively immature teens, as is the case in the communities of the most popular/played games. (I have nothing against teens. I am sure you will understand the exact type of teens I am talking about.)

What do you think? Is the reputation of TS a good thing, or should we try and advocate for the quality of the games more?
Have you ever been shamed for playing TS games?

Thanks if you read the whole thing.

*In case you wonder how much of it is authentic, the whole dialogue is roughly translated from French. Because I am French.


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    calaprfycalaprfy Posts: 3,927 Member
    I admit I am too embarrassed to admit I like playing TS4 for the same reasons really. I'm a 45-year-old male and males should be badasses and all that. And yes, the other games I play, PES2017 and GTAV, are very masculine.

    I think what draws me to TS4 is the fact that I can play God. I can create worlds just as I like and name sims whatever I like and just relax and let their behaviour entertain me. There's no losers in TS4, only winners.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    probably but I don't care what other people think of how I choose to entertain myself no reason to feel shame over what you enjoy unless it harms your life or those around you...or both. I say enjoy life in whatever ways you can it's too short as it is.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    misschristine14misschristine14 Posts: 118 Member
    I have some friends who are male that definitely play the game. My sister, who is studying to be an architect and loves the sims games (they inspired her to study architecture and interior design), told me many other guys in her class said they love the sims mostly because they love to build homes for their sims. The sims may not be for everyone but that doesn't mean they can make fun of you for playing a game you like.
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    FrosFros Posts: 38 Member
    Yeah people don't understand the sim but yeah it kinda hard to admit that you like Sims when your a 25 year old male when most of my friends play destiny 2 or mass effect or call of duty but I don't see ts as females game or males game I see it as gender neutral but to be honest I don't care what people think I've been a fan of the game since 2000 so yeah what I like is what I like
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    MalisityMalisity Posts: 145 Member
    I was never shamed but my grandfather who got me the sims to begin with would sometimes tease me a bit and call the game Barbie. But he also got me all the expansion packs and I always took it in a good way.
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    loutredorloutredor Posts: 404 Member
    Wow, I didn't realize the reputation of The Sims games was "off topic"...O_o
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    lisalittlesimmerlisalittlesimmer Posts: 404 Member
    Not even guys, but a lot of female friends ask me why I play it. Because for them it's only the game we played when we were 12 years old and used to drown our sims in pools. That's the only aspect they see, they can't think of it as a creative tool. They're simply not informed and only judge it by their experiences when they were a lot younger (and we all know no one is the same at 12 years old :D ) So yes, I definetly experienced this
    My lot showcase
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    samemiesamemie Posts: 1,623 Member
    edited September 2017
    I've never been shamed for playing sims exactly, though a lot of my old friends were simmers too (or if they didn't have a PC to run it wished they could be). That being said, I was always hesistant to call gaming a hobby of mine until I started getting into more games like GTA and PUBG. Sims was one of the first series I got into, along with Pokemon, and they're not really considered on the same par as the more masculine games. And much like I, a female, am automatically accused of being rubbish at games like GTA and PUBG 'she can't shoot, she can't aim, blah blah blah' (ahem, while all of those are true it's not because of my gender), I feel like males playing sims are accused of being weird or girly, especially if it's an older male. That's just what I've seen anyway. I guess it all feeds into the idea that women can't like cars and violent games and men HAVE to like cars and violent games.

    edit: apparently my brain just started switching up random words so half of that didn't make sense. Thanks brain.
    Post edited by samemie on
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    BMSOBMSO Posts: 3,273 Member
    Nope, in fact I know a lot of other simmers that live around me and we tend to greet each other in simmish. xD
    Bmso85's emporium - mysims4studios

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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    Well... Shamed yes, and also have my forum account stalked at times from someone I know... Which isn't my friend due to that thing, and I would rather not have them constantly overseeing it
    loutredor wrote: »
    Especially if you consider that Minecraft and GTA are not combined in one and single game. Anyways, there is only so much you can do in that particular “sandbox” game, especially if you want to do something that doesn’t imply driving or killing someone, so at this point I started making a long list of things that you could do in TS and not in GTA.

    But to be fair, you can do a lot more in GTAV than you would think, I go golfing, climbing Mount Chilliad. Playing Tennis. Parachuting, it's more than a normal criminal simulator now, I've spent longer on it just living a normal-ish life than I would like to admit doing the entire crinimal part.
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    FinvolaFinvola Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited September 2017
    For the most part, no, not shamed. Teased a little, yes. I am a gamer lady in my early 40s. Some of the guys on another forum tease me and tell me to play a "real" game. I do play other games too like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Civilization, so I like a variety of things. I did have a RL friend roll her eyes at me a couple years back about games in general and I was like, "To each their own, yes?" There's a great number of people in my age group both parents and non parents who enjoy sims that I talk to regularly. While male simmers are not as common, there are quite a lot of (I hate even using this word) "older" gamers who play. If I ever got truly shamed I would tell them I don't care what they think. I don't have to explain why I like something just because they think it's silly or if it's immature.

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    DriggerDrigger Posts: 168 Member
    Its kinda funny to me that there are people who are willing to shame someone over a videogame. I used to get it with Starwars the Old Republic and World of Warcraft, and that even came from people who were also playing the game. I'm a guy in my 20's and I like both aspects of the game (life/building), I've got no problem admitting that. Don't get me wrong, I love playing shooters and other bloody/gorey games, but sometimes I need something for my creative side. I feel like most of the people who bash someone over playing Sims also play the game... they're just afraid to admit it.
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    CupidCupid Posts: 3,623 Member
    edited September 2017
    at one point I was, yes
    I remember turning off the feature in discord that showed what game I was playing just so my discord communities couldn't see that I played the sims :D
    But then I realized life is too short to be embarassed about playing a game. Especially one I don't play all too often to begin with.
    Still, I don't see myself sharing the fact that I play with anyone on my own unless it gets bought up by them, lol.
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    megiaremegiare Posts: 421 Member
    I've never been shamed, but it's also something I keep closely guarded, even more so now as a 30-year old. People seem to judge anyone (even if you're not playing TS) for playing games as an adult, but I don't think it's too different than the handful of people who sit and watch TV or movies in their free time. However, there is that air around someone playing a video game and add in the fact that it's TS just makes people look at you like your a child.

    So, never shamed, but I deeply fear it. When I come in to work after the weekend and I'm asked what I did, I never respond with, "Oh, well, my legacy family started the second generation, but then Paolo came over and croaked in their living room. Can't wait for the cats and dogs expansion, oh man...blah blah blah" it's always, "oh, just hung around the house." :/:/
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    loutredorloutredor Posts: 404 Member
    megiare wrote: »
    People seem to judge anyone (even if you're not playing TS) for playing games as an adult, but I don't think it's too different than the handful of people who sit and watch TV or movies in their free time.

    That is so true, I am often looked out with contempt when I talk about my passion to people who don't play video games, as if somehow their hobbies were more admirable... but I find it even more sad that people will judge you for you choice of game even within the gaming community. Especially considering most of the time those people didn't even play the game, and are solely basing their judgement on its reputation.
    Finvola wrote: »
    Some of the guys on another forum tease me and tell me to play a "real" game.

    I wonder what their criteria may be to determine whether a game is a "real game" or not. The Sims certainly can't be considered a casual game in my opinion.

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    Jordan061102Jordan061102 Posts: 3,918 Member
    I'm a men, and I never had shame to play TS. I'm even proud of this game.
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    BariSaxyBariSaxy Posts: 4,699 Member
    I'm not super open about playing The Sims IRL, or really any of my non-music interests nowadays. It's just the way I am. However, the people who know I play The Sims have never shamed me for it.

    I feel I do kind of experience what you're talking about in an interesting fashion, though:

    General PC gamers who don't necessarily shame me for playing the game but do quite obviously look down upon the game quite a bit as "casual" and just completely and utterly talk down the specs a PC needs to properly play The Sims 3. That really irritates me. They talk down to me and tell me that I should have only spent $400 on a PC to smoothly play TS3 w/all EPs at max settings. They belittle my research and the community of people who actually play the game to know what will actually work for the game.

    It's nauseating.
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    maicemaice Posts: 167 Member
    I think of Sims as being in it's own gaming niche. I don't ever feel embarrassed to say I play it because I don't really think it can be compared to anything. It is its own thing and I'm not aware of anything else really like it. People can give you a hard time for not playing something more explosive and action packed, but... maybe you don't want to play something like that. It's like telling you you're lame for not getting a pumpkin salted caramel swirl extra shot latte... sometimes you just want a black coffee.

    I'm not embarrassed about playing sims. It's more simple than other games. I think I'd be more embarrassed to admit to other mmo-type games because of the stereotyping about the people who play them! Sims is good clean fun.

    I've not been teased about it yet, though my husband does sometimes poke fun at me for writing stories about the little pixel family.
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    SimpkinSimpkin Posts: 7,425 Member
    edited May 2018
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    DevilNDisguiseDevilNDisguise Posts: 2,225 Member
    edited January 2018
    Eh. I’ve been picked on for playing The Sims, yes, but I’ve never been ashamed for it.

    I couldn’t care less if anyone attempts to fault me for playing the game. I do what I enjoy, and if it isn’t hurting anyone... then there’s no sweat off my back.
    Post edited by DevilNDisguise on
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    FloppyFishFloppyFish Posts: 3,881 Member
    All the time :( Especially when I was younger. Before my parents would buy me the packs and my family members would shame me, and go, "Ugh, what a waste of money. $20 for just some virtual ____!".
    Mafia Stats
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Years ago when I was at school I was in the library and on one of the computers checking the original Sims site out and some kid in the year below mine walked and saw what I was looking and exclaimed 'The Sims is rubbish!'

    He probably played it before and lost all of his Sims in a fire or something but that is the only time I ever heard anyone slate TS1
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    Hippie_SimmerHippie_Simmer Posts: 1,078 Member
    My mom has a couple of times. Other than her, nobody does because I don't tell people about it. I tend to keep it on the down low because I'm not keen on being picked on. :|
    And though the course may change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea. -Led Zeppelin
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Way back when the official forums was called the BBS and TS2 had just come out, I had someone say to me in a thread, "Why are you playing a kids game? Go knit a sweater grandma." I don't know why I let it get to me, but it did and I never came back until I heard TS4 was coming out and I was curious what it would offer.

    At the time it had me questioning myself and wondering if I truly was too old to play it (I was in my late 30s, so no where near a Grandma, but now I am. lol). But then I found a lovely lady who wrote beautiful Sims 2 stories via an ad at the end of one of her stories on the exchange. She ran a wonderful TS2 forum/website. I checked out the site and we became good friends along with other older Simmers like myself on her Staff. They are still my friends to this day.

    Other than that incident, I've never felt any shame for playing Sims. I've had some people roll their eyes at me when they find out, but I just smile and tell them all the reasons I love it. They usually start asking me a bunch of questions about it , then drop the subject. A few have ended up buying the game themselves though. :)
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