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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    edited September 2017
    WooHoo!! Congrats to @funkeeferret! I was also going to post middle, so maybe the universe was pushing in that directon. Although my motivation was to avoid the question of whether it was your left or my left. And were we even situated in a parrelel position that would make that relevant. :p

    And another month? YAY!!!! @creativity-rulez, take a look at my EA Studio. I think I have a few things already made that might suit your needs ready to plug and play. You can also see much nicer views and get better descriptions at my personal build thread linked here: MY BUILDS - JUDE525. Meanwhile I will get to work on something new from your list. If you have a priority, please let us know. Welcome aboard and thanks for the shot in the arm.
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

    My Studio

    My build thread in the Creative Corner
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    edited September 2017
    Omigosh!!! Thank you!!! I'm so excited! What a fun surprise!!! Woohoo!!! Thanks to ZeeGee and @scillakees for their generous donations and for having this contest and thanks also to @bekkasan! You guys really made my day! I'll be in touch! :D

    Thanks for the congrats, Jude! Maybe we can drum up some more interest in the next challenge. It would be fun to see what others come up with. :)
    Post edited by funkeeferret on
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    scillakeesscillakees Posts: 1,112 Member
    edited September 2017
    I enjoyed seeing everyone's creations and am glad it will be running for another month. Congrats to @funkeeferret. Let me know what you would like from your wishlist when you're ready.

    Happy Day Everyone.
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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    edited September 2017
    Congrats @funkeeferret Quick note about your house. I moved my Sim Destiny Astro into your house. Now, she has spent all her young adult life in College. She earned three degrees and became a Major Master :*:* As soon as she walked into the house, I knew what I would do with it :D I threw a couple more single beds upstairs and added four roommates :p Trust me, Destiny feels right at home <3
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    Hey guys, something came up at home so I haven't been around. I will let you generous folks know what gifts my sims happily decided on as soon as I can within the next 24 hours. Thanks so much! I really do appreciate it!
    Congrats @funkeeferret Quick note about your house. I moved my Sim Destiny Astro into your house. Now, she has spent all her young adult life in College. She earned three degrees and became a Major Master :*:* As soon as she walked into the house, I knew what I would do with it :D I threw a couple more single beds upstairs and added four roommates :p Trust me, Destiny feels right at home <3

    Oh, that's just awesome!!! I'm so happy Destiny Astro has settled into her new home. The best of luck to her and her new roomies. :)

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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    edited September 2017
    @charlotteprice is September's sponsor and she is offering 1500 SP to the winner!! Boot up them games and start building!

    If you want to that is :lol:

    ETA: This info has been added to the front page too.
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    Hi guys, I have come up with my sims list for the prize. :) These items are on my wish list. I hope I went about this the right way. :)

    For the 1100 points from @scillakees I chose:

    972 points Gothique Library
    107 points Slightly Sided hair style for men
    19 points Mmmmm Cupcakes
    Total = 1098

    For the 400 points from @ZeeGee I chose

    200 points Multi Tab 6000
    99 Duck's Tail hair style for men
    68 Happily Heroic hair style for men
    25 Assymetrical Plant Frame
    Total = 392

    Thank you SO MUCH, @scillakees and @ZeeGee, and everyone involved!!!! I, and my sims, are going to love these things and also looking forward to some new guys in the hood ;).

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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    edited September 2017
    @funkeeferret Gifted! Except for the multi tab, which is on sale. When items are showing a sale price you can't gift them. So you can pick something else or wait until the sale changes.

    Actually is the sale changing? I'd heard the weekly sales weren't changing anymore. Hopefully that's been fixed.

    ETA: You're very welcome. Thanks for participating!
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    scillakeesscillakees Posts: 1,112 Member
    OK, @funkeeferret I believe I have finished sending your prize. I had a bit of a problem sending them. Could you please confirm that you've recieved them. :cold_sweat:
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    @ZeeGee, Ok, I will choose something else. :) Thanks for trying though. I'll let you know. Funny, the site says the multi tab will be on sale until 10/12/2016, lol! I feel like I'm caught in a time warp at the store sometimes. ;)
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    scillakees wrote: »
    OK, @funkeeferret I believe I have finished sending your prize. I had a bit of a problem sending them. Could you please confirm that you've recieved them. :cold_sweat:

    I had issues too. It kept freezing midway but I think I finally got them all sent so @funkeeferret check mine too please.
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    Hi @ZeeGee, Thanks for waiting. I have chosen the following items in place of the multi tab:

    75 points Deco Gown ladies dress
    75 points Nerd Chic guys outfit
    41 points India Inspiration Highly Adorned Capri

    Total 191 points

    Hope that works out! Thanks again so much! My Sims will love these outfits! :)

    Thank you again to @scillakees for the library, hair style, and cupcakes! I've been wanting the library for quite some time. Will be perfect in my town.
    So many fun new things! Yippie! :smiley:
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    scillakeesscillakees Posts: 1,112 Member
    I'm glad you like it. All thanks go to ZeeGee for restarting and continuing this gift of creation game.
    Don't forget to check your cys price for the Enchanted Bundle of Dark Dealings.
    Congratulations again.
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi @scillakees and @ZeeGee, Just wanted to check in and let you know what I have received so you know which items went through ok. :)

    From @scillakees I received:
    1. Gothique Library
    2. Slightly Sided hair style for men
    3. Mmmmm Cupcakes
    ps. My Enchanted Bundle of Dark Dealings is now complete with the book of spells from the library. :) Thank you!

    From @ZeeGee I received:
    1. Duck's Tail hair style for men
    2. Happily Heroic hair style for men
    3. Assymetrical Plant Frame
    Thank you!

    @ZeeGee, I also received two messages stating that you gifted me the Nerd Chic fashion. When I go to the Product Detail page, it doesn't say to download, it only says to buy, so looks like it hasn't "taken" yet. That's ok. How about if we wait a while longer to see if it goes through. It sounds like there are issues with the store tonight, so we will wait and see. Thank you for trying! I do appreciate it!
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Jude525 wrote: »
    WooHoo!! Congrats to @funkeeferret! I was also going to post middle, so maybe the universe was pushing in that directon. Although my motivation was to avoid the question of whether it was your left or my left. And were we even situated in a parrelel position that would make that relevant. :p

    @Jude525 Ooh the whose right and left question. I think this month's drawing will be colors. This is my equivalent of having someone else stick their hand in the bowl and pull out the winner. I promise there are no entries taped to the bottom. :D
    scillakees wrote: »
    I'm glad you like it. All thanks go to ZeeGee for restarting and continuing this gift of creation game.
    Don't forget to check your cys price for the Enchanted Bundle of Dark Dealings.
    Congratulations again.

    @scillakees Thank YOU for sponsoring with enough SP to make it worthwhile to participate!

    @funkeeferret Just sent the last of your gifts. Hope you get everything.
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    ZeeGee wrote: »

    @funkeeferret Just sent the last of your gifts. Hope you get everything.

    I sure did get everything! :smiley: thank you!
    Received Nerd Chic, Deco gown, India capris, and even the Belle Blossom jeans!!! Were the jeans a bonus? Wow, I love all the prizes!!! Thanks a lot, you guys!!!

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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @funkeeferret The jeans were a bonus. :) Enjoy. You're welcome!
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Halfway through the month and no entries? Did I make a mistake by continuing this contest?! I was going to enter but then someone else would have to do the drawing. Hey! How about the sponsor does the drawing?!
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    EnvyfanEnvyfan Posts: 142 Member
    I want to participate, but I'm not really sure how. You have to make a house/lot for creativity_rulez, right?(or am i wrong on that)
    I also don't know how to share what I create.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @Envyfan There are four creation wishlists that you can choose from. The links are in this post here:

    Look through the lists, see if there is something that you would like to create, and then upload it to the Exchange or to SimFileShare. Do you know how to do that?
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    I'm sorry, been scattered. I was hoping to see some new blood, but I will definitely get something in this week to at least make the month worthwhile. I'll also send out an invite to a fellow builder who does requests on her page, so might be interested in joining us.
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

    My Studio

    My build thread in the Creative Corner
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    EnvyfanEnvyfan Posts: 142 Member
    > @ZeeGee said:
    > @Envyfan There are four creation wishlists that you can choose from. The links are in this post here:
    > Look through the lists, see if there is something that you would like to create, and then upload it to the Exchange or to SimFileShare. Do you know how to do that?

    oh! i didn't see that list of names, thank you
    and no, i don't know how to use the exchange.
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    MpartMpart Posts: 115 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hello! @Jude525 told me about this wonderful contest. I would love to join. :) Would it be okay if once I was done with a specific request if I could post it on my building thread? (If not, that's completely fine.)

    Mpart's Builds; Taking Requests (Indefinite Hiatus)
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @Jude525 That would be great!

    @Envyfan I'm on iPad and can't post links right now. There's lots of tutorials around. Hopefully someone will link to one and if not, I'll do it when I get off work tomorrow. And did I welcome you to the thread? If not, WELCOME!

    And welcome @Mpart! Sure, you can post your entry on your own building thread too!
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    Jude525Jude525 Posts: 1,699 Member
    edited November 2017
    Ok, this is for @ZeeGee. I don't know if it's quite what you are looking for, given how glamorous your usual runway models are. But, here is young James Spader as he appeared in Pretty in Pink. link on SimFileShare


    I used no CC or special skin shading to make James. And, in truth, he is only my second attempt at a Sim based on a real person. My first having been my SimSelf. I'm not sure that he's gonna work for whatever you had in mind, but when I was going back over the open requests I thought 'Hmmmm, create a sim instead of a lot. Maybe...."

    The Exchange "filter" mentions Seasons, but I'm hoping that only the outerwear is effected by that. So that when you install without Seasons nothing else will be effected. The wavy hair is a store style, and that is the key aspect of his look. I am pleased with the shading of his hair. There are moments when his head moves a certain way when the resemblance is great, so I know it isn't too far off. And there are details where I simply couldn't get any closer with TS3 controls without getting into CC or mods. Probably more practice would allow more precision, but overall I'm pleased with the results.

    I don't remember the movie "Pretty in Pink" well enough to remember his character Steff's personality traits. So I gave him traits based on what I think I remember him being like. Charismatic, Snob, Great Kisser, Ambitious, Social Butterfly. Of course, these can always be modified by bringing him back into CAS. Seeing as he is probably the prettiest Sim I've ever made, I will definitely be changing them to something nicer and playing him in-game at some point.
    Post edited by Jude525 on
    aka Jude
    I own the store as of 1+7/17/17

    My Studio

    My build thread in the Creative Corner

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