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Pattern Hoarder Tutorial

KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
edited February 26 in Nominated Threads
Ah... I'm not really sure if this is the right forum to post this, but there doesn't seem to be any other forum that even slightly deals with this sort of thing, so...

I made a tutorial to cover all the things people like me who like to hoard custom patterns (I have at least 500 in my game), can do to 1) install their patterns as .package files (even if they came from the exchange), and 2) keep track of their patterns and pattern creators to make it easier to credit the pattern creators and delete patterns you no longer want.

Installing a pattern as a .package file involves a bit more work than other custom content, especially if it's a multi-layer pattern, which this tutorial also covers. (That's actually why I wrote it... none of the other pattern tutorials covered multi-layer patterns.)

So, here's hoping it's useful to a few people. You can find it here:
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    HappySimmer3HappySimmer3 Posts: 6,699 Member
    Just read the beginning part so far @Ktarian but it looks awesome! I love patterns but I don't have nearly as many as you do because they are so problematic. Just recently I had a whole set from the same creator that I had installed a few months ago and suddenly they all had the same tiny floral pattern thumbnail. I dont know if they just became corrupted or what, but I installed them AGAIN with the launcher and so far they seem OK. But it't that kind of things that makes me want to just skip them altogether.

    Hopefully with your tutorial I can have patterns that behave themselves. I would love to learn how to make my own patterns! So thank you!
    The Sims 30695923002_cffaca4078_t.jpg

    Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?!
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    Just read the beginning part so far @Ktarian but it looks awesome! I love patterns but I don't have nearly as many as you do because they are so problematic. Just recently I had a whole set from the same creator that I had installed a few months ago and suddenly they all had the same tiny floral pattern thumbnail. I dont know if they just became corrupted or what, but I installed them AGAIN with the launcher and so far they seem OK. But it't that kind of things that makes me want to just skip them altogether.

    Hopefully with your tutorial I can have patterns that behave themselves. I would love to learn how to make my own patterns! So thank you!

    If they all had the same thumbnail, that probably means they were installed as .package files and the package files weren't edited before installation. This is actually the reason why converting patterns to .package files is complicated. With other CC you can simply extract the .package files and install them. With patterns, you have to actually edit the .package files for them to work correctly.

    Apparently the official pattern maker uses the exact same Resource Key number for ALL patterns. Presumably there is something the launcher does which allows the game to tell one pattern from another. But when we remove the launcher from the equation, the game can no longer tell the patterns apart, and so they all show up with the same image, just like you're discussing.

    I hope the tutorial helps! If you have any questions or if anything seems confusing, feel free to ask! ^-^
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    This is awesome. I have lots of patterns and do try to keep them organized, but, never considered turning them into package files.
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    This is awesome. I have lots of patterns and do try to keep them organized, but, never considered turning them into package files.

    It can be a big project! But it will keep the bloat out of your launcher, and make it so much easier to find a specific pattern when you go looking for it.

    I'm actually planning to try and contact the pattern creators whose patterns I use the most of and seek permission to host the .package version of their files somewhere. Because if multiple people can benefit from the effort I'm putting in, that makes it better! ^-^
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    Just a note to say that I've updated the tutorial. I found I'd missed a couple of things which were causing the multi-layer patterns to not work correctly if more than one of them was installed at a time.
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    Bily_jednorozecBily_jednorozec Posts: 1,574 Member
    Thank you @Ktarian for that tutorial. I've read, that patterns only converted (without editing) aren't not working correctly in game and I hope, that yours tutorial can help us - users, who prefers use CC in package form, to avoid those issues. I'm not good in creating my own patterns and for this reason I've avoided to use not-convertable CC in game (except TS3 worlds from trusted authors).
    Saved whole page of Ktar'Simbler. :)
    "My Studio" on "My Blog" on
    Sorry for editing my comments frequently, in most cases I'm doing this due language issues (english isn't my native language, but I'm using english, because most used by people, with who I want to communicate).
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    You are SO welcome. I have actually just recently finished my conversion project of converting all the patterns I had installed in my game to .package file. 810 patterns from the exchange converted and all working just fine as .package files! So if you have any difficulty, please feel free to ask questions! Either here or on Tumblr!
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    Bily_jednorozecBily_jednorozec Posts: 1,574 Member
    Thank you @Ktarian - again, maybe I'll ask you help - there are so much steps to do.
    Sfortunatelly in RL are more things to learn (but fortunatelly that make us alive) and I've had to learn now, how to uninstall from my PC malware shipped with Java updates and remove hijacked updater of Mozilla browser (with payed Kasperski antivirus still working on my PC and I'm scanning each thing downloaded + still unticking unwanted stuff on installers). I have learned too, how to make use treeaq and buzzler's script EA's decorative objects and it becomed now my obsession - cloning many files in game, editing ... and then it works as miscelaneous storage, box of seeds or treasure box .... if you want, I can explain you .... seing, that you are able with S3PE.
    I've seen you in ciane's topic - if you think, that I can help you with reinstalling store stuff, just call me - I'll do my best. I've finished to install my store stuff 15/02/2017 and I've used Sims3Pack Cleaner for get rid most of set-headers in all Store content - because those are causing blowing game folder and creating of undeletable collections in game.
    For now I haven't problems with my store content - I don't own only some SP rewards, older preorders, DrPepper stuff and Origin sets. I haven't in my game also undeletable collections - not disabling internet and game has access to internet too.
    Now I should make deeper research for patterns then - still unhappy what I have and I'm unable to create it myself. ;)
    "My Studio" on "My Blog" on
    Sorry for editing my comments frequently, in most cases I'm doing this due language issues (english isn't my native language, but I'm using english, because most used by people, with who I want to communicate).
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    Bily_jednorozecBily_jednorozec Posts: 1,574 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi, @Ktarian - it's me, again, this time with question:
    about point 11. (Section 5): "To change the category for the pattern, you will need to refer to a category list to make sure you have the capitalization and spelling exactly right."
    Where can I find exact category names - list?
    I've opened those 2 pages now (interested about Rock&Stone category): and ,
    but on each page has this category different name? :confused:
    Edited: Huge Lunatics tutorial (link to ) seems has still valid names for pattern-categories (I've in game applied pattern from each category on BG PedestalCube, saved style, then cloned that pedestal, applied userPresets on it with TT3 and when reopened it with S3PE, it has listed following names):
    If you think, that it can be usefull for yours site, you can add exact pattern categories names under "Section 5: Editing Pattern .package Files; point 11. (assigning category for pattern).
    ("Assistance Loved!: If you notice any errors or think there’s something left out that would be good to include, please do drop me a note. I’d be happy to update the tutorial and add your name in ‘References and Credits’ section at the end. ^-^" .. sorry, I don't like diffuse my email, but yours topic is really precious).
    Post edited by Bily_jednorozec on
    "My Studio" on "My Blog" on
    Sorry for editing my comments frequently, in most cases I'm doing this due language issues (english isn't my native language, but I'm using english, because most used by people, with who I want to communicate).
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    That's actually a great idea. I have a text file that I used, but I don't remember where I got it from. Oh! I know, I should add a link to the Pattern Filing post where I list all the categories and what types of patterns I assign to those categories! Let me get that link for you and post it here for now.

    Also! I figured out what happens to patterns if you mis-spell their category names. Mis-spelled categories get shunted into Miscellaneous. xD Because I mis-spelled something once and found it in Misc 'why's it in Misc?' and went to check and went... 'oh' so that's what happened...

    Here's where I have my list!

    I'll go update the tutorial and add a link. Thanks for the idea!
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    All updated! I added the link in two places, and also added you in the credits at the end. ^-^ Thank you so much for pointing that out!

    Also! Thanks for offering to help me with the store stuff! You're right. There's always so much to learn. I just sometimes have to be in the right frame of mind to tackle something new or I get frustrated too quickly. Every time I start doing something to improve my game or make it run better, I discover there's still something else to do! Ha!

    It's mainly because I'm really pretty new. I've only been playing for about a year and a half. I was actually so happy when I figured out how to convert multi-layered patterns because I felt it gave me the opportunity to give back to the community instead of just having everyone else tell me how to do things!
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    Bily_jednorozecBily_jednorozec Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hi, @Ktarian !
    "I've only been playing for about a year and a half." Compliments, you've learned so much in so few time! For me S3PE seemed be scary at beginning, but now I love it, however I've still not learned to use all what that tool is able to do.
    "Every time I start doing something to improve my game or make it run better, I discover there's still something else to do!" :smiley: For this reason I'm in game rarely! ;) Now I have spend time to re-link all mine storage chest-likes (those what were using before LorenRose13 script too) at Buzzler's and Treaq's storage - I love what those guys done: box of seeds can be even named and treeaq misc storage moves in it whole group of items (books, certificates) in one click only. When you let that use different CC item meshes, it is a dream! :love:
    Thank you again for yours tutorial. I've tested this - with you for the 1st time - on . At 2nd attempt I've got it (1st attempt I've overlooked, that Fabric category was listed 2 times and it shown in both categories).
    It was only one-layered pattern, now I'm searching for some seamless multilayered shell pattern, applied on objects it should look like this:
    When I'll find something, I'll attempt to convert it in package with yours method.
    "My Studio" on "My Blog" on
    Sorry for editing my comments frequently, in most cases I'm doing this due language issues (english isn't my native language, but I'm using english, because most used by people, with who I want to communicate).
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    Yes! This community is so creative! It's super awesome for that reason. I'm SO glad that worked for you! I actually discovered that it seems to be the PTRN tag that the game draws the category name from, and not the XML file... or at least it seems to be, but I decided to keep editing it in both places just to be sure, especially since I'm editing the XML anyways.

    Good luck in pattern hunting! I don't think I've seen anything like that yet myself, but it would be awesome!
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    Bily_jednorozecBily_jednorozec Posts: 1,574 Member
    I'll continue too edit both resources, just to be sure (mine pedantic trait is token from RL :blush: )
    Just made collection for whole TSR Mutske's Aria creations - it includes 2 one-layered patterns too: do you know, if now (when it has different resources) can I merge all Aria collection (with patterns) together without problems?
    "My Studio" on "My Blog" on
    Sorry for editing my comments frequently, in most cases I'm doing this due language issues (english isn't my native language, but I'm using english, because most used by people, with who I want to communicate).
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    I have all of my patterns installed via CC Magic, which merges the patterns together for playtime so that it doesn't bog down the loading too much, so I think they can be merged with other .package files just fine. ^-^
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    Bily_jednorozecBily_jednorozec Posts: 1,574 Member
    Thank you for the answer ... I'm using S3PE for it (not having experience with CCMagic) ... my question was about if I can have in the same package file par example counters with patterns (I've readed about patterns requiring to be in separated package long time ago, before I've learned yours method). But don't worry, for now I'm not lagging and I can let it stay. Have a marvelous simming!
    "My Studio" on "My Blog" on
    Sorry for editing my comments frequently, in most cases I'm doing this due language issues (english isn't my native language, but I'm using english, because most used by people, with who I want to communicate).
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    Hmmm. I'm not entirely sure, because I haven't tried it. I suspect it would work fine, but I haven't actually tried merging pattern files with object files. My categories in CC magic are set so that the patterns merge with other patterns, but not other things.
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    Bily_jednorozecBily_jednorozec Posts: 1,574 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi, Ktarian. Thank you however for answer. :smile: Since 28 I was without I-net and till tomorrow sharing PC with my children. Till now I'm not having many not EA patterns in game, but if I'll find something new about merging patterns with objects, I'll share it with you.
    Have a marvelous 3-simming!
    "My Studio" on "My Blog" on
    Sorry for editing my comments frequently, in most cases I'm doing this due language issues (english isn't my native language, but I'm using english, because most used by people, with who I want to communicate).
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Ktarian, just found this tutorial. Thank you for all the hard work! I have always converted my patterns into packages but because of that some of them don't work so I just deleted them. So I have a couple of questions. You said you have over 500 patterns. Does that cause a lot of lag when you are trying to load your patterns? Also once the package files have been edited using this method, would it then be possible to merge them using S3PE and gave then still work?
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    @Bily_jednorozec Thank you so much Bily! I'm so glad this was able to help you!

    @ZeeGee I have over 800 patterns, actually. I converted them all to .package file. I'll try to answer your questions.

    Categories that have a lot of patterns in them, or even have a lot of re-colorations of EA patterns saved, will take a minute or two to load. For me, Fabric and Themed categories have the most patterns, so these take a couple of minutes to finish loading. Wood I have a lot of also, so it takes about a minute. However, my Misc category has maybe 20 patterns, but TONS of individual color saves of default patterns... and so it -also- takes a bit to load. Basically the lag or loading time of a category depends not on the patterns themselves but on how many thumbnails the game needs to load. I've actually tried to cut back on saving a re-color of a pattern to the pattern category for that reason.

    My patterns are all merged together with CC magic, and they work just fine. Bily's question was about merging a pattern together with an object, which I couldn't answer because I haven't tried putting patterns in the same merge package as an object, but merging all the patterns themselves together is definitely not a problem.
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    KtarianKtarian Posts: 314 Member
    In case anyone is interested... I've also been posting the converted patterns on my Tumblr. You can find them here:

    Additionally, I'm willing to take requests for converting patterns from the exchange. If the pattern creator is active, I'll generally ask permission before publicly sharing the package format, but I can always just convert something for you. Probably no more than about 12-20 patterns per request though. xD
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    empratort_elwardempratort_elward Posts: 1 New Member
    i want create pattern, objects & sims

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