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Gifts for Suepea for the Homemade Gift Exchange

angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
edited December 2014 in The Sims 3 Store Gifting
To kick off this Homemade Gift Exchange for suepea, I decided to make a small starter home for any family. I started brainstorming and I kept coming back to a really simple design that looks like the first home my oldest brother had back when he was just starting out with a wife and two little ones (who are now both in their 20s and far from little now!). Partly inspired from suepea's letter and partly because I was experiencing an early bitter cold streak in my area, I decided to place this starter home in Sunlit Tides. This house will not win any creative design awards in the neighborhood, but what it will do is get a family of 5 off to a solid start with all their basic needs taken care of. I present to you the Sunny Pre-Fabulous starter home...




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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited December 2014
    What fun is a starter home if you can't see it's future potential? What if a family wants a small living space, but has a bigger budget? Your answer, the Sunny Pre-Fabulous 3br, 1ba home!

    Exterior Front

    Exterior Back

    Master Bedroom


    Kitchen/Dining/Living Room


    Kids Room

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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited December 2014
    suepea, I know you like pets, so I did my best to create a cute dog and an even cuter owner! Meet Rusty and Lake Soul, two guys who enjoy Island life to the fullest!

    Straight out of CAS as a Family
    With Some Skills



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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited December 2014
    Now we move on to a project that was a collaboration between me and potterphyle. I was stressing out with a lot of expected (and a few unexpected things) going on the last few weeks and I showed potterphyle your letter suepea, I hope you don't mind! Looking for advice on creating some fun sims and for a bit of distraction for the craziness, potterphyle helped me devise a plan.... together we would brainstorm some ideas, then I would create the sims and she would create the back story. Things went mostly as planned, actually things fell together way better than I had planned considering her and I are about a 13 hour drive apart, and I now present to you Potterphyle's story...

    Meet Ester Rogers

    Esther was born on the outskirts of Roaring Heights 45 years ago. Even from a very young age, she knew she was destined to be something more than a goody two shoes housewife out in the county. She longed for a life filled with excitement and adventure.

    Esther enjoyed being an only child for many years. As she was approaching her 7th birthday, her parents made an unexpected announcement. You are going to be a sister! Wow, Esther did not see that coming! With the announcement of the new baby on the way, a move to the city was also decided upon. Work was easier to come by in the city, so her parents thought it would be for the best if they pulled up stakes and moved to Roaring Heights properly. Her father could apply for a better position, if he were more available to his company. Esther was so excited, she was finally going to live in the city! Her father quickly worked his way up the ranks. Just after Edith, Esther's little sister was born, he was promoted to vice president. The quickest rising star the company had ever seen! The future was looking very bright for the Roger family.

    The first few years in Roaring Heights were an easy adjustment for Esther. She made new friends quickly. She was quite the social butterfly after all. Most of the other girls liked her because of her wit and graceful charm. The guys enjoyed her confidence and intelligence, and wished she would be their friend. As Esther grew older, she flirted a lot with those same guys, but never thought about settling down. The guys she went to school with were too immature for her taste, even if they were fun to hang around with. The guys only dreamed she would look their way. When she graduated high school, she defied the norm (no trying to find a husband for her, thank you very much!). She wanted to seek higher education. Some of her friends thought she was crazy, why did she want to go to school more, when she could start her family already?

    When she told her parents about her decision, they couldn't understand why either. They were almost unhappy, worried about what people would think. "What is wrong, Esther, why wouldn't you want to start your family now like all your friends?" her mother asked. The truth was, Esther wanted to live life and have fun! Seeing her parents taking care of a toddler didn't look like fun. They were too young to be saddled with a teen and a baby! By the time her sister Edith was an adult, they would have wasted all the best years of their lives! She didn't want that for herself. She wanted to live and learn, have time to know herself, before having a husband and family to be responsible for.

    Esther set out for college, despite her parents misgivings. Determined to show them that you can have a better life, by following your dreams! She enrolled at a coed campus, even though her mother tried to convince her an all girl school would be a safer choice. Esther loved the hustle and bustle of campus life. She went to all the parties, flirted with the boys and befriended all the brave young ladies. The first couple of years, she did well balancing college life and social life. When she started her third year, she fell into an anti establishment crowd. Prohibition support was just beginning to pick up steam, and she was flabbergasted that people were so willing to give up their freedom! A young man named George caught her eye. He didn't go to college with her, he mainly skipped around from party to party, recruiting people to his cause. He was dark and mysterious, very handsome. He was a few years older than Esther, and she didn't think he'd ever look her way.

    Her circle of friends expanded throughout college years. All the while, there was a constant string of parties and social gatherings. She kept meeting George from time to time. He remained aloof and that intrigued her all the more. Who is this guy that doesn't try to win me over, every time he sees me? she thought. When she graduated, Esther found employment as a dress shop keeper. Her boss loved her, because she was hip to current fashion, and very good with customers. She was becoming quite a tenacious business lady, behind the scenes as well. She had a great mind for numbers. Her life was an endless circle of work, friends, parties, sleep. It had become her routine.

    She was still involved in social issues. When she turned 25, much to her annoyance, prohibition had been passed. There was an undercurrent of activity, within her crowd. George, she discovered, had a secret underground network. He'd suspected that the law would pass, and had been using his time to build an underground hub of activity. He thought the law would be unjust, and was taking precautions to keep his friends safe. George owned an old factory building, which he had been refurbishing as a speakeasy. He also had nectar making skills to rival the best around. He and Esther had a fateful meeting, concreting their alliance. Esther, who normally looked past all men, couldn't help be charmed by George. He taught her nectar making skills, and they went into business underground.

    George asked Esther to marry him, after two weeks. He confessed that he kept an eye on her over the years, and wanted her to learn how to make it on her own. He could tell that she was a very special lady, and he wanted to let her come to realize her feelings for him were as true as his feelings for her. They were very happy for a few years.

    As the years passed, the speakeasy was gaining popularity, and business. George and Esther were doing very well financially. They feared being caught, almost as much as they feared the rival speakeasy owners. George was on a supply gathering run, when he was set upon by one of their rivals. Esther never told anyone what happened, only that George never came back. Rumor had it that he drank a bad batch of nectar, and possibly Esther was involved to get rid of her partner. Those rumors stung more than she would admit. Esther loved George, with all of her heart, and was devastated when he didn't come back home. She didn't even get a chance to tell him about the baby. He would have been estactic!

    Seven months after George disappeared, Eugene was born. Esther doted on that baby. He was her everything. She hired a trusted friend to help take care of him as a baby. She was tired of running the speakeasy, and looked into getting rid of it. When it came right down to it, she couldn't bring herself to sell George's business. She decided to balance being a new mom with being a business owner. She was hoping all this anti prohibition talk would bring about a change in the laws, so she could become legit. With George gone, and his money dwindling, she'd need an excuse for making money. If the new law would pass, she could bring everything above board, and earn more than a decent living.

    That was when she got the call that changed her life. Edith brought the bad news about their parents. Both of them had been killed in a house fire. Edith only survived because she was staying the weekend with her best friend. She had just lost everything, except the clothes on her back. Esther was stunned. Things hadn't been so good between her and her family. She hadn't seen or spoken with Edith in many years. Edith had no place to go and wanted to come stay with her. Of course Esther couldn't turn her away, but she worried about what this would do to her family.....

    Meet Edith Rogers

    Edith doesn't remember much about her sister, Esther. She was only a child when her sister went away to college. She remembered thinking her sister was somewhat foolish and very selfish, for continuing to go to school. At least that is what her mother and father said in hushed whispers when they didn't know she was listening. Edith watched her mother cry for days, after Esther left home. She vowed to never do that to her mother. She'd be a good girl, and do things that would make her parents proud.

    Edith did very well in school. While in grade school, she became fascinated with the arts. She loved to paint, and she loved to read. If she had been born a boy, she may have wanted to go off to college just like Esther. As it was, she decided to paint, in secret, for fear of worrying her mother. Mother and father were sick enough, when hearing about Esther's escapades in the city. They knew she had recently graduated college, and taken a position at a dress shop! Imagine that, she is just a shop keep! Not even looking for a husband!

    With each passing year, Edith fell more in love with writing. She had painted some very lovely paintings, and now her creativity was overflowing into books. She was writing a short story, to submit for a magazine, hoping to be published. Writing was something she could do in secret, and no one would even suspect it was her doing it! She could be a normal young lady, and still have submit her stories to the masses. As the days ticked closer to graduation, and her mother started pressuring her more about finding a fellow, Edith started longing for the guts to do something bold, like Esther. Edith almost hated her sister for abandoning her. It was like she moved away and forgot all about her younger sister, or at least it felt that way to poor Edith.

    One weekend, just before graduation, her friend Marjorie planned a weekend celebration. Edith kissed her parents goodbye, not knowing this would be the last time she would ever see them. When news of the accident arrived, Edith had no idea what to do. So she contacted her long, lost sister. Esther offered her a place to stay, and she willingly took it. What else could she do?

    When Edith arrived, she met her new nephew, Eugene. Oh, a baby, great she thought. Edith hated children. So, when Esther suggested that Edith enroll in college she gladly accepted. It was a way for her to cultivate her writing ability and paint to her hearts content. While in university, she didn't join in the social scene like her sister. She studied and painted. Where Esther was a social butterfly, she was a hermit. No one knew she was there aside from her roommate and her professors. Just the way she liked it. After she graduated, she had no where else to go, so she called Esther again. By now, her nephew has become a child--which is even worse than a baby!! Oh my, how is she going to deal with him???

    Meet Eugene Rogers

    Baby Eugene was born into such a sad family. His father was presumed dead, some say by the hands of his own mother! No one knows what kind of business she runs, but some suspect she is up to something terrible. His grumpy aunt Edith moved in with them, after she left college. Eugene has been spoiled to death, since he arrived in the world. He inherited his fathers bravery and propensity to get into trouble. Some say he is a bit too brave, and does some really silly things, that may get him into trouble, just like his daddy! He can't help it, he likes to do dangerous things. His mother doesn't encourage him, but she doesn't discourage it either.

    How will they all get along now that they are together? The rest of their story is up to you!

    The players and what you have to work with:

    Esther Rogers (adult) social butterfly, party animal, night owl adventurous, flirty. Black market Nectar runner. Sagittarius, Key lime pie, soul music, and turquoise. She has maxed gardening, nectar and charisma. 9 in handiness and cooking, 6 in fishing, 5 in inventing, martial arts, riding, logic and painting, 4 in writing and photography, 2 in sculpting, athletic and guitar, 1 in scuba. A well rounded "liberal arts" education could explain some of the art, science and other skills! She has lots of edibles in her backpack.

    Eugene Rogers (child) Brave, daredevil, rebellious. Gemini, hamburger, songwriter, spice brown. He has 4 logic skill points.

    Edith Rogers (ya) dislikes children, artistic, bookworm, coward, no sense of humor. Illustrious Author (master writing/painting). Scorpio, frog legs, classical, green. She has 8 in painting and several books and a few paintings in her backpack.

    The household without the house (use the home, 41 van alen st in Roaring Heights) has 156,478 simoleons and there are 2 wine cases, 18 bottles of very nice-great bottles of nectar and the nectar making machine in the family inventory.

    ... It's me again! I just want to note that ironically the image potterphyle had in her head was similar to the sim I used as "George" in the creation of little Eugene. If you want the exact sim used, I have to give @Ivanna420 all the credit! The sim I used was actually a wonderful gift Ivanna420 gave to me back in the 2012 holiday gift exchange. If you want to check him out, here is a link to Ivanna420's Sim, "Damon Dimitri II" and I can tell you from my experience he is a wonderful sim to have you your sim family's gene pool!!!

    Before I forget, the Roger's Family with no skills in case you want to play them from scratch!

    suepea, I enjoyed making all of your gifts, but probably no gift was as fun to create as the Roger's family. I hope you enjoy!
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited December 2014
    As I await to see if I need to link anything from potterphyle, I just want to throw out a friendly reminder to all my simming friends to remember to get a death flower in your back pack - especially if you are making a sim for someone else! screenshot_original.jpg
    (Esther's first time trying to scuba dive in the family pool didn't go so well!)
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,735 Member
    Your gifts for SuePea are very great! :) I really enjoyed reading the very nice and descriptive story behind Esther, Eugene and Edith! It was great reading about their background details and their lives so far. It adds a lot of depth to when simmers will be having these sims in their games. It was written so creatively and well! The sims are very nice! It looks very nice how you have created them. Nice outfits that they are wearing which suit them and their story. The sims reflect the era that they live in. I am sorry that Esther was killed by drowning in the family pool! Thankyou for your advice to carry a death flower! Rusty and Lake are very nice sims too! Rusty is a very cute dog! They will be fun sims to play in the game. It is nice that Lake is a life saver.
    Your two homes are great! :) It is great that you have the two versions of the home, with one being a starter and the other being a 3 bedroom home. They are very nice! Nice exterior of them and the layout of the interior of them are nice. The purple and black colour scheme of the master bedroom in your second home is very nice! The pattern that you have used for the curtains there is nice. The blossom plant on the dresser is nice for sims to see when laying in bed. Very nice furnishing of the kids bedroom. Nice window study desk area for sims to enjoy sitting at the desk using a computer or reading a book from the bookcase with the sunshine coming in through the windows. The panda and duck look cute on the desk top! The wall shelves add a nice look to the room. The animal picture on the nursery room wall is happy for little sims to see when in their cot. The outdoors trees look nice how you have placed them in the front and back areas of the build.
    They are all very nice gifts! :)
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    suepeasuepea Posts: 1,832 Member
    I posted this on the gifting thread but I wanted to post this here as well:
    angeliii82 wrote: »
    suepea, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season! I also hope you enjoy your gifts as much as I enjoyed creating them for you!!! You can check out pics, links and a very special story from my co-conspirator, potterphyle, here...

    Oh, my goodness -- Mary! I am speechless! Your gift is so sweet -- I love the starter home and the upgrade version so much! I haven't made one in so long!

    And the Sims! Where do I start? A guy and his dog -- I don't know who is cuter ;-) I am thinking that my tester Sim, Juliana (thanks to ZooProfessor3) and her cat, Helix, might be in for a nice surprise!

    HUGE big thanks and hugs to potterphyle for being your partner in crime! I love the Rodgers family and I adore the story (poor Ester, I may keep her away from the water for now!) They are perfect, perfect, perfect and I can't wait to get them into my game. I have a great home for them -- one I did for Roaring Heights after I first got it, Belle Geddes Manor I may have them move right in and do some renovations for them.

    Well, it is getting late here and despite tomorrow being Saturday, my daughter has one last class she has to attend in the big city and that means we are up and out early in the morning to make a train. I didn't want to let the night go by without telling you how much I love my gifts! But now the dogs need to go out for their last trip to the potty and I need to go to bed!

    So one last thank you and I'm off.

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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    Aw, Mary, I LOVED the story, and the sims, and the starter, and its makeover. You did such an awesome job. And it was so great of potterphyle to help out with the story. I so enjoyed reading it!
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    potterphylepotterphyle Posts: 3,659 Member
    The whole gift looks fantastic, Mary! Great little starter home. It reminds me a lot of my first place too. And Rusty and Lake Soul are awesome. Looks like I am gonna need to go studio raiding soon!

    It was awesome you used one of your previous holiday gifts as the genetics donor. Esther, Edith and Eugene are great! You really ran with the story theme!

    Thanks for letting me help out a little Mary, since I didn't think I'd have time to join in this exchange. I am still working on that one little thing we talked about. ;-) I will bring it back here when I get it uploaded.

    I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season! I miss you all!!
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