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What's been happening in your game lately - feel free to chat and post pics


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    VRStevensonVRStevenson Posts: 4,396 Member
    edited November 2012
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    Fairy_HappyFairy_Happy Posts: 8,920 Member
    edited November 2012
    I'm in the middle of making a really nice house. It's funny because I actually had a dream of this house last night (result of too much sim playing) and I woke up thinking about Sim houses. So I quickly drew the plan up before I forgot it. Now I'm making the house a reality.

    Look at me just going on and on lol. Pictures to come soon.
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited November 2012
    Yeah, he is definitely in the right place right now. Thank you *hugs*
    So cute seeing Manus and Killian right from tots to YA. And Nevan is such an adorable teen. And Maeve and Anders still look fantastic as elders. :D

    Thank you :D
    Jake looks so cute with his IF. I think I like the second house a little more :)

    Thank you :D

    Thank you :D I think Pinky is adorable too. I downloaded her from friendlyone :)
    Timmy aged into a cute child :)
    Your vampire family look great :)

    I'm sure it will be breath taking in winter. It looks like it'll be a beautiful spring house too :D
    And thanks :D

    Thank you! :D I was hoping that the greenhouse would be one of the surprise items too. I kind of figured that the big surprise would be a world. But I was still holding onto hope. Bummer. :( Oh well, it'll go on sale eventually. I'm happy with what I got today. I went a bit crazy with the sales though. :oops: There were some amazing deals. :D
    It doesn't snow at all where I'm currently living (my hometown), but it snowed often where I previously lived for a number of years. Snow was typically anywhere from May-October. But there were the odd occasions it would snow as late as December. I loved it. Although the next day sludgy ice isn't too fantastic for someone as clumsy as I am :lol:
    Lol! Love the floating dog picture! :lol:
    Beautiful rainbow shot. Can't wait to see a rainbow in my game either. Rainbows are my other obsession :D
    I actually like Phillip. He looks good to me :)

    Sorry to hear your game is corrupted :(

    Thanks :D Haha, Valentina's face is hilarious when she's diving into the pool. At least her skating skills are better than her diving skills ;) She's a very pretty teen too. :)

    Great poster for Morty and Bella

    Thank you :D
    Haha. Travis still wearing his graduation cap. Some sims just can't let go :P
    Geez Cecelia, that looks cold.

    Thanks hun. :D Aww I'm so sorry to hear your sugery has gotten all messed up and been put on hold. I'm sorry you have to put up with the pain a lot longer now. :( I hope it's able to be done sooner than predicted. I'll keep you in my thoughts. *hugs*

    Thank you :D Yeah, he's already managed to build up a relationship with his dad at a young age. :)

    He is. :) I hope Isela can talk him into reproducing with her ;) Did you get your issue sorted out? Did it start happening before or after your reinstall?

    Hope you feel better soon :)

    Haha, yeah, I never feel weird about my sim crushes unless they're teens. :lol:

    I usually change my mod settings with each different save, since I often have different needs with each save. There is an export/import option in the menu though, where once you have your setting how you like them, you can save them and use those settings for each new save. :)

    Thank you! :D
    Jason and Abilgail look like an interesting couple :)

    Thank you :D He really is. And I love the matching eyes too :)
    Venixia and Don seem like a lovely couple. Looks like Venixia has really gotten Don to settle down.
    Congrats on the new baby. Sorry to hear you had to get rid of one of the twins though.
    Audrina is very pretty. :)

    You're welcome. She's absolutely precious. I wasn't sure if I was going to put her in this game at first. This family has been through so many dogs already, and I usually only use them to hunt. And I wanted Pinky to be more of a family pet. So I had planned on using her in another game. But I couldn't wait that long and caved. She was too cute to resist :D
    And she looks super cute in your game with her little boyfriend :D
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    Grneydbandit0Grneydbandit0 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited November 2012

    that sounds like an interesting challenge. i look forward to seeing where it takes your sim.


    i can't wait to see it.
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    mramsey1140mramsey1140 Posts: 89
    edited November 2012
    @Grneybandit0: In the second picture, I really didn't like the way her mouth looked around the edges and things like that. At first I thought it was just a problem with the mouth depth, but it turned out that there was a problem with the whole head shape, and I had to reform her previous head shape. It was a lot of work, but I whizzed through it. I love modifying born in-game sims. It makes me feel like I'm doing something good for my sims. :lol:

    I was thinking about doing like a townie makeover thing, but the question is, would anybody even care to see the redone townies? :shock: I've attempted to do a townie makeover before, but nobody seemed to care about it, so I just stopped. :? I see the townie makeovers all over Tumblr, and their sims all look so GOOD. Ahh~ I get so jealous when I see sims on Tumblr. They're all so pretty and lfjdskjfdsf. :lol:

    Anyway, how are you all enjoying the daily deals? :P
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    mramsey1140mramsey1140 Posts: 89
    edited November 2012
    God, stupid invisiposts.
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    Grneydbandit0Grneydbandit0 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited November 2012
    @Grneybandit0: In the second picture, I really didn't like the way her mouth looked around the edges and things like that. At first I thought it was just a problem with the mouth depth, but it turned out that there was a problem with the whole head shape, and I had to reform her previous head shape. It was a lot of work, but I whizzed through it. I love modifying born in-game sims. It makes me feel like I'm doing something good for my sims. :lol:

    I was thinking about doing like a townie makeover thing, but the question is, would anybody even care to see the redone townies? :shock: I've attempted to do a townie makeover before, but nobody seemed to care about it, so I just stopped. :? I see the townie makeovers all over Tumblr, and their sims all look so GOOD. Ahh~ I get so jealous when I see sims on Tumblr. They're all so pretty and lfjdskjfdsf. :lol:

    Anyway, how are you all enjoying the daily deals? :P

    we like seeing remade townies and nps here. we like to see what kind of makeover other ppl give them ;). i'm loving them. i've gotten 3 tonite. i usually don't pay any attention to them, but i got the deep fryer, the rock wall and the technophobe no more. i'm going to town on all the sale items today :).
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    JongarakunJongarakun Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited November 2012
    Michael702808: Second house, definitely.

    This update is boring, especially for these three. =/

    So did I mention that Peach had to walk home. :|

    More fun in the bathroom! You'll never get to use the toilet ever again, Persik.

    If you have to get that close to the screen to look at it, maybe you're the one that needs glasses, not Persik.

    Haha you two suck.

    He got up, walked outside, donated 100 simoleons to charity, then stood around in his PJs thinking about a spa.

    An uncomfortably close shot of Persik finishing week-old pancakes. Because I like to unsettle you guys with his face.

    Buggo just got up from the bench and started posing a whole bunch. I'm... not sure why...

    He later invited his friend from school over. He shared a secret with her. What that secret is, the world may never know.

    Don't worry everyone, Persik's here to awkward it up a bit!

    "HI KIDS WHAT'S GOING ON *stares at house"

    "You guys are boring, I'm going inside to play with Peach."

    Then the game crashed. 9_6

    Will read newest updates later.

    Edit: Whoops! Fixed an image.
    Ornery weirdo. My Origin ID is Jongarakun.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    It will be very interesting to see how Grim and Liam get on in the future ... they obviously have NOTHING in common ;)
    Got a good laugh from your pics :D

    I will miss you but I can understand it being hard to see something you want really badly :(

    Anna is a cutie :D
    Enjoyed seeing the kids and the spring activities :D

    Poor Josiah :( I hate it when my sims' appliances break down! If I want my sims to gain skills or they roll a wish to repair it, I let them. Otherwise, I use Master Controller to instantly repair anything that breaks ;)
    He looks cute eating his icecream :D
    I won't promise to follow your story if it is elsewhere, but am more than happy to see anything you want to share with us here :D

    You are so naughty, yet so nice! Thank you very much for the gifts. My sims and I appreciate your generosity and I appreciate your friendship *hugs*

    Thank you so much :D I really am so thrilled with the way Maeve looks as an elder. If only she didn't have the spindly arms and legs and the hunched walk, she would be perfect!
    I have skipped a whole bunch of family portraits so that I could get my main family up to date. I decided it was better to keep them up to date as you see other assorted pics of them daily.
    I will still be posting pics of the extended families in dribs and drabs but will update the main family whenever there is a change. :D

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    mramsey1140mramsey1140 Posts: 89
    edited November 2012

    we like seeing remade townies and nps here. we like to see what kind of makeover other ppl give them ;). i'm loving them. i've gotten 3 tonite. i usually don't pay any attention to them, but i got the deep fryer, the rock wall and the technophobe no more. i'm going to town on all the sale items today :).

    I've only downloaded one, which is the Technophobe No More. I only downloaded that set so I could buy my sims the little iPad looking things. Did you know that teens/children can do their homework on that thing? So cool! :D
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    Peach walked home :shock: :( She seems to have made it safely at least :D I have a little ginger cat that I adore. Her name is Ginger. The cat that I thought might have been her father, lived over the street. He was a ginger tom, named Peaches :D
    That cat is determined to keep Persik from the toilet :D
    His face is definitely unsettling!
    Was that a first kiss? How sweet :D
    Sorry about the crash :(

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    mramsey1140mramsey1140 Posts: 89
    edited November 2012
    I just clipped my nails. (I had medium length nails before) and now when I type, IT FEELS SO WEIRD! You all know the feeling that I'm talking about, especially girls. :lol: I hate that after nail-clipping feeling. :shock:
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited November 2012
    Hey all
    I did a bit of reading during a little break from working.

    Comments span pages 659 to 665

    --whoa freaky car glitch :shock:

    --Nice update. Venixia is so pretty.

    --Nevan is a cutie! Eee! Brogan and Taylor have a little girl. How sweet :)

    --Cool zombie rescue house!

    --your Sims are really cute and I enjoyed the collage cause I love that Enrique song!! :) (Tonight I'm lovin' you...)

    --Really enjoyed the update. It was like reading a cartoon story book. That's a good thing. :lol: I loved all the expressions on Dragan's face. Lol at the surprise pregnancy. :)

    I also enjoyed updates by sunflower , zafireria, VRstevenson, friendlyone, HuckleberryHen

    Hope I didn't miss anyone!

    And Mikezumi, yes I caught a bit of your replyto me yesterday about this thread being a full-time job. Good thing I don't have a full-time job! LOL. I enjoy this too. Just a little behind again, is all. :lol:
    Like maybe 50 pages. :shock:

    Oh I almost forgot

    --Thanks so much for the birthday store gift of the Steampunk collection! Cool! That was so sweet of you. And awesome that it was on sale. I already had one outfit from it but not the whole set. I had the Steampunk Swashbuckler or something, which SharonaSim totally rocks. LOL. So many sales going on right now! :shock: I got the ice cream maker tonight for I think 75 points? And the Not So Routine machine which I've always wanted to try. So it was a good birthday. :)
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    ZerbuZerbu Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited November 2012
    I started my game over after that unfortunate save glitch. The good news is, the gameplay seems to be going much better than last time.

    Vulcan the werewolf moved to his new house in Sunset Valley:

    He headed towards the alchemy store so that he could practice alchemy, and maybe make some money off it:

    Because of a custom mod I made that pushes sims to visit community lots that are occupied by active sims, the store was bustling:

    Vulcan's feral instincts compelled him to scratch furniture:

    He went back to make more elixirs:

    He then went to the City Hall to register as a self-employed alchemist (he's not an acrobat in this gameplay, because I found that too boring):

    The LIamas made him sick, unfortunately:

    The next day, Vulcan went to the summer festival, where he met Uschi the fairy:

    Vulcan, Uschi and two random townies had a hot dog eating contest:

    Unfortunately, one of the random townies won, despite Vulcan getting the lifetime reward that helps with eating contests:

    Vulcan got a tan, and also the temperature got too warm so he changed to swimwear:

    Vulcan went on the skating ring, then got his face painted, then had an icicle:

    Next, he redeemed some festival tickets:

    Later on, he ate some food raw, though unfortunately I missed the chance to screenshot that. He then went home to sleep...

    ...and that's all of my gameplay so far.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    Now if we could only work out a way so we could get paid for our time here ;)
    Thanks for the lovely comments :D I hate Nevan's voice, but find him adorable to look at :D
    Brogan and Taylor have 3 kids now I believe :D
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    Grneydbandit0Grneydbandit0 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited November 2012

    we like seeing remade townies and nps here. we like to see what kind of makeover other ppl give them ;). i'm loving them. i've gotten 3 tonite. i usually don't pay any attention to them, but i got the deep fryer, the rock wall and the technophobe no more. i'm going to town on all the sale items today :).

    I've only downloaded one, which is the Technophobe No More. I only downloaded that set so I could buy my sims the little iPad looking things. Did you know that teens/children can do their homework on that thing? So cool! :D

    no, i didn't. they can? that's cool. that's why i bought the technophobe no more set too. just for that ipad thingy. i'm gonna enjoy it once i get into my game. they're finally starting to install :D. i only have 3 more after the one i'm downloading now.


    i hate when the cats follow the sims out. they always end up having to make their way home. i feel so bad for them. but then, my cat has always been an indoor cat, so that prolly has something to do with it.

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    Grneydbandit0Grneydbandit0 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited November 2012

    we like seeing remade townies and nps here. we like to see what kind of makeover other ppl give them ;). i'm loving them. i've gotten 3 tonite. i usually don't pay any attention to them, but i got the deep fryer, the rock wall and the technophobe no more. i'm going to town on all the sale items today :).

    I've only downloaded one, which is the Technophobe No More. I only downloaded that set so I could buy my sims the little iPad looking things. Did you know that teens/children can do their homework on that thing? So cool! :D

    no, i didn't. they can? that's cool. that's why i bought the technophobe no more set too. just for that ipad thingy. i'm gonna enjoy it once i get into my game. they're finally starting to install :D. i only have 3 more after the one i'm downloading now.


    i hate when the cats follow the sims out. they always end up having to make their way home. i feel so bad for them. but then, my cat has always been an indoor cat, so that prolly has something to do with it.

    crud, sorry about the double post, i didn't get liam, so i don't know why that happened.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    Enjoyed your update on Vulcan very much. I got such a good laugh from him in his swimsuit with all that body hair and a tan :D
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited November 2012
    Haha, love the pics of Buggo posing. :)
    Cute, he got a kiss too. :)

    Oh I hate those hunched shoulders :( Makes sims look like they're 90 :?
    Shame you didn't get to post your other family portraits. But I understand about wanting to be more up to date. But if you ever change your mind about posting the others, I'd love to see them still :D

    You're very welcome! :D Haha, I went a bit crazy with the sale. Buying things I had never planned on ever buying simply because they were so cheap! I was thrilled to finally score the Deep fryer, which has been on my WL forever waiting for a sale, for only 50 simpoints down from 500! :D
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    mramsey1140mramsey1140 Posts: 89
    edited November 2012

    no, i didn't. they can? that's cool. that's why i bought the technophobe no more set too. just for that ipad thingy. i'm gonna enjoy it once i get into my game. they're finally starting to install :D. i only have 3 more after the one i'm downloading now.

    No more of those ugly little blue book things! :P I mean, seriously, who brings the same blue book home each day to do their homework? JUST a little blue notebook? No school books? No nothing? It's kinda stupid. :? But I love the new iPad thingies. :D
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    VRStevensonVRStevenson Posts: 4,396 Member
    edited November 2012
    Alexah got a new hairstyle, this is definitely more what i had in mind!! Thank goodness for cy.ber monday!

    Jason tackled Autumn's snowman

    And then built one exactly like it :?

    He and Vinessa had a good laugh about it

    What's it like scaring your clone, Jason? lol

    Jake went to prom! He won prom king, denied for dance, got in a fight bleh bleh bleh

    Autumn:'Let's play cowboys and aliens!!'
    Alexah:'how about no'

    Speaking of aliens

    Vinna:'but im already pregnant!!!!'

    Spring rolled around and Jason's snowman melted

    Alexah, Autumn, and Austen went to Varg's to play in the photobooth

    Aside from the fact that there are repeat pics, these are really cute

    Vinessa gave Jason a scare

    I love this face

    Jason:'wanna dance?'
    Vinna:'Im a terrible dancer'

    Vinna:'oh sorry about your foot!'

    Jason:'That's ok, i know you can't see your feet over that belly'
    Vinna:' :!: now wait just a second...'

    Jason:'aaaugh, what do i do?'

    Vinna:'oh, stop being dramatic and take me to the hospital'

    so cute, i want to squeeze you!

    Triplets!!! how perfectly that worked out because that makes TEN!!!

    Meet Tysha. Her traits are Evil and Easily Impressed

    And Tamisyn. Her traits are Grumpy and Light Sleeper. ooh she's gonna be sweet, huh? :lol:

    And last but definitely not least is Tyler. His traits are Couch Potato and Loner. He will probably be a gamer :mrgreen:

    It was also Eden and Ezra's birthdays!(who am i kidding about potty training??)

    Eden looks just like Vinna:) Her traits are Genius, Absent-minded and Mooch

    Ezra blowing out his candles

    And i forgot to get a close-up of him so here is a pic i cut out of the family portrait i took. I need to redo the portrait though cuz i forgot that Vincent and Vinessa are ready to be teens!!*absent-minded*
    He's the on in the blue and his traits are Excitable, Loves the Outdoors and one other tba dang it

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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited November 2012
    Snow day! :)

    Brax and Baylee had a snow fight.

    Baylee teases Brax

    But Brax knocks her down. :lol: Probably not wise wearing high heels in the snow. Haha.

    Not happy.

    Brax taunting his sister

    Fin and Shae made an igloo

    Selene and Quincy made a snowman

    Taking a moment to admire the finished product

    Then their daughter comes along and destroys it...


    Mission accomplished.

    Fineas and Shae stargazing in the snow


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    JongarakunJongarakun Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited November 2012

    friendlyone20: A werewolf with two dogs? How perfect.

    Dark_Tig3r: Love their shirts! Where did you get Abigail's?

    Mikezumi: You're welcome. ^^


    ddsims3world: Gotta love sims with such free will. ;] hgjfds The Grim Reaper insulted his family? That's... ominous.

    mramsey1140: (Your avatar has such great editing!) Hahah. Is it the skin?
    I love Tea staring at the black screen. XD Uh... you ok, bro? Ellie is beautiful! "After Leisure Day, everyone was exhausted from playing black screen video games" LOL.

    Ginger_Ningja: Hey. :> And, same here.

    fryfrkhlly: Aww. D= Sorry to hear about the game crashing! Lovely update, though. :>

    brightpaw: I'd be interested. =D I love those Sim stories.


    Mikezumi: Walked all the way home from the park... on the other side of town. D: Aww! Ginger and Peaches... far too cute. XD How old is Ginger?
    First and probably only.
    Unfortunately, I'm used to them at this point. ^^; Thanks!

    mramsey1140: As someone who bites their nails until they bleed... I can honestly say that I don't know what you're talking about. X);

    Zerbu: Dang, that sounds like a useful mod. I want. Love the update.

    Grneydbandit0: I have outdoor cats and I feel sorry for them! EA just went wrong there. D:

    Buffyspiker: Those two events are probably related. Thanks. ^^

    Woo, caught up. =D
    Ornery weirdo. My Origin ID is Jongarakun.
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited November 2012
    Congrats on the triplets and reaching the first 10 babies milestone! :D
    Wow! Another abduction! Lucky! :D Is there anything that might encourage an alien visit? I'd love one. I think I might have had one that caused my glowing plants, but I missed it. So I'll never be entirely sure.
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    Grneydbandit0Grneydbandit0 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited November 2012

    they abducted a pregnant sim? guess jason will be getting the boot soon :(. congrats on triplets and making it to your first 10 kids.


    i love seeing winter pics. but why did baylee knock her parents snowman down? awww cute snowball fight between the sibs, fin and shae are adorable as always as are quincy and selene.
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