The final, special edition of the Friday Highlights has been posted here. Take a trip down memory lane with us.
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    DKguruArtistDKguruArtist Posts: 300 Member
    If sims 5 gameplay is going to be as forced directed and player control rooted as sims 4 is or have as bland and super artificial expanded gameplay as sims 4 currently have. By example neighborhood stories were supposed to give evolving neighbors and neighborhood, but all it run 100% through player decisions in the most annoying and frustrating ways possible, so either you have option to disable it which doesn't work completely or be forced to either ignore phone calls or go through the tedious and repetitive same options again and again on daily basis. Add to that the mechanic choices is extremely poor implemented and feel artificially fake, sims would ask you advice on things that make zero sense for them to ask, like for instance sim with hates children would ask you to decide for them if they should have more kids. The addition of fears and wants felt like a horrid step back from whims, also they made it so its impossible to disable far as I can tell. The options again feel rushed and incoherent take my werewolf sim as example, he would get want to get engaged with his fated mate, next time option reset he got want to wish to break up with fated male all this within 2-3 days, he had no erratic personality or mean personality or anything to suggest this option would feel natural. I feel every time we ask for more depths or gameplay its a step backwards, if sims 5 is going to be like that I am out.
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    Coconut27Coconut27 Posts: 870 Member
    If most of the surrounding world is set dressing like in TS4 then I will have zero interest in it. I'm so tired of seeing cute "shops" that are just empty shells and not interactable. I want my sim to be able to DO things. I want to be able to interact with the world around my sim!
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    IllandryaIllandrya Posts: 89 Member
    edited November 2022
    I have been playing since sims 2 and sims 4 still seems incomplete and missing so much. I have only recently returned to playing after a few month’s off and online play through the EA app has already meant I couldn’t load sims 4 twice this week, so I will not be moving onto sims 5 if it is online.

    If we are limited to swatches for colour choices and the colour wheel doesn’t return, I’m out.

    If we don’t have open neighbourhoods, I’m out.

    If the base game doesn’t have all life stages, I’m out.

    If babies are objects, I’m out.

    If the neighbourhood graphics aren’t improved, I’m out (2D trees that rotate to give the impression of 3D? Please don’t insult me again)

    If the team focuses on trying to distract us with new contact instead of fixing bugs, I’m out. The gardening bugs alone are a big turn-off for me at this stage.

    If there are moods, I’m out, nothing frustrates me more than a sim getting a routing failure because the queued action required a particular mood and it changed before they got there because of some arbitrary event I had no control over.

    If my sims can’t go on a date without every sim in the vicinity wanting to chat and making it “awkward”, I’m out.

    If mischief can’t be turned off, I’m out. As an introverted autistic girl who has suffered from bullying, mischief makes me VERY uncomfortable.

    I could go on, but these are the deal-breakers.
    Post edited by Illandrya on
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    InuMiroLoverInuMiroLover Posts: 1,185 Member
    • Subscription based
    • Nickle and dimeing EVERYTHING as if it were an actual free to play game
    • Multiplayer only OR the game is nearly forcing you to go multiplayer if you want to do anything

    Consider me out if those things happen. TS4 is where I will happily stay.
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    LexstraLexstra Posts: 18 Member
    I do not think even if they did do a good job id get it.
    I cannot fathom how there was a sims 2 server fire AND IT STILL TURNED OUT BETTER THAN THE SIMS 4!!!!

    There is simply no excuse for it being so bad, i have almost all the sims 4 packs and i still find myself favouring ts3-2 over it.
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    akuheikomatsuakuheikomatsu Posts: 79 Member
    I agree with many other sentiments that I will absolutely not play TS5 if there is any requirement to be online, forced multiplayer, or subscription model.

    I also am not interested in playing if the initial release is anything like TS4, ie. missing life states/stages, no cars, no create a world, no color wheel, no open neighborhood, no pools etc.
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    Pipersfun2Pipersfun2 Posts: 710 Member
    Sims 4 is not completed. & if Sims 5 has less realism. I will be done purchasing the game and it’s packs if EA continues to ignore the sims community then I will continue to ignore their trash files 🗑

    If the sims do not look real for once. so I don't have to find mods just to make them look so. And if it is only only. otherwise sims team hear this. It will be goodbye have been with from the beginning and it will be hello Paralives!
    while we are playing them,WHO IS PLAYING US?
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    LeGardePourpreLeGardePourpre Posts: 15,485 Member
    edited November 2022
    I will not purchase TS5 if the game is less creative than The Sims FreePlay and the previous games.

    TSFP had a lot of content that we will never get on PC.

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    cody6268cody6268 Posts: 643 Member
    My list:

    Forced Multiplayer


    And the worst offender of all:

    Any kind of non-fungible token (NFT). It seems probable that they will jump on this fad. Hot Wheels already did for some reason.
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    Sarah26CatSarah26Cat Posts: 171 Member
    I won't buy sims 5, whatever the final name is, if it is not an upgrade from Sims 3. I can predict this with 100% accuracy because my family decided to skip Sims 4 because it was such a downgrade from previous Sims games. I mean, babies in basinets you don't get to carry around your home, we didn't have that since Sims 1 folks... Sims 4, yes I've played it when it became Free, it has the open neighborhoods that are playable, but the neighborhoods can't be altered like previous games. It wouldn't be so bad if most of what you see weren't just decoration anyways.

    Now that I've gotten a chance to vent... I can predict it with 100 percent accuracy that the new sims game must be an upgrade to previous games. Making it an upgrade to Sims 4 isn't too hard, which is probably why you guys did it that way. I tell myself that after a hit like TS3 you knew whatever you pumped out next would suffer by comparison, so you let it suffer so that your next game could be 10 times better. DON'T RUIN MY EXPECTATION!
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    TzivaTziva Posts: 19 Member
    There are a lot of things that will make me less interested in the newer Sims - if the multiplayer ends up more like an MMO rather than "play with your friend," if the build tools aren't as robust, or if the business model seems even more costly than Sims already is.

    However, I think that will REALLY draw the line for me is how much CC creators are supported and how many move on to the new game vs. sticking to the old ones. As a builder, CC is what makes this game for me, and I can't imagine the game having remotely the same appeal to me if it didn't have that. I typically don't even like simulation type games as a whole, but Maxis' support of CC and the amazing creators out there have made a game that would never otherwise be my jam end up as something I have thousands of hours in.

    >@Pipersfun2 said:
    > If the sims do not look real for once. so I don't have to find mods just to make them look so. And if it is only only. otherwise sims team hear this. It will be goodbye have been with from the beginning and it will be hello Paralives!

    I think Paralives looks great with what they've showcased so far, so this isn't a negative comment on my part, but it seems a little weird to jump there if Sims 5 fails to deliver on realism since their character design seems just as unrealistic, with its almost hand-drawn vibe. I don't know where alpha fans should head, if not to CC, but I feel like if that's your style, Paralives isn't going to scratch that itch either.
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    thatsnotswegthatsnotsweg Posts: 697 Member
    If there's a subscription to play or I'm forced to play online/multi-player, I'm gonna have to pass.
    gallery ID: thatsnotsweg

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    Lulu29Lulu29 Posts: 171 Member
    If the game is online multiplayer only. This will really put me off as the Sims is my escape when I don't want to interact with people. Also if there are too many expansion packs. I do feel that the Sims 4 is too large in terms of its expansion packs and mini packs (excluding the kits). I've been playing for a few years now (this version) and don't have all of the packs. Doubt I ever will as there are simply too many.
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    Olalla1986Olalla1986 Posts: 286 Member
    If it’s subscription based game. That’s basically the only reason that could prevent me from trying it out. Other than that, I’m curious what it will add to the franchise.
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,050 Member
    The game is a rehash of 4 in all respects only with a new number
    It is multi-player only or single players get only inferior scraps
    By subscription/endless cash grabbing
    It is essentially a kid's game that will bore me within a few minutes.
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    maggiemae8135maggiemae8135 Posts: 790 Member
    I doubt I will be interested in Sims 5. I have Sims 2, 3 4 and Medieval and I will continue to play these games. I enjoy Sims 4 but it has been a roller coaster ride with the bugs and buggy packs and some of the gameplay introduced that doesn't work as I thought it would. I also don't want to play a multiplayer game with subscription. When Sims 4 ends I do plan to get mods to help improve the areas of gameplay I am not happy with, like the obsessive phone use for example, and plan to enjoy all my sims offline. When computers came about and gaming started, I was hooked right away. But then you bought a game and it was yours. Today the trend seems to be more and more that gaming companies own the games and control them and charge fees for their use. I was so disappointed when I played The Pirates Online with my family and it was discontinued. With the money spent on it (needed membership and I had family plan for the kids as well) I enjoyed it while it lasted but realized I prefer having my own games on a disc. Times change and we need to change with them, but I am not giving up the games that I love and still have discs for. Hopefully my grandson, who is a marvel with computers already, will be able to keep my older ones going!
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    MeigMeig Posts: 27 Member
    I want things to be completely gender neutral - ie, you set everything up like we do with sims 4 but with significantly more settings and options - from the start. We also need complete freedom of skin tone creation. I'd like more disability options, such as wheelchairs or other mobility aids; hearing aids; maybe stim toys that kind of things, or the options to keep headphones on permanently as a stim thing. More recognition of real life diversity in general. Like, starting with holidays but being inclusive of non-xtian ones such as muslim, hindu, buddhist, and jewish traditions (not just those that happen near xmas). Not that I wouldn't play without most of these, but, I think it's important to start from a universal perspective from the start.
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,635 Member

    It doesn't include every single thing I have written down in my secret Sims 5 Wishlist notebook, which nobody but me can look at.
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    DaniBugs247DaniBugs247 Posts: 2 New Member
    I wish you guys would fix the bugs … game is very unplayable . I’m sure a lot of us would be fine if you had to close the game a week to fix it .. but another year of more bugs building up… is causing problems in the game
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    SuperCoolRachaelSuperCoolRachael Posts: 392 Member
    Man, you guys are scaring me with some of the possibilities I'm seeing here...

    I won't buy TS5 if it's subscription service or online only. That's absolutely where I draw the line.
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    AbsafraginlootlyAbsafraginlootly Posts: 34 Member
    - i can't play rotationally
    - it requires multiplayer or focuses on multiplayer at the expense of singleplayer
    - it recquires a subscription
    - the live gameplay doesn't look better than previous games.
    - I can't build my own houses
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,592 Member
    ... if I don't like what it offers.

    I don't have a list. I wasn't fully happy with TS2 because they left a lot of TS out but I bought them all and enjoyed them (waiting for more).
    I didn't just buy much TS4 just because I'm a Sims fan. I didn't like where it was going so I didn't go with it. That's all.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,137 Member
    VR Sims could be really fun.
    Buying a computer or console that could handle it isn't at the top of my financial priority list.
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    kemowerykemowery Posts: 373 Member
    I'm out if it's online only, subscription based, and/or multiplayer. As it is, I've got TS4 working the way I like even if it's unstable, so I might wait until a couple of DLCs and some mods come out to make Rene closer to my current experience.
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    YumengYumeng Posts: 125 Member
    I will not purchase Sims 5 if it doesn't have a zodiac-sign system. And if it's online only, then I'm out, too. They could completely separate the online version from the non-online version, just like Sims 1.
    I need zodiac signs, half-tile walls&half walls&platforms, half walls&platforms with a height of 0.125 times, inverted half walls&platforms, discontinuous voice slider(mid-value can be taken) and rotating objects horizontally and vertically in a discontinuous manner(22.5 degrees per rotation).

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