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Jendowoz New Member


  • Hi Pam, Yes I found that out, thanks. They are vamps. I am going to have to cure this one, if there is a cure, he is cute and my sim and he made friends ultra quickly. regards, Jen :?
  • Hi Pam, One more question, why do some friends in the sim's relationships have red around them. They became friends very quickly, is it an attraction scale, like the lightning symbols we used to have in Sims 2? regards, Jen :-)
  • Hi Pam, Just want to say, thank you so much! I added all the games and it is now working fine. You are a gem, thank you. :wink: I realised the manager comes up each time now and ask for codes, is that as a safety net to back up which games you have already? Kind regards, Jen :D
  • Hi again, Pam I added the games in the DEP's for those suggested. Do I need to do it for all of them, or just the ones they suggest on that link you sent me. I didn't unistall and re-install EADM a window came up but only showed sims 2 and 3 base games. Not sure what all that meant. regards, Jen :-)
  • Hi Pamela,thanks for your prompt reply. I updated EADM but not re-started the computer as yet, I may have to do that. DEP Exceptions, what is that? something to do with the expansions I assume? regards, Jen :-)
  • You live up to your computer whiz trait, Bob, thanks so much for this. regards, Jen :P
  • I would love to except your link doesn't seem to be working. Link me here again and I'll continue to read them. I found it and got there. I think I will wait until they reach teens and then let you know. regards, Jen :D
  • Oh by the way, I got to yours at last and enjoyed all chapters. Keep up the great work tg. I recom'd them all. Thanks for reading mine too. regards, Jen
  • If you read the previous chapters, The one telling the story is the heir at the time. When I went back an re-read it, I realised where the confusion arose. When Candice and Jeb were trying for a girl I was using first person narration so it appeared that Blanche was trying for a baby with Jeb. My bad. :oops: Sorry, must…
  • The custom content, both hair and clothes that are not just re-colours are usually package files and they need a slightly different process to show in the game. This link gives simple instructions as what you need to do and I've done it and all hair and clothing shows. Click the link below: Package Files Hope this helps…
  • Usually the custom hair, outfits or objects are package files and there is a process to go through to have them show in your game. Click on SEE HERE. SEE HERE Hope this helps, regards, Jen :P
  • Thanks Nich and Scraver, I appreciate the replies, thanks. The confusing part is that some days it will upload 3 or 4 and on other days it only allows me to do one before it locks up on me. What a pain having to upload one at a time, I wonder if anyone else is having this problem. regards, Jen :D Edit: Nich the problem…
  • Hi bmth, If they are custom hair they are usually packages so you will need to follow these instructions to get them to show in your game. The link is below. Click on the world "Here" To ensure this set shows up in your downloads you will need to follow these instructions Here Hope this helps. Check out Liana Sims, and…
  • Hi guys, Just started a legacy also. The first chapter is very short, as I was feeling my way on story writing on this site. I wrote heaps of stories on the BBS and enjoy writing, so here is my first chapter. Click on the name it should link you. The Devereaux Family Legacy CH. 1 Hope you enjoy it, regards, Jen :)
  • Thanks flugelgal, I appreciate your reply, so how do you bookmark? I may like to read some other stories. I was a big story writer on the BBS and read many stories too. Thanks, regards, Jen :)
  • Hi Pinstar, I have begun the legacy challenge and am looking forward to seeing how it goes. I got up to the 9th generation in Sims 2 and enjoyed it. Just wondering how do you advertise you have done each chapter? I know it comes up in the studio, but how do others know it is there? regards, Jen :)
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