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Great Bear. Updated for Showtime. Link on First page.


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    jcundyjcundy Posts: 33 Member
    edited August 2011
    this is great! I live in the Northwest and this is pretty spot it! Hope to see it by PETS!!!

    If you do set it for pets...some ranches would be kinda cool.... :)
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    ErikMesaErikMesa Posts: 40
    edited August 2011
    OK this so reminds me of where I lived in Colorado years ago. Great job on the mountains they're so realistic looking. I can't wait to download this one.

    Erik :)
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    awesomeguy36awesomeguy36 Posts: 75
    edited August 2011
    Docsprock wrote:
    So this is what you've been holding out on us? :lol:

    Amazingly enough, it rather closely resembles the Big Bear area just northeast of Los Angeles. :shock:
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    blewis823blewis823 Posts: 9,046 Member
    edited August 2011
    Wheeee! Finally see pictures of your teaser signature picture. I am a fangurl now!

    I absolutely love the imagination you put in creating your lots and Mariner's Reach have so many favorites for me. I love the Green fusion lounge, it goes in all my worlds. :)

    Can't wait to see more, Johnnywr. I should have waited buying Hidden Springs. You would do a better one in my opinion. Thank you.
    Nothing to see. I don't even care about the forums.
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    OilbasedoleanderOilbasedoleander Posts: 2,967 Member
    edited August 2011
    I am so stoked about this world. I've been dieing for a forestry environment for my sims to play in. And the mountains! MY GOD THE MOUNTAINS!~
    Thank you for this.
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    edited August 2011
    Oh my gosh, my heart jumped for joy when I saw your world, Great Bear. wow is all I can say, It is harder waiting for your world then for Pets. and I love pets.
    I too will use this world instead of Hidden Springs. Love, love the pictures. I am so happy you don't use mods and CC. I have enjoyed all your woulds. I just know this one will too be great and live up to all we see. Keep up the good work, you are on top of the top 10 creators. I am glad you take your time, it shows.
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    kimjo313kimjo313 Posts: 3,865 Member
    edited August 2011
    Hi Johnny,
    Great Bear look wonderful. I live in the northeast area of the USA and I adore the pine forest/mountains. I am so looking forward to this world. I do not like cities in RL nor do I like them in my sIM GAME. I will be treating myself to your Great Bear world upon completion!

    kim :D
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
    Abraham Lincoln

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    jobug1015jobug1015 Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited August 2011
    Wow! I can't wait to see the release of this great world!! I've bookmarked and will check often on your progress! Great work!
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    whisperingtruthwhisperingtruth Posts: 2,540 New Member
    edited August 2011
    Wow, this world is quite lovely looking thus far. I can not wait for you to release it. I am a lover of lovely mountain towns (favorite being Mammoth Lakes, CA). So this world looks like an excellent fit for me. :) I will bookmark this thread so I can see when you make updates.
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    edited August 2011
    Bookmarked, don't want to miss anything and when it is finished.
    Can't wait
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    fido091fido091 Posts: 105 New Member
    edited August 2011
    Great job!
    There's so many talented guys here, it's amazing.
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    kimjo313kimjo313 Posts: 3,865 Member
    edited September 2011
    Oh my gosh. I thought I had book marked this. Realized I hadn't. Had to go looking! Want to make sure I can follow your progress. Really looking forward to this world!

    kim :D
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
    Abraham Lincoln

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    gr33ce39gr33ce39 Posts: 152 New Member
    edited September 2011
    Incredibly jealous of your obvious skill! I've bookmarked this and I cannot WAIT to see the finishing product. This is EXACTLY the PERFECT world for my current Sim families (and my current "Green Living Series" houses on my studio! Maybe I'll have top change their wallpaper to look more woodish :)
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    ElthanirElthanir Posts: 1 New Member
    edited September 2011
    I too have bookmarked this, it looks awsome. I was wondering h[google]ow many lots you were thinking it would have though. Or at least if you had an idea about how many you would have? But really everything about it looks amazing so far, keep it up!
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited September 2011
    In one of the European Gamecom previews a creator there said there were three lots extra you would need for Pets and 4 if you count the Limited Edition store. But they never gave the size of the store. But did give these - The breeding, jumping ranche is a 60 x 60 lot, the dog park is 40 x 40 and the cat jungle is 40 x 40.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    JohnnywrJohnnywr Posts: 2,927 Member
    edited September 2011
    Thanks you very much Evalen (hugs), fido091, kimjo313 and gr33ce39.

    Elthanir, there will be just under 120 lots in Great Bear. I dare not add any more than that. Most of the lots are across the river on the town side of Great Bear, there are actually only a few lots (at least residential lots) in the wilderness part of Great Bear. Also, thank you very much :)

    Reg, I kind of knew there is going to be a 60x60 and a 40x40 lot necessary for Pets, but didn`t know about the dog park/cat jungle 40x40 lots. Blimey, the way things are going, there won`t be enough room for any residential lots even in large worlds :?
    I`ve already added eight spare community lots, one is a 64x64, there is a 40x40, a couple of 30x30s, a 30x40 and the rest are 30x20s. So I have the breeding/jumping ranch covered, the dog park covered...mmme? I`m not a cat person anyway, so we`ll have to see whether I add the cat jungle lot, I`m running out of room in the town part of Great Bear and I also don`t want to add anymore lots than the 116 I have already. I`ve always thought around 100 lots was just about right.
    I`ve tried to keep some of the Town Life sized lots the same size in Great Bear , so that anyone can swap out "old style" rabbitholes for Town Life lots.
    I`ve just finished the fifth bar in town, a dive bar called Grizzly Joe`s, so there will be a dive bar, a local watering hole, a sports bar, a dance club and a disco club :D
    So, it`s mostly all about building residential lots now, I have a few finished but I`ll need at least thirty. :?
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited September 2011
    Hehehe, Sounds good to me Johnny. I'm sure what ever you do it will be a wonderful worthwhile world anyway. I never did see much sense of a Cat jungle and from what I saw, it didn't look like a jungle anyway - but even cat people don't relish taking kitty for a walk anyway and most cats do not like cats they don't know. Even though I am an animal person period - I even like the rodents and snakes, I sort of agree if there is the horse one and the dog one. I just figured I'd mention it as those 4 lots are all they mentioned and like I said they didn't even list the size of the Pet store.

    It'll be great Johnny, I'm sure of it.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    FaeCatLadyFaeCatLady Posts: 160 Member
    edited September 2011
    I'm so excited! I can't wait to see the finished product. Great Bear is absolutely breathtaking. I agree with everyone else that this world will mesh very well with pets. I can see the deer roaming the forests and a few wild horses trotting along. I'm gonna have to create a few families who love the great outdoors to fill this lovely town. I even spied a spot i would like to place my fountain of youth. Thank you for sharing this masterpiece.
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    DiancarockDiancarock Posts: 563 Member
    edited September 2011
    I think this looks absolutely fabulous, just the kind of world I love to play with, simple for performance increase, but beautiful in sculpting, plus you mentioned the bars you've looks like it will be very good upon completion...Good Luck!!! :D
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    RukayaRukaya Posts: 2,553 Member
    edited September 2011
    I am a cat person, but love all animals. I agree with Reg though, I wouldn't dream of taking my kitties for a walk. Most cats do what they want, and you just have to go with it. :D They are individualists from the get go. Your world is sounding so absolutely beyond great. Really looking forward to it.
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    MATZMATZ Posts: 1,854 New Member
    edited September 2011
    THE MOUNTAINS ARE EFFING BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    blewis823blewis823 Posts: 9,046 Member
    edited September 2011
    I think the cat/dog parks can be built differently than what EA release with Pets, but the Equestrian Center will be the only one to keep a 60x60 lot for. That RH is huge.

    The pet shop (if it has the parts in Build/Buy mode), the jungles are going to be rebuilt by me when Pets is released. Usually smaller, because I love more residents than community properties. :)
    Nothing to see. I don't even care about the forums.
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    KimSim1965KimSim1965 Posts: 712 Member
    edited September 2011

    It's so PRETTY! You have done an amazing job of recreating a natural mountain region. That bathing pool at the foot of the waterfall looks REAL! I am very anxious for the release of this world. It's idyllic. :shock:

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    JohnnywrJohnnywr Posts: 2,927 Member
    edited September 2011
    Thanks so much, I really do appreciate your encouraging words.

    There is not too much to report, other than I`m still working away on individual lots. Still so much to be done. I have to decide the final look of pathways (this is quite a dilemma) and final tree placement. I`m really not sure if I can manage finishing this in time for Pets. I can see there is so much to work on. At times, I simply run out of ideas and need a break. A large world is tough, I haven`t been there since my first word and I have forgotten just how much work is required.

    Still, in some respects, this is bliss, I can do just exactly what I want. I am doing my very best to not let myself down. I keep thinking about the easy way out of everything and I have to hold back and think of the greater picture. It`s actually a real drag, but, I want this town to be the town I will play for a long time. It is as much for me as you may comprehend it is for you.

    Wish me luck.
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    RukayaRukaya Posts: 2,553 Member
    edited September 2011
    Johnny, the fact that you don't rush and do take your time is what contributes to the fact that each of your worlds is a treasure and continue to be enjoyable to play as time goes on. Your 3 worlds are among my all time favorites, they remain in the "keeper" designation. :D Take all the time you need, it will be worth the wait.

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