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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,103 Member
    Love the space cowboy pics @Lenny_Ogg

    Buzz kill??
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @GalacticGal, page 1225.
    Princess Roddy has had good time!

    @DaniRose2143, page 1225.
    They had fun! And Princess Roddy enjoyed his ride with Tammy. Even at full gallop, it's a smooth ride, as Princess Roddy has told me.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,227 Member
    @Lyrie Thank you for those tips.🙂 Having such big households was a one time thing while I reset relationships after a reboot of a corrupted save. I normally don't have more than 3 or 4 sims at most in my active households. Any more than that and I start feeling overwhelmed.

    @mightysprite That was a lame attempt at making a joke about poor Angelo being struck by lightning, if that was what did him in. It was funnier last night when I wrote it. This morning not so much.😬
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    _Gina_Gina Posts: 253 Member
    Hi! I think I figured out how I need to do this Calamity thing and now I'm ready to try and tell you in some way that will not be utter chaos. XD Okay, first, technical timeline details in case anyone actually cares:
    So, the UDC (Ultimate Decades Challenge) says that one sim day counts as three months, based on sim pregnancies. That makes sense to me and I mean to keep to that. So, since I played with Evan and Bonnie for a week, that means they have been in Henford for a year and about nine moths before the Calamity struck. From that point on, I mean to play through a week with every family before advancing the time further so we don't have to neglect anyone... so we will basically be replaying the first two years over and over until we see how everyone coped and then look into the next about two years after that and so on.

    With that out of the way, it is Year 0, the year of the Calamity... and as expected, the elderly lovebirds, Ian Moody and Derek McMillan have not fared well.
    In fact, the situation being what it was - with their house having been broken down and blown away in the terrible storm that was The Calamity, with all utility grids being torn apart and transport unavailable... the sheer concept of being left with no help and needing to survive practically out of wild nature was too much for poor Mr. Moody. He died of fright the very morning after the storm blew over, before he ever got the chance to find out that not everyone's houses have been affected quite as much.

    Mr. McMillan, for his part, did survive and buried his husband on their land, refusing to move in with anyone else. In the end, a young man named Dany Rowell, Bonnie's younger brother, offered to help him build a new house, such as they could at the moment.

    It took a little, but in the end the two were rather proud of what they had made.

    They even got a sheep and Dany planted a dogwood tree in the corner of the plot...

    But things were about to change rather swiftly as almost exactly a year after the Calamity, Grim visited once more.

    Meanwhile, the Watson family has also been struck heavily in the Calamity.
    Neither Thomas nor Rahmi made it through...

    ...and Rashidah was struggling terribly to even keep herself and her siblings alive. None of them knew what wild plants were good to eat, Rashidah had only the faintest of ideas of how to grill a fish and all of them hesitated to follow the advice of the strange people who had just appeared in their village because who knew who those people even were? And why would they try to build a mud hut with their own hands? Someone from the outside would come and start fixing things any day, right?

    Wrong. No one ever showed up, not for a year after, and that was when Rashidah's hopes started truly breaking down. Everyone was hungry and tired of sleeping on benches around the lake and when they tried to build something like they were told it just... didn't work. In the end Rashidah had to swallow her pride and apologize to the stranger for dismissing him as she had done.

    And soon after, Dany came back to tell them that the owner of the place he had been staying at passed away and so it was his house now and he could take the Watsons in. Everyone was very relieved.

    But when Dany took Rashidah to the town, where - miraculously - it seemed that some houses (and sims) must have been protected by powers Rashidah could not even imagine... she got a very rude awakening. She all but ran away from the Mayor because she just did not want to speak to her, especially not about her son. Where was Rahul this whole time? She could see their house was fine. Wasn't she supposed to be his love?

    It was that day Rashidah threw away her dreams of the world returning to the way it once was. A year and a half had passed and no one came to repair the grids... Rashidah could not imagine what must have happened outside Henford on Bagley for that to happen, but she finally gave up on hope and accepted her belief in what Dany and his sister told her - that the world would never be back to what she knew, most certainly not in their lifetimes. And so, she started listening to Bonnie and threw herself into learning the wisdom of these people - these people who did not need anything but themselves to survive anything... or so it seemed.
    She was absolutely determined to learn and learn well.

    And sure enough, she did succeed... while becoming friends with Bonnie, who taught her not only how to cook with what was available...
    ...but also other important skills that would help Rashidah in this new world.

    And so, by the first half of Year 2 After the Calamity...
    The Morrison and Rowell households are closer than ever and everyone is friends with everyone...

    ...except the children. Maira resents every word out of Bonnie's mouth and swears she will never become a housewife... though she does help her sister in the fields.

    It seems to be her who misses their parents the most.

    Imran likes to help with the animals... but he had been sickly ever since the ordeal just after the Calamity.
    He seems to eat a lot, sleep a lot, drink... and pee a lot... Dany gave into Rashida's pleas and took him to his people's healer, but she only repeated what Dany had been saying the whole time - there is nothing that can be done for him.
    ((OOC: This is the Healthcare Redux mod in action. Rashidah might or might not suspect, but Imran actually has diabetes. Dany's people would have a different name for it, I'm sure, but yeah. Sims apparently only get the chronic type and these people know that.))

    As for Rashidah, she keeps being amazed what all Dany can put together, how he does not need any modern contraptions for anything... even bug spraying.

    She also got good enough with weaving and sewing that she made herself a new dress (or two.) The pride that gave her, she could not have imagined Before.

    And, finally, watching Evan and Bonnie gave her an idea as to why Dany took her and her siblings under his proverbial wing in the first place and has some mixed feelings about it... but at this point hoping her suspicions are right is stronger than her annoyance. She used to dream about adventure with Rahul... but he threw her to the sharks when it counted and now, every day is a sort of a medieval adventure with Dany.
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited August 2023
    Making peanut butter cookies!
    Shine and Princess Roddy made some peanut butter cookies:
    After they had cooled, Shine decorated them:
    She handed them over to her firstborn, who carefully put them in a box. Then Shine trimmed her bonsai:
    She loved her bonsai!

    A gift for Agatha Crumplebottom!
    Princess Roddy headed to Finchwick in Henford-on-Bagley. He saw Agatha Crumplebottom doing some cross-stitching. Agatha saw the princess and put her cross-stitching away. 'Hello, sugarplum! Cold today, isn't it?' she said, smiling. 'It is, Agatha! I have something for you!' Princess Roddy replied. He handed Agatha a box:
    'Thank you, sugarplum! Those look delicious!' Agatha said, smiling. She gave the princess a great, big, loving hug:
    The pair then chatted to each other:
    Agatha then batted her eyelashes and made a very great, big kissy face at Princess Roddy, which made him giggle:
    She then gave him a very great, big, loving smooch on his cheek:
    Princess Roddy smiled warmly. Then he chatted some more with Agatha.

    Grocery shopping and a new nickname!
    Princess Roddy went over to the garden stall, which Arabella Crumplebottom was tending. The princess got several jars of conserve, sauces and jams:
    Arabella smiled. 'Thanks for visiting, and thank you for the peanut butter cookies, peach nugget!' she said, giving Princess Roddy a great, big, loving hug:
    You're welcome, Arabella!' the princess said, cheerfully. Arabella smiled sweetly and gave Princess Roddy a very great, big, loving smooch on his left cheek:
    His right cheek:
    And his forehead:
    Princess Roddy blushed and giggled. Arabella smiled and gave the princess a very great, big, loving hug:
    Then she and Princess Roddy chatted to each other. Afterwards, the princess said goodbye to Agatha and Arabella Crumplebottom and went back home to Dianthus Hall.
    Post edited by ChuChuExpress on
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,103 Member
    I did think it was funny @DaniRose2143 ! Maybe my choice of emoji didn't communicate it well
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,227 Member
    Well, the new save is set up, tested everything working...or it was. Out of nowhere it all started up again. I noticed something this time that I missed the first time. All of the couples that were suddenly rejecting romantic socials from their partners had all pledged to be faithful. It wasn't MCCC after all, it was Chingyu's faithfulness mod is conflicting with something else. I thought MCCC was the culprit because the problem crept up immediately after I tried out that new version. I took it out my mods folder and everyone was lovey-dovey again. I put it back and everything went wrong again and that's when I saw the common thread.

    Now that I have that fixed there's the new problem. I can't go into build/buy on Liberty and Matteo's lot so I can't change it from a rental to a regular residential lot. So they're currently not in the world.
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,291 Member

    Now that I have that fixed there's the new problem. I can't go into build/buy on Liberty and Matteo's lot so I can't change it from a rental to a regular residential lot. So they're currently not in the world.

    I've had this few times. Closing game and starting it again helped in those times.

    If you are replacing the original lot with lot from your library, I believe you can change the lot type when doing that too?
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,012 Member
    I aimed at save draft and accidentally clicked post comment. I wasn't done yet.🤣

    Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one to do that upon occasion.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,012 Member
    @DaniRose2143 Whoa there, don't age the kids up that fast. LOL They are just Teens. Jamison graduated HS early (he is a Genius) and spent three terms doing Uni work from the comfort and safety of his father's home where Erik could keep an eye on the youngster. (I count a term in uni as one year.) I set my Sims' ages to the minimum under the category. Jamison is now sixteen years old, and the twins just fifteen. It's unfortunate that the Teens look so much like YAs. Never really bothered me before, but it does now.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,012 Member
    edited August 2023
    @Lyrie Welcome back! Glad you are enjoying playing again. Your family looks like a fun one.

    @_Gina Loved your update. I'm completely hooked and can't wait to see how your families progress. This is exciting.

    @DreamPrincess Um, peanut butter cookies. Those are the best! (I have to admit I've never had them decorated before.) Lovely update.
    Post edited by GalacticGal on
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,012 Member
    Thank you, @MrPlumbob I hear you on the updating/posting thing vs. playing the game. I'm so very close to where I was three years ago with Erik's family (sans the awards, that is) I just want to play. However, I find if I allow too much time to elapse before I write things up, I manage to goof up. Such a Tug-of-War.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,227 Member

    Now that I have that fixed there's the new problem. I can't go into build/buy on Liberty and Matteo's lot so I can't change it from a rental to a regular residential lot. So they're currently not in the world.

    I've had this few times. Closing game and starting it again helped in those times.

    If you are replacing the original lot with lot from your library, I believe you can change the lot type when doing that too?

    I've tried everything, including doing a game repair and the game will not let me access Liberty and Matteo's lot in build/buy. As far as the problem with the Faithfulness mod, it's a conflict with another mod. So I'm going to pull all of my small mods and fixes and see if that fixes the problem and then start putting them back one by one until I find the culprit. I checked Chingyu's site and the mod is fully compatible with the latest updates to the game. So it has to be something else I'm missing that's causing the conflict.

    The worst part is if I can't fix this problem with Liberty and Matteo's home I'm going to have to do this whole rebuild my save from scratch thing for a third or fourth time. I sort of lost track, but I know it would be at least the third time. I am getting pretty good at it.🤣 I can do it all in about 3 or 4 hours tops. I will gladly do that if I have to because I'm not going to let the game derail this story.🙂
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,227 Member
    I aimed at save draft and accidentally clicked post comment. I wasn't done yet.🤣

    Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one to do that upon occasion.

    I've done that several times.

    Sorry for aging the kids up too quickly.☺️ I missed a big batch of updates so I got a bit mixed up.🙂
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,012 Member
    Well, the new save is set up, tested everything working...or it was. Out of nowhere it all started up again. I noticed something this time that I missed the first time. All of the couples that were suddenly rejecting romantic socials from their partners had all pledged to be faithful. It wasn't MCCC after all, it was Chingyu's faithfulness mod is conflicting with something else. I thought MCCC was the culprit because the problem crept up immediately after I tried out that new version. I took it out my mods folder and everyone was lovey-dovey again. I put it back and everything went wrong again and that's when I saw the common thread.

    Now that I have that fixed there's the new problem. I can't go into build/buy on Liberty and Matteo's lot so I can't change it from a rental to a regular residential lot. So they're currently not in the world.

    Have you tried to modify it from Map mode? If it lets you in then just change the Lot Trait. If it doesn't you might try to upload it to your My Library and download it again. Or see if it's just the lot that is the problem. Yikes, if it's not one thing it's another.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,012 Member
    @DaniRose2143 You need to use the bb.enablefreebuild cheat.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,012 Member
    I aimed at save draft and accidentally clicked post comment. I wasn't done yet.🤣

    Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one to do that upon occasion.

    I've done that several times.

    Sorry for aging the kids up too quickly.☺️ I missed a big batch of updates so I got a bit mixed up.🙂

    No worries. I just get a little misty-eyed as the kids are getting older by the minute. LOL And I play on LONG, too. I'm guessing I'll never get enough time with them. Ho-hum.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves no problem, they have an oddly touching bond.
    @Ellupelluellu you know even though I was sharing I didn't even know I hadn't mentioned his name I just remembered forgetting at some point lol.
    @DaniRose2143 ha, no kidding I do like the different urns for who knows why, I don't know maybe even they aren't sure if they are the siblings that do stuff or just say they do stuff heh.He is right where he needs to be too.
    @Lyrie long time no see, the kids are too cute.

    I am going to do Angelo and Shea's wedding soon but I had some nonsense in the middle.
    Haven't gotten this before, I didn't know the movie theatre gave pop ups and results.
    The Easter bunny tried to steal my baby...
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,227 Member
    Success! I got around the problem with Liberty and Matteo's home by going into my library and selecting the lot and then clicking on the map to place it. That brought up the popup asking if they wanted to sell their 'business' to which I said yes. Then I merged them into the Huntley's household and then I could finally get into it in build/buy to change the lot type. It's weird because when I placed the lot in the first try at building a new save it automatically flipped that lot to residential because that's how it's saved to my library.

    It didn't take long to find the mod conflict culprit. Everybody in Tartosa is in the mood for love again. It turned out to be a long forgotten mod to add more drama in Schemes & Dreams. The July patch likely broke that one and since no one in Schemes has pledged to be faithful I didn't notice a problem. At first it seemed like MCCC had been the culprit since I had updated and a few minutes later noticed the problem. I need to learn when it comes to troubleshooting problems with mods, ignore my first two or three ideas because they're almost never the actual cause.🤣
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,291 Member
    edited August 2023
    @DaniRose2143 , I'm glad you found the way :) That's what i meant by saying replacing the lot, but once again I worded it poorly.
    Oh also good that you found the bugger mod :smiley:

    ETA:ive learned that bugging mod can be anything , once a broken dress caused bugd with city living fake garage doors :D
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,227 Member
    @Ellupelluellu Your wording is fine, my brain is in vacation mode.🤗 It's weird how sensitive this game is to little things. I'm sure I'm headed for a lot more things like this in the future. I have a lot of really old cc that I probably should be getting rid of but I have a hard time letting go of stuff for my simmies that I love.
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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    Thank you @DaniRose2143
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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    I’m finished with the extra screenshots in the second folder and here are a few extra screenshots from that second folder of him and Vivian, the spark is still there for Vivian who is his wife in the original folder.

    This screenshot vivian is doing spray art and he walks over to talk to her.


    Keith in this screenshot is at the club with Vivian but her and Clara bjergsen is having a very long conversation even after the dj left the club and Keith is trying to talk to her, I had him make fans swoon, for some reason it didn’t last with Clara she passed out for a second and jumped up lol.


    Vivian face seem like she shocked lol.


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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @DaniRose2143 glad you got it fixed, take that game, she will tell their story and you can't stop her nyah nyah lol.
    @misty4m he is one good looking sim.

    Mmkay this is more pics than I have posted here in a long time but not to worry I'll use the spoilers, they have so many good angles all dressed up...yes I'm that fast I have to take them on their honeymoon but that takes longer heh.
    Angelo was feeling pretty nervous and since he had a breakdown, I think that may be part of his weaknesses, I gave him some fruit to calm his nerves, Roscoe down there was only so amused. Who eats anything without giving their doggo a taste??
    Main ceremony yes there is just a tiny bit of story but couldn't help myself the man is so dramatic.
    So I dug out Viola weddings I built it when the pack was new to test how bad things were in the beginning, anyhow they don't really do friends, not many can really match their energy. Anyhow Xochitl and my sim here were friendly with Shea so they came to be witnesses.
    I forgot to have them gather again so they wandered off however with his breakdown and growing anxiety I'm still saying they were kind enough to give them some space.
    The exchange of vows went well enough, though they headbopped one another cause sometimes they match one another too well.

    "Oh I'm so sorry Angel!"

    He was about ready to cry again, he didn't care so much about the bump he was impressed she stayed on her feet after meeting his forehead head on, he just liked it when she called him that. Only her, anyone else was getting a shoe to the ear.

    They tried again and it went much smoother.
    I haven't seen this animation in a long time, I don't have that many weddings I guess but still....yes what happened is what you think she slammed that piece right in his face but it happened too quick, he was in good spirits cause that's what you do if you're gonna be his wife. Mmkay that's what she does if she's gonna be the wife.
    The reception 1 and pictures because they were having a chat and I will not be convinced otherwise.
    "Okay stop, you're gonna mess up my makeup" which he tried so hard to perfect for her.

    "You keep crying and you're gonna mess up your own make up babe."
    He's...pretty happy to be here right now.
    So is she...then naturally everything went wrong again, cause that's how they are. He didn't want to talk or take pictures he kept going back, not resetting like he was glitched but really going from the camera, to the conversation to his meltdown. I checked his moodlets and he is just livid as he's very jealous. Now I checked and she wasn't actually doing anything, he absolutely could not handle her talking to her would be friends because this was their day and those women did their part. :D Okay that sounds terrible but he's really quite cute, I have seen the jealous spouse thing before he didn't even yell at her or pick a fight with the girls...because again she hadn't done anything he just kept pouting, so I can't help but feel bad for him.

    Finally, I got the pictures and you know how you can just randomise the poses the ones that came up the most often were too perfect.
    "Baby stop pouting, you know you're my number one."

    "Whatever..." emotional sigh because it is theatre dramatics or nothing.
    "Come on, show me a nice smile, you look so pretty after all."

    "Don't try and sweet talk are stunning though..."

    She giggled.



    "You know they don't mean anything to me."
    "....Prove it."
    "...Goodness." <3
    The rest of the reception
    Time to dance, now I was having some issues here, however doesn't really matter the first dance hasn't really been perfect for me. He was still jealous but it was kind of fighting flirty.
    I got them outside and just slow dancing completes the first dance, he was immediately more consumed with just being happy he was married, I guess we have to protect the cinnamon roll lol.
    That was fun, now time to decide how their honeymoon should go, at home with the doors locked or outside in some place rented with the doors locked.
    :D hope you liked that.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,592 Member
    I started checking out mods and cc for the first time and its like a whole new door has opened🤯 I'm using curse forged and all the custom content is amazing. Told myself I'll only check out the stuff for a few minutes and a couple of hours passed by😅 I found wonderful whims there and I've seen it mentioned a couple of in times here. What are some thoughts on it? It seems to add more for romantic relationships. I've downloaded a few things and I've yet to check anything out in game yet. Trying not to overwhelm myself with lots of new things at one, though I'm kinda excited for when I check them out😁😁
    I'll get to reading the new updates and leave some comments hopefully by tonight, if not tomorrow🙂

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