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Accessibility Issues for Disabled Players Since Jan 31 Update



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    StephenJHollowayStephenJHolloway Posts: 71 Member
    It's horrible, I don't get why they changed it. I really hope that they change it back soon.
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    Olive793Olive793 Posts: 6 New Member
    I think at this point console players just want some acknowledgement. It's been over a month since anyone even acknowledged the issues. Just a "hey we haven't addressed the console controls in this patch but are actively working on a solution soon" would have been fine. Instead we got absolute radio silence and a new ep drops tomorrow, which I am sure many console players wanted to enjoy but now won't.

    These new controls I imagine are incredibly difficult for players with disabilities. I can only imagine how much having to scroll using two buttons would irritate someone with RSI for example. Please look to address this, it isn't fair on players. Console players seem to constantly be overlooked as a lesser player base, when in all actuality probably pay more for content than PC players, as the packs aren't often on discount sites and we don't have access to CC.
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    GirlFromIpanemaGirlFromIpanema Posts: 843 Member
    edited March 2023
    Post edited by GirlFromIpanema on
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    GirlFromIpanemaGirlFromIpanema Posts: 843 Member
    Still no updates or news regarding console controls, unfortunately disabled players are still having lots of issues when playing or simply can't play all.

    Hopefully we will get some information soon.
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    HauntedCarnivalHauntedCarnival Posts: 1 New Member
    Made an account yesterday just to discuss this. I haven't played for months and tried recently, it's completely unplayable with a controller. I tried using my mouse and keyboard and I hate it - hate the controls, hate everything about it. I hope they fix it soon. Like I said in the Answers HQ thread, I do like the added ability to extend the roof and hope they add the ability to place trims where we want. I was planning on finally getting the Werewolves GP but will be waiting now. Hopefully they can tweak the controls a bit and make it better.
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    GirlFromIpanemaGirlFromIpanema Posts: 843 Member
    I've change the title of the thread as it was created before I realised how much players with disabilities had been impacted by the update and I wanted to make sure it was highlighted as it's really important and shouldn't be ignored. Updates shouldn't make the game less accessible for players.

    For those of you who are unaware, some players with disabilities or conditions that cause issues in their hands and wrists etc. (such as arthritis) are finding the new console controls really difficult and at times painful to use. Having to hold down different buttons to manually scroll or search through swatches is really difficult.

    Many players have been unable to play at all for the past months as they cannot physically use the controllers.

    Using a mouse and keyboard is not feasible for everyone and those who have chosen to play on a console should not be forced to play with a keyboard and mouse.

    It's been marked as solved on Answers HQ but the thread is still growing so if you'd like more information or to share your own feedback (that EA have promised they are reviewing), please check it out.

    Thank you
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    AnnieGoesThedasAnnieGoesThedas Posts: 6 New Member
    Hi there! I tend to avoid the forums because I always get the feeling that console players are being kinda shunned. Also it's absolutely enraging and depressing how EA treats console players (which is ... giving us the silent treatment I guess?). I still created an account here, just to say thank you to @/GirlFromIpanema. It's so great that you bring up this topic, especially for the inclusion of disabled players. /gen

    Also kudos to everyone who still plays. I have given up after trying the new controls for about 2 hours. I mainly build to relax after work, and it was so stressful, I wished to be back at the office :s
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    linkypielinkypie Posts: 5 New Member
    It's just disheartening and frustrating that EA and the Sim Gurus haven't addressed our concerns and issues that existed for almost three months. I haven't been able to play the game properly after the January 31st update. Building used to be so much fun before then. Now I just play other games, since the game is unplayable.
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    JustinB113JustinB113 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited April 2023
    The build mode controls either got even worse or I experience a bug. But now everytime I press undo it brings up the text box.

    I wish they’d stop ignoring us and just go back to how it used to be.
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    Laurap1710Laurap1710 Posts: 1 New Member
    Please EA acknowledge the underlying issues and please try and provide some sort of ETA. Almost 4 months this has been going on for. Game has been unplayable in my eyes and the eyes of many console players all over the globe. I miss the ability to scroll through all the items and constantly having to drag the scroll bar down is tedious, complex and sucks all fun from the build/buy mode experience. The way swatches are now selected does not work.. even when we have finally been able to select the swatch we want (which is incredibly difficult in itself, like who really wants to have to scroll over a tiny area to choose the right swatch and select the same button multiple times) the swatch is difficult to grab and then grabs the item beside the one you actually want, so you have to go back into the item/swatch you want and start all over again with trying to select it! How frustrating. The fact we cannot now close the catalogue is also highly frustrating.. I had no issue before coming out of the catalogue and going back in.. since the 31/01 update we now have to select options multiple times.. many more times than having to just physically open and close a catalogue when we need to. No one asked for these changes and the lack of acknowledgment from you is completely unacceptable. People including me have spends hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of pounds/dollars on your product and it has now been rendered useless. Listen to your consumers please. I’m not surprised that players with disabilities are in extreme pain/discomfort.. I am finding the new controls incredibly uncomfortable on my hands and I don’t have a disability, in fact I type for a living and this is much more uncomfortable than a full time job typing. Again, please sort this out before everyone on console demands a full refund and you lose all of your loyal customers!
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    GirlFromIpanemaGirlFromIpanema Posts: 843 Member
    "players with disabilities are in extreme pain/discomfort."

    I just wanted to pull this from the above comment as this statement is disgusting but unfortunately true. The changes EA have made to their game have left disabled players in extreme pain and discomfort.

    The lack of response or any effort to fix this issue sends a very clear message that they do not care. This has been handled really poorly and I do not consider EA to be an inclusive company.

    Where most games are working hard to make sure their games are accessible to all, The Sims has for some reason been made less accessible.
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    EA_CadeEA_Cade Posts: 7,448 EA Community Manager
    Hey all,

    We hear you and we're working behind the scenes on this as we speak. Changing control schemes is not an easy task and requires a lot of time and effort, I hope to have something to share on this front soon.

    While I don't have anything to share currently, I do want you to know that we haven't forgotten about you in this thread or the AHQ thread.
    Found a Bug? Let us know here. Having a technical issue with your game? Reach out to us here. 9alz5vu73pb0.png
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    GirlFromIpanemaGirlFromIpanema Posts: 843 Member
    EA_Cade wrote: »
    Hey all,

    We hear you and we're working behind the scenes on this as we speak. Changing control schemes is not an easy task and requires a lot of time and effort, I hope to have something to share on this front soon.

    While I don't have anything to share currently, I do want you to know that we haven't forgotten about you in this thread or the AHQ thread.

    Thank you for replying. This is the first piece of clear communication we have had in months. Although there has been one or two responses on AHQ they have been vague and unhelpful. I hope you can understand why the disabled and console community do not feel heard right now. It has been very disheartening to watch The Sims getting so much praise for being inclusive while at the same time many players are unable to play due to disabilities.

    I hope the changes you refer to do not take too long as I am sure there are many players eager to start playing again! I also hope that these changes closely resemble how the console controls originally functioned, as many players have requested that the controls simply be reverted.

    I really do appreciate you taking the time to reply but do feel that communication (not from you personally, but from EA in general) needs to be more transparent and human.

    We just love The Sims and want to be able to play comfortably.
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    theyorkshirejotheyorkshirejo Posts: 1 New Member
    > @EA_Cade said:
    > Hey all,
    > We hear you and we're working behind the scenes on this as we speak. Changing control schemes is not an easy task and requires a lot of time and effort, I hope to have something to share on this front soon.
    > While I don't have anything to share currently, I do want you to know that we haven't forgotten about you in this thread or the AHQ thread.

    Thank you! Honestly just having this acknowledgment means so much. I’ve been avoiding build mode since the update and I’d love to get back into it soon
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    AnnieGoesThedasAnnieGoesThedas Posts: 6 New Member
    Thank you for replying, Cade! Communication is so, so important. While a solution would be even better, you engaging with us is deeply appreciated.

    Still: Today is the third month, as in: the console controls are awful since a quarter of a year. This is by far the worst bug/feature/whatever I have ever experienced with this game. It's such a shame, building was so much fun. I don't know about y'all but I bought many packs, even the kits, just for the BB items and the joy of building.

    And now I can't play at all. I tried for two hours, then I had to quit and go outside to calm both my hands and my nerves. And then I played an aged, coded for PC but released on console, zombie survival game, because that has proven to be more calming as trying to place a ducking window with the new controls. I tried again and it's so, so awful. Out of frustration I have deleted the game. I also written to EA Help to ask about the possibility of a refund (on accounts of the update changing the UI which could be not forseen by the time I bought the packs). So far, I have gotten a "please wait" answer ... which is a bit disappointing, speaking as a miffed customer >"< I don't want to become a Karen but this makes me a Karen.
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    GirlFromIpanemaGirlFromIpanema Posts: 843 Member
    EA_Cade wrote: »
    Hey all,

    We hear you and we're working behind the scenes on this as we speak. Changing control schemes is not an easy task and requires a lot of time and effort, I hope to have something to share on this front soon.

    While I don't have anything to share currently, I do want you to know that we haven't forgotten about you in this thread or the AHQ thread.

    This was posted on April 27th, it is now May 18th (reminder that players with disabilities have not been able to play since the update in January).

    Although I do understand changing the controls back to a state where they are once more accessible for all takes time, I think that if it is truly being actively worked on that we should be able to get some kind of update on the process. Is there a time frame, what progress has been made so far etc.

    This issue still feels very much ignored and EA needs to be more transparent.
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    GirlFromIpanemaGirlFromIpanema Posts: 843 Member
    Will this feature in this month's laundry list if it is being worked on as you promise?

    I'm not entirely sure why reverting the controls back to as they were would take so long, so my guess is that this is not what is happening. In which case I think we would all really appreciate some communication in regards to what exactly is being worked on behind the scenes.

    I'm really worried for my l future experience with this game.

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    SthenastiaSthenastia Posts: 651 Member
    I recorded a short video which shows how the build mode works on consoles:
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    EA_CadeEA_Cade Posts: 7,448 EA Community Manager
    Hey all,

    I'll be closing this thread down now as we're trying to collate all feedback on these changes in one place, here.

    Thank you both for your patience and the feedback that you've provided, and hopefully continue to provide us.
    Found a Bug? Let us know here. Having a technical issue with your game? Reach out to us here. 9alz5vu73pb0.png
This discussion has been closed.
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