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"Pelican Town to Sims Town" - A Stardew Valley, Sims 3 Fanfic


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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    edited February 2022

    Great update, Sam turned out looking really
    nice in his new hairstyle.
    Alex always looks handsome shirtless! <3 and his angry look make him
    even more handsome hehe.
    Sam and Hayley seem to progress slow but nicely.

    Great job
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @emorrill Loved finding the new update this morning to enjoy with my coffee! :heart:
    Looking good Alex. :love:
    Kinda expected a little bit more drama between Haley and Alex, but also understand them tiptoeing around each other too and trying not to argue.

    Loved his internal angst raging war with himself after watching her go into Sam's room! He was much more invested in their relationship than she was so of course he is having more problems with the breakup than she is. :cry:
    I could totally seeing him working so hard on those push ups as his thoughts raced through his mind!
    It is true what the others think Alex!! Don't start doubting now. LOL
    haha, Maru's in his head! Love it! :wink:
    uh oh...sounds like trouble for Sam if he doesn't get that settled in his head.

    Sam's starting to get abs!! :love:
    Cute teasing over the hair. Poor Seb having to hear all that sappy stuff. :lol:
    oh barf! What is she trying to do, turn him into Alex. NO!
    No, sorry, I don't think he looks handsome at all with that look.
    I'm glad to see everyone laughed and he will go back to looking like Sam.
    Look forward to the next part. Enjoy your weekend though. I hope it is warming up.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited February 2022
    @KevinL5275 I can see you very much enjoyed this update. ;) I had a feeling you would.
    Ooooooh, some rage building up in Alex vs Sam here.
    ^Ah so you noticed that eh? :smirk: I was hoping it would get you excited. ;)
    You let them down too easy though, I want to see fireworks from Alex and Haley.
    ^I understand. However, they experienced a lot of fireworks during the breakup so when they happened upon each other in this scene, I felt to go with a calmer approach. Cause remember, Alex still misses her and cares a great deal for her, and Haley is trying to better herself, so I think having them just up and yell at each other in that moment would've defeated the growth I was showing in her character - and misrepresent Alex's lingering love - so it would've been very unrealistic for me to do that. Does that make sense? :)
    That's not to say there won't be something in the future that might cause one of them to get frustrated with the other and approach them... :angry:;)
    No offense, but don't make everything all sappy and perfect, there's gotta be some drama too. :)
    ^None taken my friend. <3 I know what I'm doing. Trust me. :blush: The fireworks are could feel it. :naughty:
    And boy, you're talking to the girl who LOVES drama :mrgreen: so no worries about it always being sunshine and roses in my stories. :kissing_heart: Realism is what I aim for.
    Did you ever read my Holland Family Challenge story? When I had Goodwin Goode and his old friend and roommate Sinbad Rotter yell and cuss at each other? If not, I'll have to find that page for you on my blog. :p I thought I wrote it pretty well at the time...
    That story was FULL of drama, let me tell you what! :scream::smiley: I actually wrote a lot of serious stuff in that story and it was extremely uncomfortable for me to write, but it helped me to grow as a writer in a way I never thought possible. If you want, I can share that portion of the story in a PM with you. :)
    I can't speak on Sam's makeover, but he definitely rocks the leather jacket and spike hair better than the polished look. :)
    ^Oh absolutely! :star: (It drives his military father nuts! :lol: )
    Yay! You like Haley's hair. :grin: I knew you would eventually. ;)
    Thanks for the comments. <3 And I can't wait to share more with you. :blush:

    Alex always looks handsome shirtless! <3and his angry look make him even more handsome hehe.
    ^Ha ha! That made me laugh out loud! :lol: So you find the angry look on a man sexy as well? :smirk: For me it's only when they are making that face during a workout or...uh...well...I guess I should say woohoo ( :joy::smirk::joy: ) that is sexy to me. Not when they are actually angry...
    Anyway! Thanks for the compliments. <3 Glad you enjoyed it. :)

    emorrill Loved finding the new update this morning to enjoy with my coffee! :heart:
    ^It's always what I love to do for you. :kissing_heart:
    Kinda expected a little bit more drama between Haley and Alex, but also understand them tiptoeing around each other too and trying not to argue.
    ^Yep. It felt right to go with that approach. (See my comment to Kevin for more details on that. ;) )
    Yeah poor Alex is right back to hurting again when he thought he was getting over it pretty well... :cry:
    I could totally seeing him working so hard on those push ups as his thoughts raced through his mind!
    ^Thanks! I tried to use the right wording so the readers could visualize that in their minds. I love hearing that I succeeded. :blush:<3
    It is true what the others think Alex!! Don't start doubting now. LOL
    haha, Maru's in his head! Love it! :wink:
    ^LOL! :lol: Why does it not surprise me that you said that? ;):p:kissing_heart:
    Of course Maru's in his head. :smirk: She's becoming his new buddy. :blush:
    Yeeeeah...there might be some trouble around the corner if Alex doesn't figure out how to let go of the hard fact that the kid who always annoyed him "stole" his girl... That's a very tough pill to swallow for a guy like him. :flushed:
    Sam's starting to get abs!! :love:
    ^Oh I know! :love: I totally had a similar thought when I was taking those pictures. (Or it was more like, "Rawr!" :p )
    I thought you would get a chuckle out of Sebastian's reactions to their flirting and Sam's makeover. ;):mrgreen: I love to add random, humorous stuff like that in the background of a scene. It's fun!
    oh barf! What is she trying to do, turn him into Alex. NO!
    ^Lol! You know...I think that's a little why she was curious to see Sam in a "cleaned up" fashion. She'd only ever known guys - mostly Alex - who were finely groomed throwing themselves at her so of course she took a liking to them. So she was curious if Sam could pull that look off, but she quickly discovered it was NOT his style and took away everything about him that she's (most likely) falling in love with. :blush:
    Thank you for the lovely comments. <3 And for the chuckles. :blush: I'm so glad you enjoyed this update and I can't wait to roll out more! :smiley:
    It did warm up today, most of the snow melted and we had water dripping off our roof all day! :) My car started up just fine without any issues from the freeze so that was a major plus! :star:
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    :D it is on ly on Alex that look is handsome not so much on
    other sims lol.
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    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    Yes I enjoyed it. Yes you're right, Haley is trying to do better, but I think she would let slip a little bit. Since they do both still care about each other. Yes you know best, its your story. I'm just enjoying it too much. :D And adding what I think should happen, like a good critic. ;););)

    Yes I read parts of your Holland story, but I think I joined in the middle of it and did not start at the beginning. I'm not looking for a fight, I just wanted to see some more action like their breakup. That was emotional and fun to read. :) Make sense?
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    :D it is on ly on Alex that look is handsome not so much on
    other sims lol.
    ^Lol! I see. ;)

    KevinL5275 wrote: »
    Yes I enjoyed it. Yes you're right, Haley is trying to do better, but I think she would let slip a little bit. Since they do both still care about each other. Yes you know best, its your story. I'm just enjoying it too much. :D And adding what I think should happen, like a good critic. ;););)

    Yes I read parts of your Holland story, but I think I joined in the middle of it and did not start at the beginning. I'm not looking for a fight, I just wanted to see some more action like their breakup. That was emotional and fun to read. :) Make sense?

    @KevinL5275 ^Yes. 👍 It's why I'm looking forward to sharing what's coming up with you. :blush: Will be somewhere in the next chapter though. ;)

    I love that you enjoy this story so much that you become a little emotionally charged when some things don't go the way you expect. :p That speaks a world of compliment to my abilities as a writer and I'm very thankful to have invested readers like you and everyone else here. 🤗

    Thanks. <3
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    meerkattimemeerkattime Posts: 262 Member

    Let's see what I've missed. (This is awkward but I still haven't installed all my store content :tired_face: so I haven't been playing The Sims 3 either :/ . Yes, I own the store so there's a lot of stuff to install, but I've really just been busy with other games and work and stuff, even my new hobby which is gym :p . But I do miss my sims and I should get back to it.)

    Poor Shane. Sad to see him depressed :( . He's had so much bad times in his life, that I really hope the times of depression will get rare in the future.
    Hehe, quite a lot of guys get bored listening to women conversing stuff with each other :D .
    Shane is wrong - he looks just fine with that haircut :love: .
    Emily made very healthy snacks. I hope Shane appreciates them. I'm guilty of making less healthy choices when it comes to snacks :p .
    I like the pictures of Shane and Emily talking, and their conversation too. Emily is speaking wisely to him <3 . And it's so true - sometimes it's one person in the relationship being strong, sometimes the other. They are a team now.
    Hot kisses :love: .
    Hehe, Elliott is more excited about playing rock music with the other guys than he'll ever admit. Then again, it must be somewhat boring to be stuck in a strange world with nothing but androids around, so hobbies are more than welcome ;) .
    Leah looks so cute listening to the guys playing. I like her long ginger braid.
    Haley sees herself with Sam... And thinks about how he can support her to live the life that she wants and reach her own life goals. I don't think she felt this way with Alex. She's being a bit... Calculating, in a way, but then again, Sam probably wouldn't mind at all as long as it means that Haley wants to be with him ;) . And well, they are both artistic and want to be in a spotlight in their own way, and I'm sure they can support each other with that.
    I hope Haley's chest doesn't freeze in that pullover, hehe ;) . But the pullover looks great on her!

    Glad to read you wrote to Bekkasan that there won't be more drama for Shane. I hope his life will get much better from now on :blush: .

    Lovely Christmas decorations! The Christmas tree looks so pretty!
    Oh my, I wonder if Leah is pregnant!
    Aww, such cute pictures of Leah and Elliott snuggling <3 .
    Elliott is being very romantic too. I love how he talks to her.
    Haley looks just as beautiful with the shorter hair too. Her face is just so beautiful that she'd probably look great with any hairstyle. And I'm glad it makes her feel good :blush: .

    Glad to see Alex doing better now and exercizing again. There is a better girl for him than Haley and she's not even far away ;) .
    Looks like Alex and Haley have to confront each other now :# . Well, it's time - they can't avoid each other endlessly in those circumstances.
    Haley looks so pretty with that shorter hair of hers that Alex shouldn't be snarky at all.
    Well, their little conversation didn't go that well but it could have gone a lot worse as well. So it's all good I guess.
    Poor Alex :( . Of course he's in pain. He was the one who was in love, while they both lost their best friend.
    Looks like Haley is the lucky girl to run into every shirtless guy this morning :p . Sam's chest and arms don't look bad either :love: .
    I'm glad Sam approves of Haley's new look :blush: .
    I like that arched eyebrow on Sam. Looks cute.
    Poor Sebastian :D . That's what you get for sharing a room with other people.
    Ha ha, Haley changed Sam completely :joy: ! I can see why they don't think it looks like him anymore.
    Awww, but I want to see their kiss! That picture of Sam's hand on Haley's cheek is that screaming for a kiss next :# .
    Haley's makeover just doesn't look like Sam at all. With different personality and lifestyle, his new look would be alright, but it just doesn't suit Sam at all.

    Ha ha @bekkasan Good point about Haley trying to turn Sam into Alex ;) . That's indeed a bit what it looked like.

    Ok, I'm caught up :p !

    Hope your weather has got better! I'm freezing over here, huge piles of snow everywhere.
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member
    edited February 2022
    @emorrill nice to see Emily and Shane finding eachother. :)
    Hayley and Sam are a nice couple, I hope she sticks with him. Not that fond of Alex for some reason. >:)
    Sam definitely should keep his regular style! :D
    Great new hairstyle for Hayley!
    I only made it to page 22 today, but have to tell you; good job!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Sorry for the late replies. <3

    @meerkattime Hey. <3
    Oh no worries girl, it's all good. :kissing_heart: Installing store content is a pain and a half because you have do all it via the launcher and it's SO slow! :confounded: So I totally understand why you haven't installed it all.
    I wish my new hobby was the gym! 👍 Gosh how I need that to be my hobby because of my health... sigh. Good for you! :star:
    I'm glad you saw my comment to Bekkasan that all will be well with Shane from here on out. :blush: He has Emily's love, Harvey's friendship, and his new, developing self confidence to keep him afloat and on the right track. <3
    I figured it would sound right for Emily to make healthy snacks since they are all slim and healthy looking. :p But yeah carrots and broccoli aren't my idea of a snack either. :lol:
    Hehe, Elliott is more excited about playing rock music with the other guys than he'll ever admit.
    ^Yep. :blush: I think he feels young again being a part of their band. ;)
    I love Leah's long braid too. :love: I was so excited to find that hair! (IfcaSims 👍 )
    Haley sees herself with Sam... And thinks about how he can support her to live the life that she wants and reach her own life goals. I don't think she felt this way with Alex.
    ^She sure didn't. :) Everything was easy with Alex. Normal. Expected. There was no growth going on. At least, not the growth she needed. It took meeting another man, from a way different world than her own, to help her see things a lot of things in a whole new light. ;)
    And well, they are both artistic and want to be in a spotlight in their own way, and I'm sure they can support each other with that.
    ^EXACTLY! :smiley: (It's amazing how connected you are to my thoughts sometimes. ;) )
    I'm glad you liked the Christmas decor. :blush: Y'all know it's my favorite holiday. <3
    Oh my, I wonder if Leah is pregnant!
    ^Looks like you predict the same. :smirk::p We'll see!
    I really had no interest in Elliott whatsoever when I first met him in Stardew Valley (first thought was: Fabio! Yuck! :lol: ) but I didn't dislike him. Even though he has a suave nature about him, I could kinda sense that he'd be a gentle, sincere lover who's all in the relationship and all about worshipping his girl, so I went ahead and portrayed that. :)
    I agree that any hairstyle would look good on Haley. I wish it were the same for me. :p I could never rock the pixie cut that's for sure! :flushed:
    Glad to see Alex doing better now and exercising again. There is a better girl for him than Haley and she's not even far away ;) .
    ^Hee hee hee. I like the way you think. :mrgreen:
    Well, their little conversation didn't go that well but it could have gone a lot worse as well. So it's all good I guess.
    ^Yep. Definitely could've been worse...
    I like that you were drooling over Sam's developing muscles too. :smirk:;)
    Yeah, while I think that groomed look makes Sam look handsome and cute, it's definitely not his style and couldn't stay. I didn't plan to keep it anyway. ;) It was fun for me to experiment with him on it as much as it was for Haley. :p
    Thanks for reading. <3 I loved all your comments and compliments and enjoy reading them SO much!
    The weather is definitely better here, the ice has melted in most spots. I'm just happy the roads are clear! :star: Sorry you're freezing over there still. :kissing_heart: I think there's only...6 weeks left until Spring?

    @ZhakiraP Hey! :smiley: Thanks for popping in to read and comment. <3 I'm glad you're enjoying the story. :blush:
    Not that fond of Alex for some reason. >:)
    ^It's all good. Alex seems to be the least liked out of all the guys, so you're not alone. :lol: He's a good kid, but has some unlikeable traits. I think I feel that way with all the guys...well...except for Harvey. :love: And maybe Shane now. :)
    I only made it to page 22 today, but have to tell you; good job!
    ^Thank you so much. :kissing_heart: And no worries, catch up when you can. :)
    Can't remember if I told you already, but I love your new signature picture. :love:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Hey friends. :blush:<3 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! <3

    Forgive me for releasing this a little later than I said I know how life goes. :p
    I have omitted one picture from this post - but it is on my blog - because it is a (medically) descriptive photo showing what is going on in the scene and is not appropriate for the forum. But I felt like staging it anyway, because y'all know how much I always like to go for realism in my stories and I like to be able to portray some of those real life things in pictures to provide a more in depth feeling to the reader. I thought I staged it pretty well actually. :p Anyhoo! Link here to read it on my blog if you wish. :kissing_heart:

    Enjoy the Ch 17 Finale! :mrgreen:

    Pelican Town to Sims Town
    Chapter 17 Finale

    That afternoon, Leah anxiously chewed on a nail as she slowly ascended the stairs to Harvey’s office/bedroom. So many brewing thoughts and emotions pressurized within her head making it feel heavy and off balance. Her heart pounded with each gradual step. It seemed to be the longest flight of stairs she’d ever scaled.


    When she finally reached the top, she worked to catch a few breaths as she raised her fist to knock on the door. She stopped for a split second, closing her eyes; telling herself again that it would all be okay. But right now, it was very difficult to believe.

    *knock, knock*

    “Come on in,” Harvey called.

    With a nervous gulp, Leah turned the doorknob, opened the door, and stepped in.

    “Oh hey Leah,” Harvey greeted from the Science station. Maru stood beside him and gave her a smile. “I’ll be with you in just a minute, we’re finalizing something here.”

    Okay, Leah meant to say out loud, but it didn’t come out. She fiddled with her hands as her eyes darted back and forth between each wall, feeling like they were closing in on her.


    “Sorry about that,” Harvey expressed when he finally approached her. “What’s up?”

    “Uhh,” she stammered, unsure of how to begin. “I haven’t…been feeling well lately.”
    “Oh?” He suddenly wished he hadn’t been so casual in his previous question.


    The minute Maru heard Leah say that, she knew it was time to take her leave. “I’ll catch you two later,” she said, heading for the door. She wanted to inform Alex that the reworked antibiotic was a success. Harvey nodded at her while Leah gave her an appreciative smile as she left.



    When the door closed behind Maru, Leah struggled to look at Harvey again and do what she’d come up the stairs to do.

    “You alright?” Harvey asked, seeing her rub at her forehead in apparent distress. “Do you need to sit down?”


    “No…I’m fine.” She lowered her hand. “Actually…I’m not.”
    Harvey’s heart swelled with concern, as it always did whenever a friend or a patient would tell him that. In this case though - being in this mysterious world - he couldn’t help feeling a touch of fear. “What’s the matter?” his heart pounded as he asked.

    Leah batted her eyelids as she drew in a breath. “Harvey I…,” her voice shook, “I think I’m pregnant.”


    The Doctor’s eyes widened, his vision narrowing. His heart thumped harder against his chest as all his previous fears swiftly returned, causing his brow to perspire. For a moment he couldn’t speak.

    “I’m sorry,” Leah tearfully expressed, noticing. “We tried to be careful, like you counseled us to. We really did!” She elaborated on that somewhat and concluded by slapping a hand to her chest to calm her own racing heart. “I don’t know where we slipped up, but…the way I’ve been feeling lately…all the signs point to it.”


    “What have your symptoms been?” Harvey managed to ask.
    Blowing out a massive breath, she answered, “I’ve been feeling really tired lately, like all day; bloated and puffy. And getting dizzy spells in the evenings.”
    “Any nausea?”
    “Sometimes. I threw up a couple of times, but just thought it was something I ate. And speaking of, I’ve had the munchies something fierce, when I don’t normally get the munchies! So of course I’ve gained weight and that’s making me feel all the more moody!” she cried, throwing her hands up in the air.
    “What about your period?” Harvey asked, crossing his arms. “Have you missed a cycle?”


    “That’s the thing…I was kinda just waiting for it to show up again because it can be irregular sometimes, especially during stressful times. But I’ve just realized…it’s been a while since it showed up…” She nervously rubbed at her hands again.
    “How long of a while?”
    She shook her head as she thought. “I dunno. Two months. Maybe three. I’m really not sure.”

    Harvey deeply sighed as he lowered his arms and looked away, which made Leah cry again, afraid she upset him.

    “I’m really sorry Harvey…”
    “Leah, it's okay. You don’t have to apologize.”


    “Yes I do because it’s not okay.” Her lip began to quiver. “This is not okay!


    Harvey gulped as he held her tearful gaze, unsure of what to say.

    “Harvey I’m scared,” she went on to express with a choke. “I don’t want to have a baby here…not in these circumstances. I know you’ve done a lot to make up for not having a hospital, and that's great, but…what if something goes terribly wrong…and you can't help me? Or the baby?”
    The Doctor nervously rubbed at his neck, having feared the same.
    “And on the flip side, say everything goes well and I have my sweet baby,” she stopped, trying to swallow the giant lump in her throat. The unknowing thoughts were killing her. “But the baby doesn’t return home with us for some reason–”


    She cupped her hand to her mouth and rapidly shook her head, unable to say more.

    “Shhh,” Harvey soothed, immediately putting his arm around her and holding her close as she sobbed. “Don’t worry about that. Just take a deep breath.” He was telling himself as much as he was her. “Let’s take this one step at a time okay?”
    Reluctantly, Leah nodded.
    “First, let’s get a blood sample to confirm. And if it’s positive, we’ll go from there.” He rubbed at her shaking back. “Alright?”
    She nodded with a sniff.


    He gently led her to the nearest spot to sit down. “Sit down and relax for a bit,” he tenderly said, “and I’ll get that sample from you.”
    “Thanks Harvey.”

    After a simple finger pr’ick, Harvey ran the blood sample through the big science machine for analysis. Leah rested on the couch as he did so.


    The result showed up quickly and upon studying it, Harvey closed his eyes and drew in a breath, slowly exhaling it. Just then his phone vibrated within his pocket. It was a text message from Penny.


    For good measure, Penny made sure Maru was alright with her assisting Harvey.

    “Of course!” her friend exclaimed. “I would expect him to prefer to have you there instead of me.” She winked.
    Penny blushed before saying, “Thanks.”

    Just before Penny ascended the stairs though, she got another text from Harvey. It read:

    Wait there for a bit still. I’ll let you know when I need you. Thank you my dear. <3


    Upstairs, Harvey approached the resting Leah and gently addressed her.


    Leah’s eyes fluttered open, bouncing her eyebrows at Harvey in surprise that she actually fell asleep in such a short time. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep there,” she expressed as she sat up.
    “No problem. I…have your test result.”

    They stared at each other intently for a moment.


    “And?” Leah pressed.
    He drew in a breath. “It’s positive; you’re pregnant. In the beginning of your second trimester actually.”
    Her eyes widened. “Oh…wow.”
    “Yeah. So right now,” he paused, “I want to do an exam. See how the pregnancy is progressing and make sure everything is alright.”


    Leah shuddered uncomfortably for a moment as she asked, “That kind of exam?” while honestly knowing the answer.
    Harvey couldn’t help cracking a smile at her reaction. “Yes. If I recall,” he arched his head in a tease, “you’re long overdue for one.”

    The red-head dropped her hand in a mellow protest. She hated those yearly exams, since the very beginning of her womanhood, and made it a point to keep herself away from Harvey’s clinic for one. Maybe because she preferred a female physician in that department. And maybe, as far as she was concerned, she did everything to keep herself healthy down there so there was no need for a yearly exam. However…she ultimately knew the day would come when she could no longer avoid it, especially when it came to having children. And oh how much she and Elliott wanted children. If only it were under different circumstances, she thought again with a bowed head.

    “It won’t take long,” Harvey assured. “Let’s head into the exam room.”

    Once in the room, Harvey handed Leah a small blanket and asked her to undress from the waist down and cover herself with it once he stepped out.
    L*rd, so it begins…, Leah glumly thought as she took the blanket.
    “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Harvey said, heading for the door, but turned around to add, “Penny will be joining us when I return. By law I have to have another woman in here during the exam.”
    “Oh…That’s the law here too?”
    “I dunno.” He lightly shrugged. “But whether it is or not I still want to follow protocol. I also want you to feel comfortable, not awkward.”
    Impressed, Leah gave him a smile. She never doubted his professionalism and integrity, but appreciated his thoughtfulness regardless. “Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome.” He smiled.


    Harvey texted Penny outside the door and told her he was ready to have her come upstairs.

    In the exam room, Leah affectionately rubbed the small bump on her belly underneath the blanket - glad it wasn’t only weight gain - as she sat and waited. There developed an instant bond and immediate feeling of love for the tiny life growing inside of her. Never had she felt this kind of joy before.


    What every mother said about it was true. Her face lit up with the brightest of smiles, her countenance glowing. But at the same time, the reality of the situation swooped in like the killjoy that it was and caused tears to slide down her cheeks again. God please make the Wizard bring us home soon. Protect my baby...

    When there was a knock on the door, she quickly wiped the tears away and cleared her throat before saying, “Come in.”

    “Hey,” Penny greeted, not completely shutting the door. “Harvey is washing up and will be in soon but,” she stepped closer, “I hope you don’t mind that he told me the news. I was kinda curious why he needed me in here.”
    “It’s okay,” Leah dismissed. “I understand. Thank you for being here.”
    “You’re welcome. And congratulations!” she happily expressed, unable to resist taking Leah into a light hug.
    “This is so exciting!”
    “Yeah,” Leah agreed as she broke the hug. “It is…I’m just…still trying to process it all.”
    “Understandable,” Penny nodded as she sat down beside her, kindly placing her hand upon Leah’s in comfort. She could sense Leah’s anxiety, as she was all too familiar with it. “Don’t worry, it’ll be okay.”
    Leah lowered her eyes. “I hope you’re right…”


    In no time at all, Harvey entered the room and proceeded with the exam.

    When it was done - everything looked well - Harvey and Penny exited the room so Leah could get fully dressed. Afterward, she joined them back in Harvey’s bedroom to discuss a few things.

    “Since there’s no prenatal vitamins in this world, you’ll want to eat foods that are rich in folate for the baby’s development,” Harvey counseled. “Beans, leafy greens, citrus fruits, even nuts and seeds.”
    Leah nodded while giving a quirked smile. “It’s a good thing I’ve always liked those kinds of foods.”
    “Good,” he expressed with a light pat on her back. “So…how are you feeling now? Better?”

    The caring question made Leah tear up again and she cursed the ridiculous pregnancy hormones for it. “Maybe a little. I’m happy, but still really nervous,” she replied, holding a fist up to her mouth to suppress those emotions. Penny tenderly rubbed at her back. Neither of them could blame Leah for feeling nervous or afraid; Penny knew she absolutely would be.

    “Leah,” Harvey began, lowering his head to meet her eyes. “I will do everything in my power to take care of you and the baby,” he promised with such sincerity and devotion. It touched Leah’s heart deeply. “I’ve been studying up on Obstetrics. And I’ll study more. Whatever concerns or preferences you have, bring them to me and I will do my best to make this pregnancy, and the delivery, go as smoothly and comfortably as possible for you.”


    “Thank you,” she smiled with a sniff. “I really appreciate it.”
    “Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help too, roomie,” Penny added with a wink.
    “I will. Thanks Penny,” Leah sighed, rubbing at her hands again. “Although I was thinking, first, maybe I could have Abby reach out to the Wizard and let him know about the baby. That way…he’ll know there’s one more person to bring back whenever we complete the quest.” A hopeful look lit up her face.
    “I think that’s a fantastic idea,” Harvey expressed, shooting a look at Penny to which she nodded in agreement.


    The two continued to walk beside Leah as they headed for the door.

    “Does Elliott know yet?” Penny asked.
    “No, actually,” came the response. “I guess I should inform him before Abby huh?”
    “Yeeeah, that might be best.”
    They all chuckled.


    “He’s gonna be so excited to be a daddy,” Leah grinned. “And I’m gonna be a mom. Wow.” Her heart raced as that thought sank in. “I can hardly believe it. It’s finally happening…”


    Harvey and Penny exchanged smiles at each other, thinking about how joyful that day would be for them in the future too. And they could hardly wait.


    That's a wrap for Chapter 17! Hope you enjoyed. :smiley:

    I was thinking while driving around today and...I feel it's safe to say that Chapter 18 will be the last chapter of the story. (Trying not to get emotional saying that...) It just feels right. But don't feel sad just yet because you know how long my chapters are so it could be 5-6 more updates before the end. :mrgreen:;)

    And I have to end my stories on an even number chapter because odd numbers drive me crazy! :lol: (I dunno why, forgive my crazy. 🤣 )

    Anyway, not sure when I will begin the outline for Chapter 18, but the plan is soon. Hoping life doesn't throw any more distractions my way. 🤞

    <3 Thank you all, as always, for your unwavering interest and support in this story. <3
  • Options
    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @emorrill I really enjoyed this update. :heart: Definitely glad I was right too. :lol:
    Love the picture climbing the stairs and the description of how she was feeling.
    Those exams are brutal and lol having it done by someone you see everyday is even worse! :confounded:
    Oh well, it is part of life for sure and had to laugh you made your sim suffer through it. :grimace:
    I'm happy for her and Elliott and I'm sure the goddess will make sure all goes well for them. (she
    Very good idea to have Abby chat with the wizard and make sure he knows about the baby. He probably knew before Leah. :grin:
    I think Harvey will do a great job.
  • Options
    BloosmooBloosmoo Posts: 754 Member
    @emorrill Well Valentines day was the perfect day to post that seeing as it was all about falling in love albeit not of the romantic kind. It doesn't surprise me Leah is preggie I mean they were all over the place like a couple of rabbits. I bet it was that hot air balloon moment that's to blame :) So that's kind of exciting, Vincent and Jas won't be the only kids in Pelican Town anymore. I had to read this on the blog because my mind instantly went to an operation rather than what it was and I was thinking I was going to see the inside of a sim and ooooo that'll be grim and in fairness it was grim for anyone who has ever had that particular exam. I can only liken it to spelunking and feel for Leah's embarrasment. Anyway, great update and way to think around the problem of getting a baby back to Stardew! Top job!
  • Options
    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    Yay we were all correct in our diagnosis. Wow you really went all out on the realism for this one. :)

    You're ending the story? Noooo!!!! :tongue: I hope you have long updates, I don't want this to end. :D
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    I read the update yesterday and now finally time to comment on it.
    I loved the update, so we were correct with Leah being pregnant? I'm so happy for her and Elliott their baby will be
    such a cutie.
    Sad to hear chapter 18 will be the final one, but I hope you will entertain us with another story after this! Even though I miss the
    Great job.
  • Options
    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    I love reading all your comments everyone. :blush: Every single one. <3 They bring me such joy.

    I really enjoyed this update. :heart: Definitely glad I was right too. :lol:
    ^Hee hee, yes. ;) I was hoping I wasn't being too predictable - part of me thinks I should go back and change some wording a bit in that scene with her and Elliott on my blog for future readers - but...I dunno. Originally, and what was planned, I really wanted the pregnancy reveal to be as much of a shocker to the reader as it was to Harvey. :p It's all good though. I think y'all just know me too well. ;)
    Love the picture climbing the stairs and the description of how she was feeling.
    ^Thanks. :blush:
    Those exams are brutal and lol having it done by someone you see everyday is even worse! :confounded:
    ^Oh absolutely! :grimace:
    Once I hit that time in my life when I had to get my first "well womans" exam...our family practice doctor was a man from our church who was actually our Bishop for a time. I was like, "Nope, nope, nope!" to my mom, so she had me see his nurse practitioner instead. :relieved: Poor Leah didn't really have a choice in this case... :(
    Yep, had to go for the realism as I often like to do. ;):p
    I'm happy for her and Elliott and I'm sure the goddess will make sure all goes well for them. (she
    ^ :mrgreen: I'm sure the goddess will. :blush: But sometimes you still never know with me. :naughty:;):kissing_heart:
    It's possible the Wizard knew about the pregnancy before Leah. :grey_question: I was actually thinking about that before you mentioned it and if he would or not...
    I think Harvey will do a great job.
    ^I think so too. <3
    Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the sweet comments. :kissing_heart:

    Well Valentines day was the perfect day to post that seeing as it was all about falling in love albeit not of the romantic kind.
    ^True. :) I didn't think about that. I like it. <3
    It doesn't surprise me Leah is preggie I mean they were all over the place like a couple of rabbits. I bet it was that hot air balloon moment that's to blame :)
    ^Ha ha! :lol: So you remember that? :smirk: I am happy. :blush: There were many moments they romped - as you pointed out - where I was thinking, "Is this the moment when Leah gets pregnant?" :mrgreen: And I kid you not the romp in the hot air balloon was when the thought first crossed my mind. ;):star:
    So that's kind of exciting, Vincent and Jas won't be the only kids in Pelican Town anymore.
    ^No they won't! :grin: Pelican Town needs more kids!
    Sorry to disappoint with the 'medically descriptive' picture on my blog :p but yeah it was all because it was showing a woman's pelvic exam and I think a lot of people would feel uncomfortable seeing that.
    To me though, since I've been explored down there - mostly by male doctors - more often than I can count with all my infertility and hormone issues, it's a totally normal part of life to me. And YES to what you said here:
    ...and in fairness it was grim for anyone who has ever had that particular exam.
    Spelunking. :joy: That cracked me up! That's totally how it feels sometimes!
    Anyway, great update and way to think around the problem of getting a baby back to Stardew! Top job!
    ^Thank you. :blush: I'm glad you enjoyed it. :kissing_heart:

    Yay we were all correct in our diagnosis. Wow you really went all out on the realism for this one. :)
    ^Yes I did. :mrgreen:;):p
    You're ending the story? Noooo!!!! :tongue: I hope you have long updates, I don't want this to end. :D
    ^Awww, I know. :kissing_heart: I don't want it to end for the most part either. But another part of me is like, "It's time Emily." Eventually it always comes to that point and I have to prepare myself for it early so I can do it right.
    Thank you. <3 That was sweet. :blush:

    @Silverofdreams30 You're okay. :kissing_heart:
    I think Leah and Elliott will have cutie kids too. :blush: A bunch of gingers. :lol:;)
    I do have another story planned - actually a couple of story ideas - in mind for my next one.
    Thank you. <3 You're sweet. :kissing_heart:

    So yesterday I was driving around listening to my awesome music :mrgreen: 🎵 and forgot to include a song I meant to share to represent Alex's feelings after the break-up. :grimace: (I was like, "Glory HOW on EARTH did I forget to do that!?" :confounded::p ) I thought it was pretty perfect.

    I'm not sure which moment I would've inserted the song, maybe this one.


    Anyhoo! Turn up the volume and enjoy everyone. :smiley: The lyrics are fantastic! :star:

    Lyrics in Spoiler
    (Of course I had to fix some of the lines because people get it wrong when sharing lyrics online sometimes. :unamused: And naturally I had to add in a little emphasis in some areas. :p )
    Love is a Lie - 3 Doors Down
    "Us and the Night" Album

    You said you wanted to feel beautiful,
    Did I ever tell you differently?
    I tried to give you all that you deserved,
    And never mind the things you said to me.

    Along the way I didn't say,
    All the things I felt inside myself.
    You took away all that I thought was mine,
    And then you gave it all to someone else.

    You said you only wanted love, but love wasn't enough.
    So soon enough you said "Goodbye", well Goodbye.
    A weary mind in need,
    Of all that I can see,
    And I can see your love was a lie!

    Everybody told me I was crazy,
    But you told me to believe your lies.
    Guess I was hoping that your love might save me,
    But I think I died a thousand times.

    I never knew this side of you,
    The side I wish that I had never seen.
    Soon enough I guess I would discover,
    I had a lover that could be so mean!

    Chorus x2


    You said you wanted to feel beautiful,
    Did I ever tell you differently?
    I tried to give you all that you deserved,
    Never mind the things you said.......

    You said you only wanted love, but love wasn't enough.
    So soon enough you said "Goodbye", well Goodbye.
    A weary mind in need,
    Of all that I can see,
    And I can see that your love was a lie!
  • Options
    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Alrighty everyone! :mrgreen:

    Who's ready for Chapter 18!? :smiley: (Sorry it's taken a little while to post. Thank you for your patience. :kissing_heart: )

    Here's the first scene for y'all while I prepare the next part. Enjoy. <3

    Pelican Town to Sims Town

    Chapter 18

    The time came for Leah to tell Elliott the big news.

    She had planned to tell him right away, but after chatting with Harvey and Penny she went home and took a much needed nap. Her body - and mind - still needed time to relax and process everything before the big reveal. She didn’t want to be an emotional mess; she wanted it to be a moment of joy and excitement. A moment she and Elliott would never forget.

    It was around 5pm when she was awoken by the tender kisses of her love on her forehead and cheek.
    “Hi,” Elliott greeted in a light, romantic tone as her eyes opened and met with his handsome smile.
    “Hi,” she repeated in a like manner, stretching her arms.
    “You're sleeping late.”
    “Yeah…I was tired.”
    He nodded. “I have a surprise for you…”
    “Oh?” she curiously asked, propping herself up onto her elbow. Funny, I could say the same to you…
    “Come,” he beckoned, taking her hands and gently lifting her up onto her feet, “into the sunroom.”

    Leah cheeky grinned as he pulled her arm forward in anticipation.

    When they entered the sunroom Elliott brought Leah before his tall, shining, clay masterpiece; all finished. Leah gazed at it with awe.

    “I finally finished it,” he informed her with pride. “It sure was a challenge, but I’m proud of how it turned out. Heck,” he half chuckled, “I almost can’t believe I’m the one who made it!”
    Leah released a little chuckle of her own.


    “I know he’s not the handsomest chap, but,” he shyly glanced over at her, “what do you think of it?”

    Turning toward him, with a smile as proud as any teacher would be with their student in this case, she replied, “I think it’s perfect.”
    “Really?” he asked, inching closer to her.
    “Really. You did an amazing job for it being your first time working with clay. I'm very proud.”
    “Thank you,” he expressed, giving her that same handsome smile he wore before and kissed her. “I made it just for you.”
    “Aww…I love it. It is a wonderful surprise.”
    “You’re welcome my love.”

    It was time.

    “So,” Leah began, lowering her head while taking his hands in hers, “speaking of surprises,” she looked up again, trying not to grin too brightly yet, “I have one for you too.”
    “Is that right?” he playfully asked with an arched eyebrow.
    “Yeah…a pretty big one.”


    His eyes widened. “Well now my curiosity is immensely piqued! What is it?”

    “Okay,” Leah breathily released, stepping back a little to gain her bearings. Her heart fluttered nervously. She really wanted the reveal to come out just right - perfectly - but as much as she rehearsed it all in her mind, she had a feeling that ultimately, in the moment, it wouldn’t. Just roll with it, she encouraged herself.
    “So remember the other night when I asked you if it looked like I’d gained weight, to which you were totally sweet and said otherwise, but…we both know I have…?”


    Elliott lightly shrugged with a look on his face as if to say, Okay, you’re right.

    “Well,” she drew in a breath again to calm her racing heart, hoping to provide a pathway for the excitement to come through, “for the first time in my life I’ve never been so happy about the fact that I’ve gained weight.” She chuckled. The pathway must’ve been clearer than she thought, because joyful tears took a nice seat upon her eyelids.

    Elliott noticed the incoming tears and, along with what she said, gave her a questionable look.

    “I went to go see Harvey this afternoon, like you suggested. And after doing a blood test we found out that…,” she paused for a somewhat dramatic effect, “...I’m pregnant.” Her mouth naturally formed into a bright grin.

    For a second, the man froze, wondering if he heard that correctly. “Wait…what was that again?” came the blinking response.

    Leah’s heart skidded to a halt. “I’m pregnant,” she repeated, praying he was happy about it. She needed him to be.

    In that moment Elliott’s eyes bugged out with explosive excitement. “Really!?” he asked in a high pitched voice.


    “Yes!” Leah replied, expelling a quiet a breath of relief.
    “There’s a baby in there?” He pointed at her belly.
    “Yes,” she giggled. “A three and a half month old baby actually…”
    “What!? No way! Wow...” He ran his fingers through his hair in euphoric disbelief. He couldn’t believe it. “So…I’m a dad!? I’ve been a dad!?”


    Leah rapidly nodded, her cheeks aching from all the smiling, but she loved it. She loved everything about this moment.

    “Oh Leah,” Elliott cried, throwing his lips upon hers with such passion and exuberant joy.


    “Oh how I love you,” he whispered in between kisses, and just as Leah was about to say the same he swiftly picked her up.
    “Oh! Elliott!”


    The two giggled as he happily twirled her around and around…


    …and gently set her back down on her feet. “Oh, sorry…,” he expressed, placing his hand on her belly. “I hope that didn’t hurt the baby…”
    “No,” she chuckled. “The baby is well protected. You’re so cute!”
    “I wonder if it’s a boy or a girl,” he asked while gently and lovingly caressing the little bump.


    “Unfortunately we don’t have the technology here to reveal that,” Leah responded with a sigh. She always wanted to find out the sex before the birth. “But...I think it’ll be exciting to be surprised.”
    “Definitely! I’ll be happy either way.”
    Leah was glad to hear it, even though she expected as much.
    “So,” he paused, looking up at her, “what else did Doc Harvey say? You're alright? The baby is okay?”
    “Yeah. Everything’s okay.”
    “Good. I’m glad,” he smiled.


    Leah hated that her fears and concerns returned after saying that. She’d been trying to hold them back so as not to ruin the beautiful moment, especially when Elliott enveloped her so amorously in his arms again. “Oh Leah my love, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world again tonight,” he expressed while gazing deeply into her eyes. “Our dreams are coming true and it’s so wonderful!” He pulled her in for another deep and affectionate kiss.


    But the kiss was short-lived as Leah’s lips began to quiver, the tears escaping her eyes. She lowered her face from Elliott’s in shame.

    His heart could feel her ache and naturally ached along with it. “What’s wrong?” he asked; confused.

    She shook her head before meeting his gaze. “This isn’t where I want us to live out our dreams. I want it to be at home. In Pelican Town.”


    “I know…” He stroked her cheek. “I want that too. You know we won’t be here forever.”
    “No, but it sure feels like it's been forever. And now I’m pregnant and if I’m being perfectly honest babe…I don’t want to be pregnant in this world!” Elliott attempted to hush her distress, but she continued on. “I always had the perfect plan laid out for my very first pregnancy. I was gonna find the best midwife in Zuzu City and have a beautiful home birth, with no involvement from the inexperienced, small town Doctor. Well now,” she lightly pouted, “Harvey is involved!”
    Elliott didn’t mean to chuckle at her expression of woe.
    “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Harvey,” she held her hand to her heart for emphasis. “He’s wonderful, he truly is. And a better doctor than I ever realized.” Saying that toned down the awkward feelings she still felt from the uncomfortable exam. “I’m so thankful he’s here to help, and he provided me with so much comfort today, it’s just,” she threw her face into her hands, “this isn’t how I planned it!”
    “I know babe,” Elliott sympathized, holding her tightly. “But think about it this way, we’ve been here for so long that the quest has got to be nearing completion so…you may still have that beautiful home birth you want.”


    It was sweet of him to say. “Maybe,” she acknowledged with a glimmer of hope in her heart. “But there’s also the possibility that I might not…so that's why I need to get with Abby and have her let her dad know that there’s a 13th person in the quest picture now because,” she emotionally swallowed, “I will not have us teleporting out of here without our baby!”
    “Shhh,” Elliott tenderly hushed, rubbing his hand up and down her back. “Don’t worry, that’s not going to happen. It’s going to be okay.”


    Leah pulled away from the embrace and frankly asked him, “How can you be so sure of that? There's WAY too many unknowns about this quest!”
    “Well…," he paused, "for starters you already came up with a great plan on how to remedy your fear. You should pat yourself on the back for that.”
    Feeling a twinge of guilt, she nodded.
    “And also, I think the Wizard knows more than we realize. He’s kinda like our…God…during this quest.”
    Leah couldn’t help cracking a smile at that; it was kind of true.
    “Man, how almighty must he feel…,” Elliott mused, gazing off to the side.
    “Okay focus here please…”
    “Sorry.” He grinned.
    “So…,” she gazed intently at him, her arms resting on his shoulders, “you’re not scared about losing our baby?”
    “No,” he firmly assured. “Between your plan and Harvey’s care, I have a strong feeling that everything is going to be alright with you and the baby. You really have nothing to fear my love. All will be well. I know it.”

    Relief and comfort swelled within Leah’s heart at his words, radiating upwards toward her lips and forming them into a smile. It was everything she needed to hear, from the person that mattered the most. “Well then, I trust in your confidence my love. It's funny how you’ve always known just what to say to make me feel better. I love you so much. You’re going to make a great daddy.”
    “And you’re going to make an equally great mommy.”
    She blushed. It was her greatest hope.


    “So do you think it’s true what they say? That babies can hear us talking from the womb?” Elliott asked, leaning towards her belly and holding a hand up to his ear.
    “I think so.”


    He then crouched a bit and pressed his ear on the baby bump. “Maybe I can hear the baby moving…or feel it.”
    Leah giggled. “I don’t think they’re quite big enough for that yet.”


    “Really? Even at three and a half months?”
    “Yep. Harvey said our baby is only about the size of a peach right now.”
    “Oh how CUTE!” Elliott exclaimed, standing up straighter and waving at her belly. “Hey there itty-bitty little baby. It’s daddy. Do you recognize my voice?”


    Soon he was playing peek-a-boo with their little baby within her womb and all Leah could do was laugh. It was the most adorable thing she’d ever seen Elliott do and she loved him all the more for it.


    Peace and comfort resided in her now. All she had to do next was talk to Abigail and trust in the Wizard - and God - from there.

    <3 👶 <3

    To be continued...

  • Options
    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @emorrill That was a wonderful update. I enjoyed it very much. I remember the day I told R and your story brought back those feelings.
    I knew Elliott would be happy.
    I understand her wanting to have the baby back in Pelican Town, but if she does we will never know what she has! :open_mouth: make a Pelican Town. :grin:
    Pictures were perfect and I'm happy Elliott was able to reassure her.
    I love the pictures of Elliott talking to her tummy.
  • Options
    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    This was an adorable part of the new chapter! I'm so happy
    he was so happy to hear the news!.
    the poses you used are all great.
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    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    Woo! Awesome. :)
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    That was a wonderful update. I enjoyed it very much. I remember the day I told R and your story brought back those feelings.
    ^Aww, that fills me with warm fuzzies that I could bring those memories back to you. <3
    I understand her wanting to have the baby back in Pelican Town, but if she does we will never know what she has! :open_mouth: make a Pelican Town. :grin:
    ^ We'll see what happens... :smirk:
    Thanks for the comments. I knew you would enjoy the scene. :kissing_heart: It was a joy for me to write. <3
    I revealed my very first pregnancy to J while we were in the car together (cause I couldn't keep it contained any longer) and his reaction almost made him swerve off the road. :lol: Later he told me he wished I had revealed it to him when we weren't in the car. :p I'll never forget the thrilled look in his eyes. :blush:

    @Silverofdreams30 Thank you sweet lady. <3 Naturally I had to go with a MUCH better response from the Father than the lame "thumbs up" they do in the game...


    It's like, C'mon EA, you couldn't program the father to react a lot better than that!? :unamused: Anyhoo!

    Woo! Awesome. :)
    ^Thanks buddy. I'm glad you liked it. :blush:

    Just passing along a friendly tag to @meerkattime and @Bloosmoo <3

    So I was listening to music on YouTube the other day (had it set to auto-play) and this bleeding 1980's gem rang through the speakers and it made me think of Elliott and Leah. :lol::blush: Maybe because Rick Astley's voice is pretty similar to the way I always imagined Elliott's voice being. Maybe not quite as deep, but deep, suave, and romantic. <3

    Crank up the volume and enjoy this blast to the past my friends. I still love it after all these years! 🥰
  • Options
    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    I just hate that thumbs up, they could just give a hug or something
    like that hehe.
    It was a sweet update, one we need to read after the daily news which I try not to read too much about.
  • Options
    BloosmooBloosmoo Posts: 754 Member
    @emorill, Great chapter, but I kind of like the thumbs up lol. Like yeah way to go whose is it....shame they didnt do an animation of the fathers ears ringing after that one!
  • Options
    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited March 2022
    @Bloosmoo Ha ha! :lol: That would be hilarious to see!

    So hey everyone! :grin: I've been hard at work writing out these next few scenes, so here they are! I hope you enjoy. :blush:

    *I wanted to give a little thanks/credit to @bekkasan for the "blessing spell" idea. I'm pretty sure I read that in your Ballan story and loved the idea of it. :kissing_heart: *

    Pelican Town to Sims Town
    Continuation of Chapter 18

    Knowing that Leah was anxious to go and speak with Abigail, and it was getting late, Elliott kissed her goodnight for the evening and left for home. Times like these made Leah wish she didn’t share a room with Penny so he could stay, but it was okay. They didn’t have to sleep together every night. Besides, the possible fate of their unborn child relied heavily upon Abigail’s ability to inform the Wizard and that was more important than missing a night of sleeping together.

    For good measure, Leah texted Abigail to see if she was available for the remainder of the evening. Leah knew she was upstairs, but wasn’t sure if Sebastian was with her and didn’t want to…interrupt anything. So much romance going on these days. Maru had actually been bunking with Penny on some nights since her brother started dating Abigail because there was a spare bed since most of the time Leah was with Elliott. It was possible that Maru was in the bedroom with Penny right now, but Leah quickly brushed the thought away. I’ll deal with that later. It probably would’ve been best to wait and talk to Abigail in the morning, but this was just too much of a pressing matter to Leah for her to wait. She quickly pulled out her phone and started texting.


    The two giggled at each other when their faces met after Abigail opened the door, because of the texts. “Come on in,” Abigail beckoned with her head.

    “Oh my, I love your galaxy pants!” Leah notably expressed as she stepped in. “They’re so pretty and match your hair.” She winked.
    “Thanks!” Abigail beamed. “They were a gift from Seb. He said he couldn’t wait until Christmas to give them to me.”
    “So…you have something important to tell me?” Abigail inquired, almost in disbelief that Leah would come to her about anything important.

    When Leah told Abigail the news, the purple haired girl reacted in about the same manner as Elliott did, facial wise anyway.


    “Are you serious!?” she happily cried. “I didn’t even think that could happen here!”


    Leah lightly shrugged with a suppressed chuckle. “Apparently it can. No reason why it shouldn’t really…”
    “Sure,” Abigail concurred. “I guess I was thinking something like that happening wouldn’t be a part of the quest, but…then again I don’t think any of us expected to be on this quest for as long as we have been so…guess it was bound to happen.”
    Leah sighed. “Very true.”
    “Well I’m super happy for you and Elliott,” Abigail congratulated, patting Leah’s shoulder. “I can’t wait to meet the little one.”


    “Thanks,” Leah smiled in appreciation. “I was also wondering if you could, uh, do me a huge favor? Well, me and Elliott a favor.”
    “Yeah! Anything! What is it?”

    Leah drew in a breath as she expressed her concern to Abigail, hoping the girl would be understanding and sympathetic about it and not think it silly. It wasn’t easy for her to vulnerably open herself up to someone she wasn’t really close to, even if they had all grown much closer together since the start of this journey.


    “So…,” Leah concluded, “do you think you might be able to contact the Wizard and inform him about the baby? So that they will return safely to Pelican Town with the rest of us at the end of the quest? I just can’t fathom the thought of our baby being left behind…”


    Feeling Leah’s emotions, and understanding wholly, Abigail gave her a firm nod that ended with a shining smile. “I’d be more than happy to do that for you and Elliott, Leah. And I don’t blame you at all for being concerned. I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t have the same concern being in your shoes.”
    “Thank you,” Leah whispered with glimmering eyes.
    “But I should let you know,” Abigail paused, her manner turning subdued, “most of the time when I reach out to my dad…he doesn’t respond to me. It used to hurt my feelings, but now I think a lot of it has to do with not interfering with my personal growth on this quest, or rather, to prevent a moment in which he might let something slip about it that I’m not supposed to know.”


    “I see,” Leah whispered again, lowering her head.
    “But that’s not going to stop me from letting him know about this anyway!” Abigail perked up. “Whether he responds or not! But…let’s hope he does.”
    Leah nodded.
    “And I’m excited to say that I’ve learned a new way to reach him compared to my other methods. I can now reach him directly to his mind!” She cheeky grinned; exactly in the way he reached her while she was in a coma.


    Leah’s eyes brightened as she praised, “Wow! Wonderful!”
    “Yeah!” She grinned. “So to do it I’m gonna need a few candles. Do you mind helping me gather some?”
    “Not at all! Can I be present when you reach out to him?”
    “Absolutely! Let’s do this!”


    Upon returning to the bedroom, Abigail took the eight candles they gathered and formed them into a circle on the floor. She then sat herself down within it, crossing her legs together, and kindly asked Leah to turn off the lights. When Leah did so, Abigail used her magic to light the candles all at once and Leah watched in wonder as she sat herself down outside of the circle.

    With all the candles lit, Abigail closed her eyes and entered into a meditative state, whispering a powerful spell to connect her mind with the Wizard’s. Leah rested her arms upon her knees in a respective silence.


    Soon Abigail spoke in an inaudible voice, calling out to the Wizard and informing him about the situation and Leah’s concerns. Oh how badly Leah wanted to ask about what was happening, but she didn’t want to interrupt, nor distract Abigail when this clearly required a lot of mental focus.

    Abigail then opened her eyes and quietly informed Leah, “His mind and mine are connected. I have told him everything. Now…we wait.”

    And the two did just that. For much longer than a few fleeting seconds it seemed…


    Abigail could faintly sense many heightened emotions swirling about within her father’s mind, but the bulk of them were carefully concealed; cleverly suppressed. His breaths were steady, despite the quickening beat of his heart pulsing through the veins in his cerebrum.

    Acknowledged my dear Abigail.

    That was it.

    Figures…, Abigail thought, forgetting for a second that her mind had been fused with his. Should I even attempt to ask why you won't say anything more?

    He didn’t willingly say it, but she heard it within his subconscious anyway. You know why…

    …Yeah. I guess I do. Even if she also knew it wouldn’t be the response Leah was hoping for. In that regard, she quickly searched through her father’s carefully concealed emotions, to perhaps find a crack in them that would provide something less vague and more comforting to give to Leah than his official response. But Rasmodius closed off the mental connection before she had much time to explore.

    “What did he say?” Leah asked, unable to hold back from doing so any longer.

    Sighing from the abrupt shut off, Abigail raised her head to meet Leah’s longing gaze. “He told me he got the message,” she replied, “but…that was it.”
    “Really?” Leah asked in a tone bleeding with disappointment.
    “Yeah…,” Abigail sympathized. "I'm sorry."
    “Well, I guess you did warn me…,” Leah ended with a sigh. “At least it’s comforting to know he got the message. Now I’m just wondering if that makes the situation better or the same?”
    Abigail lightly smirked before responding. “I think better.”
    Leah gave her a questionable look of inquiry.
    “I tried to connect with his emotions to provide us with something more concrete on the matter and for the most part…I could feel peace. The kind of peace where you know that, no matter what happens…or how crazy or difficult things get…it’s all going to be okay. And everything will work out.” She smiled.
    The corners of Leah’s mouth turned up into a smile as well.
    “I think my dad knows what he’s doing. I'm confident the baby will come home with us.”


    Leah nodded in acceptance, tears of relief forming upon her eyelids. “Thank you Abby.”

    The two stood up, Abigail offering a helping hand to Leah.

    After extinguishing the candles and turning the lights back on, Leah took Abigail into a grateful hug, expressing her thanks again.


    “Aww, you are most welcome Leah. I’m glad I could do something to help ease your mind.”
    “For sure! Now,” she paused to rub her little baby bump, “if I can just get through the rest of the pregnancy and the delivery with ease that would be great!”


    “You will,” Abigail assured, without a doubt in her mind. “In fact…I actually know a blessing spell that I could cast on you if you’d like? Well,” she paused to correct, “it’s actually a ‘good luck’ charm, but in this case…I’m calling it a blessing spell.” She winked. “Would you like me to?”
    For a moment, the mother hesitated; still harboring iffy feelings about magic. “Oh uh, I dunno…”
    “It’s completely harmless and won’t hurt the baby,” Abigail assured, sensing her thoughts. “I promise. Think of it as a prayer wrapped in a magic spell.”
    Leah grinned, thinking that was cute. “Well, in that case, I would love your ‘prayer’ of blessing Abby.”
    Abigail beamingly nodded as she readied her hands.

    It only took a few seconds, with sparkling green stars simply swirling all around Leah before they disappeared, and Abigail was right, it didn’t hurt. She didn’t feel a thing actually, except for the warmth of a friend’s loving thoughtfulness and considerate “prayer.”




    Three days later, in the early evening, Emily was hard at work pinning the final embellishment on the latest clothing top she had been working on.


    Haley slipped into the bedroom and closed the door behind her, pressing her back against it with a lovestruck sigh.

    “Hey,” Emily casually greeted with a quick glance in her sister’s direction. When she didn’t hear an immediate response, she gave Haley her full attention now, curious about the dreamy look shining brightly on her face. “Uh…are you okay?”

    “Never better…,” came the blissful response.


    This was…unusual.

    “Oh really?” Emily asked with raised eyebrows and a cracked grin, removing the remaining pins in her mouth and placing them on the nearest nightstand. She plopped herself down on the edge of Haley’s bed and crossed her legs. This she had to hear, she was just too darn curious; for once in her entire lifetime about her younger sister’s affairs.

    Haley’s growing relations with Sam were a mystery to no one. In fact it came up often lately between Emily and Shane during their many conversations together. They noted some miraculous maturity developing within the blonde diva, but Emily didn’t care about that at the moment. “Did you have a nice day with Sam?” she amusingly asked, resting her chin into the palm of her hand.
    “Yeah…We hit up the strip mall to get some Christmas gifts for everyone.”
    “And,” came another blissful sigh, “I watched him jam out on his guitar with some androids outside of the movie theater. He was amazing. He always is…”


    “That’s cool.” Emily grinned. “Anything else you wanna tell me?” she anxiously encouraged, but kept it in check.

    Haley finally stood up straight and stepped toward her sister with bright, twinkling eyes. “I dunno how to explain how I’m feeling right now Emily. Only that…I’ve never felt anything like this before.”


    Her eyes wandered, dreamily, as she delved into her thoughts. “These feelings I have for Sam, they’re so much more than any crush I’ve ever had. They’re…deeper. Like…truly and madly and…have much more meaning. I can’t stop thinking about him, even seconds after we say goodbye. Like right now!” She gestured with her hand. “I try to just go about my business, yet he’s still in my thoughts. My heart like, literally aches being away from him. And all I wanna do is run right back to him and never leave his side because I hate not being around him anymore. I feel like a part of me is missing. And when I’m with him,” she held her clasped hands to her heart, “Oh my gosh, he drives me wild and makes me feel so alive. In a way that I never felt being with Alex and it’s crazy! With Sam it’s different. He makes me happier than I’ve ever been. In all my life. I wanna make him happy too. H*** I'd do anything for him! And the way he makes me want to be a better person, I - I can’t explain it.”

    Emily broadly smiled behind her fingers, her heart swelling with joy for her sister.

    “I’ve just never felt this way before about anyone. Oooh,” she swooned, thinking about Sam again.


    “You know what it sounds like to me?” Emily willingly expressed. “It sounds like you’re in love.”


    Haley’s cheeks turned red. “I was just going to say I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. Eeeeek!” she squealed with a clap, finally admitting it. It felt amazing. Because it was real. “I’m in love!” Her face beamed in declaration.

    In that second, Emily stepped right over to her little sister and enveloped her into a tight hug. The most meaningful hug the two could ever remember giving each other.

    “Oh Haley, that's wonderful!” Emily rejoiced near Haley’s ear, rocking them back and forth. “I’m so incredibly happy!” She released her sister just so she could give her a proud pat on the shoulder. “Welcome to adulthood. And mature feelings.”


    Haley laughed in a shamed demeanor. “Thanks. Somehow I feel like I should be telling you 'thank you…'”
    “No,” Emily kindly opposed, shaking her head. “You did this. You made it happen. I just gave you a little nudge.”
    “That’s what I mean…”
    They exchanged loving smiles.

    Emily could hardly believe the beautiful change in her sister. She could almost hear the hallelujah chorus playing and couldn’t wait to tell Shane all about it.

    “So this is what it means to be in love huh?” Haley playfully asked.
    “Yeah,” Emily confirmed.
    “This is what you’ve always felt for Shane?”
    “Uh, YEAH!”
    “Sorry...,” she chuckled. “Sorry I didn’t understand before…” She lowered her head.
    “That’s okay,” Emily soothed. “You just hadn’t found the right one to help you discover it yet.”
    “So…you think Sam is the right one for me?” she asked, raising her head with a smile.


    “Apparently he is.” She smiled in return. “He too has grown a lot in the past few months, like you have. I guess that’s just what the two of you needed to truly find each other.”
    “This da*mn quest…,” Haley shook her head with a slight titter, “since when did it become the best thing to ever happen to all of us?”
    Emily arched her head at her, impressed by her words. “Very perceptive. That makes me all the more proud of you.” She winked.

    “So hey,” Emily changed the subject with, “I don’t know if I told you this, but I really like your new haircut. It’s cute, and suits you well.”
    “It got me thinking about changing my hairstyle a little bit. It’s been forever.”
    “YEAH it has! No offense,” she grimaced.
    “None taken,” Emily chuckled. “Would you…like to help me find the perfect new look?”
    Haley’s eyes bugged out. It finally happened! “WOULD I!?”
    Emily grinned brightly at the reaction.
    Haley never felt so honored. “Oh girl, I’m gonna give you a style that will not only highlight your best facial features, but also knock Shane’s socks off!”


    “Great! Let’s do it! But…tomorrow,” Emily halted. “It’s time for dinner and…I may turn in early tonight.” She yawned.
    “Okaaay,” Haley playfully pouted. “You spending the night with Shane again?”
    “Actually, no…,” Emily replied with shifting eyes. She would tell Shane why later. “I think I want to have a girl’s night with my baby sister and hear more juicy details about you and Sam.”
    “Well…,” Haley held back with a blush, “nothing’s really happened yet…”
    “Really!?” Emily eye-balled her in shock and disbelief.
    Haley rolled her eyes.
    “Okay…sorry,” Emily corrected. “That’s not a bad thing. You did just get out of a long relationship after all so…we’ll just have a fun sister’s night chatting about anything and everything. With yummy snacks. It’s been a long time. What do you say?”
    “Sounds good.” The blonde smiled.

    Perhaps it would be the beginning of many fun sister’s nights together.


    It was a cold night. Sam tossed and turned for hours trying to sleep. Sebastian never returned home from his dinner date with Abigail. He must’ve decided to sleep over at the ladies house with her again. His absence made the room feel uncomfortably quiet.

    Sam rolled over again and glanced up at the alarm clock. 3:17. “Ugh,” he groaned, turning onto his back, staring at the bunk above him. “I’m never gonna get any sleep at this rate!”

    It wasn’t the absence of his friend, or the dead silence, or even the underperforming heater that was keeping him awake. He was missing Haley. Her touch, her presence, her everything. He was struggling being apart from her overnight now apparently. His heart pined for her. More than usual. Without any forethought, he slipped out of bed and pulled out his phone to give her a call. Maybe, she was struggling to sleep as well, for the same reason, his heart hoped.


    Emily and Haley finished chatting around 3 o’clock when they finally decided it was time to go to sleep. Emily fell asleep instantly, for Haley, it took a little longer. She had just drifted off into dreamland when her phone vibrated on the wooden end table; again and again and again.


    When she finally realized what the annoying sound was, she reached for her phone, saw it was Sam calling, and promptly answered it while stumbling out of bed.

    “Hey you,” she whispered, fluffing her hair for some strange reason. “Why are you calling so late?”

    Sam loved hearing her whispering voice, it created some arousal. “Ohhh I dunno…,” came the sheepish response. “I guess I was feeling lonely…” He smirked, honestly feeling a little nervous saying it; not wanting to come on too strongly. But he just couldn’t contain the way his heart, and soul, was feeling anymore.


    Haley grinned brightly on the other end, brushing some hair behind her ear in a besotted fashion.
    “I miss you…”
    Her heart fluttered.
    “I had a lot of fun with you today.”
    “Me too,” she finally spoke. “I miss you too…”


    Now Sam’s heart fluttered. Wildly. “Sweet!”

    Haley suppressed a giggle. Typical Sam reaction, she thought.

    “Can I come over and see you?” Sam asked with desire.
    “Now?” she shot a glance over at the clock.
    “Why not? I can’t sleep anyway.”
    Haley shook her head with a grin. “I guess I can’t now either…”
    “Alrighty then.” Sam’s heart rejoiced. “You just stay put beautiful, and I’ll be right over.”


    “Okay.” Her cheeks flushed, feeling so enamored. “Guess I better throw on some clothes…,” her random thought came out in voice.
    The man’s eyebrows bounced. “Well that’s entirely up to you…”
    “Oh you! I’m not naked if that’s what you’re thinking?”


    “I wasn’t!” Maybe…


    They laughed.

    “See you soon,” Sam amorously concluded.
    “I can’t wait,” Haley’s heart voiced for her.


    Oh how much Sam wanted to say “I love you” right then and there, but not yet. He had a plan. One he’d been planning for a little while now.

    It was the perfect time. The time.

    He hung up the phone and with a nervous, yet excited sigh, he thought, Here it goes…



    To be continued...

    Stay tuned. :smiley:<3
    Post edited by emorrill on
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    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    emorrill wrote: »

    “Never better…,” came the blissful response.



    Stay tuned. :smiley:<3

    Ok, that's a great shot of Abigail here, and two beautiful shots of Haley as well. :D

    Leave it to the Wizard to be as mysterious and aloof as usual. :#

    Just what are these two lovebirds going to do in the middle of the night!??!?! :o
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    meerkattimemeerkattime Posts: 262 Member

    I love Abigail's shirt. Very pretty :blush: .
    Very understandable that Leah worries about the baby's future when they return back home. I would too. Not a bad idea to try to let the wizard know.
    Love the picture of Abigail meditating inside the circle of candles.
    Hmm, the wizard's response wasn't very informative :s , but at least there was a response.
    I like it how Abigail is trying to reassure Leah anyway.
    Haley seems to have found her match in Sam indeed.
    I'm glad to see the sisters getting closer to each other <3 .
    Hehe, Sam and Haley are quite cute on the phone. I wonder what the romantic plan is that he has in his mind :smirk: .

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