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    WhatCobblersWhatCobblers Posts: 2,769 Member
    edited August 2021
    Two come to my mind which are 'Why do you want this job?' and 'What do you think you can bring to the role?' Whenever interviewers ask me this I think: I spend all those hours drafting CVs, portfolios and letters, all of which provide detailed answers to both of those questions, yet you still ask me anyway! What was the point of me putting in all that work (which you, the employers, requested from me to even get an interview in the first place) if you're not even going to bother to read it?!

    I won't go into how unjustly biased interviews seem to be towards people who can put on the best bovine-pooping show rather than those who actually work hard and would actually have the better skills for the job if given a chance to demonstrate it instead of being forced to try and present this in ways that their brains are not naturally wired to do so and thus being set up to fail.

    I also won't go into how it would be much, much fairer for employers to judge people based on setting work trial exercises to allow people to demonstrate their skills using the methods that suit those individuals the best so they can have the chance to show their full potential, instead of people having their employability determined by how they look and sound in a first conversation.


    If you could set up your own business, any type of business venture, what would it be?
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    Tough question. because every time I think of something, I realize my allergies are a barrier to anything dealing with the public in an enclosed space, or food. That removes a lot.

    Because I tailor my own vintage shirts now, that might be a thing I could do, but...there aren't any tailors around where I live for a reason: most people can't afford it, and also don't need it. And it's demanding finicky work. Almost anything else would be an easier way to make a buck. I only do it for myself because I'm finicky about fit and love the fine details and workmanship of vintage garments, plus despise fast fashion as a global scourge. But it's time-consuming, wearying work indeed, and no local market for it.

    I'd love to do something that helps people who aren't getting helped already, but it has to be something effective, necessary, and desired by the recipient, and that's a tricky set of conditions.

    If you could make a difference for the better in society by any means you chose, what would it be?
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    WhatCobblersWhatCobblers Posts: 2,769 Member
    edited August 2021
    I'd choose to bring more joy and laughter to the world.

    What inspired me to get into writing and art was the amount of writers and artists who use their creativity to encourage positive change, such as compassion and open-mindedness. I know this (unfortunately) won't change absolutely everything or everyone for the better but it's still very inspiring that people are creating things for this reason. It would be my dream to be able to contribute to all of this inspiration.

    That's a great question so same again!
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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,707 Member
    Give people hope and positivity to their lives and tell them that the only way out is through.

    What's a movie or show you've watched that changed your life/perspective towards something?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    Justa_G00fJusta_G00f Posts: 1,075 Member
    The Abyss. It made me realize humans need to change it's barbaric ways and that we might be under scrutiny as we evolve. (by God, aliens, Muppets, whoever)

    If you could travel back 500 years into the past, what advice would you give the people of that era?
    How your Sims builds show your meds' effectiveness

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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,707 Member
    edited September 2021
    Dude, I don't know, man, I suck at history. XD

    If you were a food, what would you be and why?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    Justa_G00fJusta_G00f Posts: 1,075 Member
    I'd be Jello because, at my age, I got a little jiggle going on here.
    Justa_G00f wrote: »
    If you could travel back 500 years into the past, what advice would you give the people of that era?
    DeKay wrote: »
    Dude, I don't know, man, I suck at history. XD

    I'd tell them to buy VHS, not Beta. 🤣

    What one question would you ask an alien, if given a chance?
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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,707 Member
    Justa_G00f wrote: »
    I'd be Jello because, at my age, I got a little jiggle going on here.
    Justa_G00f wrote: »
    If you could travel back 500 years into the past, what advice would you give the people of that era?
    DeKay wrote: »
    Dude, I don't know, man, I suck at history. XD

    I'd tell them to buy VHS, not Beta. 🤣

    What one question would you ask an alien, if given a chance?

    Hahaha, they would not know what VHS is. LOL.
    "Hi, what do you think of humans so far?"

    Do you have any pets?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    Do humans count?

    Who else here plays Sims2 now?
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,707 Member
    Not me. I don't play video games anymore. :(

    Can you play the piano?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    Justa_G00fJusta_G00f Posts: 1,075 Member
    I can teach myself a song part in the correct key and slowly show a pro how it's played but, never would I play publicly!

    What style of dance are you the best at, if any?
    How your Sims builds show your meds' effectiveness

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    AlpineCuriosityAlpineCuriosity Posts: 2,521 Member
    Contemporary dance (preferably on ice… ^^’)

    If you could only wear one scent/perfume/cologne for the rest of your life - which one would you choose and why?
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    ArkaneArkane Posts: 20,243 Member
    This one. It was a gift, and it has been my fav of the ones I have received before. The scent is awesome.


    What is a "never again" situation that you have dealt with?
    Potential Is Everything

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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,707 Member
    Too many to remember. XD

    Are you allergic to dust?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    I don't know if I'm allergic per say, but I do sneeze and my nose gets itchy.

    Cheesecake. Yay or nay?
    ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    Yay for sure.

    About dust allergy, I have that too and it's not the dust itself, it's the feces of the dust mites that people are allergic to.

    Do you wear any jewelry?
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    Justa_G00fJusta_G00f Posts: 1,075 Member
    No. I had a gold diamond-cut chain and left ear stud when I was in my late teens but stopped wearing them after a few years.

    Would you gobble at turkeys to make them gobble back? (You know I have!)🦃
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    KingOfEyeballsKingOfEyeballs Posts: 50 Member
    Totally. I do that to almost any animal, I had little "conversations" with a goat in our neighborhood who was quite noisy just before summer hit a few years back. I much enjoyed "baa"ing back, lol. He seemed lonely.

    Do you have any senses/body parts that don't function to the ideal? Such as glasses, odd genetics, flat feet, etc. (Hope that's not a weird question, lol.)
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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,707 Member
    Yeah, my eyes are poop so I have to wear glasses. XD

    Are you near sighted?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    No. Had hawklike distance vision all my life, but now I'm developing age-related need for reading glasses: focusing up close is getting harder and harder.
    Totally. I do that to almost any animal, I had little "conversations" with a goat in our neighborhood who was quite noisy just before summer hit a few years back. I much enjoyed "baa"ing back, lol. He seemed lonely.

    Do you have any senses/body parts that don't function to the ideal? Such as glasses, odd genetics, flat feet, etc. (Hope that's not a weird question, lol.)

    Well, I'm red/green color impaired. Didn't know it as a kid because I could tell basic bright shades of red and green apart, it's just the subtler ones. One of my favorite chocolate-brown buttonup shirts (brown goes well with ginger hair) is, according to my normal-color-vision hubs, actually a shade of Olive Drab green. Which was a shock because I can see ordinary shades of O.D. Similarly, a mushroom-colored jacket turned out to be a shade of green I can't see, and some oranges/greys are, according to other people, pale pinks.

    Also have "flat" feet (flexible arches) but learned in martial arts to strengthen my arches with toe-gripping exercises and a certain active-toes stance that spreads the toes and makes a huge difference in base, and now don't have problems due to that, though my arches remain flexible.

    Interesting question so I'll recycle it! Does anyone else have any such genetic features different from most common?
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,707 Member
    edited September 2021
    I have dimples. LOL. But neither of my parents have it so I don't know where they come from. 🤣😂🤣😂 My hair color is also different from my parents... Maybe I was really switched at birth... 🤔

    Fav restaurant?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    Taco Bell ;)

    If you woke up in a different timeline, would you prefer the Wild West or the Victorian times?
    ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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    KingOfEyeballsKingOfEyeballs Posts: 50 Member
    Although the two technically occurred at the same time, I'd go for Victorian, I love the elegant and steampunk beauty of it all. I'm a big fan of that time period and the fashions and such. Like, I'm the person who shows up to formal events in poet shirts with the flowy sleeves and it's not all that out of character for me. Wild West is a bit too scary and aggressive for me, tbh. Plus the misogyny was a lot more aggressive there and more passive in Victorian, in terms of aggression at least.

    What's your favorite artistic tools? Like pens, markers, crayons, charcoal, colored or uncolored pencils, etc.
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    S_EmpressS_Empress Posts: 169 Member
    I prefer colored pencils. They aren't waxy like crayons and don't really smudge like markers.

    If you could only see in one color for the rest of your life, which color would it be?
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