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    HoveraelHoverael Posts: 1,230 Member
    In compete contrast of the previous tone in the Matthews family. Two good bits of news:

    Karen has aged up into a teenager now!

    It has finally happened; The marriage between Wesley and Brandy is on.

    The knot has been tied.

    You may kiss the bride, and boy Wesley did!
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 972 Member

    These are all custom characters! Years ago I became a big fan of a show called Little Mosque on the Prairie, about a Muslim community that rented space in a church in a little prairie town in Canada. (There are clips of it on Youtube, if you're curious...imagine a Muslim version of Vicar of Dibley, basically..) That led me to me -- over the years -- watching more media about the middle east, or with Arab, Persian, or Indian/Pakistani characters. Whenever I encounter names I really like, I memorize them (Rayyan is from Little Mosque, as is Amaar and Rashid; Khalil is just from Khalil Gibran; Nasira and Samira are both from movies I've seen.)

    The friend of the world aspiration is REALLY easy if you have the Parenthood pack, and your Sim starts their YA life with the Polite aspiration from having high manners. Otherwise, it can be a bit of a slog.
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited August 2019

    Oh wow! I've just read about your (Almost) naked and afraid challenge 😂

    Boy, that's going to be something!!

    One question

    How are you going to stop him from using the public bathroom? My Sims sometimes ignore me when I tell them to do something counter to their own health concerns 🤔😅

    Ok, I've read the first day, yikes. I'm not sure about this.

    A couple of questions...

    Is that real? You can tend a fire, add wood and keep it going?

    I only have bonfires, and they are super easy to keep going.

    2. Can Nalani catch fish for other people to eat? That seems odd. She'd still be hurting a fish friend 🤔

    Okay I've gotten through day two of their trial. For a while I thought things were going better, but then I'm not so sure LOL.

    If she found coconuts why didn't they eat them?

    Oh my, I've just read about day 3. I don't know when these two are going to get a break. I knew it was good news that they'd gotten a tent. Poison from a spider and attacked by bees is not great though.

    I have discovered that the best and easiest way to fix a Sim who is sad, and needs to socialize, is a wee bit of woohoo. It works wonders for every Sim 😅 Get those two to stop being so mad at each other lol


    Oh my gosh! I think @Jase just mentioned his Sim's hair coming from the backyard pack too! Now that I think about it, they are probably the same haircut 😊 I'm sure that the skin overlay and eyelashes are a big part of why your Lucas is adorable too though.

    Oh well, at least I can buy Backyard Stuff

    What's the odds that it's on sale 😅

    Ok, I've come to an update.

    Oh my God
    Awesome pictures of your Sulani family 😅😂

    Adam is amazing 😍 It looks like he's a great fire dancer. The pictures of him are the best, but your line about the spirits threatening him with hair loss and his resulting expression is priceless.

    And whooooweeee, has Evie noticed how the mailman looks at her? 😮😁

    How many kids do they have?

    @DemonPoster I've just seen your questions, but I'll bet others have answered already 😊 I'll keep an eye out to see if you've been helped. People in this thread are usually very helpful.

    Ah ha! I see @Morkovka answered part already. Cool, I didn't know that thread existed, I definitely have that bug as well. Judging from comments here, there isn't anyone who doesn't have it 🤔

    Oh my @Tixyen !! I've come to another update!
    must read!

    H o l y S h - t!

    I can't believe that that happened! Oh my gosh! I absolutely can't believe how these games can go when you have it set where people can easily die.

    I don't know what setting that is, but clearly I don't have it. I think I've had three people die in my game the whole time I've played it, but I always exit without saving (even if they're not important) because I just don't want to deal with it LOL.

    What I find so amazing about your update though, is the actual reactions of all of the people that were so important 2 Reed and Nadia's lives. Unless you have some sort of magical potion to make all these people react like this, it has to be real.

    Everybody is so upset and holy man, I can't believe that Dec and Aubrey have been hiding for this long! Have they not seen a newspaper or gone online? What a horrible horrible mess 😳🥺😔

    And I thought that Hazel had it rough before 🙄


    Congratulations to Chris and Mindy. Since I don't have MCCC most of what is said about it makes me laugh. Is it actually the mod/program that is planning to name the baby Flynn? Or did you put the name in there so that the game will use it when the baby is born?


    LMAO, I couldn't figure out why Bob and Marie and the kids were taking so many vacations, until I saw were you posted that it was the last day of summer. So of course, they were trying to get in all their fun before school started again. It does look like they had a lot of fun and it's very nice to see. No more fighting or making the little girl be a bear LOL everybody is happy. I really had to laugh at Marie's last night. I would go with the girls, wow she really lived it up didn't she? My goodness Marie are you running around a lounge naked? Are you going up and down an elevator naked? What a gal! Who's in the pool skinny dipping with her? My eyes are not great and I can't tell.

    I think that Eliza's footwear for fishing is just perfect LOL. Can I say that I still do not know for sure what she is trying to do, but I still have my suspicions. Did Linnea go away because both of the kids are kids now?

    And yes! I absolutely love that steamboat! I have tried so many times to have my Sims catch a good picture of it or paint a great painting of it. I've gotten some decent ones but nothing that I'm super impressed over


    Goodness, I feel like I must have missed a couple of things. Although, I do not have the vampire pack and know very little about Forgotten Hollow, so I usually don't know anything about it LOL.

    Example, I do not know if the death-dealers is something that you made or if it is something from the game. Same with someone named Nigel 🤔

    Oh, but I must say, I had no idea that the aliens in this game had ghosts. That is the funniest thing ever 😅😂😄


    I haven't made it through the thread yet so I don't know where you took the residence of your retirement village on vacation. I'm just going to put it here that I would have voted for Granite Falls, because I've never seen anyone come home from Granite Falls as a skeleton, and that seems to happen in Salvadora. LOL


    I'm not sure if anybody has answered your question about a Sim who walks into your house and refuses to leave. I don't know if it's a glitch either, maybe it's something special in Sulani? But I've never experienced a time where a Sim did not leave after I used the "ask to leave" interaction.


    Wow! I love this update. Griffin Morecombe is quite a character, and quite good-looking as well.

    I am kind of hoping that Bella is not with Mortimer in your game? Considering that she and Griffin ended up in bed within 10 minutes LOL! And I agree with you, she seems much more like a actress than a secret agent. Somehow I don't see her as being someone who is unnoticed in a crowd LOL

    It's fun to see Griffin trying to be a good dad. I mean, he seems to be doing a great job at being a good dad, but he has a rather topsy turvy life so it must be challenging.

    I'm interested to see if Lisette comes out a mermaid or a vampire. I imagine that Maxis had to figure out how that would work, because certainly it was going to happen.

    Anyway, it all looks very cute, and the story about the new nanny being the granddaughter of the Grim reaper is so funny. "Bestest Grandpa ever" and "Bestest Little boo ever" 😂 I'm dying 😅


    Nice to see that nor is still having a good time in your new save. He certainly does look like a natural at bowling, what form 🥰

    I'd forgotten that you can summon the sad clown. I haven't done it in Sims 4 but I used to do it in Sims 2, it's pretty funny that he made Dela fall asleep.

    I love him fanboying over Christian Harp, that's a great screenshot.

    And hey!! There she is after all, Kat Jenkins! cool

    Okay finished with page 390 now LOL only four more to go.
    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    edited August 2019
    @AlwaysAsking ahah it did well in the end, they improved their relationship (friendly) once they got the tent... now I have Uku in the jungle. I'm playing the challenge with autonomy off... if their needs go down and they try to run off and do something they shouldn't I reset them. The campfire from OR is a bit harder to keep going, if it rains it turns off and after that, it tend to be too wet to be turned on for a while.
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited September 2022
    The Continuing Saga of Flirt Your Way Through Strangerville - Part 7 – We have To save Raj!

    Index to other chapters

    This spoiler is the end of Part 6:
    Malcolm was incredulous. “Raj? Your Raj? He’s here, and he’s possessed? Why is he here? Are you sure he’s possessed?” Malcolm asked.


    J was incapable of composure. He was ranting, “He’s here because he missed me! This was taking too long! I told you I needed to go home to him! What if you can’t fix this Malcolm? I can’t lose Raj! You have to fix this!!”


    Malcolm didn’t even answer, he just ran for the door. He was going to find a scientist and force them to come to the lab with him. He was going to fix this for J. This was his mission, and he’d failed. He couldn’t let J lose Raj. What if this happened to Peony?! The thought terrified him, and he ran faster.


    Penny and Don had sedated Raj, and he was asleep on a bench. They told J to wait there with him, and they ran off to get answers too. Both of them thinking… what if it was Summer or Sonny? What if it was Thorne or Emmeline?

    J sat there shaking, waiting for them to come back with good news. There had to be good news….


    Part 7 begins:

    Unfortunately, Malcolm came back very quickly. “J, I’m so sorry! There aren’t any more scientists around. They must all go home by dinnertime or something. I can’t find a single one!”


    “Then what are you going to do Malcolm?” J asked him. “There has to be a way to find one! Someone must know!”


    “For now I know a place we can take Raj,” Malcolm said. “It’s safe, and hidden, and right here in the library. We’ll keep him sedated until we have the vaccine. All we can do tonight is work on officers. We need to know what Spore clusters are, and they have the scanners that can find them. Without them I can’t do anything.”


    They got Raj down into the basement of the library, and J sat down to watch over him. “I’m not leaving him here alone Malcolm,” J said. “You’ll have to do without me for the night.”


    Malcolm didn’t argue, he just ran off to see what Penny and Don were up too.

    He saw that Penny had discovered that the librarian was still in the library upstairs. They had discussed asking him about spore clusters, and methodology, and ways to access information about them through the library’s computer system. They’d been locked out of a lot of promising sites, but figured he could get them in.


    He also saw that Penny wasn’t getting anywhere with the librarian.

    Oh God, he thought to himself. Does this mean I have to try again? J won’t leave Raj. Don can’t do it (Don had tried flirting with a man, it hadn’t worked out… at all). But clearly, Penny wasn’t getting anywhere, and didn’t look likely too.

    He decided not to try. “It was a long shot anyway,” he said to Penny. “Can you run down to the bar and see how Don is doing?”


    Penny saw that Don had encountered a fairly accommodating officer, and was busy talking to her. She also saw another officer sitting at the bar, looking like he’d like a bit of fun, but she knew from talking to other people that he wasn’t going to respond to her.


    She decided to pay J a visit. “J,” she said, “I’m sorry this happened to Raj, I truly am. Don’t you think I’m frightened it will happen to Emmaline, or Thorne? That’s why I’m here, that’s why I’ve been putting 110% of myself into this job. We need to stop it, end it now. How much effort are you putting in? You were afraid you’d lose Raj if you did what was necessary. Well, now you’re in danger of permanently losing him, because you didn’t do what was necessary.”


    “It’s difficult Penny. I thought I saw him flirting one day, I couldn’t take it. It was horrible,” J said. “I can’t do it to him, I’ve been trying, it’s just so hard.”


    Penny sat down in his chair and said, “J, there’s an officer in the bar right now that needs your attention. Don cannot flirt with a man, he’s bad at it. And Malcolm can’t flirt at all. And I know he won’t be interested in me. This is Your job J. Only you can do it. Do you want to save Raj? Then go find out if that officer will give you Spore Cluster scanners, and tell you how to use them. I’m perfectly capable of keeping Raj sedated. Make your choice.”


    J made his choice….


    And Penny watched over Raj.


    Penny was definitely right about the officer in the bar. He was very captivated by J.


    Spoiler to save room:

    J was smooth, “How’d you like to live out a little fantasy of mine?” J asked him. “I’ll be the spy, and you’ll be the beautiful officer who falls for my charms, and helps me as a favor.”


    “This sounds very fun,” the officer said. “But…. umm, how do I put this? How do I know how far your ‘charms’ go.”


    He continued, “and will it be worth the help that you need?”


    J couldn’t help but be impressed, this man didn’t beat around the bush. No wonder he was an officer. “It’ll be worth it,” J answered. “If you’re going to give me the help I need.”

    The officer nodded in agreement.


    And he promptly blushed bright red, after J jumped up and said, “Ok, come on, your place or mine?”

    “Right .. right now?” the officer asked him.

    “Yes, yes, for sure,” J answered. “No time like the present!” J had no time to waste, none, and the two of them quickly left together.


    In the meantime, Don had gotten the officer he was with to come outside for a bit of privacy.


    But when he finally got around to telling her what kind of help he needed, she cut him short. “I have no access or information on those topics,” she said. “So if that’s what you’re looking for, I’m not going to mislead you.”

    Don thanked her for her honesty, and said he needed to get going, “Nothing personal,” he said. “If I wasn’t in such a rush, we could’ve had some fun together.”


    A while later J ran into Don and Malcolm outside the library. “I’ve got something,” J said. “Good ole’ Officer So and So is going to put scanners by the sign for me. But he doesn’t know a thing about how they work, or what we’d be looking for. He just knows where to nab them from.” J rolled his eyes in apparent disgust.

    “It’s much better than nothing,” Malcolm said. “I’m sorry J, but we might have to wait until morning, and get some scientists again. That Professor Blake agreed to talk to me, and you still need to find Dr. Grayson. That sounded like a very promising lead.”


    J recognized that Malcolm was right, so he went back to Raj, and watched him all night.


    It was heartbreaking to be so near to him, but not able to hold him, and tell him that he loved him. Because J had now accepted the fact that he loved Raj, and he was not frightened or nervous at the thought of spending his life with Raj. He was frightened and nervous that he wouldn’t be able too!


    In the morning Penny came down to be with Raj again, quite worried because J hadn’t slept all night. J shrugged it off, “There’s no way I could’ve fallen asleep, I’ll be fine.”


    Penny said, “I’m sorry, but it has to be you out there today, at least until you get Malcolm together with Professor Blake, and you’ve located Dr. Grayson.”


    So, J left again. He was dreading what he knew he had to do. But, obviously, he was now willing to do it. He’d do anything for Raj, he just hoped Raj would forgive him for it.


    The first thing J did was retrieve the scanners from the secret spot near the sign. Then he quickly found Professor Blake, and took him to talk to Malcolm. Malcolm needed information asap, so that he could tell the others what to ask about, and ask for.


    J needed to keep up the illusion, so a thank you kiss was in order,


    That made Professor Blake very happy and chatty. He told Malcolm everything that he knew, and it was a lot.


    J ran off to look for Dr. Grayson again. He’d been described as a tall, thin, African-American man, who wore glasses, and no lab coat. He hadn’t been able to find him anywhere, and he was feeling great despair.


    Professor Blake had given Malcolm so much information that he was overwhelmed. He went down to talk to Penny, and she helped him sort it out into assignments for everyone else.


    They received a group text message from Malcolm


    Then Malcolm took a turn at Raj-sitting so that Penny could go back out and work some magic.


    Finally! After 2 days of looking, J had spotted someone who fit the description. “Good day Sir,” J said. “Would you happen to be Dr. William Grayson?”

    “I might be,” the man answered. “Who are you, and why do you want to know?”


    The man had been direct, and to the point. J decided that maybe the straightforward route would work best, and that his good looks could do the flirting for him. J replied, “I’ve heard that you might have detailed information about creating a vaccine for the people here who are acting strangely, as if they are possessed. Is that true? Someone very dear to me has become possessed.”


    J continued, “and there’s very little that I wouldn’t do to help him…” His meaning was quite clear.


    Dr. Grayson looked him up and down, and evidently he liked what he saw, because he turned and said, “Follow me, I believe we can mutually benefit each other a great deal.

    J smiled, and thought about Raj.


    Don texted Malcolm back separately, and asked if he could just try to find out about spore clusters. Don had no idea what Malcolm’s text had meant, and if the scientists had answered him, he wouldn’t have been able to deliver the information to Malcolm in any case. Malcolm told him that was fine. Which was good, because Don was already in deep with his latest target.


    He’d already had luck flirting with her when they first arrived. She’d been forthcoming with basic information. But this Spore Cluster inquiry was really causing trouble. No one would talk about it.


    Don only knew of one way to get secrets out of women. Luckily, he was very good at it.


    She told him everything he needed to know (thank goodness it wasn’t much to remember). He let her know how grateful he was, before he hurried off to ask Malcolm what else to find out.


    The day wore on. J, Penny, and Malcolm took turns watching Raj. No one asked Don to take a turn, they knew it would make him uncomfortable. They all had luck in one way or another. J wasn’t proud of it, but he told Don and Penny that Dr. Grayson had answered his question. They knew what that meant, but there was no judging among this group. The others were appreciative that J was finally on board.


    Penny had an innocent scientist falling all over himself in hopes of helping her.


    She took him to Malcolm, and he was happy to tell Malcolm his opinions about which way was the best to make the vaccine.


    Don introduced Malcolm to his giggly friend from the day before, Dr. Farley.


    She too was happy to give Malcolm her opinion on the best way to concoct the vaccine.


    J, quite easily, wrapped himself around a Professor named Leo. But Malcolm texted J to come back quickly, and J had to tell Leo that he had to go.

    “Will I see you again?” Leo asked him. “I’d really love to see you again.”


    J had no idea what Malcolm wanted, so he wasn’t sure what to tell Leo. “I’ll try to meet you back here at dusk, ok?” J said. “Just check to see if I’m here. We can talk … or do anything you want to do, ok?” Leo was very relieved to hear that.


    Malcolm just wanted J to stay with Raj again, so he, Penny, and Don could go try out the Spore Cluster scanners. “The scientists have disappeared again for the evening, so I’d like to check if the instructions Don received are correct. There’s nothing more we can do here tonight” he said.

    J told Malcolm that if they were back by dusk, he would have an opportunity to learn more. Malcolm said they’d hurry.


    The others went back to the lab to try out the scanners.


    And were pleased to discover that they worked just great! One more problem solved!


    Up next:

    Poor sad Professor Leo


    Hours and hours of working on a vaccine


    What's up with the Conspiracy Theorists ?


    Continued here:
    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    edited August 2019
    @Lquinn I would totally love to see Vlad in bunny suit! That would be hilarious

    @Morkovka I loved your tale Seduction by the Sea! That was cute. Oh boy Judith is such a drama queen lol. Her facial expressions are priceless. I like Captain Lector. He'll make a great merman. I think he and Captain Eddie would get along perfectly. And the gnome at the end!! I found the "sandpals" in the Holiday Section in Build Mode. I thought it was perfect for Winterfest in Sulani! Harry does have quite the mulit-occult family, and he thinks Eddie is weird. They are ton of fun to play! I think thats why:)

    @DoloresGrey That sounds like quite the harvestfest. Fires and holidays never mix. Reminds me of a real life kitchen fire we had one Christmas lol! Dad is not allowed near the stove anymore. Poor Bob

    @Steamvarius Aunt Wendy is adorable!

    @SiliClone Caleb and Cass looks so cute as a pirate and fairy!! I'm looking forward to watching Uku's adventure in Selvadorada! It sounds like a fun challenge!

    @BlueSeaWaves Thank you about Maribelle! She's one of my fave sims. I always put her in my saves. I saw the sandpals under the Holiday decoration in build mode. I thought that's perfect for the holidays in Sulani!! That's a lot of birthdays! You have some very handsome sims:)

    @Hoverael I am glad they had a nice wedding and good news after so much tragedy in the family!

    @AlwaysAsking Its good to see you back!! I love following your story on the quest to save Raj! The Strangerville Mystery is fun but its a LOT of work!! Sounds like you have a crack team working the case.

    Bella is still with Mortimer in my game, I think that's why she has been reluctant with pursuing a relationship with Griffin. She can be very flirtatious. Griffin is a great dad! I never have to prompt him to clean, do laundry, or parent children. He tucks them into bed, helps with homework etc. He does have a bit of a topsy turvy love life. It just got more complicated in this next post too!!

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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    Ok so a few surprising things have happened in my game, especially for Griffin!!

    Its Harry and Maribelle's last days in Sulani with Harry's brother Captain Eddie
    Harry (a famous author) writes two historical adventure/mystery novels: Shipwrecked! and Something Smells Fishy in Sulani

    Maribelle paints the waterfall and enjoys swimming in the ocean. She found her Azure Dolphin too!

    Eddie fishing (as usual :)

    Still looking for the key to the treasure chest hidden in the walls of his home

    A dolphin swam by to check Eddie out, but he didn't notice

    So I switched over to Griffin in Windenberg after playing Eddie's household. Griffin is Captain Eddie's nephew and Harry's oldest son.

    Bella decided to come over at the crack of dawn (like 6 am) and greeted Griffin
    They started off having a nice conversation but it got awkward again. She keeps rejecting any romantic interactions on his part but is very flirtatious towards him. He's a romantic sim and gets down if he doesn't have a significant other to order him around. He needs someone who is consistent however. Griffin decided it was time to cool their relationship. They are still good friends.

    He was feeling a bit down. He sent Lisette over for a sleep over with her half-brothers at the Munch house. She had been pestering him to go all week. It was still early on Saturday weekend and the Romance festival was happening, so he took the high speed train to San Myshuno to check it out. The romance guru did not have good news about his romantic future
    Not much luck anyway, everyone there was married! Judith Ward showed up as always lol!
    Griffin headed back to Windenberg and hit up Narwhal Arms Night Club in the old district. It had been AGES since he went dancing.

    There were a few ladies there he was interested in. One in particular (Agnes MacMuruch)
    I posted about her a while ago. She's a lieutenant in the police force and has one son, Skyler (single mom) and lives with her father Neil in their small ancestral home on Windenberg Island. She moved back from San Myshuno after a work injury she had received over a year ago. She's back from leave. Skyler has developed an attitude problem as well so Grandpa Neil will be helping her out with him. Neil's fishing business has been slipping so her extra income will definitely be welcome
    Griffin and Agnes really hit it off
    Exchanging numbers (I'll let the pics speak for themselves)

    They decide to start dating casually

    Griffin gets a call from his youngest half-brother Vincent Fontenot. Vincent is not a vampire. He is a lieutenant colonel (I think, I can't remember at the moment) in the military and owns a pokey little house in Strangerville. He is single with no kids. Vinny has noticed some WEIRD stuff happening around town and thinks his scientist brother might be able to help. Besides, Griffin always spent a couple weeks with his kid brother after the holidays.
    Oh yeah, Vinny is an alien. Eclectic family but they make it work!
    Griffin comes to stay for a few weeks while Lisette goes home to spend some time with Grandpa Harry. Vinny tells Griffin about some of the stuff he's seen around town. Griffin isn't convinced
    Long story short. Vinny and Griffin catch up. Vinny convinces Griffin to go on a blind date with a friend. Nothing serious, just to get him out of the house for a while.
    His date
    Things were going well. No sparks were flying, which was ok because he had been thinking a lot about Agnes. Just an enjoyable evening out
    Midnight rolls around she suddenly got up

    I had to recreate this scene. This happened to me awhile ago and I found it hilarious!!!! I have a dating app mod where they can go on blind dates (its a family friendly mod too). I sent Griffin on a blind date, when he's set up with this lady. Midnight rolls around and she starts twitching. I was cracking up!

    "Vinny you would not believe what happened! I believe you now!" So begins Griffin's Strangerville Adventure!!

    Meanwhile Agnes spends time with her dad Neil, son Skyler, and puppers Bandido

    Busy day at work

    Talking with her good friend and boss Chief Sam Vimes

    I noticed she started feeling sick!!!!

    So we took a pregnancy test (I have MCC risky woohoo set to 5%)

    UH OH! Looks like the odds were in our favor!!
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited August 2019
    Well I decided I should probably respond to the responses I'm getting already LOL.


    your stories are very like a fairytale so I figured that might be what you're thinking is. And even if you are using MCCC for the needs cheat, it did make me think of how I can solve my problem with potty training LOL so that was super great that you used those terms. And I guess if you have plenty of money to spare, you might as well spread it around right? 😂


    I very much like your thoughts about the worlds and about the age ranges. They do make a lot of sense. 🤔

    My biggest problem, 😂 is that in my main story about Ian and Lawrence, something happens in the bar in Brindleton Bay, but I need it to be close to Oasis Springs, and I haven't been able to resolve that problem LMAO.

    I think that if people are going to read my stories about Ian and Lawrence, they are just going to have to pretend that the bar from Brindleton Bay is right on the edge of town in Oasis Springs, there's nothing else I can do 😅

    So your whole plan works perfect for me as long as we can just transport that one bar.

    I hadn't known about the way to take screenshots by using the tab key until very recently, and now that I know how to pan the camera all over, I've discovered that there are mountains in the distance in several of the worlds, and a city skyline is present in the background of some of the other worlds. So your thoughts are probably very appropriate.

    As for your aging guidelines, what would happen if you did not use the youth potions correctly? Would a young adult have to stay a young adult despite it being time to become an adult, because their parents had not yet become an elder?

    See, you think that you overthink things! 😂 My other issue being that I can't do math, and if I wanted to figure out how many years young adults are young adults, and adults are adults, I would have to pull out a calculator and that's embarrassing 😅

    But I think that in my one save where aging is on, it looked to me as if the adult bar was longer than the young adult bar, which makes no sense because where would I have seen them together? 🤔 😄


    That's very cool that you like the culture of the Middle East!

    That show sounds very interesting, I can see how it would spark an interest.

    So.. that family is your Sim dynasty, basically? And they all have very beautiful Middle Eastern names. 🥰

    I'm always afraid that I am going to pronounce them, or spell them, wrong. So I stick to boring names most of the time. My spelling is truly atrocious. Sometimes I spell so bad that the spell check programs can't even figure out what word I'm trying to spell 😅

    And thank you very much for the tip about the friend of the world aspiration. I play with aging off almost all the time, so I don't know how close the teens in my game are to having the high manners bar full. But because I just went through it with Malcolm Landgraab, (to try to overcome his evil trait) I do know how to do it! And it is really easy for him to make friends, so I can see exactly what you mean!


    I'm glad that they improved their relationship with the tent 😅 they were certainly having a hard time as far as I had seen. But you have Uku in the jungle now so apparently they must have lived through it 😄

    I don't have Seasons, so I don't have rain 😂

    Seriously, I think the only reason that I would really like to have Seasons would be for the swing set. Otherwise it causes nothing but problems.


    Thank you very much, I'm having fun with this run of the Strangerville mystery. It's the second time I've done it, so it's not nearly as bad, because I sort of remember what I'm doing 😅 I am trying to make it not be exactly like the real game, because I know there are people who still haven't done it.

    And ok, I am definitely going to read your update and see what's up with Bella, Mortimer, and Griffin! Don't we just all love more complications? 😂

    I'm glad to hear that Griffin is a great dad!🥰

    @Jase yes it sounds as though the mystery of the unclothed edition of your Marine Brothers has been solved because I don't have Island living or Seasons 😄

    Any tips on how to dress them? Does Crimson wear a lot of red and Azure wear a lot of blue? I don't think they can walk around in swimming suits when they're not living in Sulani.😊


    Wow, those are some amazing denial skills that Alexander possesses 😅😂

    He was already erratic at that point? Right?


    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Adam and Evie have two children, Tamaris and Maya. Both are little mermaids, that's why I had to replace them because of broken genetics :/

    I love the Saga, it turned into a full-scale thriller by now! :open_mouth:
    And that moment where Penny tells J about not doing what was necessary - it's strong!
    Glad J's talents didn't go to waste and he got what he was promised twice.
    Also love the picture of Penny "holstering" her finger guns after she got the scientist :D

    And if I may intrude your discussion about age etc.
    The thing is, I just ignore the timeline :D
    I play rotationally and with aging off and I don't try to somehow align the families into one timeline: kids in one family may grow into adults, while toddlers are still todlers in another household.
    It's the way I don't feel pressure and I certainly don't want any pressure while playing Sims :D
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    Dust_Bunny2010Dust_Bunny2010 Posts: 163 Member
    Townies are either very suicidal or lack common sense. It's winter, Pak Ree jumped into the pool until he (at least I think it's a "he" but you can never tell with that household unless there are telltale signs) turned blue, then climbed out ready to go in after changing to his coat, then turned around and jumped back in the pool, and I was getting ready to save but I can't since a Sim is getting ready to die.
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    Dust_Bunny2010Dust_Bunny2010 Posts: 163 Member
    Apparently> @Dust_Bunny2010 said:
    > Townies are either very suicidal or lack common sense. It's winter, Pak Ree jumped into the pool until he (at least I think it's a "he" but you can never tell with that household unless there are telltale signs) turned blue, then climbed out ready to go in after changing to his coat, then turned around and jumped back in the pool, and I was getting ready to save but I can't since a Sim is getting ready to die.

    I was wrong, apparently it's Penny Pizzazz who died in the pool, but Pak's certainly not very far least my sim gets to meet Grim.
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited August 2019
    OK I have to post this now despite the fact I’m not done with this page (391) because my iPad is about to die LOL


    I think that’s so cute that you age Geeta down!

    I never thought of doing that. Is there someone that she often ends up being with?


    Wolfsbane Manor looks amazing now!

    I do like the gazebo, but I can see where it wouldn't fit in with your decor 😅

    It's so pretty, and old-fashioned, but not dark and dreary. ❤️🥰

    And I love the final room with all of the plants and the potting area, and wreaths arranging etc. I can't remember what you called that, but yours is really beautiful ❤️

    OK I have come to garage and his challenge again. Goodness that reaction to a spider does not look fun. And having all their fish stolen was not good luck.

    And I see that Uku has now shown up!

    Alright, now I’m at the last day of Raj’s challenge. The island looks pristine and gorgeous! And the two of them seem much improved in their moods, lol

    And Geeta's wedding is beautiful! I'm so glad they found each other.


    Lmao, I’d missed your little update about Angelique being pregnant again. So funny, poor Nina, no dog, just another sister 😂

    And hey! That might be nice to take Joaquin over to Noelle’s parents house to look for her. They do have something to discuss 🤔 Does she have a home in your game? Or is she delegated a “not in world “ status.


    OK I can tell that I’m going to love this update already. Stefan’s reaction to share the big news is amazing 🤗

    You aren’t kidding when you say that Stefan was a lot better than Hayley. He’s like a miracle basically. And considering that Edwin Dreamer is such a good looking guy, I think you really lucked out that you ended up with Stefan. I mean, Edwin cried at his own birthday party and apparently had no other friends. 😂 It was definitely a raging event 😅

    I’m glad my mouth was empty when I read your line about poor Stefan having to clean up after a party that he hadn’t planned, for a dude who had a crush on his wife 😂😅🤣 classic Sims drama

    Well my goodness, Bondi did get pretty big didn’t she? Although I can see your point, I was thinking that twins would be a problem, but in your circumstances it would be better to have the kids together quickly.

    The baby twins are so cute. And I’m glad you mentioned that you were using the suburbs of Sydney to get your names, because I kept meaning to ask you where they were coming from but I kept forgetting 😊

    I swear, somehow I am going to get myself to do what you’re doing and only play one Sim in the household. It sounds like you do that a lot of the time though right? When you’re playing Brock and Alana you said you mostly just play as Alana. I click back-and-forth between household members like a maniac. But it has to be very interesting to see what other family members do to help out around the house and with the kids. I guess I just have no faith in my Sims, and I probably should. But you’re definitely right, they seem to make a very good team.


    Oh my goodness your almost naked and afraid challenge is very cute. I can see where captain Lecter would be happy turning up on an uninhabited island if he had to be getting away from a controlling brother. But yes, having a world famous celebrity as a companion would not be my idea of fun.

    I know that fame levels sometimes keep Sims from talking to each other. But in a situation like this it doesn’t keep her from speaking to him does it?

    Your expressions and animations are amazing. Eating that boiled bowl of spell chips made my stomach turn but I can see his point. And when they thought the book was going to burn up, that was so funny. They’re both really having a fit aren’t they. And oh my neither of them look very happy about how filthy and stinky they are do they?


    This is such a cute update, except for the sad part about uncle Mathias’s divorce. Their new house looks beautiful! Hopefully they all at least have nice comfortable beds. That seems to be the only thing about furniture that bothers Sims in Sims 4.

    I’m very glad that Todd realized that Christopher had been wrongfully punished right away. It didn’t seem to cause a huge conflict between the boys.

    It doesn’t surprise me that Christopher does not like Isabell very much 😆 I can also see why Christopher thought that the way that Isabell threw the basketball was funny, I have to agree it is! but wow Christopher has all the moves already, doesn’t he? I think Daniel had a good idea to make the club, and Christopher had an even sweeter idea to get Adrian to join the club with them ❤️


    Oh Lord, how is it going with the triplets? I always feel so sorry for the people who end up with them 😂

    But in your case, oh my, you’ve upped your numbers to 7 toddlers. 🤣 I’d lose my mind. 😅


    You had so many sweet things in this update! Many of them being my favorites too. Cuddles and tickles and the sea monster animation. So cute 😊

    And I love 💗 Roddy’s new club! The Order of the Pink! They will have fun together for sure!


    Ok, I’ve just read your first post about Andrea and Tobias. I’m full of questions, but I’m going to read on in the thread to see if they are answered before I bombard you, lol

    Morkovka wrote: »
    @AlwaysAsking Adam and Evie have two children, Tamaris and Maya. Both are little mermaids, that's why I had to replace them because of broken genetics :/

    I love the Saga, it turned into a full-scale thriller by now! :open_mouth:
    And that moment where Penny tells J about not doing what was necessary - it's strong!
    Glad J's talents didn't go to waste and he got what he was promised twice.
    Also love the picture of Penny "holstering" her finger guns after she got the scientist :D

    And if I may intrude your discussion about age etc.
    The thing is, I just ignore the timeline :D
    I play rotationally and with aging off and I don't try to somehow align the families into one timeline: kids in one family may grow into adults, while toddlers are still todlers in another household.
    It's the way I don't feel pressure and I certainly don't want any pressure while playing Sims :D

    Ohhh, I did see that post about deleting children *Gasp!!* lol, but I hadn't put it together that it's the same family. I don't blame you. It's too bad that things get messed up in the game sometimes, you have to do what's best.

    Also, I agree with you. In all my years of playing Sims I've never once played with aging on. I definitely don't want stress while playing the game that's the only stress distraction that I have.

    It's only in seeing everyone's children have children, have children, that I begin to think I'd like some aspect of that too. And I see your point, there doesn't have to be continuity between families as far as when you age kids up, etc.

    My issue is, that I play my Lawrence and Ian save because I write about them, and about all of their friends, and neighborhood children, and extended families, and in those cases I like to keep it a bit realistic. Ian's daughter can't have turned from a teen, to a young adult, to a mom with a few kids, while Lawrence's nephew is still a toddler, you know? Because they will always be together for special occasions, etc. and always being photographed. But I don't ever want any of them to die, so it's pretty tricky to have age progression (created by me, not the game) but no death. lol

    Anyway, thanks so much on your thoughts about Strangerville. Yes, J finally woke up. Obviously, I can see both sides of the argument, as I created the argument, lmao, but I did need something to spark J. And between the Raj disaster and Penny's strong words, I'd say he's been sparked. :wink:

    And Penny is a bada** Lmao. She deserves everyone of those "holstering" moments :smiley::smiley:

    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    edited August 2019
    @AlwaysAsking I am pretty sure you figured Eliza's plan out correctly. I really didn't have any chance to go with MY plan because Bob kept autonomously rejecting her even though I tried so hard. They were both romantic but nope. Bob was as hard as a rock. So yeah I just went with what I got through their autonomous behaviour. Sadly for me. But then Johnny's ghost started to invite her out and finally I had the chance to invite him to the family. And I did! So Linnea left because there was Johnny who could care of his kids. She is still around and she invites them almost everyday to a park but they're too busy fishing for that silly fish which is pretty uncatchable! :# BTW No, Marcus hasn't really invited Baileigh out again. He keeps inviting Eliza though. And I noticed he kind of stalk her. I guess he's the new Eliza. Of course she rejects.

    I own minority of the packs. I try to avoid getting stuffpacks. And I also buy packs only when they're on sale. I am pretty frugal and greedy. That's me! :D

    Marie's galpals are Penny Pizzazz ;), Lily Feng, Marie's ex GF Anežka and then there is a girl she met long ago in Selvadorada. Her name's Maryángel or something like that and she's pretty cute.

    The librarian looks cute
    I am 110% using the name Emmaline for Bob and Marie's potential grandchildren. Don is just being Don as I can see :D

    @sarabeth2984 Oh my gosh RL fire on Christmas? Indeed it is a horrible experience! Though I must admit I laughed a lot when I read your dad is not allowed near the stove :D Funny

    @Dust_Bunny2010 I know what you're talking about. I had my favorite family, something like a legacy challenge. I created a polar bear holiday where they were supposed get a short swim in a pond while freezing. It turned out to be a disaster. Many of my sims died that day. The saddest part was that a mother lost 2 of her 3 kids. They were already mature and had they own families but still you know... Poor Penny.

    P.S.: I have just spent about 90 minutes catching up all the posts that were posted through the night :D
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    edited August 2019
    Thanks everyone for liking Cap's and Judith's silly romantic survival adventure! :blush:
    Next time I'll be doing this challenge in Granite Falls with these two:
    A seasoned lumberjack Urs Hunter and a promising scout Jimmy Fisher lost in the woods after a major flood :D
    But that won't happen soon, because it's winter in my game (I want it to be in the main save).
    Also because I have a lot to do before Moschino stuff pack arrives.
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    mia_noelle97mia_noelle97 Posts: 575 Member
    edited August 2019
    @BlueSeaWaves thank you! And yes, it will be up on the gallery. Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures of the inside because I wasn't happy with it and I'm probably going to change it a bit.
    @SiliClone I think I had heard about that foundation trick before, but I kind of forgot about it. I'll have to use it when I landscape.
    @AlwaysAsking thank you! And the CC thing happens to me a lot. I'll go on to tumblr to look for one or two specific things, thinking I'm only going to download only those few things and then I end up browsing and downloading so much CC.

    Didn't have time to play again today, I'm still working on audition stuff because I have those on the second day of classes. Hopefully I'll have time to play soon because I know I'll be super busy once classes start.
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @Hoverael I loved your wedding post because i adore sims weddings. It looked to be in the Willow Creek museum garden - is that right? How did that work as a wedding venue? Also - Grim has been turning up a lot in my games lately so I felt for your sims when they lost family.

    @sarabeth2984 that risky woohoo can't be trusted :)

    @AlwaysAsking good to see you back and typing well :wink: The fading english made me giggle on your post but I knew what you intended.

    I knew Bondi was in danger from the blue notification but Adam arrived back from work and set to work feeding and bathing and talking to her etc. Thank heavens Gordon did a lot (even when they weren't a couple.)

    In Alana's save I do click between sims for organising bed times, keeping children in routine and doing homework and other things like that. I prefer not to micromanage toileting and eating and any minor thing (it is not interesting to me). Toddlers do require as much work as a main sim but before Alana I never let a sim have more than 2 kids (shows how much I love her and Brock that I have indulged them). I will not be letting them die anytime soon - many potions to drink and rewards to cash in!

    I love your continuing saga. Penny continues to be Most Valuable Player. I like how you wrote Js inner ethical conflict. I am sure Don was equally wracked with guilt over his sacrifices (cough cough).

    Bondi Part 4
    Bondi and Stefan invited their friends around to meet their twins. Great Uncle Bu Wei couldn’t wait to hug both Clovelly and Coogee.

    Ladies, if you were undecided about Billboard guy – he has just finished cuddling both babies
    (and he changed a diaper) and now he is fanboying over Peanut. He is most definitely a keeper.

    Unfortunately, one of Bondi’s friends hated Stefan (I didn't know it but they had a full red friendship bar when the fight started).

    And although he seemed small and weedy, he smacked down Stefan … you are off the invite list, buddy.

    Poor Stefan got a negative reputation from the fight. (Plus I finally figured out Stefan’s last trait which he was very reluctant to tell Bondi – he is a klepto. as well as self assured and family oriented. – this should be interesting).
    Bu Wei feels that this party has driven him to drink.

    Not everyone hates Stefan though.

    Trying to be the perfect drifter and the perfect mother is exhausting.

    In no time at all, the twins aged up:
    Clovelly ……………………………………………………….. and Coogee
    Clovelly has Bondi’s eyes, mouth and chin and Coogee has her father’s lighter eyes, larger mouth and square jaw. Clovelly rolled inquisitive and Coogee Independent – we might just survive the toddler phase with those traits.

    Toddler pics

    It takes two to do all the work – thankfully social services aren’t concerned about Stefan at all.

    (Let’s not tell them about Stefan’s tense moodlet which says he is really feeling the need to steal .. so far he is resisting it).
    Stefan gets less tense when he discovers a gym and yoga mat upstairs.

    And for a moment, feels even better when he and Bondi enjoy some Mummy and Daddy time (I figured he had more than earned it). Except next day Bondi lets him know that they messed up the birth control. (forgot about risky woohoo - silly me). Noticeable lack of air punching or yelling yibs!

    He felt better when he had time to think. Bondi decides now is not the time to tell him that their current toddlers will still be toddlers when this baby ages into a toddler. (I really really messed up with the risky woohoo.)

    She can’t wait to tell Uncle Bu Wei. He is sad and lets her know that the doctor has told him he is very unwell and living on borrowed time. He is doubly sad as his children are about to produce his first grandchildren and he may not get to see them.

    They lie and look at the stars as they all used to do in Granite Falls. Bu Wei tell her when he does this and concentrates he can hear his parents giving him advice and Adam and Gordon talking and laughing and she will always be able to hear them too. And you she whispered.
    He continues to visit frequently (as well as going to Camilla’s and Dewayne’s).

    It is quite a sad time for the family.

    But they cheer up when Waffle comes to visit. He becomes friends with both Coogee and Clovelly.

    That moment when you realise you could be potty training 3, 4 or even 5 toddlers at the same time.

    I have had enough Grim now thank you.....
    Camilla had her baby and Bu Wei got to meet his first grandchild. He asked Bondi out to lunch to show her all the pictures and share the gossip.

    He gets up to follow a meal stealer when ………………….

    What Grim decides.......


    Bu Wei wishing there was something stronger than herbal tea in that mug. Coming back to life on an empty stomach is not easy.

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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    edited August 2019
    Eventful update indeed! :astonished:
    I was like "Aww, they are so cuuute! Wait, there will be more? Oh, noooo! Kitty!... Ahhhh, uncle Bu, noooo!"
    I might need some herbal tea too :D
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    edited August 2019
    @Becka28 so glad Grim spared him... Even though it never works for long... So I expect bad news in the next update
    Post edited by SiliClone on
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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    edited August 2019
    @Becka28 Clovelly is lovely! Coogee is too but it doesn't rhyme :D The more the better. But does it count to babies as well? Bu Wei is happy he had the opportunity to come back to life. Whenever I achieve this while my sims are somwhere else but not home they die immediately when they get back home -_-
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p
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    HoveraelHoverael Posts: 1,230 Member
    @Hoverael I am glad they had a nice wedding and good news after so much tragedy in the family!

    Indeed, everything went great, and then shortly after the event concluded there was another passing on Brandy's side. At least they had a great time of it with something nice, small and to immediate family before the news broke.

    Ok, I’ve just read your first post about Andrea and Tobias. I’m full of questions, but I’m going to read on in the thread to see if they are answered before I bombard you, lol

    Go right ahead! :smiley:

    I already have a full backstory of Tobias. Andrea i don't have one yet, other than she is a foreign girl looking to have a good life.
    I also have some details on the family across the street as well (the one with the pride flag draped over the door). Never know until you ask.
    Becka28 wrote: »
    @Hoverael I loved your wedding post because i adore sims weddings. It looked to be in the Willow Creek museum garden - is that right? How did that work as a wedding venue? Also - Grim has been turning up a lot in my games lately so I felt for your sims when they lost family.

    It was a toss up between the museum and magnolia park. Never done a wedding before so i agree i made a mistake on where to do it honestly! :smiley:. I'll pick a better location next time. Still got gold rating there.

    Also half the family members weren't in the shot, the Everson's were a bit camera shy on this occasion. Considering how Karen follows and admires Brandy as a role model, she'll want the same thing for herself, so there is a second chance at it still.

    Lastly Sandra wanted to get out of the Wedding! The amount of people in the area was way too much for her reclusive mannerisms. The poor girl got hammered after the wedding just so she could feel the sting a little less. Naturally Jeri and Bruce were there to collect her and bring her home, and while they wore something dignified for the event and for Jeri that is unheard of, i guess she didn't want to be the one to draw attention from Brandy.
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @sarabeth2984, page 394.
    Thanks. Of the current Furystrykar family, Wendy's the youngest, whilst Chloe's the oldest.

    @AlwaysAsking, page 394.
    Thank you! To be honest, I find choosing a good club name to be quite difficult. The Order of the Pink made sense, as Roddy, Jessica and Carol all wear pink.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    ccarrig_95ccarrig_95 Posts: 525 Member
    @AlwaysAsking No I picked the name. I didn't know that MCCC can program a name for a sim you are playing. Since it's the red generation that's being born I have picked names that have to do with red.
    (Top left to bottom right)Edur Zahrah, Cinderella, Tiana, Pocahantas, Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Emerson, Nicole, Traci, Addisyn
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    @AlwaysAsking I like playing Geeta!. She can be a nightmare neighbor sometimes but whenever I send a sim out and about, I see her lounging by some swanky pool or at bar looking fabulous. Since Raj is a young adult, I age her down one step. She has ended up with Marcus Flex twice, and Victor Feng after Lily died in previous saves but I usually keep her single. She has frequent romances to keep her busy. My last save, she finished top of the critic career. Raj married Catarina and had 3 kids. She bought a swanky house in Brindleton Bay. When she wasn't in grandma mode she was hobnobbing with the rich and famous. She had frequent younger lovers, but died happily after a night with Don Lothario from overexertion. I call those life goals lol!! I have a fun plan for her in this save
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    Dust_Bunny2010Dust_Bunny2010 Posts: 163 Member
    Welp, three more died from swimming pool hypothermia today: Malcolm Landgraab, Sebastian Santos, and Beth Pepper. I really need to stop being so active on Club Calico because that place is a death trap in winter. I'm a bit 🐸🐸🐸🐸 at the fact that I somehow ended the Landgraab line indirectly, so now who'll be worthy of Cassandra's hand? Anyone but Don, for sure, but no one's as old money as the Goths except the Landgraabs.
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    Felicity1169Felicity1169 Posts: 592 Member
    @SiliClone I love your (Almost) Naked and Afraid challenge, can't wait to see the next installment.

    @AlwaysAsking Leaf and Cornelia share a mother. It was just a sim I created for a modified 100 Baby Challenge that I was doing. It basically went: Set aging to active family only, have a baby with someone in a world starting with Willow Creek, raise them to child, move to next world. Repeat until I figure out which world I like the best. I didn't want aging on for everyone because I want to do the Strangerville story in this save and I didn't know if it would affect things.

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