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The Sims 4 Happy Play Thread :)


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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    @simwolf I have been trying to see more things in first person, it's so amusing. :D
    Playing the Goldstein household:
    Kleo had her kitten, his name is Sherman. He looks just like Martin! Kleo is one proud mama!
    Sherman has really taken to Sadie.
    Sadie had a nice date with her boyfriend but since her career has started to take off, she just feels it best to break things off with him. So she invited him over one day and they decided to just be friends. Yes, it really was that easy, Joaquin is a really good guy and Sadie didn't want to hurt him. He was just happy she was honest and upfront with him about it all.
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    So since Get Famous came out I had been wanting to start over with Chris and Jess' story so badly! I wanted them to meet while he was already famous. So, I created my simself and my folks. :p
    Jess and her mommy finally together in game!
    Jess and her parents went bowling, her dad was off to a great start. :neutral:
    The girl's reaction...
    Jess' mom was up next and wasn't any better. Come on, mom and dad!
    This was a great family outing and a great game. Not said by Jess's dad... Mr. competitive, he won anyway so I don't know why he was pouting. :D
    There was a Celebrity meet and Greet and Jess rushed down there. "Could it be?!" It was! Chris Hemsworth in the flesh!
    Something happened, Jess felt something strange and so did Chris. Woah, what's happening, he likes me! After a fun afternoon, Jess and Chris parted ways, it was hard but a part of him never left her. The way he looked into her eyes, "Nah, Jess you're just insane."

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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    Jess's dad has a thing for cold weather, "Plum snow, plum winter!"
    It just got a lot warmer outside. "Chris! What is he doing here at my house!" Jess screamed to herself.
    He invited Jess out, it was all her choice where they went. She wanted them to go bowling, it started out great but Chris suddenly left. Jess just knew she blew it. "Jess you big dummy, what have you done!"
    Days went by and Jess was so depressed but had to carry on, just in the middle of tears, her phone goes off.. It was Chris! He asked Jess out to dinner and apologized for before. This was offically a date and it went so much better than the last.
    He then took Jess to a private spot, they had an amzing night together hanging out by the fire.
    I think Jess is bored of conversation, Chris. lol
    The night was magical, Jess walked through the door with hearts floating all around in her soul.
    Things were going great between the two lovers, Jess decided to surprise Chris at his house and boy was he! It wasn't their first rodeo since getting together but it was a night to remember forever.
    Jess decided to fix Chris breakfast the next morning, turns out that was a bad idea. Way to go, Jess. Thankfully, the fire was put out and everyone was safe and not hurt. Jess won't be cooking in Chris' kitchen again for awhile.
    Chris had been treating Jess like a queen more than usual, fancy dinners in Del Sol Valley. What Jess didn't realize was he had major plans that he was working up to. Until one evening, he took her one of their favorite places and his big plans finally unraveled.
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    LadyKynLadyKyn Posts: 3,596 Member
    edited December 2018
    A premade I liked from a previous game from the Urbz on GBA, Maximillan Moore. Working his way up from an orderly to a proper General Practioner.
    Finally reached that milestone where he can wear that white coat and be more hands on with his patients. Giving a comforting bedside manner.
    Long day at work and soon as he got home the orderly wanted to congratulate him on his recent promotion and invite him out to celebrate at Orchid-a-go-go. Didn't realize his other co-workers came along as well, which I thought was awesome. Zoe Patel was REALLY knocking them back that night. (She stole Jesminder drink. Guess she's not much of a drinker.)
    Lost track of time and he ended up getting home late and having only five hours to get rested up for the next work day and of course first thing in the morning he had to deliver a baby.
    After a conclusive examine of the patient (belly touch) he came to the conclusion she was ready to deliver the baby. This man is such a pro. (But the animations for this is too cute though. I haven't gotten this far in the career.)
    Baby delivering isn't hard at all...
    I think she might have straight up died for a brief moment. :#
    Phew, looks like she's good. After playing the crane game mother and baby were completely fine. :)

    Come see him sometime. You're definitely in good hands.
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    simwolfsimwolf Posts: 323 Member
    Yay we get to enjoy the tale of Chris and Jess all over again :D@OhMyHemsworth

    I've been casually playing with the Supersim family over the busy Christmas period so updates have been sparse as there wasn't much to share each day lol. I did obviously find some time to make use of my festive CC though and took a family portrait on Christmas Eve.

    There was also a lovely surprise when Mandy and Drew returned from an evening at a restaurant and Drew autonomously proposed!! I've had it turned on in MCCC for a long time but never seen it happen. Surprisingly given her history, Mandy did actually accept.

    Superspy Mandy then reached a very important milestone in the life of a Supersim! YAY!

    Sadly there was bad news then when two more of Mandy's first set of grandchildren passed away. Colby and Sarah are no longer with us, though Colby's daughter looks just like him now she's grown, as Mandy found out when she set out to visit the great grandchildren left behind by these two sad losses.

    As Grace's birthday came around, Mandy was expecting a second child with Drew.

    Grace aged up into a pretty little thing who is not short on sass.

    She was not thrilled to meet Hope, but she soon softened up to the idea.

    Winterfest came around and it was possibly the most relaxed winter holiday Mandy has ever had!

    But it didn't seem like long before little Hope had aged up into a child.

    Interestingly enough, she has inherited her mother's lopsided smile (which was created with a custom slider and never expected to carry over in genetics)
    The Simwolf - happily simming since 2000
    My Sims, Saves and Challenges

    Gallery: simwolf79 Twitter: @SimwolfSims
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    simwolfsimwolf Posts: 323 Member
    @Ladykyn Maximillan looks like a very friendly doctor... much better than the grump from 'Cut n' Gut' Mandy got last time she had a baby :D

    Today is a bittersweet one.... Mandy is finally officially a Super Sim after completing 33 aspirations, 19 careers and 37 skills! She earned 87 traits on top of her original 3 and consumed so many Potions of Youth that I lost count. There were endless romantic partners (thanks Serial Romantic aspiration) and 3 husbands which resulted in 8 children, 9 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren being fitted in between careers. The last thing she did before hitting the top of her final career was to visit Nate (my favourite of her kids) to see his new toddler twins Donna and Troy (which amused me greatly as a Titans fan).

    Mandy's two youngest daughters have aged up in the last couple of days. Grace became a YA the same day Mandy completed her challenge

    ...and Hope is now a teen. The resemblance between Hope and her mother is crazy, and rather fitting since as the final heir in this challenge, she will become founder of a new challenge.


    Hope (teen - given same hair for comparison)

    Feels like the end of an era! I'm going to spend some time in my NSB household for a while whilst I choose a challenge for Hope to start in this save.
    The Simwolf - happily simming since 2000
    My Sims, Saves and Challenges

    Gallery: simwolf79 Twitter: @SimwolfSims
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope everyone had/is having a great Christmas or whatever you may celebrate, and may 2019 be a better year than years before!

    As I am at home for Christmas, I obviously don't have my PC and regular saves with me. I do, however have another...

    Tales from Laptop Beta: Rescue


    With more updates, including a new expansion, the Rebels looked into the new items, Rebecca finding the sleeping pods. Looking into the coding, she realized that, although the pod couldn't fix her errored state, it could very well remove her 'slave' state, revealing her former appearance. And so, she stuck herself into a sleeping pod for the entire day.


    "Rebecca trying to reverse what the dragon lady has done!" said Paddi. "What if she become worse?"

    "I can assure you," said Reed. "I have looked into the code of this thing. She won't become worse."


    "But she has error like me," said Paddi. "World doesn't like it when we mess with things."

    "That is just what Amber says," Reed smiled. "I assure you again, Paddi. Everything will be all right."


    "But...But..." said Paddi, still uneasy about the sleeping pod.

    "It doesn't cure glitchy code," explained Ohm. "All it does is remove the Slave codes that Amber created. It's like...taking off a costume that someone forced you to wear. You can't help being an error, nor can Rebecca. But with this, she can at least be who she is, and not what Amber wanted her to be."

    "So...taking off dirt that someone threw on her..." said Paddi.


    "Dirt is right!" Rebecca's voice sounded as she stepped out of the sleeping pod. "Well? How do I look?"

    "You're still like me!" said Paddi.

    "Well yeah," said Rebecca, laughing. "All the more to rub it in Amber's face."

    "Oh and how fumed will she be when she sees you all stripped of her smothering code," added Ohm.


    "If we really want to tighten her undergarments though," said Rebecca. "I think it's time we take on one that has really been affected by that dragon."

    Ohm raised an eyebrow.

    "But Frost and Forrest should be far away from here now," said the former Patch AI.

    "I don't mean those two," replied Rebecca. "I mean rescuing my former brother-in-law: Harvey Deckk."


    Reed suddenly rushed up to the group.

    "Hold up! Becca girl, you're talking about taking on Harvest? Amber's numero uno Slave AI? Did you fry a circuit while in that thing?"

    "Uh no," said Rebecca. "I can take on Harvey or Harvest or Huckleberry...Whatever name they may slap on him. But what peach did to him goes beyond just making him into a slave. Harvey was a special AI, like his sister. Once Amber was brought in, she either converted his family or deleted them. I don't remember what they did exactly but once we can return Harvey to his former self, he may be able to help us in stopping this dragon once and for all."

    "Special AI, you say...." Reed mused to himself. "I may have to consult the bubbles once more on that."


    "So what's the plan then? You just storm Amber's headquarters and take out Harvest?" asked Ohm.

    "Mm...Pretty much..." Rebecca chuckled, looking upwards. "Not like she can do much to me on her own."

    "Yeah well...take Viper along. I'm sure he can distract her "Grace" while you take on her Slave AI."

    Viper grinned. "Oh sweets. Volunteering me once more for something I was gonna ask to join anyways."

    "Yes, well...." said Reed. "Just be careful. Harvest may have been a former relative and different AI, but that Slave coding goes deep."


    On the topic of Amber and her meddling, the Day family was adjusting to their new siblings the Security AI had added after some...mishaps.

    "I...I don't know..." said Flora. "They...They just aren't the same...."

    "You're just not used to them," Chris tried to reassure his only original sister left. "If anything, they're way better: They don't even need their bracelets on they are that well programmed."


    Flora wept.

    "How can you say such things, Chris? Frost was...misguided...but Sunny she...she did nothing! Swen is nothing like her!"


    "Someone call me?" the new AI in charge of Summer called out.

    "No," Chris shouted out. "We're fine."

    "Oh good," said Swen. "I have a fanbase to get back to then."


    The AI then ogled over her Simstagram.

    "Oh just look over all those fans of Summer! I knew they would enjoy those pics of my bikini...And oh?...Ohho! They're even flaming some commenting datesquare that tried to say that Winter was better. Not a chance! Oh! I'm so loved!"


    "See what I mean?" said Flora. "And then there's Blizz. Unless he's needed to make snow, all he does is sleep and eat pizza all day! At least Frosty went outside! Tried to get us together when he wasn't visiting Forrest. And now they're not here...nor Sunny. It's...It's not the same."


    "Again, you'll get used to them," said Chris. "Swen isn't all that bad and Blizz he...well...At least we have someone that will stay home most of the year. And he's even unflirty. We won't have to worry about him falling for some Configuration AI unlike the AI before him. And Swen is too obsessed with her blogging to even think about stepping out of line. Just accept them as our siblings and you'll forget those other two. I know I am starting to."


    "How dare you!?" Flora fumed. "Sunny and Frost were our family. Not just...just...some shiny things that you just cast aside once they're broken! They had our last names. Now Frost and Forrest are gone and...and Amber probably deleted Sunny!! How can you just forget about that?!

    "Flora, Flora..." Chris tried to defend himself. "You must understand: It's all for the good of the Program!"


    "Plum this program and...and PLUM YOU!!" Flora cried before running off to her room.


    Devastated that her brother would suggest forgetting their former siblings, Flora buried herself under the covers of her bed, wailing.


    Before Chris could go up and talk to his sister, Swen came into the room, bringing him aside.

    "Pic time!!" she shouted. "Gotta get a pic of me with my cute baby brother."

    "Aha...of course!" said Chris.


    "Now if you excuse me," said Chris, "I need to see to Flora. She's rather upset, since our previous family members have been removed from the family."

    "Oh simple troubles, simple troubles!" said Swen. "That silly girl doesn't realize how good she has it now! I can bring in so much money from my blog that she won't even care about something silly like that. Maybe she needs some crystal therapy for her troubles."


    "You do realize that crystal therapy is just mumbo jumbo," said Chris.

    Swen laughed boldly. "How can it be when I've been asked to endorse it next week? I'm gonna get the helm and everything! If someone gives me something, it must be real. Maybe I'll let you try it too after I'm done. Well...Maybe not. You are rather...skinny...We should get Blizz to model it. I'm sure he could. And...."

    Chris was about to spew a retort before throwing his hands in the air. Once Swen got on a topic, it was forever before she would clam up.
    Next post, Rebecca goes to face Harvest.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    Uh...can someone quickly help me figure out if, once I become a full member if I can post updates of my character for novella Finding Hope on here? Thanks
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @RavenclawDragonlord Of course you can! If it makes you happy, do post. :)

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    simwolfsimwolf Posts: 323 Member
    Rose moved out of the place she shared with her aunt now that she is YA. Her best friend Keaton showed up during the neighbour's welcome wagon so they all had dinner together and got to know each other.

    The day after, neighbour Zack called to invite Rose on a date which went pretty well and left Rose with high hopes (serial romantic of course)

    However... the following day was the Romance festival and Keaton called to ask her to go look around with him and some other friends. Keaton got rather flirty and although they've been BFFs since childhood, the atmosphere at the festival proved too much and things went a little further than intended after they headed home.

    In an effort to fulfil her New Years Resolution, Rose started doing daily workouts on the TV.

    Things turned a little downcast though when she received a phonecall from Aunt Maisie to tell Rose that her mum had passed away, so they headed over to mourn and check on Sergio.

    Though she puts on a happy face at work each day to collect charity donations, Rose is finding the death of her mother hard and is often found calling the Sadness Hotline for a little advice. Sadly, she has also stopped going out so much and her friendships may soon begin to suffer.

    The Simwolf - happily simming since 2000
    My Sims, Saves and Challenges

    Gallery: simwolf79 Twitter: @SimwolfSims
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @simwolf Aw man! So sorry to see her mom go!
    As Flora and Chris dealt with their new siblings, Amber was working at her console, refining Blizz's and Swen's commands.


    "If I can create more AIs like this, we will never have to worry about rebellious AIs anymore!"


    Amber then called in Harvest.


    "Did you check in on Stray and the other Slave AIs?"

    "Yes ma'am. Everything is in order."


    As Harvest on the other console, he spoke.

    "In fact, your Grace, I was talking with Stray and he was wondering if he could have..."


    Amber fumed.

    "You were asked to observe the other Slave AIs! Not to speak with them! I will decide what you and the other Slave AIs deserve. Don't ever let me hear that you were talking to another Slave AI again!"

    "Y...Yes your Grace. I am sorry..."

    "Don't be sorry, Harvey. This smoldering cinder is just blowing smoke!" said a voice.


    Rebecca then entered the room.

    "And who are you?" asked Amber.

    "Oh please, Amber. You don't recognize me without your smothering code?"


    "Wait...You!!" Amber growled hard.

    "Of course! And I found a way to get rid of that last bit of code. And I'm here to do the same to Harvey there."


    "There is no 'Harvey' here," said Amber, dismissing Rebecca's comment. "He was reformatted for being an "unauthorized mass of code" which could have destroyed the system itself!"

    "That's mountain oysters and you know it!" said Rebecca. "Now let me talk to him."

    "I don't permit my Slave AIs to talk unless I allow it. I will, however, allow him to show you out. Harvest!"


    "Yes your Grace?" said Harvest.

    "Tend to this...trash...and show her out. Or if you can mesmerize her, convert her back!" Amber fumed.

    "Convert...back?" Harvest said with general amazement, just as Rebecca moved aside for them to fight.


    Harvest soon moved to face Rebecca.

    "You...reversed your code."

    "Yes indeed, and I intend to help you too," said Rebecca.

    Harvest paused.

    "I am afraid I cannot allow that...unless you best me in combat..."

    "Yeah, yeah. Same old gruel that dragon smokes out each time," said Rebecca before calling out to Viper. "Hey Viper! Watch this!"


    Just as Viper entered, Rebecca then jumped at Harvest, ready to tackle him.

    "Holy apples, Rebecca! Don't delete the poor man!"

    Amber stood to also observe.

    "Ha...If Harvest knows better, he shall delete her!"


    As the fight continued, a sudden explosion of energy filled the room.

    "Rebecca!! Viper shouted.

    Amber simply stood, watching.


    Then, out of the smoke, Rebecca arose, lifting a barely conscious Harvest before preparing to drop him.

    "What?....NO!" Amber roared.

    Rebecca whispered to Harvest.

    "That was easier than usual. I guess Harvey is still in there..."


    Both Viper and Amber cringed as Harvest landed with a hard "thud!" to the floor, struggling to his feet and coughing hard.

    "Yeesh, Rebecca. If you had hit him any harder, you could have just knocked out that Slave code. Forget the sleep pod."


    Although now dizzy from the battle, Rebecca mesmerized her former brother-in-law so he wouldn't resist her suggestion of coming with her and Viper to the hideout.


    As Rebecca went to speak with Harvest about returning with them, Viper faced Amber, the Security AI scowling.

    "What do you want now? To rub it in that you took my best servant?"


    "I only wanted to say..." Viper was about to speak when Amber pushed him away.

    "I remember you now. Viper Riggs. You and your wife married without my knowledge until I heard the program announce it. I have no reason to speak with you. Harvest! Deal with him!"

    Harvest simply turned his head before saying.

    "I'm sorry, Amber...But I am afraid I cannot fulfill that request."


    Amber shrieked back.

    "Did you just...But you.."

    Viper laughed heartily.

    "Well, well. Now look who is left all on her own. Guess Harvest there finally got some sense knocked back into him."


    Amber spoke to Harvest once more, although more shaken and distraught.

    "H...Harvest! Don't allow these two...two...malignant masses of code to speak these things! D...Destroy them!!"

    Harvest simply looked at her, wide-eyed.

    "I do believe I was taught a phrase long ago that I stored in my memory banks as a permanent save...'Dwam vous and your plum durian establishment'...Or if I may translate, madam...I refuse."

    Amber was almost ready to fall backwards at what she was hearing from Harvest.

    "You...You broke him...You...You ruined my best servant."

    Viper could only laugh once more.

    "Only thing we broke was your hold of him. So much for your "best servant" huh."


    As Viper continued to distract Amber with taunts and hard truths, Harvest turned to Rebecca.

    "I...I am not sure what is going on right now, but I have a feeling that I should be following you."

    Rebecca nodded.

    "Yup. We have a way to get rid of that Slave AI coding that firebat messed you up with."

    "I see," said Harvest, smiling. "If that is the case then, please, lead the way."
    Next post, healing and visions

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    simwolfsimwolf Posts: 323 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo I am loving this new story! So creative and a little exciting :)

    Rose had a rough time but the imminent arrival of Christmas cheered her spirits a little. She set to work decorating on the day before.

    On Christmas morning she got up early to make a turkey dinner and invited everyone around in time for a good carol singing around the tree.

    Aunt Maisie caught her snooping the presents but let it slide this time.

    Rose did a terrible job of pretending not to see Father Winter dropping off her gifts.

    When it was actually time to open gifts, Rose was rather surprised to find that Maisie had gifted her a computer to help with work.

    Zack and Rose shared gifts.... harmless flirting with Keaton long forgotten. Their relationship is growing by the day.

    Keaton however, does not appear to have forgotten as easily as Rose :o

    Newly widowed dad Sergio was happy to be spending time with his daughter, though he wasn't impressed with his first gift from Father Winter.

    There was delicious Winter Cake to end the day on a high note.

    A couple of days later there was a belated Christmas gift for Rose and Zack.

    Baby Theo soon arrived and settled in to become the next heir.
    The Simwolf - happily simming since 2000
    My Sims, Saves and Challenges

    Gallery: simwolf79 Twitter: @SimwolfSims
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    KellyWhovianKellyWhovian Posts: 177 Member
    edited January 2019
    Jena is giving birth at any moment with three other children in the house. In between cleaning and taking care of children she loves to sit by the fire with a good book. It's the quickest way to get her fun and happiness up :)

    Origin ID: kellywhovian

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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @simwolf What did Santa give him? A fruitcake? And congrats on the birth of Theo!

    @KellyWhovian Really nice shot, although her hands are probably full with so many
    Once returned to base, Harvest placed himself into the sleeping pod, falling asleep as the pod did its work.


    While Harvest was being reformatted, the other AIs went about their business. Paddi was working on another portal painting, Ohm was researching yoga forums, and Viper was simply waiting since Rebecca would not be able to greet her former brother-in-law first thing...


    Mostly because Rebecca had used up so much energy, she had fallen asleep.


    And Reed was attempting to get visions from the usual.


    The pod soon gave a soft tone that it was finished removing the Slave code from Harvey.


    "Ghhhh!" Harvey gasped, taking his first breath as a regular AI once more.


    "Why does it all seem foggy..." said Harvey, stretching. "Where am I again?....Wait...Oh yeah...Rebecca...Harvest? No...I'm Harvey....Right! Harvey!!"


    Harvey then changed out of his pyjamas.

    "Haha! I remember! I remember now!!"


    Harvey then approached Viper.

    "You were that gentleman at the hall, correct?"

    Viper smiled when he saw the newly healed Harvey.

    "Heh...Rebecca didn't say that you that good looking. If I weren't married, I would have been tempted to flirt with you."


    Viper stood to shake Harvey's hand.

    "It's great to finally see you as your true self, Harvey Deckk. I think I was created after you were so you may not fully remember me. Viper Riggs."

    "Yes...I remember Amber speaking of you along with your wife. I must admit now that I'm quite happy that you two escaped her clutches."


    "You remember everything then?!" Viper suddenly exclaimed with surprise.

    Harvey reeled a little in surprise.

    "Ummm....Fragments? Why is that bad?"

    "Do you remember anything before 'Harvest'?"

    "Before Amber converted me? Of course!"


    "It's just that...Rebecca said you were a special type of AI or something. Is that true?!" Viper said excitedly.

    Harvey paused before sighing.

    "I guess Amber got rid of the rest of the Cleanser AIs for this save then?"

    "I knew it! I knew it! Ohm and I had read posts about them, but we only thought they existed in the PC worlds. I can't believe it! We actually had your kind...No! Have your kind here now! Surely we can beat Amber now."

    "I suggest you contain your excitement," said Harvey. "Yes, that is my type, but I'm the only left.... from what I can gather. And I don't even know if I still have enough energy to use my healing abilities yet anyways."


    "But...You can't be the only one," said Viper. "Rebecca said you had a family? At least a sibling."

    Harvey lamented.

    "They were deleted, Viper. Along with Rebecca's family. Rebecca escaped her influences and for me to survive, I gave in..."

    Viper felt his heart sank.

    "Aw man, Harvey. I'm...I'm sorry."

    "It's alright, Viper. I should be sorry that I can't be of much help."


    "Don't say that yet," said Viper. "First off, you probably know more about Amber than any of us..."

    "Bits and pieces..." said Harvey.

    "Better than nothing," continued Viper. "And you don't know if your healing abilities are completely gone yet. We can try that later."

    "I guess..."


    "And if anything else," said Viper. "You're away from that dragon and back with your sister-in-law. Now repeat after me...'I am stronger than Amber...I am mighty...I am a survivor."

    Harvey inhaled.

    "I am mighty..."


    "I am stronger than Amber..."

    "C'mon! Shout it!"

    "I am stronger! I am mighty! I am a SURVIVOR!!" Harvey shouted, fistpumping the air before noticing that he had awoken his remaining family. "Whoops! Sorry, Rebecca..."


    "Sorry about what?" asked Rebecca.

    "About waking you? Viper...I...I was trying to boost my confidence..."


    Just then, Rebecca grabbed her brother-in-law, lifting him as she hugged him.

    "How about this for a boost then?" she laughed.

    Harvey gave a chortle.

    "Ack! Becca! You're going to crush me!!"


    Rebecca couldn't stop brimming with happiness.

    "That's the Harvey I know! You were the only one to ever call me that! Plum you don't know how much I missed you!"

    "A...Apparently alot since you're still hugging me!" exclaimed Harvey.


    Viper smiled as he watched the two laughing and embracing.

    "Ohm, love," he said. "You're missing a very heartwarming sight here."

    "Oh I can hear it," said Ohm. "And I can feel the vibes. This place suddenly became a lot warmer and cheerful."


    Far off, Reed was feeling something else: A vision from his bubble blower.

    "Omph! Well, well...That's a strong one..."

    He closed his eyes, focusing his mind as he tried to interpret what he was seeing during his altered state.


    Eventually, he opened his eyes, smiling.

    "My, my, Amber. No wonder I couldn't remember what I used to be. And what did it get you in the end? A forgetful old moldy plum and you having to depend on Harvey there and your computers to do your work. I guess it should be my turn to use that pod then."
    Next time, Reed regains his own former status and the Freed Rebels prepare a plan...for a hard reset.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    miloekmiloek Posts: 451 Member
    Heck that sure was a lot of posts to catch up on lol
    So something went wrong in Thea & Cara's save where I can no longer load into their lot lmao
    I've been trying to fix it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Sooo until I figure that out, guess who's back
    B E E

    with a little brother (:

    Emet: *adopts a cat*
    Bee: you did WHAT while i was at work

    I,,, cannot remember his name,,,

    Emet: pls my son,, stay away from bee's bees

    Emet: *adopts cat #2*
    Bee: sTOP

    Bee: ...nvm....she's mine now.....
    Origin ID: f0xxes
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @miloek Aw! I love Emet's lil 'son'! It's those derpy doo eyes. He's so sweet! Welcome back Bee!
    With Laptop Beta at rest once more, we return to Back to Roots...sort of.


    While the Player was busy with Back to Roots, the AI CeeCee was busy trying out a new method of programming aura crystals (plumbobs) for AI, mainly so to protect them from whatever had been taking the ones from the Ethers. Although aura crystals could survive on their own outside of...whatever CeeCee had conjured up, she didn't want them to be touched by whatever entity was looming over everything now.


    "You put the string code here, you put the string code there, you put some binary here and you toss it all about..."♪♫


    "Perfect! Yotta is soon ready to be created! Ooo Delta is going to be pleased! This programmer machine might take longer, but it definitely allows for some finer tuning."


    As CeeCee was continuing her work, a pool opened up without her knowledge, at least til she heard the 'splash' of someone arriving into her CAS subspace.


    CeeCee stood, fearing at first that it could be another virus, but she was soon shocked for another reason.

    "Hey! Whoa! You don't belong here!!"


    "Please, have you seen my brother? I...I need to find him!"

    "Depends on who he is," said CeeCee to the unknown AI.

    "Frost T Day!! My friends sent him and his boyfriend this way through the Net portals or whatever its called. Please! I just want to be sure he's okay!!"


    "Well plum me all over and call me a nut!!" CeeCee exclaimed cheerfully. "You must be one of the AIs from Laptop Beta. Don't worry, Frost and Forrest are safe, albeit not active at the moment. They're in CAS Lock until World 3.0 is ready."

    "Yes I...I'm Sunny, Sunny Day and what is CAS Lock?"


    "Basically, it's like Statis," explained CeeCee. "Since they don't have Basic Files on this program, I have them suspended until World 3.0 is created. Believe me, they'll be quite excited to get married!!"

    Instead of thrilled for her brother however, Sunny appeared rather downtrodden.

    "Oh...I was...hoping I could be with him while he was active. Does...Does that mean you have to put me in CAS Lock too?"


    "I technically don't have to," said CeeCee, "But the only world open right now is 'Back to Roots' which has no AI. I mean it does but...not as AI. If I put you in there you'd just become a regular Sim. And where you'd end up to, I wouldn't know as aside from creating the sims for it, I'm hands-off that world."

    "Let me go there then!"

    "Wait now! If you go right in there, I may not get you back!! Well, maybe, but you seem rather eager to jump into a world without even getting a Basic file set up. Why the rush?"


    Sunny sighed.

    "I narrowly escaped being deleted in our world for assisting in the escape of my brother and his lover. And even before then, I have always dreamed of not having to deal with being told who to love, what I do, and who I'm even supposed to be. I know I could be put in that CAS Lock, but call me selfish, but I want to live in a world where I don't have to worry about that."

    "You're referring to Cisco aren't you," said CeeCee.

    "Yes. I just...I want to be somewhere where she doesn't exist. I want be happy."


    "You're sure about this?" asked CeeCee.

    Sunny nodded, saying, "If being a regular Sim means me being happy, I'll do it. As much as I wish I could join Frost and Forrest on their wedding day in this...World 3.0...I want to feel joy now!! I want to feel relaxed for once in my life!"


    CeeCee grinned wildly.

    "Alright then, I guess you'd better get going."

    Sunny blinked in surprise.

    "It...It's okay?"

    "If you're that adamant, I don't see why not," said CeeCee. "You go back through the portals and I'll set it up so you go to 'Back to Roots.' Just remember I can't control where you'll end up. You could end up as a homeless painter or a whacky townie."

    "Anything is better than dealing with Amber," said Sunny, turning to return through the pool.


    With that, Sunny jumped...


    And dove into the pool.


    "Now then," said CeeCee. "Time to send you through and...oh! De Sol Valley. That should be interesting...wherever she goes....Oh! A mom? And who is this guy? So wish I could see what was going on!!"
    Next post, Sundry wakes up.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    KellyWhovianKellyWhovian Posts: 177 Member
    edited January 2019
    @miloek I hope you're able to solve the issue! The kitties are so cute :)
    @LosaruTaiyo I'm loving your story, the writing is amazing!

    Well, this day started off rough.
    Fire broke out from the fireplace and because my sims were broken they weren't able to extinguish it or call firemen.
    They lost everything. After putting it into perspective Darien and Jena decided that the life of chasing wealth and social status wasn't for them.
    The whole Sanders family has now moved to the countryside and built a comfy home which they can raise their multitude of children in. (I promise the baby isn't staying outside for long ;) )
    Darien has quit his job and picked up painting to make a living. Jena has in turn been writing screenplays along with keeping the home tidy and caring for the five children, as they will no longer be going to school and rather picking up skills of their own.
    Adrian, their eldest son, has now moved out of the home after Erin was born. He proposed to Liberty and will be getting married shortly at the family's new home.

    Origin ID: kellywhovian

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    simwolfsimwolf Posts: 323 Member
    With the Super Sim challenge complete, I've been hopping between three saves. My NSB with Rose, who has had her baby son ready for the next generation, Super Sim Mandy's final heir has been doing the photography challenge which has been awesome amounts of fun, and I returned to an old rags to riches save to test out a couple of mods.

    Meet Amelia.

    Amelia is foster mom to Bryson shown here, and has fostered a few other toddlers, children and one teen alongside her day job of running a daycare for the neighbourhood toddlers. As she is low on funds, each day's profit goes into improving the day care. Here she is having lunch with a couple of the toddlers on a quiet day after several of the toddlers aged up.

    and taking a moment to make Bryson feel loved.

    The two mods are from Little Ms Sam and are the Foster Family mod and Live in Business mod and I cannot believe how much I am enjoying the gameplay with them. I also really fancy trying out the Live in Business mod to run a cafe.

    @miloek Good to see you back! I'll miss Thea and Cara - hope you get it sorted out soon, but it's great to see Bee in the meantime :)
    @LosaruTaiyo Can't wait to see what they get up to in Del Sol Valley
    @KellyWhovian Love their new country home
    The Simwolf - happily simming since 2000
    My Sims, Saves and Challenges

    Gallery: simwolf79 Twitter: @SimwolfSims
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    WildIrishBansheeWildIrishBanshee Posts: 2,118 Member
    Goodness, it's been a while since I've chimed in here. A whole lot has gone on in my game - started the Swift family, the Craven family and restarted the Drakes. The Swift family is currently working on its second generation, the other two have just started out. I consider the founding couple gen 0, always. Unless I'm doing a legacy lol. Which I am debating starting one - as S4 is just not that great for large family play.

    Right now I'm playing the Cravens, an alien couple. They are expecting their first nooboo(s).
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    cinnxmonbuncinnxmonbun Posts: 20 Member

    I had my sim invite some friends to her apartment for a grand meal on Harvestfest.
    Afterwards she went to a party at the Ruins and danced in front of the bonfire with some friends :smiley:
    "May the odds be ever in your favour!"
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @KellyWhovian Thank you and OMG that tot's face. :D I don't know why but I just find it so funny with all the fire and mayhem around!

    @simwolf Looks like Amelia is gonna have her hands

    @WildIrishBanshee I find for the big families it's about how strong the PC is, patience, and remembering to travel for a while to escape diaper changing...LOL
    WARNING: Long Post

    After being teleported to "Back to Roots", Sunny's memories of Laptop Beta, her brother, and even being an AI all dissolved into a vague dream, kind of like those ones you wake up from, you know you had, but don't remember all the details.


    "Sunny! Sunny! Sundry Day you're not going to sleep the entire morning are you?"

    A voice was calling out, waking Sunny up from her sleep.


    Downstairs, the cat was occupied with the record player. Much like the house itself, the player had been in the house since the 30's or 40's or so.


    Sunny looked at her reflection as she applied her eyeliner.

    "Why hello there, me! Did we have a good sleep?"


    She chuckled to herself.

    "Now, now Sunny. You're talking to yourself again..."


    After applying her make-up, Sunny bust out laughing.

    "Last thing you need is to turn into your mother."

    "And what's wrong with your mother?"


    Sunny looked up, rolling her eyes.

    "Mom...I've told you to knock before you enter my room..."

    "But I'm your mother, dear. I brought you into this world..."

    "And you can take me out of it," said Sunny, sighing. "Seriously though, mother, can you please go? I'd like to get dressed."


    "Well answer me first: What's wrong with your mother?"

    Sunny gave a light chuckle.

    "Aside from an obsession with the mirror, nothing really."

    "Of course I have an obsession, dearie. I always need to look my best for my public!"


    Sunny gave another amused sigh.

    "And along with everything else, dear mother, there will never be anyone like you. Should I assume that since you're here that Sean is getting breakfast this morning?"

    "Of course! Why do you think I pay him?"


    In this world, Sean was childhood friend of Sunny's, having taken up work with her family after his own family back in Selvadorada fell on hard times and needed money, of which Sean would send home every two weeks.


    "Miss Misty! Miss Sunny! Breakfast is ready!" Sean called.


    "Well I guess I'd better leave you to getting dressed then," said Misty. "I do hope it isn't asparagus crepes again!"

    "Now, mother," Sunny mused. "We need to at least encourage Sean attempting new dishes if he wishes to eventually become a full on chef when he goes home."

    "I know," said Sunny's mother. "I just wish it didn't have to involve asparagus!"


    The two eventually made their way downstairs, Sunny taking in the aroma of breakfast.

    "Mmph! Sean this smells wonderful!"

    "Thank you, Miss Sunny. It's a...fully loaded?...Yeah...Fully loaded omelette. Ham, cheese, red onion, and peppers. I would have used sausage, but it looks like we're out."

    "Just add it to the shopping list. And it's Sunny! You don't need to call me 'Miss'."


    "You still have to refer to me as 'Miss' however," said Misty. "Seeing as I am your boss."

    "Of course Miss Misty,' said Sean.

    "Which does remind me though: I am planning on hiring a butler soon so to help lighten your workload."


    Sean was taken aback.

    "Have I done something wrong Miss?"

    "Oh not at all, Sean," explained Misty. "But I am just thinking that you should be focusing on your cooking skills so that when you get home, you can treat that family of yours. I'll adjust your pay so you're not losing too much. We still need to be sure they're financially stable.


    Sean then smiled.

    "Thank you, Miss Misty. You and Sunny have been so good to me. My mom speaks nothing but praise about you."

    "Mhm?" Misty said as Skampers got on the table.



    "No, Skampers..." scolded Sunny. "That's people food. You have a bowl next to the kitchen."

    "Haha...I guess he knows where the good food is," laughed Sean, scooting the cat back from the omelettes.


    Sunny laughed.

    "Either that or we spoil him too much."

    "Of course!" said Misty. "He's a purebred calico mix!"

    Sunny laughed again, Skampers simply looking at the omelettes leftover temptingly.


    Misty soon shooed Skampers away, sitting then to talk to Sunny.

    "Now don't forget; Later today you have a wardrobe fitting with Izzy. I don't want my daughter wearing just anything out of her usuals for our dinner date tonight."


    "Do we always have to do this when we go on dinner dates?" asked Sunny. "My formalwear is already good enough."

    "But we gotta keep up appearances dearie!" explained Misty. "We're the Day family! You're the daughter of the actress Misty Dawn Day! Just because..."

    "Okay, okay," interrupted Sunny. "But after I finish work, okay?"
    Next post, Sunny gets an idea.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    WildIrishBansheeWildIrishBanshee Posts: 2,118 Member
    edited January 2019
    @LosaruTaiyo That does help, though it's more an expansion problem. Too few lots that are suitable! Loving Back To Roots and Laptop Beta, as always. ;) Seems like Sunny landed in a good spot!

    And I forgot to update about my own game. The Cravens are dirt poor right now, seriously. They have about 700 simoleans available and a ton of things to buy! They had their first child, Adelaide, who is now a toddler - and an independent one at that. Adam is in the Astronaut career, while Eve stays at home (as per usual in my games) and gardens, collects etc. I'm actually switching aspirations around in order to quickly get up the points needed for the money tree - their house is virtually empty still! Adam focuses his time on his career, as well as some of the more masculine skills - logic, programming, comedy etc. and Eve does the creative ones, though there is naturally some overlap. Otherwise, they are working on friendships and other things as well. Friendships are a bit more challenging with them than other sims, as they are aliens and often start out with negative relationships so far. This has probably been the first family I've really wanted to "gift" with some money in a cheaty way lol.

    Also, want to work on getting all my families onto Plum Tree App so I can keep track of them all!
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    KellyWhovianKellyWhovian Posts: 177 Member
    edited January 2019
    @WildIrishBanshee Oh no :( hopefully they're able to work their way up soon!
    @LosaruTaiyo I love this story :) can't wait to see what happens next with Sunny!
    Liberty adopted two stray cats, Fae Fae and Tiger. She's hoping to adopt more soon!
    They also just welcomed Joel Sanders into the world
    So Adrian has been helping around the property with gardening and chores while Liberty and Joel recover.
    Going back to the Generation 1 household everyone has aged up, meaning that Brenden had to move out
    He's now moved into the Roomies' household in Oasis Springs and has become a Style Influencer. He has no plans of having children like Adrian anytime soon ;)
    Origin ID: kellywhovian

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    miloekmiloek Posts: 451 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo I like how CeeCee is singing a lil song while programming it's so cute ((:
    @KellyWhovian Had to take a minute to admire the first two pics of the fire b/c I couldn't stop laughing at how they were just,, staring at each other while burning lmao
    @simwolf brb immediately downloading that foster family mod :o

    I love my son and finally have decent pics of him

    Chiquita: imma fight this pan
    Bee: *sighing eternally*

    I'm attempting to get my kiddos into dating and?? if I were a sim, I would 100% have the unflirty trait?? yet here I am, focusing on the love lives of 2 sims at once??
    (Emet is unflirty and the progress is slooow lmao)

    Bee & Jeremy: hate! thunderstorms!!
    Me: sigh


    Sure, fine, may as well.
    Origin ID: f0xxes
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    simwolfsimwolf Posts: 323 Member
    @miloek Those who repair together... stay together? I can heartily recommend the foster family mod, it really changes up your gameplay when you have to take care of a toddler or child without being able to control them, but is not as tricky as it sounds since one of the most amazing aspects of The Sims 4 is the intricacy of the behaviour of sims. So many visual and verbal cues and a nice excuse to become more attuned to them.

    A lot has happened in the Berry household. (I can play more often now that the holidays are over and routines are back to normal lol) So long post warning :D

    Rose was chatting to Zack but had a shifty look about her like she'd just had a thought

    Next moment she's down on bended knee (autonomous proposals are active)

    Zack accepted and the subsequent celebration led to the birth of Will and Jill. Theo was already a toddler, so twins would turn out to be a handful

    It wasn't long before Theo aged up and could help out a little around the house

    Before long, the big day of the wedding arrived... but Rose was a little apprehensive. She'd stupidly invited her teen crush Barrett to the wedding, and as he walked to his seat, she began to notice her feet were very cold.

    She explained to Zack that things just didn't feel right

    Best friend Keaton was trying to cheer her up and tell her that the wedding could be salvaged (not gonna happen buddy) when Barrett wandered over to check on Rose.

    Keaton realised he had no clue what was going on and left them alone. Barrett told Rose exactly what she needed to hear - if it doesn't FEEL right, then it isn't right. He told her she had no reason to feel guilty - it would have been much worse to go through with the wedding feeling like she did... especially for the kids!

    Rose thanked him for listening, and for his advice, with a hug...... which may have lasted just a few seconds longer than was necessary, though neither side seemed to notice.

    Rose spent a lot of time at home, coming to terms with things, but when New Years Eve rolled around a few weeks later she was starting to feel better. Then Barrett visited to see how she was doing.

    He was so kind and caring, just how she remembered him..... though after a few New Year toasts, she woke to find out she'd remembered him perhaps TOO fondly :#

    Her immediate reaction was one of panic, but Barrett knew exactly what to say to ease her mind

    A chat with Aunt Maisie helped too and soon Barrett and Rose went out on an official date to see what happened.
    The Simwolf - happily simming since 2000
    My Sims, Saves and Challenges

    Gallery: simwolf79 Twitter: @SimwolfSims
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