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Do sims 2 fans prefer sims 3 or sims 4?


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    RamofMerryDeathRamofMerryDeath Posts: 22 Member
    I'm TS2 -> TS4 -> TS3. Never played the first game, so I can't comment!

    I think 2 feels the most 'fun' to me but I've spent so much time in it I'm just... bored. Sims 4 is filling that void right now. I feel like I would've enjoyed S3 more, but it had MASSIVE performance issues for me, so I never really.. got into it.
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    MidnightSalem20MidnightSalem20 Posts: 4 New Member
    Really it is a toss up between The Sims 2 and 3 for me (I've yet to really play Sims 4, but I'm aiming to change that soon), and it all depends on what kind of playstyle I want to go for on any given play session. The Sims 2 feels more goofy, silly and outrageous than its successor, so if I want a lighthearted, anything-goes playthrough I start that up. Not saying you can't be super silly in The Sims 3 of course, I just feel like TS3 is better accommodated for a more realistic session, at least in my eyes. Despite all its glitches I still feel like TS3 was the nearest The Sims have gotten to actually feeling real and their world tangible.

    So I guess the short answer is: I love them both for different reasons and don't have a definitive pick.
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    kamra19610kamra19610 Posts: 461 Member
    Well for me my favorite and still fav is Sims 2, but runner up for me now just since a few months ago is Sims 4. I have 3 but to big and hard to run even on my good computer. Never thought I would bother with 4 since it had no toddlers. Gee, what is a family without toddlers. But when I saw that they now do and that they are so darn cute and more to them then even sims 2 I went for it. I have come to like the game though still really lacking in many areas such as no more to grow a town and so little you can do in the build area to make your own town the way you want it. But it runs easy and not to hard to play in rounds like sims 2, but the best is the toddlers and over all interactions of sims and children can do so much more even stay home alone and go to town alone. So I now go back and forth but still Sims 2 first.
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    r0b0tman5r0b0tman5 Posts: 109 Member
    I prefer sims 3 and sims 1 over sims 4 tbh
    Been playing The Sims since The Sims 1! B)
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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    probably 2->4->1->3
    But it's hard to say because all of these games have things i love or hate.
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    NyxAxelNyxAxel Posts: 6 New Member
    Sims 4 doesn't exist in my mind and never will.
    Sims 3 is the same as Sims 2 to me, so I could never choose between them.
    And for Sims 1... I've never considered it a Sims game, and never will, because it wasn't a game. It was meant to be used by realtors to help clients find the right house. It literally accidentally became a game, without them trying. I don't consider that anywhere near the same level as 2 or 3, so it'd be unfair for me to even give it a rank here.
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    luxsylvanluxsylvan Posts: 1,922 Member
    It depends. I love CAS in 4, as well as build mode (it's the easiest version for me). But I miss story progression in 3 (but I don't miss it progressing uncontrolled. Like I want progress without me there but I want them to do what I want. Lol). And what I miss most from 3, which I didn't realize until I was looking at some other simmer's screenshots last night, is textures. That's what I miss the most in 4 as far as appearance goes. I wish I could take the best bits from each one and mush them into one monster game that I love to death.

    If I have to choose though, I'd say...4. But only because it runs better. I don't use mods, and so playing 3 got old really fast since nothing rendered and it was just super glitchy all the time (again, never used it, but I've heard that NRAAS, I think that's what it's called, fixed many issues people had). I still get glitches in 4, but they aren't as impactful on my games. Other people's experiences are different, I'm sure, and there are still a ton of things 3 did that 4 doesn't. Of course 2 isn't perfect and it has it's glitches too, but it contains the most of the things I want from a Sims game. And this is why 2 is the age-old favorite. <3

    Overall, it'd be 2, then 3 and 4 at a tie, then 1. I didn't dislike 1 at all, but I played it so long ago and haven't played since that it's a bit hard to remember everything (I was pretty young at the time).
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    SeloBeeSeloBee Posts: 177 Member
    My list would be 2>3>1

    TS2 is my ultimate all-time favorite, hands down. In my opinion, nothing has ever lived up to the hype that was Sims 2 when it first came out. Although the other games have improved in some areas, they've also gone backwards in other areas, whereas Sims 2 had advanced in literally every single aspect compared to its predecessor. I remember when TS3 was coming out, and I was so excited because I thought it would be as epic an update to the series as TS2 was. My sister got it first, and I got to play but honestly I found myself missing TS2 every time I tried to play, so I went back lol. I continued to play 2 for about 2 more years before I gave 3 another chance, and by then it actually began to grow on me (even though the sims themselves still bothered me, which I'm glad to find I wasn't the only one who felt that way :lol:) Personally, I really like the way sims look in 2 more than any of the other games, and I find I don't much care for the weirdly cartoony yet (trying to be) realistic way sims look in 4, it's just.... weird lol idk how else to explain it but it just does not appeal to me.

    A big plus I also enjoy about TS2, and really it's just because it is an older game, but I love that I can play the game with every expansion and stuff pack installed plus loads of CC on an old beat-up laptop from 2009 and it runs absolutely beautifully even with every setting on high, even on the largest lot! When I played TS2 in the past, I had to have all settings on low/med or turned off, so now that I can play it with everything on high it's almost like I'm falling in love with the game all over again. I notice things I couldn't before, like the fact you can actually sit there and count how many threads are in a sweater or a rug, you can see the grain/markings on wooden furniture, etc. It's just gorgeous!!! :heart:

    I keep seeing people saying something like, "Don't judge an incomplete game to a completed game," or, "Sims 4 is still expanding, just be patient!" but really, c'mon guys, we're 4 almost 5 years since TS4's release and it's still just..meh. By this point with every other iteration, the next one in the series was either being advertised or was coming out, and EA hasn't even mentioned a Sims 5... And on the former [sorta] quote, I can't speak for anyone else obviously, but I personally compare every series-type game to the previous based on where the previous was at the same time. For instance, when TS4 came out, I compared it to the other base games only, and at least for me, it was still a COMPLETE let-down, I think I honestly cried you guys. I had such high hopes for 4, and maybe that's where I messed up, but even so I just felt betrayed by the Sims team (even though now I know it was definitely more EA's fault) I don't know how else to describe how I felt though. It hurt like a broken heart.

    But, hey, everyone has a different opinion and everyone likes different things, and that's okay. In fact, it makes life more interesting, just like Sims! If I made the same sim over and over and over again, it would get really really boring, lol. And I'm so happy I finally became a part of this forum, seeing others who are just as passionate (if not more!) about Sims games as I am is so wonderful, I'm the only person I know in real-life that even plays the games!! :lol:

    Happy Simming everyone! :blush:
    The world is quiet here
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    WildIrishBansheeWildIrishBanshee Posts: 2,118 Member
    As a long term simmer, I'd have to say that 2 is my favorite, and 4 is a close second. I just can't even with 3, nope nope nope!
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    xoSnowyOwlxoxoSnowyOwlxo Posts: 29 Member
    TS2 in my opinion is the best of the franchise, it has its limitations and shortcomings - but it was such a revolutionary game for its time that I think what limited it isn't really significant (the pros of the game outweighs the cons, and it has aged incredibly well).

    I love both TS3 and TS4, I feel they really tried their best with TS3 to expand on TS2 and there's a lot of content there, however I find it hard to make decent looking sims in TS3 even with loads of mods, and the open world feature may seem amazing but it turned a lot of places into rabbit holes, which was a bit of a let down for me.

    TS4 has much nicer quality sims, although they still are a lot different than TS2 sims, but of course it has its flaws and faults and in a lot of ways it was a step-down from the Sims 3 rather than a step up. Despite that, I actually prefer TS4 to TS3 and have a lot of fun with it, but I'm very disappointed in EA for the way they've been handling this game - because I see so much potential for TS4 that is being squandered in the favour of cheap cash grabs, and the faithful fanbase that has been around since the first or second instalment of the sims deserves far better than that.
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    Hecate90Hecate90 Posts: 53 Member
    I have been avidly playing the Sims since 2003 I think? The first Sims game I played was Sims 1 (I especially loved those Vacation and House Party expansion packs) because Sims 2 hadn't been released yet. Like many long term Sims players I will always be attached to the Sims 2, for me I think it's that sense of nostalgia and it's a very fun and entertaining game to play. It was near enough perfect to me. I would spend hours upon hours playing it, I think the longest amount of time I played the Sims 2 was when I was 15 years old and did 22 hours in one sitting....jeeze. I was gutted when I first bought the Sims 3 - I like the freedom you get with it but the performance was so horrid. I do really like Sims 4 a lot actually, the quality and graphics are great. Sims 4 does lack in some areas but over all it's a nice game to play. I think whichever Sims game you prefer boils down to personal preference.
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    KLAlexisKLAlexis Posts: 472 Member
    I started loving the series with Sims 2. It is Sims 3 for me. My list goes Sims 3, 2, and then 1. Yeah sim 4 has nice things in it and the game impresses me every now and then. I can give credit where it is due, and I do like some things about sims 4. But, overall the game has been a huge disappointment for me since day 1 and I am so glad that I didnt get it. If I ever do get it in the far future itll be on my ps4 and discounted (or gifted to me)
    mortia wrote: »
    In my opinion, TS4 is a glued-together, shambles of a game and will never live up to its predecessors as far as in-depth gameplay goes. It's pure fluffy facade.

    I so agree with this.
    "The truth hurts, but lies kill"
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    violaineTviolaineT Posts: 48 Member
    My own experience
    Sims (1) first then many years later the 3 then the 4 and now the 2
    I am deeply in the 2 but as you ask I had much more time and fun with the 3 as with the 4.
    I get quickly bored with the 4. Won't say more.
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    simskeletonsimskeleton Posts: 605 Member
    In my opinion, Sims 2 is best overall, I have no interest in Sims 4 at the moment. I bought Sims 3 and played it once on my PC, but it was WAY to slow to play. (Probably need a better graphics card or something on my PC).
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    DedudamolDedudamol Posts: 17 Member
    I more prefer The SIms 2. Its game of my childhood. I remember how i spent time in this masterpiece. The Sims 2 its breakthrough in The Sims series. My new PC (at that time) cant run the game good. Freezes, not good quality graphics... oh. I very envied my cousin. He had new PC and run The Sims 2 perfectly!
    Okay, this post not about graphics etc... The Sims 2 had (and have!) more opportunities. You can create any Sims. Famous people, your friends or person of your dream and if you have some CC, its more easy! But i dont love CC. I downloaded only official item from The Sims 2 Store. Its beautiful.
    In The Sims 2 heroes like real! They crying, laughing, jealousing. When your sim have girlfriend or boyfriend on other side, first wife (or just lover) can find out about it. And just slap to face. After they will be enemies. Sure, Sim can apologize, but its not always working. Them Sim can find other Sim.
    Or... if you play as teenager, he can just leave from home at night. Just he want. Thats all. Sure, he return. But he can receive bad memory about this, because he return in police car. He was catch by policeman. Parrents will scold him. Its real!
    Next. Whem relative sim died, other sim can want to see ghost this Sim. Oh, you can dream more histories!
    Hobbies, interestes, fears and wishes - Its that what make Sims in game too realistic! 15 years later this game for me still better!
    Will Wright, thank you so much for our happy childhood! Thank you!
    I want write else, but why? Its The Sims 2. The Sims 2 dont need for description. Its masterpiece. <3
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    haisinhaisin Posts: 954 Member
    At the moment I would say TS4, TS1, TS2 and TS3, based on how much I would like to play them.

    I have played TS2 the most of these four, and it is amazing game, but honestly I'm very bored with it at the moment and don't really want to go back to it. I have this nice nostalgic feeling about TS1 and I would like to play it, but have been postponing it for... half a year now, lol, because it is a challenging game. I haven't really played TS3 much (only the base game on PS3), because I don't like the appearance of TS3 sims. I watched how my sis tried to play it on PC with some EPs some months ago and it just doesn't interest me, it's like I missed TS3 train and it is too late to try to reach it now.

    Lately I have been only playing TS4. I got the base game in December and bought my first EP this month and I'm having fun. I love CAS and I like how TS4 sims look, I like the aging settings and some other things, but there are some things missing too, for example I miss swimming in the ocean, floating in the water and sun bathing from TS2. I don't know how long I will prefer playing TS4, but at the moment it is doing its job well, especially considering how hesitant I was to buy it :D
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    HarleyQuinnGirlHarleyQuinnGirl Posts: 47 Member
    TS2 is by far my favorite. With TS4 as the second, and TS3 as third.

    I've never played TS1, so I can't say about that one.
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    simongsimong Posts: 17 Member
    I'm prefer The Sims 4 :-)
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    BusufuBusufu Posts: 1,968 Member
    I was a passionate TS2 player. TS4 is almost perfect for me. I never really liked TS3.
    Sul Sul!
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    I'm also posting about my I'm surrounded by idi🤪ts! - challenge, in which I've now reached gen 9.
    Thanks for stopping by! 👋
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    Optok09Optok09 Posts: 6 New Member
    I played the 3rd Sims a bit and have watched other people play both Sims 3 and Sims 4. Sims 3 seems better than Sims 4.
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    LeosimsLeosims Posts: 47 Member
    I love all But The sims LIfe Stories is My favorite!
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    Slayer_RoseSlayer_Rose Posts: 56 Member
    I loved sims 2 and when sims 3 came out didnt bother buying it as I had just got all of the packs for sims 2. I brought sims 3 a few years ago and really didn't like it. I played it for like an hour and gave up. I love sims 4 though - I can't say why sims 3 didn't appeal to me other than I think I just missed the boat on that one.
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    sikasika18sikasika18 Posts: 343 Member
    It depends on my mood what game in the series I want to play. For depth and meaningful gameplay I choose the sims 2 any day in the week but I do love building in the sims 3 since it has the most freedom for that. The sims 1 works wonderfully now after hex editing it to a native 1080p with the UI fix so I tend to go back to that one a lot too now for the charm. The sims 4 is getting better and I play that one too from time to time but I get bored faster in 4. I get so attached to my sims in 2, they behave how you expect them to different situations where as in 4 they seem a bit behind (dropped on their heads I assume) and don't react naturally to much that happens around them but I enjoy it for what it is. All the games have different things I enjoy but 2 is my go to game for depth, which to me is what makes a sim game.
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    tarcottitarcotti Posts: 20 Member
    I've never played either 3 or 4 but I'd like to try one. I have a PS4 and a PC and MAC so I have several platforms but I'm wondering which one is more like the Sims 1 which I LOVE. Anyone have a suggestion which I should try?
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    > @simong said:
    > I'm prefer The Sims 4 :-)

    I also prefer "The Sims 4". I was tempted to get "The Sims 3" series, but decided NOT to get "The Sims 3" series.
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