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World Explorers - Chapter 4


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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    Hi, @HappySimmer3 :mrgreen:

    It's been cold here so early but dry so the tree changing wasn't so glorious. Have a Wonderful Autumn. :cookie:
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hey all - Just stopping by to see whose stopped in and as always - it's so nice seeing each of you who drops in.

    Well I've moved again - a bit further north in Maine to a small town called Hiram in the heart of Lakes country, this time to a more permanent place. I like the town - it is small and quiet, and the people are extremely welcoming and friendly. The folks and the town are very New England - and the town itself feels like I have stepped back in time almost in a lot of areas. The area looks like a Fall Currier and Ives drawing - all we are missing is horses and buggies... I can actually hear myself think.

    I welcome the silence.

    Love you all - Reggie.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    Greenb70Greenb70 Posts: 1,871 Member
    A very Merry Christmas to everyone of you.Hopefully your Christmas and New Years are wonderful.
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    Starsaphire2Starsaphire2 Posts: 315 Member
    May the spirit of the holidays brings hope and joy to all. *HUGS*
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Wonderful Season's Greetings... and Big Wishes for a Happy New Year. :HUGZ: :cookie::mrgreen:
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    Hey all! Hope everyone is doing well. Love you all! Hugz all around.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    RoseRidgeRoseRidge Posts: 1,321 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I haven't posted in a very long time, so taking a moment to read what my favorite Sims 3 group has been up to. It is very nice to see familiar faces still posting. Hope you are all well and still enjoying Sims 3, as I am. In addition to playing Sims 3, a few other games have filled in the gap while I await the next version of Sims.

    We are having some beautiful Spring weather and I hope to catch up on my much neglected garden. Other than that nothing exciting going on here; I consider that a good thing. :)

    Take care

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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hey Rose Ridge - I play Sims 2, 3 and 4 - they pass the time anyway - and often keep me smiling. Sims 2 I have 4 legacies going - Sims 3 I'm doing a homeless thing on Rflongs Legacy Island. And Sims 4 I am playing a Jungle adventure with a budding archeologists.

    Weather - well first of all we are back in Maine and it looks like we won't even see a Spring or any kind of gardening. Been getting bombarded by one Nor'easter after the other - at least weekly this winter. We can't even get to our car as we did get a couple days of warmth that did nothing but melt snow under walls of snow - followed by another storm that added another 28 inches ontop of what we had and back to zero temps. Froze in our Ford explorer. On top of it - it has to be the first time in my life I ever heard of a Ford Explorer XL ever getting stuck like ours is - so Mother Nature is definitely vicious. Hubby tried to get it out and it was stuck so hard it blew our transmission.

    Winter - I hate it so bad right now. MY health - not so good - and I can't go outside at all any more. So goes life - so I am grateful for the sims - they keep me sane and help me at least feel like I am experiencing life of some kind.

    So glad to see you. Could hardly believe it when I saw your name pop up - so ran right here to investigate. LOL. Glad things sound good for you anyway.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    RoseRidgeRoseRidge Posts: 1,321 Member
    Hi Reggie,

    Glad to see you too!

    Gosh, it took some searching yesterday to find the World Explorers thread.

    Your weather sounds absolutely miserable, so thankful I'm in the south. The worst we have to deal with is hurricanes; last year was a doozy, putting us out of power for 3 days. Your winter nor'easters sound far worse. Don't even want to know what transmissions go for nowadays. We have just gone through a couple days of rain and I can see the flax starting to come up in the pasture. I hope winter will soon be over for you too.

    Very sad to hear your in poor health. I know you have struggled with medical issues for as long as I have been simming. Always good to put one's mind on something else, isn't it. I like your idea of a homeless sim on Rflong's Legacy Island, might give that a try. Should you seek something all consuming, Ark Survival Evolved is my go to game. (single player or private server) However Sims 3 will always be my favorite. I haven't played since Christmas. My youngest moved back home, storing all her belongings, in the guest bedroom, where my simming computer is set up. Can't even get in the door, let alone my computer and I don't want to redownload everything to my newer computer. :) On a happy note, I do enjoy her company. :)

    Stay warm and safe,

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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    RoseRidge wrote: »
    Hi Reggie,

    Glad to see you too!

    Gosh, it took some searching yesterday to find the World Explorers thread.

    Your weather sounds absolutely miserable, so thankful I'm in the south. The worst we have to deal with is hurricanes; last year was a doozy, putting us out of power for 3 days. Your winter nor'easters sound far worse. Don't even want to know what transmissions go for nowadays. We have just gone through a couple days of rain and I can see the flax starting to come up in the pasture. I hope winter will soon be over for you too.

    Very sad to hear your in poor health. I know you have struggled with medical issues for as long as I have been simming. Always good to put one's mind on something else, isn't it. I like your idea of a homeless sim on Rflong's Legacy Island, might give that a try. Should you seek something all consuming, Ark Survival Evolved is my go to game. (single player or private server) However Sims 3 will always be my favorite. I haven't played since Christmas. My youngest moved back home, storing all her belongings, in the guest bedroom, where my simming computer is set up. Can't even get in the door, let alone my computer and I don't want to redownload everything to my newer computer. :) On a happy note, I do enjoy her company. :)

    Stay warm and safe,


    Thank you Rose. It must be fun to have a child back in the home - although my kids came and went a lot until each finally married and settled down. My youngest just celebrated his 3 rd anniversary - like his mom he is a World Explorer, but in the real world - not the Sims. Lol - you never know where he and his wife will be next.

    I don't think I would like not having my pc though. Lol. I'd be climbing the walls. Hubby would be adding me a pc alcove somewhere for sure.

    As for weather - well in this part of Maine - we always feel lucky if the snow is gone by mid May - so it is really typical Northwest central Maine. We have the same weather much of Canada has - in fact a bit more North of me we share a lake with Canada. I suppose the bit of summer we get and the amazing Autumns we get is all worth the terrible winters.

    I am actually from the South originally - and most of my family still live in the Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. So I well know the beautiful Springs in the South. Fond memories for sure.

    I'll have to look into that game for sure. Thank you for mentioning it.

    Hugs to you and your family -

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    RoseRidgeRoseRidge Posts: 1,321 Member
    Well I spoke too soon yesterday. Right after I posted, we went under a tornado watch. That will teach me to brag about the weather!

    I know what you mean about being without a computer. How did we ever manage growing up in an era without cell phones or computers? Even though I have other computers, with loads of games, I am feeling nostalgic about my sims. My daughter will be hear for another 6 months, so I simply have to roll up my sleeves and make a path to my simming computer. Wish me luck!

    You have family in my neck of the woods. I didn't know you were from the south. I am one of the few remaining Florida Crackers. lol

    Just been looking at Rflong's Supernatural Island. It looks like a lot of fun. I will definitely keep an eye out for it's completion.

    Take Care,
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    Yep - Born in Jacksonville, Florida and grew up part of my life in Florida and Georgia. Came North to Massachusetts when I was 12 - and my dad opened another of his House of TV stores in Massachusetts. I did go back to my families Florida cottages several times up until after my youngest son was born - also in Jacksonville - but didn't go back after there often after that. Life got too busy and changed a lot. But very much a Southern girl. People here in the North know the minute I open my mouth I don't really belong. LOL. But they accept me in spite of my Southern ways. Lol. Hubby is a Mainer and all his family are here.

    Yes - That world looks amazing. Check it out - visually - often.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    Whoa, I am soooooo lost. It seems like there are many ways to get to one place on the forum and so many times I am asked for a log in. It's very confusing. I don't know if anyone will see this post. I cant even say how I found it. I found one topic on the forum I post in and then I clicked on my own name and somehow found my old posts and this least I think that's what happened. I could not find everyone just by looking around the forums.

    I didn't mean to pop out of touch again after my visit in 2016. It's a very long story, I have had some health problems and we will leave it at that for the sake of brevity. I'm now finally back into a home office so that means I could have a real full power full size tower PC. If I thought it was hard to navigate these forums now, on my ipad it was awful.

    Suffice it to say I am glad to have a real computer again after about six years of just being on an ipad, the mini one no less. Thanks to the Prime Day sales, I got a real VR capable tower gaming computer. This new pc stays so cool. When I was fetching old sims off my 2011 MacBook Pro that poor laptop was overheating like a mad dog even on top of my old cooling fan platform.

    Of course I'm using the new computer for Sims 3. My daughter is now a teenager and plays Sims3 and has her own sims and saves on my machine. I unfortunately have very limited access to all my old files. I was happy to see I still had access to my old store content. The only thing I am completely locked out of is anything I had under my other Jenny Moonlight account. I lost the log in information for that account a long time ago.

    I could only get a tiny fraction of the sims I used to play from my old MacBook. I managed to upload those to The Exchange and get them back into my new Sims 3 game. I was too wary to download the Sims that were packaged up as households as I don't know the effect of having old content in with a newly patched Origin version of the game would have. I had all my old disks but chose to enter my serial numbers into Origin and redownload the games as that seemed faster. Not sure if I did the right thing, but what's done is done.

    I also just bought Sims 4 and got Get Together free with it from Origin. It was a rather underwhelming experience.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I've been gone for years, so I don't expect anyone to remember me. Though I am surprised how much is coming back to me as I look at older posts here. I'm busy getting myself reacclimated to the game. I plan to venture into mods and custom worlds again, though slowly, so I don't explode my game. This time, if I mess up the game, I will have a very indignant and upset teenager to answer to!
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    geminiagregeminiagre Posts: 6,918 Member
    Summer!!!!! *Tackle hugs* I'm so glad to see you around.
    I'm sorry you had health issues. Hopefully everything is better now.
    So the next generation of simmers is already in lol.
    I've been in a huge sims hiatus for quite a while. I've also stayed away from the forums for ages. It is not as easy to navigate as it used to. I've been more active in Twitter though, where I occasionally see WR.
    I gave in and got into ts4. TS3 now is not working with booter so no way to limit fps, even with the GC settings. Lag and stuggering also caught up with me (surprised it took so long with so many cc) and the occasional crashing. Plus loading the game turned into a pain.
    With the boys now (4yo and almost 2yo) being quite the attention seekers, ts4 is way better. Loads up fast, even with cc, I can minimise and do other things, without my PC breaking a sweat. It has come a long way anyway and apart from the less content thing, I'm pretty happy with it. I still play after everyone is asleep though. Way easier to focus and relax in peace and quiet.
    I'm slowly trying to update my blog again, adding links, showcasing my builds and the occasional blabs.
    I'm also setting up to start YouTube (and maybe twitch) as well, received my first headphone set today, I've downloaded OBS and filmora, I've already recorded a house flipper video, which needs editing, and I've started working on my first speed build which is gonna take a while. The house is not even half done and I already have 8GB of footage.
    I recently became a Game Changer, and I'm so overly excited about it, as it was something I really wanted.
    We are leaving on Saturday for "vacation" to go visit my folks back home for 2 weeks. Hopefully I'll find some time to spend with friends without the kids, and relax a bit.
    I've no idea when I last updated you guys. Hope everyone is doing great. *Group hug*
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    Hi @SummerSong86 *tackle Hugz 2* :mrgreen:

    I'm happy to Hope you're doing better. So sad about all the Health problems. :disappointed:

    Of course we remember you. :cookie:
    I haven't been playing much. A little TS2, hardly any TS3 CAW but I'm trying again (slower than I used to).
    I'm on the same old computer... but I'm starting to nag about wanting a new one. ;)

    I found out today my sister has stage 4 lung cancer. She'll start Chemo Monday. I don't know how to handle it so I'm going to not think about it at all for now (I'm an avoider). No replies necessary on this, either.

    Now, I'm just not that much into the new Sims game- it bores me and I don't get inspired when building in it. I've tried over 6 times to play that game longer than a hour or two. :sigh:

    I'm Ecstatically Excited for you, @geminiagre at being a Game Changer. That's thrilling, I"m sure!
    You've always had such talent in building lots. :cookie::mrgreen:
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    Hi @geminiagre and @Rflong7 It is so good to see you both again! I am so sad I missed seeing my other friends, not much after I last posted a couple of years ago. I had really intended to stick around and something happened to knock me offline but I don't remember anymore what it was. I think my husband ended up in the hospital with renal failure but I'm not sure that was it. (He's fine now--on a lot of medications but overall is doing well now that his blood pressure is under control).

    I am so ashamed, I was able to get in touch with Tangie via email a couple of years ago and we emailed for awhile and I owed her an email and all heck broke loose around that time and I fell out of touch. It's been one thing after another for my husband, my daughter, my in-laws and my parents and myself, medically. We've been blessed to come through it all, eventually, though, so I can not complain. Really, we have seen some intense miracles.

    And yes, I AM better! I have been better for awhile, but had to ration my time and energy keeping up with my daughter during the time she was doing sports. But now she's in musicals and plays so there's less traveling for that and I can get more free time again. Everything is based closer to my home. When she was in sports we went all the way to the west coast for tournaments and activities. That was grueling. But we did it! :# My poor husband even managed and he was recovering from surgery during one of those trips. Come to think of it, so was I. Well anyway we were both proud to be able to keep up with other parents who were ten years younger than us!

    Gem, I can't believe your oldest is 4 now! :o I remember when he was THE baby. I see you went and had another one and now he is already two. Oh goodness! That's wonderful! Are you still living in the place you got around the time I left this community?

    I am happy and impressed at all you've been up to! Congratulations! Keep up the good work. I don't really know how to post to Twitter but I am registered so my local news tweets come in. I don't really read it often but it is the only social media I have. Can I find you there under the name you use here?

    I used to be on Facebook but found it a stressful environment, so I just quietly exited. I never tried Instagram or any of the others.

    My daughter was such a little thing when we last tested Rflong's worlds together. She was only 7 or 8. Now she's an inch taller than me and she is a classically trained singer. She finished an acting class in June. She will turn 14 in a few months.

    Rflong, prayers and good wishes for you and yours. I can just imagine it must be hard to be on the same computer! Wow! I hope you can get your dream machine soon. I was able to get mine on discount during Amazon Prime day and it helped that yeah, I hadn't spent anything on computers in 6 years. I went with a plain old PC this time for less than $1000. It's got cute red lights on it and the mouse glows different colors! Things sure have changed since I had my last desktop.

    Yeah I still have the MacBook Pro that @DarkMirage thought was a bad idea for Sims (he was right) and I still have Sims 3 loaded onto it but it runs so dreadfully slow and overheats. It was doing that when we got the Lucky Palms world with the boats in it, which was just a few months after I bought that laptop, sad to say. I paid way too much for what I ended up with. Well it's not like y'all didn't try to warn me! Lesson learned!

    My daughter was so excited when I got the new computer and set sims up on it. She has so many happy memories associated with us sitting at the computer together exploring and testing worlds. She said she's waited her whole life to be able to play on her own unsupervised. We kept her somewhat sheltered for as long as we could but now she's a big girl and can play out all the themes.

    We are still crazy cat ladies. We have all the same pets we had when last you all heard from me, plus we caught and spayed/neutered and vaccinated some local feral cats who now visit regularly and have befriended my dog and my indoor cats. I just open my kitchen door and they come in, visit with the indoor cats and in cold weather huddle over the heating vents in the floor until they warm up and are ready to go back outside. They are feral so I can't adopt them. I can't even touch them except for two of the grown kittens of the first feral cat I befriended. They freak out if I close the door. Fortunately my indoor cats rarely try to go outside.

    Well I'm going to go play some Sims 3. I never sent my sims to University before, so that's new to me. I have my very old sim Laura Marshall getting a degree in communications. I made that sim years ago. I have refined some of my old sims, but she is the same as she was. I recently redid Luna Lovegood a couple of times and now she looks as much as the movie Luna Lovegood as I think I can possibly make a Sims 3 sim. She's one of my favorites now. My next favorite is one I got out of a breeding project using the @Pary sim. I recently refined that one and named her Summer Dhayz. LOL! I think she will be my eccentric inventor and time traveler. Again, when I left the game I had two EP's still in their shrink wrap that I never got around to opening. I finally opened them last week to get their serial numbers so I could download them from Origin since my new computer doesn't have an optical drive. My husband did buy me an external one for it, but now I guess I don't really need it.

    I can't tell you how glad I am to have pulled this page up (I wisely remembered to bookmark it!) and found your posts. I wasn't expecting any replies and it warmed heart to see them! Hugs to you both!

    @Writin_Reg accepted my friends request so she is still around. I tried posting to her but I am not sure I did it correctly or where the heck it ended up going. I thought I was posting to her wall but I am coming to realize it could have been anywhere on this forum. Crazy!
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    geminiagregeminiagre Posts: 6,918 Member
    @Rflong7 sending my best wishes to you and your family. So glad to see you around <3

    @SummerSong86 I'm happy to hear you are ok now. Seems you and your family went through a lot. Thankfully everything is now in the past and you are all good now, so that't the only thing that matters.

    I'm trying to do something lol. To be honest life got me down. Nothing bad in particular, but all this routine all day alone with the kids (Mike usually comes home late) and not really "alone" when it's one thing i DO need within the day, really really got me down. Been thinking about youtube for ages. But with this depression I couldn't get around doing it. So the Game changers email came when i least expected it, and gave me the push that i needed. Made me feel "alive" maybe? That actually i CAN do something? idk it just helped me loads.

    I don't remember where i was leaving when i last saw you here, we went through one week here , one week there before managing to settle down. We currently live in an appartment right above Mike's workplace. It's ok. Nice size and not completely in the middle of nowhere. Not perfect , but it's ok. We are right next to a highway, so it's loud, especially in the summer , as everyone is on their motorbikes and decide to go as fast as they can in the middle of the night. Thankfully the kids have learned to sleep through that, exept if someone goes buy and is extremely loud. And the heat is unbearable. All the windows/baclony doors are facing west and we have a flat cement roof, and no other floor above us. So the sun burns the roof all day , and after 3-4 pm it's all over the front side and it gets like an oven here. We do havea an a/c in the livingroom but it's old and doesn't do much, and to be honest i'm afraid to use it lol. So we have a fan that we move around the house , and a smaller one that we have in the kids bedroom , which apparently decided to brake this year and our sleeping sessions went nasty. Thankfully we got a ceiling fan installed today in their room, not crazy cooling in a heatwave like this, but at least way better than the small one. Hopefully they'll sleep through the night tonight.

    Kids Grow super fast lol. Oder one is actually starting pre-school this year. He was non verbal until 3, and now we literally can't stop him. He talks all day long non stop. He is doing speech therapy though as he is still not speaking very clear, but he had made HUGE progress. He also seems to be quite an fast learner in English. He has learned words just by watching Youtube videos. He can cound to 10 and a few colors in English. Yes, No, I love you, goodbye and also sings "Johny Johny" . And he has an attitude already LOL.
    Little one is following his footsteps on everything. Almsot two and non verbal yet (will be evaluated after his birthday)but communicates fine by pointing and gestures, and EVERYTHING his brother does , he follows and mimics. Already in the terrible twos phase throwing tantrums right and left.
    They LOVE eachother, hugging and kissing eachother, and older one has even started advocating him. They do have their diffrences, but it's really mild. And jealousy is a minor thing thankfully , just asking whatever the other one gets. Be it a hug or just a bit of water.

    I'm too one the same pc i was back then. I've only changed the GC cause it broke during the move. I'm glad it runs TS4 awesomely and on high settings. I might need to upgrade at some point , but mostly RAM and CPU (latter will require a new MB as well) so i'm holding back till i can actually afford and really need it, as the money is short.

    I'm on Twitter as GeminiaGR, and FB by my real name but i don't go in FB that often lately. Just scrolling through and out. Not into other Social media either. I only created an instagram account the other day for a sims thing (sims of San myshuno or smth?) , and i have no idea if i'm gonna go back there. And of course YouTube (currently uploading my first video - will also need to change video editing software as filmora's free version adds a water mark) and my old Blog on Blogger.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited August 2018
    Summersong I did get the ask for the friend request in my email somehow, then was able to accept it on my page - but did not get your message.

    Hi all.

    Healthwise I am not well - just let it go at that. So back to the tests and what have you for me. Tomorrow I am having a CT PET Scan of my lungs.

    I haven't played a lot of Sims lately but do play Sims 4 when up to it. I do have a good pc Pete built for me so I also have Sims 2 and 3 on here as well as 4 - just haven't played much especially the last 2 weeks.

    Yep - I see Gem on Twitter - and the adorable pic of her babies. She does have some amazing Sims 4 builds as well.

    I sometimes see Tangie pop in on 4 but I believe she still plays her Sims 3 - not sure though.

    Rflong you are as always too modest - I have peeked in on that thread you've been working on now and then - it is amazing. I just stay quiet most of the time as I just love to see what ever you build, when you build. I also believe I saw you a time or two on the Sims 2 area of the forum. Prayers for you sister for sure.

    I do finally enjoy the Sims 4 once they got toddlers and Vamps - but tend to go through spurts right now. I actually do have games going in Sims 2 and 3 - but haven't played on them too much lately. In 3 I am of course playing in Rflongs Legacy 3 in one game anyway.

    Summer so glad you are back - and that your now teen still loves the Sims. Must be fun to see her play by herself now. Almost all my family of simmers do still play - most have moved into Sims 4 - but the same ones also still play Sims 3 as well. The horses, witches, fairies and Uni are big draws for the youngest in the family who are now 15 and 17.

    Boy Summer your hubby has been through the ringer for sure. Glad he is doing better. You as well.

    I can't stay on but anyway, some of the family just showed up - love to all of you as always - Reggie.

    Post edited by Writin_Reg on

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    @Writin_Reg its so very good to be "talking" to you again! I am sorry you're not well and will add you to my prayers along with others here. I can't believe the youngest in your family are now teenagers, too. With kids around the passage of time takes on such significance it never seemed to have the years I was married but did not have a child.

    I must say, after reading that some of you are on the same old computers, I could kick myself for my decision all those years ago to get that MacBook Pro. So much money for something that can't be upgraded! You all warned me, you did. What was I thinking?!!! I am going to see if I can update all of the operating systems on it and run Sims 4 on it. I do not think I will be running that many EP's on it. I can't AFFORD to buy any more EP's for awhile.

    @geminiagre your boys sound so sweet and I think they sound so cute together. Yes, it can be very challenging to be home alone all day with one's children. It's a blessing and a joy, but there is some isolation and stress that can contribute to depression. That was one of the reasons I went into making Sims 2 Custom Content. It was a way for me to do something I enjoyed that let me communicate with other adults and still let me be there for my child and let her be a part of it when she wanted to.

    I must say that I am very impressed that your sons will be bilingual. Your English is so good it's hard to tell it's not your native language. I admire how so many other countries encourage their citizens to be fluent in more than one language. We do that, too, in the USA. Spanish and French have always been popular in our high schools. But for some reason, a lot of us find it a challenge to retain fluency after we leave school.

    I can't imagine how you are surviving in such heat with no air conditioning. I did live on an island with a climate similar to Greece's for a few months and experienced winter and summer there. The heat and humidity was awful It was my grandmother's home and was a cement house with a flat roof. She was used to it and it never seemed to bother her. I did okay but I know I could not survive it now. I'm too much older and too much heavier to bear the heat like I used to. I do exercise but I am 52 now so the weight is very stubborn. It is here to stay! I can't believe I was only in my 30's when I started creating custom content for Sims2.

    I had a question for any of you, including anyone else reading this thread. I am running Sims 3 version 1.69 via Origin. Is it safe for me to use my own older builds from around 2011 and before that I have up on the Exchange? There are some lots I made years ago that I really miss.

    I also wanted to play some of Rflong7's old worlds. Eventually I want all the old content I remember from all of you. At least the stuff you guys uploaded that was free of CC. Are all of these older uploads going to be compatible with my completely new updated Origin installation? I already took a chance on a few of my older sims. I was kind of worried about the lots and the worlds since those are more complex.

    I know everyone is reluctant to bring their concerns and needs here, as this venue isn't really designed for that type of communication. But you all were never far from my thoughts and prayers all these years, anyway. So rest assured you're in them now. Even DM. I saw that there's been an unfortunate change in his forum status and so I sadly guess I won't get a chance to talk to him here anymore. That doesn't matter, he will always be in my heart. Lol, I am aware I did used to get on his nerves a bit. But I adored him anyway and I think he accepted I was a member of his forum family. I know Rukaya went missing quite some time ago and never resurfaced after the forum changes. Again, always in my heart. As is anyone else I haven't seen pop up again.

    I am going to now go call my husband in and have him help me get a good installation of Sims4. I messed up before and put it on the wrong drive we are trying to keep reserved just for my Windows 10. I haven't been on a computer in so long and now I'm not only back, but on a version of Windows that is a total stranger to me. :s

    Everyone have a great rest of the weekend. I do have this thread bookmarked so that I don't lose you guys again! I tried talking to @tammyjo329 on her page and I don't think she could see that message, either. I have no idea what's going on with these EA walls and forums and threads so I will be grateful I found this thread and stick to it!

    Happy Simming, everyone!

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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited August 2018
    Summer - I have all our lots and plenty others I had saved in my folders in the game. I am also on 1.69 and Origin. I have many of the worlds I used to have as well - most of Rflongs, Dms last world, Some of Gems - I don't have any issues with them. I also have the whole store and all it's worlds as well.

    By the way test your Mac if you are going to use it on Sims 4 - as Sims 4 is a 64 bit game now - and I understand some of the Macs have issues as I guess Mac went from boot camp to something else. You should be able to know for sure by going to the Mac section of Sims 4 - they can definitely tell you better than I can. I am still a Mac Dummy. You want to do that as soon as possible as I hear they may be moving both the pc and Mac tech help over to Origin - very soon - like sometimes this month.

    Here's a link to the Mac tech area -

    Remember Bluebell Flora from Sims 3 Mac areas - she is working this area for Macs as well along with a few other familiar faces from Sims 3 Mac tech,

    By the way I no longer live in New Hampshire - we are back where we began in beautiful Maine - and all my kids are near now. They are all a half hour to 40 minutes away - and where we live is close to Big Sebago Lake - where my kids all do most of their camping and fishing - so now I see them a lot more often.

    Anyway - hope that info helps you out. I don't know how much I will be around all week as Tuesday I have to meet with a team of doctors - here we go again..... Yes - prayers please - I need them. Hugs - Reggie.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    geminiagregeminiagre Posts: 6,918 Member
    edited August 2018
    I don't think you'll have any issues with lots, or worlds with an updated game. As for ts4 , as WR said, you might need to research a bit in the Mac area of the forums, and I too suggest asking some help from Bluebell Flora.

    Idk if my kids are gonna be "bilingual" as I'm pretty sure the words meaning is diff between you and me. Bilingual here is someone who has more than one native languages, all of them used at home by family, and the kids learn to speak them equally well.
    In our home I'm the only one who knows how to speak English, and is a language that I learned later in life and not before school. Most relatives from my side do speak English , as we come from a nautical family, so older generations had to learn so they could communicate abroad.
    My older son seems to be just a fast learner when it comes to English as no one in the family speaks English at home. So he is just grasping everything form YouTube videos. He was watching an English video today where someone was throwing toy animals in a toddler pool and naming them. He was trying to repeat everything. Of course I'm encouraging this, as it's gonna be easier for him when he starts English courses a few years later. I keep asking him to count, or to tell me the English word for colors , or helping him name animals in English. I did think of trying to speak in English with him, but since he is back on speach in general I don't want to pressure him to much till he is fluent for his age in Greek first.

    Thank you for the compliment on my English. I started home lessons with British teachers when I started first grade (usually English courses are recommended around third grade) and at 4th grade I went to a private school , and I struggled to catch up as my classmates had started basic English at preschool (in the private school) but the teachers were awesome, and helped me a lot. In highschool I went to public school , so I took afternoon courses again, and then the internet helped me so much. However I'm behind in formal speach and writing. My vocabulary isn't as extended as it should be. I always have to look up the meaning of more sophisticated/fancy words.
    Most schools here have English or french in their curriculum, but private schools have better teachers (and usually more choices of languages as well) In order to get a decent job over here knowing English (with a certificate) is a must, and usually French or additional languages are a + in a CV. So since public schools English courses are horrible (at some point my English were better than my school teacher's, so I was sitting at the back with a few others making fun of the whole lesson) 80%of the kids take English courses as an afternoon activity at least 3 times a week.
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    Thank you @Writin_Reg for the links. I was shocked I could not even get the EA pages to even load on my Safari Browser. I am in the process of updating my OS to the only version of Mac OS I can get right now. I can't load the latest Mac OS onto my computer because I had skipped so many years of updates and Apple is persnickety about supporting the older updates I had missed. I have to do some sort of little game of incremental updates to get where I need to be. I am done with Apple and will never buy any more of their computers. I just want to get my money's worth out of this one. I put it in storage before I really got my money's worth on it. I like Apple computers but they are just too expensive and don't really match up the best with what I want my computer to do...mostly play Sims and perhaps other games for the children.

    It looks like my old MacBook is still sufficient to run Sims4 once I update to a 64 bit OS. I can also still run windows via Bootcamp on it.

    I don't know what to say about your upcoming medical appointments. I am so distressed to see you go through this again. I will be praying for you. I am so glad you moved to where you are again near friends and family. I grew up with a boy whose family was from Maine and who spent all his vacations there. I've never been there myself, but heard only lovely things about Maine that make me wish I could visit someday.

    @geminiagre for us Bilingual is not quite as strictly defined. It just means fluent in two languages. You don't necessarily need to use the second language at home. If you can make use of it in business or travel, that is good enough.

    I do have hope of visiting Greece someday. My husband has a close friend from Greece. This friend sends his children to private lessons to learn Greek. Most Greek Americans that we know do this so their language never dies out no matter how many generations they live in this country. The friend's wife was born in America but speaks fluent Greek because she got private lessons when she was growing up.

    I briefly played Sims 4 last night. I like that it is fairly simple and does not consume the resources that Sims3 does. However with only one expansion pack added on, there is not much to do or see. There is some humor in the game that I appreciated. The game lighting is horrible, though. I may add a mod to make it look nicer.
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    Sorry to disappear in everyone. I had to do a search on my own user name to find this thread again from my cellphone. I went on vacation with my husband and daughter and in-law’s. I figured I could keep up with this thread on mobile phone. But my mother-in-law fell and hurt herself. Then she got very sick. We have been taking care of her and my disabled father in law and just trying to get everyone well enough to make the 8 hour trip home. My daughter also got sick but is better now.

    It wasn’t all disaster. We do enjoy each other’s company.

    @Writin_Reg I hope your medical issues are going well. I have been thinking of you.

    Much love to all. I shall find you all when I get home to my computer. I unfortunately can barely see what I am typing on this small display.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited August 2018
    JUst got back home from more tests - they did a biopsy yesterday and made me go for breathing tests today - have another crucial biopsy coming on Thursday with other appointments in between. My brains scan (MRI) the most despicable test of all - came out good anyway - but they are sure I have cancer in my lungs in the lymph nodes - what kind we will know from the next biopsy where they are sending a camera down into the bronchial lymph nodes in my lungs this coming Thursday - then they know what to attack it with and the stage it is at. I have always been under pretty constant care since the Leukemia so they assure me it is early - Guess we will see.

    Right now I feel like I was hit by a Mac Truck though - as taking the lung capacity test I had today on top of yesterdays biopsy was rough. Even the people in the lung care center thought it was crazy for my doctor to do this today - but I got through it. Pete is my rock as always - so that makes it better.

    I don't know who had a worse week though, me or you on your Family Vacation. I do hope everyone is better now.

    On a good note - my foster son and his wife had their first grand baby born yesterday a.m. so there is joy here in the household. A beautiful Baby boy 7 lbs 7 ounces with a head full of curly black hair. Their daughter had lost her first baby (still born) - and it was a miracle she carried this one - so we'll take that miracle for sure. So I will leave this post on a beautiful note.

    Thank you for thinking of me though. Always appreciated. Hugs from me for sure.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    It's good to hear from you both @SummerSong86 @Writin_Reg :hugz: :heart:
    and you all take care! :cookie:
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