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♥♥ Illusie's Showcase ♥♥


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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,710 Member
    Summer Seabreeze Bathroom is a very nice beach/sea themed room! :) It reflects Summertime and going to the beach so well! Very nice furnishing of the room! The boat themed wall pattern looks very nice on the nook area walls! The colour scheme of the room is very nice! Very nice sink counter nook! It looks nice how the counters have been placed either sides of the sink, and a mirror on the wall for sims to check their appearance in. The beauty products are nice touches on the counters. The yellow rose is pretty for sims to see whilst they are sitting there at the counter. The towels look great on the wall and under the sink. Very nice bath tub corner nook! It is nice that you have used the triangular bath tub in the room. Sims will enjoy having a relaxing bath there. The toiletries shelf is a nice touch on the wall. The soap container ,the towels on the walls and the towels shelving near the shower are great home touches in the room. The medicine cabinet and the lockers are great to have in the room. The marble flooring gives a very nice look to the room.
    It is a very nice Summery room! :)
    Spring Glade Bathroom is so very pretty! Very nice green and pink colour scheme of the room! The flowers in the room areas look so very nice!
    The bath tub nook looks so very nice! The pink flowers and the pink starry string lights are so very pretty for sims to see when having a relaxing bath there. The hanging robes look homely on the wall, ready to use after having the bath. The decorated eggs on the shelf look nice and suit the season very well! The rose and flowers wall decor are nice Springtime touches there. The blossom in the corner nook is nice for sims to see as they enter the room. Very nice design of the sink counter! It looks very nice that there are double sinks and mirrors, and the flowers look very pretty on the wall nook area between the sinks! The plants, Easter eggs, snow globe, toiletries and beauty products are very nice touches on the wall shelf and sink counter. The pink flowers and ballerina statue in the corner nook looks very nice! Very nice shower and toilet nooks! The flower wall decor items, the toiletries shelf next to the shower, and the items on the wall shelf in the toilet nook are very nice touches in the room. It looks great how the half wall separates off the toilet area. The wall texture in the toilet nook looks very nice. Very nice floor tiling in the room.
    It is a very pretty Springtime bathroom ! :)
    Thankyou very much for creating the very nice seasonal bathrooms for the room challenge thread :)
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    BreeMilesBreeMiles Posts: 8,913 Member
    Lu sweetie beautiful creations. Love all the wonderful detail dear. <3
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    CorwimCorwim Posts: 3,218 Member
    Gorgeous builds, can't believe I missed those before, especially love your starter, awesome job! <3
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    When I saw the result of my bathroom I was surprised, because this is not my style. I usually go for a lighter colour scheme. I do like how it turned out.

    Theme for the week: a seasonal bathroom
    Gallery name of room: Warm Autumn Bathroom
    Origin id: illusie




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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    Can't stop after doing 3 seasons! Here is winter.

    Theme for the week: a seasonal bathroom
    Gallery name of room: Washing Snowflakes Bathroom
    Origin id: illusie



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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    @rosemow, thank you for the lovely comments! You are so good with words.

    @breemiles, thank you Bree! {hugs}

    @Corwim, thank you! Glad you like all the new builds!
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,710 Member
    The Autumn and Winter themed rooms that you have designed look so very nice also! :) The darker Autumn colour scheme of Warm Autumn Bathroom looks very nice! Very nice wall texture that creates a warming and homely feel ! The red and yellow crystals are nice touches on the drawers and wall shelf . The colours in the wall pictures complement so well with the Autumn colour scheme of the room! The toiletries shelves near the shower and bath are great home touches. The sink counter nook looks very nice! The towels shelving item in the corner , the tissues and beauty products on the sink counter, and the mirror in the other corner nook look very nice! The Autumn colours of the circles floor rug beside the bath tub looks very pretty!
    Very nice blue and white colour scheme of Washing Snowflakes Bathroom! It reflects the seasonal colours so very well! The white and blue snowflakes look so very pretty on the windows and walls! Very nice window bath tub area! The plushie voudcritters and crystals look cute and pretty on the window ledge! The chequered blue and white tiling under the bath tub looks nice. The type and blue colour of the curtains looks very nice! The blue hanging robe is homely on the wall. The shape of the sink counter looks very nice! The towels are great bathroom touches on the walls . The mini wintery tree on the table in the corner nook looks very pretty! The picture on the toilet wall looks very nice!
    The four seasonal rooms are all so very nice! :)
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    Chessmate Dancing Room

    Who ever told you that members of a chess club are boring got it wrong. They love to dance and party all night long! This room is where they usually dance.
    Theme for the week: a dance room for the Annual Chess Dance Celebration
    Gallery name of room: Chessmate Dancing
    Origin id: illusie





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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    @rosemow, thank you for the lovely comments on my autumn and winter bathroom!
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,710 Member
    Chessmate Dancing is a very great dance room! :) Very nice furnishing of the room! The chequered black and white flooring, and the glass dance floor tiling on top of it looks very great! Very nice sitting areas on the sides of the dance floor! The alternating black and white colours of the armchairs look great! The black and white colour wall strips in the sitting areas and the dj booth area looks very effective and nice! The dj booth area looks very nice! The water feature windows and the patterned wall looks great! Sims will have fun dancing to the dj booth music. The light effects look great! Very nice bar area! The black and white sculptures look great on the bar counter! The drinks display shelving give a nice look to the area, and alternating black and white coloured stools looks very nice! Sims will enjoy sitting there having a drink from the bar. It looks very nice how the wall dividers separate off the bar area. Having a black and a white wall decor item on each of the side walls in the bar area is a nice touch.
    The way that you have used the black and white colour scheme for the furnishings in the room looks so nice! :)
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    edited March 2017
    Someone just told me that Maxis added my summer seabreeze bathroom to their faves!! I'm so excited!

    @Rosemow, so glad to hear you like my chessmaster dancing room! Thanks you for the lovely comments.
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    @rosemow, thank you!!
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    CorwimCorwim Posts: 3,218 Member
    Loved your four bathrooms! Each one was so creative and perfectly captures the season it represents. B) And your Chessmate Dancing Room is fantastic! Wonderful contemporary design, and perfect choice of colours, beautiful work!
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    @corwim, thank you!

    @rosemow, how exciting they favourited it! Thank you for letting me know rosemow and thank you for the congrats!
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    Entry Form

    Theme for the room: group activity room
    Gallery name of room: Challenge Me
    Origin id: illusie

    Iris and Andrew love competitions! They often invite over guests to play games. In this room you can challenge other sims to play darts, video game, play a game of cards, play don't wake the llama or see who is the best at foosball. When you are tired of playing you can drink some coffee bar.







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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,710 Member
    The design and layout of Challenge Me is very nice! :) There are many fun activities for sims to do and play together! They will have lots of fun challenging each other! The furnishing of the room looks very nice. Very nice red , white and black colour scheme of the room! The chequered tiling flooring looks nice. It looks very nice how the half walls separate off a tv nook. Sims will have fun sitting on the reed armchair seating there playing video games together. It looks nice how the chairs have been placed on the tv nook. The flags look great on each side wall! Very nice darts nook for sims to have fun playing darts, whilst also looking out through windows at what is happening outdoors. It looks very nice how the games tables have been set up in the room. Sims will have fun playing card games and the llama tabletop game. The red colour of the seating looks nice. Nice windows gaming area in the corner for sims to have fun playing foosball with sunshine coming in onto them through the windows. The trophy and awards cabinet nook looks great! The design and furnishing of the items on the trophy nook shelves and wall looks great! Sims will enjoy listening to the juke box music whilst playing games in the room. The pictures on the walls add very nice looks to the room. Very nice espresso bar counter area! The drinks shelves look great on the wall! Sims will enjoy takiing a break from playing games, and enioy sitting on the stools, whilst eating and drinking food and drinks from the espresso bar. The bolts look great above the door .
    It is a very nice room for sims to enioy playing a variety of fun games together! Thank you very much for entering this week's challenge! :)
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    Thank you for the lovely comments @rosemow!
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    CorwimCorwim Posts: 3,218 Member
    Ooooh, awesome games and activities room! Love the colour design, red/black/white work so well put together and totally love your bar design! B)
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    @corwim, thank you!!
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    Entry Form
    Theme for the week: Easter themed kitchen
    Gallery name of room: Easter Farm Kitchen
    Origin id: illusie
    Pictures of the room:




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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    Entry Form
    Theme for the week: Easter themed kitchen
    Gallery name of room: Bright Easter Kitchen
    Origin id: illusie

    For this entry I wanted to make a kitchen in which I don't use move objects on.

    Pictures of the room:



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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,710 Member
    Both of the Easter themed rooms are very nice! :) Congratulations on Easter Farn Kitchen being favourited by Maxis! :) That is great!
    Easter Farm Kitchen is such a very nice homely room! :) The wall texture add a nice feel to the room. The fireplace nook is very nice! The sunflowers wall picture is sunny for sims to see when cooking in the room, and the Easter eggs, chicken and clock are nice touches on the fireplace ledge. Very nice sink nook. It looks very nice how the cabinets have been placed on the wall, and the Easter eggs have been placed on top of the middle one with the woodwork bunny between them. The animal plaques look great on the wall! The Easter eggs look nice placed amidst the homely touch of having the scales and teapot on the workbench counter. The flowers on the table, on the corner counter nook and on the flowers shelves stand are pretty for sims to see when cooking meals. The bunny is cute on the counter! The alternating Easter eggs and plants on of the stove area cabinets looks great! The pear painting nook is a nice kitchen touch.
    The gingham wall patterning and the white/blue counters and cabinets in the Bright Easter Kitchen room look very nice together. It looks great how the types of cabinets have been placed on the walls. The plants and Easter eggs look very nice how they have been placed on top of the cabinets, on the shelves between the cabinets, and on the ledge above the windows! . Very nice windows nook area! Sims will enjoy looking out through the windows at the outdoors views whilst using the sink. The flowers on the floor and counter, the flowers display stand and the flower painting on the wall look so very pretty! The eggs and chicken look great on the sink counter! The Easter bunny is cute in the room!
    The furnishing of both rooms looks so very nice! Thankyou very much for entering this week's challenge! :)
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    Thank you @rosemow {hugs} It was so fun to create both kitchens for your challenge!

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