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Jensen's University Genetics Baby Game


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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    One of my Graduation Gnomes died :(
    After Nathaniel and Jensen finished in the hottub I sent them fishing - the last thing I needed was Jensen trying autonomously and having two pregnant males at once!
    Although the teens are rolling as many wishes for Daw as they did for Hamon, they are not acting on those wishes. When my households get too busy it seems to slow down autonomy. I mean, they keep doing things themselves but take longer breaks between actions.
    Since it was Herry and Larkin's birthday and cakes take so long, I let them age up before dinner. First up Herry and the family all gathered around. You can't see Jensen, Hamon and Hob because they were in the alcove behind the camera.
    He has an unusual face but, since this is a genetics game, I am just happy he is not a clone :)
    Next up was Larkin. The family didn't stick around for his age up but at least his twin did :)
    Like his brother, he has an unusual face. I am sure their looks will grow on me :)
    This is not something you would hear me say often, but I miss Eda because the house is almost full of boys - poor Meggy is totally outnumbered!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Okay I found the courage to open the save again! With a weekend ahead of me and all those kids to amuse I was a little overwhelmed!

    Here are closer looks at Larkin and Herry as teens. I get a Charlie Sheen vibe from Herry :)

    Hamon rolled a wish to visit the pool. I didn't want him going on his own so I sent Meggy with him. I sent Herry, Larkin and Jackin to the park.

    This pretty girl (don't ask me her name as I can barely keep the names of my sim kids straight ;) ) aged up the same time as the boys. She was at the park so I had Herry introduce himself to her. Herry immediately rolled a wish to kiss her :)
    Because I don't like to waste time, I had Herry try the heat of the moment kiss ... it went down like a lead balloon LOL I had him apologize afterward, but she was probably still sporting a creeped out moodlet :p
    Larkin had been talking to Molly French and when he was finished, I had him introduce himself to the girl. He also rolled a wish to kiss her :/ What a dilemma! I will have to see who wants her the most!
    My camera then zoomed back home for Nathaniel's notice :)
    Since Hob had finished his painting around this time and the boys were finished with their chores, I sent them to the park as well. Jackin's fiance was there so I didn't have to worry about him :)
    Random shots from their morning at the park :D
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    PlumDiddyPlumDiddy Posts: 551 Member
    I never knew gnomes could die :o mind=blown! I havent seen one in my game ever since I disabled the little creeps. I also didnt know you got different gnomes for different things. I MIGHT enable them at some point just to further explore that.
    Anyway great updates and keep em coming!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @PlumDiddy I only recently installed Generations so gnomes dying is a first for me too! I am having so much fun watching them :D
    Thanks - I am glad you are enjoying my updates :D
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Jackin is digging watching his dad and brothers jamming :D I love having virtuosos in the house :D
    I wondered why I could hear cheering so I looked back at Jackin and the jammers (sounds like a band name LOL) and saw that Larkin had interrupted him. One day I should try without freewill so I am not rushing around the screen like a fool trying to catch everything. Of course I could never do this because their personalities shine through when they are not controlled and it's fun to see who prefers whose company. They definitely have their favourites as in real families and this keeps me entertained :D
    Larkin obviously just wanted to pillow fight :p
    Then it was time for my favourite boy to age up. I will miss this one the most :( Hob makes a wish :)
    ummmm, NO!
    Much better!
    He is drop-dead gorgeous as I knew he would be <3
    Another close up, just because :p
    Because Daw had been overlooked while the family celebrated Hob's birthday, I had Jackin chat with him because he had an outstanding wish to do so for most of the afternoon :)
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    ChelleJoChelleJo Posts: 7,087 Member
    Jensen's face. LOL <3

    Eda is really pretty. She did grow into her lips nicely. :) LOL @ Jackin's face. Not the most flattering pic of him. :D

    I might start calling you the gnome queen. I can't get gnomes to multiply for nothing.

    Hamon will probably grow into his eyes as Eda grew into her lips.

    Eddie never looked that good in my game. Rawr! :p

    Another great painting! I'm thinking of having my plumbot do some painting. It'll keep her out of my way and I'll get to see how cool that mod is. :)

    I'm not a fan of kids coming over to my sims house after school. Mainly cause they seem to not care about that inappropriate behavior that actives sims can't do. They raid my fridge, play my computer (this one is a real life pet peeve. I'm very touchy about my pc IRL and can't imagine someone walking into my house and helping themselves to my PC. Idc who it is, they'd get an ear full and likely never be invited into my home again). I usually have an adult tell the kids to leave when their behavior starts becoming inappropriate.

    LOL @ you wishing Assala can die again on spaghetti. :D:D I've never cared for her anytime my sims go to uni anyways. :D

    I've heard of a few things that induce labor... never heard the massage as one of them. :D:D

    I wonder why some sim kids become heavy when neither parent is? I've had that before, too.

    Nathaniel is crafty, isn't he. Snuck that TFB right in. Wait, that doesn't sound completely right.... :D

    You are right. I can see a bit of Charlie Sheen in Herry. All the kids makeovers looks good, too. <3 Aw, poor Herry... rejected. :( Uh oh... sibling rivalry over a girl. Who shall win the girl's heart. ;)

    Wait... Nathaniel is the one pregnant? Does that mean Jensen was the one being crafty? :D

    Hubba hubba Hobs! ;)<3

    Great updates! I love reading your updates on this family. :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Last day of the weekend thankfully! Every day is kinda tough with such a big family but weekends are hellacious! This day was going to particularly hard because Hob was graduating.
    After breakfast I sent Meggy to play hopscotch as she had a wish to play and it never hurts to get at least one out of the way ;)
    Daw was due to age up so I decided it would be easier to attend Hob's graduation without worrying about a toddler.
    Although no-one celebrated the birthday, Jensen and Nathaniel stopped their flirting to look on from a distance :) Look at the pride on Jensen and Nathaniel's faces <3
    The Graduation pics are not the best but I find it difficult when they are heading into the Town Hall because of the columns and the sheer size of it.
    Hob graduated valedictorian and was voted most likely to become a rock star :D
    Hob and his dads get together for a celebratory pic - not that any of them look excited LOL

    Another update on the big event of the afternoon coming up a bit later :D
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @ChelleJo Thanks for the lovely comments :) I can assure you I have nothing to do with the gnomes reproducing - perhaps they are following Jensen's example LOL
    Nathaniel is pregnant because I have my mod setting so that the instigator gets pregnant. That is why Jensen has been the childbearer of the other kids. I guess Nathaniel, being ambitious, took matters into his own hands to ensure his place in the household ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    After the graduation, I sent Hamon and Daw fishing. Daw had a wish to learning the fishing skill and I noticed that Hamon had no fishing skills, which is unusual for my sims. He must not have rolled a wish like the others. While their relationship level was building up while fishing, Hamon rolled a wish to be Daw's BF :)
    I went into map view and invited Marlon over and saw that Juliana was at the park and Lucas was alone at home. I sent Jackin to the park to be with his fiance and I opened Lucas' home and teleported Meggy there to spend time with him. I had a lot of work to do with Hob and was trying to thin the crowd a little ;)
    Because the house has been crazy, it's been a few days since Hob had seen Marlon. They had been chatting by phone on a daily basis but it's not the same. There was also the problem that Marlon aged up 2 days before Hob and it would be pointless them getting together if they can't flirt ;) Hob looks very happy to see his love <3
    As you can see, Marlon aged up beautifully <3 His eyes are Jason's and he gets his skin colouring and pudgy nose from Hailey Shepherd, his mother.
    My work is done! :D
    I had Hob send Marlon home and had him follow him. As soon as Hob made it safely into the house, I added him to Marlon's house. I got a pop-up a few hours later that they had tied to knot :D
    When I checked in on Meggy, she had either scared Hailey (childish trait) or Hailey was scared at what her teen son and girlfriend had been doing before she got home ;)
    Except for his colouring, Lucas is a Jason clone, therefore perfect <3
    Although I didn't get pics of Jackin and Juliana together I know from his thumbnail that they were flirting up a storm. Perhaps she left the park because Jackin made his way home and had a game with Herry.
    Because Nathaniel wanted to up his logic level, I had to keep Jensen amused so I had him play with Meggy when she came home.
    Larkin would not stop breaking boards and it was driving me insane so I had him keep Nathaniel company. Nathaniel's baby bump is showing :)
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    VRStevensonVRStevenson Posts: 4,396 Member
    Nathaniel and Jensen seem like a really good match! Too bad he has to move on!

    Nathaniel massaged the baby right out! Daw is very cute. :)

    You have quite the gnome family going! The uni ones have creepy faces imo!

    That is a good pic of Zac surrounded by gnomes XD

    I catch my sims trying for babies sometimes too, even though I have that turned off! In fact, my elder sim Attila just got pregnant from his lover! I don't think I have any clothes for an elder pregnant sim so i guess he's going to be a floating head. XD

    Aww Poor Herry! If there is one things your sims don't need help with it is moving their relationships along! ;)

    Hob grew up very handsome, and he and Marlon make a great couple! I can't wait to see some kids from them!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @VRStevenson Thank you :) Perhaps Nathaniel could come back after all the baby making is done and he and Jensen could live out the rest of their lives together - depending on how long the save lasts that is! I just got Nathaniel's baby born and the dang game stopped responding :/ That doesn't happen very often for me so I am peeved.

    I got a pop up that Eda is expecting a baby so I hope that Hob and Marlon try soon too :D

    I can only blame the auto-romance mod for the auto try for baby even though it is not that particular flavour. It has happened to me a few times and only after I have installed that mod. Never mind - one can never have too many babies ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited January 2017
    As Hamon and Daw had filled a few fishing wishes, I had them stop fishing and left them to do whatever they wanted. When I checked on them a bit later, I could see they were getting on very well :D
    Jackin is a bookworm as well as athletic. Although he exercises a lot, the bookworm trait wins out most of the time. I got a laugh from Larkin and Hamon's faces while they played video games LOL
    While the family slept, I checked on the gnomes. The teen one cracks me up :D
    This is what happens when sims take things into their own hands! I would never have timed the baby so that it came while the kids were getting ready for school!
    Since the kids were at school, Nathaniel was in labor and Jensen was gardening and tending the chickens, I had nothing better to do than look around. The last Graduation Gnome must have died after I took their picture in the night :(
    I love the joyful expression they have just before the baby arrives :)
    Welcome Ibb (Brave, Clumsy)
    She has Jensen's eyes, but that pudgy little nose definitely comes from Nathaniel :)
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    VRStevensonVRStevenson Posts: 4,396 Member
    edited January 2017
    I don't really mind their occasional surprise babies either! Since I can be such a control freak it's nice to have them rebel against me(if I don't catch them and put a stop to it first hehe).

    The faces they make while playing games are so cute!

    Aww Ibb is a sweet little girl! :) Now Meggy is not totally alone!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Thanks @VRStevenson :D I am a control freak in many ways, but then I think what the heck and just let them run wild for long stretches. Depends on how close they are to aging up. If they are aging up soon, I usually get back into gear and get them set up for the next birthday - I do love a well skilled sim ;) Yeah, Meggy can have some company for a few days. I think she ages up in 4 days and then she is out the door like the rest of them!

    There was a frightening development in my game yesterday. Jensen's wish for a grandchild was filled but Eda's pregnancy couldn't possibly be over. I couldn't find Hob and Marlon anywhere for a few hours then I saw they had moved house. They had a child named Linda Serverus living with them and I was stunned to think they had adopted a kid but realize it was my fault because I gave Hob the FO trait on his last birthday to help him along with a family. I took her into CAS and she was not pudding but she was nothing like them and I only want genetic kids. I TA'd her and fixed the SP settings. Hopefully things will go right now! grrrrr
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    VRStevensonVRStevenson Posts: 4,396 Member
    edited January 2017
    @Mikezumi Whoa that's weird! I have adoption turned off cuz I definitely don't need townies filling up the town with randoms or puddings! Same with pets...if you let them they will go crazy!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @VRStevenson I was pretty sure I turned off the adoption setting but I could be wrong and so far no-one else in town has adopted. Perhaps the game threw a kid at them because they are gay even though my settings allow same gender pregnancy. Anyway, she's history now LOL
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    With a new toddler, comes more training but the boys are up to the job - Jensen should be a pro at this by now ;)
    "Did you say 'dada'?" :p
    I love how not all toddlers act exactly the same. I have some who fall over all the time until they get the hang of walking and some who just take off straight away!
    Arsala visited during the night and haunted the sandpit. The only one she woke was Jensen. No biggie - he just went back to sleep after a bit of arm waving :p
    I can understand the Green Thumb sims crying over a dead plant, but Nathaniel?
    I caught Nathaniel trying for another baby just in the nick of time :o I decided the boys should go fishing until they cooled down a bit ;) I sent them to spawners on opposite sides of the small pond but still they managed to get as close as possible to each other :p
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    I am keeping Jensen and Nathaniel busy so they don't try for another baby on me! Nathaniel's time is nearly up :(
    I got another Mysterious Mr. Gnome when one of the kids went on a fieldtrip. I just put him in the yard and a few minutes later he vanished and showed up with the rest of them :)
    I got a pop up that a formal was being held on Sunday so I had to get my teens hooked up. I feel sorry for my teens. Although I hook them up with boyfriends and girlfriends, they don't get nearly enough time with them because of after school activities. When I saw that Lucas was at the library, I sent Meggy there to ask him to the prom.
    They are both so cute <3
    I found Venus, the girl that both Herry and Larkin wanted to kiss, teaching her little brother to talk at the park. I also discovered that she was the sister of Juliana (Jackin's fiance). The little boy, Justin, is the only son out of 5 kids! I bet Eddie was thankful to finally get a son :p
    I decided that Larkin should have her as I have other plans for Herry which you should see either tomorrow or the day after :) The handsome sim approaching from the left is a son of Connor Frio - that must be his career outfit because I certainly didn't dress him like that :o
    Much better :D Now Elmer has his proper outfit on! I had Larkin try a heat of the moment kiss ...
    and it was not rejected :D
    Larkin now has a prom date :D
    A little later that night I sent Jackin to Juliana's house. He had a wish to attend a game so I sent him after dinner. He asked Juliana in front of Eddie, who seems to have a disapproving look on his face ;)
    Then Jackin rolled a wish to watch the stars with Juliana so I let them have that before I sent him home. Another of Juliana's sisters decided to do homework right beside them :p
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    It was Ibb's birthday so I waited until the kids went to school to age her up.
    Children are usually excited/happy on aging up but you get the odd one that is not impressed. Ibb, like Larkin, were the odd ones out ;)
    She is very cute even if she is not happy ;)
    Now that Ibb is a child it is time for Nathaniel to leave :( I thought he should have a bit of time with Ibb before he left.
    Nathaniel: "I don't really understand it, but I know the Sim God has plans for you that don't include me"
    Jensen: "It is completely out of my hands but a part of you will always live here"
    The truth is that everytime Jensen is single, the first person he rolls romantic wishes about is C*id - there must be truth in the old adage "Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen" LOL
    I moved Nathaniel in with C*id and Eddy and when I checked on him later he was very happy and visiting the park. He got a job at Fort Gnome :)
    The glowing red dot on the sofa was driving me crazy. It had been there for days so I had Ibb set off the trap. Those are definitely Jensen's eyes LOL
    I hunted high and low for a partner for Herry but all the girls were either too young or too old. I had to take matters into my own hands. I discovered that of all the single sims I had placed in town at the start of the save, Josh Holloway, although romantically active in the town, had not fathered any children and that would be a terrible waste of good genetics. I checked his romantic interests and decided none of them was good enough for my Herry so I made a daughter (and wife while I was at it) by adding Briar Adams (from an earlier save) to his household and creating a teen daughter using their genetics. Because I already have many Adams in town courtesy of Jason, I picked a blend that was mostly Josh. I also tweaked Briar so her eyes would not be exactly like Jason. Jason's best feature (and what makes Jason, Jason) is his eyes. All the kids rolled wishes to be her friend when she started at the school and I cheated a little friendship for all of them and then had Herry invite her over :)
    Herry now has a date for the prom :)

    I had to quit at this point because my son and I played Scrabble. I will have more on Leanne and Herry tomorrow :)
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    pandabear1836pandabear1836 Posts: 2,269 Member
    @Mikezumi Sorry for my absence, but I'm still loving this! All the kids are turning out pretty good!
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    ChelleJoChelleJo Posts: 7,087 Member
    edited January 2017
    Aw, kind of sad to see Nathaniel go. :( Ibb was a cutie tot and now is a pretty child. :)<3

    *I'm on my phone, so sorry about the small comment. I hate typing on my phone. :( *
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @pandabear1836 Thanks :) I am glad you are enjoying my thread :) Don't feel like you need to apologize. Real life always comes before games and the forum ;)

    @ChelleJo I also hate typing on my phone! I will miss Nathaniel :( He was so good with the kids, his neatness drove me a little crazy because he was always finding something to clean but it was also handy. He really was a lovely sim. Thanks :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited January 2017
    Herry looks so cute in this pic and Leanne's smile is cute even if her hair is funny LOL She will get another hair when she ages up to YA. I can live with this one until then ;)
    Herry and Leanne are now going steady :D I had him send her home after this because of the tendency of my sims to get engaged when I take my eyes off them ;)
    When the kids had gone to school, Jensen was left in an empty house and he rolled a wish to meet someone new. I checked out the map and discovered that he had never met Meggy's boyfriend Lucas who had aged up the previous night. Lucas was at the beach with his father Jason and his brother, Ron.
    Jensen gets a huge friendship boost because of the charisma challenges so Lucas was immediately comfortable about sharing a secret with his future father-in-law ... "Do you have any idea what Meggy and I got up to during our teens?" ;)
    Jason and Ron went for a swim while Jensen was talking with Lucas. My beautiful Jason <3
    Just as Jensen was about to chat a little more, Lucas spun into his graduation outfit and left.
    Herry was the only one who didn't have an after school activity and he also had a wish to meet someone new. I saw his future father-in-law, Josh Holloway, was at the local pool. So I sent him along to say hi :)
    I think Josh looks kinda intimidating in this pic! :o Maybe it will scare Herry into behaving with Leanne .... oops, too late ;)
    Post edited by Mikezumi on
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited February 2017
    Birthday update! Unfortunately Meggy, Jackin and their partners will not be attending Prom :( They and their partners will all be YA before Sunday. I had completely forgotten their birthdays until the message popped up while they were having breakfast. I didn't bother with cakes and just had them age up before dinner.

    First up Meggy because she was about to run off to play with the sprinkler LOL
    I let her keep shorts when she aged up to teen but I don't think they are appropriate for a young woman (my age is showing ;) ).
    I always do a random roll when they age up but don't necessarily keep it. Meggy rolled Vegetarian and I decided it was not a good trait for someone who rolls fishing wishes every day because of her love of the outdoors. Instead, I gave her Angler :) I also changed her outfit. I wanted something casual to suit her childish, outdoorsy personality :)
    Cute as a button <3
    Then it was Jackin's turn.
    I don't think so! :o
    Much better! Jackin rolled Genius and since Jensen is always wishing his kids will grow up to be geniuses I let him keep it.
    He got stuck behind one of the other kids trying to get to the dinner table and his pout was adorable! <3
    And one more close-up just because! Hob is still my favourite but this one comes close second :D
    And another close-up of Meggy so you can see she inherited Jensen's little chin dimple :)
    Post edited by Mikezumi on
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    VRStevensonVRStevenson Posts: 4,396 Member
    Omg Jensen's face is so adorable reacting to Ibb speaking!

    Ibb has a cute potty face! :P

    AWw Nathaniel knows his time is up! Trying to sneak in another baby to prolong it!

    ugh, I hate it when sims walk around in their janky career outfits! I spent time dressing you, wear your proper clothes!

    well well, heat of the moment worked on this one! Good for Larkin!

    Eddie probably sent the sister out to keep an eye on Jackin and Juliana! ;)

    Ibb grew up very cute! Too bad it means Nathaniel's time is over. That is funny that Jensen still rolls wishes for C*id though. XD I told my dad that saying and he'd never heard it. He thought it was hilarious. I told him my internet friend said it. xD

    Man, I hate it when good looking sims don't reproduce in my town! I bet Herry is quite happy that a girl showed up just for him!

    Lol!Lucas that is quite a secret to be sharing. XD

    Jacking and Meggy grew up lovely! Jackin especially, but Meggy is very pretty with those pouty lips!
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