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Amazon Challenge-Tribe Wahine 3/5


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    HyunHeeHyunHee Posts: 390 Member
    Lol XD
    Seeing the pictures before reading the story to them, I saw this scene:

    (WARNING: virtual Semi-Nudity behind this link)

    again before my eyes, but this time with Aulani and Mor. :D

    I really like the drama. And I'm curious what Tonai will do ... I think I will now always expect him to appear and trying to ruin everything. D:
    Can't wait to see the other tribeswoman through. Especially Mist. She is such a cutie!

    That link isn't coming available for me. Are you sure it's right?

    Will update tomorrow!

    YAYYY more updates lol

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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited June 2016
    As Leia sits at the bar awaiting a slave to serve a meal, she can’t believe the disarray the kitchen is in. And Xela does nothing to clean the room. He merely steps over the mess to prepare her meal.

    “What is the meaning of this, slave? Do you not know it is your responsibility to clean as well as cook?”

    Stunned, Xela stammers, “Y-Yes, Creator. I’m so sorry. I’ll clean at once!”


    “I’m too disgusted to eat. Call Ricci to take your place. I want you out of my sight. In fact, I’ll leave. Have Ricci call on me when my meal is ready.”

    All Xela can do is bow, thanking the Maker she does not order him to spend some time in the Pillar of Punishment.

    As Leia leaves, a grin plays about her lips. She thinks Xela is quite attractive, especially when he’s scared of her. She’ll have to keep him in mind. Maybe he could be the father of her heiress. But he’d have to squash his laziness. That is not a quality she can tolerate.


    Once Leia leaves, Ricci laughs. “I see you’ve already gotten on the Creator’s bad side, Xela. You won’t last long if you don’t work hard. There’s way too many slaves who want to live here.”

    A pang hits Xela. He knows full well he is lucky she didn’t cast him out of the tribe for being so plum. But Xela doesn’t answer Ricci’s taunts. He needs friends right now. Not enemies.


    Later that afternoon, Mor finds Aulani by the horseshoe pit. “Dress in your best clothing tonight, Aulani, for I have a surprise gift for you!”


    “A gift? Why would you bestow anything upon me, Mor?”

    She shrugs. “You’ve been so sad these past few weeks, I thought you needed something to cheer you. If you don’t want it, I could tell them not to come.”

    Aulani beams. “You’ve invited someone? Who? Please, tell me!”

    Shaking her head, she says, “It would not be a surprise. I will see you at 6 pm sharp and I will have the gift with me. Meet me at the front steps. Okay, Aulani?”


    Bowing, Aulani says, “Yes, my lady. You are too gracious and kind to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart already.” Butterflies zing inside his stomach. Could she be bringing Ysa here? And after he rebuffed her? But how? Ysa is in the North, hundreds of miles away.

    But Aulani wouldn’t think too much about it. All he knows is that Mor is such a selfless woman. He does not deserve such attentions.

    That night, Aulani’s heart swells when he sees Mor’s gift.


    She waves her hand. “Here they are! All wrapped up and ready to see you.”

    A warm sensation floods through him, full of thanks to Mor for thinking about him. Rushing over to his children, he gives them each a hug and a kiss.

    “Have you been a good Creator Heiress, my sweet butterfly?” he asks after kissing Kalani’s cheek.

    Smiling, she says, “Of course, Daddy! I’m so happy to see you! I missed you so much!”


    Raising his hands, he turns to Koa and asks, “And what about you, mate? Been helping out at the castle?”


    “Yes. I get all my chores done quickly. Grandpa says I’m the best slave in the palace, including that Master Palace Slave, Thorn.” Leaning in, he whispers. “He scares me, Father.”

    Aulani ruffles Koa’s hair and says, “Just let me know if he gives you any trouble and I’ll be over there to put some fear into him. Okay?”

    Grinning, Koa says, “Really? That’d be great! You’re much bigger than he is. And besides, you’re the prince. He’d have to do what you say!”

    “Remember, you’re a prince, too!” Mor chimes in. “Grandson of the queen. Don’t ever forget that and hold your head up high.”

    “I guess so...but it sure doesn’t feel like it. Thorn’s always yelling at me. Says I’m in the way and too small to do anything useful.”

    “Well, don’t let him upset you. Hey, I have something you may like.”

    “What is it, Lady Mor?”


    “Our slaves have just completed a playground for our Creator’s son, your cousin. Come and see!”


    “Yay!” both of the children squeal and run through the compound trying to find the playground.

    Once they’re gone, Aulani says, “You are beyond thoughtful, Mor. Seeing my children is just what I needed right now.”

    Mor smiles. “You’ve been working so hard as Master Slave, Aulani, I knew you’d never feel comfortable asking for time off to see them. And Leia encouraged me to get them when I asked her. She really is warming up to you, Aulani.”


    “Thanks to you.”

    Blushing, Mor takes Aulani by the arm and leads him to the playground. “Let’s see if you’re children made it to the side of the property. There’s so much for them to do here, they might not find it.”

    Laughing, Aulani squeezes Mor’s hand, so happy she’s with him. He is growing to hold her so dear to him with every selfless thing she does. He feels lucky to have her as a friend. And something deeper is growing inside of him toward her. Something he knows he can’t escape nor does he want to.

    Once they arrive at the playground, Mor and Aulani sit on the log stools, watching the children climb on the monkey bars.

    “Did you see that, Lady Mor?” Koa asks.


    “No, little prince. Please show me again.”



    Aulani loves seeing his children play and have fun together. And it was all due to Mor’s thoughtfulness. Unlike Ysa who only thought of her duty, Mor went out of her way to travel to the palace to bring back his children for him. He wonders why he is holding back from her. Ysa only cares about him in a selfish way, but Mor truly cares about him.

    It is time he showed Mor how thankful he is to her. He will give her something special that night.

    He can’t wait.
    Post edited by pammiechick on
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    MarialeinMarialein Posts: 2,885 Member
    edited February 2016
    The children are so sweet <3
    I think Mor took a spell on Aulani. He thinks so different, but I guess a distance relationship is hard without sms and Skype and even then it is hard. Aulani only thinks about himself, even though it might not look like that. Maybe we can see Ysa's sight also once.
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    TheGeekGamezTheGeekGamez Posts: 706 Member
    nopenopenopenope Aluani thats enough you sinking your own ship *drags him away from Mor*
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    SterretjeeeSterretjeee Posts: 3,019 Member
    I'm really glad Aulani got to see his children, just a little sad it wasn't an honest gift. I hope Aulani snaps out of it before the night falls!
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    roseinblack69roseinblack69 Posts: 4,070 Member
    Something isn't good here... Hmmm... :/ I don't trust Mor.
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    ThePlumbobThePlumbob Posts: 4,971 Member
    Well played, Mor! She's such a good schemer! Sure, it's just a ploy, but I'm glad Aulani got to see his little ones regardless - they're adorable!
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    s9kaylynns9kaylynn Posts: 69 Member
    Sad that Mor is just using Auluni's children as a ploy tool....but fun to see the kids all the same!
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    SpurklyNinjaSpurklyNinja Posts: 76 Member
    HMMMMMMmmMMMMM.... Don't know what to feel right now... Gosh darn it @pammiechick why must you make me feel these things :wink:

    And I'm finally back to reading this again!
    ~Live a little, and dance a lot while you're at it~
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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    Mor is as cunning as she's beautiful. Oh, Ysa, you'll be very surprised when you come back. And not in a good way.
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    SeaDragonSongSeaDragonSong Posts: 2,324 Member
    edited March 2016
    -helps drag Mor away from Aulani-
    Twists In Time And Space (Updated December 2nd 2018. New discord server!)
    Bob Bobson (Updated August 12th 2019)
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    XSimMimXXSimMimX Posts: 613 Member
    What, nobody else likes Mor? I think she's great! The love potion was a bad thing to do, but aside from that she's been nothing but good to him.
    Anyway, great chapter. Can't wait to see where this goes~
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    Frn0731Frn0731 Posts: 7,180 Member
    edited March 2016
    I absolutely LOVE Mor !! She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it.
    What I don't get is why I seem to be the only one who feels this way. Every tribe needs smart and strong women .
    Bye bye Ysa .. you had your chance and you blew it :)

    Edit: ooh I see I'm not alone @XSimMimX
    Post edited by Frn0731 on
    Laugh out loud. Often
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    sabreenesabreene Posts: 1,152 Member
    Those kids are adorable! I love watching Mor... I can't help but be reminded of Morrigan from DAO, and think of her like a spider spinning her web (after all, Morrigan can shapeshift). I don't blame Ysa for traveling, as it is her job being on the council! But I also don't blame Aulani for being interested in someone else, as it's a long, long wait especially when you're surrounded by beautiful women trying to get into your pants :lol:
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    TheGeekGamezTheGeekGamez Posts: 706 Member
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    HyunHeeHyunHee Posts: 390 Member
    Oh my God this ish so CUTEEE <3:D

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    Spottydog714Spottydog714 Posts: 2,518 Member
    No! This CAN'T be happening! As much as I love Mor, I think Aulani needs to stay true to Ysa! Mor has hidden intentions... And also potions! :D Love the update, and can't wait for the next one!
    Stories: Looking For Mum's Murderer | The Bachelorette | Fifteen
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    MaleenaNightMaleenaNight Posts: 18 New Member
    I like Ysa but I am really loving Mor. I know Mor might have some evil intentions. However, I can really see Aulani with her and not Ysa anymore.
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    nessanewbynessanewby Posts: 241 Member
    No NO NO.... You don't go after another woman's man! Just because they can't be together for a time doesn't mean they aren't together! Shame on you Mor! I liked you at first -- but there are other beautiful men, and I think you are just more interested in having a "royal" baby. Shame shame shame.
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    DamaroDamaro Posts: 387 Member
    Well you have to admit Mor really tries hard to win over Aulani :D She knows what she wants and how to get it and wont waver. She's cunning but till now only good came from her scheming... yet. The relationship between Leia and Aulani got better, she somewhat helps to improve the tribe, Aulanis saw his kids, felt some 'good feelings' and he didn't do anything stupid out of grief because of Ysa ... yet ... And Mor didn't do any different than your average romance film hero... yet. (I mean every good love story in TV begins with a lie or a betrayal or with the hero doing something quite bad)
    Yeah... yet... You know Mor seems to mean plague in some languages. :D I really love her because of the drama she brings! XD
    Aulani probably is about to do a great stupidity through, but it could have been worse in some ways by now if you think about it. He could have impregnated every attendant woman out of frustation, picked up a fight with Leia or run away to Ysa or wherever and causing some really serious distress.

    And... poor *Ysani*. But because of Ysa I won't be for *Molani* either. Because of the meddling I actually hope no relationship, neither with Mor nor Ysa, will work out, but that Aulani finds Happiness with woman No. 3. Not because Ysani or Molani no longer will work out... it just doesn't feel right anymore to me... like too tainted. I think both romances HAVE to fail and Aulani needs to do certain mistakes so Aulani finds his true, only and happily even after after love by becoming the man he will be by then. If he sticks with one of them, he probably will miss out that woman, he really is meant to be with.
    But well these my feelings could probably change with the next chapter again

    But nonetheless, I really want to see a ... errm...
    from Aulani and Mor! xD I bet it would be behind gorgeous!
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited May 2016
    Since it is getting late, Mor whispers in Aulani’s ear, “It’s nearly time for the twins to go to bed. Why don’t you let them wish at our well. I brought it in from the old country of my ancestors. It has certain...traits. The children may drop a coin and it will grant their wishes.”

    Aulani chuckles at such nonsense, but he knows his kids would love to pretend. “Thank you, my lady.” He bites his lip wanting to say even more to her but thinks better of it. He will pay back her kindness with a gift of his own later.

    Sitting on the log alone, Aulani says, “Koa, Kalani, I have a surprise for you. Come over here. I want to show you something.”


    Koa jumps down from the monkey bars and follows his father. Aulani presents the gift. “This is an old well from the tribe Mor came from. See that face on top? He lives just like you or I and he will grant you one wish for the price of a gold coin.”

    Shoulders slumping, Koa says, “But, Father, you know I have no money. How can I make a wish?”

    Aulani’s eyebrows rise. “Lucky for you, I have some. Here.”

    With the fresh coin in his hand, Koa tosses the money into the well. “I wish to have many skills so I can be a good slave, just like my father!”


    A loud splash plinks at the bottom, but nothing happens.

    Squinting and trying to hide his disappointment, Koa says, “You were just kidding. Right, Father?”



    When suddenly, green sparks ignite from the well, showering Koa with lightbulbs. “Whoa...h-how did it do that?”


    “Kalani,” Aulani calls. “Come see! The wishing well has magic. Lady Mor is full of surprises.”

    Skipping over to her father, Kalani says, “Is it true? May I wish for anything?”

    “Of course, sweetness. Wish for the desire of your heart!”

    With a huge smile on her face, Kalani wishes that her father would find happiness. She loves him so much and is so glad she can spend time with him. She knows it is hard for him as a slave.


    After the coin is dropped, green light sparkles from the hole. Kalani's heart flutters. “It worked,” she whispers.


    “It WORKED!” she cheers loudly for all to hear. As she looks around, she notices the other slaves cheering with her. It seems they want a chance at the wishing well, too.


    Aulani is so happy his daughter’s wish is granted although he has no idea what she wished for. Nothing came out of the well to indicate what she wanted like Koa’s wish for skills. Nevertheless, he is so grateful to Mor for all she’s done that night. He sets off to see about his gift.


    Opening the shaman’s room, it is as Aulani suspects. Mor’s plants are withering. The Gatherer has not been doing her job. She only helps in the main gardens. Was she jealous of his friendship with Mor? Shaking off these negative thoughts, Aulani bends down, weeding the dying plants. He hopes this will put a smile on Mor’s face. She deserves to be treated better.

    At that moment, Ina walks in. “I saw you coming in here, Aulani. I wonder if I could speak with you.”

    Angry at Ina’s neglect of Mor’s plants, he only grunts, “I’m very busy right now, my lady. Can’t it wait?”


    Looking to the side and pulling at her thumb, she says, “I-I was wondering if y-you could meet me by the gong tonight. It is my desire to choose you. A-As a breeding mate.”

    Sighing, Aulani pulls a little too hard on a weed. How is he going to get out of this? Mor had asked him first. That is his only out. Calmly, he lifts his head and answers, “I’m very sorry, Lady Ina, but Lady Mor has already asked this of me.”

    Shocked, Ina asks, “S-So she formally bonded with you? I have no knowledge of this. I had told your sister I wasn’t ready, but you’ve helped me so much in the gardens and since we only have one tribal son, I felt it my duty to produce a girl. It would be good to have a royal bloodline.”

    Aulani swallows. He needs to be careful here. If caught in a lie, he could be severely punished or cast out. “I’m sorry, my lady. I would feel more comfortable if you would talk with Lady Mor about this. I do not want to cause tensions amongst our tribal sisters.”

    “Very well, but if intentions are spoken and not bonded, they are meaningless. You realize that. I will make it clear to Mor.”

    Standing, Aulani says, “We are.”

    “You are what?”

    “Bonded. We are bonded.”
    Post edited by pammiechick on
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    MarialeinMarialein Posts: 2,885 Member
    edited March 2016
    Ohhhhhhhh this could cause even some more troubles :hushed:

    By the way when can we expect the next tribe member? Can't wait to see how they will react at Aulani ;)
    Post edited by Marialein on
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    anaitapevaanaitapeva Posts: 917 Member
    And it seems Mor and Aulani will indeed be a thing. :oB)>:) I started to like her more, after she got all that subtle approach...
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