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☆Color My World☆ Rainbowcy (Update 5/7)


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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    The general basics would have been shared, but there's a lot of other variables for it being easy for any of the kids to find out the full details of what happened (or at least what was shared to the public). Amaranth and Ethereal could have told Wisp, Prism, and Desire more as they grew older, and that information could have trickled down to Coal. Blaze is the type to be more open about it as well. Then there's the fact that what happened is literally one of Coal's history lessons in school, which he talk about in an earlier chapter. Things like the plan of Ethereal being prostituted would have been glossed over in an elementary book though, but then there's also the internet. All of what happened is easily accessible through a simple search. Save for stuff like Stratus abusing her and Blaze and Amaranth being involved with the organization, there's little possibility that Coal wouldn't have heard more of what happened than what his parents told him.

    Blowups happen, and, unfortunately, Ethereal's got a massive amount to deal with. She's constantly burdened by being trapped in a manufactured body that forces her to recognize that she will always belong to TC on some level, she has survivor's guilt, she's lost her husband/best friend/father of her children and unborn child, she's terrified she could lose someone else because of TC or this new mysterious group, she now has to worry about making money to support her family, she's been desperately trying to hold it together to keep her family happy, and she's been trying to make the right choices to keep them safe while also dealing with a severely problematic pregnancy and pregnancy hormones that has the risk to hurt her and her baby in addition to already hospitalizing her a few times- and an ignorant Coal comes in, ignores her pleas for peace, berates her choices, and calls her a coward. I think it would have been worse if she just let it all slide and did nothing but rush him out of the room. Too Mary Sueish- especially as a big focus of this generation is having perfect things break, and Ethereal hasn't exactly had any big moments where she's broken down and done something wrong.

    Haha, well, all I'm gonna say is that there have been some not-too-thrilled reactions from the blog-only readers :lol:
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Due to the business of the holidays, I've got a short story with Eden and Hunter (the original) instead of a full blown chapter :blush:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Having her push him out of the room right away would have been too Mary-Sue-ish, but breaking off at some point is more what I meant, even with all of that going on. I looked at the blog comments. You've certainly caused a few breakdowns over there. I nearly asked if anyone else heard Michael Buble's version instead of Mariah Carey's while reading but figured I'd leave them to their tears. Plus the red and green was festive.....

    I have a 9 hour shift in the morrow but I'll read the short story later. Merry Christmas!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    If we ignore the last fourth of Ethereal's rant, which Coal points out isn't her going off at him so much as it's her admitting this secret she's been hiding, then, if she was speaking at a normal, slight quickened speed due to the atmosphere of the situation, she'll have been talking for maybe...a minute? That's about what I got on my phone's stopwatch when I 'spoke' her rant in my mind at the speed I imagined her going :lol: Personally, I don't find that to be going too over respectable outburst boundaries given how much she has to deal with and how Coal was goading her. I dunno :lol: In my mind , I do think Ethereal was a tad too harsh (but that again was the whole point- so much of this generation's content deals with Coal's 'perfect' world breaking down, including his imagining of his 'perfect' mother being shattered), but that Coal was asking for more than a slap on the wrist. He was given his chance, twice, to resolve the matter without any real consequences, and he ignored them.

    I was hoping someone on YouTube had done a slower, sadder version of the song I could actually have playing in the post, but no go :lol: I realized the post is better read at each person's pace than following along with the pace of a playing song too.
    Haha, the breakdowns were what I was expecting (and hoping for) :naughty: It is fun to be a little devil every once in a while, and I did try to add a good batch of new pictures of our Christmas couple to help counter out the feels :blush: There would have been more too, but I ran out of lyrics :lol:

    I really enjoyed doing Eden and Hunter's short story. I love their dynamic and the unique kind of relationship they have.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Awww Eden. It's adorable, definitely.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Yup :blush:

    Also, just realized I totally forgot to link the newest chapter here :lol: Need to remedy that!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Eight


    I must have walked around my room a half million times. I had sat quite still after rushing upstairs while I let the situation sink in. It took a long time before the shock wore off. Never before in my life had I seen mom act anything like that. It hadn't even felt like she was the same person I had known for my almost eleven years. There had clearly been a monstrous amount of pain she had been holding back, and I felt horrible about pushing her when she pleaded for peace. I had asked to be yelled at. However, I did feel a little indignant as well. Okay, I deserved to be rebuked, but did she really have to have mocked me like she did? That was the part that was bothering me the most. Surely she knew I hadn't meant to make light of her past the way she implied I did, right? If I ever boasted, in my mind I was only thinking about how cool and amazing mom was for being so strong to get through all that had been in her way.

    Having been sitting on my bed for about three seconds, I slid off as my body demanded I move. The little incident had swept my exhaustion away. My body craved to be as active as my racing thoughts now were, but I was a bit scared to leave my room. I wasn't sure what would happen if I did dare to go out the door. Would I somehow make mom angry again? It felt like I would be much safer if I did simply hide out in my room until the following morning.


    In the end though, nature called. I was forced to leave to use the restroom. On my way back, I noticed the door to Wisp's bedroom was open. Prism stood in the doorway, and he motioned me in as I began to walk by.

    "So, looks like you've triggered the transformation." Prism said with a cheery smirk as he sat himself down on Wisp's bed.
    "Transformation?" I questioned confusedly, "Of what?"
    "And what exactly is she transforming into?" I wondered with a frown and raised brow.
    "Excuse me?"
    "She tends to get more and more, uh...unreasonable as her pregnancies progress." Wisp explained.
    "Unreasonable doesn't even begin to cover it. You better prepare to see her like you've never seen her before," Prism warned dramatically, "She seriously made me go to my room for the rest of the night once because she thought I was breathing too loud. Mom made Desi clean the whole house because she forgot to make her bed that morning. Wisp got ranted at because he was watching a movie downstairs that randomly made her cry. The most bizarre things are going to start setting her off, and the best thing you can do is just apologize and try to steer clear of her until she calms down."


    My frown deepened.

    "But I don't remember her being bad when she was carrying Ceri at all." I pointed out.

    Both Wisp and Prism smiled widely.

    "That was because you were only six for most of that pregnancy. Still young enough for mom to try extra hard for her not to go off at you. Plus, do you remember all the times dad suddenly started playing tag with you or starting a 'wrestle session' where he would pick you up and carry you away?" Wisp asked.
    "Sort of." I shrugged.
    "Those were all times when mom was about to turn into 'momzilla' as Pris so eloquently put it. Dad was rushing you out of the detonation site before you could see her blow up."
    "Her pregnancy with you was the worst according to dad. I bet this one is going to trump it though what with the extra mess mom has to deal with." Prism mused.
    "It will be frustrating when she gets on your case when you're not doing anything wrong, but the best advice I can give you is truly to just say sorry or say nothing and then walk away. Even the most accurate reasoning can't win against mom's pregnancy hormones, it seems. Besides, she usually turns super sweet after she does have an incident. Expect to go out for dinner or be treated to something fun a lot as that's her way of apologizing."
    "I guess that could make it bearable." I nodded.

    Continue reading.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    How dare you keep a nice, non-heartbreaking chapter from us! Or is it just me on here anymore? Oh well.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    My bad :wink:

    Yes, it has gotten kind of quiet over here :confused: Me taking that break for NaNo seems to have made a lot of people slide away from the story. I've always noticed that though. As soon as I stop posting for more than a week, the readership numbers really dive :neutral: Even if it's just two weeks or something like that. It is a little sad considering the best pageviews I've gotten for CMW barely reach half of what TGO got in its peak


    At the same time though, I've almost hit 100,000 blog views, which is definitely something I'm not going to complain about :blush: And, at the end of the day, I am just doing the stories because I want to. Readership is an extra bonus, and having even a few people around like you is something I seriously appreciate :smiley: You might always earn more picture spam or cute short stories too if time permits :wink:
    On that note, I totally procrastinated writing Chapter Nine last night by making the heir for the fourth generation :lol: I was going to do the heir for 5th gen as well, but I wanted to play Banished before I finally got a bit of writing done for the next chapter :smile:
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Nine


    My search for my sister brought me to Prism's room. I rarely went in there despite our rooms being right next to each other. It was true my brother had been a lot less annoying since dad's disappearance than he had been, but as the weeks progressed he was steadily working back up to his old levels of bothersome once more. A sadness did continue to linger about the house, but the constant somberness and seriousness as if someone had died was gone. I usually on went into Prism's room if I was desperate to use a computer or if I was trying to dig up some sort of blackmail to use on him to get him to stop pestering me. Then there was also the fact that I avoided his room because it often smelled how it smelled when I walked in at that particular moment. Prism was big on working out, and the scent of his sweat was not exactly something I preferred.

    "Forty." Desire counted the chin-ups Prism was doing.
    "I've already passed that!" he said back shakily as he fought slightly to pull himself up another time.
    "Well, there have been some that you struggled with, so I didn't count them."
    "As long as I get my chin up, they count! It doesn't matter if it takes longer than normal!"
    "Whatever," Desire smiled nonchalantly, "You're close enough. Just do a few more, and you'll definitely hit your goal of fifty."
    "Some counter you are." Prism mumbled under his breath.


    I smiled as I walked inside properly. It was nice to see that there was someone in the house who could tease and banter with Prism without having to fear a rebuttal. Prism would typically mumble as he just had or complain, but he would never try to go after Desire like he did me.

    "Hey, Coal. Need something?" Desire wondered as I walked over.
    "Yeah. I wanted to ask you a favor."
    "And that is?" she wondered.
    "Mary's birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I wanted to go out today to get her present, and I was hoping you would come along to give me advice since I don't know what to get her." I explained.
    "Ooo, shopping? Count me in. That sounds like a perfect way to spend the last day of summer."
    "Don't remind me that school starts tomorrow." I pouted fiercely.
    "If you two are going out, pick me up some peanut butter cookies?" Prism, who had switched to doing pull-ups, requested.
    "Yes, because that's exactly what you should eat after a workout." I teased.
    "Do I look as if I need to worry about gaining weight?" Prism instantly chided back, doing his pull-ups quicker and with extra drama for better emphasis, "I mean, you should worry about yourself before you worry about me. You spend most of your time lazing about watching television or playing video games. If anyone is going to be gaining chub, it's you."
    "I'll try to remember your cookies, Pris" Desire broke back into the conversation to stop it from turning into an argument, "I know Blaze is about to head off to the hospital with mom for another one of her check-ups, Coal. Let's hitch a ride into the city with them. The better stores are in that area."


    That idea was fine with me. Desire reached for her phone on Prism's desk, and I decided to use the moment to have a bit more fun with my brother. I refused to let him have the last word. I pretty much jumped onto his back after he finished a pull-up. To his credit, he did remarkably well in handling the sudden weight. Prism didn't drop down instantly liked I expected, and he even actually tried to do a pull-up with me gripped to his back like a baby monkey once he realized what I was doing. He wasn't that strong though. His hands slipped off the bar. Deciding he had held up enough for me to me to be a bit nice to him, I helped lower him to the ground instead of letting him drop right onto his backside like he would have done otherwise.

    "Coal!" he cried at me.

    I was already bolting out of the room with a massive smile and a loud laugh lingering behind me as I ran.

    "See if I get you a present for your birthday now!" his warning came.

    I ignored it as I merrily rushed down the stairs. I heard Desire chuckling too.

    Continue reading.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    You know, I really feel for poor Coal. He's at the age where he can't really do anything to feel he can be of genuine use to these horrible situations. Dang, I still feel like that a lot. It's neat to see some kids outside of the first gen pack. I particularly enjoyed Cinna and imagined him rambling off his two paragraphs like he was on a sugar high.
    One note: a paragraph said Aunt Sunset dropped off Midas and Coal. Should that have been Aunt Sunflower?
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    He's steadily learning the best ways he can help (mostly finding out the importance of how necessary it is just to be there when others need help like it was mentioned last chapter), but, yes, some things might seem to take care of themselves for a time while other issues arise. At this point, there's little Coal can do to truly stop or fix any of it. Much like Ethereal, he can only hold on for the ride. I'm not planning on his child stage lasting as long as Ethereal's though. Unless I can think of some random stuff to do with the kiddies, there's not going to be as many slice-of-life chapters. Don't have an exact total of how many updates it'll take for me to get to the next stage though just yet. I do know there's going to be three stages total. The child stage, the teen stage, and a good portion will actually take place when the main group of friends are young adults.

    Haha, you imagined Cinna speaking pretty much how I imagined him speaking in my head :smiley: I don't have any specific reasons to show him or Cattleya (or more of the students) outside of them being background characters for the school shots, but maybe there'll be a few places to squeeze them in to add some variety. Next chapter will be Coal and Rosemary's birthdays, so I think that's a good plot to start with.

    Yes, it should. I changed it. Sunday was my sister's birthday, so I lost quite a lot of valuable writing time :lol: I refused to finish the chapter Monday afternoon, so I stayed up Sunday evening and finished at about two in the morning on Monday (terrible idea). I posted without editing, which was why there was that mistake and a lot more typos than normal. I think I got most of them corrected now though.
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    Adventure4U1Adventure4U1 Posts: 239 Member
    I didn't even notice the mistake, I was too busy enjoying the story!

    Life is an Adventure
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    I didn't even notice the mistake, I was too busy enjoying the story!
    Guess I'm just character-detail driven like that :D Sorry, Kelsey! At least I didn't mention the typos? Hope your sister had a good birthday at least.

    Horray for more Cinna! Think I'll start a game where I count how many times he shows up in the background; bonus points for all speaking moments and tally at the end of the generation. If I do the same with my favorite Gen2 Crew kid (Midas) and see who gets more, would it be worth the time, I wonder....? Honestly, I'll be happy with whatever length is necessary for the stages. Obviously childhood and the teen years were important for Ethereal as that's when the most major life events happened for her worth telling. If the majority of Coal's story is meant to be in his young adult years then so be it! Just as long as stories don't stick with fluff for the sake of keeping life stages the same length (or cut out meaningful events) then I stay interested.
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    Ariel0105Ariel0105 Posts: 329 Member
    oh geez XD I did that to my older brother once... it was Awesome XD
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @AEventyr- Nah, it's totally fine! I'd rather people point that kind of stuff out, actually :smiley: It makes it easier for me to go back and fix things without having to read through it all a million times :lol: There's that whole thing too where you're so used to reading what you've written that you subconsciously glance over things easily noticed by fresh eyes.
    We made the best of the day. She and I were going to go see Star Wars, but there was that nasty wind and icy snow, so we stayed at the house watching YouTube and playing Kingdom Hearts. I decorated sheep onto her cake since she loves them, and we video chatted her twin sister while we opened presents :blush:

    Haha, maybe I'll make it a real challenge then :wink: Sneak Cinnabar and perhaps Midas randomly into background shots to see how many you can catch :lol:
    My original goal was to have this generation be shorter than 1st Gen, but from what I'm planning it'll probably be about the same amount of chapters :lol: There's a few plots I'm still mulling over. I have my original plans, but then my brain goes off imagining how things would work out if I took a different route. Then I start to think I want to do it that way instead. I'm going to have to actually plot the chapters out chapter by chapter to see how much changing things around will set me back/speed it all up. What I do know is that the Teen stage will most likely be super short. It'll mostly just exist to set up the romances that will eventually form, and give the younger characters (Cerise, the new baby/babies, etc.) time to develop as real characters before I start inching towards the climax of the generation.

    @Ariel0105- Which part? Coal clinging to Prism's back as he worked out? :smiley: If so, I definitely agree. It looks like fun!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    I won't be around for a couple of days due to us moving leaving us without internet access for a time. There's a better explanation on the blog.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    May everything go well for you! I heard we're (possibly) getting some nasty weather this weekend so be careful.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited January 2016
    Chapter Ten


    I couldn't wipe the grin off my face, but Rosemary was have just as much trouble in that regard. Not that she had any desire to stop smiling though. It was my birthday party, but you would think it was hers given the sheer amount of joy radiating from her. Hesitant around the horses at first, she sat taller as the minutes passed on. I had asked to have my party at the stables to do something different from the normal celebration at the house or at the beach. There had been no deeper reasoning to it, but, as far as Rosemary was concerned, I might as well have already given her her birthday present. She waved to me grandly as she rode by.


    Her hand instantly reattached itself to the rein afterwards. It was Rosemary's first time on a horse, and the unfamiliar movement of the animal and its simple large size had her somewhat uncertain despite her overall enthusiasm. Uncle Eden had had quite the hard time getting her comfortable with even just him leading her around as he was doing now.

    "How about we pick up the pace just a little?" Uncle Eden suggested.
    "I'm fine with this pace." Rosemary denied quickly.
    "What if I got up there with you? I think that would be more fun for the both of us."
    "Maybe," Rosemary considered, "How about after another ten laps?"
    "Ten!" Uncle Eden exclaimed in amusement, "I've gone dizzy from how many times we've gone around already!"
    "Eight?" Rosemary bargained with a perfect pouting expression.
    "Fine." she caved.

    Rosemary pouted for a several seconds more, but her smile soon returned.


    Out of the rest of my friends, Azure was the most adventurous when it came to riding the horses. It helped that Uncle Sap was an experienced rider, so Azure had been taking lessons all his life. He had spent a good portion of party time showing off skills to whoever would watch, but Cattleya had finally roped him into taking a ride with her. Not that Cattleya wasn't a good rider herself, but with Azure taking the rein he could have the horse doing jumps she wasn't able to initiate herself.

    Continue reading./url].
    Post edited by iButterfree on
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    For anyone who's curious, this is the kind of noise that inspired the noise Hunter makes in this chapter :lol:
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    Ariel0105Ariel0105 Posts: 329 Member
    @iButterfree yes the clinging LOL
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Eleven


    I was feeling pretty good. Everyone else was upstairs, so I had the whole first floor to myself. I had some plans for later on that Saturday afternoon, but until then I was going to be as lazy as possible. The rational part of me screamed from the back part of my mind that I was going to regret at least not being lazy outside. Summer was gone, and autumn was here. Chilly though still bearable winds scattered the already thick coat of leaves all over the ground. It wouldn't feel like that much longer until the cold bite of winter forced me inside most of the time. I really should have tried to enjoy the decent weather while I had it, but, nope, I opened the fridge to pull out one of the left over grilled cheese sandwiches I had been saving. I would start with it before seeing if it was far enough past breakfast for me down one or two more.

    "Coal!" an angry call erupted from behind me to jolt me and send my heart racing.


    I was already cringing in my head. It hadn't taken long for me to grow used to that tone and know what it entailed. I turned around doing my best to be impassive. However, I already knew I was on the losing side of whatever ridiculous argument was about to start.

    "How many times have I told you not to leave the television on when you're not watching it?" mom reminded me disapprovingly, folding her arms and giving me that mom stare.

    I sighed mentally. This was even more ridiculous than normal.

    "I was watching it though. I only got up for a few seconds to grab this sandwich," I explained as I motioned to my plate, "It would waste more electricity to turn the television off and then on again than to simply let it run as it would have anyway."
    "Why are you even watching television?" mom instantly changed her reprimand, "I thought I told you to clean the upstairs tub."
    "You said I could do it after I finished my show." I pointed out with a frown.
    "Well, I'm changing my mind and telling you to do it now. Otherwise it's never going to get done." she said tartly.
    "I was definitely going to do it. I'm not Prism, you know." I said with defiance I should have learned by now to keep out of my voice, but it was there because I had had every intention of completing my chore.
    "Get upstairs and clean that tub now, Coal." mom commanded, not happy with my non-compliant response.
    "Why am I the one who has to clean it anyway? Desi was the one who got it all goopy with her stupid, cheap bath bomb." I complained.
    "Are you going to make me repeat myself a second time?" mom asked warningly.
    "But I've been looking forward to this episode all wee-"
    "Now, Coal," mom demanded irritably, "I know you have all the episodes set to record. You can be lazy in my house after you do your chores."


    I must say, I was sorely tempted to grumble and complain a thousand miles a minute. However, I had discovered a few times what would happen if I did. Those hadn't been pleasant experiences. Wisp and Prism hadn't been exaggerating when they had been talking about mom's changed attitude thanks to her pregnancy hormones. Her bump was really starting to get big at a much faster pace. How long it had taken for it to show was now being made up as it felt like every other day it had doubled in size. Of course, with the baby having grown so much it had long been possible to find out the gender. Mom had debated back and forth, and she had gone ahead and asked to know. Frustratingly for the rest of us, she had chosen to only tell grandma and grandpa whether they would be getting a granddaughter or grandson. The rest of us had to wait until the baby was actually born to find out.

    I slowly trudged over to the stairs while mom pulled out some stuff to make a cheese platter for an event Aunt Sunflower was helping host.

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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    edited January 2016
    Ugh, I'm officially two chapters behind. I'll have to catch up later. (PS - how's the new place?)
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Well, I have yet to given 11 an edit yet, so take your time :lol:

    The new place is coming along. We've basically been living off fast food for the past week and a half since we haven't had a working kitchen. We only just got the fridge up and running around 8 this evening. The stove/oven should be set up soon. I'll probably post some pictures once we're a bit more unpacked.
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    Adventure4U1Adventure4U1 Posts: 239 Member
    iButterfree: Speaking of fast foods, Qudoba and Chipotole are good fast foods options, given they aren't as (junky) as the other fast food restaurants. But there are times I enjoy small serving of Mc- Donald french fries and sometimes Buffets are good that

    That said, I hope you enjoy your first home cooked meal in the new house. \
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