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☆Color My World☆ Rainbowcy (Update 5/7)


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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    Yep, all their names go well with the theme, which is perfect considering their surname. And the name Ocean Waters tickles me. :lol:

    With the guys’ new colors in your latest post, I like blue Amaranth (although I do prefer him with his normal red), blue Allium and pink Frost best.

    Good idea! I’d like to see Wisp with blue skin and green hair and eyes. So far I like the green skin with blue eyes and hair version the most, although like Purity, I think his white version is ideal. And call me crazy, but I like the name Christmas/Chris for a re-colored Prism. xD

    I don’t get that 🐸🐸🐸🐸 green-brown hair color often, and when I do I just change it to match one of the parents. But I’m thinking of adding this mod sometime in the near future so I can avoid the hassle.

    I think Leaf turned out great too. And I don’t doubt Coal looks gorgeous all grown up; he’s adorable as a child. But kids of his own... just how far ahead do you play?? :lol:
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    I try to do punny things with the names whenever I can. Some are hard, some are easy. Sunflower's family was the best. You've got Gold Morning (dad), Stormy Morning (mom), Windy Morning (sister), and Cloudy Morning (brother). Sunflower's name is the only one that doesn't work :lol:

    The blue seems to be a good color that meshes well with everyone. I think it takes a certain kind of person to pull off the pink and purple though, which is why I only like it on Allium :smiley: Frost is okay with it, but I don't like it on Amaranth at all. If I ever feel it worth the effort, I'll see how the boys' colors look on the girls and vice versa.

    Yeah, I like white Wisp the best too. I gotta say the same for Prism too :lol: Just can't beat the original.

    I've considered adding that mod, but I eventually went against it as it decreases the chance for grandparents' colors to be passed down. It wasn't such a big deal with TGO, but with CMW I really want to see how far down the colors can be carried.

    Haha, I couldn't help myself :lol: I knew who was going to be involved with the baby-making, and, since it's so much easier for me to plan ahead and add foreshadowing when I know the characters I'll eventually be working with, I had free time one night so I said "Why not?" :blush: I know the general plot of the story up through Gen 4, so I could actually go ahead and get that far as I already have all the heirs and their genders/names picked out.
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    But if you use Sunny as a nn for Sunflower, you get Sunny Morning—works for me! :lol:

    It does seem that way. And I’m not a big fan of pink in general, but it works pretty well for Allium! xD

    I still really like Prism as a Christmas baby though!

    Ah, I thought it just removed the mutation chance—I didn’t realize the mod was also tuned to decrease the odds for grandparent genetics to be passed down, even if it is still possible. And it would be more interesting to have each successive generation carry a greater potential for a few more colors down from the past two gens, so I can understand why you’d prefer to go that route and risk the mutants! :p

    I didn’t realize you had so much of the plot decided on already! :o But yup, I can see how that definitely would make everything easier to plan out and allow you to come up with suitable storylines for all those characters.
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    UniSimsUniSims Posts: 1,246 Member
    I just started reading this and oh my plumming goodness it is amazing.

    Everything is more colourful in black and white
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Sorry for not being around much! November was more hectic than I wanted, especially towards the end. (I did get my 50,000 NaNo total though :blush: ) Then I had one of the main category posts in the Directory randomly delete itself, so it's been a mess trying to rearrange everything :confounded:

    Here are the few other random posts I put out:
    Colorful Children
    Tales of Lerathian Chapter 14 Excerpt
    CMW Family Tree
    100 Majesties #21
    Cake Decorating

    And, of course, Gen 2 Chapter Five will be out very shortly :blush:

    @UniSims- I'm glad you really like it! :smile: It's been a bit hard for me to get back into it after taking a break to do NaNoWriMo, but there are a lot of ideas I'm excited to get back to working on :blush:
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Five


    I hadn't looked at the clock in hours, and it felt like I had been that long since I last moved. During that first week of dad's disappearance it had been next to impossible to stand being in my room for even short amounts of time. However, ever since I overheard mom's startling confession lazing about dismally on my bed had become my new favorite pastime. I was highly glad there was still a decent chunk of summer vacation left. All I could focus on was what I heard. Homework would be too much of a pain to try and handle too.

    On one hand, I understood everything perfectly. Putting together mom's and Uncle Blaze's words, there was no denying it. Dad had been doing something illegal. He was poking around in something no normal person would dare to touch, and there had been people on the other side ready to pounce if he messed up and revealed himself. Unfortunately, he had gone ahead and done just that. So, that was that. There was the other part of me though that simply couldn't wrap my head around it. Dad? Dad of all people, my dad, was involved in something like that? It didn't fit with the person I knew him to be at all. I wanted to know more. I wanted to understand better, but I obviously wasn't going to be getting any answers. I shouldn't have even known what I knew. Mom was still pretending to be hopeful. If she wasn't going to come clean about that, there was no way she would explain everything to me if I admitted I had been eavesdropping.


    A call of my name and a solid knock on the door made me jump.

    "You can't stay in there all day. You've had plenty of time to mope over the weekend. You need to come eat some lunch since you couldn't be bothered with breakfast." Desire instructed like the determined kind of sister she generally was.
    "I'm coming." I muttered reluctantly, not caring that my response was not audible to her in the slightest.


    I stalled for a minute or two, but I did make my way out eventually. Desire wasn't anywhere in sight, which was expected. She was good at being commanding without being bossy or overbearing. She also knew that I knew that she would come back to bother me much more intensely if I didn't listen to her the first time around.

    "Mom's still over at Uncle Eden's," Prism said as he was the one to greet me in the kitchen when I took a seat in one of the stools, "She said she won't be getting back home until later this evening. The rest of us just had sandwiches for lunch. I'll let you whet your appetite with some chips while I put yours together."

    He set the bowl of chips down in front of me before turning towards the other counter to start putting together my favorite kind of turkey sandwich. I ignored the snack he had given me and watched my brother instead. We had all started acting differently since dad never came back, but Prism's change in attitude was one of the most noticeable shifts. His boastful and aggressive manner, especially to me, was no longer there. Prism was much quieter, much more supportive, and more mature than I had ever seen him. Strange as it was, I hated the change. I preferred him how he had been. The way he was now was just another reminder that everything was wrong.

    "C'mon, you won't even touch your favorite flavor of chips?" Prism questioned in gently exasperated defeat when he was almost done with my sandwich and all I had done with the chip bowl was slowly push it away from me with my finger.


    I really didn't have an appetite. Even the thought of placing food inside my stomach made me nauseated. It was just one of the things off with me. I understood that it was natural for me to be feeling down at the moment, but I was fighting against myself in a battle I didn't fully understand. It wasn't merely the fact that I didn't want to move or do anything, but that it felt physically impossible to do so. It was as if there was a giant, invisible bubble of glue around me that protested all my movements. My body was weighed down liked I had been drugged. I was in a daze that made it seem like everything I did was controlled by someone else. I didn't like it one bit, but there didn't seem to be anything I could do.

    "What do you think has happened to dad?" I asked Prism to detract him from my loss of appetite issue.
    "I...don't know what I think," he admitted with a small sigh, "Half of me believes that, yes, of course he's going to come back, but then there's the other half that thinks that if he was going to come back that he would have been able to do so already. The lack of evidence doesn't do much to help me be optimistic."

    I didn't respond, but merely nodded my head. The words of the secret I wanted to share were at the tip of my tongue. If I could just talk to someone else about what I had heard, surely I would feel better. Someone could share in the painful sting that news caused with me, or my fears could be shot down. However, the words didn't come out. I knew the latter effect was unlikely to happen, and the last thing I wanted was to make someone else as miserable as me.

    "You're going to at least eat your sandwich, or mom told me to get Uncle Blaze over here to help 'encourage' you to get some food down your throat." Prism relayed the warning when I didn't speak.

    He put the finishing touches on the sandwich before placing it in front of me, and I unenthusiastically began to eat. Uncle Blaze's 'encouragement' was typically him holding the food right up to our mouths, staring at us unceasingly, until we relented, or he even following us around with it if we tried to escape. I was not in the mood for such antics.

    "Pris, can you come help me with something?" Desire poked her head through the front door from outside to call her twin's attention.

    Continue reading.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Glad you're back around (and congrats on finishing your NaNo!)

    Is it just me, or did all those kids inherit her nose? Also, I definitely would have bought the smash and Christmas cakes! Nice job. (Saving the chapter to read after one of my shifts the next 3 nights. Holiday Retail Season is stressful, amiright?)
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Thanks :blush:

    It really does seem that way, doesn't it? :lol: All of them do look incredibly similar in most features if you look long enough. That's one thing I don't really like about Sim children (at least in 3)- you don't usually get to see much of their unique characteristics until they become a teen or older.

    My favorite cakes were the snowman one and the rainbow one. So far, all but the double layer round cake have sold (and it still has a couple days left on the shelf to be bought.) Someone actually even ordered a fresh duplicate of the snowman design to be made, so I got to do a second one of that one :smiley:

    Ugh, I know. Don't even get me started on holiday retail :bawling:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    BRB, hiding behind a tree. Mast. Thing. Cause I'm on the SailShip Christmas. Not tearing up at this very well written chapter. Not at all. Also not adding blue/yellow/gray life-preservers because Midas is definitely my #1 kid for this generation. Even though we got to see some great characteristics of all the kids, even his siblings. Nope.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited December 2015
    And I'm not seeing you do any of that, nope :wink: I didn't tear up either writing this chapter. That wasn't the reason why it took me forever to finish it up :lol: I imagined a little too well in my head Coal crying. If you try to play it out in your head- this poor little boy desperately trying not to cry while heartbroken sobs break through- you just can't help but tear up yourself :cry:

    Chapter Five has become one of my favorites, which is why Six is kinda annoying me :lol: I was seriously just starting to write what I'm about to say now when your comment appeared :smiley: Basically, the plot I wanted to do got ruined. I needed some stuff from an Opportunity unlocked, but the objectives wouldn't complete no matter how many times I fulfilled what they required! I'll just say that poor Purity's feet got very hot trying to fulfill one particular objective since I don't want to spoil what's going on next chapter. I think the chapter turned out fine enough on its own, but the ending feels a little disjointed to me since I was randomly adding a few things to prevent the chapter from being super short. I'm going to have to get creative with Seven since the original plot from Six was supposed to spill over and take up half of its content as well.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Six


    The salty scent of the ocean wind rolling off the waves crashing onto the shore was both familiar and entirely foreign at the same time. I had lived next to the ocean my whole life, but being in a new place was making the experience exhilarating again for me. I'm sure there was something simply a little different in the air and water in Tropic Luna too though.

    I never would have guessed that the question Aunt Purity wanted to ask my mom was if she could take me, my friends, and mom on a vacation to the popular islands. Mom had said it was fine for me to go, although she had declined to come along herself. Her morning sickness was just not letting up. She did want to join the rest of us, but the idea of spending half a day on a crowded airplane with her stinking up the isolated space due to her vomiting made her nauseated in itself. Aunt Purity had given her a bunch of free passes to one of the spa parlors the Spring family owned. Uncle Frost and Aunt Sunflower had come along instead to help keep an eye on all of us kids.

    As I watched the four adults talk, I had to avoid letting embarrassment wash over me. The idea for this trip hadn't sprung up out of nowhere. Uncle Sap and Aunt Purity thought it up because they knew mom was feeling down, but also all of the adults had grown concerned over me. I had heard the word "depressed" be whispered a lot among them in the days following my little adventure to the grove, for Midas, the little snitch, had told his dad about me crying. That information had been quickly passed on to my mom, which had led to me getting a lighter lecture and punishment than I would have gotten, so I suppose I couldn't be too mad at my friend. I knew the depressed everyone was talking about wasn't the one that meant I was simply sad for a time. Mom had even hinted that she would want me to talk to some counselor or therapist or whatever if I didn't perk up on my own relatively soon.


    As it was, the likely-hood of that happening was now rather low. I had actually worked through things pretty well on my end. Having that good cry had helped me more than I wanted to admit, and I felt incredibly more content understanding I did have a strong support system to rely on. I was obviously still upset about a lot of things, but I was finding those outlets to allow me to cope better with it all. And, as hard as it was to admit, I was getting used to not having dad around. I don't think I had fully accepted his disappearance or his probable death. However, I stopped hoping he would be back every single time I walked through the door. I focused on how things would have to work now instead of wasting away time on wishing they would be different.

    My friends made it vastly difficult to stay in a bad mood for long too. Them acting as they always had was now what I needed the most. It was that wish I was getting. I was still standing there taking in the sights when a flash of red streaked in the corner of my eyes before my shoulder and neck broke apart the water balloon hurled at me to drench my person in shocking cold water.



    But he was already running away. Midas was his new target.

    I shrugged off the attack and watched my friend go after my other friend with amusement. Unlike what typically happens, our plane actually arrived super early to our destination. We were so early, in fact, that we weren't able to check into the resort yet. That had led to us hanging out at the beach while we ate the classic staple of hot dogs to tide us over until we got have a go at the resort's buffet. Midas had slipped a package of water balloons in his mom's purchase at the store, and he and Azure had apparently found some place to fill them up. I hadn't wanted to get wet while still being clothed, but the heat was so ridiculously hot that I couldn't complain about the sneak attack at all. It was taking all my will not to slip off my shirt, shoes, and socks to go splash around the in the ocean water. It was a blue like I had never seen.

    Continue reading.
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    Adventure4U1Adventure4U1 Posts: 239 Member
    Now I'm starting to wonder if Amaranth is hidden in that place behind the waterfall, whether dead or alive.
    Life is an Adventure
    Not a movie
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    That would be quite the hiding spot! :blush: The cave is just an urban legend though, so it's not actually real.
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    I'm glad Coal is feeling more able to cope now; it was hard to see him so lost. The vacay break has been good for the kids overall too, although that's a worrisome development with Rosemary... :/ But it was also good in the sense that it helped Coal realize that he's not the only one going through a difficult time--being aware of other people's problems help put things into perspective and keeps us from dwelling on our own so much. And the fishing scene was cute and gave me a little giggle. xD
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Helping someone else who is having a hard time: a decent way to get your own problems off your mind, for a time.
    I like seeing the cousins together.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Sorry for such a delayed response again! The Isla Paradiso world kept crashing, which forced me to abandon all of the rest of the storyline I wanted to do with it. I had to combine the end of the vacation with what should have been the plot for the next chapter, so I only just managed to squeeze this new Chapter Seven out :expressionless: So, I'm glad you liked the fishing scene, star :blush: It was one of the things, like the beginning of this new chapter, that I came up with last second to help fill the content out more. Mimosa's reaction to the fish is what I imagine my response would be like if I ever had to touch one myself :lol:
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Seven

    Will update with pictures later.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Isla Paradiso seems to be all sorts of bugged, from what I've read around the net. I don't really use the world much myself.
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    Ariel0105Ariel0105 Posts: 329 Member
    edited December 2015
    I love it keep up the good work
    EDIT: do you use the sims resource content or is it different CC?
    Post edited by Ariel0105 on
    my wishlist
    my wishlist
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @AEventyr- Considering that mermaids are totally bugged for me, I don't doubt that. I was going to focus on them actually trying and then finding an island, but the Opportunity to find one of the hidden islands just refused to work. I would complete and objective and it would take many game hours for the game to recognize that I completed it, or I would complete it and it just wouldn't recognize it at all. I got stuck on the firewalk task. Purity kept doing the walk successfully, but no matter how many hours I let the game run it still said she hadn't. I even made everyone's needs static and had her walk for pretty much 24 game hours, but...nothing :confused:

    @Ariel0105- Thanks :blush:
    It's majorly TSR content, yes, with a scattering of other random CC thrown in.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    :D 24 hour firewalk to atone for all of her childhood bullying :D
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Indeed! She seemed to enjoy it though :lol:
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    So, at what age exactly did she share with the kids everything which had happened to her in such detail? I don't care how sick or how much she's been holding in, at some point surely she should have remembered she was talking to a child (even if he was provoking) and just shoved him out of the room. Wow.

    Devious face is devious, but Merry Christmas anyway!
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