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Prison Challenge

Okay, so I watching the Asylum Challenge on Youtube and it kind of inspired this. The entire challenge is based off of the Asylum Challenge. I was making sure no one else did this already, and what I found was going in a totally different direction.
You must build a house that will include:
Only 5 rooms with just the cheapest single bed in each room
2 empty 2x2 room that you can trap misbehaving Sims in (Just have them go inside then sell the door)
An activity room with 1 easel, 1 bookshelf, 1 treadmill, and 1 punching bag.
A kitchen with the cheapest fridge and the cheapest stove. No microwave or coffee maker.
Only 2 bathrooms each with the cheapest shower, the cheapest toilet, and the cheapest sink that doesn't require a counter

The build may not include:
A computer
Anything involving gaming
Anything involving skill building not previously mentioned
A double bed
A dresser
A microwave
A coffee maker
You may only have ONE sofa or TWO loves seats
The house can be whatever size or price you want as long as no rules are broken
After building your house the rules are as followed:
You cannot have any mods that give you an unfair advantage
You start out with 1,000 simoleons
You must start with eight young adult Sims in your household
Each Sim must have the hot-headed trait
I recommend giving each Sim a crime they committed to get them put in jail then basing their lifetime wish/ other two traits off that
Put each Sim in a "uniform" type outfit like sweats and a T-shirt they must all wear the same thing
You can only control one Sim
The Sims can never leave the lot (I recommend completely closing it off)
The Sims can never answer the phone (If a Sim you cannot control answers the phone cancel it)
If a fight ever breaks out among the Sims put both of them in a 2x2 room and get rid of the door for at least 5 hours this is the ONLY situation where you can control another Sim (If the Sim if amount to starve to death make a meal and drag it in the room do NOT let them out)
If a Sim dies from whatever cause you must keep the grave and allow the dead Sim to haunt the house.
All beds must be taken (put them in your family inventory or sell them I don't care just get rid of them) away at 9 am and put back at 9 pm
A Sim can never get a job
Whenever bills come around you get 500 dollars automatically weather you can pay the bills or not

Any questions, comments, a rule you would like added, or something you think I missed please comment. Also tell me if you decide to start the challenge and how it goes. Thanks! :)



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    GobstoppedGobstopped Posts: 510 Member
    I like your restrictions actually sounds a lot harder than the ones in the Asylum challenge! But every good challenge has a goal or an end-point, whats yours?
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    Ashley SimsAshley Sims Posts: 217 Member
    edited June 2015
    Gobstopped wrote: »
    I like your restrictions actually sounds a lot harder than the ones in the Asylum challenge! But every good challenge has a goal or an end-point, whats yours?

    The goal is sort of like the Asylum Challenge's goal which is just trying to live with a bunch of hot-headed Sims with limited resources. I actually did think quite a bit about the end point before making this. It's not like reaching ten generations or having 100 babies. I guess it's playing until every prisoner dies. Once the last one dies you're finished. I thought about making generations of prisoners but it seemed a bit odd to have children live with you in prison. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated <3
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    JesxSimsJesxSims Posts: 526 Member
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    poeticnebulapoeticnebula Posts: 3,912 Member
    I like it! I have played the asylum challenge since TS2 and recently did it for 4 but found it almost too easy. Your restrictions really add something but I have a couple of suggestions. First, please only consider my suggestions! This is your challenge and I don't want to take from that!

    #1 I believe that most asylums or correctional institutions have a "common" room with TV. I think that not allowing a TV would take away from the "feel" of the challenge for me. I do believe that the only skill built by a TV is cooking and my experience with large households is that they don't watch cooking unless they are foodies.

    #2 has to do with endgame. I suggest you set a goal. This goal could prove to the Parole Board that you are fit to rejoin society. Since you can't get a job them perhaps choosing an aspiration that you can complete within your confines would work though I admit I tend to stick to a few and don't fully know them all. Many require a job or travel to special lots (creative requires visiting a gallery to finish) and others are money based or family based. At the moment I am having issues thinking of a good aspiration to complete, but I am sure there is one.

    All that said, I will try this! You need to make sure the lot is secured though cause my asylum cast was the only group of sims I've ever had regularly leave my lot without my direction. The bathrooms and benches in the park next door were just too much of a temptation for them LOL. I will be watching this thread and I may start the challenge by next week.

    Great job!
    Origin ID: ForgottenAmber
    Twitch: ForgottenAmber
    Discord: ForgottenAmber



    Friend of Liam
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    ElmawaElmawa Posts: 2,281 Member
    This challenge is well timed with the release of prison specific decor we have now! Might be fun to play sometime! I like the idea of having to "prove you are rehabilitated", but I also like the idea of the "prison death match" too >:)... I can just see your player sim striving to fabricate the deaths of fellow prisoners! Maybe by forcing the enraged or hysterical emotions, or simply embarrassing them all to death lol. An interesting twist to this idea though would be to allow the player to use rotational play, like day one play with prisoner A, then on day two play prisoner B, day three prisoner C.....that way all prisoners have a fairly equal chance to survive the challenge and it will not be immediately obvious who will win....
    On the rehabilitation side though, perhaps having the sim complete their aspiration would be the "proof" to the parole board, and if an aspiration requires a job...well many jails (though probably not prisons I assume....) have a work release program where inmates leave the jail for work and then come right It's an option. If you decide to develop this challenge further, you could include different difficulty levels where an easier level allows for "work release" and harder levels do not.

    Just my have me intrigued though!
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    Samsonguy9000Samsonguy9000 Posts: 755 Member
    It should be noted that there is a separate forum section to share challenges in,
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