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❀ Beach City =]


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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited June 2014
    Sparky - all 3 of the worlds you mentioned plus Bellatrix I seem to play in and enjoy the most. They are all so different and none of the 4 are anything like the others. If you have Lunar Lakes - and think you might like fantasy combined with outer space/alien theme - then you will love Bellatrix too. I know I do. My hardest problem when I actually have time to play and I'm not testing other worlds is deciding which of those worlds I want to play in most for the evening. To add to my dilemma I have a few other worlds I also like by other friends from the group I and Rflong hang with - It is sometimes real hard to decide. It really makes me wish we could just scoot between worlds sort of like we scoot over to Oasis Landing and Uni. I'll bet if EA made that possible a lot of simmers would be in heaven. But I would link at least the 4 Rflong worlds together if I was able to because the play experience and everything about them are so different and beautifully unique. To add to my dilemma I also love Isle of Sims and the update done on it so far. Oh the pain of it all.....

    Catdog - yes, glad you got that all updated. as you did say you wanted to, although I thought it was perfect the way it was - will definitely check out this update. Thank you for sharing.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited June 2014
    Hi :)

    Awesome~ Thanks, Sparky! It always brightens my day when someone takes the time to leave me a comment. Even more so when its a Wonderful comment. :mrgreen:

    Thanks, WR :hugz:

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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    edited June 2014
    Hi Rflong7,

    Credit where credit is due I try to remember to say thank you so people know they are appreciated.

    I remember back before my PC troubles when I had never downloaded a player made world but really wanted to play in your beach world
    after seeing it and you put my mind at rest and after downloading that world played for ages until the PC started playing up again but felt your world had given me renewed enthusiasm for the game itself and I have never looked back...

    Once the PC was fixed properly I started playing in beach city again and then noticed legacy Island 3 and put one of my favourite families in that world and today I am looking around haunted Valley 2 which is beautiful in a different way and I love the fog..

    and now Writin_Reg has pointed me towards Bellatrix and I have just watched a youtube video of that world and want to downloaded this one as well as it is gorgeous but wondered if it needs updating to 2014 as the date states 2013? If that makes any sense lol

    Hi Writin_Reg,

    Nice to hear from you again I still have a small pile of printouts from info that both you and amjoie provided me with after my lengthy questioning about how to save all my store stuff properly and back up etc, I also compiled extra printouts on lag, what causes it and how to resolve issues and what to avoid doing in game that causes so many problems which has helped over time and I think/ hope I thanked you for that at the time as it has been really helpful in extending my gameplay and resolving in game problems.

    I too wish we could scoot between worlds and especially Rflong's because as you point out they are all beautiful and unique and going back and forth would be a real pleasure. I remember when I first downloaded beach city I could not drag myself away from the camping grounds it reminded me of the rain forest.

    it must be doable somehow because we visit vacation worlds, Uni and into the future so maybe EA will offer this function before abandoning Sims 3 for a price -)

    I know Nraas has some sort of traveller mod that allows this function but I dare not use mods so have not tried it.

    I just found the Bellatrix world on you tube and I am hooked yet again so will be downloading as I experienced a lot of problems in Lunar lakes and eventually stopped playing in it.

    Remember all play testing and no play must make for a frustrating life-)

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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited June 2014
    I love Bellatrix just as it is and love going ITF from there - as it has just about everything. Rflong also has a few of my sims in there too like Vargus Nvay - a manwitch and a gentleman and my snow fairy Nell is in there. She is very sweet. It really does not need IP and it does have a lot of empty lots if you want to add some ITF stuff in the world itself. I don't as I enjoy visiting Oasis Landing and using those lots there - although I do have a bot shop - a tiny one in Bellatrix for some of the ITF robot building stuff - I had no problem using all the empty lots adding my fav store content to this world. I think you will enjoy it.

    I am glad I was able to give you a bit of help with your pc from Amjoies thread and that she went to the trouble of gathering so much info I have done troubleshooting over the years with Sims 3. I do try very hard to keep a good running game because I test and do not simply want to add in mods which even though I admit are very good (especially Twallans) I would rather not test worlds with something that may make me miss something because the mod made an issue non-existant. I try to help creators make a world people can enjoy with or without mods - as best as possible which does take on confronting many of EA's bugs and finding ways to get around them or eliminate their destruction. I have to say half the time it is more luck than me being anywhere near brilliant and I sort of stumble into many answers. Of course then I can troubleshoot to see if that is a true solution or just a blip.

    All that determination was a calling I guess as I had so much trouble during Sims 2 after they added Securom -that I was determined not to see others as stressed as all that made me. It takes all the fun out of play times if all one does is fight with the pc and game. It has helped a lot that creators like Rflong exists and loves to create - what's more she is so good at it and has an amazing vision for every angle of a lot - but she also knows a great deal about what to look for and eliminate in her worlds that create issues. I really enjoy testing Rflongs worlds because she really gets it when we find an issue and knows just what to do to make it all right. She also gets some of my crazy babble and seems able to fly with it. But honestly compared to some worlds I have tested I hardly ever run across anything seriously out of whack even in the first Beta of a new Rflong world.

    Me, I just love to see other simmers loving and enjoying their games - so if anything I have found helps others - then I am always happy.

    Oh believe me I do get to play the game - I make time for it no matter what - just not as much as I sometimes want to. Many a time I have sat here after testing several worlds determined to load up one of my playing games and just play an hour - I get so relaxed because I am not looking for anything - just playing and the next thing I know I am nodding off and have to quit. I'm like a kid fighting sleep, but usually give up and go to bed.

    Anyway - always glad to hear I was able to help. I think you will enjoy Bellatrix and it's citizens.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    Catdog123Catdog123 Posts: 1,024 Member
    edited June 2014
    Oh ugh I remember Securom. Bellatrix seems to function fine with island paradise content it just doesn't have any dive lots or ports which is fine. A world with shallow small bodies of water wouldn't likely have much water based activities anyway.

    - I made some alien like mermaids to live near the beach for fun. :)

    - I was able to put a small dive lot in one of the bodies of water but adding lots does seem to break routing so I didn't save. Was just curious if it could be done. :P
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    Catdog123Catdog123 Posts: 1,024 Member
    edited June 2014
    Writin_Reg wrote:

    Catdog - yes, glad you got that all updated. as you did say you wanted to, although I thought it was perfect the way it was - will definitely check out this update. Thank you for sharing.

    Oh I liked the original as well I just wanted to Include the new content. I'm leaving the original up though for those that like it better or want one without a carnival content.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    edited June 2014
    Hi Writin_Reg,

    I only played Sims 2 once when I came home from working abroad for a holiday and the friend I was staying with had to keep dragging me away from the PC lol

    It was some years later I discovered Sims 3 but it has been a difficult journey because the only thing I ever used a PC or laptop for was word docs, e-mail and you tube videos so when I started experiencing lots of difficulties with the Sims 3 game I had to spend a lot of time learning pc parts/jargon and anything and everything related to what can go wrong with Sims 3 gaming which I found out quickly was a lot-)

    Every time I experienced a problem and met the challenge another one took its place I would never be able to play a legacy as my game simply will not last that long no matter what I try to do.

    Even with this new rig I tried to get my new graphics card recognised by the game as the graphics are certainly not what they should be with a GTX 770 but when a very knowledgeable member of this Sim community tried to help me nothing was as it should be and in the end I had to start all over and spend days reinstalling the game so I gave up. It still drives me nuts but I cant get it sorted properly.

    What I do now when I start a new game is go through the whole world fixing known issues and that's before any enjoyment from the game can be had-) then stop all the actions I was doing that were wrong but did not realise caused potential problems and then try fix problems as they arise in game. Its a lot to do if you have little time to play and just want to enjoy not fix.

    I have downloaded Bellatrix and it is very beautiful I look forward to playing in it like I tried to in Lunar Lakes.

    apologies for rambling think I have finished now lol

    Hi Catdog123,
    Alien like mermaids sound fun do you have any pics? and the fact that you added a dive lot to anything put you well above my knowledge base-)
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    gmermmygmermmy Posts: 133
    edited June 2014
    Hi Rflong7,

    I am looking for an alternative to Isla Paradiso and was recommended that I check out Beach City. I never downloaded a world before. What happens if I don't have a particular item in this world? Will my game get messed up? I so want my sims to start diving and boating, I am in a summer mood!
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    RenateDRenateD Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2014
    Rflong7 wrote:
    What you'll have to do is keep deleting the Elixir Shop Sim until the game places one that can get there.

    Hi Rflong,

    I just can't get the Elixir Store to work :-(
    I have deleted and replaced it many times and I have given all houses several cars, scooters, bikes, etc.
    Just now I noticed that you wrote that I should delete the Elixir Store Sim. How do I know which Sim that is if it doesn't show up at the Elixir Store?...
    I appreciate the help!
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited June 2014
    gmermmy wrote:
    Hi Rflong7,

    I am looking for an alternative to Isla Paradiso and was recommended that I check out Beach City. I never downloaded a world before. What happens if I don't have a particular item in this world? Will my game get messed up? I so want my sims to start diving and boating, I am in a summer mood!

    Hi, Gmermmy :D

    If you don't have expansions then items will be missing- World objects and house objects.
    If it's Store items then trees will be replaced with the big Oak trees, spawners just won't be there and clothes will be replaced with some Base game items.

    I hope it plays okay for you. :D
    RenateD wrote:
    Rflong7 wrote:
    What you'll have to do is keep deleting the Elixir Shop Sim until the game places one that can get there.

    Hi Rflong,

    I just can't get the Elixir Store to work :-(
    I have deleted and replaced it many times and I have given all houses several cars, scooters, bikes, etc.
    Just now I noticed that you wrote that I should delete the Elixir Store Sim. How do I know which Sim that is if it doesn't show up at the Elixir Store?...
    I appreciate the help!

    Hi, RenateD :)

    You know, I'll make a new elixir shop for your world and you can remove the register from the old one (when I get home from our Vacation). That way the Elixir store Sim doesn't have to try and get to the store by way of the water. I can build it for the main city area and you can place it. See how that goes. :D
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    gmermmygmermmy Posts: 133
    edited June 2014
    Rflong7 wrote:
    gmermmy wrote:
    Hi Rflong7,

    I am looking for an alternative to Isla Paradiso and was recommended that I check out Beach City. I never downloaded a world before. What happens if I don't have a particular item in this world? Will my game get messed up? I so want my sims to start diving and boating, I am in a summer mood!

    Hi, Gmermmy :D

    If you don't have expansions then items will be missing- World objects and house objects.
    If it's Store items then trees will be replaced with the big Oak trees, spawners just won't be there and clothes will be replaced with some Base game items.

    I hope it plays okay for you. :D

    Thanks. Looks like you put a lot of hard work in these worlds. And you have so many to choose from, they all look good!
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    RenateDRenateD Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2014
    Rflong7 wrote:
    Hi, RenateD :)

    You know, I'll make a new elixir shop for your world and you can remove the register from the old one (when I get home from our Vacation). That way the Elixir store Sim doesn't have to try and get to the store by way of the water. I can build it for the main city area and you can place it. See how that goes. :D

    Thank you! I really appreciate it!
    I do wonder if that is the only problem in my world, because I see many boats going in circles... Not only water taxi's, but many sims have got their own boat now I see. Any way to prevent that?

    By the way, my sim lives in a house with the address 45 Bayou Track and that is just about the worst lot to live on I think. Wherever my sim is, she always wants to go home by boat. Even though she has her own fast broom... She is always going around in circles and I always have to send the boat there manually...

    I noticed that it is not always a problem to get from the city to the island with the elixir store etc. But the other way around almost never works. And when my sim is a little above the city, on 9 Starbust Rd for example (where I temporarily placed the standard elixir store) and I send her home, she will go up to the lake, near the Jones' family and try to enter the lake by boat (but go in circles of course).

    I seriously wish there was a mod to disable all boats or something...

    I absolutely love, no ADORE your world, but I am thinking that maybe I should try another... but it is such a shame...! Your world is wonderful, has all premium items and many store items and I have even bought all those items to play your world to the fullest...!
    Maybe if there was another bridge or 2, from the lake and from the city to the supernatural part... But I am afraid you don't want to change that anymore... would you? One can always hope...! (I am hoping now!!!)

    Big hug,

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    glenkatkoglenkatko Posts: 885 Member
    edited June 2014
    I just discovered this world, and I love it! There are so many great player designed worlds, but I do get tired of adding all the PC store content so I can play with it all. I start off all excited, but there is so much to add, and then I get bored and just want to play. So thank you for creating this great world with everything all ready to go! I understand why the builders don't include store content, so the worlds can be used by everyone who doesn't have it. But it is still so nice to have one ready built with it all, for those of us without the patience to do it ourselves!

    I have only looked around a bit, haven't started playing yet, because there are so many unique and awesome things to see. I especially like the train station/junkyard, the community center/library, and all the planes at the military base! So creative! I know I'm going to have fun exploring and playing!

    One thing I did notice though was that there are several lots that are not clickable in edit game. The equestrian center, skydiving lot, and the Market Basket grocery don't have the map tags. Does this mean that these lots are not playable by sims, or just that they can't be edited? Forgive me if this has already been asked and answered. I did try to look through the thread, but may have missed it in my haste to get back to exploring the game! :)

    Anyway, thanks again for creating this for us! Now all I have to do is figure out which was the last store set added so I can add the few remaining. I'm so excited to have this awesome new world to play with!
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited June 2014
    Hi, Glenkatko :D

    Thanks so much! I do hope to get some time to update and upload some lots with the new PC items. :D

    Those rabbitholes are only on the world map and not on a lot. It kept down my lot count and still looks good. They should have lot tags in game play... not in edit town though. :D
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    have2admithave2admit Posts: 2,246 Member
    edited June 2014
    I have really enjoyed Beach City! There are so many places to go and things to see! So grateful to Rflong7 for making it!

    My Sim took FOREVER to afford the house on an island with 2 smaller islands on the same lot. The scenery is amazing from there! I added fish, but the Sim just waves his hands and won't fish. Oh, and I had to build more deck around the main island because when the boats pull up, they sink! The Sim then is let out of the boat and walks around on the bottom of the ocean. The decks help the boats to pull up to the places where that doesn't happen. Strange!

    When I first went into edit town, I noticed a houseboat in the middle of the ocean with a tag, but no port. It was floating above the water! I moved it to a port and all is fine.

    The Sim had an opportunity at a club that's a houseboat. Long story short, it was 3 levels with no stairs! I added the elevators from ITF, and all is fine.

    Sorry if this stuff has already been talked about, but 100 pages is a lot to go through!

    Beach City is really awesome, and maybe I can explore it more now that the Sim FINALLY got a transporter!


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    Katty0Katty0 Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited August 2014
    I love this world so much!!

    I have a question though... I have been playing it for a good while (a couple months real time) and I have never seen a unicorn... Its my sims lifetime wish so I check for it almost everynight.

    Also Nraas Overwatch keeps telling me a wild horse is unroutable. I don't know where it is though.

    Any idea how I can fix these things?
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited August 2014
    Hi :mrgreen:

    @have2admit - I'm so sorry I missed the ladders in the Club... I seem to remember one being there but I could have used a Store item that was delete in my many edits. :(

    Yeah, they won't fish in the ocean on a beach lot. They'll fish while off the lot or on the lot in a pond.

    Thanks is strange. :shock:

    Awesome- Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it enough to fix it. :mrgreen:

    @Katty0 - I could have sworn I saw them at the park near the little waterfall but it's been so long and it might have been a different world. :shock:
    I have no idea about Overwatch. The horses can get into houses, fences... it's weird where they can get into when you're not playing them. :(

    I'm really glad you like it and I wish I could help find the Unicorns. I'll search a little and check it out again. :)
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    Katty0Katty0 Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited August 2014
    I haven't unlocked the island so im starting to wonder if they are there....

    If I stop horses from spawning, then after playing a while, allow them to spawn again will they spawn somewhere new?

    I really love this world. I dont have the patience to place all the store items so it is a wonderful kind gift that you made a world for us!

    Maybe I will have to download a unicorn and add it to another house... can I get the lifetime want that way?
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    geminiagregeminiagre Posts: 6,918 Member
    edited August 2014
    My hats of to you, I bow to your greatness, I love you, and thank you so much for creating the ultimate world.
    I only played for 3 sim days but I'm already in love. Exactly what I was always looking for.
    Beautiful work and def your best ever.

    Only a minor minor issue. And I'm's just the.sim being stupid. This random particular sim, and only him, gives me unroutable errors in ET. I once clicked on the message, and it took me in the middle of nowhere in the sea. There was a houseboat nearby, nut I couldn't locate.the sim in question. Since it's Just that sim, I don't think it's a world issue, but most likely the sim is being a sim. So I'm gonna kill his sorry behind when I see him, and see if that works.

    Thanks again sweety for adding one more shiny gem to my game.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited August 2014
    Hi :)

    @Katty0 - I really don't know. I hope it works. :)

    @Gem- Hi! I hope it's not a problem. :shock:
    I'm glad you like it Gem. :hugz:
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    geminiagregeminiagre Posts: 6,918 Member
    edited August 2014
    @Katty0, I saw the unicorn yesterday while i was playing near the waterfall lake. Take your sim at night to the military base, zoom out as far as possible , tilt your camera around to look far towards the waterfalls. You should see the rainbowish fog right above it. That's how I spotted it. I've placed the roller coaster venue next to the military base and while my sim was riding it, i spotted the fog in the sky.
    If you still can't find it, I think your workaround, downloading a unicorn and adding it to your family, should work. For the game it's a unicorn, once your sim has one it means they adopted it, so it fulfills the want. It doesn't have to be a wild one as far as i know.
    Also do you have Twallan's error trap? I suppose you do, as if i recall correctly that's the one that pops up messages about unroutable sims. Next time it pops up you can click (or right click - i don't remember) on the pic of the sim/horse and it will take you to it. I think you need Master controller to reset it , but i'm not sure. At least you'll know where it's stuck. The problem with horses is that they are all named "wild horse" so you can't reset them with a cheat without resetting them all.

    @Rflong No problem at all sweety, he is just being a stubborn stupid sim, since my mods clear him and he gets stuck again. Another one popped up, but i managed to locate that one..He is an NPC stuck in an apartment building (as usual) So it has nothing to do with the world, nothing you can do about it, it's just the shiny good old EA coding :P
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    Katty0Katty0 Posts: 3,907 Member
    @geminiagre Thanks :) I will look for it!
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    Rikku8945Rikku8945 Posts: 5 New Member
    I really love this world so far (literally only just downloaded it) because I love how it has all the aspects of the expansion worlds all together!

    I've come across that my sims can't go scuba diving. I just created my own sims, and every scuba diving spot says that it's too dangerous for the sims to attempt to dive.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    Rikku8945 wrote: »
    I really love this world so far (literally only just downloaded it) because I love how it has all the aspects of the expansion worlds all together! <br />
    <br />
    I've come across that my sims can't go scuba diving. I just created my own sims, and every scuba diving spot says that it's too dangerous for the sims to attempt to dive.

    I love and play in Rflong7 worlds all the time and the diving spots work but your Sims needs to have a certain level of diving skill before they can go diving at dive lots, just get your seems to snorkel until thay have level 2-3 of the diving skill :D
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    Tacha75Tacha75 Posts: 2,509 Member
    Currently playing this world and I love it!!

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