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TS2 as a TS4 player



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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    edited November 2020
    If it wasn't for how easily the Sims 2 corrupts without mods I'd say it's better in literally every way. Even with only 5 0-10 personality sliders it gives them more traits than actual traits, like a 0 nice Sim would oh so be mean-spirited but it actually allows balances you can't get with traits. A sim that sometimes cleans up? Possible. A sim that never cleans up? Still there. A sim that cleans up enough to be sanitary? Also there! Traits always should have been additions to their personality like vegeterianism. Not 33% of their actual personality

    Hobby enthusiam and turn on/offs also add more personality than traits ever would. Sims show their love for somethings and get proper rewards for it as well as small idle animations and chatter with Sims. (you wouldn't catch your sims who love science at a computer for too long when they have some sciency things to do) Turn ons make attraction actually have options and possible challenges, if a Sim doesn't like black hair then it'll sure be hard for people with black hair to get their attraction.

    TS3/4 have this issue where traits are just one side of each personality spectrum turned into traits as well as what already was there as aspirations (family oriented is literally just the family aspiration)

    Whims are just wants with no substance, instead of it being something big for their life like your teens wanting to go to college, pleasure sims wanting to go have perfect date and friendly sims wanting to be friendly and make BFFS, TS4 just makes whims super minor basic things that wouldn't affect anyones life much. TS2's fears are a nice extra dimenson of personality (which they also involve). Sims who've peed themselves often fear doing that again, Sims who made enemies want to actually apologise and fear the thought of being insulted or if they're mean, just win fights and would fear the thought of losing said fight. Extremely neat sims fear the idea of using public toilets and how dirty they are but a slob just woiuldn't be afraid. Same for wants, they're often led up from what's happened recently, my newly wed family Sims often want nothing but to woohoo for a good day with their spouse. My knowledge Sims would want to become occults from their time spent with occults and Romance Sims just want to woohoo that townie they fell in love with and kissed.

    Oh and interests, like with enthusiam, these link in nicely, minor things your Sims (and pets!) talk about, someone might hate talking about money but over time talking to others and reading about it they could grow a new interest which they'll bring up in casual chat and their thoughts. They even have nice animations and dialogue for it, makes them really seem lively and have some character to them

    It has custom music per station so it's easier to have custom music without mismatches and custom TV channel videos so you can grab a bunch of video files and put them in and watch your Sims watch them. Custom paintings are fun, my houses have a ton of them all the time since I can easily drag/drop a PNG file or one hundred.

    Occult hybrids are fun, and it has proper plantsims. Picture how sad it was seeing plantsims being both sims that are tempoarily green and witches that cannot become vampires. Plus it adds challenges, like try a alien plantsim vampire werewolf and you'll have a rough time, but it's ultra fun. Or bigfoot witches and zombie vampire servos. Hybrids are fun.

    Memories. Now, memories are exactly what they should have been. Sims can feel down for a week after an event like peeing themselves at a party and can talk about it for the rest of their life a little more casually, but they won't DIE OVER IT and only feel very sad about it for one day (or one object changing their emotions) plus it's fun to build up a huge list of memories and check them out to see how their life has went whether good or bad.

    I could spend all day eviscerating the Sims 4 with criticism but I'll spare that game. For now.

    Also it has Bigfoot, and I like bigfoot.
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    wrenstaleswrenstales Posts: 777 Member
    I like all four generations of Sims but would say that Sims 2 is reliable and gives you the chance to create mini stories whilst playing the game.

    Sims3 is playable, there's lots of dlc you could buy via points and building was the most thing I enjoyed about Sims3. My favourite world hidden springs and I loved playing with the horses, my w m would venture out on her horse, practice jumping at the grounds or find new friends and treasure. There was hardly any technical issues.

    Sims4 at the beginning basic and playable, after several EPs and game packs the Sims became playble. Then as it expanded is spend time morning out the bugs, trying to make it playable and now am hoping that reinstalling the Sims4 will help it load. If not then I shall go back to the other versions.
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,043 Member
    If your focus is gameplay TS2 is the way to go. It has the depth and quality TS4 can only dream about as that dev team cared about the game and paid attention to the details, even the tiny ones. Still playing it since day 1, and loving it!
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    wrenstaleswrenstales Posts: 777 Member
    wrenstales wrote: »
    I like all four generations of Sims but would say that Sims 2 is reliable and gives you the chance to create mini stories whilst playing the game.

    Sims3 is playable, there's lots of dlc you could buy via points and building was the most thing I enjoyed about Sims3. My favourite world hidden springs and I loved playing with the horses, my w m would venture out on her horse, practice jumping at the grounds or find new friends and treasure. There was hardly any technical issues.

    Sims4 at the beginning basic and playable, after several EPs and game packs the Sims became playble. Then as it expanded is spend time morning out the bugs, trying to make it playable and now am hoping that reinstalling the Sims4 will help it load. If not then I shall go back to the other versions.

    I reinstalled base game hopping to be able to play Sims4 and add on game packs and test, however it still won't load Sims4. I've tried everything, looks like I'm going back to the other versions.
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    Felicity1169Felicity1169 Posts: 592 Member
    I never really liked the Sims 2 as much as I liked the first game or any of the other games. It mainly had to do with the wants and fears system I really wish it could just be turned off completely. Wishes and whims are a step up to me because you could just ignore them. I also had and currently still do have a tone of technical problems with the Sims 2. It is very very easy to accidentally break your game. However, my personal opinion and the fact I think The Sims 4 is better overall aside, I do think it is definitely worth checking out the Sims 2 again. There are a lot of features that are unique to the Sims 2 as well as small details and fun random events that make it entertaining even in 2020. Sorak4 above me actually gave some really great examples. Also I will say Sims 2 University is done so so so much better than in 3 or 4. Just be aware it is a 10+ years old game so it is not going to look as nice and you might run into some technical problems. ,
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited November 2020
    If you want to stack blocks and build something really fast then TS4 is your game.
    But if you want to design your own towns such as with an empty template you decide what the terrain is, the landscaping and the hills or no hills and water or no water, beaches or no beaches etc. then TS2 is your game. If you want to build basements with windows and you can see with the land pushed up next to one side of the house (terraforming) where a basement isn't always fully dug out, like in real life, then it's TS2.

    If you want Sims who really don't care grandpa died a few weeks later, they may not care and just walk over the dead body, then play TS4.
    But if you want the kids who don't live with grandpa to be upset or think about grandpa sometimes days or weeks after he is gone, then play TS2.

    If you have to write down (TS4) what happened between Joe and Jean last week in your game so you can remember what you were playing, then play TS4. But if you want to be able to see what is the deal between Joe and Jean then play TS2 because they have actual memories that affect them for most of their lives, unless you fix something or repair a broken relationship or improve a situation.

    If you want to know why two Sims are fighting on a community lot and TS4 doesn't show then play TS2 why, you will soon discover Jackie called Janey, Janey told Jackie (speech bubbles) something that happened to Joe, Jean found out through telephone gossip and or gossip on a community lot, now Jean is mad that's why they are fighting... who knew? you didn't because you weren't there, and don't play them, but TS2 Sims were there, while you fished with your Sim, then play TS2 speech bubble and thought bubbles actually matter.

    If you are more into the goal of a game, getting a promotion, filling skills, gaining rewards for yourself then play TS4. But if you want a game that is about the Sim, and it's journey along life's bumpy road, play TS2.

    If you like a designated lot type then play TS4. But if you want Sims to visit multi type lots on one lot where you can eat, watch a movie, buy some clothes and not have to hide things on floors Sims can't reach then play TS2. It welcomes multi type lots.

    If you want apartment buildings full of Sims and you can visit their homes inside then play TS2.

    If you want stray sick pets in your neighborhood play TS4.

    But if you want to be able to adopt that stray, play TS2. If you want to put your dog to work so it can earn it's keep then play TS2, they can have important jobs and feel gain rewards.

    If snow doesn't matter to you and it's ok your Sim kid built a snow 'person' out on landscape that you wondered if they didn't scrape off their fingernails trying to get some snow for that thing, then play TS4. But if big snow drifts matter and Sims can barely walk through a blizzard then if immersion matters, play TS2.

    If you are thinking wow, you really shouldn't play in that water in an electrical storm you silly Sim but they do it all day with no harm then play TS4.

    But if you know something like that would surely conduct a ligtening strike, wouldn't it, then play TS2.

    If you are mistified why Sally isn't mad at her partner for cheating right in front of her face but don't mind, then play TS4.

    But if you want Sally to not become a doormat and just take that sort of treachury then play TS2, you will find out if Sally minds it or not.

    If it's really hard for you to suspend your disbelief long enough to believe a big light takes kids then play TS2, a real Sim will come and get your failing kids to take them from your Sim.

    If you don't care what happened to that Sim child then play TS4.
    But if you do care, play TS2, other Sims can adopt that Sim child. They are the first on the waiting list when calling to adopt. So are your mistreated pets.

    If it doesn't bother you that Sims have to do very little to grow food, then play TS4.
    But if animations and immersion matter to you when you grow a garden in a game, then play TS2.
    If it matters to you what certain benefits certain veggies and fruits can do for a Sim, play TS2.

    If you like plantSims and Simbaby pods then you will appreaciate them more in TS2.

    If a family tree matters to you then play TS2, someday you may want to remember the great, great, great, great, great grandma.

    If family photos don't matter to you then play TS4. But if they do, and you want the entire family in the photo and anyone else standing around, then play TS2.

    If you like Sims being obsessed with selfies then play TS4 but if you want your Sim to remember they took or asked someone to take their photo play TS2.

    If you don't mind your Sim is just teleporting every where in a game then play TS4.
    But if you care what type of car your Sim can drive play TS2. Why have so much wealth if you can't have that helicopter, or limo ride to work, or that sportscar to drive.

    If it doesn't matter to you that Sims won't die from illness and maybe you are glad play TS4. They don't even have to actually take the medicine or even get off their rear end to order it.
    But if you think you should have to use some gray matter to figure out how to cure Sims with flu and or deadly flu and colds then play TS2.

    If you are into just building pretty Sims then play TS4. But if you want your world to reflect more of the not so good looking side of life then play TS2, those Sims aren't all pretty dolls.

    If you don't care about animations and simulation then play TS4 there is a text message, popup for almost everything. But if you prefer to see it happen, then TS2 is the game for you. Very few text popups. More spent on actual simulating.

    If you are delighted with Maxis clothes and hair and never hanker to create something yourself then play TS4. But if you want the freedom to use free tools supplied by Maxis back in the day, then play TS2, you will soon find out how easy it is to add an emblem on a t-shirt or maybe something more complex such as a full outfit. You might find out you were a wonderful custom content creator and wished you had done it years ago. Or at least just as good as some of the stuff you saw by other creators. Not everything you create may turn out so hot, but I can bet you, you will find out you can do it, too. Sometimes you won't need anything more than Windows paint for some projects. Believe it or not.

    Post edited by Cinebar on
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    nanashi-simsnanashi-sims Posts: 4,142 Member
    I play TS2 to play with life.
    I play TS4 to play with stuff.
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    texxx78texxx78 Posts: 5,657 Member
    TS2 is better in the animations. It feels more 'human'. Imo TS4 is better in everything else, specially in allowing a very easy way of managing sims, households and worlds without crashing.
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    TamakiSakura84TamakiSakura84 Posts: 543 Member
    TS3 really was my jam, though. I still prefer 3 to all others.

    Same. I love the open world, story progression, and plethora of unique traits (was never a fan of personality points.)

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    ClarionOfJoyClarionOfJoy Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited December 2020
    Since you are a gameplay-focused player, you should definitely play TS2 - it has way more gameplay than TS4. I own TS4 because EA gave it away for free during their moments of desperation but it really lacks too much in terms of gameplay that even the pretty graphics aren't enough. You'll enjoy TS2 far more because it is packed full of fun, meaningful and intelligent gameplay.

    I'd play it more but TS3 not only has a ton more gameplay, but it's open world too and has greater customization and flexibility! <3

    Post edited by ClarionOfJoy on
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    Simtown15Simtown15 Posts: 3,952 Member
    I still play Sims 2 to this day! In fact, I played Sims 4 before Sims 2, but Sims 2 gave me this sense of peace that Sims 4 never did, so now I hardly ever play Sims 4.
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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    I did love the sims 2 but now i just can't. The build mode in sims 4 is much better and clothings are much more usable, i mean ofc since sims 2 is from early 2000.
    But if you are willing to use a lot of mods and cc i think sims 2 could be really good and much more this era.
    Just cuz of tjose reasons i have to say sims 4 since it's the only game i play regulary even tho i own all sims 2, 3 and 4. ( have lost sims1 long time ago, got still original sims 2 discs tho)
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