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Rebuilding Ophelia

XinqunXinqun Posts: 612 Member
I confess I never really liked the original Ophelia Villa much. So I finally decided to try rebuilding it, and I thought I'd show you all what I've got so far. I haven't tested it yet, so it's not on the gallery yet either. Eventually, though. For now, consider this a work in progress; comments would be welcome.

Two extra things: First, it's been ten months since I last played, and it seems I have forgotten how to go into the build to take "sim's eye view" pictures. Can someone remind me? And second ... I discovered, quite by accident, that if you hold down the shift key while placing a frieze, the frieze will be applied to just the one wall your cursor is on. No more of those headaches with friezes showing up in unfortunate places! Is this a new thing? Did people know about this before? So very awesome!

Anyway, on to the build....

Ophelia Redux: front view

Back views. I might have gone a little bit crazy with the terraces and the columns and the turrets.

Level One. That panelled room in the back there is a study, with a computer desk and an easel. Pretty much everything is either red or black ... even the entry hall floor is black marble, though it looks white in the picture because of its reflective surface. I admit that after wrestling the plan into submission, I didn't really have much creative energy left over to really think about colours.

Level Two. The original Ophelia Villa had two bedrooms here and the third on the floor above. I think the slightly smaller bedrooms are more efficient, though, and they're still bigger than what I normally create for my own sims. And this means I get to bring the third bedroom down to the same level as the others.

Attic. Nothing to see here, really. Maybe I should put a gym up here ... or some kind of mad science laboratory ... or just fill it with clutter. I don't know. What do you think?


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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,712 Member
    Your revised version of Ophelia Villa looks very nice! :) Very nice exterior of the building! It looks great! The terraces and turrets look so very nice! The exterior wall texture gives a great look to the home. It looks very nice the type of and the placement of the windows in the home. The trees, plants and flowers look very nice how they are placed on the edges of the home building! Very nice layout of the interior of the home! It is a good idea to have the three bedrooms on the one level . The red and black colour scheme of the interior looks very nice. The round circular floor rugs add nice touches in the rooms. You could have a gym in the top level. It could also be a meditation/yoga /sauna area.
    The build is a very nice revision of the original home! :)
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    jhgkjhgkjhjhgkjhgkjh Posts: 256 Member
    Now it is a true victorian beauty! I love the terraces and turrets, too! You have a great eye for all the little details victorian architecture has to offer. But I like themed interiors. And your black and red theme is really georgous.
    You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
    Maya Angelou

    Please excuse my English and feel free to correct any mistake you find. :) It is not my native language.
    Gallery ID: kjhgkjgkjhgk
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    sweetbluekiana1sweetbluekiana1 Posts: 167 Member
    I really love it! Sooo much better than the original. (No offense to whoever made the original build) Can you put it up on the gallery for download? I'd love to have it in my game.
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    XinqunXinqun Posts: 612 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I had a second look at the original Ophelia Villa to see if I was missing anything. I added a couple of new details (which most people probably won't notice) and threw a few activity objects in the attic. Then I ran a cursory test. This is very much a "vanilla" build, in spite of the exotic terracing: everything in it is from the basic game, no changes in size were made, everything was placed without the use of the Alt key, and no cheats were used. In spite of that, testing did show one fireplace that couldn't be lit thanks to placement, but that's fixed now.

    So I went ahead and put it on the gallery! Here's the link to the gallery upload.

    Oh, and that live camera thing I'd forgotten? You have to go into live mode and use the "tab" key. That simple.

    Here's the new street view and back view taken with the live mode camera. I'll be posting more pictures in my showcase thread (if it hasn't succumbed to dust by now) shortly.


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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,712 Member
    It is great that you have finished the build and have uploaded it to the Gallery! :) Simmers will enjoy downloading it and placing it in their game. I will look at the pictures of it on your showcase thread :)
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