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Completely off topic cry for help

Jprp83Jprp83 Posts: 400 Member
Hey guys,
So the dog in my avatar is a rescued dog I found around 6 months ago. He was in a pretty bad shape with multiple infections and a skin condition when I found him. Also his tongue is always sticking out because he has already lost most of his teeth. But he is the cutest little fella ever with such a tame a sweet personality. He was doing much better until this morning. I was doing some house chores and as usual he was following me around and getting in the way. So I put him on the sofa because he usually stays put there. Then, my mother in law opens the door and with the excitement he just jumps down to the floor (which is very unusual for him, he is normally super quiet). Mind you he is a tiny dog so it was a considerable height for him and also he is like the clumsiest dog I have ever seen. So yeah he hits the floor with his jaw and starts whining and moving his head in pain like I never saw him do before. I was completely freaked out and ran to the vet with him. Also this is like the worst time here in Taiwan for this to happen because it's Chinese new year and everything is closed, but I did manage to find a vet. So basically he got a fracture on both sides of his jaw and needs surgery. I can't say the vet was super helpful because he didn't even give him an injection for the pain or anything. Also they don't do surgeries there and basically all he said was that it will be difficult to find a surgeon at this time because of CNY, good luck xoxo. He did prescribe some painkillers and antibiotics for these days while I figure out what to do. He also said that it is really important that he keeps eating. Thing is the little guy is in huge pain and putting anything in his mouth is like impossible. He did try to eat at first because he must have been really hungry but then the pain was so excruciating that he just quit trying. I blended his favorite and tried to feed him with a syringe but it was a huge struggle and he ended up spitting most of it. Same with his medicine. I'm like completely shaken and totally on a guilt trip. If only I hadn't put him on the sofa he'd be ok right now being the silly little doggy he usually is :( . Also he is already quite old so the surgery might be risky for him. Anyway, I'm posting this wondering if any of you guys have any insight or any tips you share with me. Especially about feeding him. I've been looking everywhere for help. Thanks and sorry for this completely off topic post.


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    mintycupcakemintycupcake Posts: 13,212 Member
    I'm so sorry this happened to you and your pup! It must be so tough. So right off the bat, I'm going to say I'm no animal specialist and you might find more helpful advice on a forum where you can speak to one of them.

    Is your doggy still able to drink? His ability to drink water is much more important at this point.
    🌻I'm not a cat.🌻
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    Jprp83Jprp83 Posts: 400 Member
    @mintycupcake thanks for your reply! Yeah, I've looked in other forums as well. Been looking for info everywhere. Just trying on all fronts here lol
    I haven't seen him drink water on his own but I was able to give him some with the syringe. Water seems to go down a lot easier. I'm a little more calm now too. We will see how he is tomorrow...
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    mintycupcakemintycupcake Posts: 13,212 Member
    Ok, I hope things go better for you both.

    Some things you might try:

    Have someone help you while you feed him and give him water. They can pet him and talk to him to reassure him, and lightly restrain him.
    Make sure you're applying the syringe to the corner of his mouth, so it's pretty much down his throat. This means whatever you give him food wise needs to be really watered down.
    Some high calorie options to give him during this ordeal include coconut oil and puppy formula. If they don't sell puppy formula in Taiwan, here's a recipe for it.
    And finally, remain as calm as possible. I know it's stressful (I had a terminally ill kitten I had to feed for months) but your dog will react to your emotions. Hopefully now that your calmer, things will go better tomorrow.

    Good luck!
    🌻I'm not a cat.🌻
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    DarkSuperNinjaDarkSuperNinja Posts: 1,204 Member
    Gosh, that's horrible! Such a cute dog too! :(

    The best thing to do is just not to worry! It's good that you're not panicking as much anymore; panicking won't do anything. When one of our family cats started having seizures, I was the first one to see it, and it's always horrible to see an animal in pain. They always know if you're upset too, so the best thing to do is just stay calm and happy, because that will help him to stay calm and happy too! :)

    That's all the help I can give to be honest! Good luck! Hope he gets better soon! :)
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    Jprp83Jprp83 Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks guys! Yesterday was not easy staying calm since I feel so guilty about everything and also it must have the peak of the pain for him. He does manage to at least look quiet. Dogs have such a high tolerance to pain!
    Thanks for the recipes @mintycupcake! I will definitely try them and hopefully find out what he likes more. I've also read that dogs never resist vanilla ice cream lol which is not the best food you can give him, but under these circumstances it's better than nothing.
    Thanks again for the support!
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    SimpkinSimpkin Posts: 7,425 Member
    Isn't there an emergancy vet?
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    Jprp83Jprp83 Posts: 400 Member
    @Simpkin yes, that's where I went yesterday. Trying a new one today.
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    Jprp83Jprp83 Posts: 400 Member
    So yeah, just to let you know, I went to a different vet today and the service was a huge difference. He will have surgery tomorrow and I feel that I left my dog in good hands. There are some risks, considering his age but at this point I just want to stay positive and hope for the best. Thanks for your support guys <3
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    valJCP81valJCP81 Posts: 34 Member
    That is awful, I'm so sorry. I have 7 dogs 4 are puppies. I recently had a dog that I had to nurse for weeks because he had came in contact with Parvo. He was on the brink of death. Feeding with a syringe can be tricky, especially if the poor baby is in pain. First, comfort.... make him as comfortable as possible and make sure to talk to him. I hate this part because I am a softy as my husband likes to say. You have to get that pain medicine in him, not easy but so worth it. Try and position him and yourself so that you are able to get the medicine into the side of his mouth, he may feel pain when you do this. It's pretty much the same with the food. If it all seems like to much, you can take him to your local pet store and ask for help. PetZone is usually extremely helpful in situations like that. Again, I am so sorry and hope he has a quick recovery.
    1Luv <3
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    mintycupcakemintycupcake Posts: 13,212 Member
    Jprp83 wrote: »
    So yeah, just to let you know, I went to a different vet today and the service was a huge difference. He will have surgery tomorrow and I feel that I left my dog in good hands. There are some risks, considering his age but at this point I just want to stay positive and hope for the best. Thanks for your support guys <3

    That's great to hear! I hope everything goes well and he'll be feeling better in no time!
    🌻I'm not a cat.🌻
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    DarkSuperNinjaDarkSuperNinja Posts: 1,204 Member
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    MangAnimeJeMangAnimeJe Posts: 563 Member
    I'm a dog owner as well and my heart breaks at this. I'm so sorry for your pup, I hope everything goes well with the surgery!
    Don't feel guilty about it, you couldn't have known. I guilt-tripped myself once as well when one of my dogs (a very small one) got one of her paws crushed accidentally when she was still a puppy, and it was technically my fault, since I brought her there. But it wasn't really my fault: I couldn't have known. Neither did you.
    Let us know how it went :/
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    Jprp83Jprp83 Posts: 400 Member
    Hey! To keep you updated, he already had his surgery. Only after the anesthesia they were able to see that one of the fractures was actually quite old and left untreated. The infections in his teeth were so bad that they got to the bones and made them very fragile. So basically there was no bone structure to support the metal they were previously planning to add. In the end, they cleaned up his mouth, removed most of his remaining teeth, and tried to stabilize the jaw the best they could. Best case scenario, he will be back to the state when I first found him (which was not ideal to begin with). All this just makes me so angry at whoever took care of him before. How could they let things deteriorate to this point? He must have suffered so much, no wonder he is so quiet. It just breaks my heart.
    He is all drugged up at the moment but I think he will be okay. If things go smoothly he'll be home on Saturday.
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    br560br560 Posts: 1,836 Member
    Aw poor lil pup. Hope everything goes well <3
    Playing the sims since 2012
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    RuediiRuedii Posts: 168 Member
    Search the dog health sites for liquid diets. That should really help the dog eat. If he can drink water he can eat a liquid diet. He probably can eat it on his own, especially now that his jaw is fixed. Eventually you can wean him to wet food, but I'd avoid dry food with his teeth (or lack there of)

    Any of the formulas you will have to make at home, but I'm sure there are some you can find from other places.

    However, be very careful not to give him milk. He's probably too old for it. Once dogs reach maturity they become lactose intolerant. He

    Raw eggs also might be a concern because his immune system is probably quite busy helping his body heal from his illnesses.

    As of feeding medicine, giving medicine to a dog is a little tricky. You first have to be confident (a really tricky part) dogs respect confidence, and it makes them feel better. (Be a good alpha not a dominating alpha. One the dog WANTS to respect.) You need to give the medicine fast in order to squirt it all the way to the back of the throat, that way it doesn't taste all nasty. Then give the dog a treat to follow it down. Cheese is a good one, especially if it's strong flavored (Dogs love cheese and they can have a bit more of it than other milk products because it's cultured.)

    I understand completely on the teeth thing. I have a cat who had a genetic immune disorder that caused her to have to get most of her teeth removed. She has to have wet food, although she can have small treats that are hard.

    As a note, the dog may have been a stray. It may not have had an owner. It also might have had an owner that died and nobody checked up on for several months. That happens you know. (Yes, it's sad for both the human and the dog.)
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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    All of my wishes go to him. I felt the pain myself of injured pets. From the deepest of my heart good luck to him
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    mintycupcakemintycupcake Posts: 13,212 Member
    So glad he's been patched up! Did you speak with the vet about eating now? I have a cat that is mostly toothless and the vet said it's not an issue because cats mostly just breakdown their food in their stomachs. I'm not sure how dogs 're however.
    🌻I'm not a cat.🌻
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    DarkSuperNinjaDarkSuperNinja Posts: 1,204 Member
    On the bright side, at least he should be vaguely ok! :)

    Frankly, it's disgusting that whoever last owned him didn't look after him AT ALL, but at least you're clearly a great owner and friend to him; he's safe and happy in your hands! :)
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    Jprp83Jprp83 Posts: 400 Member
    @ruedii I doubt that he was a stray dog. He is way too clumsy and clueless to have survived on his own in the streets. Also it doesn't look like it in the photo, but he is actually a toy red poodle, so it would be unusual for him to be a stray dog. I believe he had been just abandoned when I first found him on the road. But I guess I will never know for sure.
    He will have to be fed through a tube for these first 2 weeks because his mouth needs to heal first. From my understanding it will not be "real food" during that time. I will have to be extra careful later because his jaw will always be very fragile, so dry food is out of the question. Will try what you guys suggested too :) thanks again
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    Broncos4lifeBroncos4life Posts: 11,798 Member
    My dog has to take a small pill for seizures. We take a a sliced piece of cheese, and tear off a strip, then wrap it around the pill. He swallows it whole! Just a little tip if there are any pill involved :) Hope he feels better soon! <3
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    LyniaSCLyniaSC Posts: 1,021 Member
    Awww! I'm so sorry that this happened to your poor little pup. :(

    While I can't offer advice, I just wanted to say please don't blame yourself. You can always look back and say "If I hadn't done this, that wouldn't have happened" but the reality is accidents happen all the time, and you had no way of knowing it would happen. And by taking him in, you have significantly improved his life, and made it so much better. So please don't feel like you are at fault.

    Please keep us posted though. I hope he gets to feeling much better soon. :heart:
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    Evenstar606Evenstar606 Posts: 1,618 Member
    My dog has to take a small pill for seizures. We take a a sliced piece of cheese, and tear off a strip, then wrap it around the pill. He swallows it whole! Just a little tip if there are any pill involved :) Hope he feels better soon! <3

    My toy poodle Rosie also takes a pill for seizures. She had a small seizure today after five months seizure free. The vet thinks they are caused by stress in her case. She usually goes anywhere between three and six months between seizures. It just depends. She fought me in the beginning when we started her pills three years ago, now she takes it without hiding it in her food.
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    Broncos4lifeBroncos4life Posts: 11,798 Member
    My dog has to take a small pill for seizures. We take a a sliced piece of cheese, and tear off a strip, then wrap it around the pill. He swallows it whole! Just a little tip if there are any pill involved :) Hope he feels better soon! <3

    My toy poodle Rosie also takes a pill for seizures. She had a small seizure today after five months seizure free. The vet thinks they are caused by stress in her case. She usually goes anywhere between three and six months between seizures. It just depends. She fought me in the beginning when we started her pills three years ago, now she takes it without hiding it in her food.

    My dog buddy chased his tail a lot when he was a couple years old, and I guess that's a sign of seizures. He's been on the same pill for at least 5 years and hasn't had one since he started it :). Years later, it came out that the treats we were giving him were linked with dogs having seizures, so that's probably where it came from. He was a rescue and we got him when he was almost 2 years, so we don't really know anything about his parents or other puppies in the litter :(
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    xGravityGirlxGravityGirl Posts: 225 Member
    Poor puppy! I feel so sorry for him! I hope he's okay now :)
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    EmeraldDSEmeraldDS Posts: 42 Member
    Jprp83 wrote: »
    Thanks guys! Yesterday was not easy staying calm since I feel so guilty about everything and also it must have the peak of the pain for him. He does manage to at least look quiet. Dogs have such a high tolerance to pain!
    Thanks for the recipes @mintycupcake! I will definitely try them and hopefully find out what he likes more. I've also read that dogs never resist vanilla ice cream lol which is not the best food you can give him, but under these circumstances it's better than nothing.
    Thanks again for the support!

    First of all, I'm so sorry about all of this! I hope that your dog will be okay. Also, dogs are lactose intolerant, so try avoid dairy ice cream! To emulate ice cream you could put bananas in the freezer overnight and then blend them (a popular, easy way to make vegan ice cream). Dogs shouldn't eat too many bananas at once, though, so don't feed him too much!
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