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The Sims 4 Happy Play Thread :)


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    EmmaVaneEmmaVane Posts: 7,847 Member
    @Gleesticky - I see the Larry resemblance too, except for his orientation. Hopefully he has better luck than that old Lounge Lizard.
    @LosaruTaiyo - I love the transform option on the SimRay. I usually set up a row of $10 collectable (E.G. Eggs) or $20 pot plants and transform those. The price bracket of results can go over 1k (gold bust statue, for example).
    @kitoraem - Evil... Muahahaha. Hopefully some of her old husbands come back and haunt her :p or one of her new ones turns out to be a real ladykiller...
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    edited May 2016
    @kitoraem Wow! she reminds me of my sim Harlow's ex-wife. At least he escaped with his daughter. Eventually married my sim Maria. And yeah really. :D

    @Gleesticky Gotta hate it when the first one you meet turns out to be mean.

    @feetinstockings Yeah really I mea-BRRRZT!.

    00100010 01001001 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01110011 01110100 01110010 01110101 01100111 01100111 01101100 01100101 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100111 01110010 01100101 01110011 01110011 00101110 00100010 00100000 01000110 01110010 01100101 01100100 01100101 01110010 01101001 01100011 01101011 00100000 01000100 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101100 01100001 01110011 01110011 00001010 00100000

    Well it's like I said: I would've enjoyed the fire back in the day, but I'd like a house to actually go back to.


    We finally got back from school which, I have to say was a complete snore-fest. I think I lost some memory when it came to mathematics, but everything involving Sim Anatomy and chemistry had me falling asleep. I taught myself this stuff back when I first arrived in Main Save!


    Alpha and I got into a spat over the computer. Ugh...Apparently when it comes to the computer it's "first come first serve" but I argued that she has one in her own room! Brat!


    I overheard Omega and Opera talking.

    "Opera dear, can you maybe take Glitch out somewhere? From the sounds of things school has really lowered her fun."

    "Of course! I'm sure I can think of some place she'd enjoy."


    It's strange. I sometimes actually feel appreciative that Omega is all concerned about me, even though I'd much rather just relax in my room and she just leave me alone until maybe relationship culling is fully enforced by a bad MC Commander mod and everyone forgets what I did.


    I mean I have the means of hacking points for stuff like this potion here. I don't need help.

    eLp6UkB.png just..FINE!


    See? Fine enough I made mac and cheese.


    Fudge...She's looking at me with that grin again. She has ideas...And couldn't she wait until the movie was over!?


    "You know, me and you should go out somewhere."



    "Yeah....Totally...We should go out somewhere where I'll be seen by those that probably want to see Grim hack my coding...Sounds like fun!!

    I swears she's such an airhead sometimes!!


    "Now you can't be like that, Glitch. We can go anywhere you want. So long as we go somewhere, okay?"

    "Ugh, fine. Let's go to the library. The Newcrest one. They have a study room I can escape it."


    "Sounds great! Let's go then!"

    Her cheerfulness is going to drive me insane! Where's Aura Crystal Strike when I need it?! ARGH!!!


    We eventually arrive at the library.

    "Okay here's the deal: I'm going in to the study room to do my homework. You leave me alone. Got it?"

    "It's fine. So long as we're out of the house it's all good."


    Ah fudgefudgeFUDGE! It's Sakura! He's probably gonna want me deleted! Luckily though, I think he was more occupied with his chess game. That and the fish tank seemed to be bothering him. Will admit...I kinda miss our chess games.


    Something else I miss too: My homework. I completely forgot it! The one reason I come here for and I plum forgot it!


    I actually can't believe I did this but...I actually went to talk to Opera about what happened.

    "I feel so plum for forgetting it! Ugh!"

    "So you were absentminded?"

    "Yeah...absent of mind would explain it...would explain a few things too."


    "Hey, it happens! No need to feel plum about it."


    "Aaand...if I may admit...I forgot mine too..."

    The one thing we have in common: Misplaced homework.


    Back at home, I bought another homework kit so I could actually get work done. Alpha joined me after, which I wasn't pleased with but at least she was quiet.


    This is rare from me, Opera but...Thank you.


    Ugh...math! Yes, despite knowing how a sim or AI works and how to mix red hot serum, I can't do these polynomials! That's what engineers are for. Formulas are one thing but if I wanna find the dimensions of a pool, I'm quite sure you can just apply LxW without having to solve for X !!!!"


    Hey Player! Did you ever need to do that karp?
    Next post I find a refuge and...I can't believe it but...I start trying to make amends with one of the ones that completely despises me!

    01001000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101110 01100111 00111111

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    SourochaSourocha Posts: 1,465 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo Good that Glitch turn from evil to just rude! I wonderful if anotar villan comes, will she help them...?
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @Sourocha That's a bit far yet, and yeah. It's a bit of a mix of a whole bunch of things when it comes to that attitude. Adjusting to new form, teen hormones, and just overall stress

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    GleestickyGleesticky Posts: 508 Member
    edited May 2016
    Oops I doubt posted :/ And thanks guys for the comments. He is like Larry from Leisure Suit Larry but abit more ego I think.
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    GleestickyGleesticky Posts: 508 Member
    edited May 2016
    Eddie Mac was sitting on, bored out of his mind, watching TV. It was a Saturday night and he didn't have work the next morning.

    “What am I doing sitting around here when there is a lot of young men out there waiting for a man like me to come around?” Eddie muttered to himself.

    He rose off the coach. “The night is young and so am I baby!” Eddie headed out the door to the closes juice bar in town.


    Eddie took a seat at the bar and helped himself to a drink. To his surprise, he saw Zander, the man who had been very rude to him the night before at the Bluff's sitting across from him. Immediately Eddie say, mocking, “Someone in here smells like they haven't bathed in weeks!”

    Zander turned and looked at Eddie. He snorted rudely, “You're one to talk Eddie. Your breath smelled so bad last night I was about to pass out from the stench! And you wonder why I didn't kiss you!”

    Eddie rolled his eyes. “My breath may have smelled but at least I don't eat out of the trash!”

    Zander growled and stood up.


    “I'm out of here!” Zander shouted.
    “Don't let the door hit you on the way out,” Eddie said, taking a sip of his drink.


    “Eddie, I see you're up to the usual,” Eliza said. She knew Eddie from Bob, her husband. She was well aware of Eddie's player stats with the young men in town.

    “A bad date?” Eliza asked.

    “Oh him? Uh. No. Just someone that bugs me.”

    “I see.”

    “So let me guess Eddie, up to the usual tricks?” Eliza smiled.


    Suddenly Eddie noticed the young man sitting at the table near him and Eliza. He ignored Eliza, putting his attention to the man.

    “Hey baby! You alone here?” Eddie asked, winking at the young man. The man smiled.
    “Actually, I am alone,” the young man said.


    “Come dance with me!” Eddie jumped from his stool and became to move to the music. The young man sighed happily and joined him.

    Eliza tried hard not to laugh. “You're really something Eddie. I figured by now you get bored of trying to kiss every man in town.”


    “Me get bored of chasing men? NEVER! Look at me baby. I am the best thing next to slice bread.”


    “The next thing to slice bread?” the young man said. He frowned at Eddie.
    “He has an ego,” Eliza said to the man.


    “Hmpf. You wish you could date me Eliza,” Eddie said. “But sorry baby I am a man's man.”
    “Uh,” The young man looked at his watch. “I should be going...”

    Eddie frowned. “Alright. But the night is young.”
    The young man ran out of the bar. Eliza laughed. “You scared him away Eddie!”



    Stay Tune....More to Come of Eddie's uh exciting life style.

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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    edited May 2016
    @Gleesticky :D Oh man! Poor Eddie. And hey, at least Eliza seems to be friendly with him, even if it's just a friendship. Good luck, Eddie

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    GleestickyGleesticky Posts: 508 Member
    @Gleesticky :D Oh man! Poor Eddie. And hey, at least Eliza seems to be friendly with him, even if it's just a friendship. Good luck, Eddie

    Next to Bella Eliza is my favorite female pre made. Figured I make them friends :)
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    HimRumiHimRumi Posts: 1,444 Member
    @kitoraem, I love the family & the mother Is very beautiful :heart:
    @LosaruTaiyo, I think I might wanna try getting a sim ray. :flushed:

    I was looking through my sims documents and forgot about my sims photos folder.
    I found a picture of April from Dec, 2015.

    April Is the one with the purple plaid sticking out. Her mom Lyric (deceased) and her 2 siblings (also deceased).
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    Audio_5urfAudio_5urf Posts: 655 Member
    I just started my first apartment.. lets just say I couldn't lock some doors fast enough.

    "Hey, it's Jayce from downstairs.. do you mind if I just grab some of your yogurt and make a pot of coffee?"

    "Pfft, only if you let me randomly nap on your couch and use your computer."
    Lets make The Sims 4 great again!
    -- Origin ID: Audio5urf --
    Feel free to add me, and check out my gallery shenanigans.
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    imhappyimhappy Posts: 1,988 Member
    @kitoraem love your black widow sim! She's so evil, I didn't see her killing her husband! Awesome!

    Lol, Eddie does look like leisure suit Larry @Gleesticky
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @poppykoke Yeah it can come in handy. Although I think from now on, so long as Omega has it, it'll be limited to a fire extinguisher....LOL. And oh dear! Sounds familiar but what happened to her siblings? Fire?

    @Audio_5urf Welcome to the thread! And yeah. I've tried doing semi-apartment set ups before too. I have an elderly family of siblings that live in a sort of complex.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    Audio_5urfAudio_5urf Posts: 655 Member
    Yeah, still have to make another batch of sims for another apt complex.

    Along with apartment shenanigans.. forming a Fortune 500 club of tech guru start-ups, investors, and corporate mangement.

    Also need to debug a sim and recreate them in CAS..

    Other than that, all is peachy in my big world.
    Lets make The Sims 4 great again!
    -- Origin ID: Audio5urf --
    Feel free to add me, and check out my gallery shenanigans.
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    kitoraemkitoraem Posts: 889 Member
    edited May 2016
    One day, Lyla and her dad went out to enjoy the summer sun in the back yard, Lyla opened up about how she didn't like her mum.

    'Oh, ignore her my little love, she's horrible, and she doesn't know it yet, but I will leave soon, and I'll take you with me'


    Jacqueline over heard the conversation, she was peering out the bedroom window. She had to act fast now if anything.

    Acting oblivious, Jacqueline made him a cool refresing bowl of apple juice, knowing he wouldn't resist it after spending all day in the heat,
    Of course, she added a little something extra.


    'Are you not having one love?'
    'Oh no, too much sugar, you know I'm trying to watch my figure, you enjoy it though, I made it for you'


    It only took a few moments, and he collasped to the floor, Jacqueline over looked without batting an eyelid.


    Lyla heard the screams from upstairs, and rushed to the bedroom.

    'DAD!!!!' She cried.


    'Oh darling, I think the heat got to him too much, this thing happens all the time'


    Lyla grew into a beautiful teen, her passion was music, and she still didn't get on with her mum. She would spend most of her time in her bedroom or out of the house.
    She would spend alot of time with her boyfriend, Jason, she loved him dearly and hoped one day they would run away together.


    Whenever she wasn't in either of them places, her mum would get on her case, making her do chores while she lay around doing nothing.


    'Make sure you collect the rubbish from out back Lyla! I have a special date tonight and I don't want this place a mess!'


    Lyla worked hard with homework, and even got a job working at the local burger bar, she even played guitar out on the park collecting tips.

    'I will get out of here as soon as I can, I'll make something of myself' She would say.


    Jacqueline's date finally arrived, Lyla couldn't believe it, it was her History teacher, Malcolm Rennings from High School.

    'Are you kidding me, how could she?!' Lyla was furious.


    It wasn't long until Jacqueline finally got Malcolm to marry her, he had good money coming in from being a teacher, plus he dealt with antiques that brought in quite abit.
    Wasn't alot, but she was desperate for more money, so she had to take what she could get.

    May we all chill like wizards
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @kitoraem Lyla sweetie, get out as soon as you can. :fearful: Would let ya move in with Glitch and them, but their house is pretty full already.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    Audio_5urfAudio_5urf Posts: 655 Member
    Later i'll upload screenshots. On mobile baby sitting puppers. They whine if left alone.
    Lets make The Sims 4 great again!
    -- Origin ID: Audio5urf --
    Feel free to add me, and check out my gallery shenanigans.
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    SourochaSourocha Posts: 1,465 Member
    @kitoraem I'm sure he has a great per$onality... :D
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    kitoraemkitoraem Posts: 889 Member
    edited May 2016
    @LosaruTaiyo Yeah! haha would be great, she has to wait until she's a young adult though, shame for her!
    @Audio_5urf Puppies <3 be good to see your screenies!
    @Sourocha He's a lazy slob, likes to drink and watch action movies, not Jacqueline's cup of tea but kerching B)B)
    @imhappy Haha, she's horrible, and I love it! Thinking maybe starting a little chart of her killed off husbands!
    @EmmaVane yes :) I've kept the spirits of her husbands away for now, and well, the lady killer may have an encounter! we shall see >:)
    May we all chill like wizards
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    FaberriesFaberries Posts: 1,354 Member

    it's me *cue dramatic singing*

    Eyy! I just wanted to pop up and say hi and see how everyone is doing! I really miss participating in this thread (it's only been like a month, but it feels so much longer). I'm still not quite in the mood to play or post anything, but i do feel slightly better <3

    How are you all? Has anything exciting happened since my break started? :tongue:

    Hopefully i will be to start posting in the end of june (hopefully before august lol), but I will try to see if I can remember to visit again :)
    Star Wind Flower Sun
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    Just finished a big arc with Glitch @Cuddleblaine :3 *Glomps* I suggest if you wanna catch up with what happened, click on the story hub in my signature and then click "Main Save." Starts at about Page 2 or so when Glitch kidnapped Celeste. Missed you!! Take care!

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    FaberriesFaberries Posts: 1,354 Member
    Just finished a big arc with Glitch @Cuddleblaine :3 *Glomps* I suggest if you wanna catch up with what happened, click on the story hub in my signature and then click "Main Save." Starts at about Page 2 or so when Glitch kidnapped Celeste. Missed you!! Take care!

    Oh ~ I will definitely do that! I missed you too <3
    Star Wind Flower Sun
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    imhappyimhappy Posts: 1,988 Member
    Last night, I downloaded a cute "Friends" apartment from the gallery and moved in 6 Lucky Palms residents that I had enjoyed playing with. One of them is Lennon Sosa, so I can have him try running a restaurant.
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    kitoraemkitoraem Posts: 889 Member
    edited May 2016
    Malcolm had noticed Jacqueline flirting with other men around town, in the 2 years they were together, Malcolm had put on more weight, and noticed Jacqueline was losing interest.


    He began to work out everyday, while Jacqueline went off to do her own thing. He had a feeling she was upto no good, but the anger made him work harder, he wanted to prove to her he was capable of change.


    He lost alot of weight, and toned up a lot, he felt good, Jacqueline however couldn't care less, she noticed Malcolm had become lazy with promotions, and had started earning less.


    Arriving home one day, Malcolm heard giggling upstairs, when he entered the bedroom, he caught Jacqueline woohoo'ing with another man.


    'HOW DARE YOU!!! GET OUT NOW! Malcolm was furious.


    'Just what do you think you're doing?' Jacqueline questioned Malcolm.
    'WHAT I'M DOING?! Are you serious, I changed for you and you do this to me?!'
    'Oh please Malcolm, it's not what you look like, you bore the life from me, you're boring do you hear?!'


    'Well in that case, Jacqueline, consider this relationship over! I'm divorcing you' And with that, Malcolm packed his case and left.


    A few months after, Jacqueline had hooked up with Shane Lordes, he was an interior designer, and after spending weeks decorating Jacqueline's home, they fell in love, Jacqueline had a soft spot for him. And in a dash, moved in there with her and Lyla.


    Of course, Lyla wasn't impressed.

    'You know, you're a piece of work you really are mum, How can you move from one relationship to another?! If my dad was still alive I'd be with him now, I can't wait to get out of here and never see you again!!'


    Lyla had never spoke to Jacqueline like that before, it hit a nerve and upset her a little.

    'Maybe if I do try and settle down, prove my own daughter wrong' She thought, 'I'm not getting any younger and after all I do really like Shane'
    May we all chill like wizards
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    HimRumiHimRumi Posts: 1,444 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo noo, old age. I kept April alive because she's perfect.
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    SourochaSourocha Posts: 1,465 Member
    Now, Aline's and Gregory's honeymoon! Hope you guys liek! They are going to stay ther fo a week so, this honeymoon will take some posts...

    They are speendig their honeymoon in Windenburg! (I treat windenburg as another country)

    Gregory: you like it?
    Aline: Liked? I love this place! Is really pretty!

    Aline: Give me a kiss!

    Gregory: Now I think we should enter...
    Aline: Me too!

    Here it is so beautiful!

    Aline: And, who about, we...?
    Gregory: Yeah...


    Aline: C'mon, Gregory! I want to see the surroundings!
    Gregory: Don't run!

    Aline: Wow! Here Is beautiful! We have so much in the surroundings!
    Gregory: I see a little lake!

    Aline: This view is pretty!
    Gregory: Yes...

    Gregory: Let me make a massage to you!
    Aline: Oh! You are so sweet!

    Gregory: And, jus to say, I have my camera here, so we can take some pictures, okay?
    Aline: Of course!

    Ending with this beautiful view.
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