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The Sims 4 Happy Play Thread :)


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    SourochaSourocha Posts: 1,465 Member
    edited May 2016
    @LosaruTaiyo Okay, it's nice to see tath Glitch didn't lose her personality... :)
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    EmmaVaneEmmaVane Posts: 7,847 Member
    edited May 2016
    The Grim Reaper arrived and wafted over to Bryce's limp form.

    Distraught, Belia wailed at him, tears streaming down her face and onto the floor. Bethann cried too, amplifying her plea.

    Grim raised his waif-like arms and muttered an incantation...

    Bryce's body was lifted upwards, and his spirit re-entered his body.

    "That was a close one!" He hugged his mother and kissed his wife in relief.

    "See you around, Grim! But not too soon, ya hear?" - Grim disappeared in a puff of smoke... Probably trying to escape before Bethann asked him about his favourite Grilled Cheese recipe.

    Apparently, almost dying doesn't qualify for a sick day, Bryce quickly got some joke writing in before heading out to work.

    Brendan got invited out for a Play Date at Desert Bloom Park. Belia went along to supervise and let her inner-child go wild by pretending to be a Space Monster.

    Just before leaving the park Belia spied a fossil in a rock protrusion and went to excavate it.

    That roleplaying and digging must have shaken something loose. Belia was just about to climb into bed when her waters broke!

    Bryce managed to get them both to the hospital before the pre-parental panic set in. When it did, he ran screaming in the wrong direction.

    Fortunately a nurse found him and brought him into the delivery room in time to see his new daughter being born.

    Meet Becca Beston. She looks a lot like her mother at this stage.

    Belia kissed her husband and thanked him for another beautiful child, then they bundled up baby Becca and headed home together.

    At home, Bethann cuddled the baby briefly before heading to bed. Brendan had waited up to meet his sibling, so Belia introduced him to his little sister.

    They hung Becca's (human?) birth certificate up on the wall, along with a photo of mum and baby.

    Having a child was surprising invigorating! Belia didn't need to sleep (or eat, or pee) any more so went to tell Bleep all about her day.
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    GleestickyGleesticky Posts: 508 Member
    edited May 2016


    Well...if I got no choice, I guess I gotta go. So yeah. I went high school.

    Next time, Players, I found out that Omega isn't as innocent as one may think she is.[/b]
    01001001 00100000 01110111 01101111 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110101 01110000 00100000 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01111001 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110101 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101101 01111001 01110011 01100101 01101100 01100110 00100000 01110100 01110101 01110010 01101110 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110111 00101110 00101110 00101110[/quote]

    LOL. Good on Simray.
    Edit: Okay Can edit it after all :)
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    GleestickyGleesticky Posts: 508 Member
    Sorry I forgot to cut on the pictures and I can't seem to edit the post :/ Good story though. More please :)
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @Sourocha Yeah she's not evil anymore, but she still has the attitude a bit.

    @EmmaVane Thank the mighty Bryce lived. Then he would have had to visit Becca as a ghost. OMG she's so cute. Makes me wanna get another one...Hey Brody...."No". :D

    @Gleesticky LOL...I'm sure there will be more. That and well, Glitch is probably gonna be posting for a while as she

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    EmmaVaneEmmaVane Posts: 7,847 Member
    edited May 2016
    It's the first time I've tried a Grimmy option other than "Plead". I don't know if the Sad "Wail at Death" (which I used) has a different success rate or not?
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @EmmaVane No idea. We haven't come across Grim yet, although another aging up will be due soon and will have to decide if Emma will have to pass. But not at that point yet so expect more teen angst and AI gripes from Glitch...LOL

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    kitoraemkitoraem Posts: 889 Member
    Big postie - Got a brand new computer, so I created a new save, getting bored of happy families, so I fancied some drama and depth to my stories! Mwahaha

    Jacqueline Gallo was an only child and spoilt child, Her upbringing wasn't normal, with her father being one of the most important men in business,
    Jacqueline got what she wanted when she wanted, she had always been a daddy's girl ever since her mother passed away when she was a baby.
    After her father Jack passed, Jacqueline blew the money left in his will on designer clothes and expensive nights out.


    She found herself hitting rock bottom once the money had gone, she worked in the local Pheonix lounge as an entertainer, she hated it with a passion.

    One night, she met Carl Spencer while he was on a business trip, she noticed he looked wealthy and made sure he fell in love with her.
    They married after only a year, Jacqueline became a wealthy lady of leisure, and Carl worked all the hours available to keep her happy and in a good mood.


    'Carl, I've been thinking, maybe we should buy a hot tub?'
    'Ah, Jaq, I'd have to work extra hours to even buy one'


    'Hm, but think of the things we could do with one' Jacqueline only became loving to Carl when she wanted something.

    And so Carl worked until late, and got what she wanted, while she bathed in the sun all day flirting with the gardner.



    'You don't think I don't notice you smooching around other men?!'
    'Oh Carl, please you're boring me'


    On every outing, she would flirt with any man who looked her way, she was gorgeous and she knew it.


    One night, Jacqueline went to far, and Carl saw everything. Jacqueline bought him a drink, and tried to use her way of making it up to him.


    When they arrived home, Carl threatened divorce 'You'd be nothing if I left you, I wouldn't leave you a penny!'


    'I thought you might do this, good job I put something extra in that drink I bought you'


    Jacqueline looked on as Carl collapsed and stopped breathing. She had killed her first husband.


    Jacqueline didn't feel sad, or any remorse, she even thanked Grim, she knew the plan all along, the only thing stopping her was Carl's money coming in.


    She rang the local town hall a couple of days later;

    'Hello, yes my name is Jacqueline Gallo, I'm ringing to transfer my late husbands will in my account'
    May we all chill like wizards
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @kitoraem OOoh my. Got a bit of a black widow almost. Gets the goods she wants and then BAM! He gone!

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    keenowkeenow Posts: 549 Member

    @kitoraem ahhh! That is truly evil! Also, Erica pulls off red lipstick really well! Whenever I try to give my sims red lips, I feel like it doesn't go well! lol. I don't know how to make-up. And I'm rooting for the evil twin, of course! >:)
    @EmmaVane Grats on the new baby! I really thought the dad was gonna die! You had me going there for a second.
    @Sourocha Congrats on the wedding! Wow! You really went all out; bachlorette party, venue <3 I wish I had that much patience.
    @LeGardePourpre That bedroom is gorgeous!
    @Rebeccaliam1974 Oh! You use TinyPic just like I do. After you upload your picture, Copy (Ctrl+C) the second box labelled "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards". Then paste (Ctrl+V) that into your post on here. You do not have to edit it with your own code! Just paste what was in that second IMG Code box and it should show up as a picture on here! :) You can test it by hitting "Preview" under your commet, If you don't see a picture after Previewing, something is wrong.
    @Sim Shady Minkz's green eyes are so pretty! Glad to hear Brendon is still wandering around :) I can never bring myself to get rid of my ghosts!
    @LosaruTaiyo Heh! I laughed at the "Considering you took my last line of defense..." xD Oooo Omega's got skeletons in her closet!
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    edited May 2016
    If only it were that, Player @keenow . If I had access to such evidence, I'd probably be blackmailing her to have my simray back. But no. Aside from a couple of flings with a married man, the only other thing she did was be a hypocrite!!!. And while yes, I could tell her off for that, I wasn't home at the time, she still will probably say 'no' and as I'm trying to "behave," I will just show you what she did from surveillance from my phone and just let her be.


    Started all innocent enough. Apparently Delta is questioning why I'm here too. Oh build a bridge and get over it, cupcake. I only froze you then because you wouldn't leave me alone!


    "Relax, Delta. I have her simray now and I'm sure Glitch wasn't doing it out of meanness. She's....going through some things now, so let her adjust, okay?"

    "I guess so."

    That...actually feels...nice to hear....


    We'll I'll give Delta and Omega props for one thing: Online, they're huge trolls. Eheheh....


    There! THERE! See what I mean! At least I use that thing in self-defense. Omega got greedy and curious and decided to try and make a better bed than the mod pod.


    Yeesh. At least when Emma transformed the lab treadmill, she made a better bed.


    That's not even a bed!


    A bed of leaves doesn't count I don't think.


    Oh look. She actually did it.


    Like I said though: greedy!!


    Technically you can sleep in it, so...


    We can't even sit on those!


    And here's the part where she learned that the simray can-and will- set things on fire! As much as I used to love death and destruction, I would much rather not have it happen to my house!!!


    Yeah, run Delta. Your mother is a plum for starting the thing.


    Luckily she did find that the freeze setting actually works nice for putting out fires. See?! I could have used that thing for good.


    Oh sure....Be proud in the fact that you put out a fire....a fire that wouldn't have started if you hadn't been greedy and a hypocrite!!! Ugh...maybe I will use the surveillance shots on my phone for future blackmail. Maybe about getting that separate room I want.

    And next time? Opera tries getting me out of the house. You can imagine how much fun that will be.

    Oh and if any of you Players have any questions for me, go ahead and ask. Most times when they aren't bugging me, I'm chatting from my phone in the room. Much easier to do that socialize with people face-to-face.

    OCC Note: Obviously all in character. I will always talk normally unless Glitch is addressed or it's a "Glitch Post".

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    SourochaSourocha Posts: 1,465 Member
    @kitoraem Jacqueline is evil...and I like it! >:)for some reason, i like the villans!
    @EmmaVane Congrats to the new baby!
    @LosaruTaiyo Well, to be honest, my sims do that with the ray sometimes... :D
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    edited May 2016
    @Sourocha Yeah but the comical thing was Omega using it after telling Glitch to hand it over. :D Hey. At least she has some juicy blackmail material now. :naughty:

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    MarleyTheWizardMarleyTheWizard Posts: 962 Member
    woha this thread moves fast, so many twist and turns, emotions and pretty pictures!
    I Sometimes Tweet About The Sims 4
    Gallery ID: MarleyTheWizard
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @Marley V Yeah it can go pretty fast when everyone gets into their stories or has some really awesome shots. :3

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    ArlettaArletta Posts: 8,444 Member
    @Marley V Yeah it can go pretty fast when everyone gets into their stories or has some really awesome shots. :3

    2 -3 pages per day on average. Sometimes more.

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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @Arletta and that depends on how much one has to tell. I try to limit my big posts by two or so, although when I get to some really climatic posts, I sometimes say "plum it" and go for it. Already trying to wait a while before I post the next Glitch one. :D

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    kitoraemkitoraem Posts: 889 Member
    edited May 2016
    After Carl's accidental death, Jacqueline went on more expensive nights in the best lounges, prowling for another wealthy man.

    She met a bar tender, Patrick. She wasn't interested at first 'Pfft, he can't be on much money if he works here' She thought
    But after chatting to him, he mentioned his father was the owner of a few of the biggest clubs in town.

    'Yeah, I just work here part time to help my dad out, I don't need to but I get bored sat in my penthouse'
    'Oh is that so?' Jacqueline's eyes gleamed and she went in for the win.

    'You know, you're very handsome, here take my number'


    After a few months, Jacqueline got Patrick right where she wanted him, of course she had to be nice as pie for him to marry her.
    She had to seal the deal in order to get her name on his money.

    'Oh Patrick, I love you'
    'I can't believe how lucky I got with you' Patrick was beaming.


    On the wedding night, Jacqueline thought about killing him there and then, but realised it would be too soon, and would look suspicious.
    It was easier with Carl, his family lived abroad so nobody asked questions, where as Patrick's family lived close by.


    'I'll wait it out' She thought. Plan it all properly.

    A few weeks into the marriage, Jacqueline didn't feel too well, she didn't think anything about it, but a trip to the doctor's confirmed she was pregnant.

    'I don't want it!' She screamed.
    'I'm sorry Jacqueline, it's too late to do anything but have the baby now I'm afraid'


    Jacqueline hated children, she hated every minute of being pregnant 'Ugh, it's ruining my body, I can't wait to get it out of me!'

    'Hey sweetheart, I made you some lunch' Patrick was trying to be the best husband and soon-to-be-father.
    'HAMBURGERS?! YOU'RE FEEDING ME THAT FILTH!? Before I met you, I was living off cavier!!!!' Jacqueline's personality was starting to show.
    'I'm sorry' She would say, I guess it's the hormones.


    Jacqueline, finally gave birth, to a bonnie beautiful little girl, they named her Lyla. And Jacqueline knew it would be a struggle to bond with her.


    A few years had passed, Lyla was now 5. Jacqueline hadn't managed to do the deed to Patrick as Lyla was ALWAYS around him, she was such a daddy's girl.

    Lyla and Jacqueline never got on, she despised her own daughter.

    'You're a horrible mum!' Lyla would scream.


    'I'm horrible?! Do you want me to ship you off to the local children's home you little brat?!' Jacqueline became furious with Lyla, but only when Patrick wasn't there, outdoors in the eye of the public, Jacqueline made out to be mother of the year.

    Post edited by kitoraem on
    May we all chill like wizards
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    GleestickyGleesticky Posts: 508 Member
    More adventures of Eddie Mac. Really like playing this Sim.

    Eddie was pretty bored and had a day off work so he went to a bar. This guy was chatting him up, and Eddie being the player he flirted with him. They got close while playing darts.

    He's a random townie, think is name is Zander or something.


    After darts they went to the Bluffs, then Zander's true colors came out. The guy is mean. He started yelling at Eddie and made Eddie upset


    Eddie went home, almost getting into a fight with Zander. He took a bath to relax and cool down.



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    feetinstockingsfeetinstockings Posts: 4,264 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo glad the fire got put out, I always have fun using the Sim Ray.
    @kitoraem cant wait to read more. my sim parents are always sweet and nice, but I never played one that hates children.
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    kitoraemkitoraem Posts: 889 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo - Wish we had one of them gadgets in real life! B)
    @Gleesticky - I'm liking Eddie, love that bath picture, looks like he's living the dream haha.
    @feetinstockings - Yeah, I always played my stories with the perfect family, mum and dad were always nice and cheerful, Suppose I got bored with that, and wanted to shake things up! >:)
    May we all chill like wizards
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    SourochaSourocha Posts: 1,465 Member
    @kitoraem How horibble, she hate her own child...and this is looking like the black widow challenge!
    @Gleesticky Eddie must have some money to to pay a petals bath!
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    kitoraemkitoraem Posts: 889 Member
    @Sourocha She is horrible, and something of the black widow yeah, they'll be more to it, but I'm enjoying it so far :p
    May we all chill like wizards
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    GleestickyGleesticky Posts: 508 Member
    Thanks Everyone. My Next Post will be a story of Eddie's player life. It looks like fun so I wanna try it :D
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    GleestickyGleesticky Posts: 508 Member
    kitoraem wrote: »
    @LosaruTaiyo - Wish we had one of them gadgets in real life! B)
    @Gleesticky - I'm liking Eddie, love that bath picture, looks like he's living the dream haha.
    @feetinstockings - Yeah, I always played my stories with the perfect family, mum and dad were always nice and cheerful, Suppose I got bored with that, and wanted to shake things up! >:)

    Always good to shake things up. Usually I play straight sims but I decided to make Eddie like men LOL. I wanted something new.
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