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Sims 5? No thank you!


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    IdontrcallIdontrcall Posts: 19,349 Member
    I'm looking forward to Sims 5 whenever it comes -- 3 or so years in the future is fine for me.

    I think there are several items that are hard for the developers to make due to multitasking. The emotions need some serious work, too, I think. Perhaps they are not able to easily fix the multitasking or emotions within the game's current engine. It would be great for them to incorporate these items with other great things from the previous games. Since they might not be able to successfully do this with Sims 4, why not try in Sims 5?

    I would imagine they've learned a lot in the past 4 years as to what works and what doesn't.

    I am not a game designer/builder/engineer so I don't know if my guesses are accurate, but we still don't have laptops, lounges, cuddling in double beds and some other items/interactions in game, and I think that might be due to multitasking. I think maybe they could fix that with another base game engine.

    Personally, I'd really like CASt (or just a color wheel), terrain tools, and a somewhat open world.
    Check out my cooking Youtube channel: Living with Leigh
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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,532 Member
    LiELF wrote: »
    Honestly, I think the main reason EA might move forward to Sims 5 in the years ahead would be to scoop up the next generation of Simmers with something new and exciting. As we've seen with Sims 4, (and even with Sims 3) they're not looking to cater to the people who already play. From a business perspective, those people are already snagged and they can probably count on at least half of the existing customer base following them into the next project out of loyalty, curiosity or excitement. The rest would be an already projected loss as part of the transition. (Total guess at the numbers, it could be two thirds moving forward for all I know.) So they throw all of their marketing power at the new gamers, using whatever information they get from telemetry and statistics and such, to grow their customer base. And now that they have Influencer programs digging into every social medium online, they will know exactly when they need to do it.

    And alienating the core players really worked did it?

    Apparently it did when they changed their marketing tactics and went full throttle to promote through Game Changers to young people who had never played a Sims game before.

    The unfortunate truth is, no Sims game can ever please the entire fan base. By now, each iteration is so different that they all have their own types of players and play styles and preferences. So moving forward means compromises, and because we Simmers are so passionate, there will always be people who are upset about something that's changed. And this is exactly why they are turning their focus to younger gamers. A fresh, new perspective on the latest Sims title has no experiences to compare to, they aren't as finicky, they go into the game with open minds and no expectations.

    I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade. I'd like to hope that the devs will try to keep our feedback in mind and make an effort to keep a good balance for the people who loved the older games. But I'm also going to be realistic about it because now, not only do they have to please the fans from 1, 2 and 3, but 4 as well. Is that even possible? Because we all know that someone is going to get left behind.

    And the other thing to consider is, with brand new hires working on the game, with "trends" and marketing in mind, will these "new" developers have any familiarity with the older games? Will they know what kinds of features were so beloved? Will they know how to dig into the layers of depth that made our past games so great to each one of us? And in the end, does any of that actually matter to EA?

    Just some food for thought.
    #Team Occult
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    catloverplayercatloverplayer Posts: 93,520 Member
    Loanet wrote: »
    Here's reasons why I don't want Sims 5 and don't think we'll get it anyway. Whether we need it or not is a bit too subjective.

    1: I like Sims 4

    Yeah, yeah, I like Sims 4. Not as it is, but the style, I especially like that. Enough of that.

    2: No announcements from EA.

    Face it, people are always thinking with every press conference there will be an announcement. But there hasn't. Then again, the announcement of a Sims game would overshadow the next FIFA, which is EA's big money. You need to tell yourself, "It'll be announced when it's announced". People were even anticipating it before Cats And Dogs!

    3: Microtransactions

    We're currently at the peak of the era of Microtransactions. EA's even fighting to be allowed to keep lootboxes still in games like FIFA! Sims 5 doesn't need lootboxes, but EA is so adamant on them right now that I wouldn't be at all surprised should they get them if it was released before lootboxes quit. We don't need the idea that they can make us pay 99p to unlock each item, releasing new skins every day. But if it comes out at the wrong time, that's what we'll get.

    4: Expansion Packs

    Games cost a lot to make. Expansions are cheap. Why spend all that money on a new game when you can pump out packs infinitely? There's so much missing. Many people call for a University pack, but they seem to fail to realise that the content that came in University can be split up between three or four packs, meaning that you'll get the content, but you won't necesserily get the university world. I'd rather have a pop-stars pack myself. There are potentials for circus packs. Others want Farming. It's hard to know what will go in Game Packs and what will go in Expansions, but either way it's a cow that can be milked indefinitely.

    The announcement of Sims 5 would risk crippling the sale of packs. People would think "Why buy more packs when they'll be out of date in a few months?" And I wouldn't blame 'em. Others might think "Sims 4 is being cut off early. Why buy Sims 5 when the same thing is bound to happen?"

    5: Consoles have just come out.

    The Console release is fresh in the air. They haven't even finished catching up with packs. Why would they put off console owners when they haven't even caught up? They want console owners to buy all those packs too. Furthermore, console owners would now expect to have their own version of Sims 5. Which would certainly bring in the money if Sims 4 gets a good reception there, but would also take a fair time to convert. And indeed, Sims 4 wasn't designed to share formats with Consoles. Would a Sims 5 be treated that way? EA says it's a 1:1 conversion, and it's close, but that took effort. Would SIms 5 be lower quality, just to fit easier for a console release at the same time?

    6: What would they do differently?

    No, not "What haven't they done yet?" or "What can be fixed?" What would happen differently in Sims 5 to Sims 4? A full Open World sure sounds nice, but could your computer handle it? Please, I know it's something you want more than anything, but would your laptop be able to deal with an open world without obscene lag? We have glass roofs and hexagonal roofs and conical roofs. Districts have just been developed as a kind of open-world substitute. We want vehicles but we don't actually need them when everywhere is just a load screen away.

    7: Technical reasons.

    Sims 1 was a pretty simple game; it looked good because nothing like it had ever been done before. It wasn't even proper 3D.

    When Sims 2 came out, it was a radical improvement, mostly funded by the success of Sims 1, and the discovery that yes, there was a market for games that had something other than shooting people in the head or running and jumping. As for Sims 3... well, it ran on an upgraded engine of Sims 2. It was Sims 2, but it took advantage of the success of Sims 2, and of stronger computers to make it bigger. They knew from the start that there was a limit to its engine, and that meant they'd have to make a Sims 4. If you need proof, the number of packs for Sims 3 is roughly the same as Sims 2. THIS is the reason for the four-year gap thus far, And Sims 4 still wasn't completed in that four years. Remember pools and Ghosts weren't completed at release and they only started Toddlers after release and it took a year - but we do have the best toddlers ever.

    Now, they could have made a Sims 4 exactly like Sims 3 and have a space limit again and people noticing that they might as well be playing Sims 3... or they could put together something very different that could expand indefinitely. Something with the Pixar-style graphics that wouldn't go out of date or enter the Uncanny Valley. Something that could be expanded upon and improved indefinitely and need never come to an end. They can add pack after pack forever, and keep tuning up things like gardening and building and in time, open swimming.

    Considering EA's track record with developers, I can't see the devs being in a rush to go to them and say "People are tiring of Sims 4 and we're running out of ideas, could you give us the money to make an exciting and radically different Sims 5? It'll be quite expensive and take a few years but-"

    "Stand on top of that trapdoor; you'll find your answer at the bottom."

    I'm expecting an announcement at the end of the month during the maxis montly livestream.
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    edited September 2018
    Loanet wrote: »
    Here's reasons why I don't want Sims 5 and don't think we'll get it anyway. Whether we need it or not is a bit too subjective.

    1: I like Sims 4

    Yeah, yeah, I like Sims 4. Not as it is, but the style, I especially like that. Enough of that.

    2: No announcements from EA.

    Face it, people are always thinking with every press conference there will be an announcement. But there hasn't. Then again, the announcement of a Sims game would overshadow the next FIFA, which is EA's big money. You need to tell yourself, "It'll be announced when it's announced". People were even anticipating it before Cats And Dogs!

    3: Microtransactions

    We're currently at the peak of the era of Microtransactions. EA's even fighting to be allowed to keep lootboxes still in games like FIFA! Sims 5 doesn't need lootboxes, but EA is so adamant on them right now that I wouldn't be at all surprised should they get them if it was released before lootboxes quit. We don't need the idea that they can make us pay 99p to unlock each item, releasing new skins every day. But if it comes out at the wrong time, that's what we'll get.

    4: Expansion Packs

    Games cost a lot to make. Expansions are cheap. Why spend all that money on a new game when you can pump out packs infinitely? There's so much missing. Many people call for a University pack, but they seem to fail to realise that the content that came in University can be split up between three or four packs, meaning that you'll get the content, but you won't necesserily get the university world. I'd rather have a pop-stars pack myself. There are potentials for circus packs. Others want Farming. It's hard to know what will go in Game Packs and what will go in Expansions, but either way it's a cow that can be milked indefinitely.

    The announcement of Sims 5 would risk crippling the sale of packs. People would think "Why buy more packs when they'll be out of date in a few months?" And I wouldn't blame 'em. Others might think "Sims 4 is being cut off early. Why buy Sims 5 when the same thing is bound to happen?"

    5: Consoles have just come out.

    The Console release is fresh in the air. They haven't even finished catching up with packs. Why would they put off console owners when they haven't even caught up? They want console owners to buy all those packs too. Furthermore, console owners would now expect to have their own version of Sims 5. Which would certainly bring in the money if Sims 4 gets a good reception there, but would also take a fair time to convert. And indeed, Sims 4 wasn't designed to share formats with Consoles. Would a Sims 5 be treated that way? EA says it's a 1:1 conversion, and it's close, but that took effort. Would SIms 5 be lower quality, just to fit easier for a console release at the same time?

    6: What would they do differently?

    No, not "What haven't they done yet?" or "What can be fixed?" What would happen differently in Sims 5 to Sims 4? A full Open World sure sounds nice, but could your computer handle it? Please, I know it's something you want more than anything, but would your laptop be able to deal with an open world without obscene lag? We have glass roofs and hexagonal roofs and conical roofs. Districts have just been developed as a kind of open-world substitute. We want vehicles but we don't actually need them when everywhere is just a load screen away.

    7: Technical reasons.

    Sims 1 was a pretty simple game; it looked good because nothing like it had ever been done before. It wasn't even proper 3D.

    When Sims 2 came out, it was a radical improvement, mostly funded by the success of Sims 1, and the discovery that yes, there was a market for games that had something other than shooting people in the head or running and jumping. As for Sims 3... well, it ran on an upgraded engine of Sims 2. It was Sims 2, but it took advantage of the success of Sims 2, and of stronger computers to make it bigger. They knew from the start that there was a limit to its engine, and that meant they'd have to make a Sims 4. If you need proof, the number of packs for Sims 3 is roughly the same as Sims 2. THIS is the reason for the four-year gap thus far, And Sims 4 still wasn't completed in that four years. Remember pools and Ghosts weren't completed at release and they only started Toddlers after release and it took a year - but we do have the best toddlers ever.

    Now, they could have made a Sims 4 exactly like Sims 3 and have a space limit again and people noticing that they might as well be playing Sims 3... or they could put together something very different that could expand indefinitely. Something with the Pixar-style graphics that wouldn't go out of date or enter the Uncanny Valley. Something that could be expanded upon and improved indefinitely and need never come to an end. They can add pack after pack forever, and keep tuning up things like gardening and building and in time, open swimming.

    Considering EA's track record with developers, I can't see the devs being in a rush to go to them and say "People are tiring of Sims 4 and we're running out of ideas, could you give us the money to make an exciting and radically different Sims 5? It'll be quite expensive and take a few years but-"

    "Stand on top of that trapdoor; you'll find your answer at the bottom."

    I'm expecting an announcement at the end of the month during the maxis montly livestream.

    For Sims 5? I think that'd be jumping the gun a little bit? I mean they have surprised us before, but has an announcement for the next entry into the franchise ever happened when they're just starting work on it and possibly 4 years before release?
    Post edited by aricarai on
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    If there’s any life and money to be made in a simulation game, EA will make it. Sims 5 will come in that case. When It does the sims 4 will still be there and those that like it can still play it.

    EA haven’t announced a sims 5 because they aren’t ready to, when it suits them and they have something to show they will. The sims 4 is not endless, it never has been and it will have an end date. I’m not being funny but the amount of bugs the game has does not bode well for future proofing it’s performance.

    And while I agree about micro transactions and hate them with every bone in my body, I am sure if they can find a loophole to get them in a new sims game they will.

    If they catered to fans of the sims 2 and 3 and moved the series forward instead of rolling it backwards I think a sims 5 could potentially do well with the right audience. That being said I have zero faith EA will make that game. Sad but true.

    They're not going to announce Sims 5 until it's either ready to launch or very close to completion. How many people, after Sims 4 was announced, didn't bother with Sims 3 content like ITF or the later Store packs? I never really got far into ITF (other than the bot making -- loved that) because I was looking forward to Sims 4.

    There were a lot of issues with Sims 3; save bloat that led to save corrpution (Error Code 12 and 16). Mac players had to play under the Cider emulator instead of the native-coded versions we had from Aspyr (I was on a Mac back then though I'm on Windows now) which degraded game performance. The memory implementation was poorly done -- important events, sure, but how many people need to remember grwoing a perfect apple tree or tomato bush?

    I don't really want open world if it means my Sims are stuck in the same world from birth to death -- I rarely got a save past the second generation either because the save would get corrupted, or more likely there would be a new world (either in an EP or from the Store) and I'd be off to go pursue the new shiny. Eventually Sims 4 will stop production -- the game engine won't be able to handle more content. But if they can learn from some of the mistakes in the Sims 4 launch (don't leave out key life stages, just for one) they could take the best of all the games -- the whimsy of Sims 2, the creativity and life (story progresson!) of Sims 3 and the flexibility of Sims 4 all in one package.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    Idontrcall wrote: »
    I'm looking forward to Sims 5 whenever it comes -- 3 or so years in the future is fine for me.

    I think there are several items that are hard for the developers to make due to multitasking. The emotions need some serious work, too, I think. Perhaps they are not able to easily fix the multitasking or emotions within the game's current engine. It would be great for them to incorporate these items with other great things from the previous games. Since they might not be able to successfully do this with Sims 4, why not try in Sims 5?

    I would imagine they've learned a lot in the past 4 years as to what works and what doesn't.

    I am not a game designer/builder/engineer so I don't know if my guesses are accurate, but we still don't have laptops, lounges, cuddling in double beds and some other items/interactions in game, and I think that might be due to multitasking. I think maybe they could fix that with another base game engine.

    Personally, I'd really like CASt (or just a color wheel), terrain tools, and a somewhat open world.

    I wonder if it's the traits that need work rather than the emotionss. I'd like to see more of an impact of traits on the emotions, and more varied traits. I'd like to see more traits like Absent-Minded, Socially Awkward, Introvert/Extrovert, I'd like to see every GP and EP come with at least one new trait associated with the theme (a Disciplined trait, for example, could have helped with building the Wellness skill in Spa Day) and a new aspiration if one fits. I find myself coming back to the same traits when making Sims or having them born in game.

    Sims 4 is doing a good job of tying the content together (for example, you can create Insect Repellent Lotion with OR, sell it in a store with GTW, then a Sim can purchase it and use it in JA) -- we didn't really get much of that in Sims 3.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    aricarai wrote: »
    Loanet wrote: »
    Here's reasons why I don't want Sims 5 and don't think we'll get it anyway. Whether we need it or not is a bit too subjective.

    1: I like Sims 4

    Yeah, yeah, I like Sims 4. Not as it is, but the style, I especially like that. Enough of that.

    2: No announcements from EA.

    Face it, people are always thinking with every press conference there will be an announcement. But there hasn't. Then again, the announcement of a Sims game would overshadow the next FIFA, which is EA's big money. You need to tell yourself, "It'll be announced when it's announced". People were even anticipating it before Cats And Dogs!

    3: Microtransactions

    We're currently at the peak of the era of Microtransactions. EA's even fighting to be allowed to keep lootboxes still in games like FIFA! Sims 5 doesn't need lootboxes, but EA is so adamant on them right now that I wouldn't be at all surprised should they get them if it was released before lootboxes quit. We don't need the idea that they can make us pay 99p to unlock each item, releasing new skins every day. But if it comes out at the wrong time, that's what we'll get.

    4: Expansion Packs

    Games cost a lot to make. Expansions are cheap. Why spend all that money on a new game when you can pump out packs infinitely? There's so much missing. Many people call for a University pack, but they seem to fail to realise that the content that came in University can be split up between three or four packs, meaning that you'll get the content, but you won't necesserily get the university world. I'd rather have a pop-stars pack myself. There are potentials for circus packs. Others want Farming. It's hard to know what will go in Game Packs and what will go in Expansions, but either way it's a cow that can be milked indefinitely.

    The announcement of Sims 5 would risk crippling the sale of packs. People would think "Why buy more packs when they'll be out of date in a few months?" And I wouldn't blame 'em. Others might think "Sims 4 is being cut off early. Why buy Sims 5 when the same thing is bound to happen?"

    5: Consoles have just come out.

    The Console release is fresh in the air. They haven't even finished catching up with packs. Why would they put off console owners when they haven't even caught up? They want console owners to buy all those packs too. Furthermore, console owners would now expect to have their own version of Sims 5. Which would certainly bring in the money if Sims 4 gets a good reception there, but would also take a fair time to convert. And indeed, Sims 4 wasn't designed to share formats with Consoles. Would a Sims 5 be treated that way? EA says it's a 1:1 conversion, and it's close, but that took effort. Would SIms 5 be lower quality, just to fit easier for a console release at the same time?

    6: What would they do differently?

    No, not "What haven't they done yet?" or "What can be fixed?" What would happen differently in Sims 5 to Sims 4? A full Open World sure sounds nice, but could your computer handle it? Please, I know it's something you want more than anything, but would your laptop be able to deal with an open world without obscene lag? We have glass roofs and hexagonal roofs and conical roofs. Districts have just been developed as a kind of open-world substitute. We want vehicles but we don't actually need them when everywhere is just a load screen away.

    7: Technical reasons.

    Sims 1 was a pretty simple game; it looked good because nothing like it had ever been done before. It wasn't even proper 3D.

    When Sims 2 came out, it was a radical improvement, mostly funded by the success of Sims 1, and the discovery that yes, there was a market for games that had something other than shooting people in the head or running and jumping. As for Sims 3... well, it ran on an upgraded engine of Sims 2. It was Sims 2, but it took advantage of the success of Sims 2, and of stronger computers to make it bigger. They knew from the start that there was a limit to its engine, and that meant they'd have to make a Sims 4. If you need proof, the number of packs for Sims 3 is roughly the same as Sims 2. THIS is the reason for the four-year gap thus far, And Sims 4 still wasn't completed in that four years. Remember pools and Ghosts weren't completed at release and they only started Toddlers after release and it took a year - but we do have the best toddlers ever.

    Now, they could have made a Sims 4 exactly like Sims 3 and have a space limit again and people noticing that they might as well be playing Sims 3... or they could put together something very different that could expand indefinitely. Something with the Pixar-style graphics that wouldn't go out of date or enter the Uncanny Valley. Something that could be expanded upon and improved indefinitely and need never come to an end. They can add pack after pack forever, and keep tuning up things like gardening and building and in time, open swimming.

    Considering EA's track record with developers, I can't see the devs being in a rush to go to them and say "People are tiring of Sims 4 and we're running out of ideas, could you give us the money to make an exciting and radically different Sims 5? It'll be quite expensive and take a few years but-"

    "Stand on top of that trapdoor; you'll find your answer at the bottom."

    I'm expecting an announcement at the end of the month during the maxis montly livestream.

    For Sims 5? I think that'd be jumping the gun a little bit? I mean they have surprised us before, but has an announcement for the next entry into the franchise ever happened when they're just starting work on it and possibly 4 years before release?

    For all we know, it could be a spinoff game like The Sims Medieval or The Sims Stories, not Sims 5. We're about the right time in Sims 4 development for a spinoff to be considered. Some of the ideas Grant's thrown out in his tweets, like post-apocalyptic world, would better suit a spin-off than the core Sims 4 game.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    GoldmoldarGoldmoldar Posts: 11,972 Member
    Loanet wrote: »
    If you're indifferent to the Sims 5 and won't buy it... well, that's another reason EA won't rush to make it. In fact a lot of people feel that way.

    There's a lot of loud people who want Sims 5 but I can't imagine Sims 5 attracting more people to the Sims universe. As you said, I see EA cutting and running with Sims 4. They never did say which Sim City would be the last; they just stopped making them.

    SimCity 2013 flopped. EA had no reason to keep producing that game. It’s launch was disastrous, and the underlying restrictions on what the game could even do turned long-time players way off. EA then lost out big to Cities Skylines which has a similar aesthetic to SC but more in-depth gameplay/creative tools.

    So true and not only that what EA/Maxis advertised what SimCity 2013 could do did not do. I was hyped to buy it when EA/Maxis had spun thier video hype before release and when the game came out it was an disappointment. It was not all bad but it just was the lack of loyalty and commitment to the game that turned me off. I have City Skylines and was like wow it has some negatives but not as major as it was in SimCity 2013. However, one would wish an company can do that to the Sims but it is just not that easy w/o stepping on EA/Maxis toes.
    Omen by HP Intel®️ Core™️ i9- 12900K W/ RGB Liquid Cooler 32GB Nvidia RTX 3080 10Gb ASUS Ultra-Wide 34" Curved Monitor. Omen By HP Intel® Core™ i7-12800HX 32 GB Nvidia 3070 Ti 8 GB 17.3 Screen
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    BrindletonBrindleton Posts: 415 Member
    It would be great to eventually have Sims 5 but I agree about the concern regarding micro transactions. That really worries me alongside loot boxes.
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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,922 Member
    edited September 2018
    At the moment I don't even think that I want any more expansions or new Sims games. I think I am losing interest altogether in the current way the game is made and marketed.
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    Odonata68Odonata68 Posts: 1,076 Member
    "They're not going to announce Sims 5 until it's either ready to launch or very close to completion. How many people, after Sims 4 was announced, didn't bother with Sims 3 content like ITF or the later Store packs? I never really got far into ITF (other than the bot making -- loved that) because I was looking forward to Sims 4."

    In my case, I didn't own Sims3 when Sims4 was announced. Finding out what 4 was about convinced me to buy 3 instead. Over the years since, I've bought all eps, sps, and the store. I have no regrets about that decision and if Sims5 is announced, it'll have to be better or I'll just skip it.

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    itsAurorauitsAurorau Posts: 5 New Member
    When is the release date for the Sims 5?
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    Brindleton wrote: »
    It would be great to eventually have Sims 5 but I agree about the concern regarding micro transactions. That really worries me alongside loot boxes.
    Nooooooo. Please noooo :(
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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,532 Member
    itsAurorau wrote: »
    When is the release date for the Sims 5?

    There is no confirmation that Sims 5 is even definitely being created. At this time, it is only conjecture due to EA hiring for some new positions related to the Sims.
    #Team Occult
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    FreezerBunnyCowplantFreezerBunnyCowplant Posts: 3,957 Member
    edited September 2018
    Sims 4 is still going for 3+ years and it's only natural that they start developing Sims 5 now.
    Sims 4 (or should I say the online game "Sims Olympus"?) started being developed in 2008, after Sims 3 was announced.
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    MaddySimmerMaddySimmer Posts: 1 New Member
    I hope they dont come out with a Sims 5 because The Sims 4 sucked. So 🤷‍♀️ It sucks so bad, I am literally just playing Sims 2 right now because it has integrity. There is depth to characters and their stories.
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,341 Member
    I hope they dont come out with a Sims 5 because The Sims 4 plum. So 🤷‍♀️ It plum so bad, I am literally just playing Sims 2 right now because it has integrity. There is depth to characters and their stories.

    Welcome to the forums @MaddySimmer :)
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    rudy8292rudy8292 Posts: 3,410 Member
    edited September 2018
    After 4 years TS4 is as outdated and buggy as all previous iterations were at that point. Why they want to continue this version in all eternity is a mystery to me. I am hoping for TS5, an open world, oceans and houseboats, no lag and Sims who don't hug in the middle of the dinner or wear baseball helmets in the sauna.

    Because $$

    With all the content watered down and packs spread out more (hello the first in probably more empty quarters) it's easy for them to stretch it out for years.

    I can't wait for the Sims 5. Just hoping they are taking the time with it now instead of rushing it out the door.
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    alanmichael1alanmichael1 Posts: 5,455 Member
    rudy8292 wrote: »
    After 4 years TS4 is as outdated and buggy as all previous iterations were at that point. Why they want to continue this version in all eternity is a mystery to me. I am hoping for TS5, an open world, oceans and houseboats, no lag and Sims who don't hug in the middle of the dinner or wear baseball helmets in the sauna.

    Because $$

    With all the content watered down and packs spread out more (hello the first in probably more empty quarters) it's easy for them to stretch it out for years.

    I can't wait for the Sims 5. Just hoping they are taking the time with it now instead of rushing it out the door.

    Hmm, but for this series it is essential to keep the interest always very high. I agree with your observation about empty quarters. Seasons was the only pack within 6 months. I don't think this is good for the franchise.
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member
    Eventually a new one will come out... it's just the way things work. I don't think it's going to be anytime soon there is plenty of content left to provide for simmers for this iteration.

    The current Sims game is my favorite of any of them. Not only for how good it looks, and sounds but because I don't have to mod out anything for the first time in the sims series in order to play it. Sometimes I chose to enhance it for a certain story line.. but just as frequently go back to vanilla and enjoy that just as much.
    I played the first and second all the way through and couldn't play the third game for long. The art style especially turned me right off and really that more than anything else I think put me off giving it a good try. Right now it just looks old to me though. As long as it's not patterned after the third game and I can have a game without story progression (as a choice even) one I'll be happy to look into it and decide when it comes if I will play it. Maybe I can finally be one of those simmers that can play (and enjoy) two of the games at the same time. That would be great.

    Admittedly though I won't buy the next in the series unless it just seems wonderful to me, cream of the crop and suits my play-style as the current one does. This game has also spoiled me for the future there are things I will need now. The ability to go to different looking worlds with the same sim. That needs don't rule my sims, aspiration jumping, fluid animations, multitasking and great control over my sims lives. I could go on and on with what I need now actually.. That probably worries me the most. I'm spoiled.

    I won't say no thank you though... it's not like we know it's happening and we know we have at *least* three years worth of content still coming.
    If I get witches, university, farming, stardom, servos, and swimmable beaches in that time (my needs), and the other stuff that comes. I'll be fine with them passing the torch. In at *least* three years I think that's possible.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @stilljustme2 Some people still play the later TS3 stuff now. Someone has some ITTF stuff in the what happened in your game today thread in the TS3 GD. The busiest thread on the forums and no sign of slowing down!
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,341 Member
    @Hermitgirl I like to think I'd be able to pass up a Sims game if it didn't have everything I wanted but I fear I don't have the willpower to say no to the Sims. I still occasionally play 2 and 3 and will probably continue to play 4 when 5 is released.
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member
    @Hermitgirl I like to think I'd be able to pass up a Sims game if it didn't have everything I wanted but I fear I don't have the willpower to say no to the Sims. I still occasionally play 2 and 3 and will probably continue to play 4 when 5 is released.

    I've done it once before, by gosh I can do it again! I'm sure they would really miss the little money I can throw at them though lol..
    Actually I like sales I might just have the willpower to wait for for a sale to try it out. Would make me feel good to think I really showed them that way...
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    LoanetLoanet Posts: 4,079 Member
    I am SOOOOOO sick of the slightest rumor that EA says "We have exciting news" or "Something exciting is in the works" being turned into "Wow, Sims 5!"

    Not that we'll never get Sims 5. I just look at EA and think "How would it benefit them, to be working on Sims 5?" Because that's how you've got to approach this. When is EA going to make Sims 5? When it benefits them. Sometimes I feel like then next Sims game will not so much be Sims 5 as it will be something so different, that Sims 4 will actually keep going.

    The last thing I want in Sims games is microtransactions. The problem is it doesn't take a genius to spot room for them. So I'd rather wait for people to stop believing companies when they say that microtransactions make games better/cheaper, and once the golden age of Microtransactions is over, THEN start making it.

    Because if, y'know, if Sims 5 had MT, and failed because everybody hates MT, you know somebody from EA would come along and say "Well, this is just a sign people don't want to play The Sims any more" and cut the franchise off.
    Prepping a list of mods to add after Infants are placed into the game. Because real life isn't 'nice'.
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