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fleshjenn Member

Rawwr. lol no idea what this is so just messing around. I stopped playing sims for a bit. computer problems mostly. but now I am back and ready to play!


  • lol well it seems everyone has made their way back over here. I got some reading to catch up on and then need to pick a new challenge. When I was creating my gifts I created a new sims 3 folder so I could better control what objects I was using without uninstalling a lot. Hopefully its just a matter of drag and drop to get…
  • @Bookworm742 the wood is a dark cherry wood. I tried several and it seemed to go quite well with both the light green and blue I used in the house. lol last night when I was about to fall asleep I remembered I forgot to place mirrors. I couldn't decide on a frame style and moved on to a different part of the build and…
  • @DinoJr lol no worries, it was an easy fix. it just seemed a little odd that it was missing and not replaced with one of the ones I have installed. @KaytayRoall Wow! lol I found my next Renovacy. @ciane is going to have to forgive me for stealing that wonderful creation. I absolute love lighthouses and my fingers are…
  • @suzses lol the mother Clover Ayers actually belongs to @KaytayRoall. I thought the sim was very pretty and would make the backstory a bit more interesting for her. @DinoJr just curious do you remember which spiral staircase you used? when I downloaded the lots I didn't receive any warnings about missing objects but there…
  • Thank you @DinoJr now that I have finished posting my creations I am free to download your wonderful creations!! lol so I will be busy in game for awhile.
  • Gift 3 of 3 final gift :( @KaytayRoall well I am sad to say that this is the end of our journey. But never fear we will come across each other someday, just wave a cheerful goodbye as you sail away on your brand new Boat! The Jaded Duchess:
  • Wow! everyones pictures are so amazing! I cant wait to have some time to actually sit down and take a real look at all the wonderful creations. @DinoJr The community lot looks beautiful, Thank you so much. my internet has been a pain since I got home and it took ages just to upload my gift and make the post. I will most…
  • @KaytayRoall Gift # 2 of 3 In your letter you mentioned you like to play sims with a little backstory so I tried to create one you might find interesting. The Fairchild Household :
  • Thanks everyone for the well wishes some much as been going on in real life lately that i have been on quite the emotional rollercoaster. @DinoJr I have only had a moment to glance at your gifts but I am quite excited to get back tomoroww and take a proper look about. Thank you so much!
  • Dear @KaytayRoall Hello new friend. Its been a busy couple of weeks for me and I had to redo my gifts plans a time or two. After reading your letter and wrting down a few ideas of what you might want, I took a look in your studio at the things you like to create. I really enjoyed seeing your building style and I took quite…
  • Dear Buddy, I would like to apologize in advance. due to the passing of a very dear work colleague I will be out of town most of this weekend to attend services. I promise once I return I will post my gifts as soon as I can. I don't wish you to feel neglected or left out, life just has a way of sneaking up on you. happy…
  • @Mmdrgntobldrgn yeah I figured most of the furniture and wall coverings were just recolored to look old and worn, but I was thinking of setting a few things on fire to add a little extra fun to the start of a challenge. its amazing how creative you have to get to make a place look its worst. guess I will have to go and…
  • very interesting challenge @ciane. having to add a 4x10 rectangle each time may make it a little hard to design around but I have ideas. I am curious about placing an ad for a roommate. since they will pay rent this way, it could count as an income source. and since the roommate is an npc you cant use them to gather up a…
  • World Adventures is my top favorite EP. I love the different styles that came with it, the new plants, and recipes. All my sims take at least one trip in their lifetime. most visit each destination at least once. Next on my list would be Seasons or Pets. I love collecting minor pets and the weather changes just really add…
  • I'm still around. just caught up on the last 2 updates @SamelaRita , quite emotional. looks like a spin off might be in the works? the last 2 weeks I have constantly felt rushed, but hopefully that is all done for now and I can spend more time playing my game again.
  • I'm here, rl has been hectic, but I do have 2 maybe 3 gifts. I had to scrap one idea and I am just heading in game to work on a new idea. I am still debating on a few things but should begin picture taking on Thursday which is my day off.
  • @ciane thanks for the info. I love mamey fruit but can hardly find it here, and I hate that persimmons are seasonal, I can eat those year round. I have problems with low iron and constantly looking for healthy foods to try and boost my iron levels and improve my immune system. its a double bonus if I can get my kids to eat…
  • @ciane lol thanks, yeah with two large families on the island and not many other prospects, I'm a little worried the small town might end up with each household related to each other. I am planning on bringing in marriage prospects when the children reach young adult to keep fresh blood lines.
  • I had two, the first was when I first installed ambitions. I had my sim in the backyard on the inventing bench for hours. I read the pop up but ignored it then I noticed a bunch of sims running into her backyard and staring up which finally got my attention, too late. she died the house and garden took a huge hit and since…
  • Thanks everyone, I really do enjoy these challenges. The part I think I find hardest is not registering for self employment. it was always my sims main source of income before this. also one of these challenges I would love to be able to complete the caregivers Ltw. I kinda feel sorry for them in situations like this where…
  • Newton-Brown Final Chapter So I finally found my stopping point. I saved a copy of the family to the bin so I might one day go back and play out their individual stories. But for now its down and I am set up for the next challenge. I will be taking a little time off from this challenge though so I can focus on the spring…
  • with work and the holiday I haven't spent much spare time at home. I am actually calling out from work tomorrow, but the day will be spent taking the little one to the orthodontist, getting the car inspected, and hopefully some much needed grocery shopping.
  • checking in, I have been working one two gifts when I can, I have plans for at least one more if time permits.
  • Hi everyone! I am going to catch up with all your updates before heading ingame and finishing the newton brown household. I am technincally done I am just having trouble setting up a few relationships the way I want before I move on to the next family. I am hoping for some pretty babies to pop up in the neighborhood in the…
  • lol I hate the imaginary sims too, I tried taking the doll to france and leaving it, but it wouldn't let me set it down anyplace. so I usually do the same as @KhemKat19 and stick it in my adult sims inventory and ignore it forever.
  • Wow, that took some time to write up. I decided to make just one long weekly post for this family, and possibly the next challenge family I pick up. Sunday through Tuesday felt slow and repetitive while playing so it felt like it would make for a boring story, but with 3 birthdays, a holiday and a few dangerous surprises…
  • im here! I'm excited, been reading all the letters trying for inspiration. everyone has such unique and different requests.
  • thanks for the information @ciane and @Mmdrgntobldrgn I also enjoyed both your chapters. I didn't do much gameplay today. just cleaned up a few files and saved some patterns for use in later builds. I'm afraid all the allergy medication I have had to take lately has messed me up somewhat and I'm just kinda blah. that and…
  • I fixed the link above. @Mmdrgntobldrgn that would be useful. I have been searching my studio for a sim with a collection helper so I can take a peek and see what is spawning. there is only one place I found a good deal of metals and gems, and of course the cannery festival grounds I used have plenty of wildflowers. I…

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