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  • Here's my simself and she seems to think she looks sexy. lol ;)
  • oops...ignore this message...sorry :o
    in SEXY FORUMS Comment by Lila August 2014
  • I've not posted a lot on the other forum because I didn't like the way it looked. However, I love what they've done here. I just might join in since it seems so much easier. :D I'm even more excited for the game to be released now!!
    in SEXY FORUMS Comment by Lila August 2014
  • :D I received my demo yesterday and I love it. I found it that it takes practice to get the hang of the controls but now it's getting easier and easier to use. I'm not a very artsy, creative person but I've been able to make some really different and fun sims. The only problem I've had is that it makes me want to play Sims…
  • Hi I'm not one that talks alot here on the forum, but I had to let you know that I absolutely love all your island builds. I have dl about 20 or so of them and rec'd all of them. They are gorgeous!! I do have a question for you. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but I don't know how to fix it. When I went to place a…
  • Mine said that too. I just backed out of it and when I went back in, mine was ready to download. Hope it works for you!!
  • I'm sorry to but in here, but how does a Prettacy challenge work. I've never heard of it but it sounds interesting. Thanks. p.s. i vote for Bertha
  • I got into a bar brawl with Liam O'Dourke because I'm having a midlife crisis. :lol:
  • I have a few single sims in my studio. I also have my real family in there too. There's some cc in my single sims but it's all safe. Happy simming! :) Keep us updated with what happens in your game.
  • I just had to share this one. This is my simself and my simhusband watching the stars together. I guess you can tell what was on his mind! :wink:
  • Ok, I'll try to make this as simple as I can in my explanation. If I'm not clear on something, just ask since this is new to me too. 1. this will only work if you have 2 video cards, ATI high performance GPU and Intel power saving GPU. If not, than this isn't your solution (we all have pretty much the same machine so it…
  • Sorry, I had it all typed out and then the forum kicked me out. I'll be gone for a couple of hours, but I'll type it all out when i get home. p.s. my game is still running good!
  • I've got a solution!!! I spent 1.5 hours on the phone with HP support this morning and now my game is working. I want to have all the right directions for ya'll before I try to tell you how to fix this, so I will be back a little later to help you. It won't be a total solution but it will work until HP comes out with a…
  • I updated my drivers too and I still can't play either. Ugh! I'm so frustrated.
  • Mooshark-Do you have yours working yet? I don't know much about drivers and how to update anything. My husband does all that and he's out of the country so I'm stuck till then.
  • I hope you don't mind if I jump in here too. My game is doing the exact same thing. I was playing my game, saved and quit, then came back a little while later and there were those exact same things on my screen. So frustrating!! I'll post my dxdiag below if someone will take a look at it. Oh and my computer is about 3 or 4…
  • Ok, I've got a few more to show. My simself taking baby Collin for a stroll Tickle Tickle Oh no, it's the claw! Here's Collin playing with his IF, Colby We just added to the family with triplet boys and they each got a IF doll. It's going to be a busy house for awhile! lol
    in SCREENSHOTS! Comment by Lila June 2011
  • I rarely post anything on here, but I'm loving Generations, and this thread too. I've got a few screenshots I'd like to share. (I hope I do this the correct way!) This is Justin, my simselfs husband This is my simself, Connie I love the slip n' slide! I think he looks hot in this picture lol Thanks for letting me share.…
    in SCREENSHOTS! Comment by Lila June 2011
  • We have 2 of them at my house. My husband has the larger screen and my daughter has the smaller. Both are HP's. I get confused trying to play the sims on it because I tend to touch everything so my sims kind of wander around when I do. My daughter plays her Sims on it though and she loves it. :)
  • Ok just a couple more for tonight. I had to get the boys on here too. First is the oldest son, Gabba Babba as a toddler. and as a child Next is 2nd son Dabba Babba as a toddler and as a cute child (lol) I hope ya'll enjoy looking at the pictures of this fun family. I realy like playig them alot.
  • Yeah I didn't break the page so I'll add a couple more picture of the Babba family. This is Habba Babba, he's the big, manly man of the Babba family. Here's one of Habba freaking out while Mabba is in labor. Check out that wonderful nose on Mabba. I didn't use any sliders on them so if you download them, you won't need…
  • This is my first time putting a picture on the forum so I'm hoping I don't break the page. lol This is Mabba Babba. She is married and has 2 sons. I'll try to get the rest of the family on here once I see if I did this right. Oh the family is in my studio if you want to download them.
  • My most downloaded sim is Lila Weston with 106 and no rec's. I had some really interesting sims that got some download but not enough and they got culled. BTW, I have downloaded alot of the beautiful sims I've seen on this thread. They are amazing. rec'd them too!
  • Hi StarSarah! I was so excited to see your wonderful town. It's just the kind of town I've been looking for. I downloaded it a couple of hours ago and have been playing it. The layout and the houses are great. It's been a little laggy for me but that could just be my computer. I do have one issue, and again it could be me,…
  • I wanted to chime in with the others and tell you that I'm lovin' your story too. I can't wait till Friday till we get another update. Have a great Thanksgiving!
  • Skadi- I just did that and it worked!! Yeah I have Sims again! After each patch I went in and played around and everthing is fine so far. I'm installing WA right now and hoping it will still work. Thanks!
  • I did restart after reinstalling the game. I think I've done everything I know how to do except throw the computer at the wall. It's upseting that everything worked great before the patches. No problems at all and now it is pretty much one big frustrating mess. Thanks for your reply. If you can think of anything else,…
  • It definately has not helped me. I have uninstalled 5 times and reinstalled 6. Everytime I reinstall something else happens. Sometimes when I can actually get to choose a sim and attempt to play, the sim goes straight into the middle of the mailbox and stays there. If there's more than 1 sim on the lot, they all end up in…
  • Thanks for the advice. I figured I'd have to go down to the base game. I want to make sure I'm doing this right, I take those files and folders and just put them on the desktop. I don't delete anything right? I'm sorry if I seem like a computer dummy......I am. lol

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