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AnglePlay300 Member


  • Thank you for your clear statement of why I should just leave it on my desktop. Blu and MinDtriKz, post regret doesn't mean I'm going to be thinking about this for days. It just means that I shouldn't even have bothered because now I have people like you two (that sounds rude, but that's the only way I could think to put…
  • GAH! Everyone! Just because someone who likes to play a game gets a new computer does NOT mean they got said new computer specifically to play the game. Computers aren't just about gaming. The reason I made this thread is because it would BE NICE to have the game on my laptop, but because it isn't going to work as well as…
  • :| Ooooor I could just keep the game on my desktop and not even worry about it being on my laptop.
  • I'll just not worry about it then since I'm getting such mixed answers. The game runs great on my desktop, and as I stated it's not a necessity. But, Blunote, this WAS worth the purchase because this was never meant to be a gaming laptop. I got it for school so all I really need to be able to do is access internet and…
  • Female: Trixie Traits: Couch Potato, Diva, Flirty, Party Animal, Good Male: Jeb Traits: Angler, Loner, Hopeless Romantic, Unlucky, Evil
  • I wish it was as easy to lose weight as it is in the sims. Or to make friends and get boyfriends/girlfriends. Man. Our sims have it way too easy :lol:
  • Follow up: Edit in CAS did work.
  • It's just random. If your sim gets the moodlet that says something like "blog about self improvement tips" and then you blog about whatever it suggests, those posts will usually do pretty good.
  • Acceptable? Sure you can do whatever you feel like in your game. Possible? Indeed. Just make sure to set the lot type as a dorm. And if sims aren't moving in right away, or like they would normally, you can request roommates through the cell phone. It's under real estate and travel services.
  • I think you might be misreading/misunderstanding the pop-up. When my sims lose followers it usually says something like "*nameofsim* thought this was a good post. Lost *numberoffollowers*" So it's more like your sim thought it was a good post, but their followers didn't.
  • I LOVE it. Just remember that like any expansion, there are some people who are having glitches. The major one is a return of the World Adventures glitch that caused problems when people were sending sims on vacation, or when they were coming home. So my biggest suggestion for that is to save right before you have them…
  • Lol guess your sims aren't that stupid if they're refusing to divide by zero ;)
  • :hunf: Have you ever seen a jet ski? That is definitely not a woohoo location. The port-a-potty and hammock sound pretty possible, but not too sure about sailboats and rowboats. Any hoo. University spots...not really any Uni-specific ones. Which was a bit disappointing. But I guess the juiced woohoo makes up for that ;)…
  • My poor sim is finishing his degree in one go. So he's taking the max 32 credits over two terms (weeks). On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday he has 3 classes back to back starting at 8 am. He gets roughly 2 hours in between each, but we all know that doesn't mean much. And then of course lectures Tuesday and class activity…
  • It's located where your job info would normally be. There's a button that says "Class Schedule." Click that and it will show you the schedule.
  • Ooook. So it's just one of those random "maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't" things? I do have sim who is majoring in science, so I'll definitely have him start getting his skill up.
  • I don't think you have to have jock influence. My sim was able to do it when the only influence he had was nerd. It's actually in the different interaction menus. There's one for the romantic interactions, and one for the friendly interactions.
  • Not only that, but guess whose name is back on the box???? Go on! Guess! MAXIS! :roll: No offence OP, but it doesn't matter what company gets to put their name on a box. If there have been glitches before, there will always be glitches. Of course, this particular one does suck. But it wouldn't make a difference if only…
  • Well, considering we can't even drive into/out of drive ways or watch sims get into cars because of all of the different meshes, I think it would be quite difficult. They would have to do new animations on the cars. And then there's going to need to be different animations for the taller/larger cars, and what if they don't…
  • Hm, that's odd. I don't think it's a glitch with the cinema though... It may be. You can always try replacing it, and then if it doesn't work just undo it. So I would suggest saving right before you go into edit town mode, and then don't save again unless it works. That way, if it doesn't and you want the original building…
  • That is not the ONLY way. (And besides, you don't even need portrait panel until the side is completely filled up. I've totally had families with 12 people in them without it.) OP, just move the older ones out as they age up to young adults. The three teens will be young adults soon enough. And you only need a couple more…
  • I'd say keep the second. The first sister is too perfect... I don't know about you, but perfect sims bore me. Also, I feel like the second sister would pass on better genetics.
  • I think mine are 6...maybe 9... I'm not totally sure, but somewhere in there haha. I teach them walking, talking, potty. Sometimes, depending on my aspirations for them, I'll have them use the skill objects (xylophone and blocks) and read the books. But only sometimes haha.
  • Theeeere you go! Then making it darker or not is totally personal preference. (For Greek you could go all the way up to black, based on where they are geographically.) The rest will just be a lot of fidgeting around with sliders and what not until you're happy with what you've made.
  • You'll do fine. Read through the in-game tutorial guides if you need to. Other than that you'll probably get it all figured out in no time.
  • This problem was around with WA as well. And they did fix just took a long time. So for those that DO suffer from this issue (not everyone, with or without mods, does) a mod will be your best bet for the time being. Hopefully, because they've fixed this issue before, they'll get it taken care of with the first…
  • No. It isn't. Use the base brown hair, yes it's a little red but that's why you customize it by clicking the little blue paint brush button. It needs to be a deep brown, so pick a color somewhere between red and orange and then just make it dark. (Then use that color for the base, roots, and tips and a slightly lighter…
  • Because you keep referring to My Big Fat Greek Wedding, I suggest you use Nia Vardalos as your inspiration. Rounder face*, wider chin, bigger eyes, larger nose and BROWN hair and eyes. That is a strawberry blond. Think chocolate brown. *Rounder face so make the jaw wider and…
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