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Sandy and Cheetah: A Fifty Foals Challenge~ I AM NOT DEAD pg 40


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    ulightupmylifeulightupmylife Posts: 422
    edited November 2012
    OHMIGOD Millie are gonna be grandmother! :')
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    WolfLady74WolfLady74 Posts: 1,032 Member
    edited November 2012
    Woo hoo! Good to see an update. I hope to see more soon. That is a very good looking stallion as the next daddy.
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    MilenchicaMilenchica Posts: 6,059 New Member
    edited November 2012
    I just caught up. Love it! I used to read, close the explorer and then lose page I stoped on. Bookmark
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited November 2012
    Iweta1314 wrote:
    Loving all the pretty sims and the new stallion :) and Lucie is just too cute!
    Thank you! Lucie is quite the cutie. Their baby was born a few nights ago, can't wait to show you guys. :D
    Cat0Eye wrote:
    All caught up! Congrats on the grandbaby!
    Thanks! :D
    OHMIGOD Millie are gonna be grandmother! :')
    Indeed she is. *excitment* :D
    WolfLady74 wrote:
    Woo hoo! Good to see an update. I hope to see more soon. That is a very good looking stallion as the next daddy.
    Haha! I know. I'm such a slacker when it comes to writing updates *smacks self*. And not only is he pretty, but he sure makes pretty babies. :D
    Milenchica wrote:
    I just caught up. Love it! I used to read, close the explorer and then lose page I stoped on. Bookmark
    Thank you! Yeah, it sucks to lose a thread. *grumbles* ;)
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited November 2012
    OH MY GOSH. I'm so mad with myself. D':< I had a WHOLE update written up and ready to post when SOMEHOW I deleted the WHOLE ENTIRE POST. Ugh I want to punch myself. *sigh* Guess I'll write it tomorrow. I'm off to go cry in a corner.
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    MilenchicaMilenchica Posts: 6,059 New Member
    edited November 2012
    malsq9 wrote:
    OH MY GOSH. I'm so mad with myself. D':< I had a WHOLE update written up and ready to post when SOMEHOW I deleted the WHOLE ENTIRE POST. Ugh I want to punch myself. *sigh* Guess I'll write it tomorrow. I'm off to go cry in a corner.

    It happened to me to,with an entry for some contest, one where I wrote a long backstory. There's no updo button in forums :(
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited November 2012
    malsq9 wrote:
    OH MY GOSH. I'm so mad with myself. D':< I had a WHOLE update written up and ready to post when SOMEHOW I deleted the WHOLE ENTIRE POST. Ugh I want to punch myself. *sigh* Guess I'll write it tomorrow. I'm off to go cry in a corner.
    I had that happen to me a couple of times - drove me mental... Now I always open up a word document and copy over whatever I write every few lines :)
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    ally0070ally0070 Posts: 22 New Member
    edited December 2012
    Looking forward to next update keep it up :)
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited December 2012
    Alright so, I didn't keep my promise. Now I feel like a bad person. Sorry about that. :oops: Writing it now! :)
    Milenchica wrote:
    It happened to me to,with an entry for some contest, one where I wrote a long backstory. There's no updo button in forums :(
    Good to know I'm not the only one. :)
    Iweta1314 wrote:
    I had that happen to me a couple of times - drove me mental... Now I always open up a word document and copy over whatever I write every few lines
    That's.... Not a bad idea. *opens word* Thanks! :)
    ally0070 wrote:
    Looking forward to next update keep it up
    Thank you! :D
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited December 2012
    Sorry this took so long. :oops:

    It was the morning of the girl's birthdays. I got up with the Sun to make them a special birthday breakfast.

    I cooked their favorite; Pancakes.

    The girls came down, ate their pancakes, and blew out their candles.

    My girls. They're so beautiful! <3

    Out in the barn, more birthdays awaited!
    Oreo had a birthday!

    Foal # 23 all grown up!

    Thunder had a birthday!

    Foal #24 all grown up!

    Mortimer grew up too!

    This was my screensaver for a long time. <3

    Maria wanted to help train the colts.

    Maybe, we should've put her on Cheetah first...

    Look Lucy's at the belly!! <3

    Bonus Picture:
    Ohh Mya...
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited December 2012
    Oh guys, BTW, since I lost everything on my old computer, Dabble's children were not saved. :( Luckily, I have Maria uploaded and I can remake Cheetah out of one of her clone children. :)
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited December 2012
    I was worried you might not be able to continue this since you lost your old computer (I mean that it died not that you actually lost it somewhere). Glad that you can remake Cheetah and you have Maria saved :) Loved the update and cannot wait for the next one :D
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited December 2012
    Yeah, That's why I uploaded the girls and foals a little early because my computer was giving me hassle at the time, and I figured it wouldn't last too long. Thanks! :D
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    DuckypantsDuckypants Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited December 2012
    Woohoo update! The girls are very pretty! Thunder certainly is unique. I love all the random markings :D
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    WolfLady74WolfLady74 Posts: 1,032 Member
    edited December 2012
    Yay nice update! You really have some very unique horses. I'll have to raid your studio whenver I get my computer back. Glad you are still around!
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited December 2012
    Duckypants wrote:
    Woohoo update! The girls are very pretty! Thunder certainly is unique. I love all the random markings :D
    Thank you! And yeah, Thunder. <3 I miss the boys already. :cry: But, I just downloaded Maria and Cookie and recreated Cheetah so a new update in a new place will come soon. :
    WolfLady74 wrote:
    Yay nice update! You really have some very unique horses. I'll have to raid your studio whenver I get my computer back. Glad you are still around!
    Thanks! Feel free to take whoever you want. :D
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited December 2012
    Hey guys! So, these are the last of the pictures before I got my new computer (that's not true, these are just the ones I had uploaded. The rest were lost.) Anywho, this isn't a regular update, as it will be told by me. Mainly because it's just filler pictures. I hope you enjoy it the same anyways. :D

    Stop that. <3

    Please don't wake him up...

    "I was awakened."

    "Who woke me up?! Was it you father?"

    "Then you must die."

    "That was a bad move father..."

    Luckily his daddy knows just what to do to cheer him up.

    Look at her abs. :shock:

    Aww, look at the cute stray!


    "I'm so sorry."
    Aww, it's ok.

    It's time for graduation!

    This was another family who's father is actually Morty that I played a long time ago. I plopped them in town to make some townies. ^^,
    This is the oldest son, I believe him name is Jacob.

    This is the second oldest, twin to Cory (below). His name is Caden and he has his grandma's hair color (on Morty's side. Can't remember her name.)

    The boy is Cory (twin to Caden). The girl is Sydney (twin to Sima who is below)

    The girl is Sima, twin to Sydney (Sima got a complete makeover look wise because she looked way too much like Mortimer) and the man is the father of all these children, Mortimer Goth who also got a makeover and a name change. His name is now Guy Pickle (don't ask :oops: )

    And, this will be the last time we say hello to Millie. :cry: Hello Millie!
    "I have so many wrinkles."
    Mid-Life Crisis.

    Hope you guys enjoyed it! :)
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited December 2012
    Merry Christmas everybody! I was thinking of doing a cute holiday picture, but my game doesn't want to install the cute Christmas deco.

    Bah Humbug.
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited December 2012
    Here's the "story" for why they are now in Sunset Valley (again :P)

    I snuggled Cheetah. The warm mare's muzzle tickled my skin. Cookie came up behind me in the small pasture, sticking her nose in my pockets, looking for a treat. I giggled as I patted her nose.

    The smell of smoke suddenly filled my nostrils. Somebody grabbed my hand.
    "Honey, we need to go NOW."
    "Mortimer? What's wrong? Where are we going?"
    Mortimer lifted me up onto Cheetah and slipped a bridle onto her snout. He quickly got on Cookie and clipped a lead rope onto Cheetah.
    "Morty, what's wrong? Why do I smell smoke?!" Tears streamed down my face as I clung to Cheetah's neck. Morty galloped off, with Cheetah and I following behind Cookie.
    "Morty, TELL ME!" I was sobbing now.
    We must have galloped for about an hour before Morty slowed the mares down.
    "Your mother was baking when the house set on fire. Your mom died trying to save Vincent. He was trapped in the highchair while your mom died from lack of oxygen." Morty sniffled a few times before he continued. "Harry was trapped in the bathroom at the time, and couldn't escape."
    I felt my eyes burning from crying so much. My body shook, fear tickled my spine and I twirled Cheetah's mane.

    The two mares began grazing as Morty dismounted and helped me down. We sat on the grass, sobbing.
    "I was in the bedroom. IT took a little while before the smoke entered the room. I tried to escape out the door, but the handle was burning hot and I wasn't sure what was on the other side." He sniffled, taking my hand. "I smashed the window with the lamp. I jumped out, landing on my bum. I wanted to go back in there and rescue them." His breathing got heavier and his grip on my hands became harder. "I called the fire department with my cellphone. I saw you out in the pasture with the mares, and I knew I needed to get you out of there."
    "Oh Morty..."
    We held each other, sobbing. We cried for what seemed like a century. Finally, we settled down enough to get back on the mares.
    "Where are we supposed to go now?" I asked, wiping the tear stains off my red face.
    "I'm not sure. I don't even know where we are." Mortimer said quietly, fumbling with Cookie's reins. "I guess we'll find out when we get there."
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    DuckypantsDuckypants Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited December 2012
    Aw! So sad! I hope there is a happy ending in all of the saddness :cry:
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    ulightupmylifeulightupmylife Posts: 422
    edited December 2012
    Yayy Updates!
    I loved them so far BTW did you forgot that you uploaded Millie and Cheetah to the exchange?
    But i guess i'm a little bit too late sowwy :oops: !
    I'm glad M&M's couple is safe, the rest may you RIP!
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited December 2012
    Duckypants wrote:
    Aw! So sad! I hope there is a happy ending in all of the saddness :cry:
    No worries, the sadness ends soon. :wink:
    Yayy Updates!
    I loved them so far BTW did you forgot that you uploaded Millie and Cheetah to the exchange?
    But i guess i'm a little bit too late sowwy :oops: !
    I'm glad M&M's couple is safe, the rest may you RIP!
    *facepalm* I forgot I did. :? Ah well, I've already played the new save for a while now, about 21 Sim days and already had 4 foals. :lol:

    The rest are in a better place. :-)
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited December 2012
    And because I can, here's another update! :P

    After about a week of sleeping like cowboys, with a fire blazing and saddles for pillows, we finally came across a town. Morty said we were in Sunset Valley! Oh, how many memories flashed before me as we wandered into town. We had a few thousand dollars in our pockets, it was just enough to buy a small property. The house was made of wood, and just about everything in it was too. We didn't mind too much, it was a heck of a lot better sleeping in a bed than in the grass with leather saddles under our heads.

    The horses settled in fine. A woman even offered to lease her stud, Cosmic Chaos (made by LittleV) to us to get started!

    I just thought this was the cutest thing ever! I've never had a horse play in the water trough! :DScreenshot-182_zpsee9c27bb.jpg

    "Hey honey, put on that really nice of yours dress, ok?"
    "Because I'm taking you somewhere special."
    "Well, alright..."
    I changed into my long silky dress I had recently bought for Morty's Aunt's wedding. Morty and I got into a cab and, instead of arriving at a restaurant or the movies, we approached a lake. We stood next to the cool lake when Mortimer pulled out a bouquet of flowers.
    "Beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl."

    "Maria, you make me so happy. Even though we are still mourning, every time I see you, my heart starts beating so fast, I'm afraid it'll jump right out of my chest. You literally light up a dark room with your smile. Even though you can't see how beautiful you are, I want to be able to tell you that you are, every morning as soon as I wake up, and every night before I fall asleep. I love you Maria Martingale, make me the happiest man alive and become Maria Goth?"
    "Oh Mortimer!! OFCOURSE!

    "Maria, will you marry me, right here, right now?"
    "I couldn't imagine anything different, love."

    Sorry but I must interrupt your program with cute.

    That night, we spent our first night as husband and wife...

    The next morning, Morty started planting his garden.

    And I believe I ate some bad salad.


    Somebody's hungry...

    Morty began painting...

    While I began training Cosmic.

    Before I got sick on somebody's yard. :shock:

    I got sick so many times that day (literally, she must have puked 6 times that day :shock: ), I clogged up the toilet. :? Morty was awesome and fixed it though.

    Turns out, I didn't have food poisoning at all, I was pregnant!
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    ulightupmylifeulightupmylife Posts: 422
    edited December 2012
    You're right they are cute :wink: !
    Awwwwwww! can't wait for the baby.. Great update OFCOURSE hehe!
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    EIisabettaEIisabetta Posts: 5,708 Member
    edited December 2012
    All caught up! I've been afraid to open my 50 foal challenge. Guess I need to bite the bullet. Such sadness in your story but I'm happy for Morty and Maria.
    moxiegraphix on Origin
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