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Another one bites the dust...


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    SimEveSimEve Posts: 4,772 Member
    edited October 2012
    Happy Halloween!

    I made these for the Dark Side Competition by Sylent Whysper. They are inspired by the Stephen King novel, Duma Key.

    Duma Key

    Join Us
    "Join Us..."

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    SimEveSimEve Posts: 4,772 Member
    edited November 2012
    I hope everyone had a great Halloween! I'm off to update. :)
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    SimEveSimEve Posts: 4,772 Member
    edited November 2012
    Busy, busy, busy! My little guy is sick so just a bump for tonight. I'll be back soon to start the month of November. :)
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    SimEveSimEve Posts: 4,772 Member
    edited November 2012
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    SimEveSimEve Posts: 4,772 Member
    edited November 2012
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    SimEveSimEve Posts: 4,772 Member
    edited November 2012
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    SimEveSimEve Posts: 4,772 Member
    edited November 2012
    I'm starting to wonder why I do any of this anymore... Every time I work so hard it all gets ruined. First my aquarium tutorials(one after another all for different reasons, now fog emitter stuff, missing store items and so much more because of the few jerks in the community(not any of you here)... :evil: I love doing this stuff but at some point it just gets to be too much. I don't want to leave this community but I keep wondering why am I doing this? Is it worth it when it seems like all EA does it come along and screw it up? Urgh..... I know I'm not the only one either but I'm just having a moment. I'm going to go do something else before I really just delete everything and be done with it. :cry:
    Edit- probably no one will even see this and who can blame you? It just gets lost in the forums... another huge project that either gets ruined or ignored by EA. I don't expect you guys to bump it all the time and I'm starting to think it's another waste of time. Everything I do here is pointless. I'm just having a moment. Sorry. I get depressed this time of year anyway. I think it's time for me to stop trying to help anyone and just make lots...if that. Every time I try to do something to benefit the community it always backfires. Every time! :x
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    kimwriter75kimwriter75 Posts: 1,837 Member
    edited November 2012
    I can empathize. It's hard to try to help others and just get ignored. Also, even tho I feel most of the community is very friendly, it gets irritating commenting and complimenting some people who just totally ignore you. Tis why I infrequently comment as much as I used to.

    Do not give up tho, Evie. You are a well loved member of this community. Forget about EA and concentrate on the ones whose days you do brighten. You do so much good, and I have always thought for the amount of time, effort, care and consideration you put into here, you don't get as much back as you should.

    There are also those out there who never speak up. They are either too shy or whatever, but I am positive you have been an inspiration to them as well.

    Lots of love and hugs. (Wish they could be real ones) You know where to find me if you want to talk. <3
    Imagination > Knowledge
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    susazsusaz Posts: 56 Member
    edited November 2012
    I'm sorry to hear you're feeling bad :s There are so many people here who like you and your creations! Don't forget how awesome you are! ; )

    I hope you'll start feeling better even though it's autumn ; )
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    SnowmoonSnowmoon Posts: 3,437 Member
    edited November 2012
    *a big hug for all the work you do*
    Find my builds under Evie_Snowmoon in the Gallery!
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    BryonyRaeBryonyRae Posts: 5,181 Member
    edited November 2012
    Sorry you're having a rough time, Eve. :( I don't know what's happened, other than what I read about EA removing fog emitters from Ambitions and re-categorizing them - a very silly thing to do as anyone in programming could tell you & they should have known better. I'm bummed at the thought of some of my work on various lots no longer functioning, so I can only imagine how you were impacted. Just want to say that I have really appreciated and used all of the great info you've given us; you have and do make a very positive impact in the community, regardless of what changes/malfunctions with the game. Hope you will continue here. :)
    Visit my blog to see my creations: or search the gallery by my OriginID or #bryscreations
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    yanti68yanti68 Posts: 19,017 Member
    edited November 2012
    Hi Eve,

    Please do not give up. :( I do appreciate enormously what you do here. Your tutorials are such a big help. Thanks to you I have learnt so many things. You are a constant source of inspiration for all of us. I am sure everyone will agree with me that your thread is very useful to everyone. Thank you for all the hard work you do for us. I appreciate you Eve! (((Big hugs))
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    CharicharnCharicharn Posts: 1,612 Member
    edited November 2012

    I only saw a brief comment on the fog emitter from an above poster. THat is just not NOT right :( I loved your tutorials on them and your builds :(

    I do hear ya cause I feel a bit ignored from time to time. You do wonderful work and are a valued member of the sims community.

    Big hugs

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,712 Member
    edited November 2012
    Thankyou for all you do for the Sims Community. Yiu are a special person, and there are lots of people that do apprciate all that you do. Special thoughts to you from me. :)
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    WildeatheartWildeatheart Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited November 2012
    Oh honey, don't you ever feel that you aren't worth it, because you are every time, more than you even know. The work you do and have done is exceptional and believe me, even if we do not post we are supporting you. I will pray for you to feel better. You are fantastic and amazing and I can see just by visiting here you are extremely talented! And even if you started to just make lots, I'm sure they would be awesome too! :D:mrgreen: :thumbup: We all feel worthless from time to time, but you are not, you are truly special!

    Hugs, from Wildeatheart! :wink:
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    mcsnjbmcsnjb Posts: 3,464 Member
    edited November 2012
    I think you have some really wonderful things. Thanks for putting so much effort in to all of these amazing creations for us. Hope you feel better soon. Don't give up on us, we need you. :D:D:D:D:D
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    PallystylePallystyle Posts: 2,415 Member
    edited November 2012
    I have benefited so much from your tutorials! And I love your lots, I am always inspired by them. Thank you for all the hard work you have done.

    Also, sorry to hear your feeling down. Don't let them get you. Hugs and chocolates!
    My Sims 4 Creations= Click Here ;) Find me on origin at Pallystyle
    My Murkland Challenge Adventures: Click Here

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    orisisroseorisisrose Posts: 1,212 Member
    edited November 2012
    [Post] 11/05/12 09:27 PM Subject: Re:Another one bites the dust...
    Oh honey, don't you ever feel that you aren't worth it, because you are every time, more than you even know. The work you do and have done is exceptional and believe me, even if we do not post we are supporting you. I will pray for you to feel better. You are fantastic and amazing and I can see just by visiting here you are extremely talented! And even if you started to just make lots, I'm sure they would be awesome too! We all feel worthless from time to time, but you are not, you are truly special!

    Hugs, from Wildeatheart!

    100% agree with this. Although it may not seem like it at this moment, you are appreciated for all that you have done. Alot of your tutorials that you have made have helped alot of us builders to be better. I am one of those. DO what brings you joy.

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    Rawr2019Rawr2019 Posts: 14,407 Member
    edited November 2012
    I do not know you very well but please listen to what I have to say. I've been here for awhile now and I've met some really talented people. You are certainly one of those people. I may not say much but I adore your creations. You have some of the most creative builds I've ever seen. I like to come here and look at some of your older builds to see how you're improving and I'm always amazed. Just when I think you've done the most creative thing you come back with more to amaze me. Your showcase is an inspiration to us all! New and old simmers.

    The lessons you taught in Zoo you were so helpful to many simmers. You many not know it but everything you do is helping someone. There is someone right not reading that lesson and learning new information, or playing in one of your amazing builds or reading the stunning work in SF Magazine. You are a very talented person and so generous with your creations and knowledge. Please don't let EA and their stupid glitchy site make you leave. There are so many people that will miss your work, your advice, and your company if you left. You're a special part of this community and you mean more to us then you may know. Please stay with us :mrgreen: *big hugs* -Nik
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    LissykinLissykin Posts: 2,794 Member
    edited November 2012
    I'm so sorry you're feeling the way you are right now. I hope you will continue on, as your work on tutorials inspires and guides with a unique clarity. I have them bookmarked in my browser because of the amount of times I reference them. *hugs*
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    edited November 2012
    I don't know why they won't sticky this! I've seen Name that sim threads get stickied(I don't think game threads should be stickied)
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    sashrafsashraf Posts: 2,960 Member
    edited November 2012
    I don't know you very well either and I've only been around the forums for a little over a year, but I had to tell you that I admire your work. Your tutorials are AMAZING and I have loved exploring them. Thank you for everything you do! :D
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    Zenith25Zenith25 Posts: 185 Member
    edited November 2012
    You won't know me, I'm very new to the forum, but I just wanted to chime in with my thanks. I've been using your recent build done for Lunar Lakes, I have a mad scientist fairy character living in it, and your creation really helped set the mood! You're awesome at what you do, and it's obvious that many people have benefited from your generosity in sharing your creations.

    I do understand your frustration though, I've been in similar situations and it doesn't feel nice. A break can be good though, maybe that's what you need?

    Anyway, thank you for giving my mad scientist the perfect home! :)
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    KaztompKaztomp Posts: 519 Member
    edited November 2012
    Like Rawr, I don't know you that well but I can say, without a doubt, if you left this wonderful community, I for one would miss you terribly :(

    I have long admired your creations and your tutorials, and was so excited when you did the FE course!! As just one of the many people here, I can honestly say that without your help, your amazing talent and your willingness to devote so much of your personal time to this "game", I would have thrown in the towel ages ago!! I have learnt soo much from you SimEve (my little aquariums are getting better and better all the time now) and spend a lot of time "stalking" you (lol) because of your incredible talent!!

    Having said all of that, I can also appreciate the need for a break... but just not for too long, okay?? Otherwise, I will have to group together a special bunch of friends and we will all join forces and hunt you down and drag you back here - kicking and screaming if necessary!! Bwahahaha!!!

    Please reconsider? And as so many others have said - fooey to EA, just ignore the dolts!! There's no hope for them, if after all this time they still cannot figure out when a good thread deserves to be stickied and to NOT fix something when it wasn't broken in the first place! Like a parent who can forgive a child who fails a grade, I guess we need to forgive EA for its stupidity and just pray that one day it will "figure it out"??

    You are special and you are needed!!

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    TarynTempestwindTarynTempestwind Posts: 4,438 Member
    edited November 2012
    See SimEve? See all these people above me? We all appreciate your contributions, but more than that, we all really value your friendship. You have made a personal connection with us, and it is not because of what you do, it's because of who you are.

    You would never have to create another thing, or make another informative tutorial, or spend another minute working in this thread, and we would still miss you. It's you, Eve, not your works, that we cherish.

    Thank you for all you do,

    And thank you for your friendship ad kindness.

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