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Name My Story Contest! Studio Rec's! :) Illusie!! Congrats! Green Days with the Kays :)


This is my very first contest! :shock:

Ok, so the deal is, I've finally gotten around to writing a story based on my simmies. I have all the pics ready and the first chapter is typed and ready to roll. :mrgreen:
The problem is, my poor story doesn't have a name yet, the most creative name I could think of was "Rockleyfamily's story" :evil: Which just won't do at all at all.

So, this is where you guys come in, you are going to act as my imagination! I want you to think of a name for my story!
The story will take place in Lunar Lakes ( mostly) I've played a lot with this family and am quite far into the storyline. There may be some flashbacks to explain things that have happened in the past.

Read the description below and think of a title that would best suit the family in question. :)

Family name: Kay
Kayla Kay (Absent-Minded, Hates the Outdoors, Coward, Hydrophobic, Insane)
Edward Kay (Friendly, Family-Oriented, Charismatic, Flirty, Good Sense Of Humour)
Edward and Kayla are husband and wife. They have had some difficulties in the past but they're happy now. They recently moved from Sunset Valley to Lunar Lakes with their family.

Tyrece Kay (Vegetarian, Athletic, Brave, Genius)
Julia Kay (Slob, Coward, Unknown, Perfectionist, Hopeless Romantic)
Julia started life as a doll. She has always been best friends with Tyrece. They fell in love instantly when she turned real and are due to marry as soon as they finish school. Tyrece's real dad in Beau Andrews but he gets along ok with Ed.

Marlana Kay (Born Salesman, Brave, Good, Virtuoso)
Marlana is Kayla's second child and Edwards second step child (we don't talk about her father). She is very good a rarely in trouble. She loves music and does very well at school. She has made a few questionable decisions with love though.

Marlana and Julia

Shaniqua Kay (Easily Impressed, Insane, ???)
Niq is most like her mother, she looks and acts very similarly to how Kayla did when she was that age. She is Edward and Kayla's first mutual daughter and is somewhat of a daddies girl. She dreams of marrying a fairy when she grows up.

Lafayette Kay (Brave, Athletic, ???)
Lafayette is the youngest son of Kayla and Ed. He can't physically sit still, he's always doing something. You will usually find him playing with his doll Hesper or playing pranks on the rest of the household.


Natalie Owen (???)
Natalie is the dog that ended up living with them. She gets on well with Ed but seems to have a problem with Julia. You will usually find her guarding her food bowl or chewing something valuable.

Ty attempting to train Natalie

The whole family

1st place- I will use this title and you will also receive a full studio rec.
Everybody else who enters- Just for being nice enough to participate in my first contest, I will rec a page of your studio.

Closing date
I want to get my story up fairly soon so it's a quick deadline Friday 28th September at 6pm GMT


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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2012
    1. Taylacfc
    2. anettesb (nominating Ashaela)
    3. Cat0Eye (nominating Lucky Heather)
    4. Becomingjenn
    5. Becomingjenn 2
    6. icouldntfindaname
    7. icouldntfindaname 2
    8. illusie
    9. illusie 2
    10. angeliii82
    11. stormwench
    12. Psycho360
    13. annettesb 2 ( nominating illusie)
    14. GoddessHeate
    15. GodessHekate 2
    16. GodessHekate 3 ( you added a lot of suggestions)
    17. GodessHekate 4
    Those who have given me more than one title suggestion are on the list twice! :)
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2012

    Because I loved all the titles so much, I found it very hard to choose so I let choose for me! They chose number 9, which was

    Illusie 2

    So the titles of the story you'll all be reading soon will be

    Green Days with the Kays :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Love it!!! Congrats!
    You win a full studio rec and also I shared a bit of my prize from another contest with you :mrgreen: Surprise! :mrgreen:

    To everyone else who entered, thanks so much, I'm almost done rec'ing everyones studios, so many beautiful creations in there. If you gave more than one title you get more than one page recd, as long as you have more than one page that is.

    Also, to those who entered and nominated people for a prize, my finger slipped :twisted: your studios are now also rec'd, oops.

    Thanks so much everyone for entering and coming up with so many lovely names, you made it very hard for me to choose! :) I'll post the first chapter in this thread when it's ready :)
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    icouldntfindanameicouldntfindaname Posts: 2,228 Member
    edited September 2012
    *sneaks in*
    Can we post now???
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    TaylacfcTaylacfc Posts: 2,098 New Member
    edited September 2012
    In the life of the strange the weird and the just odd :)

    not being rude atall honest:)

    cause like they all have different personality and maybe a little insanity also they all have different tastes in clothing and have starnge skin colour so yeah thats my reason why :)

    ahd to edit as the word turned to stars it was 🐸🐸🐸🐸 so i changed the word to just it stead of the word :)
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    edited September 2012
    Oh nice idea....


    they colorful... in many ways...

    and I thought of fairytal..

    there is also the bumpy road...

    the chaning in lifes....

    so I surgest:

    Bumping into life!

    Edit: no need for prices... so I nominate
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    Cat0EyeCat0Eye Posts: 4,629 New Member
    edited September 2012
    You could go simple like:

    Meet the Kays

    Then it would be a play on sitcom families, since this family breaks the TV mold

    Nom: Luckyheather
    For anything I might win :)
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    becomingjennbecomingjenn Posts: 3,942 Member
    edited September 2012
    "A Doll's House Tales"
    That's my take on it...because of the the living dolls and well, sims is nothing but a computer simulated doll house (and a very good one at that)...

    Hope you find one that works...

    well my mind kept here it is. " A Doll's House: Tales From the Greenside" because I wanted to add the tales from the darkside, but they are not all dark...but it's pretty green and funny(which is from a certain saying that we said in childhood :twisted: ) ;D
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    icouldntfindanameicouldntfindaname Posts: 2,228 Member
    edited September 2012
    Storys in green
    The dawn of Kays (I actually get inspired of Sunset Valley)
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    edited September 2012
    Good luck with your story! Your family looks really nice :) I´ll try to come up with something more original, but this is what I came up with now:

    Lunar Living with the Kay Family
    Green days with the Kays

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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2012
    Oh wow I love all these so far!
    Thanks so much for the responses guys :) you are all so much more creative at this than I am. :mrgreen:
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited September 2012
    It's not the most creative, but the first thing that pops into my mind is that there is lots of room for drama, which then reminds me of soap to parody "The Bold & the Beautiful" (one of just a few soap operas still on the air here in the US) I would have to say go with "The Green & the Beautiful" :mrgreen:
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    stormwenchstormwench Posts: 4,416 New Member
    edited September 2012
    The Lunar Kay's
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    Psycho360Psycho360 Posts: 317 New Member
    edited September 2012
    :mrgreen: Hi, :mrgreen:
    Ummm . . . you could do something like:
    '(Lunar?) Lake of the Dolls', 'Green with Imagination', or, even 'Green: The Colour of Life'.
    Something along those lines maybe?
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2012
    Wow guys thank you so much!
    I've updated the entries list to here so I can keep track!
    I think I'm going to have a really hard time choosing cos I like them all, they won't all fit into the title bar though :(
    I may have to hold a lottery on Friday to choose my winner, you guys aren't making it easy for me!
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    edited September 2012
    "A green life"

    both as in she is green, and if you keep only oicking green heirs!
    but also in green as new...

    nominating: illusie
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    GoddessHekateGoddessHekate Posts: 1,517 Member
    edited September 2012
    The first thing I thought of when I saw the stars on their faces were "Starry Eyed" to borrow the title of Ellie Goulding's song. And then "We're all Okay" as a play off their last name. But if in future legacies you pick a female and she changes her last name then Kay wouldn't particularly fit anymore. So I started thinking of something along the lines of Lunar or Lakes.

    Green lakes? Emerald Lakes? Lunar Love? No Limits (calling attention to the out-of-this-world space, aspect) Outer Limits?

    I'm sorry I couldn't come up with anything better. I picked an odd name for my own legacy so I'm afraid I couldn't be much help.
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2012

    Also thanks for the new suggestions! Love them. :)
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2012
    Few more hours left til the name is chosen!
    The first chapter of the story will then be put up too! YAY!!
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2012
    Back up to a normal page please!


    I'm out now for a while but I'll be back later to choose winners :)
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2012
    Sorry I'm late to close this!

    I'll be back on in a lil while to announce a winner! :)

    Thank you so much everyone who particiated! Love all the entries! :)
  • Options
    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2012

    Because I loved all the titles so much, I found it very hard to choose so I let choose for me! They chose number 9, which was

    Illusie 2

    So the titles of the story you'll all be reading soon will be

    Green Days with the Kays :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Love it!!! Congrats!
    You win a full studio rec and also I shared a bit of my prize from another contest with you :mrgreen: Surprise! :mrgreen:

    To everyone else who entered, thanks so much, I'm almost done rec'ing everyones studios, so many beautiful creations in there. If you gave more than one title you get more than one page recd, as long as you have more than one page that is.

    Also, to those who entered and nominated people for a prize, my finger slipped :twisted: your studios are now also rec'd, oops.

    Thanks so much everyone for entering and coming up with so many lovely names, you made it very hard for me to choose! :) I'll post the first chapter in this thread when it's ready :)
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,823 Member
    edited September 2012
    Aw thank you for choosing my title idea! Looking forward to see your story!

    Thank you for nominating for gifts in the diesel contest. I love them all! {huggles}
    Also thank you for the recs. You don't have to do my whole studio though, that will take a long time.
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    stormwenchstormwench Posts: 4,416 New Member
    edited September 2012
    That you for the great contest, it was a lot of fun thinking up names for your story especially since you gave such a great background explanation which gave such good information about which sort of titles would work well. It was great fun and link use to your story when it is published!
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2012
    Aw guys thank you so much! :)

    All recs have been given out :) YAY!!

    Gona head and try get the chapter 1 together, I've played ahead so trying to remember what is in chapter 1 :)
    Any excuse not to clean my house eh! :)
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    edited September 2012
    Congrats Illusie
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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