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♥♥♥ Inspiration Cycle 2 [ !!! WINNER ANNOUNCED !!! ] ♥♥♥


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    JKAmaryllisJKAmaryllis Posts: 3,741 Member
    edited April 2012
    Thanks ! :F

    I'm kinda spammin it everywhere because I'm proud of it lulz
    Steam: JKAmaryllis
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    CreatureFearSimsCreatureFearSims Posts: 234
    edited May 2012
    Bumping :)
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    SimanimsSimanims Posts: 1,603 New Member
    edited May 2012
    Is this going to be extended every round? :\
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    CreatureFearSimsCreatureFearSims Posts: 234
    edited May 2012
    Simanims wrote:
    Is this going to be extended every round? :\

    I hate to change the rules mid comp, but at this rate I might have to.

    In fact I think I'm going to change it now.

    For cycle 3 I already have it in the outline that there are only 3 extensions for the entire life of the competition. I hate to just take the extensions away from everyone since up until this point since you guys have had the option to use them, so I will allow one more extension in this competition.

    Make sure if you use it, you really, really need it. It'd be pretty bad to use it if you didn't need it (say you just procrastinated), and you took the opportunity away from someone who really might need it.

    There is only 1 more extension for the rest of this competition.
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    CeleSeraphymCeleSeraphym Posts: 2,316 Member
    edited May 2012
    I'm really, really sorry for turning in at the last minute so often :oops: I feel terrible making everyone wait -- it isn't fair to the people who get on the ball and turn in promptly. And now because of it, the rules for extensions (which were really generous) are going to be changed. I feel AWFUL. I was a little hesitant to join in the first place b/c I knew time would be an issue (and health matters)...I apologize to everyone, for making you all wait, and for taking advantage of this extension. If I'm not eliminated this round, I'll try to turn in future pictures after just a few days until I'm eliminated, and if I can't get it in in 2 to 4 days, I'll drop. I hate this...I can't apologize enough. :( Very very very embarrassed and sorry.
    "If you don't talk to your cat about catnip... who will?"

    "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
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    CreatureFearSimsCreatureFearSims Posts: 234
    edited May 2012
    I'm really, really sorry for turning in at the last minute so often :oops: I feel terrible making everyone wait -- it isn't fair to the people who get on the ball and turn in promptly. And now because of it, the rules for extensions (which were really generous) are going to be changed. I feel AWFUL. I was a little hesitant to join in the first place b/c I knew time would be an issue (and health matters)...I apologize to everyone, for making you all wait, and for taking advantage of this extension. If I'm not eliminated this round, I'll try to turn in future pictures after just a few days until I'm eliminated, and if I can't get it in in 2 to 4 days, I'll drop. I hate this...I can't apologize enough. :( Very very very embarrassed and sorry.

    Cel, you have nothing to apologize for, no one does. It was my fault for allowing extensions every round. (I just don't feel that a week is long enough :P)

    I know when I'm in a competition, and I haven't submitted, when someone asks for an extension I take advantage of it as well. There's nothing wrong with that.

    Again, don't be sorry. It has been months since I hosted Cycle 1 and I was out of the game for a bit, so I forgot that I should have limited extensions.

    I'm still on the fence about Cycle 3. I want to make it 10 days per assignment with no extensions, but a lot of competitors within the community have gotten used to 7 days, and I'm worried no one will want to join because of the long assignment time. Then again, with competitions like these, some people almost need the extra time in order to really get their picture well composed. (Not saying any of you quick posters haven't had well composed photos, they've all been gorgeous so far).

    Anyway, if anyone should be sorry, it's me. But no worries, I've already written a lot of the outline for cycle 3, and it is a vast improvement from cycle 1 and 2. I'll get it perfect eventually lol.

    I'd hate to see you drop because of time restrictions, and I hope you don't have to :(

    Edit: And what makes you think you're getting eliminated anytime soon lady? :P
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    JKAmaryllisJKAmaryllis Posts: 3,741 Member
    edited May 2012
    Personally I wouldn't mind the ten day assignment schedule but that's because my work schedule comes in clusters. That's why I probably seem to either turn in first thing or at the very end. I will have five days off at a time sometimes, but then have to work like 70 hours in five days. I would hate for it to drag on for others, but man the pictures in this comp are insane and it would be nice to have breathing room with the time to be diligent. That's just my take on it, but my schedule is usually just.. not in line with anyone else's lol
    Steam: JKAmaryllis
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    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    edited May 2012
    Speaking of which, working on mine now.
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    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    edited May 2012
    Assignment: #4
    Model: Darley
    Title: Klatu, Verata, Nic*cough*somethingorother
    Mini story: (Yay for Armies of Darkness and the Evil Dead!)
    Darley and the Frog Brothers make the fatal mistake of sneaking into the local abandoned castle for a night of hankey-pankey with Daphney, Velma, and a fairly famous, very conceited, S-Mart employee of the ********* Williams. They stumble upon an ancient book called the 'Necronomicon', accidentally summon an evil force that raises an army of 'deadites' and turns Daphney and Velma into demon girls. Ash William's 'Boomstick' miss-fires, and he gets captured by the lusty demon girls. Meanwhile, Darley is left trying to hold off the entire 'Deadite' army, while the Frog Brothers try to perform an ancient ritual from the Necronomicon to banish the evil forces. Hopefully they will say the three 'magic' words properly. If not.....


    Uploaded with
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    BlissinatorBlissinator Posts: 664
    edited May 2012
    I think its more of a concern that it gives an unfair advantage to the ppl who get the extensions every round when others submitted by the original deadline. That's the only reason I originally asked if it was going to be extended each round.
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    CeleSeraphymCeleSeraphym Posts: 2,316 Member
    edited May 2012
    Evie, I'm really know I hate to do this, but I'm going to go ahead and drop. I haven't been feeling so hot today, and I don't want to risk taking forever in the future either. There are also a lot of rL things I've been neglecting that need taking care of, so I'll probably be a lurker in the comp circuit again. I'm really sorry - this is one of the best, most challenging and interesting comps I've been in. I love it, you have no idea. I'll definitely piggyback some of the assignments (and post this one on my blog eventually b/c I actually kinda liked where it was going).

    Good luck everyone :P

    edit: Bliss, I see that point. I feel like a tool b/c I didn't get started on my last picture (assignment #3) until the evening before the extension deadline :oops: I couldn't come up with any ideas, and it was driving me crazy lol. I normally like to take several days to work out an idea and set up things, but I rushed that one together in one day & didn't get a chance to do half of what I had intended to do to it. I always end up borking myself that way.

    @Darleymikey, that looks awesome, really bold & detailed.
    "If you don't talk to your cat about catnip... who will?"

    "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
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    sweetstop7sweetstop7 Posts: 1,379
    edited May 2012
    Nooooo! Cel! You can't! You have done so well in this comp! :(
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    BlissinatorBlissinator Posts: 664
    edited May 2012
    @cel, It wasnt directed at anyone specific by any means, It's just a concern that has came up a lot in all the comps I hosted. I had to start giving each model 2 extensions per cycle with no riding on other ppl's extensions. I just try to make sure none of my competitors feel like someone else has an advantage because they got extra time or was able to see everyone's submissions first etc.
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    CeleSeraphymCeleSeraphym Posts: 2,316 Member
    edited May 2012
    No no no, I know it wasn't directed at anyone -- it isn't like that lol. Honestly, I've been starting to see a pattern with me of waiting til the very last last minute, and there are other RL issues also, too much stuff to get into here. Oh no, me dropping isn't because of the extension issue! No worries, really. No worries no drama.

    And yeah, I definitely understand the point about seeing everyone else's work and then doing your picture. I've tried to stay away from the thread if I know I'm taking a while, but I end up commenting on everyone's pics lol. People in this comp have been good about coming up with very individual ideas, I have to say. The wilder the direction you go in, the less likely someone else will be doing that same thing.

    @Sweet, thanks dude -- I hate to do it b/c this really has been SO cool, but I need to unfortunately. :( I'll be piggybacking!
    "If you don't talk to your cat about catnip... who will?"

    "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
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    BlissinatorBlissinator Posts: 664
    edited May 2012
    No no no, I know it wasn't directed at anyone -- it isn't like that lol. Honestly, I've been starting to see a pattern with me of waiting til the very last last minute, and there are other RL issues also, too much stuff to get into here. Oh no, me dropping isn't because of the extension issue! No worries, really. No worries no drama.

    @Sweet, thanks dude -- I hate to do it b/c this really has been SO cool, but I need to unfortunately. :( I'll be piggybacking!

    Well I will really miss your work and I hope all your rl stuff gets worked out!
    I think we all know you would have made it to the end of this comp if not win it xD
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    sweetstop7sweetstop7 Posts: 1,379
    edited May 2012
    ^^What Bliss Said
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    CeleSeraphymCeleSeraphym Posts: 2,316 Member
    edited May 2012
    Well I will really miss your work and I hope all your rl stuff gets worked out!
    I think we all know you would have made it to the end of this comp if not win it xD

    Aw, thanks Bliss :D And honestly, I've never worked my butt off so hard in a competition, not even Harry's. Strugglin'! All the way lol.
    "If you don't talk to your cat about catnip... who will?"

    "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
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    BlissinatorBlissinator Posts: 664
    edited May 2012
    I agree, This comp has really made me work much harder on my assignments and ideas then usual. But it is good for my editing. When I am forced to try hard, I get much better with my editing skills xD
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    CreatureFearSimsCreatureFearSims Posts: 234
    edited May 2012
    awwwwwwwww ceeellll!
    I completely understand. I'm just glad to see you'll be lurking and hopefully piggy backing.

    Judges, it's that time again, you know what to do ;)
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    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    edited May 2012
    Evie, I'm really know I hate to do this, but I'm going to go ahead and drop. I haven't been feeling so hot today, and I don't want to risk taking forever in the future either. There are also a lot of rL things I've been neglecting that need taking care of, so I'll probably be a lurker in the comp circuit again. I'm really sorry - this is one of the best, most challenging and interesting comps I've been in. I love it, you have no idea. I'll definitely piggyback some of the assignments (and post this one on my blog eventually b/c I actually kinda liked where it was going).

    Good luck everyone :P

    edit: Bliss, I see that point. I feel like a tool b/c I didn't get started on my last picture (assignment #3) until the evening before the extension deadline :oops: I couldn't come up with any ideas, and it was driving me crazy lol. I normally like to take several days to work out an idea and set up things, but I rushed that one together in one day & didn't get a chance to do half of what I had intended to do to it. I always end up borking myself that way.

    @Darleymikey, that looks awesome, really bold & detailed.

    Thank you.

    So sorry to see you go, I wish you the best. I'm sure we'll see you around the forums. Wish my finished stuff looked half as nice as your 'rush jobs'. :-)
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    CreatureFearSimsCreatureFearSims Posts: 234
    edited May 2012
    Bumping :D
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    JKAmaryllisJKAmaryllis Posts: 3,741 Member
    edited May 2012
    :o anxious about scores
    Steam: JKAmaryllis
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    Jess03Jess03 Posts: 129 New Member
    edited May 2012
    Oh gosh, I'm so sorry guys I screwed up bad. I read the date wrong thinking it was in for the 5th May... :oops:

    Thank you for allowing me in up until now though. I enjoyed participating and this has been the most challenging comp I have been in!

    I'll still lurk though, I wouldn't want to miss the creative pictures! :D
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    horsesrox76horsesrox76 Posts: 2,654 New Member
    edited May 2012
    Getting there..Should be done soon :)
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    CreatureFearSimsCreatureFearSims Posts: 234
    edited May 2012
    Getting there..Should be done soon :)

    Ah good! Just ignore the message I just sent you on Simagination then lol. :P
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