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Friend Appreciation Give Away - Closed

My first semester of college in 2000 I turned around in my Bio class and asked a classmate to go to Great America with me because I had won 2 tickets and no one could go with me. That gal and I have been great friends ever since. In some ways we are polar opposites, like our taste in guys...but that's a whole other long story.

Last night I was playing my game and my sim gave birth, the name box popped up and my mind went blank. All I could think to do was to text message my friend and ask her to give me a random girl's name. Without question, she did. Then unexpectedly my sim had twins! So I quickly text messaged her again and said that I now needed a boys name. Again she responded without question. I then explained to her that she had just named my sim's babies and she was really excited about it!

My friend is not a sim's player, (though I almost convinced her when I had a bit of a vampire gnome invasion and I sent her a pic a year or so ago) but it's great that she is so supportive of my choice in games. So in honor of my friend, I want to do a give away!

Here's the deal...

I have per-selected 11 items worth 25simpoints each. Each item reminds me of my friend in some way or another.

I want you to tell me about an instance where a Real Life (outside of the forums) friend supported you. Please do not put their real name in your post, just refer to them as my friend or something like that. Also, try to keep you story to no more than 15 lines if possible.

After you tell me your story, please tell me if you would like to enter the give away or if you would like to nominate someone. Please make sure that you or the person you are nominating has at least one 25simpoint item on their wishlist. Each person can only be entered once.

I will then go through the entries wishlists in the order they are posted, working my way from the top of a wishlist to the bottom. The first person who has one of the 11 items on their wishlist will claim that item and the item will be revealed. Each item will only be claimed one time. Each person can only win one item, I will stop scanning their wishlist and award a prize as soon as one of the unclaimed items is discovered.

When all 11 items are revealed I will close the give away.

If an entry has at least one 25sp item on their wishlist, but they do not win one of the 11 prizes, they will be entered into a 2nd chance drawing. Anyone who enters after the entry of the person who wins the 11th prize through my closing post will also be entered into this 2nd chance drawing. All non-winning entries will be placed in a list in the order they are posted, then placed in's list randomizer. The 1st name on the newly randomized list will win a 25sp item off of their wishlist of my choosing.

I may have to leave my computer throughout the day, and if this give away is not complete by the time I have to leave my computer with internet connection, I will extend this give away until tomorrow.

If you do not include a story or if you/your nominee does not have a 25sp item on their wishlist your entry will not count. I will not track you down, I will not check the wishlist of the entry/nominee and no prize or entry into the 2nd chance drawing will be granted. Please do not edit your post unless it's to correct a spelling error, create a new post if you have to change something beyond a spelling error.

Thank you for bearing with me through this whole explanation post. If you have any questions, please ask! If you have actually read through this entire post, thank you! If you include a link to your or your nominee's wishlist you will be entered into a 3rd chance drawing for a special prize! :)

Good luck to everyone!


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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited May 2012

    1. Indian Inspired Living - Airavata Sculpture won by MissJennaKate
    2. Found Art Object #23 won by pnoles who was nominated by Jojo777
    3. Reynard the Raven won by ThresherV
    4. Open Gears Wall Clock won by mia1535
    5. C.yber Creeping Vine won by Madicullen who was nominated by pnoles
    6. Gothique Glass Spider won by illusie
    7. The Great Lord So & So's Shield & Sword - no winner
    8. Art Abstraction - no winner
    9. Faire Frog Fountain - no winner
    10. Gothique Skull Chest - no winner
    11. "As Is" Art - no winner

    2nd Chance Lottery: Winners are Highlighted in Green - For some reason when I added color it messed up the list and created two columns from what I'm seeing. I'm sorry if this has resulted in any confusion!

    alexspoom13 - No Longer Had a 25sp Item on Wish List, Sorry! :cry:

    BakingNerd - nominated by Tojax - No Longer Had a 25sp Item on Wish List, Sorry! :cry:
    Faith_Andhope - nominated by Joolster
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    MissJennaKateMissJennaKate Posts: 10,778 New Member
    edited May 2012
    Aww this is such a lovely topic I would be honoured to take part!

    My friend supported me when recently I found out that my Nanna has cancer. I knew she was ill she was about to have surgery but found out in the morning right before I was about to go to work. Safe to say I was in no state to go to work. My friend came home from his job and spent the day by my side, wiping away my tears and just being my rock. This is why my best friend is my fiancé. He is always there to support me no matter what.

    I would like to nominate myself please.

    Thank you

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    MissJennaKateMissJennaKate Posts: 10,778 New Member
    edited May 2012
    PS: Hope my entry is correct. Thanks again!
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited May 2012
    PS: Hope my entry is correct. Thanks again!

    You did it right! I'm off to check your wishlist now! :)

    Edit: You really did it right - Congrats to our 1st winner! :mrgreen:
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    TojaxTojax Posts: 5,076 Member
    edited May 2012
    Hey angeliii :)

    Your story made me smile :mrgreen: So you just asked a random stranger from class to go on a trip with you? That is beyond awesome :D

    I have a "travel-designated" friend as well. We met back in high school and got along (more or less) well. She is one of my life pillars, if I can call it that. I changed schools a lot, moved from house to house, but she was always there for me. Now, when I'm half a globe away, we keep in touch thanks to skype and e-mails. We even organized a trip across Europe together. She was very patient with me and my love for museums and art galleries. Wouldn't even complain about me spending hours upon hours in the Kunsthistorisches Museum... Anyway, even though we may not talk every day like we used to when we went to school together, but she still the person I turn to in times of happiness and sadness.

    Unfortunately, she ins't a fan of Sims :lol:

    I would like to nominate BakingNerd.
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    MissJennaKateMissJennaKate Posts: 10,778 New Member
    edited May 2012
    angeliii82 wrote:
    PS: Hope my entry is correct. Thanks again!

    You did it right! I'm off to check your wishlist now! :)

    Edit: You really did it right - Congrats to our 1st winner! :mrgreen:

    Oh yay thank you so much :)

    Really appreciate it! Love the thread too, will be popping in to read everyones entries :)
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    MissJennaKateMissJennaKate Posts: 10,778 New Member
    edited May 2012
    PS: The message you put on the gift was even more weird because my Nan who I mentioned also has one of those Elephant end tables! Very eerie! Thanks again!
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited May 2012
    PS: The message you put on the gift was even more weird because my Nan who I mentioned also has one of those Elephant end tables! Very eerie! Thanks again!

    That's awesome! :mrgreen:
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    stikystuffstikystuff Posts: 2,939 Member
    edited May 2012
    My story of a friends support is about my BF, we have been together for nearly six years but over the past 2 years I have had a really hard time. I have been unwell myself, my father had a heart attack at new year (hes ok now and hes in his early 50's), my mother had to have brain surgery a few months ago, my grandfather passed a few weeks back after a long battle with cancer and then my dads best friend passed away as well. But through all this the one constant in my life has been that my BF has been there to listen to me and give me a hug. And for that I will always be thankful. May seem silly but he really is my best friend.
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited May 2012
    Tojax wrote:
    Hey angeliii :)

    Your story made me smile :mrgreen: So you just asked a random stranger from class to go on a trip with you? That is beyond awesome :D

    I have a "travel-designated" friend as well. We met back in high school and got along (more or less) well. She is one of my life pillars, if I can call it that. I changed schools a lot, moved from house to house, but she was always there for me. Now, when I'm half a globe away, we keep in touch thanks to skype and e-mails. We even organized a trip across Europe together. She was very patient with me and my love for museums and art galleries. Wouldn't even complain about me spending hours upon hours in the Kunsthistorisches Museum... Anyway, even though we may not talk every day like we used to when we went to school together, but she still the person I turn to in times of happiness and sadness.

    Unfortunately, she ins't a fan of Sims :lol:

    I would like to nominate BakingNerd.

    I love that idea of a "life pillar!" If it wasn't for text messaging, I wouldn't "talk" with my friend as much as we do. It's always amazing how distances doesn't matter on somethings...I have another friend who can clue into my moods without hearing from me from several states away. What would we do without those pillars?

    Also I barely knew this gal's first name when I asked her. Stick a metal music loving person (her) in a car with a driver on a Christian music kick (me) and somehow we survived...Good thing we were only in the car for a short while and then took a bus! :D

    Okay, back to checking wishlists! :oops:
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    UnwillingDonorUnwillingDonor Posts: 1,093 New Member
    edited May 2012
    I'll never forget this because its the first time me and one of my best friends met. It was a saturday and i was about 10 years old and my mom had brought me to the playground to, well play. Anyways i was playing around and i tripped and fell, i spilled my entire bag of jelly beans (:cry: it was awful) i proceeded to tear up a bit and was picking them up and blowing on them. Then a girl who was my age at the time came over and she said "It's okay i have some skittles.Do you want some?". well, skittles are way better than jelly beans so this was fantastic news. We walked over to her mom and got her skittles ( probably should have had my mom holding my jelly beans) and sat in the plastic tunnel on the playground and ate skittles, we've been best friends ever since, and we really enjoy skittles :).

    Sorry for writing you a novel :oops:
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    JoolsterJoolster Posts: 6,417 Member
    edited May 2012
    What a lovely lottery! :D

    My best friend lives back at home (Latvia). We used to be in parallel classes in school and her class' girls were always regarded as "hip and cool" and my class' girls tried their hardest to be their friends. :lol: I was possibly one of about 5 girls in my class who actually enjoyed P.E. and I bonded with most of their girls over dodgeball (I'm a beast at dodgeball!)

    She's super feisty, quite materialistic and sometimes a little bit insensitive (she always speaks her mind and may come off as rude to others) and in certain aspects we're very different, but she's always been there for me. The main reason we even became friends is cause we didn't try to be each other's friend, it just naturally happened. She told me she likes the fact I don't foot around her when I think she's being a bit mean or doing something wrong. She does pout a little and may ignore me for a few minutes/days but then we're back to being BFFs. What puts her ahead of most other girls I know is the fact during those rare moments when we do fall out, things never turn nasty. We can keep one another's secrets and talk about anything, and despite the fact she was a very popular girl at school she's an amazing listener and she doesn't demand her friends to be in her shadow.

    When me and my bf broke up a year ago, a few days after sulking I made a very very VERY vague remark about my single status that even my mother didn't notice. But she did, and she was the first to offer her support. :D

    Sorry if it's a little long, I'd like to nominate Stikystuff <3
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited May 2012
    Joolster wrote:
    I'd like to nominate Stikystuff <3

    Stikystuff is already entered, would you like to nominate someone else?
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    JoolsterJoolster Posts: 6,417 Member
    edited May 2012
    Uhhh give me a moment then. :lol:

    Faith_Andhope then! :D
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited May 2012
    I'm stepping away for about 10-20 minutes. I hope lots of people post while I'm out! I will check all the entries when I get back. So far we still have 10 prizes to be revealed and there is always the 2nd chance lotto!
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    JoolsterJoolster Posts: 6,417 Member
    edited May 2012
    Shoot something at Faith_Andhope! :D
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    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited May 2012
    Oh, this looks like sooo much fun!!

    My real life best friend is one of the most amazing people I know. She's currently dating someone, and rather than continuously talk about her boyfriend like some of my other friends do, she's careful not to because she doesn't want to make me feel lonely for not dating anyone. One time, I was having a really awful day. My self-esteem was practically non-existent and I was convinced that I'd be alone forever. My friend wasn't there in person, but over facebook chat she talked to me for over two hours and reminded me that I had good qualities and that there was no reason to give up hope. Whenever I need to talk, whether we're close or far away, she always makes time to talk in person, on the phone, facebook, skype, etc.

    I'd like to nominate pnoles. I hope she has one of the items on her wishlist! By the way, this is such a creative idea and thanks for hosting :)
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    DramadramadramaDramadramadrama Posts: 2,559 Member
    edited May 2012
    Oh wow this is such a cute thread. I would like to nominate myself if that is ok.

    Well my story isn't realy a story its just explaining how amazing my friend is. We have been friends for nearly 12 years now and met in school in 4th class/grade. When i broke up with my first ever boyfrined of 3years she was there for me bringing sweets over (milkybars and haribo) and watched dvds with me she listened to me when i repeated how hurt i was over and over and she stayed in my house for as long as i needed her.
    In 2008 i was beaten up by my ex boyfriends new girlfriend for no other reason then she was jealous of me. It happen on a night out with my friends. My friend stayed by my side when i was hospitalised. Due to this incident i was afraid to go on nights out for a long time but she stayed with me and gave me my confidence back. I have a new boyfriend now for nearly 4years, my friend told me to take a chance on him. So if it wasn't for her i wouldn't be as happy as i am today.

    My friend is the best friend a girl could ask for if it wasn't for her i would be a mess she has helped in life more then she could know. Everyday i thank god for blessing me with such a wonderful friend who i share so many memories good and bad with. I love her very much :D .
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited May 2012
    Sorry! Got pulled away from my computer there for a while. Checking and updating now! :)
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited May 2012
    The list is updated & we have another winner! 9 prizes left to be discovered!
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    alexspoom13alexspoom13 Posts: 7,439 Member
    edited May 2012
    There were a few people I wanted to nominate, but they either didn't have a wishlist or didn't have any 25 points items. In which case I'd like to nominate myself. :P

    My story isn't particularly long.

    I was in one of those moods where you get annoyed at yourself easily, and I was giving myself a hard time over some silly things I'd said to my friends. They weren't particularly mean, but I regretted saying them and after one of my friends called me up on it, albeit a little unfairly, I gave myself a harder time over it than I probably should've. One of my other friends, who this post is about, made me feel better by saying that they'll always love me regardless. It was soppy, but I couldn't help feel a little fuzzy inside. :D I love my friends.
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited May 2012
    It's so sad that I have to keep to my budget because several of you have had items that I had to cut from my list. Keep the great stories coming!
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    alexspoom13alexspoom13 Posts: 7,439 Member
    edited May 2012
    I forgot to say, this thread is a lovely idea. :) Some great people on this forum, it's always so nice to lurk in. :)
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    angeliii82angeliii82 Posts: 2,042 Member
    edited May 2012
    I forgot to say, this thread is a lovely idea. :) Some great people on this forum, it's always so nice to lurk in. :)

    I'm glad you stopped by! It's always great to know there are people out there who help us to see the world at is really is, not as how we see it, especially when we are being harder on ourselves than we need to! :D
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    ThresherVThresherV Posts: 230 New Member
    edited May 2012
    Back in 2000 I met someone online and after several months of chatting, my best friend and I went to visit. I had trouble with online relationships in the past and was having doubts with this one, but my friend wouldn't let it go. After convincing me of what an idiot I was being, we drove the 1400 mile trip in his truck, rented a UHAUL trailer, and brought her back with us. Willingly of course, lol. Fast forward a few years and my now wife and I have 4 kids and will celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary this November. So wherever you are now "friend", thanks and I owe ya big...
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